patch-1.3.83 linux/drivers/net/README.3c505

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.82/linux/drivers/net/README.3c505 linux/drivers/net/README.3c505
@@ -16,17 +16,21 @@
  to 1 may help. As of 3c505.c v0.8 the driver should be able to find
  out whether of not this is needed, but I'm not completely sure.
- The driver debug level. 1 is ok for most everything, 0 will provide
- less verbose bootup messages, and 2 and 3 are usually too verbose
- for anything.
+ The driver debug level.  It's probably best to leave it at 0 most of the time.
+ If you are having trouble, setting it to 1 may give you more information.
+ Any higher setting is too verbose for most purposes.
 Known problems:
- During startup the driver shows the following two messages:
- *** timeout at 3c505.c:elp_set_mc_list (line 1158) ***
- *** timeout at 3c505.c:elp_set_mc_list (line 1183) ***
- These are because upper parts of the networking code attempt
- to load multicast address lists to the adapter before the
- adapter is properly up and running.
+ The 3c505 is a slow card, mostly because of the way it talks to the host.
+ Don't expect any great performance from it.
+ I am seeing periodic "transmit timed out" and "timeout waiting for PCB
+ acknowledge" messages under high load.  I'm not sure what's causing these -
+ it seems that the 3c505 occasionally just loses a command.  They seem not to
+ be fatal, anyway.
+ There may be some initialisation problems still lurking, particularly when
+ warm-booting from DOS (ELP_NEED_HARD_RESET seems not to help).
  The driver is mainly written by Craig Southeren, email
@@ -34,3 +38,4 @@
  Parts of the driver (adapting the driver to 1.1.4+ kernels,
  IRQ/address detection, some changes) and this README by
  Juha Laiho <>.
+ Philip Blundell <> made some more changes.

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, with Sam's (original) version
of this