/* File: linker_idtbl.cpp Date and Time: Fri Jan 30 18:55:14 2015 */ #include "linker_id.h" using namespace NS_yacco2_T_enum;// enumerate using namespace NS_yacco2_err_symbols;// error symbols using namespace NS_yacco2_k_symbols;// lrk using namespace NS_yacco2_terminals;// terminals using namespace NS_yacco2_characters;// rc using namespace yacco2;// yacco2 library using namespace NS_linker_id;// grammar's ns // first set terminals // LR1_invisible_shift_operator // raw_minus // raw_period // raw_0 // raw_1 // raw_2 // raw_3 // raw_4 // raw_5 // raw_6 // raw_7 // raw_8 // raw_9 // raw_colon // raw_A // raw_B // raw_C // raw_D // raw_E // raw_F // raw_G // raw_H // raw_I // raw_J // raw_K // raw_L // raw_M // raw_N // raw_O // raw_P // raw_Q // raw_R // raw_S // raw_T // raw_U // raw_V // raw_W // raw_X // raw_Y // raw_Z // raw_under_score // raw_a // raw_b // raw_c // raw_d // raw_e // raw_f // raw_g // raw_h // raw_i // raw_j // raw_k // raw_l // raw_m // raw_n // raw_o // raw_p // raw_q // raw_r // raw_s // raw_t // raw_u // raw_v // raw_w // raw_x // raw_y // raw_z yacco2::UCHAR LA1_Clinker_id[] ={ 12 ,0,32 ,6,96 ,7,255 ,8,7 ,9,254 ,10,255 ,11,255 ,12,135 ,13,254 ,14,255 ,15,255 ,16,7 }; // T_eosubrule // T_called_thread_eosubrule // T_null_call_thread_eosubrule // T_cweb_comment // T_grammar_phrase // T_cweb_marker // T_lint // T_list_of_used_threads // T_end_list_of_used_threads // LR1_eog // Err_nested_files_exceeded // Err_no_end_of_code // Err_no_cmd_lne_data // Err_no_filename // Err_bad_filename // Err_bad_fsmheader_filename // Err_bad_fsmcpp_filename // Err_bad_fsmsym_filename // Err_bad_fsmtbl_filename // Err_bad_enum_filename // Err_bad_errors_hdrfilename // Err_bad_errors_impfilename // Err_bad_cmd_lne_opt // Err_bad_int_no // Err_bad_int_no_range // Err_no_int_present // Err_bad_eos // Err_bad_esc // Err_comment_overrun // Err_bad_char // Err_bad_univ_seq // Err_improper_closing_of_rules // Err_no_identifier_present // Err_no_directive_present // Err_duplicate_directive // Err_no_syntax_code_present // Err_no_open_parenthesis // Err_no_close_parenthesis // Err_no_fsm_id_present // Err_no_fsm_id_string // Err_no_fsm_filename_present // Err_no_fsm_filename_id_present // Err_no_comma_present // Err_no_terminal_key_present // Err_no_fsm_namespace_present // Err_no_fsm_namespace_id_present // Err_no_fsm_class_present // Err_no_fsm_version_present // Err_no_fsm_version_string // Err_no_fsm_date_present // Err_no_fsm_date_string // Err_no_fsm_debug_present // Err_no_fsm_debug_string // Err_no_fsm_comments_present // Err_no_fsm_comments_string // Err_fsm_debug_string_not_true_or_false // Err_no_pp_thread_function_present // Err_no_pp_ctrl_mntor_kw_present // Err_no_pp_fnct_id_present // Err_no_pp_bndry_present // Err_no_pp_la_bndary_expr_present // Err_no_syntax_code_end_present // Err_no_pp_code_present // Err_no_pp_code_stc_present // Err_not_arbitration_code_kw // Err_no_open_brace // Err_no_close_brace // Err_no_constant_defs_present // Err_no_filename_present // Err_no_filename_id_present // Err_no_namespace_present // Err_no_namespace_id_present // Err_no_kdefs_code_present // Err_no_kdefs_kw_present // Err_no_tdef_code_present // Err_no_sym_defs_present // Err_dup_entry_in_alphabet // Err_already_defined_AB // Err_already_defined_AD // Err_improper_directive // Err_no_sym_class_present // Err_no_sym_class_id_present // Err_zero_len_sym // Err_sym_tbl_full // Err_sym_tbl_char_pool_full // Err_dup_entry_in_sym_table // Err_subscript_out_of_range // Err_sym_tbl_nested_scope_stk_overflow // Err_sym_tbl_nested_scope_stk_underflow // Err_sym_tbl_context_buf_overflow // Err_report_card_ptr_0 // Err_cannot_define_term_after_sufx_dir // Err_dup_sufx_directive // Err_terminals_refs_def_after_terminals // Err_terminals_refs_dup_def // Err_no_rule_name_present // Err_no_sub_rule_present // Err_subrule_use_undefined_T // Err_stbl_entry_unknown // Err_subrule_overrun // Err_stble_has_entry_but_not_a_rule // Err_file_of_T_alphabet_kw_not_present // Err_emitfile_kw_not_present // Err_preamble_kw_not_present // Err_preamble_srce_code_not_present // Err_end_preamble_kw_not_present // Err_cmd_line_chaffe // Err_T_alphabet_kw_not_present // Err_T_alphabet_file_not_present // Err_end_T_alphabet_kw_not_present // Err_no_terminals_in_T_alphabet_list // Err_rotten_chr_in_T_alphabet // Err_transitive_kw_not_present // Err_grammar_name_kw_not_present // Err_namespace_kw_not_present // Err_filename_kw_not_present // Err_threadname_kw_not_present // Err_monolithic_kw_not_present // Err_no_of_T_kw_not_present // Err_list_of_terminals_kw_not_present // Err_no_list_of_trans_threads_kw // Err_no_terminals_present_in_T_alphabet // Err_transitive_value_bad // Err_monolithic_value_bad // Err_grammar_name_value_not_present // Err_namespace_value_not_present // Err_threadname_value_not_present // Err_filename_value_not_present // Err_no_of_T_value_not_present // Err_no_of_terminals_not_present // Err_end_list_native_T_kw_not_present // Err_end_list_of_transitive_threads_kw_not_present // Err_no_of_native_Ts_in_list_not_equal // Err_no_of_threads_in_list_not_equal // Err_thread_refed_but_not_defined // Err_bad_T_in_list // Err_bad_th_in_list // Err_already_defined_in_fsc_file // Err_bad_thread_subscript // Err_not_a_keyword // Err_no_of_threads_not_present // Err_bad_T_alphabet // Err_fsc_file_does_not_exist // Err_filename_file_does_not_exist // Err_T_alphabet_file_does_not_exist // Err_emitfile_file_does_not_exist // Err_emitfile_file_not_present // Err_fsc_cntl_file_not_present // Err_file_of_T_alphabet_not_present // Err_epsilon_pass_thru // Err_epsilon_pass_thru_no_Ts // Err_rule_not_in_stbl // Err_T_not_in_stbl // Err_bad_directive // Err_bad_term_in_la_expr // Err_empty_set_removal_in_la_expr // Err_bad_operator_in_la_expr // Err_not_a_lhs_kw // Err_pp_la_boundary_attribute_not_fnd // Err_already_processed_fsm_phase // Err_already_processed_pp_phase // Err_already_processed_T_enum_phase // Err_already_processed_error_phase // Err_already_processed_rc_phase // Err_already_processed_lrk_phase // Err_already_processed_T_phase // Err_already_processed_rule_phase // Err_not_T_for_rtned_token_from_th // Err_not_id_for_ns_in_th_stmt // Err_not_id_for_th_name_in_th_stmt // Err_bad_th_qualifier // Err_not_dbl_colon_in_th_stmt // Err_not_T_or_R_in_subrule_expr // Err_not_T_or_R_or_eos_in_subrule_expr // Err_not_eos_in_subrule_expr // Err_invalid_logical_name // Err_invalid_logical_value // Err_duplicate_logical_name // Err_missing_terminals_refs_kw // Err_missing_terminals_sufx_kw // Err_not_a_terminal_definition // Err_missing_lrk_sufx_kw // ERR_sick_grammar // ERR_no_fsm_phrase // ERR_no_T_enum_phrase // ERR_no_lrk_phrase // ERR_no_rc_phrase // ERR_no_errors_phrase // ERR_no_terminals_phrase // ERR_no_rules_phrase // Err_used_rule_but_undefined // Err_rule_already_defined // Err_la_expr_calc_empty_set // Err_no_close_brace_ending_rules_defs // Err_use_of_T_outside_Rules_construct // Err_not_kw_defining_grammar_construct // Err_use_of_N_outside_Rules_construct // Err_misplaced_or_misspelt_Rule_or_T // Err_not_a_Rule // Err_empty_file // Err_not_lhs_pcnrl_mntr // raw_nul // raw_soh // raw_stx // raw_etx // raw_eot // raw_enq // raw_ack // raw_bel // raw_bs // raw_ht // raw_lf // raw_vt // raw_ff // raw_cr // raw_so // raw_si // raw_dle // raw_dc1 // raw_dc2 // raw_dc3 // raw_dc4 // raw_nak // raw_syn // raw_etb // raw_can // raw_em // raw_sub // raw_esc // raw_fs // raw_gs // raw_rs // raw_us // raw_sp // raw_exclam // raw_dbl_quote // raw_no_sign // raw_dollar_sign // raw_percent // raw_ampersign // raw_right_quote // raw_open_bracket // raw_close_bracket // raw_asteric // raw_plus // raw_comma // raw_slash // raw_semi_colon // raw_less_than // raw_eq // raw_gt_than // raw_question_mark // raw_at_sign // raw_open_sq_bracket // raw_back_slash // raw_close_sq_bracket // raw_up_arrow // raw_left_quote // raw_open_brace // raw_vertical_line // raw_close_brace // raw_tilde // raw_del // raw_x80 // raw_x81 // raw_x82 // raw_x83 // raw_x84 // raw_x85 // raw_x86 // raw_x87 // raw_x88 // raw_x89 // raw_x8a // raw_x8b // raw_x8c // raw_x8d // raw_x8e // raw_x8f // raw_x90 // raw_x91 // raw_x92 // raw_x93 // raw_x94 // raw_x95 // raw_x96 // raw_x97 // raw_x98 // raw_x99 // raw_x9a // raw_x9b // raw_x9c // raw_x9d // raw_x9e // raw_x9f // raw_xa0 // raw_xa1 // raw_xa2 // raw_xa3 // raw_xa4 // raw_xa5 // raw_xa6 // raw_xa7 // raw_xa8 // raw_xa9 // raw_xaa // raw_xab // raw_xac // raw_xad // raw_xae // raw_xaf // raw_xb0 // raw_xb1 // raw_xb2 // raw_xb3 // raw_xb4 // raw_xb5 // raw_xb6 // raw_xb7 // raw_xb8 // raw_xb9 // raw_xba // raw_xbb // raw_xbc // raw_xbd // raw_xbe // raw_xbf // raw_xc0 // raw_xc1 // raw_xc2 // raw_xc3 // raw_xc4 // raw_xc5 // raw_xc6 // raw_xc7 // raw_xc8 // raw_xc9 // raw_xca // raw_xcb // raw_xcc // raw_xcd // raw_xce // raw_xcf // raw_xd0 // raw_xd1 // raw_xd2 // raw_xd3 // raw_xd4 // raw_xd5 // raw_xd6 // raw_xd7 // raw_xd8 // raw_xd9 // raw_xda // raw_xdb // raw_xdc // raw_xdd // raw_xde // raw_xdf // raw_xe0 // raw_xe1 // raw_xe2 // raw_xe3 // raw_xe4 // raw_xe5 // raw_xe6 // raw_xe7 // raw_xe8 // raw_xe9 // raw_xea // raw_xeb // raw_xec // raw_xed // raw_xee // raw_xef // raw_xf0 // raw_xf1 // raw_xf2 // raw_xf3 // raw_xf4 // raw_xf5 // raw_xf6 // raw_xf7 // raw_xf8 // raw_xf9 // raw_xfa // raw_xfb // raw_xfc // raw_xfd // raw_xfe // raw_xff // T_option_t // T_option_p // T_option_err // T_esc_seq // T_eol // T_basic_char // T_raw_char // T_comment // T_ws // T_angled_string // T_c_literal // T_c_string // T_xc_str // T_unquoted_string // T_file_inclusion // T_identifier // T_int_no // T_raw_characters // T_lr1_constant_symbols // T_error_symbols // T_eocode // T_AD // T_AB // T_parallel_la_boundary // T_arbitrator_code // T_parallel_parser // T_parallel_thread_function // T_parallel_control_monitor // T_fsm // T_fsm_id // T_fsm_filename // T_fsm_namespace // T_fsm_class // T_fsm_version // T_fsm_date // T_fsm_debug // T_fsm_comments // T_terminals // T_enumeration // T_file_name // T_name_space // T_sym_class // T_rules // T_lhs // T_user_declaration // T_user_prefix_declaration // T_user_suffix_declaration // T_constructor // T_destructor // T_op // T_failed // T_user_implementation // T_user_imp_tbl // T_user_imp_sym // T_constant_defs // T_terminals_refs // T_terminals_sufx // T_lrk_sufx // T_selector // T_NULL // T_2colon // T_block // T_syntax_code // T_fsm_class_phrase // T_fsm_phrase // T_parallel_parser_phrase // T_enum_phrase // T_terminal_def // table_entry // T_sym_tbl_report_card // T_terminals_phrase // T_error_symbols_phrase // T_lr1_k_phrase // T_rc_phrase // T_rule_lhs_phrase // T_parallel_monitor_phrase // rule_def // T_rules_phrase // T_subrule_def // T_subrules_phrase // T_in_stbl // refered_T // rule_in_stbl // refered_rule // T_transitive // T_grammar_name // T_thread_name // T_monolithic // T_no_of_T // T_list_of_native_first_set_terminals // T_end_list_of_native_first_set_terminals // T_list_of_transitive_threads // T_end_list_of_transitive_threads // T_emitfile // T_preamble // T_end_preamble // T_T_alphabet // T_end_T_alphabet // T_file_of_T_alphabet // T_attributes // tth_in_stbl // thread_attributes // th_in_stbl // kw_in_stbl // T_la_expr_src yacco2::UCHAR LA2_Clinker_id[] ={ 67 ,0,2 ,1,255 ,2,255 ,3,255 ,4,255 ,5,255 ,6,159 ,8,248 ,9,1 ,12,120 ,13,1 ,16,248 ,17,255 ,18,255 ,19,255 ,20,255 ,21,255 ,22,255 ,23,255 ,24,255 ,25,255 ,26,255 ,27,255 ,28,255 ,29,255 ,30,255 ,31,255 ,32,255 ,33,255 ,34,255 ,35,255 ,36,255 ,37,255 ,38,255 ,39,255 ,40,255 ,41,255 ,42,255 ,43,255 ,44,255 ,45,255 ,46,255 ,47,255 ,48,255 ,49,255 ,50,255 ,51,255 ,52,255 ,53,255 ,54,255 ,55,255 ,56,255 ,57,255 ,58,255 ,59,255 ,60,255 ,61,255 ,62,255 ,63,255 ,64,255 ,65,255 ,66,255 ,67,255 ,68,255 ,69,255 ,70,255 ,71,1 }; extern yacco2::State S1_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S2_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S3_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S4_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S5_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S6_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S7_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S8_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S9_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S10_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S11_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S12_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S13_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S14_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S15_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S16_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S17_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S18_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S19_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S20_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S21_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S22_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S23_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S24_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S25_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S26_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S27_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S28_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S29_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S30_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S31_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S32_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S33_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S34_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S35_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S36_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S37_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S38_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S39_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S40_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S41_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S42_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S43_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S44_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S45_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S46_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S47_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S48_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S49_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S50_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S51_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S52_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S53_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S54_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S55_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S56_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S57_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S58_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S59_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S60_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S61_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S62_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S63_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S64_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S65_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S66_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S67_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S68_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S69_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S70_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S71_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S72_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S73_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S74_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S75_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S76_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S77_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S78_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S79_Clinker_id; extern yacco2::State S80_Clinker_id; struct S1std_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Shift_entry shift_entries_[58]; }; S1std_Clinker_id S1st_Clinker_id = { 58 , {// start of table {73,(State*)&S2_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_A ,{74,(State*)&S3_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_B ,{75,(State*)&S4_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_C ,{76,(State*)&S5_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_D ,{77,(State*)&S6_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_E ,{78,(State*)&S7_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_F ,{79,(State*)&S8_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_G ,{80,(State*)&S9_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_H ,{81,(State*)&S10_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_I ,{82,(State*)&S11_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_J ,{83,(State*)&S12_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_K ,{84,(State*)&S13_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_L ,{85,(State*)&S14_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_M ,{86,(State*)&S15_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_N ,{87,(State*)&S16_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_O ,{88,(State*)&S17_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_P ,{89,(State*)&S18_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Q ,{90,(State*)&S19_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_R ,{91,(State*)&S20_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_S ,{92,(State*)&S21_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_T ,{93,(State*)&S22_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_U ,{94,(State*)&S23_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_V ,{95,(State*)&S24_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_W ,{96,(State*)&S25_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_X ,{97,(State*)&S26_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Y ,{98,(State*)&S27_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Z ,{105,(State*)&S28_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_a ,{106,(State*)&S29_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_b ,{107,(State*)&S30_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_c ,{108,(State*)&S31_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_d ,{109,(State*)&S32_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_e ,{110,(State*)&S33_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_f ,{111,(State*)&S34_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_g ,{112,(State*)&S35_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_h ,{113,(State*)&S36_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_i ,{114,(State*)&S37_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_j ,{115,(State*)&S38_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_k ,{116,(State*)&S39_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_l ,{117,(State*)&S40_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_m ,{118,(State*)&S41_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_n ,{119,(State*)&S42_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_o ,{120,(State*)&S43_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_p ,{121,(State*)&S44_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_q ,{122,(State*)&S45_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_r ,{123,(State*)&S46_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_s ,{124,(State*)&S47_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_t ,{125,(State*)&S48_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_u ,{126,(State*)&S49_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_v ,{127,(State*)&S50_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_w ,{128,(State*)&S51_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_x ,{129,(State*)&S52_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_y ,{130,(State*)&S53_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_z ,{569,(State*)&S1_Clinker_id} // accept sym: Rlinker_id ,{571,(State*)&S54_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rstart_char ,{575,(State*)&S75_Clinker_id} // shift sym: RUPPER_A_M ,{576,(State*)&S76_Clinker_id} // shift sym: RUPPER_N_Z ,{577,(State*)&S77_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rlower_a_m ,{578,(State*)&S78_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rlower_n_z }// end of shift table }; yacco2::State S1_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: " No symbol" {1 ,0,0,0,0,(Shift_tbl*)&S1st_Clinker_id,0,0,0,0}; struct S2rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S2rtd_Clinker_id S2rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S2_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "A" {2 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S2rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S3rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S3rtd_Clinker_id S3rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S3_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "B" {3 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S3rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S4rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S4rtd_Clinker_id S4rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs3_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S4_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "C" {4 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S4rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S5rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S5rtd_Clinker_id S5rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs4_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S5_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "D" {5 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S5rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S6rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S6rtd_Clinker_id S6rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs5_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S6_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "E" {6 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S6rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S7rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S7rtd_Clinker_id S7rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs6_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S7_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "F" {7 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S7rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S8rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S8rtd_Clinker_id S8rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs7_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S8_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "G" {8 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S8rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S9rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S9rtd_Clinker_id S9rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs8_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S9_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "H" {9 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S9rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S10rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S10rtd_Clinker_id S10rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs9_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S10_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "I" {10 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S10rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S11rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S11rtd_Clinker_id S11rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs10_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S11_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "J" {11 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S11rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S12rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S12rtd_Clinker_id S12rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs11_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S12_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "K" {12 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S12rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S13rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S13rtd_Clinker_id S13rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs12_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S13_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "L" {13 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S13rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S14rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S14rtd_Clinker_id S14rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs13_RUPPER_A_M_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S14_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "M" {14 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S14rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S15rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S15rtd_Clinker_id S15rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S15_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "N" {15 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S15rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S16rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S16rtd_Clinker_id S16rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S16_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "O" {16 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S16rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S17rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S17rtd_Clinker_id S17rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs3_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S17_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "P" {17 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S17rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S18rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S18rtd_Clinker_id S18rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs4_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S18_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Q" {18 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S18rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S19rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S19rtd_Clinker_id S19rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs5_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S19_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "R" {19 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S19rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S20rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S20rtd_Clinker_id S20rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs6_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S20_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "S" {20 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S20rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S21rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S21rtd_Clinker_id S21rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs7_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S21_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "T" {21 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S21rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S22rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S22rtd_Clinker_id S22rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs8_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S22_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "U" {22 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S22rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S23rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S23rtd_Clinker_id S23rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs9_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S23_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "V" {23 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S23rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S24rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S24rtd_Clinker_id S24rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs10_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S24_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "W" {24 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S24rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S25rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S25rtd_Clinker_id S25rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs11_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S25_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "X" {25 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S25rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S26rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S26rtd_Clinker_id S26rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs12_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S26_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Y" {26 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S26rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S27rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S27rtd_Clinker_id S27rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs13_RUPPER_N_Z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S27_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Z" {27 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S27rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S28rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S28rtd_Clinker_id S28rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S28_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "a" {28 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S28rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S29rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S29rtd_Clinker_id S29rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S29_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "b" {29 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S29rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S30rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S30rtd_Clinker_id S30rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs3_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S30_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "c" {30 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S30rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S31rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S31rtd_Clinker_id S31rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs4_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S31_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "d" {31 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S31rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S32rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S32rtd_Clinker_id S32rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs5_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S32_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "e" {32 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S32rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S33rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S33rtd_Clinker_id S33rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs6_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S33_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "f" {33 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S33rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S34rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S34rtd_Clinker_id S34rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs7_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S34_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "g" {34 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S34rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S35rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S35rtd_Clinker_id S35rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs8_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S35_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "h" {35 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S35rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S36rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S36rtd_Clinker_id S36rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs9_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S36_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "i" {36 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S36rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S37rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S37rtd_Clinker_id S37rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs10_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S37_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "j" {37 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S37rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S38rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S38rtd_Clinker_id S38rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs11_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S38_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "k" {38 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S38rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S39rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S39rtd_Clinker_id S39rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs12_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S39_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "l" {39 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S39rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S40rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S40rtd_Clinker_id S40rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs13_Rlower_a_m_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S40_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "m" {40 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S40rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S41rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S41rtd_Clinker_id S41rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S41_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "n" {41 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S41rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S42rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S42rtd_Clinker_id S42rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S42_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "o" {42 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S42rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S43rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S43rtd_Clinker_id S43rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs3_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S43_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "p" {43 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S43rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S44rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S44rtd_Clinker_id S44rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs4_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S44_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "q" {44 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S44rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S45rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S45rtd_Clinker_id S45rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs5_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S45_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "r" {45 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S45rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S46rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S46rtd_Clinker_id S46rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs6_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S46_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "s" {46 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S46rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S47rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S47rtd_Clinker_id S47rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs7_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S47_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "t" {47 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S47rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S48rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S48rtd_Clinker_id S48rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs8_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S48_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "u" {48 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S48rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S49rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S49rtd_Clinker_id S49rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs9_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S49_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "v" {49 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S49rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S50rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S50rtd_Clinker_id S50rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs10_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S50_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "w" {50 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S50rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S51rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S51rtd_Clinker_id S51rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs11_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S51_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "x" {51 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S51rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S52rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S52rtd_Clinker_id S52rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs12_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S52_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "y" {52 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S52rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S53rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S53rtd_Clinker_id S53rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs13_Rlower_n_z_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S53_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "z" {53 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S53rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S54std_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Shift_entry shift_entries_[76]; }; S54std_Clinker_id S54st_Clinker_id = { 76 , {// start of table {5,(State*)&S55_Clinker_id} // shift sym: LR1_invisible_shift_operator ,{53,(State*)&S56_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_minus ,{54,(State*)&S57_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_period ,{56,(State*)&S58_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_0 ,{57,(State*)&S59_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_1 ,{58,(State*)&S60_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_2 ,{59,(State*)&S61_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_3 ,{60,(State*)&S62_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_4 ,{61,(State*)&S63_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_5 ,{62,(State*)&S64_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_6 ,{63,(State*)&S65_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_7 ,{64,(State*)&S66_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_8 ,{65,(State*)&S67_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_9 ,{66,(State*)&S68_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_colon ,{73,(State*)&S2_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_A ,{74,(State*)&S3_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_B ,{75,(State*)&S4_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_C ,{76,(State*)&S5_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_D ,{77,(State*)&S6_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_E ,{78,(State*)&S7_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_F ,{79,(State*)&S8_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_G ,{80,(State*)&S9_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_H ,{81,(State*)&S10_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_I ,{82,(State*)&S11_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_J ,{83,(State*)&S12_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_K ,{84,(State*)&S13_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_L ,{85,(State*)&S14_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_M ,{86,(State*)&S15_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_N ,{87,(State*)&S16_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_O ,{88,(State*)&S17_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_P ,{89,(State*)&S18_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Q ,{90,(State*)&S19_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_R ,{91,(State*)&S20_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_S ,{92,(State*)&S21_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_T ,{93,(State*)&S22_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_U ,{94,(State*)&S23_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_V ,{95,(State*)&S24_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_W ,{96,(State*)&S25_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_X ,{97,(State*)&S26_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Y ,{98,(State*)&S27_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Z ,{103,(State*)&S69_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_under_score ,{105,(State*)&S28_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_a ,{106,(State*)&S29_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_b ,{107,(State*)&S30_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_c ,{108,(State*)&S31_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_d ,{109,(State*)&S32_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_e ,{110,(State*)&S33_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_f ,{111,(State*)&S34_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_g ,{112,(State*)&S35_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_h ,{113,(State*)&S36_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_i ,{114,(State*)&S37_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_j ,{115,(State*)&S38_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_k ,{116,(State*)&S39_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_l ,{117,(State*)&S40_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_m ,{118,(State*)&S41_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_n ,{119,(State*)&S42_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_o ,{120,(State*)&S43_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_p ,{121,(State*)&S44_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_q ,{122,(State*)&S45_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_r ,{123,(State*)&S46_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_s ,{124,(State*)&S47_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_t ,{125,(State*)&S48_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_u ,{126,(State*)&S49_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_v ,{127,(State*)&S50_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_w ,{128,(State*)&S51_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_x ,{129,(State*)&S52_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_y ,{130,(State*)&S53_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_z ,{570,(State*)&S70_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rtail_chars ,{571,(State*)&S72_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rstart_char ,{572,(State*)&S80_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rtail_char ,{573,(State*)&S74_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rno_and_underscore_and_hyphen ,{575,(State*)&S75_Clinker_id} // shift sym: RUPPER_A_M ,{576,(State*)&S76_Clinker_id} // shift sym: RUPPER_N_Z ,{577,(State*)&S77_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rlower_a_m ,{578,(State*)&S78_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rlower_n_z ,{579,(State*)&S79_Clinker_id} // shift sym: RNUMBERS }// end of shift table }; yacco2::Shift_entry S54ise_Clinker_id = {5,(State*)&S55_Clinker_id}; yacco2::State S54_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Rstart_char" {54 ,0,0,(Shift_entry*)&S54ise_Clinker_id ,0,(Shift_tbl*)&S54st_Clinker_id,0,0,0,0}; struct S55rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S55rtd_Clinker_id S55rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA2_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_Rlinker_id_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S55_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "|.|" {55 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S55rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S56rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S56rtd_Clinker_id S56rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs4_Rno_and_underscore_and_hyphen_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S56_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "-" {56 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S56rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S57rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S57rtd_Clinker_id S57rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_Rno_and_underscore_and_hyphen_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S57_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "." {57 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S57rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S58rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S58rtd_Clinker_id S58rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S58_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "0" {58 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S58rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S59rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S59rtd_Clinker_id S59rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S59_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "1" {59 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S59rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S60rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S60rtd_Clinker_id S60rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs3_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S60_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "2" {60 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S60rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S61rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S61rtd_Clinker_id S61rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs4_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S61_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "3" {61 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S61rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S62rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S62rtd_Clinker_id S62rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs5_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S62_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "4" {62 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S62rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S63rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S63rtd_Clinker_id S63rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs6_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S63_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "5" {63 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S63rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S64rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S64rtd_Clinker_id S64rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs7_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S64_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "6" {64 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S64rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S65rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S65rtd_Clinker_id S65rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs8_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S65_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "7" {65 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S65rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S66rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S66rtd_Clinker_id S66rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs9_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S66_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "8" {66 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S66rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S67rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S67rtd_Clinker_id S67rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs10_RNUMBERS_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S67_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "9" {67 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S67rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S68rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S68rtd_Clinker_id S68rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_Rno_and_underscore_and_hyphen_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S68_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: ":" {68 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S68rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S69rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S69rtd_Clinker_id S69rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs3_Rno_and_underscore_and_hyphen_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S69_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "_" {69 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S69rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S70std_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Shift_entry shift_entries_[75]; }; S70std_Clinker_id S70st_Clinker_id = { 75 , {// start of table {5,(State*)&S71_Clinker_id} // shift sym: LR1_invisible_shift_operator ,{53,(State*)&S56_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_minus ,{54,(State*)&S57_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_period ,{56,(State*)&S58_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_0 ,{57,(State*)&S59_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_1 ,{58,(State*)&S60_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_2 ,{59,(State*)&S61_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_3 ,{60,(State*)&S62_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_4 ,{61,(State*)&S63_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_5 ,{62,(State*)&S64_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_6 ,{63,(State*)&S65_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_7 ,{64,(State*)&S66_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_8 ,{65,(State*)&S67_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_9 ,{66,(State*)&S68_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_colon ,{73,(State*)&S2_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_A ,{74,(State*)&S3_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_B ,{75,(State*)&S4_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_C ,{76,(State*)&S5_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_D ,{77,(State*)&S6_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_E ,{78,(State*)&S7_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_F ,{79,(State*)&S8_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_G ,{80,(State*)&S9_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_H ,{81,(State*)&S10_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_I ,{82,(State*)&S11_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_J ,{83,(State*)&S12_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_K ,{84,(State*)&S13_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_L ,{85,(State*)&S14_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_M ,{86,(State*)&S15_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_N ,{87,(State*)&S16_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_O ,{88,(State*)&S17_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_P ,{89,(State*)&S18_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Q ,{90,(State*)&S19_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_R ,{91,(State*)&S20_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_S ,{92,(State*)&S21_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_T ,{93,(State*)&S22_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_U ,{94,(State*)&S23_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_V ,{95,(State*)&S24_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_W ,{96,(State*)&S25_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_X ,{97,(State*)&S26_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Y ,{98,(State*)&S27_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_Z ,{103,(State*)&S69_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_under_score ,{105,(State*)&S28_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_a ,{106,(State*)&S29_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_b ,{107,(State*)&S30_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_c ,{108,(State*)&S31_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_d ,{109,(State*)&S32_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_e ,{110,(State*)&S33_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_f ,{111,(State*)&S34_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_g ,{112,(State*)&S35_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_h ,{113,(State*)&S36_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_i ,{114,(State*)&S37_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_j ,{115,(State*)&S38_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_k ,{116,(State*)&S39_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_l ,{117,(State*)&S40_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_m ,{118,(State*)&S41_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_n ,{119,(State*)&S42_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_o ,{120,(State*)&S43_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_p ,{121,(State*)&S44_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_q ,{122,(State*)&S45_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_r ,{123,(State*)&S46_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_s ,{124,(State*)&S47_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_t ,{125,(State*)&S48_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_u ,{126,(State*)&S49_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_v ,{127,(State*)&S50_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_w ,{128,(State*)&S51_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_x ,{129,(State*)&S52_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_y ,{130,(State*)&S53_Clinker_id} // shift sym: raw_z ,{571,(State*)&S72_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rstart_char ,{572,(State*)&S73_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rtail_char ,{573,(State*)&S74_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rno_and_underscore_and_hyphen ,{575,(State*)&S75_Clinker_id} // shift sym: RUPPER_A_M ,{576,(State*)&S76_Clinker_id} // shift sym: RUPPER_N_Z ,{577,(State*)&S77_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rlower_a_m ,{578,(State*)&S78_Clinker_id} // shift sym: Rlower_n_z ,{579,(State*)&S79_Clinker_id} // shift sym: RNUMBERS }// end of shift table }; yacco2::Shift_entry S70ise_Clinker_id = {5,(State*)&S71_Clinker_id}; yacco2::State S70_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Rtail_chars" {70 ,0,0,(Shift_entry*)&S70ise_Clinker_id ,0,(Shift_tbl*)&S70st_Clinker_id,0,0,0,0}; struct S71rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S71rtd_Clinker_id S71rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA2_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_Rlinker_id_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S71_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "|.|" {71 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S71rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S72rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S72rtd_Clinker_id S72rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_Rtail_char_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S72_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Rstart_char" {72 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S72rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S73rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S73rtd_Clinker_id S73rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_Rtail_chars_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S73_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Rtail_char" {73 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S73rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S74rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S74rtd_Clinker_id S74rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_Rtail_char_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S74_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Rno_and_underscore_and_hyphen" {74 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S74rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S75rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S75rtd_Clinker_id S75rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_Rstart_char_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S75_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "RUPPER_A_M" {75 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S75rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S76rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S76rtd_Clinker_id S76rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs2_Rstart_char_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S76_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "RUPPER_N_Z" {76 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S76rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S77rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S77rtd_Clinker_id S77rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs3_Rstart_char_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S77_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Rlower_a_m" {77 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S77rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S78rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S78rtd_Clinker_id S78rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs4_Rstart_char_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S78_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Rlower_n_z" {78 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S78rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S79rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S79rtd_Clinker_id S79rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs5_Rno_and_underscore_and_hyphen_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S79_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "RNUMBERS" {79 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S79rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0}; struct S80rtd_Clinker_id{ yacco2::USINT no_entries_; yacco2::Reduce_entry reduce_entries_[1]; }; S80rtd_Clinker_id S80rt_Clinker_id = { 1 , {// start of table {(Set_tbl*)&LA1_Clinker_id,Clinker_id::rhs1_Rtail_chars_} }// end of reduce table }; yacco2::State S80_Clinker_id = //State's vectored into symbol: "Rtail_char" {80 ,0,0,0,0,0,(Reduce_tbl*)&S80rt_Clinker_id,0,0,0};