module RFIL module Font class Glyph # to make Rdoc and Ruby happy: [ruby-talk:147778] def self.documented_as_accessor(*args) #:nodoc: end # Glyphname attr_accessor :name # Advance with attr_accessor :wx # Standard code slot (0-255 or -1 for unencoded) attr_accessor :c # bounding box (llx, lly, urx, ury). Array of size 4. # You should use the methods llx, lly, urx, ury to access the # bounding box. attr_accessor :b # Kern_data (Hash). The key is the glyph name, the entries are # _[x,y]_ arrays. For ltr and rtl typesetting only the x entry # should be interesting. This is raw information from the font # metric file. Does not change when efactor et al. are set in any # way. attr_accessor :kern_data # Information about ligatures - unknown datatype yet attr_accessor :lig_data # Composite characters. Array [['glyph1',xshift,yshift],...] attr_accessor :pcc_data # Upper right x value of glyph. documented_as_accessor :urx # Upper right y value of glyph. documented_as_accessor :ury # Lower left x value of glyph. documented_as_accessor :llx # Lower left y value of glyph. documented_as_accessor :lly # the name of the uppercase glyph (nil if there is no uppercase glyph) attr_accessor :uc # the name of the lowercase glyph (nil if there is no lowercase glyph) attr_accessor :lc # Optional argument sets the name of the glyph. def initialize (glyphname=nil) @name=glyphname @lig_data={} @kern_data={} @wx=0 @b=[0,0,0,0] @efactor=1.0 @slant=0.0 end # Lower left x position of glyph. def llx # :nodoc: @b[0] end def llx=(value) # :nodoc: @b[0]=value end # Lower left y position of glyph. def lly # :nodoc: @b[1] end def lly=(value) # :nodoc: @b[1]=value end # Upper right x position of glyph. def urx # :nodoc: @b[2] end def urx=(value) # :nodoc: @b[2]=value end # Upper right y position of glyph. def ury # :nodoc: @b[3] end def ury=(value) # :nodoc: @b[3]=value end # Return height of the char used for tfm file. def charht ury end # Return width of the char used for tfm file. def charwd wx end # Return depth of the char. def chardp lly >= 0 ? 0 : -lly end # Return italic correction of the char. def charic (urx - wx) > 0 ? (urx - wx) : 0 end # Return an array with all kerning information (x-direction only) # of this glyph. Kerning information is an Array where first # element is the destchar, the second element is the kerning amount. def kerns_x ret=[] @kern_data.each { |destchar,kern| ret.push([destchar,kern[0]]) } ret end # Return an array with all ligature information (LIG objects) of # this glyph. def ligs ret=[] @lig_data.each { |destchar,lig| ret.push(lig) } ret end # Return true if this char has ligature or kerning information. If # glyphindex is supplied, only return true if relevant. This means # that the second parameter of a kerning information or the second # parameter and the result of a ligature information must be in # the glyphindex. glyphindex must respond to include?. def has_ligkern?(glyphindex=nil) if glyphindex and not glyphindex.respond_to? :include? raise ArgumentError, "glyphindex does not respod to include?" end return false if (lig_data == {} and kern_data=={}) # this one is easy, just look at lig_data and kern_data # more complicated, we have to take glyphindex into account if glyphindex return false unless glyphindex.include? # right kerningpair not in glyphindex? -> false # right lig not in glyphindex? -> false # result lig not in glyphindex? -> false if lig_data lig_data.each { |otherchar,lig| if (glyphindex.include?(lig.right) and glyphindex.include?(lig.result)) return true end } end if kern_data kern_data.each { |otherchar,krn| return true if glyphindex.include?(otherchar) } end return false else # no glyphindex return true end raise "never reached" end # has_ligkern? # Return true if glyph is an uppercase char, such as AE. def is_uppercase? return @lc != nil end # Return true if glyph is a lowercase char, such as germandbls, # but not hyphen. def is_lowercase? return @uc != nil end # Return the uppercase variant of the glyph. Undefined behaviour if # glyph cannot be uppercased. def capitalize @uc end # Return the lowercase variant of the glyph. Undefined behaviour if # glyph cannot be lowercased. def downcase @lc end end end end