$Id: README.m4,v 1.5 1997/11/15 14:55:30 volkan Exp $ m4_changequote([,]) m4_ifdef([ENGLISH], * Introduction GlossTeX is a tool for the automatic preparation of glossaries[,] lists of acronyms and sorted lists in general for use with LaTeX and MakeIndex. In order to build GlossTeX[,] you need an ANSI C compiler. GlossTeX in some kind combines the functionality of acronym[,] nomencl and GloTeX. Like GloTeX[,] it uses the same format glossary definition files. GlossTeX can be used together with nomencl[,] nevertheless. A term consists of a label which is used to identify it[,] an optional typeset representation[,] an optional long-form (e.g. when it's an acronym) and the actual text describing it. These elements can all be accessed in several ways within the document. It is also possible to place cross-references from one term to another and include page-references into the produced lists. You can produce as many independent lists as you like. The most recent official release can always be found on CTAN:/support/glosstex. Inofficial development releases may be found on my homepage at http://webrum.uni-mannheim.de/ba/yavuzv/. GlossTeX comes with absolutely no warranty and is covered by the GNU General Public License (see the file COPYING). Copyright (C) 1997 Volkan Yavuz ) m4_ifdef([GERMAN], * Einleitung GlossTeX ist ein Tool für die automatische Erstellung eines Glossars[,] Abk"urzungsverzeichnisses oder sortierten Listen im Allgemeinen. Es wird zusammen mit LaTeX und MakeIndex verwendet. Um GlossTeX zu compilieren ist ein ANSI C Compiler notwendig. GlossTeX kombiniert die Funktionalität von acronym[,] nomencl und GloTeX. Es verwendet dasselbe Format f"ur die Glossar-Datenbank wie GloTeX. Trotzdem kann GlossTeX zusammen mit nomencl verwendet werden. Ein Begriff besteht aus einem