patch-2.0.34 linux/drivers/net/tlan.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.0.33/linux/drivers/net/tlan.h linux/drivers/net/tlan.h
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+#ifndef TLAN_H
+#define TLAN_H
+ *
+ *  Linux ThunderLAN Driver
+ *
+ *  tlan.h
+ *  by James Banks,
+ *
+ *  (C) 1997 Caldera, Inc.
+ *
+ *  This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
+ *  of the GNU Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
+ *
+ ** This file is best viewed/edited with tabstop=4, colums>=132
+ *
+ ********************************************************************/
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE <= 0x20100
+#define net_device_stats	enet_statistics
+	/*****************************************************************
+	 * TLan Definitions
+	 *
+	 ****************************************************************/
+#define FALSE				0
+#define TRUE				1
+#define TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE	1600
+#define TLAN_NUM_RX_LISTS 4
+#define TLAN_NUM_TX_LISTS 8
+#define TLAN_IGNORE	0
+#define TLAN_RECORD	1
+#define TLAN_DBG(lvl, format, args...)	if (debug&lvl) printk( format, ##args );
+#define TLAN_DEBUG_GNRL	0x0001
+#define TLAN_DEBUG_TX	0x0002
+#define TLAN_DEBUG_RX	0x0004 
+#define TLAN_DEBUG_LIST	0x0008
+	/*****************************************************************
+	 * Device Identification Definitions
+	 *
+	 ****************************************************************/
+	/* NOTE: These have been moved to pci.h, will use them
+	   eventually */
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_NETELLIGENT_10_100 0xAE32
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_NETFLEX_3P 0xF130
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_DESKPRO_4000_5233MMX 0xB011
+typedef struct tlan_pci_id {
+	u16	vendorId;
+	u16	deviceId;
+	char *deviceName;
+} TLanPciId;
+	/*****************************************************************
+	 * Rx/Tx List Definitions
+	 *
+	 ****************************************************************/
+#define TLAN_LAST_BUFFER	0x80000000
+#define TLAN_CSTAT_UNUSED	0x8000
+#define TLAN_CSTAT_FRM_CMP	0x4000
+#define TLAN_CSTAT_READY	0x3000
+#define TLAN_CSTAT_EOC		0x0800
+#define TLAN_CSTAT_RX_ERROR	0x0400
+#define TLAN_CSTAT_PASS_CRC	0x0200
+#define TLAN_CSTAT_DP_PR	0x0100
+typedef struct tlan_buffer_ref_tag {
+	u32	count;
+	u32	address;
+} TLanBufferRef;
+typedef struct tlan_list_tag {
+	u32		forward;
+	u16		cStat;
+	u16		frameSize;
+	TLanBufferRef	buffer[TLAN_BUFFERS_PER_LIST];
+} TLanList;
+typedef u8 TLanBuffer[TLAN_MAX_FRAME_SIZE];
+	/*****************************************************************
+	 * PHY definitions
+	 *
+	 ****************************************************************/
+#define TLAN_PHY_MAX_ADDR	0x1F
+#define TLAN_PHY_ACTIVITY	0x00000001
+#define TLAN_PHY_AUTONEG	0x00000002
+#define TLAN_PHY_INTS		0x00000004
+#define TLAN_PHY_BIT_RATE	0x00000008
+#define TLAN_PHY_UNMANAGED	0x00000010
+#define TLAN_PHY_INTERNAL	0x00000020
+typedef int (TLanPhyFunc)( struct device * );
+typedef struct tlan_phy_id_entry_tag {
+	u16		idHi;
+	u16		idLo;
+	TLanPhyFunc	*check;
+	TLanPhyFunc	*service;
+	u32		flags;
+} TLanPhyIdEntry;
+	/*****************************************************************
+	 * TLAN Private Information Structure
+	 *
+	 ****************************************************************/
+typedef struct tlan_private_tag {
+	struct device           *nextDevice;
+	void			*dmaStorage;
+	u8			*padBuffer;
+	TLanList                *rxList;
+	u8			*rxBuffer;
+	u32                     rxHead;
+	u32                     rxTail;
+	u32			rxEocCount;
+	TLanList                *txList;
+	u8			*txBuffer;
+	u32                     txHead;
+	u32                     txInProgress;
+	u32                     txTail;
+	u32			txBusyCount;
+	u32                     phyAddr;
+	u32                     phyEntry;
+	u32                     phyOnline;
+	u32                     phyFlags;
+	TLanPhyFunc             *phyCheck;
+	TLanPhyFunc             *phyService;
+	u32			timerSetAt;
+	u32			timerType;
+	struct timer_list	timer;
+	struct net_device_stats	stats;
+	u32                     pciEntry;
+	u8                      pciRevision;
+	u8                      pciBus;
+	u8                      pciDeviceFn;
+	u8			tlanRev;
+	char                    devName[8];
+} TLanPrivateInfo;
+	/*****************************************************************
+	 * TLan Driver Timer Definitions
+	 *
+	 ****************************************************************/
+#define TLAN_TIMER_LINK			1
+#define TLAN_TIMER_ACT			2
+	/*****************************************************************
+	 * TLan Driver Eeprom Definitions
+	 *
+	 ****************************************************************/
+#define TLAN_EEPROM_ACK		0
+	/*****************************************************************
+	 * Host Register Offsets and Contents
+	 *
+	 ****************************************************************/
+#define TLAN_HOST_CMD		0x00
+#define 	TLAN_HC_GO		0x80000000
+#define		TLAN_HC_STOP	0x40000000
+#define		TLAN_HC_ACK		0x20000000
+#define		TLAN_HC_CS_MASK 0x1FE00000
+#define		TLAN_HC_EOC		0x00100000
+#define		TLAN_HC_RT		0x00080000
+#define		TLAN_HC_NES		0x00040000
+#define		TLAN_HC_AD_RST	0x00008000
+#define		TLAN_HC_LD_TMR	0x00004000
+#define		TLAN_HC_LD_THR	0x00002000
+#define		TLAN_HC_REQ_INT	0x00001000
+#define		TLAN_HC_INT_OFF	0x00000800
+#define		TLAN_HC_INT_ON	0x00000400
+#define		TLAN_HC_AC_MASK	0x000000FF
+#define TLAN_CH_PARM		0x04
+#define TLAN_DIO_ADR		0x08
+#define		TLAN_DA_ADR_INC	0x8000
+#define		TLAN_DA_RAM_ADR	0x4000
+#define TLAN_HOST_INT		0x0A
+#define		TLAN_HI_IV_MASK	0x1FE0
+#define		TLAN_HI_IT_MASK	0x001C
+#define TLAN_DIO_DATA		0x0C
+/* ThunderLAN Internal Register DIO Offsets */
+#define TLAN_NET_CMD			0x00
+#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NRESET	0x80
+#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NWRAP	0x40
+#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_CSF	0x20
+#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_CAF	0x10
+#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_NOBRX	0x08
+#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_DUPLEX	0x04
+#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_TRFRAM	0x02
+#define		TLAN_NET_CMD_TXPACE	0x01
+#define TLAN_NET_SIO			0x01
+#define 	TLAN_NET_SIO_MINTEN	0x80
+#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_ECLOK	0x40
+#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_ETXEN	0x20
+#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_EDATA	0x10
+#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_NMRST	0x08
+#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MCLK	0x04
+#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MTXEN	0x02
+#define		TLAN_NET_SIO_MDATA	0x01
+#define TLAN_NET_STS			0x02
+#define		TLAN_NET_STS_MIRQ	0x80
+#define		TLAN_NET_STS_HBEAT	0x40
+#define		TLAN_NET_STS_TXSTOP	0x20
+#define		TLAN_NET_STS_RXSTOP 0x10
+#define		TLAN_NET_STS_RSRVD	0x0F
+#define TLAN_NET_MASK			0x03
+#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK7	0x80
+#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK6	0x40
+#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK5	0x20
+#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_MASK4	0x10
+#define		TLAN_NET_MASK_RSRVD	0x0F
+#define TLAN_NET_CONFIG			0x04
+#define 	TLAN_NET_CFG_RCLK	0x8000
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_TCLK	0x4000
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_BIT	0x2000
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_RXCRC	0x1000
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_PEF	0x0800
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_1FRAG	0x0400
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_1CHAN	0x0200
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_MTEST	0x0100
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_PHY_EN	0x0080
+#define		TLAN_NET_CFG_MSMASK	0x007F
+#define TLAN_MAN_TEST		0x06
+#define TLAN_DEF_VENDOR_ID	0x08
+#define TLAN_DEF_DEVICE_ID	0x0A
+#define TLAN_DEF_MIN_LAT	0x0E
+#define TLAN_DEF_MAX_LAT	0x0F
+#define TLAN_AREG_0			0x10
+#define TLAN_AREG_1			0x16
+#define TLAN_AREG_2			0x1C
+#define TLAN_AREG_3			0x22
+#define TLAN_HASH_1			0x28
+#define TLAN_HASH_2			0x2C
+#define TLAN_GOOD_TX_FRMS	0x30
+#define TLAN_TX_UNDERUNS	0x33
+#define TLAN_GOOD_RX_FRMS	0x34
+#define TLAN_RX_OVERRUNS	0x37
+#define TLAN_DEFERRED_TX	0x38
+#define TLAN_CRC_ERRORS		0x3A
+#define TLAN_CODE_ERRORS	0x3B
+#define TLAN_LATE_COLS		0x41
+#define TLAN_CARRIER_LOSS	0x42
+#define TLAN_ACOMMIT		0x43
+#define TLAN_LED_REG		0x44
+#define		TLAN_LED_ACT	0x10
+#define		TLAN_LED_LINK	0x01
+#define TLAN_BSIZE_REG		0x45
+#define TLAN_MAX_RX			0x46
+#define TLAN_INT_DIS			0x48
+#define		TLAN_ID_TX_EOC		0x04
+#define		TLAN_ID_RX_EOF		0x02
+#define		TLAN_ID_RX_EOC		0x01
+/* ThunderLAN Interrupt Codes */
+#define TLAN_INT_NONE			0x0000
+#define TLAN_INT_TX_EOF			0x0001
+#define TLAN_INT_STAT_OVERFLOW	0x0002
+#define TLAN_INT_RX_EOF			0x0003
+#define TLAN_INT_DUMMY			0x0004
+#define TLAN_INT_TX_EOC			0x0005
+#define TLAN_INT_STATUS_CHECK	0x0006
+#define TLAN_INT_RX_EOC			0x0007
+/* ThunderLAN MII Registers */
+/* Generic MII/PHY Registers */
+#define MII_GEN_CTL				0x00
+#define 	MII_GC_RESET		0x8000
+#define		MII_GC_LOOPBK		0x4000
+#define		MII_GC_SPEEDSEL		0x2000
+#define		MII_GC_AUTOENB		0x1000
+#define		MII_GC_PDOWN		0x0800
+#define		MII_GC_ISOLATE		0x0400
+#define		MII_GC_AUTORSRT		0x0200
+#define		MII_GC_DUPLEX		0x0100
+#define		MII_GC_COLTEST		0x0080
+#define		MII_GC_RESERVED		0x007F
+#define MII_GEN_STS				0x01
+#define		MII_GS_100BT4		0x8000
+#define		MII_GS_100BTXFD		0x4000
+#define		MII_GS_100BTXHD		0x2000
+#define		MII_GS_10BTFD		0x1000
+#define		MII_GS_10BTHD		0x0800
+#define		MII_GS_RESERVED		0x07C0
+#define		MII_GS_AUTOCMPLT	0x0020
+#define		MII_GS_RFLT			0x0010
+#define		MII_GS_AUTONEG		0x0008
+#define		MII_GS_LINK			0x0004
+#define		MII_GS_JABBER		0x0002
+#define		MII_GS_EXTCAP		0x0001
+#define MII_GEN_ID_HI			0x02
+#define MII_GEN_ID_LO			0x03
+#define 	MII_GIL_OUI			0xFC00
+#define 	MII_GIL_MODEL		0x03F0
+#define 	MII_GIL_REVISION	0x000F
+#define MII_AN_ADV				0x04
+#define MII_AN_LPA				0x05
+#define MII_AN_EXP				0x06
+/* ThunderLAN Specific MII/PHY Registers */
+#define TLAN_TLPHY_ID			0x10
+#define TLAN_TLPHY_CTL			0x11
+#define 	TLAN_TC_IGLINK		0x8000
+#define		TLAN_TC_SWAPOL		0x4000
+#define		TLAN_TC_AUISEL		0x2000
+#define		TLAN_TC_SQEEN		0x1000
+#define		TLAN_TC_MTEST		0x0800
+#define		TLAN_TC_RESERVED	0x07F8
+#define		TLAN_TC_NFEW		0x0004
+#define		TLAN_TC_INTEN		0x0002
+#define		TLAN_TC_TINT		0x0001
+#define TLAN_TLPHY_STS			0x12
+#define		TLAN_TS_MINT		0x8000
+#define		TLAN_TS_PHOK		0x4000
+#define		TLAN_TS_POLOK		0x2000
+#define		TLAN_TS_TPENERGY	0x1000
+/* Routines to access internal registers. */
+inline u8 TLan_DioRead8(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr)
+	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
+	return (inb((base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA) + (internal_addr & 0x3)));
+} /* TLan_DioRead8 */
+inline u16 TLan_DioRead16(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr)
+	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
+	return (inw((base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA) + (internal_addr & 0x2)));
+} /* TLan_DioRead16 */
+inline u32 TLan_DioRead32(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr)
+	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
+	return (inl(base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA));
+} /* TLan_DioRead32 */
+inline void TLan_DioWrite8(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr, u8 data)
+	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
+	outb(data, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + (internal_addr & 0x3));
+inline void TLan_DioWrite16(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr, u16 data)
+	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
+	outw(data, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + (internal_addr & 0x2));
+inline void TLan_DioWrite32(u16 base_addr, u16 internal_addr, u32 data)
+	outw(internal_addr, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_ADR);
+	outl(data, base_addr + TLAN_DIO_DATA + (internal_addr & 0x2));
+inline void TLan_ClearBit(u8 bit, u16 port)
+	outb_p(inb_p(port) & ~bit, port);
+inline int TLan_GetBit(u8 bit, u16 port)
+	return ((int) (inb_p(port) & bit));
+inline void TLan_SetBit(u8 bit, u16 port)
+	outb_p(inb_p(port) | bit, port);
+inline	u32	xor( u32 a, u32 b )
+	return ( ( a && ! b ) || ( ! a && b ) );
+#define XOR8( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h )	xor( a, xor( b, xor( c, xor( d, xor( e, xor( f, xor( g, h ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+#define DA( a, bit )					( ( (u8) a[bit/8] ) & ( (u8) ( 1 << bit%8 ) ) )
+inline u32 TLan_HashFunc( u8 *a )
+	u32	hash;
+	hash  = XOR8( DA(a,0), DA(a, 6), DA(a,12), DA(a,18), DA(a,24), DA(a,30), DA(a,36), DA(a,42) );
+	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,1), DA(a, 7), DA(a,13), DA(a,19), DA(a,25), DA(a,31), DA(a,37), DA(a,43) ) << 1;
+	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,2), DA(a, 8), DA(a,14), DA(a,20), DA(a,26), DA(a,32), DA(a,38), DA(a,44) ) << 2;
+	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,3), DA(a, 9), DA(a,15), DA(a,21), DA(a,27), DA(a,33), DA(a,39), DA(a,45) ) << 3;
+	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,4), DA(a,10), DA(a,16), DA(a,22), DA(a,28), DA(a,34), DA(a,40), DA(a,46) ) << 4;
+	hash |= XOR8( DA(a,5), DA(a,11), DA(a,17), DA(a,23), DA(a,29), DA(a,35), DA(a,41), DA(a,47) ) << 5;
+	return hash;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,