XsraSelFile File Selection Dialog Package This directory contains the XsraSelFile file selection dialog package. This package allows an application to obtain a filename from a user. The filename is selected by typing in a text widget or by browsing with the mouse in directory listings. The following is a brief description of the available features. * filename completion When the user types a filename in the Text widget, SelFile shows the possible completions in the directory listings. The user can hit the space bar to complete the filename. * fast directory reading When a directory is opened, the entries are read and sorted. Then the stats of only the first screenful of entries are taken, and these entries are displayed. The stats of the other entries are taken upon demand (i.e. when the user wishes to see them by scrolling, etc.) or in the background. The Xt work procedure facility is used to do background work. The idea here is to give the user some feedback as soon as possible. "It's just an illu--sion" :-) * Xaw and/or Xw widgets SelFile can be linked with Xaw (Athena) and/or Xw (Hewlett-Packard) widgets. Normally, SelFile is linked with the R3 or a later version of the Xt Intrinsics, but it can be linked with the R2 Xt. See the Imakefile for details. * automatic display update after directory modification Every now and then SelFile looks at the directories being displayed to see if they have been updated, and updates the display accordingly. Similarly, file modes are checked (but not as often). * tilde (~) for home directories When the user types a tilde at the beginning of the Text widget, SelFile shows the home directories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This work is loosely based on (and the name comes from) an earlier X10 SelFile by Michiharu `NinjaTerm' Ariza. Admittedly, this X11 SelFile also looks a bit like the directory browser on the NeXT machine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any porting problems bug reports comments (particularly about ideas in the TODO file) or any other type of feedback please send mail to erik@sra.co.jp OR erik%sra.co.jp@uunet.uu.net OR erik%sra.co.jp@mcvax.uucp OR try junet instead of co.jp OR Erik M. van der Poel Software Research Associates, Inc. 1-1-1 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102 Japan. TEL +81-3-234-2692