convbkmk Ver.0.30 ================= 2018.11.25 Takuji Tanaka ## Abstract convbkmk is a tiny utility for making correct bookmarks in pdf files typesetted by pLaTeX/upLaTeX with the hyperref package. pLaTeX/upLaTeX + hyperref outputs data of bookmarks in their internal encodings (EUC-JP, Shift_JIS or UTF-8). On the other hand, the PostScript/PDF format requests that the data are written in a certain syntax with UTF-16 or PDFDocEncoding. Thus, data conversion is required to create correct bookmarks. In addition, pLaTeX outputs dvi files with special commands in its internal encoding (EUC-JP or Shift_JIS). It is not consistent with recent dviware and file systems which assume UTF-8. convbkmk provides a function of the encoding conversion and formatting the data. ## Repository convbkmk is maintained on GitHub: ## Licence Lisence notice is written in the convbkmk.rb. It is as same as the MIT license. Ref. ## More information More information is within the convbkmk.rb with the RD format.