@entry{glotex, \GloTeX} The \GloTeX\ program is a tool used to collect and format a glossary for inclusion in a \LaTeX\ document. It uses \verb+\glossary+ commands in the \LaTeX\ source file to determine which words or phrases should be included in the Glossary, and one or more Glossary Definition Files which contain the definitions of the terms. @entry{gdf, Glossary\\Definition\\File} A Glossary Definition File is represents a database of definitions. Each entry in a Glossary Definition File contains a {\em label}, an {\em item}, and a {\em definition}. @entry{label} A {\em label\/} is an identifier which is associated with a particular definition. Labels are specified in \verb+\glossary+ commands to indicate which definitions should be included in the Glossary. @entry{item} An {\em item\/} is the word or term to be defined in the glossary. @entry{definition} The {\em definition\/} is the text used to indicate what a particular item means. A definition may be as short as a phrase, or as long as a dissertation. However, short definitions (a sentence or two) are usually most effective in the context of a Glossary. @entry{glo-file, {\tt glo} File} The {\tt .glo} file is produced by \LaTeX\ and contains a list of labels for terms to be included in the Glossary. It is one of the inputs to \GloTeX. @entry{gdf-file, {\tt gdf} File} The {\tt .gdf} file is the Glossary Definition File. @entry{gls-file, {\tt gls} File} The {\tt .gls} file is the output of \GloTeX. It is the file which should be \verb+\input+ in the document to generate the Glossary. @entry{glg-file, {\tt glg} File} The {\tt .glg} file is a Glossary Log File. It lists those labels for which no definition was found. This file is only generated if needed.