%%% File: nkarta.ins %%% A part of nkarta 0.2 2009/10/22 %%% \input docstrip \keepsilent \preamble ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2002--2009, Daniel H. Luecking Nkarta is in the public domain \endpreamble \edef\zyx{% \DoubleperCent^^J% \DoubleperCent\space End of file `\outFileName'.} \askforoverwritefalse \usepostamble\zyx \generate{\file{nkarta.mf}{\from{nkarta.dtx}{MF}} \file{nkarta.mp}{\from{nkarta.dtx}{MP}} \file{nkarta15.mf}{\from{nkarta.dtx}{fifteen}} \file{nkchars.mf}{\from{nkarta.dtx}{charsMF}} \file{nkchars.mp}{\from{nkarta.dtx}{charsMP}}} \def\sJ{^^J \space\space\space} \immediate\write16{% ^^J******************************************************************* ^^J ^^J To finish the installation: ^^J ^^J -- Copy the files *.mf to a location where Metafont will find \sJ them. For example, in a TDS compliant system, the directory: \sJ TEXMF/fonts/source/public/nkarta/ . ^^J ^^J -- Copy the files *.mp to a location where Metapost will find \sJ them, for example: TEXMF/metapost/nkarta/ . ^^J ^^J -- Refresh the filename database if your TeX system requires it. ^^J ^^J*******************************************************************} \endbatchfile