$! READ THE PSPRINT USER AND SYSTEM GUIDES FIRST. $! Before running this command file you may want to make some changes. $! See the "CHANGE" comments below. $! Some of the steps may need to be copied to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP.COM, $! depending on how you want to set up the PSPRINT and PSDVI commands. $ $! Terminal characteristics for serial line to LaserWriter/Linotronic: $ $ set proc/priv=log_io $ set terminal/permanent/fulldup/speed=9600 - /nohang/notype_ahead/nobroad/nomodem/noecho/pasthru/noform/nowrap - TXD6: ! CHANGE device!? $ $! Define the postscript form for LaserWriter/Linotronic: $ $ define/form postscript 30 - ! CHANGE number!? (must be unique) /description="Default for PostScript device" - /notruncate/nowrap ! prevents spurious newline characters $ $! Initialize the print queue for LaserWriter/Linotronic: $ $ init/queue/form=postscript/default=(nofeed,form=postscript) - /prot=(s:wred,g:rw,w:rw)/on=TXD6: QNAME ! CHANGE device and queue!? $ $! Make sure you turn on the LaserWriter/Linotronic BEFORE starting the queue, $! otherwise pending jobs will just disappear. $ $! Define TEX_PS and set up the PSPRINT & PSDVI commands: $ $ def/sys tex_ps TEX_DISK:[TEX.PS] ! CHANGE directory!? $ set command /tables=sys$library:dcltables /output=sys$library:dcltables - TEX_PS:PSPRINT.CLD, TEX_PS:PSDVI.CLD ! CHANGE qualifier defaults!? $ set proc/priv=cmkrnl $ run sys$system:install sys$library:dcltables/replace /exit $ exit