SIMPLE \defines with parameters \begin\end grammar better tabulars (changes) \owner -- how/where does one such decl apply? don't xref uses that are def'd nearby tgrind/tags do postmakeinfo de-Birdizing for >#(if|elsif|else|endif) codethings def'd more than once Haskell same-named codethings from diff namespaces \title as \section0 ? for large docs, could use \reset{indexing,xref}tables to be heaved in periodically. chg onlyinfo, onlylatex semantics to go straight-through. onlystandalone, etc.: carry both through, decide on linking how does CPP interact w/ haskell? independent code writing / code printing styles. xtex option? \begin...\end{invisiblecode} (info) be able to jump to all places where a function is used postmakeinfo -- colons in nodenames index the right things pagebreaks for code in LaTeX verbatim in verbatim (cf verbatim.sty) math mode and what's this with @'s in codeformat (if the latter exists?!) multiple indexes -- we need these! (e.g., code for subsystems of a larger system don't want to share an index): \index[string]{index-entry-as-usual} % default is "main" index \printindex[string] % default is "main" index also \setcurrentindex{string} % to change default \setcurrentcodeindex{string} % where code-ish index-entries go Implementation: I'd pre-pend the string to the entry-as-usual ("string!"), let LaTeX/makeinfo do the work, then post-process to make the separate indexes. Got a bug with: Used only once (ToDo: check ?): <- spaces here >newTyVar :: NFSap TyVar ditto for \tr{\Haskell}... (defined things) if lit2pgm fails, nuke the output file (so make will re-try).