/* ---------------------------------------------------------- Hangul Code Choice Table -- Order SHOULD be preserved Unknown :: :: ISO-2022 : ____ 2 Byte code without table ____ :: KS-5601 : ____ 2 Byte Codes without jump ____ :: TR :: NB : ____ Multibyte Codes without jump ____ ----------------------------------------------------------- */ #define UN 0 /* UNknown */ #define IS 10 /* ISo-2022 */ #define KS 20 /* KS-5601 */ #define TR 30 /* TRigem johap */ #define NB 40 /* N-Byte */ #define SK 41 /* Simulation Keyinput */ #define RO 42 /* ROman char */ #define CODE2(x) ( (x>=TR) ? 0 : ((x>KS)?x-KS+1:1) ) /* ---------------------------------------------------------- Hangul Code Table Size ----------------------------------------------------------- */ #define No2Bcode 2 /* Trigem2byte and KS2byte */ #define No3Bcode 3 /* NB, SK, RO */ #define NoUnSorted 40 /* 19+21 */ #define NoKSC 2390 /* 19+21+2350 */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- System Parameters ( Main & PrintOut Routine ) ----------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MAXBUFSIZE 128 /* should be less than 0xff */ #define MAXHANSIZE 1024 /* Maximum Hangul word size */ #define HAN 0 #define MULHAN 1 #define ENDHAN 2 #define ENG 3 /* Multibyte Hangul Input Scan Mode */ #define PRNONE 0 #define PRINTED 1 /* Output Routine Inner Stat */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- Option Check Routine Static Variables ----------------------------------------------------------- */ #define InDEF IS #define OutDEF KS static char syn[]=" [-Iknt[iKnrst]] [ input_file(-) [output_file] ]"; static int in_choice[] = { UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, IS, UN, KS, UN, UN, NB, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, TR, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN }; static int out_choice[] = { UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, IS, UN, KS, UN, UN, NB, UN, UN, UN, RO, SK, TR, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN, UN };