#! /bin/sh # Makefile_Edit_cweb # clean up the ctangle and cweave droppings # changed cwebmac.tex to include \input eplain instead of modifying before o2,yacco2stbl, and yacco2extn.tex # comment out #line of cweb emits # tmp=/tmp/o2 mkdir /tmp/o2 if [ ! -e "$tmp" ] then mkdir $tmp fi sed_cmd1="'-e s;^#line;//line;'" sed_cmd2="'-e s/^;$//'" for i in o2 o2_externs common_externs o2_defs # comment out line reference macros do j=$i.cpp echo "correcting cweb file: $j" eval "sed $sed_cmd1 $sed_cmd2 < $j > $tmp/$j" cp $tmp/$j $j done for i in o2 o2_externs common_externs extndefs globals # comment out line reference macros of gened headers do j=$i.h echo "correcting cweb file: $j" eval "sed $sed_cmd1 $sed_cmd2 < $j > $tmp/$j" cp $tmp/$j $j done rm -fr $tmp