\input "supp-pdf" \input "/yacco2/diagrams+etc/o2mac.tex" \IDXdoctitle{dp\_1\_idx.w}{dp\_1\_idx.w} @** Grammar symbols: Used cross reference.\fbreak Reference of each grammar's symbol used within each rule's productions. The index uses the tripple: rule name, its subrule no, and the symbol's position within the symbol string. @*2 Ra:.\fbreak Rs1 1.2\ \ Rs1 3.2\ \ \fbreak @*2 Rb:.\fbreak Ra 1.1\ \ \fbreak @*2 Rs1:.\fbreak Rs 1.1\ \ \fbreak @*2 a:.\fbreak Rs1 1.1\ \ Rs1 2.1\ \ \fbreak @*2 b:.\fbreak Rs1 3.1\ \ Rs1 4.1\ \ \fbreak @*2 c:.\fbreak Rs1 1.3\ \ Rs1 4.3\ \ \fbreak @*2 d:.\fbreak Rs1 2.3\ \ Rs1 3.3\ \ \fbreak @*2 eog:.\fbreak Rs 1.2\ \ \fbreak @*2 g:.\fbreak Rs1 2.2\ \ Rs1 4.2\ \ Rb 1.1\ \ \fbreak @** Grammar Rules's First Sets.\fbreak @*2 |Rs| \# in set: 2.\fbreak a\ \ b\ \ @*2 |Rs1| \# in set: 2.\fbreak a\ \ b\ \ @*2 |Ra| \# in set: 1.\fbreak g\ \ @*2 |Rb| \# in set: 1.\fbreak g\ \ @*2 LR State Network.\fbreak \LRstatenetwork @*3 Rs.\fbreak @.R$_{1}$ --- Rs@> \Subrulestartsymstrindent{1} Rs1\ \ eog\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 1\ \ 12\ \ 13\ \ @*3 Rs1.\fbreak @.R$_{2}$ --- Rs1@> \Subrulestartsymstrindent{1} a\ \ Ra\ \ c\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 1\ \ 2\ \ 5\ \ 6\ \ \Subrulestartsymstrindent{2} a\ \ g\ \ d\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 1\ \ 2\ \ 3\ \ 4\ \ \Subrulestartsymstrindent{3} b\ \ Ra\ \ d\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 1\ \ 7\ \ 10\ \ 11\ \ \Subrulestartsymstrindent{4} b\ \ g\ \ c\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 1\ \ 7\ \ 8\ \ 9\ \ @*3 Ra.\fbreak @.R$_{3}$ --- Ra@> \Subrulestartsymstrindent{1} Rb\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 2\ \ 14\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 7\ \ 15\ \ @*3 Rb.\fbreak @.R$_{4}$ --- Rb@> \Subrulestartsymstrindent{1} g\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 2\ \ 3\ \ \Subrulederivedstatesindent 7\ \ 8\ \ @*2 List of reducing states.\fbreak \Listofreducingstates \fbreak \Reducedstatelist {3\ShiftReduce\ \ } {4\Reduceonly\ \ } {6\Reduceonly\ \ } {8\ShiftReduce\ \ } {9\Reduceonly\ \ } {11\Reduceonly\ \ } {13\Reduceonly\ \ } {14\Reduceonly\ \ } {15\Reduceonly\ \ } @** Lr1 State's Follow sets and reducing lookahead sets.\fbreak \FollSetnotesintro \fbreak \FollSetstateno{1} \halign{ \span\FollSettemplate \FollSettitle {Rs\rulenameno{1}}& { } \cr } \FollSetreducinglocalyield eolr. \halign{ \span\FollSettemplate \FollSettitle {Rs1\rulenameno{2}}& { \FollSetcreators{1}{1}{1} } \cr } \FollSetreducinglocalyield eog. \FollSetstateno{2} \halign{ \span\FollSettemplate \FollSettitle {Ra\rulenameno{3}}& { \FollSetcreators{2}{1}{2} } \cr } \FollSetreducinglocalyield c. \halign{ \span\FollSettemplate \FollSettitle {Rb\rulenameno{4}}& { \FollSetcreators{3}{1}{1} \FollSettransition{2}{3} } \cr } \FollSetreducinglocalyield \FollSetstateno{7} \halign{ \span\FollSettemplate \FollSettitle {Ra\rulenameno{3}}& { \FollSetcreators{2}{3}{2} } \cr } \FollSetreducinglocalyield d. \halign{ \span\FollSettemplate \FollSettitle {Rb\rulenameno{4}}& { \FollSetcreators{3}{1}{1} \FollSettransition{7}{3} } \cr } \FollSetreducinglocalyield @*1 Common Follow sets.\fbreak @*2 LA set: 1.\fbreak \item{} \raggedright c. @*2 LA set: 2.\fbreak \item{} \raggedright eog. @*2 LA set: 3.\fbreak \item{} \raggedright d. @*2 LA set: 4.\fbreak \item{} \raggedright eolr. @** Index.