patch-2.1.67 linux/drivers/sound/mpu401.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.66/linux/drivers/sound/mpu401.c linux/drivers/sound/mpu401.c
@@ -11,88 +11,89 @@
  * for more info.
 #include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
 #include "sound_config.h"
+#include "soundmodule.h"
-#if (defined(CONFIG_MPU401) || defined(CONFIG_MPU_EMU)) && defined(CONFIG_MIDI)
+#if (defined(CONFIG_MPU401) || defined(CONFIG_MPU_EMU)) && defined(CONFIG_MIDI) || defined(MODULE)
 #include "coproc.h"
+#if defined(CONFIG_SEQUENCER) || defined(MODULE)
 static int      timer_mode = TMR_INTERNAL, timer_caps = TMR_INTERNAL;
 struct mpu_config
-    int             base;	/*
+	  int             base;	/*
 				 * I/O base
-    int             irq;
-    int             opened;	/*
-				 * Open mode
-				 */
-    int             devno;
-    int             synthno;
-    int             uart_mode;
-    int             initialized;
-    int             mode;
+	  int             irq;
+	  int             opened;	/*
+					 * Open mode
+					 */
+	  int             devno;
+	  int             synthno;
+	  int             uart_mode;
+	  int             initialized;
+	  int             mode;
 #define MODE_MIDI	1
 #define MODE_SYNTH	2
-    unsigned char   version, revision;
-    unsigned int    capabilities;
+	  unsigned char   version, revision;
+	  unsigned int    capabilities;
 #define MPU_CAP_INTLG	0x10000000
 #define MPU_CAP_SYNC	0x00000010
 #define MPU_CAP_FSK	0x00000020
 #define MPU_CAP_CLS	0x00000040
 #define MPU_CAP_SMPTE 	0x00000080
 #define MPU_CAP_2PORT	0x00000001
-    int             timer_flag;
+	  int             timer_flag;
 #define MBUF_MAX	10
 #define BUFTEST(dc) if (dc->m_ptr >= MBUF_MAX || dc->m_ptr < 0) \
 	{printk( "MPU: Invalid buffer pointer %d/%d, s=%d\n",  dc->m_ptr,  dc->m_left,  dc->m_state);dc->m_ptr--;}
-    int             m_busy;
-    unsigned char   m_buf[MBUF_MAX];
-    int             m_ptr;
-    int             m_state;
-    int             m_left;
-    unsigned char   last_status;
-    void            (*inputintr) (int dev, unsigned char data);
-    int             shared_irq;
-    int            *osp;
+	  int             m_busy;
+	  unsigned char   m_buf[MBUF_MAX];
+	  int             m_ptr;
+	  int             m_state;
+	  int             m_left;
+	  unsigned char   last_status;
+	  void            (*inputintr) (int dev, unsigned char data);
+	  int             shared_irq;
+	  int            *osp;
 #define	DATAPORT(base)   (base)
 #define	COMDPORT(base)   (base+1)
 #define	STATPORT(base)   (base+1)
-static int 
-mpu401_status (struct mpu_config *devc)
+static int
+mpu401_status(struct mpu_config *devc)
-  return inb (STATPORT (devc->base));
+	return inb(STATPORT(devc->base));
 #define input_avail(devc)		(!(mpu401_status(devc)&INPUT_AVAIL))
 #define output_ready(devc)		(!(mpu401_status(devc)&OUTPUT_READY))
-static void 
-write_command (struct mpu_config *devc, unsigned char cmd)
+static void
+write_command(struct mpu_config *devc, unsigned char cmd)
-  outb ((cmd), COMDPORT (devc->base));
+	outb((cmd), COMDPORT(devc->base));
-static int 
-read_data (struct mpu_config *devc)
+static int
+read_data(struct mpu_config *devc)
-  return inb (DATAPORT (devc->base));
+	return inb(DATAPORT(devc->base));
-static void 
-write_data (struct mpu_config *devc, unsigned char byte)
+static void
+write_data(struct mpu_config *devc, unsigned char byte)
-  outb ((byte), DATAPORT (devc->base));
+	outb((byte), DATAPORT(devc->base));
 #define	OUTPUT_READY	0x40
@@ -103,19 +104,19 @@
 static struct mpu_config dev_conf[MAX_MIDI_DEV] =
-  {0}};
+	{0}};
 static int      n_mpu_devs = 0;
 static volatile int irq2dev[17] =
 {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-static int      reset_mpu401 (struct mpu_config *devc);
-static void     set_uart_mode (int dev, struct mpu_config *devc, int arg);
+static int      reset_mpu401(struct mpu_config *devc);
+static void     set_uart_mode(int dev, struct mpu_config *devc, int arg);
-static void     mpu_timer_init (int midi_dev);
-static void     mpu_timer_interrupt (void);
-static void     timer_ext_event (struct mpu_config *devc, int event, int parm);
+static int      mpu_timer_init(int midi_dev);
+static void     mpu_timer_interrupt(void);
+static void     timer_ext_event(struct mpu_config *devc, int event, int parm);
 static struct synth_info mpu_synth_info_proto =
 {"MPU-401 MIDI interface", 0, SYNTH_TYPE_MIDI, MIDI_TYPE_MPU401, 0, 128, 0, 128, SYNTH_CAP_INPUT};
@@ -139,17 +140,17 @@
 static unsigned char len_tab[] =	/* # of data bytes following a status
-  2,				/* 8x */
-  2,				/* 9x */
-  2,				/* Ax */
-  2,				/* Bx */
-  1,				/* Cx */
-  1,				/* Dx */
-  2,				/* Ex */
-  0				/* Fx */
+	2,			/* 8x */
+	2,			/* 9x */
+	2,			/* Ax */
+	2,			/* Bx */
+	1,			/* Cx */
+	1,			/* Dx */
+	2,			/* Ex */
+	0			/* Fx */
+#if !defined(CONFIG_SEQUENCER) && !defined(MODULE)
 #define STORE(cmd)
 #define STORE(cmd) \
@@ -166,779 +167,750 @@
 #define _SEQ_ADVBUF(x) len=x
 static int
-mpu_input_scanner (struct mpu_config *devc, unsigned char midic)
+mpu_input_scanner(struct mpu_config *devc, unsigned char midic)
-  switch (devc->m_state)
-    {
-    case ST_INIT:
-      switch (midic)
-	{
-	case 0xf8:
-	  /* Timer overflow */
-	  break;
-	case 0xfc:
-	  printk ("<all end>");
-	  break;
-	case 0xfd:
-	  if (devc->timer_flag)
-	    mpu_timer_interrupt ();
-	  break;
-	case 0xfe:
-	  return MPU_ACK;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf0:
-	case 0xf1:
-	case 0xf2:
-	case 0xf3:
-	case 0xf4:
-	case 0xf5:
-	case 0xf6:
-	case 0xf7:
-	  printk ("<Trk data rq #%d>", midic & 0x0f);
-	  break;
-	case 0xf9:
-	  printk ("<conductor rq>");
-	  break;
-	case 0xff:
-	  devc->m_state = ST_SYSMSG;
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  if (midic <= 0xef)
-	    {
-	      /* printk( "mpu time: %d ",  midic); */
-	      devc->m_state = ST_TIMED;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    printk ("<MPU: Unknown event %02x> ", midic);
-	}
-      break;
-    case ST_TIMED:
-      {
-	int             msg = ((int) (midic & 0xf0) >> 4);
-	devc->m_state = ST_DATABYTE;
-	if (msg < 8)		/* Data byte */
+	switch (devc->m_state)
-	    /* printk( "midi msg (running status) "); */
-	    msg = ((int) (devc->last_status & 0xf0) >> 4);
-	    msg -= 8;
-	    devc->m_left = len_tab[msg] - 1;
-	    devc->m_ptr = 2;
-	    devc->m_buf[0] = devc->last_status;
-	    devc->m_buf[1] = midic;
-	    if (devc->m_left <= 0)
-	      {
-		devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-		do_midi_msg (devc->synthno, devc->m_buf, devc->m_ptr);
-		devc->m_ptr = 0;
-	      }
+	  case ST_INIT:
+		  switch (midic)
+		    {
+		    case 0xf8:
+			    /* Timer overflow */
+			    break;
+		    case 0xfc:
+			    printk("<all end>");
+			    break;
+		    case 0xfd:
+			    if (devc->timer_flag)
+				    mpu_timer_interrupt();
+			    break;
+		    case 0xfe:
+			    return MPU_ACK;
+			    break;
+		    case 0xf0:
+		    case 0xf1:
+		    case 0xf2:
+		    case 0xf3:
+		    case 0xf4:
+		    case 0xf5:
+		    case 0xf6:
+		    case 0xf7:
+			    printk("<Trk data rq #%d>", midic & 0x0f);
+			    break;
+		    case 0xf9:
+			    printk("<conductor rq>");
+			    break;
+		    case 0xff:
+			    devc->m_state = ST_SYSMSG;
+			    break;
+		    default:
+			    if (midic <= 0xef)
+			      {
+				      /* printk( "mpu time: %d ",  midic); */
+				      devc->m_state = ST_TIMED;
+			    } else
+				    printk("<MPU: Unknown event %02x> ", midic);
+		    }
+		  break;
+	  case ST_TIMED:
+		  {
+			  int             msg = ((int) (midic & 0xf0) >> 4);
+			  devc->m_state = ST_DATABYTE;
+			  if (msg < 8)	/* Data byte */
+			    {
+				    /* printk( "midi msg (running status) "); */
+				    msg = ((int) (devc->last_status & 0xf0) >> 4);
+				    msg -= 8;
+				    devc->m_left = len_tab[msg] - 1;
+				    devc->m_ptr = 2;
+				    devc->m_buf[0] = devc->last_status;
+				    devc->m_buf[1] = midic;
+				    if (devc->m_left <= 0)
+				      {
+					      devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+					      do_midi_msg(devc->synthno, devc->m_buf, devc->m_ptr);
+					      devc->m_ptr = 0;
+				      }
+			  } else if (msg == 0xf)	/* MPU MARK */
+			    {
+				    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+				    switch (midic)
+				      {
+				      case 0xf8:
+					      /* printk( "NOP "); */
+					      break;
+				      case 0xf9:
+					      /* printk( "meas end "); */
+					      break;
+				      case 0xfc:
+					      /* printk( "data end "); */
+					      break;
+				      default:
+					      printk("Unknown MPU mark %02x\n", midic);
+				      }
+			  } else
+			    {
+				    devc->last_status = midic;
+				    /* printk( "midi msg "); */
+				    msg -= 8;
+				    devc->m_left = len_tab[msg];
+				    devc->m_ptr = 1;
+				    devc->m_buf[0] = midic;
+				    if (devc->m_left <= 0)
+				      {
+					      devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+					      do_midi_msg(devc->synthno, devc->m_buf, devc->m_ptr);
+					      devc->m_ptr = 0;
+				      }
+			    }
+		  }
+		  break;
+	  case ST_SYSMSG:
+		  switch (midic)
+		    {
+		    case 0xf0:
+			    printk("<SYX>");
+			    devc->m_state = ST_SYSEX;
+			    break;
+		    case 0xf1:
+			    devc->m_state = ST_MTC;
+			    break;
+		    case 0xf2:
+			    devc->m_state = ST_SONGPOS;
+			    devc->m_ptr = 0;
+			    break;
+		    case 0xf3:
+			    devc->m_state = ST_SONGSEL;
+			    break;
+		    case 0xf6:
+			    /* printk( "tune_request\n"); */
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    /*
+			       *    Real time messages
+			     */
+		    case 0xf8:
+			    /* midi clock */
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    timer_ext_event(devc, TMR_CLOCK, 0);
+			    break;
+		    case 0xfA:
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    timer_ext_event(devc, TMR_START, 0);
+			    break;
+		    case 0xFB:
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    timer_ext_event(devc, TMR_CONTINUE, 0);
+			    break;
+		    case 0xFC:
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    timer_ext_event(devc, TMR_STOP, 0);
+			    break;
+		    case 0xFE:
+			    /* active sensing */
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    break;
+		    case 0xff:
+			    /* printk( "midi hard reset"); */
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    break;
+		    default:
+			    printk("unknown MIDI sysmsg %0x\n", midic);
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+		    }
+		  break;
+	  case ST_MTC:
+		  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+		  printk("MTC frame %x02\n", midic);
+		  break;
+	  case ST_SYSEX:
+		  if (midic == 0xf7)
+		    {
+			    printk("<EOX>");
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+		  } else
+			  printk("%02x ", midic);
+		  break;
+	  case ST_SONGPOS:
+		  BUFTEST(devc);
+		  devc->m_buf[devc->m_ptr++] = midic;
+		  if (devc->m_ptr == 2)
+		    {
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    devc->m_ptr = 0;
+			    timer_ext_event(devc, TMR_SPP,
+					 ((devc->m_buf[1] & 0x7f) << 7) |
+					    (devc->m_buf[0] & 0x7f));
+		    }
+		  break;
+	  case ST_DATABYTE:
+		  BUFTEST(devc);
+		  devc->m_buf[devc->m_ptr++] = midic;
+		  if ((--devc->m_left) <= 0)
+		    {
+			    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+			    do_midi_msg(devc->synthno, devc->m_buf, devc->m_ptr);
+			    devc->m_ptr = 0;
+		    }
+		  break;
+	  default:
+		  printk("Bad state %d ", devc->m_state);
+		  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	else if (msg == 0xf)	/* MPU MARK */
-	  {
-	    devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	    switch (midic)
-	      {
-	      case 0xf8:
-		/* printk( "NOP "); */
-		break;
-	      case 0xf9:
-		/* printk( "meas end "); */
-		break;
-	      case 0xfc:
-		/* printk( "data end "); */
-		break;
-	      default:
-		printk ("Unknown MPU mark %02x\n", midic);
-	      }
-	  }
-	else
-	  {
-	    devc->last_status = midic;
-	    /* printk( "midi msg "); */
-	    msg -= 8;
-	    devc->m_left = len_tab[msg];
-	    devc->m_ptr = 1;
-	    devc->m_buf[0] = midic;
-	    if (devc->m_left <= 0)
-	      {
-		devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-		do_midi_msg (devc->synthno, devc->m_buf, devc->m_ptr);
-		devc->m_ptr = 0;
-	      }
-	  }
-      }
-      break;
-    case ST_SYSMSG:
-      switch (midic)
-	{
-	case 0xf0:
-	  printk ("<SYX>");
-	  devc->m_state = ST_SYSEX;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf1:
-	  devc->m_state = ST_MTC;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf2:
-	  devc->m_state = ST_SONGPOS;
-	  devc->m_ptr = 0;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf3:
-	  devc->m_state = ST_SONGSEL;
-	  break;
-	case 0xf6:
-	  /* printk( "tune_request\n"); */
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  /*
-	     *    Real time messages
-	   */
-	case 0xf8:
-	  /* midi clock */
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  timer_ext_event (devc, TMR_CLOCK, 0);
-	  break;
-	case 0xfA:
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  timer_ext_event (devc, TMR_START, 0);
-	  break;
-	case 0xFB:
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  timer_ext_event (devc, TMR_CONTINUE, 0);
-	  break;
-	case 0xFC:
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  timer_ext_event (devc, TMR_STOP, 0);
-	  break;
-	case 0xFE:
-	  /* active sensing */
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  break;
-	case 0xff:
-	  /* printk( "midi hard reset"); */
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  printk ("unknown MIDI sysmsg %0x\n", midic);
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	}
-      break;
-    case ST_MTC:
-      devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-      printk ("MTC frame %x02\n", midic);
-      break;
-    case ST_SYSEX:
-      if (midic == 0xf7)
-	{
-	  printk ("<EOX>");
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	}
-      else
-	printk ("%02x ", midic);
-      break;
-    case ST_SONGPOS:
-      BUFTEST (devc);
-      devc->m_buf[devc->m_ptr++] = midic;
-      if (devc->m_ptr == 2)
-	{
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  devc->m_ptr = 0;
-	  timer_ext_event (devc, TMR_SPP,
-			   ((devc->m_buf[1] & 0x7f) << 7) |
-			   (devc->m_buf[0] & 0x7f));
-	}
-      break;
-    case ST_DATABYTE:
-      BUFTEST (devc);
-      devc->m_buf[devc->m_ptr++] = midic;
-      if ((--devc->m_left) <= 0)
-	{
-	  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-	  do_midi_msg (devc->synthno, devc->m_buf, devc->m_ptr);
-	  devc->m_ptr = 0;
-	}
-      break;
-    default:
-      printk ("Bad state %d ", devc->m_state);
-      devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-    }
-  return 1;
+	return 1;
 static void
-mpu401_input_loop (struct mpu_config *devc)
+mpu401_input_loop(struct mpu_config *devc)
-  unsigned long   flags;
-  int             busy;
-  int             n;
+	unsigned long   flags;
+	int             busy;
+	int             n;
-  save_flags (flags);
-  cli ();
-  busy = devc->m_busy;
-  devc->m_busy = 1;
-  restore_flags (flags);
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+	busy = devc->m_busy;
+	devc->m_busy = 1;
+	restore_flags(flags);
-  if (busy)			/* Already inside the scanner */
-    return;
+	if (busy)		/* Already inside the scanner */
+		return;
-  n = 50;
+	n = 50;
-  while (input_avail (devc) && n-- > 0)
-    {
-      unsigned char   c = read_data (devc);
+	while (input_avail(devc) && n-- > 0)
+	  {
+		  unsigned char   c = read_data(devc);
-      if (devc->mode == MODE_SYNTH)
-	{
-	  mpu_input_scanner (devc, c);
-	}
-      else if (devc->opened & OPEN_READ && devc->inputintr != NULL)
-	devc->inputintr (devc->devno, c);
-    }
+		  if (devc->mode == MODE_SYNTH)
+		    {
+			    mpu_input_scanner(devc, c);
+		  } else if (devc->opened & OPEN_READ && devc->inputintr != NULL)
+			  devc->inputintr(devc->devno, c);
+	  }
-  devc->m_busy = 0;
+	devc->m_busy = 0;
-mpuintr (int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *dummy)
+mpuintr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *dummy)
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
-  int             dev;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int             dev;
-  sti ();
+	sti();
  * FreeBSD (and some others) pass unit number to the interrupt handler.
  * In this case we have to scan the table for first handler.
-  if (irq < 1 || irq > 15)
-    {
-      dev = -1;
-    }
-  else
-    dev = irq2dev[irq];
-  if (dev == -1)
-    {
-      int             origirq = irq;
-      for (irq = 0; irq <= 16; irq++)
-	if (irq2dev[irq] != -1)
-	  break;
-      if (irq > 15)
-	{
-	  printk ("MPU-401: Bogus interrupt #%d?\n", origirq);
-	  return;
-	}
-      dev = irq2dev[irq];
-      devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-    }
-  else
-    devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-  if (input_avail (devc))
-    if (devc->base != 0 && (devc->opened & OPEN_READ || devc->mode == MODE_SYNTH))
-      mpu401_input_loop (devc);
-    else
-      {
-	/* Dummy read (just to acknowledge the interrupt) */
-	read_data (devc);
-      }
+	if (irq < 1 || irq > 15)
+	  {
+		  dev = -1;
+	} else
+		dev = irq2dev[irq];
+	if (dev == -1)
+	  {
+		  int             origirq = irq;
+		  for (irq = 0; irq <= 16; irq++)
+			  if (irq2dev[irq] != -1)
+				  break;
+		  if (irq > 15)
+		    {
+			    printk("MPU-401: Bogus interrupt #%d?\n", origirq);
+			    return;
+		    }
+		  dev = irq2dev[irq];
+		  devc = &dev_conf[dev];
+	} else
+		devc = &dev_conf[dev];
+	if (input_avail(devc))
+		if (devc->base != 0 && (devc->opened & OPEN_READ || devc->mode == MODE_SYNTH))
+			mpu401_input_loop(devc);
+		else
+		  {
+			  /* Dummy read (just to acknowledge the interrupt) */
+			  read_data(devc);
+		  }
 static int
-mpu401_open (int dev, int mode,
-	     void            (*input) (int dev, unsigned char data),
-	     void            (*output) (int dev)
+mpu401_open(int dev, int mode,
+	    void            (*input) (int dev, unsigned char data),
+	    void            (*output) (int dev)
-  int             err;
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int             err;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
-  if (dev < 0 || dev >= num_midis)
-    return -ENXIO;
-  devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-  if (devc->opened)
-    {
-      printk ("MPU-401: Midi busy\n");
-      return -EBUSY;
-    }
-  /*
-     *  Verify that the device is really running.
-     *  Some devices (such as Ensoniq SoundScape don't
-     *  work before the on board processor (OBP) is initialized
-     *  by downloading its microcode.
-   */
-  if (!devc->initialized)
-    {
-      if (mpu401_status (devc) == 0xff)		/* Bus float */
-	{
-	  printk ("MPU-401: Device not initialized properly\n");
-	  return -EIO;
-	}
-      reset_mpu401 (devc);
-    }
+	if (dev < 0 || dev >= num_midis || midi_devs[dev] == NULL)
+		return -ENXIO;
-  irq2dev[devc->irq] = dev;
+	devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-  if (midi_devs[dev]->coproc)
-    if ((err = midi_devs[dev]->coproc->
-	 open (midi_devs[dev]->coproc->devc, COPR_MIDI)) < 0)
-      {
-	printk ("MPU-401: Can't access coprocessor device\n");
+	if (devc->opened)
+	  {
+		  printk("MPU-401: Midi busy\n");
+		  return -EBUSY;
+	  }
+	/*
+	   *  Verify that the device is really running.
+	   *  Some devices (such as Ensoniq SoundScape don't
+	   *  work before the on board processor (OBP) is initialized
+	   *  by downloading its microcode.
+	 */
-	return err;
-      }
+	if (!devc->initialized)
+	  {
+		  if (mpu401_status(devc) == 0xff)	/* Bus float */
+		    {
+			    printk("MPU-401: Device not initialized properly\n");
+			    return -EIO;
+		    }
+		  reset_mpu401(devc);
+	  }
+	irq2dev[devc->irq] = dev;
-  set_uart_mode (dev, devc, 1);
-  devc->mode = MODE_MIDI;
-  devc->synthno = 0;
+	if (midi_devs[dev]->coproc)
+		if ((err = midi_devs[dev]->coproc->
+		     open(midi_devs[dev]->coproc->devc, COPR_MIDI)) < 0)
+		  {
+			  printk("MPU-401: Can't access coprocessor device\n");
+			  return err;
+		  }
+	set_uart_mode(dev, devc, 1);
+	devc->mode = MODE_MIDI;
+	devc->synthno = 0;
-  mpu401_input_loop (devc);
+	mpu401_input_loop(devc);
-  devc->inputintr = input;
-  devc->opened = mode;
+	devc->inputintr = input;
+	devc->opened = mode;
-  return 0;
+	return 0;
 static void
-mpu401_close (int dev)
+mpu401_close(int dev)
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
-  devc = &dev_conf[dev];
+	devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-  if (devc->uart_mode)
-    reset_mpu401 (devc);	/*
-				 * This disables the UART mode
-				 */
-  devc->mode = 0;
+	if (devc->uart_mode)
+		reset_mpu401(devc);	/*
+					 * This disables the UART mode
+					 */
+	devc->mode = 0;
-  devc->inputintr = NULL;
+	devc->inputintr = NULL;
-  if (midi_devs[dev]->coproc)
-    midi_devs[dev]->coproc->close (midi_devs[dev]->coproc->devc, COPR_MIDI);
-  devc->opened = 0;
+	if (midi_devs[dev]->coproc)
+		midi_devs[dev]->coproc->close(midi_devs[dev]->coproc->devc, COPR_MIDI);
+	devc->opened = 0;
 static int
-mpu401_out (int dev, unsigned char midi_byte)
+mpu401_out(int dev, unsigned char midi_byte)
-  int             timeout;
-  unsigned long   flags;
+	int             timeout;
+	unsigned long   flags;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
+	devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-  devc = &dev_conf[dev];
+	/*
+	 * Sometimes it takes about 30000 loops before the output becomes ready
+	 * (After reset). Normally it takes just about 10 loops.
+	 */
-  /*
-   * Sometimes it takes about 30000 loops before the output becomes ready
-   * (After reset). Normally it takes just about 10 loops.
-   */
-  for (timeout = 30000; timeout > 0 && !output_ready (devc); timeout--);
-  save_flags (flags);
-  cli ();
-  if (!output_ready (devc))
-    {
-      printk ("MPU-401: Send data timeout\n");
-      restore_flags (flags);
-      return 0;
-    }
-  write_data (devc, midi_byte);
-  restore_flags (flags);
-  return 1;
+	for (timeout = 30000; timeout > 0 && !output_ready(devc); timeout--);
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+	if (!output_ready(devc))
+	  {
+		  printk("MPU-401: Send data timeout\n");
+		  restore_flags(flags);
+		  return 0;
+	  }
+	write_data(devc, midi_byte);
+	restore_flags(flags);
+	return 1;
 static int
-mpu401_command (int dev, mpu_command_rec * cmd)
+mpu401_command(int dev, mpu_command_rec * cmd)
-  int             i, timeout, ok;
-  int             ret = 0;
-  unsigned long   flags;
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int             i, timeout, ok;
+	int             ret = 0;
+	unsigned long   flags;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
-  devc = &dev_conf[dev];
+	devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-  if (devc->uart_mode)		/*
+	if (devc->uart_mode)	/*
 				 * Not possible in UART mode
-    {
-      printk ("MPU-401 commands not possible in the UART mode\n");
-      return -EINVAL;
-    }
-  /*
-   * Test for input since pending input seems to block the output.
-   */
-  if (input_avail (devc))
-    mpu401_input_loop (devc);
-  /*
-   * Sometimes it takes about 50000 loops before the output becomes ready
-   * (After reset). Normally it takes just about 10 loops.
-   */
-  timeout = 50000;
-  if (timeout-- <= 0)
-    {
-      printk ("MPU-401: Command (0x%x) timeout\n", (int) cmd->cmd);
-      return -EIO;
-    }
-  save_flags (flags);
-  cli ();
-  if (!output_ready (devc))
-    {
-      restore_flags (flags);
-      goto retry;
-    }
-  write_command (devc, cmd->cmd);
-  ok = 0;
-  for (timeout = 50000; timeout > 0 && !ok; timeout--)
-    if (input_avail (devc))
-      {
-	if (devc->opened && devc->mode == MODE_SYNTH)
-	    if (mpu_input_scanner (devc, read_data (devc)) == MPU_ACK)
-	      ok = 1;
+		  printk("MPU-401 commands not possible in the UART mode\n");
+		  return -EINVAL;
-	else
-	  {			/* Device is not currently open. Use simpler method */
-	    if (read_data (devc) == MPU_ACK)
-	      ok = 1;
-	  }
-      }
-  if (!ok)
-    {
-      restore_flags (flags);
-      /*       printk( "MPU: No ACK to command (0x%x)\n",  (int) cmd->cmd); */
-      return -EIO;
-    }
-  if (cmd->nr_args)
-    for (i = 0; i < cmd->nr_args; i++)
-      {
-	for (timeout = 3000; timeout > 0 && !output_ready (devc); timeout--);
-	if (!mpu401_out (dev, cmd->data[i]))
-	  {
-	    restore_flags (flags);
-	    printk ("MPU: Command (0x%x), parm send failed.\n", (int) cmd->cmd);
-	    return -EIO;
-	  }
-      }
-  ret = 0;
-  cmd->data[0] = 0;
-  if (cmd->nr_returns)
-    for (i = 0; i < cmd->nr_returns; i++)
-      {
-	ok = 0;
-	for (timeout = 5000; timeout > 0 && !ok; timeout--)
-	  if (input_avail (devc))
-	    {
-	      cmd->data[i] = read_data (devc);
-	      ok = 1;
-	    }
+	/*
+	 * Test for input since pending input seems to block the output.
+	 */
+	if (input_avail(devc))
+		mpu401_input_loop(devc);
+	/*
+	 * Sometimes it takes about 50000 loops before the output becomes ready
+	 * (After reset). Normally it takes just about 10 loops.
+	 */
+	timeout = 50000;
+      retry:
+	if (timeout-- <= 0)
+	  {
+		  printk("MPU-401: Command (0x%x) timeout\n", (int) cmd->cmd);
+		  return -EIO;
+	  }
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
-	if (!ok)
+	if (!output_ready(devc))
-	    restore_flags (flags);
-	    /* printk( "MPU: No response(%d) to command (0x%x)\n",  i,  (int) cmd->cmd);  */
-	    return -EIO;
+		  restore_flags(flags);
+		  goto retry;
-      }
+	write_command(devc, cmd->cmd);
-  restore_flags (flags);
+	ok = 0;
+	for (timeout = 50000; timeout > 0 && !ok; timeout--)
+		if (input_avail(devc))
+		  {
+			  if (devc->opened && devc->mode == MODE_SYNTH)
+			    {
+				    if (mpu_input_scanner(devc, read_data(devc)) == MPU_ACK)
+					    ok = 1;
+			  } else
+			    {	/* Device is not currently open. Use simpler method */
+				    if (read_data(devc) == MPU_ACK)
+					    ok = 1;
+			    }
+		  }
+	if (!ok)
+	  {
+		  restore_flags(flags);
+		  /*       printk( "MPU: No ACK to command (0x%x)\n",  (int) cmd->cmd); */
+		  return -EIO;
+	  }
+	if (cmd->nr_args)
+		for (i = 0; i < cmd->nr_args; i++)
+		  {
+			  for (timeout = 3000; timeout > 0 && !output_ready(devc); timeout--);
+			  if (!mpu401_out(dev, cmd->data[i]))
+			    {
+				    restore_flags(flags);
+				    printk("MPU: Command (0x%x), parm send failed.\n", (int) cmd->cmd);
+				    return -EIO;
+			    }
+		  }
+	ret = 0;
+	cmd->data[0] = 0;
+	if (cmd->nr_returns)
+		for (i = 0; i < cmd->nr_returns; i++)
+		  {
+			  ok = 0;
+			  for (timeout = 5000; timeout > 0 && !ok; timeout--)
+				  if (input_avail(devc))
+				    {
+					    cmd->data[i] = read_data(devc);
+					    ok = 1;
+				    }
+			  if (!ok)
+			    {
+				    restore_flags(flags);
+				    /* printk( "MPU: No response(%d) to command (0x%x)\n",  i,  (int) cmd->cmd);  */
+				    return -EIO;
+			    }
+		  }
+	restore_flags(flags);
-  return ret;
+	return ret;
 static int
-mpu_cmd (int dev, int cmd, int data)
+mpu_cmd(int dev, int cmd, int data)
-  int             ret;
+	int             ret;
-  static mpu_command_rec rec;
+	static mpu_command_rec rec;
-  rec.cmd = cmd & 0xff;
-  rec.nr_args = ((cmd & 0xf0) == 0xE0);
-  rec.nr_returns = ((cmd & 0xf0) == 0xA0);
-[0] = data & 0xff;
-  if ((ret = mpu401_command (dev, &rec)) < 0)
-    {
-      return ret;
-    }
-  return (unsigned char)[0];
+	rec.cmd = cmd & 0xff;
+	rec.nr_args = ((cmd & 0xf0) == 0xE0);
+	rec.nr_returns = ((cmd & 0xf0) == 0xA0);
+[0] = data & 0xff;
+	if ((ret = mpu401_command(dev, &rec)) < 0)
+	  {
+		  return ret;
+	  }
+	return (unsigned char)[0];
 static int
-mpu401_prefix_cmd (int dev, unsigned char status)
+mpu401_prefix_cmd(int dev, unsigned char status)
-  struct mpu_config *devc = &dev_conf[dev];
+	struct mpu_config *devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-  if (devc->uart_mode)
-    return 1;
+	if (devc->uart_mode)
+		return 1;
-  if (status < 0xf0)
-    {
-      if (mpu_cmd (dev, 0xD0, 0) < 0)
-	{
-	  return 0;
-	}
-      return 1;
-    }
-  switch (status)
-    {
-    case 0xF0:
-      if (mpu_cmd (dev, 0xDF, 0) < 0)
-	{
-	  return 0;
-	}
-      return 1;
-      break;
+	if (status < 0xf0)
+	  {
+		  if (mpu_cmd(dev, 0xD0, 0) < 0)
+		    {
+			    return 0;
+		    }
+		  return 1;
+	  }
+	switch (status)
+	  {
+	  case 0xF0:
+		  if (mpu_cmd(dev, 0xDF, 0) < 0)
+		    {
+			    return 0;
+		    }
+		  return 1;
+		  break;
-    default:
-      return 0;
-    }
+	  default:
+		  return 0;
+	  }
 static int
-mpu401_start_read (int dev)
+mpu401_start_read(int dev)
-  return 0;
+	return 0;
 static int
-mpu401_end_read (int dev)
+mpu401_end_read(int dev)
-  return 0;
+	return 0;
 static int
-mpu401_ioctl (int dev, unsigned cmd, caddr_t arg)
+mpu401_ioctl(int dev, unsigned cmd, caddr_t arg)
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
-  int             val;
-  devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-  switch (cmd)
-    {
-      if (!(devc->capabilities & MPU_CAP_INTLG))	/* No intelligent mode */
-	{
-	  printk ("MPU-401: Intelligent mode not supported by the HW\n");
-	  return -EINVAL;
-	}
-      val = *(int *) arg;
-      set_uart_mode (dev, devc, !val);
-      return 0;
-      break;
-      {
-	int             ret;
-	mpu_command_rec rec;
-	memcpy ((char *) &rec, (&((char *) arg)[0]), sizeof (rec));
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int             val;
-	if ((ret = mpu401_command (dev, &rec)) < 0)
-	  return ret;
+	devc = &dev_conf[dev];
-	memcpy ((&((char *) arg)[0]), (char *) &rec, sizeof (rec));
-	return 0;
-      }
-      break;
+	switch (cmd)
+	  {
+		  if (!(devc->capabilities & MPU_CAP_INTLG))	/* No intelligent mode */
+		    {
+			    printk("MPU-401: Intelligent mode not supported by the HW\n");
+			    return -EINVAL;
+		    }
+		  val = *(int *) arg;
+		  set_uart_mode(dev, devc, !val);
+		  return 0;
+		  break;
+		  {
+			  int             ret;
+			  mpu_command_rec rec;
+			  memcpy((char *) &rec, (&((char *) arg)[0]), sizeof(rec));
+			  if ((ret = mpu401_command(dev, &rec)) < 0)
+				  return ret;
+			  memcpy((&((char *) arg)[0]), (char *) &rec, sizeof(rec));
+			  return 0;
+		  }
+		  break;
-    default:
-      return -EINVAL;
-    }
+	  default:
+		  return -EINVAL;
+	  }
 static void
-mpu401_kick (int dev)
+mpu401_kick(int dev)
 static int
-mpu401_buffer_status (int dev)
+mpu401_buffer_status(int dev)
-  return 0;			/*
+	return 0;		/*
 				 * No data in buffers
 static int
-mpu_synth_ioctl (int dev,
-		 unsigned int cmd, caddr_t arg)
+mpu_synth_ioctl(int dev,
+		unsigned int cmd, caddr_t arg)
-  int             midi_dev;
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int             midi_dev;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
-  midi_dev = synth_devs[dev]->midi_dev;
+	midi_dev = synth_devs[dev]->midi_dev;
-  if (midi_dev < 0 || midi_dev > num_midis)
-    return -ENXIO;
+	if (midi_dev < 0 || midi_dev > num_midis || midi_devs[midi_dev] == NULL)
+		return -ENXIO;
-  devc = &dev_conf[midi_dev];
+	devc = &dev_conf[midi_dev];
-  switch (cmd)
-    {
+	switch (cmd)
+	  {
-      memcpy ((&((char *) arg)[0]), (char *) &mpu_synth_info[midi_dev], sizeof (struct synth_info));
+		  memcpy((&((char *) arg)[0]), (char *) &mpu_synth_info[midi_dev], sizeof(struct synth_info));
-      return 0;
-      break;
+		  return 0;
+		  break;
-      return 0x7fffffff;
-      break;
+		  return 0x7fffffff;
+		  break;
-    default:
-      return -EINVAL;
-    }
+	  default:
+		  return -EINVAL;
+	  }
 static int
-mpu_synth_open (int dev, int mode)
+mpu_synth_open(int dev, int mode)
-  int             midi_dev, err;
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int             midi_dev, err;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
-  midi_dev = synth_devs[dev]->midi_dev;
+	midi_dev = synth_devs[dev]->midi_dev;
-  if (midi_dev < 0 || midi_dev > num_midis)
-    {
-      return -ENXIO;
-    }
-  devc = &dev_conf[midi_dev];
-  /*
-     *  Verify that the device is really running.
-     *  Some devices (such as Ensoniq SoundScape don't
-     *  work before the on board processor (OBP) is initialized
-     *  by downloading its microcode.
-   */
-  if (!devc->initialized)
-    {
-      if (mpu401_status (devc) == 0xff)		/* Bus float */
-	{
-	  printk ("MPU-401: Device not initialized properly\n");
-	  return -EIO;
-	}
-      reset_mpu401 (devc);
-    }
+	if (midi_dev < 0 || midi_dev > num_midis || midi_devs[midi_dev] == NULL)
+	  {
+		  return -ENXIO;
+	  }
+	devc = &dev_conf[midi_dev];
+	/*
+	   *  Verify that the device is really running.
+	   *  Some devices (such as Ensoniq SoundScape don't
+	   *  work before the on board processor (OBP) is initialized
+	   *  by downloading its microcode.
+	 */
+	if (!devc->initialized)
+	  {
+		  if (mpu401_status(devc) == 0xff)	/* Bus float */
+		    {
+			    printk("MPU-401: Device not initialized properly\n");
+			    return -EIO;
+		    }
+		  reset_mpu401(devc);
+	  }
+	if (devc->opened)
+	  {
+		  printk("MPU-401: Midi busy\n");
+		  return -EBUSY;
+	  }
+	devc->mode = MODE_SYNTH;
+	devc->synthno = dev;
+	devc->inputintr = NULL;
+	irq2dev[devc->irq] = midi_dev;
-  if (devc->opened)
-    {
-      printk ("MPU-401: Midi busy\n");
-      return -EBUSY;
-    }
-  devc->mode = MODE_SYNTH;
-  devc->synthno = dev;
-  devc->inputintr = NULL;
-  irq2dev[devc->irq] = midi_dev;
-  if (midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc)
-    if ((err = midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc->
-	 open (midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc->devc, COPR_MIDI)) < 0)
-      {
-	printk ("MPU-401: Can't access coprocessor device\n");
-	return err;
-      }
-  devc->opened = mode;
-  reset_mpu401 (devc);
-  if (mode & OPEN_READ)
-    {
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x8B, 0);	/* Enable data in stop mode */
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x34, 0);	/* Return timing bytes in stop mode */
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x87, 0);	/* Enable pitch & controller */
-    }
+	if (midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc)
+		if ((err = midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc->
+		 open(midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc->devc, COPR_MIDI)) < 0)
+		  {
+			  printk("MPU-401: Can't access coprocessor device\n");
+			  return err;
+		  }
+	devc->opened = mode;
+	reset_mpu401(devc);
-  return 0;
+	if (mode & OPEN_READ)
+	  {
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x8B, 0);	/* Enable data in stop mode */
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x34, 0);	/* Return timing bytes in stop mode */
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x87, 0);	/* Enable pitch & controller */
+	  }
+	return 0;
 static void
-mpu_synth_close (int dev)
+mpu_synth_close(int dev)
-  int             midi_dev;
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int             midi_dev;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
-  midi_dev = synth_devs[dev]->midi_dev;
+	midi_dev = synth_devs[dev]->midi_dev;
-  devc = &dev_conf[midi_dev];
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x15, 0);	/* Stop recording, playback and MIDI */
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x8a, 0);	/* Disable data in stopped mode */
+	devc = &dev_conf[midi_dev];
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x15, 0);	/* Stop recording, playback and MIDI */
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x8a, 0);	/* Disable data in stopped mode */
-  devc->inputintr = NULL;
+	devc->inputintr = NULL;
-  if (midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc)
-    midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc->close (midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc->devc, COPR_MIDI);
-  devc->opened = 0;
-  devc->mode = 0;
+	if (midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc)
+		midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc->close(midi_devs[midi_dev]->coproc->devc, COPR_MIDI);
+	devc->opened = 0;
+	devc->mode = 0;
 #define MIDI_SYNTH_NAME	"MPU-401 UART Midi"
@@ -947,375 +919,369 @@
 static struct synth_operations mpu401_synth_proto =
-  "MPU401",
-  NULL,
-  0,
-  0,
-  mpu_synth_open,
-  mpu_synth_close,
-  mpu_synth_ioctl,
-  midi_synth_kill_note,
-  midi_synth_start_note,
-  midi_synth_set_instr,
-  midi_synth_reset,
-  midi_synth_hw_control,
-  midi_synth_load_patch,
-  midi_synth_aftertouch,
-  midi_synth_controller,
-  midi_synth_panning,
-  NULL,
-  midi_synth_bender,
-  NULL,				/* alloc */
-  midi_synth_setup_voice,
-  midi_synth_send_sysex
+	"MPU401",
+	0,
+	0,
+	mpu_synth_open,
+	mpu_synth_close,
+	mpu_synth_ioctl,
+	midi_synth_kill_note,
+	midi_synth_start_note,
+	midi_synth_set_instr,
+	midi_synth_reset,
+	midi_synth_hw_control,
+	midi_synth_load_patch,
+	midi_synth_aftertouch,
+	midi_synth_controller,
+	midi_synth_panning,
+	midi_synth_bender,
+	NULL,			/* alloc */
+	midi_synth_setup_voice,
+	midi_synth_send_sysex
 static struct synth_operations *mpu401_synth_operations[MAX_MIDI_DEV];
 static struct midi_operations mpu401_midi_proto =
-  {"MPU-401 Midi", 0, MIDI_CAP_MPU401, SNDCARD_MPU401},
-  NULL,
-  {0},
-  mpu401_open,
-  mpu401_close,
-  mpu401_ioctl,
-  mpu401_out,
-  mpu401_start_read,
-  mpu401_end_read,
-  mpu401_kick,
-  NULL,
-  mpu401_buffer_status,
-  mpu401_prefix_cmd
+	{"MPU-401 Midi", 0, MIDI_CAP_MPU401, SNDCARD_MPU401},
+	{0},
+	mpu401_open,
+	mpu401_close,
+	mpu401_ioctl,
+	mpu401_out,
+	mpu401_start_read,
+	mpu401_end_read,
+	mpu401_kick,
+	mpu401_buffer_status,
+	mpu401_prefix_cmd
 static struct midi_operations mpu401_midi_operations[MAX_MIDI_DEV];
 static void
-mpu401_chk_version (struct mpu_config *devc)
+mpu401_chk_version(int n, struct mpu_config *devc)
-  int             tmp;
-  unsigned long   flags;
+	int             tmp;
+	unsigned long   flags;
+	devc->version = devc->revision = 0;
-  devc->version = devc->revision = 0;
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+	if ((tmp = mpu_cmd(n, 0xAC, 0)) < 0)
+	  {
+		  restore_flags(flags);
+		  return;
+	  }
+	if ((tmp & 0xf0) > 0x20)	/* Why it's larger than 2.x ??? */
+	  {
+		  restore_flags(flags);
+		  return;
+	  }
+	devc->version = tmp;
-  save_flags (flags);
-  cli ();
-  if ((tmp = mpu_cmd (num_midis, 0xAC, 0)) < 0)
-    {
-      restore_flags (flags);
-      return;
-    }
-  if ((tmp & 0xf0) > 0x20)	/* Why it's larger than 2.x ??? */
-    {
-      restore_flags (flags);
-      return;
-    }
-  devc->version = tmp;
-  if ((tmp = mpu_cmd (num_midis, 0xAD, 0)) < 0)
-    {
-      devc->version = 0;
-      restore_flags (flags);
-      return;
-    }
-  devc->revision = tmp;
+	if ((tmp = mpu_cmd(n, 0xAD, 0)) < 0)
+	  {
+		  devc->version = 0;
+		  restore_flags(flags);
+		  return;
+	  }
+	devc->revision = tmp;
-  restore_flags (flags);
+	restore_flags(flags);
-attach_mpu401 (struct address_info *hw_config)
+attach_mpu401(struct address_info *hw_config)
-  unsigned long   flags;
-  char            revision_char;
+	unsigned long   flags;
+	char            revision_char;
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int             m;
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
-  if (num_midis >= MAX_MIDI_DEV)
-    {
-      printk ("MPU-401: Too many midi devices detected\n");
-      return;
-    }
-  devc = &dev_conf[num_midis];
-  devc->base = hw_config->io_base;
-  devc->osp = hw_config->osp;
-  devc->irq = hw_config->irq;
-  devc->opened = 0;
-  devc->uart_mode = 0;
-  devc->initialized = 0;
-  devc->version = 0;
-  devc->revision = 0;
-  devc->capabilities = 0;
-  devc->timer_flag = 0;
-  devc->m_busy = 0;
-  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-  devc->shared_irq = hw_config->always_detect;
-  devc->irq = hw_config->irq;
-  if (devc->irq < 0)
-    {
-      devc->irq *= -1;
-      devc->shared_irq = 1;
-    }
-  irq2dev[devc->irq] = num_midis;
-  if (!hw_config->always_detect)
-    {
-      /* Verify the hardware again */
-      if (!reset_mpu401 (devc))
-	{
-	  printk ("MPU401: Device didn't respond\n");
-	  return;
-	}
+	hw_config->slots[1] = -1;
+	m = sound_alloc_mididev();
+	if (m == -1)
+	  {
+		  printk(KERN_WARNING "MPU-401: Too many midi devices detected\n");
+		  return;
+	  }
+	devc = &dev_conf[m];
+	devc->base = hw_config->io_base;
+	devc->osp = hw_config->osp;
+	devc->irq = hw_config->irq;
+	devc->opened = 0;
+	devc->uart_mode = 0;
+	devc->initialized = 0;
+	devc->version = 0;
+	devc->revision = 0;
+	devc->capabilities = 0;
+	devc->timer_flag = 0;
+	devc->m_busy = 0;
+	devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+	devc->shared_irq = hw_config->always_detect;
+	devc->irq = hw_config->irq;
-      if (!devc->shared_irq)
-	if (snd_set_irq_handler (devc->irq, mpuintr, "mpu401", devc->osp) < 0)
+	if (devc->irq < 0)
-	    printk ("MPU401: Failed to allocate IRQ%d\n", devc->irq);
-	    return;
+		  devc->irq *= -1;
+		  devc->shared_irq = 1;
+	irq2dev[devc->irq] = m;
-      save_flags (flags);
-      cli ();
-      mpu401_chk_version (devc);
-      if (devc->version == 0)
-	mpu401_chk_version (devc);
-      restore_flags (flags);
-    }
-  request_region (hw_config->io_base, 2, "mpu401");
-  if (devc->version != 0)
-    if (mpu_cmd (num_midis, 0xC5, 0) >= 0)	/* Set timebase OK */
-      if (mpu_cmd (num_midis, 0xE0, 120) >= 0)	/* Set tempo OK */
-	devc->capabilities |= MPU_CAP_INTLG;	/* Supports intelligent mode */
-  mpu401_synth_operations[num_midis] = (struct synth_operations *) (sound_mem_blocks[sound_nblocks] = vmalloc (sizeof (struct synth_operations)));
-  sound_mem_sizes[sound_nblocks] = sizeof (struct synth_operations);
-  if (sound_nblocks < 1024)
-    sound_nblocks++;;
-  if (mpu401_synth_operations[num_midis] == NULL)
-    {
-      printk ("mpu401: Can't allocate memory\n");
-      return;
-    }
-  if (!(devc->capabilities & MPU_CAP_INTLG))	/* No intelligent mode */
-    {
-      memcpy ((char *) mpu401_synth_operations[num_midis],
-	      (char *) &std_midi_synth,
-	      sizeof (struct synth_operations));
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      memcpy ((char *) mpu401_synth_operations[num_midis],
-	      (char *) &mpu401_synth_proto,
-	      sizeof (struct synth_operations));
-    }
-  memcpy ((char *) &mpu401_midi_operations[num_midis],
-	  (char *) &mpu401_midi_proto,
-	  sizeof (struct midi_operations));
-  mpu401_midi_operations[num_midis].converter =
-    mpu401_synth_operations[num_midis];
-  memcpy ((char *) &mpu_synth_info[num_midis],
-	  (char *) &mpu_synth_info_proto,
-	  sizeof (struct synth_info));
-  n_mpu_devs++;
-  if (devc->version == 0x20 && devc->revision >= 0x07)	/* MusicQuest interface */
-    {
-      int             ports = (devc->revision & 0x08) ? 32 : 16;
-      devc->capabilities |= MPU_CAP_SYNC | MPU_CAP_SMPTE |
-      revision_char = (devc->revision == 0x7f) ? 'M' : ' ';
-      sprintf (mpu_synth_info[num_midis].name,
-	       "MQX-%d%c MIDI Interface #%d",
-	       ports,
-	       revision_char,
-	       n_mpu_devs);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      revision_char = devc->revision ? devc->revision + '@' : ' ';
-      if ((int) devc->revision > ('Z' - '@'))
-	revision_char = '+';
-      devc->capabilities |= MPU_CAP_SYNC | MPU_CAP_FSK;
-      if (hw_config->name)
-	sprintf (mpu_synth_info[num_midis].name, "%s (MPU401)", hw_config->name);
-      else
-	sprintf (mpu_synth_info[num_midis].name,
-		 "MPU-401 %d.%d%c Midi interface #%d",
-		 (int) (devc->version & 0xf0) >> 4,
-		 devc->version & 0x0f,
-		 revision_char,
-		 n_mpu_devs);
-    }
-  strcpy (mpu401_midi_operations[num_midis],
-	  mpu_synth_info[num_midis].name);
-  conf_printf (mpu_synth_info[num_midis].name, hw_config);
-  mpu401_synth_operations[num_midis]->midi_dev = devc->devno = num_midis;
-  mpu401_synth_operations[devc->devno]->info =
-    &mpu_synth_info[devc->devno];
-  if (devc->capabilities & MPU_CAP_INTLG)	/* Intelligent mode */
-    mpu_timer_init (num_midis);
-  irq2dev[devc->irq] = num_midis;
-  midi_devs[num_midis++] = &mpu401_midi_operations[devc->devno];
-  sequencer_init ();
+	if (!hw_config->always_detect)
+	  {
+		  /* Verify the hardware again */
+		  if (!reset_mpu401(devc))
+		    {
+			    printk(KERN_WARNING "mpu401: Device didn't respond\n");
+			    sound_unload_mididev(m);
+			    return;
+		    }
+		  if (!devc->shared_irq)
+			  if (snd_set_irq_handler(devc->irq, mpuintr, "mpu401", devc->osp) < 0)
+			    {
+				    printk(KERN_WARNING "mpu401: Failed to allocate IRQ%d\n", devc->irq);
+				    sound_unload_mididev(m);
+				    return;
+			    }
+		  save_flags(flags);
+		  cli();
+		  mpu401_chk_version(m, devc);
+		  if (devc->version == 0)
+			  mpu401_chk_version(m, devc);
+		  restore_flags(flags);
+	  }
+	request_region(hw_config->io_base, 2, "mpu401");
+	if (devc->version != 0)
+		if (mpu_cmd(m, 0xC5, 0) >= 0)	/* Set timebase OK */
+			if (mpu_cmd(m, 0xE0, 120) >= 0)		/* Set tempo OK */
+				devc->capabilities |= MPU_CAP_INTLG;	/* Supports intelligent mode */
-static int
-reset_mpu401 (struct mpu_config *devc)
-  unsigned long   flags;
-  int             ok, timeout, n;
-  int             timeout_limit;
-  /*
-   * Send the RESET command. Try again if no success at the first time.
-   * (If the device is in the UART mode, it will not ack the reset cmd).
-   */
+	mpu401_synth_operations[m] = (struct synth_operations *) (sound_mem_blocks[sound_nblocks] = vmalloc(sizeof(struct synth_operations)));
+	sound_mem_sizes[sound_nblocks] = sizeof(struct synth_operations);
-  ok = 0;
+	if (sound_nblocks < 1024)
+		sound_nblocks++;;
-  timeout_limit = devc->initialized ? 30000 : 100000;
-  devc->initialized = 1;
+	if (mpu401_synth_operations[m] == NULL)
+	  {
+		  sound_unload_mididev(m);
+		  printk(KERN_ERR "mpu401: Can't allocate memory\n");
+		  return;
+	  }
+	if (!(devc->capabilities & MPU_CAP_INTLG))	/* No intelligent mode */
+	  {
+		  memcpy((char *) mpu401_synth_operations[m],
+			 (char *) &std_midi_synth,
+			 sizeof(struct synth_operations));
+	} else
+	  {
+		  memcpy((char *) mpu401_synth_operations[m],
+			 (char *) &mpu401_synth_proto,
+			 sizeof(struct synth_operations));
+	  }
-  for (n = 0; n < 2 && !ok; n++)
-    {
-      for (timeout = timeout_limit; timeout > 0 && !ok; timeout--)
-	ok = output_ready (devc);
+	memcpy((char *) &mpu401_midi_operations[m],
+	       (char *) &mpu401_midi_proto,
+	       sizeof(struct midi_operations));
-      write_command (devc, MPU_RESET);	/*
-					   * Send MPU-401 RESET Command
-					 */
+	mpu401_midi_operations[m].converter =
+	    mpu401_synth_operations[m];
-      /*
-       * Wait at least 25 msec. This method is not accurate so let's make the
-       * loop bit longer. Cannot sleep since this is called during boot.
-       */
+	memcpy((char *) &mpu_synth_info[m],
+	       (char *) &mpu_synth_info_proto,
+	       sizeof(struct synth_info));
-      for (timeout = timeout_limit * 2; timeout > 0 && !ok; timeout--)
-	{
-	  save_flags (flags);
-	  cli ();
-	  if (input_avail (devc))
-	    if (read_data (devc) == MPU_ACK)
-	      ok = 1;
-	  restore_flags (flags);
-	}
+	n_mpu_devs++;
-    }
+	if (devc->version == 0x20 && devc->revision >= 0x07)	/* MusicQuest interface */
+	  {
+		  int             ports = (devc->revision & 0x08) ? 32 : 16;
-  devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
-  devc->m_ptr = 0;
-  devc->m_left = 0;
-  devc->last_status = 0;
-  devc->uart_mode = 0;
+		  devc->capabilities |= MPU_CAP_SYNC | MPU_CAP_SMPTE |
-  return ok;
+		  revision_char = (devc->revision == 0x7f) ? 'M' : ' ';
+		  sprintf(mpu_synth_info[m].name,
+			  "MQX-%d%c MIDI Interface #%d",
+			  ports,
+			  revision_char,
+			  n_mpu_devs);
+	} else
+	  {
+		  revision_char = devc->revision ? devc->revision + '@' : ' ';
+		  if ((int) devc->revision > ('Z' - '@'))
+			  revision_char = '+';
+		  devc->capabilities |= MPU_CAP_SYNC | MPU_CAP_FSK;
+		  if (hw_config->name)
+			  sprintf(mpu_synth_info[m].name, "%s (MPU401)", hw_config->name);
+		  else
+			  sprintf(mpu_synth_info[m].name,
+				  "MPU-401 %d.%d%c Midi interface #%d",
+				  (int) (devc->version & 0xf0) >> 4,
+				  devc->version & 0x0f,
+				  revision_char,
+				  n_mpu_devs);
+	  }
+	strcpy(mpu401_midi_operations[m],
+	       mpu_synth_info[m].name);
+	conf_printf(mpu_synth_info[m].name, hw_config);
+	mpu401_synth_operations[m]->midi_dev = devc->devno = m;
+	mpu401_synth_operations[devc->devno]->info =
+	    &mpu_synth_info[devc->devno];
+	if (devc->capabilities & MPU_CAP_INTLG)		/* Intelligent mode */
+		hw_config->slots[2] = mpu_timer_init(m);
+	irq2dev[devc->irq] = m;
+	midi_devs[m] = &mpu401_midi_operations[devc->devno];
+	hw_config->slots[1] = m;
+	sequencer_init();
+static int
+reset_mpu401(struct mpu_config *devc)
+	unsigned long   flags;
+	int             ok, timeout, n;
+	int             timeout_limit;
+	/*
+	 * Send the RESET command. Try again if no success at the first time.
+	 * (If the device is in the UART mode, it will not ack the reset cmd).
+	 */
+	ok = 0;
+	timeout_limit = devc->initialized ? 30000 : 100000;
+	devc->initialized = 1;
+	for (n = 0; n < 2 && !ok; n++)
+	  {
+		  for (timeout = timeout_limit; timeout > 0 && !ok; timeout--)
+			  ok = output_ready(devc);
+		  write_command(devc, MPU_RESET);	/*
+							   * Send MPU-401 RESET Command
+							 */
+		  /*
+		   * Wait at least 25 msec. This method is not accurate so let's make the
+		   * loop bit longer. Cannot sleep since this is called during boot.
+		   */
+		  for (timeout = timeout_limit * 2; timeout > 0 && !ok; timeout--)
+		    {
+			    save_flags(flags);
+			    cli();
+			    if (input_avail(devc))
+				    if (read_data(devc) == MPU_ACK)
+					    ok = 1;
+			    restore_flags(flags);
+		    }
+	  }
+	devc->m_state = ST_INIT;
+	devc->m_ptr = 0;
+	devc->m_left = 0;
+	devc->last_status = 0;
+	devc->uart_mode = 0;
+	return ok;
 static void
-set_uart_mode (int dev, struct mpu_config *devc, int arg)
+set_uart_mode(int dev, struct mpu_config *devc, int arg)
-  if (!arg && (devc->capabilities & MPU_CAP_INTLG))
-    {
-      return;
-    }
-  if ((devc->uart_mode == 0) == (arg == 0))
-    {
-      return;			/* Already set */
-    }
-  reset_mpu401 (devc);		/* This exits the uart mode */
-  if (arg)
-    {
-      if (mpu_cmd (dev, UART_MODE_ON, 0) < 0)
-	{
-	  printk ("MPU%d: Can't enter UART mode\n", devc->devno);
-	  devc->uart_mode = 0;
-	  return;
-	}
-    }
-  devc->uart_mode = arg;
+	if (!arg && (devc->capabilities & MPU_CAP_INTLG))
+	  {
+		  return;
+	  }
+	if ((devc->uart_mode == 0) == (arg == 0))
+	  {
+		  return;	/* Already set */
+	  }
+	reset_mpu401(devc);	/* This exits the uart mode */
+	if (arg)
+	  {
+		  if (mpu_cmd(dev, UART_MODE_ON, 0) < 0)
+		    {
+			    printk("MPU%d: Can't enter UART mode\n", devc->devno);
+			    devc->uart_mode = 0;
+			    return;
+		    }
+	  }
+	devc->uart_mode = arg;
-probe_mpu401 (struct address_info *hw_config)
+probe_mpu401(struct address_info *hw_config)
-  int             ok = 0;
-  struct mpu_config tmp_devc;
+	int             ok = 0;
+	struct mpu_config tmp_devc;
+	if (check_region(hw_config->io_base, 2))
+	  {
+		  printk("\n\nmpu401.c: I/O port %x already in use\n\n", hw_config->io_base);
+		  return 0;
+	  }
+	tmp_devc.base = hw_config->io_base;
+	tmp_devc.irq = hw_config->irq;
+	tmp_devc.initialized = 0;
+	tmp_devc.opened = 0;
+	tmp_devc.osp = hw_config->osp;
-  if (check_region (hw_config->io_base, 2))
-    {
-      printk ("\n\nmpu401.c: I/O port %x already in use\n\n", hw_config->io_base);
-      return 0;
-    }
-  tmp_devc.base = hw_config->io_base;
-  tmp_devc.irq = hw_config->irq;
-  tmp_devc.initialized = 0;
-  tmp_devc.opened = 0;
-  tmp_devc.osp = hw_config->osp;
-  if (hw_config->always_detect)
-    return 1;
-  if (inb (hw_config->io_base + 1) == 0xff)
-    {
-      DDB (printk ("MPU401: Port %x looks dead.\n", hw_config->io_base));
-      return 0;			/* Just bus float? */
-    }
-  ok = reset_mpu401 (&tmp_devc);
-  if (!ok)
-    {
-      DDB (printk ("MPU401: Reset failed on port %x\n", hw_config->io_base));
-    }
+	if (hw_config->always_detect)
+		return 1;
-  return ok;
+	if (inb(hw_config->io_base + 1) == 0xff)
+	  {
+		  DDB(printk("MPU401: Port %x looks dead.\n", hw_config->io_base));
+		  return 0;	/* Just bus float? */
+	  }
+	ok = reset_mpu401(&tmp_devc);
+	if (!ok)
+	  {
+		  DDB(printk("MPU401: Reset failed on port %x\n", hw_config->io_base));
+	  }
+	return ok;
-unload_mpu401 (struct address_info *hw_config)
+unload_mpu401(struct address_info *hw_config)
-  release_region (hw_config->io_base, 2);
-  if (hw_config->always_detect == 0 && hw_config->irq > 0)
-    snd_release_irq (hw_config->irq);
+	release_region(hw_config->io_base, 2);
+	if (hw_config->always_detect == 0 && hw_config->irq > 0)
+		snd_release_irq(hw_config->irq);
+	sound_unload_mididev(hw_config->slots[1]);
+	sound_unload_timerdev(hw_config->slots[2]);
  *      Timer stuff
-#if defined(CONFIG_SEQUENCER)
+#if defined(CONFIG_SEQUENCER) || defined(MODULE)
 static volatile int timer_initialized = 0, timer_open = 0, tmr_running = 0;
 static volatile int curr_tempo, curr_timebase, hw_timebase;
@@ -1326,525 +1292,566 @@
 static int      metronome_mode;
 static unsigned long
-clocks2ticks (unsigned long clocks)
+clocks2ticks(unsigned long clocks)
-  /*
-     * The MPU-401 supports just a limited set of possible timebase values.
-     * Since the applications require more choices, the driver has to
-     * program the HW to do its best and to convert between the HW and
-     * actual timebases.
-   */
+	/*
+	   * The MPU-401 supports just a limited set of possible timebase values.
+	   * Since the applications require more choices, the driver has to
+	   * program the HW to do its best and to convert between the HW and
+	   * actual timebases.
+	 */
-  return ((clocks * curr_timebase) + (hw_timebase / 2)) / hw_timebase;
+	return ((clocks * curr_timebase) + (hw_timebase / 2)) / hw_timebase;
 static void
-set_timebase (int midi_dev, int val)
+set_timebase(int midi_dev, int val)
-  int             hw_val;
+	int             hw_val;
+	if (val < 48)
+		val = 48;
+	if (val > 1000)
+		val = 1000;
+	hw_val = val;
+	hw_val = (hw_val + 12) / 24;
+	if (hw_val > max_timebase)
+		hw_val = max_timebase;
-  if (val < 48)
-    val = 48;
-  if (val > 1000)
-    val = 1000;
-  hw_val = val;
-  hw_val = (hw_val + 12) / 24;
-  if (hw_val > max_timebase)
-    hw_val = max_timebase;
-  if (mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0xC0 | (hw_val & 0x0f), 0) < 0)
-    {
-      printk ("MPU: Can't set HW timebase to %d\n", hw_val * 24);
-      return;
-    }
-  hw_timebase = hw_val * 24;
-  curr_timebase = val;
+	if (mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0xC0 | (hw_val & 0x0f), 0) < 0)
+	  {
+		  printk("MPU: Can't set HW timebase to %d\n", hw_val * 24);
+		  return;
+	  }
+	hw_timebase = hw_val * 24;
+	curr_timebase = val;
 static void
-tmr_reset (void)
-  unsigned long   flags;
+	unsigned long   flags;
-  save_flags (flags);
-  cli ();
-  next_event_time = (unsigned long) -1;
-  prev_event_time = 0;
-  curr_ticks = curr_clocks = 0;
-  restore_flags (flags);
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+	next_event_time = (unsigned long) -1;
+	prev_event_time = 0;
+	curr_ticks = curr_clocks = 0;
+	restore_flags(flags);
 static void
-set_timer_mode (int midi_dev)
+set_timer_mode(int midi_dev)
-  if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_CLS)
-    mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x3c, 0);	/* Use CLS sync */
-  else if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_SMPTE)
-    mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x3d, 0);	/* Use SMPTE sync */
-  if (timer_mode & TMR_INTERNAL)
-    {
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x80, 0);	/* Use MIDI sync */
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if (timer_mode & (TMR_MODE_MIDI | TMR_MODE_CLS))
-	{
-	  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x82, 0);	/* Use MIDI sync */
-	  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x91, 0);	/* Enable ext MIDI ctrl */
-	}
-      else if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_FSK)
-	mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x81, 0);	/* Use FSK sync */
-    }
+	if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_CLS)
+		mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x3c, 0);	/* Use CLS sync */
+	else if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_SMPTE)
+		mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x3d, 0);	/* Use SMPTE sync */
+	if (timer_mode & TMR_INTERNAL)
+	  {
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x80, 0);	/* Use MIDI sync */
+	} else
+	  {
+		  if (timer_mode & (TMR_MODE_MIDI | TMR_MODE_CLS))
+		    {
+			    mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x82, 0);		/* Use MIDI sync */
+			    mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x91, 0);		/* Enable ext MIDI ctrl */
+		  } else if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_FSK)
+			  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x81, 0);	/* Use FSK sync */
+	  }
 static void
-stop_metronome (int midi_dev)
+stop_metronome(int midi_dev)
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x84, 0);	/* Disable metronome */
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x84, 0);	/* Disable metronome */
 static void
-setup_metronome (int midi_dev)
+setup_metronome(int midi_dev)
-  int             numerator, denominator;
-  int             clks_per_click, num_32nds_per_beat;
-  int             beats_per_measure;
-  numerator = ((unsigned) metronome_mode >> 24) & 0xff;
-  denominator = ((unsigned) metronome_mode >> 16) & 0xff;
-  clks_per_click = ((unsigned) metronome_mode >> 8) & 0xff;
-  num_32nds_per_beat = (unsigned) metronome_mode & 0xff;
-  beats_per_measure = (numerator * 4) >> denominator;
-  if (!metronome_mode)
-    mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x84, 0);	/* Disable metronome */
-  else
-    {
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0xE4, clks_per_click);
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0xE6, beats_per_measure);
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x83, 0);	/* Enable metronome without accents */
-    }
+	int             numerator, denominator;
+	int             clks_per_click, num_32nds_per_beat;
+	int             beats_per_measure;
+	numerator = ((unsigned) metronome_mode >> 24) & 0xff;
+	denominator = ((unsigned) metronome_mode >> 16) & 0xff;
+	clks_per_click = ((unsigned) metronome_mode >> 8) & 0xff;
+	num_32nds_per_beat = (unsigned) metronome_mode & 0xff;
+	beats_per_measure = (numerator * 4) >> denominator;
+	if (!metronome_mode)
+		mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x84, 0);	/* Disable metronome */
+	else
+	  {
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0xE4, clks_per_click);
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0xE6, beats_per_measure);
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x83, 0);	/* Enable metronome without accents */
+	  }
 static int
-mpu_start_timer (int midi_dev)
+mpu_start_timer(int midi_dev)
-  tmr_reset ();
-  set_timer_mode (midi_dev);
+	tmr_reset();
+	set_timer_mode(midi_dev);
-  if (tmr_running)
-    return TIMER_NOT_ARMED;	/* Already running */
+	if (tmr_running)
+		return TIMER_NOT_ARMED;		/* Already running */
-  if (timer_mode & TMR_INTERNAL)
-    {
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x02, 0);	/* Send MIDI start */
-      tmr_running = 1;
-      return TIMER_NOT_ARMED;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x35, 0);	/* Enable mode messages to PC */
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x38, 0);	/* Enable sys common messages to PC */
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x39, 0);	/* Enable real time messages to PC */
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x97, 0);	/* Enable system exclusive messages to PC */
-    }
+	if (timer_mode & TMR_INTERNAL)
+	  {
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x02, 0);	/* Send MIDI start */
+		  tmr_running = 1;
+		  return TIMER_NOT_ARMED;
+	} else
+	  {
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x35, 0);	/* Enable mode messages to PC */
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x38, 0);	/* Enable sys common messages to PC */
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x39, 0);	/* Enable real time messages to PC */
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x97, 0);	/* Enable system exclusive messages to PC */
+	  }
-  return TIMER_ARMED;
+	return TIMER_ARMED;
 static int
-mpu_timer_open (int dev, int mode)
+mpu_timer_open(int dev, int mode)
-  int             midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
+	int             midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
-  if (timer_open)
-    return -EBUSY;
+	if (timer_open)
+		return -EBUSY;
-  tmr_reset ();
-  curr_tempo = 50;
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0xE0, 50);
-  curr_timebase = hw_timebase = 120;
-  set_timebase (midi_dev, 120);
-  timer_open = 1;
-  metronome_mode = 0;
-  set_timer_mode (midi_dev);
+	tmr_reset();
+	curr_tempo = 50;
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0xE0, 50);
+	curr_timebase = hw_timebase = 120;
+	set_timebase(midi_dev, 120);
+	timer_open = 1;
+	metronome_mode = 0;
+	set_timer_mode(midi_dev);
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0xe7, 0x04);	/* Send all clocks to host */
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x95, 0);	/* Enable clock to host */
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0xe7, 0x04);	/* Send all clocks to host */
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x95, 0);	/* Enable clock to host */
-  return 0;
+	return 0;
 static void
-mpu_timer_close (int dev)
+mpu_timer_close(int dev)
-  int             midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
+	int             midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
-  timer_open = tmr_running = 0;
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x15, 0);	/* Stop all */
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x94, 0);	/* Disable clock to host */
-  mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x8c, 0);	/* Disable measure end messages to host */
-  stop_metronome (midi_dev);
+	timer_open = tmr_running = 0;
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x15, 0);	/* Stop all */
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x94, 0);	/* Disable clock to host */
+	mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x8c, 0);	/* Disable measure end messages to host */
+	stop_metronome(midi_dev);
 static int
-mpu_timer_event (int dev, unsigned char *event)
+mpu_timer_event(int dev, unsigned char *event)
-  unsigned char   command = event[1];
-  unsigned long   parm = *(unsigned int *) &event[4];
-  int             midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
-  switch (command)
-    {
-    case TMR_WAIT_REL:
-      parm += prev_event_time;
-    case TMR_WAIT_ABS:
-      if (parm > 0)
-	{
-	  long            time;
-	  if (parm <= curr_ticks)	/* It's the time */
-	    return TIMER_NOT_ARMED;
-	  time = parm;
-	  next_event_time = prev_event_time = time;
-	  return TIMER_ARMED;
-	}
-      break;
-    case TMR_START:
-      if (tmr_running)
-	break;
-      return mpu_start_timer (midi_dev);
-      break;
-    case TMR_STOP:
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x01, 0);	/* Send MIDI stop */
-      stop_metronome (midi_dev);
-      tmr_running = 0;
-      break;
-    case TMR_CONTINUE:
-      if (tmr_running)
-	break;
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x03, 0);	/* Send MIDI continue */
-      setup_metronome (midi_dev);
-      tmr_running = 1;
-      break;
-    case TMR_TEMPO:
-      if (parm)
-	{
-	  if (parm < 8)
-	    parm = 8;
-	  if (parm > 250)
-	    parm = 250;
-	  if (mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0xE0, parm) < 0)
-	    printk ("MPU: Can't set tempo to %d\n", (int) parm);
-	  curr_tempo = parm;
-	}
-      break;
+	unsigned char   command = event[1];
+	unsigned long   parm = *(unsigned int *) &event[4];
+	int             midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
-    case TMR_ECHO:
-      seq_copy_to_input (event, 8);
-      break;
-    case TMR_TIMESIG:
-      if (metronome_mode)	/* Metronome enabled */
-	{
-	  metronome_mode = parm;
-	  setup_metronome (midi_dev);
-	}
-      break;
+	switch (command)
+	  {
+	  case TMR_WAIT_REL:
+		  parm += prev_event_time;
+	  case TMR_WAIT_ABS:
+		  if (parm > 0)
+		    {
+			    long            time;
+			    if (parm <= curr_ticks)	/* It's the time */
+				    return TIMER_NOT_ARMED;
+			    time = parm;
+			    next_event_time = prev_event_time = time;
+			    return TIMER_ARMED;
+		    }
+		  break;
+	  case TMR_START:
+		  if (tmr_running)
+			  break;
+		  return mpu_start_timer(midi_dev);
+		  break;
+	  case TMR_STOP:
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x01, 0);	/* Send MIDI stop */
+		  stop_metronome(midi_dev);
+		  tmr_running = 0;
+		  break;
+	  case TMR_CONTINUE:
+		  if (tmr_running)
+			  break;
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x03, 0);	/* Send MIDI continue */
+		  setup_metronome(midi_dev);
+		  tmr_running = 1;
+		  break;
+	  case TMR_TEMPO:
+		  if (parm)
+		    {
+			    if (parm < 8)
+				    parm = 8;
+			    if (parm > 250)
+				    parm = 250;
+			    if (mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0xE0, parm) < 0)
+				    printk("MPU: Can't set tempo to %d\n", (int) parm);
+			    curr_tempo = parm;
+		    }
+		  break;
+	  case TMR_ECHO:
+		  seq_copy_to_input(event, 8);
+		  break;
+	  case TMR_TIMESIG:
+		  if (metronome_mode)	/* Metronome enabled */
+		    {
+			    metronome_mode = parm;
+			    setup_metronome(midi_dev);
+		    }
+		  break;
-    default:;
-    }
+	  default:;
+	  }
-  return TIMER_NOT_ARMED;
 static unsigned long
-mpu_timer_get_time (int dev)
+mpu_timer_get_time(int dev)
-  if (!timer_open)
-    return 0;
+	if (!timer_open)
+		return 0;
-  return curr_ticks;
+	return curr_ticks;
 static int
-mpu_timer_ioctl (int dev,
-		 unsigned int command, caddr_t arg)
+mpu_timer_ioctl(int dev,
+		unsigned int command, caddr_t arg)
-  int             midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
-  switch (command)
-    {
-      {
-	int             parm;
+	int             midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
-	parm = *(int *) arg;
-	parm &= timer_caps;
-	if (parm != 0)
+	switch (command)
-	    timer_mode = parm;
+		  {
+			  int             parm;
+			  parm = *(int *) arg;
+			  parm &= timer_caps;
+			  if (parm != 0)
+			    {
+				    timer_mode = parm;
+				    if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_CLS)
+					    mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x3c, 0);		/* Use CLS sync */
+				    else if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_SMPTE)
+					    mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x3d, 0);		/* Use SMPTE sync */
+			    }
+			  return (*(int *) arg = timer_mode);
+		  }
+		  break;
+		  mpu_start_timer(midi_dev);
+		  return 0;
+		  break;
+		  tmr_running = 0;
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x01, 0);	/* Send MIDI stop */
+		  stop_metronome(midi_dev);
+		  return 0;
+		  break;
+		  if (tmr_running)
+			  return 0;
+		  tmr_running = 1;
+		  mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x03, 0);	/* Send MIDI continue */
+		  return 0;
+		  break;
+		  {
+			  int             val;
+			  val = *(int *) arg;
+			  if (val)
+				  set_timebase(midi_dev, val);
+			  return (*(int *) arg = curr_timebase);
+		  }
+		  break;
+		  {
+			  int             val;
+			  int             ret;
+			  val = *(int *) arg;
+			  if (val)
+			    {
+				    if (val < 8)
+					    val = 8;
+				    if (val > 250)
+					    val = 250;
+				    if ((ret = mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0xE0, val)) < 0)
+				      {
+					      printk("MPU: Can't set tempo to %d\n", (int) val);
+					      return ret;
+				      }
+				    curr_tempo = val;
+			    }
+			  return (*(int *) arg = curr_tempo);
+		  }
+		  break;
+		  {
+			  int             val;
+			  val = *(int *) arg;
+			  if (val != 0)		/* Can't change */
+				  return -EINVAL;
+			  return (*(int *) arg = ((curr_tempo * curr_timebase) + 30) / 60);
+		  }
+		  break;
+		  return (*(int *) arg = curr_ticks);
+		  break;
+		  metronome_mode = *(int *) arg;
+		  setup_metronome(midi_dev);
+		  return 0;
+		  break;
-	    if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_CLS)
-	      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x3c, 0);	/* Use CLS sync */
-	    else if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_SMPTE)
-	      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x3d, 0);	/* Use SMPTE sync */
+	  default:;
-	return (*(int *) arg = timer_mode);
-      }
-      break;
-      mpu_start_timer (midi_dev);
-      return 0;
-      break;
-    case SNDCTL_TMR_STOP:
-      tmr_running = 0;
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x01, 0);	/* Send MIDI stop */
-      stop_metronome (midi_dev);
-      return 0;
-      break;
-      if (tmr_running)
-	return 0;
-      tmr_running = 1;
-      mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0x03, 0);	/* Send MIDI continue */
-      return 0;
-      break;
-      {
-	int             val;
-	val = *(int *) arg;
-	if (val)
-	  set_timebase (midi_dev, val);
-	return (*(int *) arg = curr_timebase);
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-	int             val;
-	int             ret;
-	val = *(int *) arg;
-	if (val)
-	  {
-	    if (val < 8)
-	      val = 8;
-	    if (val > 250)
-	      val = 250;
-	    if ((ret = mpu_cmd (midi_dev, 0xE0, val)) < 0)
-	      {
-		printk ("MPU: Can't set tempo to %d\n", (int) val);
-		return ret;
-	      }
-	    curr_tempo = val;
-	  }
-	return (*(int *) arg = curr_tempo);
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-	int             val;
-	val = *(int *) arg;
-	if (val != 0)		/* Can't change */
-	  return -EINVAL;
-	return (*(int *) arg = ((curr_tempo * curr_timebase) + 30) / 60);
-      }
-      break;
-      return (*(int *) arg = curr_ticks);
-      break;
-      metronome_mode = *(int *) arg;
-      setup_metronome (midi_dev);
-      return 0;
-      break;
-    default:;
-    }
-  return -EINVAL;
+	return -EINVAL;
 static void
-mpu_timer_arm (int dev, long time)
+mpu_timer_arm(int dev, long time)
-  if (time < 0)
-    time = curr_ticks + 1;
-  else if (time <= curr_ticks)	/* It's the time */
-    return;
+	if (time < 0)
+		time = curr_ticks + 1;
+	else if (time <= curr_ticks)	/* It's the time */
+		return;
-  next_event_time = prev_event_time = time;
+	next_event_time = prev_event_time = time;
-  return;
+	return;
 static struct sound_timer_operations mpu_timer =
-  {"MPU-401 Timer", 0},
-  10,				/* Priority */
-  0,				/* Local device link */
-  mpu_timer_open,
-  mpu_timer_close,
-  mpu_timer_event,
-  mpu_timer_get_time,
-  mpu_timer_ioctl,
-  mpu_timer_arm
+	{"MPU-401 Timer", 0},
+	10,			/* Priority */
+	0,			/* Local device link */
+	mpu_timer_open,
+	mpu_timer_close,
+	mpu_timer_event,
+	mpu_timer_get_time,
+	mpu_timer_ioctl,
+	mpu_timer_arm
 static void
-mpu_timer_interrupt (void)
-  if (!timer_open)
-    return;
+	if (!timer_open)
+		return;
-  if (!tmr_running)
-    return;
+	if (!tmr_running)
+		return;
-  curr_clocks++;
-  curr_ticks = clocks2ticks (curr_clocks);
+	curr_clocks++;
+	curr_ticks = clocks2ticks(curr_clocks);
-  if (curr_ticks >= next_event_time)
-    {
-      next_event_time = (unsigned long) -1;
-      sequencer_timer (0);
-    }
+	if (curr_ticks >= next_event_time)
+	  {
+		  next_event_time = (unsigned long) -1;
+		  sequencer_timer(0);
+	  }
-static void
-timer_ext_event (struct mpu_config *devc, int event, int parm)
+static void timer_ext_event(struct mpu_config *devc, int event, int parm)
-  int             midi_dev = devc->devno;
+	int midi_dev = devc->devno;
-  if (!devc->timer_flag)
-    return;
+	if (!devc->timer_flag)
+		return;
-  switch (event)
-    {
-    case TMR_CLOCK:
-      printk ("<MIDI clk>");
-      break;
-    case TMR_START:
-      printk ("Ext MIDI start\n");
-      if (!tmr_running)
-	if (timer_mode & TMR_EXTERNAL)
-	  {
-	    tmr_running = 1;
-	    setup_metronome (midi_dev);
-	    next_event_time = 0;
-	  }
-      break;
-    case TMR_STOP:
-      printk ("Ext MIDI stop\n");
-      if (timer_mode & TMR_EXTERNAL)
+	switch (event)
-	  tmr_running = 0;
-	  stop_metronome (midi_dev);
-	}
-      break;
+		case TMR_CLOCK:
+			printk("<MIDI clk>");
+			break;
+		case TMR_START:
+			 printk("Ext MIDI start\n");
+			if (!tmr_running)
+				if (timer_mode & TMR_EXTERNAL)
+				{
+					tmr_running = 1;
+					setup_metronome(midi_dev);
+					next_event_time = 0;
+				}
+			break;
+		case TMR_STOP:
+			printk("Ext MIDI stop\n");
+			if (timer_mode & TMR_EXTERNAL)
+			{
+				tmr_running = 0;
+				stop_metronome(midi_dev);
+			}
+			break;
+			printk("Ext MIDI continue\n");
+			if (timer_mode & TMR_EXTERNAL)
+			{
+				tmr_running = 1;
+				setup_metronome(midi_dev);
+		  	}
+		  	break;
+		case TMR_SPP:
+			printk("Songpos: %d\n", parm);
+			if (timer_mode & TMR_EXTERNAL)
+			{
+				STORE(SEQ_SONGPOS(parm));
+			}
+			break;
+	}
+static int mpu_timer_init(int midi_dev)
+	struct mpu_config *devc;
+	int n;
+	devc = &dev_conf[midi_dev];
+	if (timer_initialized)
+		return -1;	/* There is already a similar timer */
+	timer_initialized = 1;
+	mpu_timer.devlink = midi_dev;
+	dev_conf[midi_dev].timer_flag = 1;
+	n = sound_alloc_timerdev();
+	if (n == -1)
+		n = 0;
+	sound_timer_devs[n] = &mpu_timer;
-    case TMR_CONTINUE:
-      printk ("Ext MIDI continue\n");
-      if (timer_mode & TMR_EXTERNAL)
+	if (devc->version < 0x20)	/* Original MPU-401 */
+	else
-	  tmr_running = 1;
-	  setup_metronome (midi_dev);
-	}
-      break;
+		/*
+		 * The version number 2.0 is used (at least) by the
+		 * MusicQuest cards and the Roland Super-MPU.
+		 *
+		 * MusicQuest has given a special meaning to the bits of the
+		 * revision number. The Super-MPU returns 0.
+		 */
-    case TMR_SPP:
-      printk ("Songpos: %d\n", parm);
-      if (timer_mode & TMR_EXTERNAL)
-	{
-	  STORE (SEQ_SONGPOS (parm));
-	}
-      break;
-    }
+		if (devc->revision)
+			timer_caps |= TMR_EXTERNAL | TMR_MODE_MIDI;
-static void
-mpu_timer_init (int midi_dev)
-  struct mpu_config *devc;
-  int             n;
+		if (devc->revision & 0x02)
+			timer_caps |= TMR_MODE_CLS;
-  devc = &dev_conf[midi_dev];
-  if (timer_initialized)
-    return;			/* There is already a similar timer */
+		if (devc->revision & 0x40)
+			max_timebase = 10;	/* Has the 216 and 240 ppqn modes */
+	}
-  timer_initialized = 1;
+	timer_mode = (TMR_INTERNAL | TMR_MODE_MIDI) & timer_caps;
+	return n;
-  mpu_timer.devlink = midi_dev;
-  dev_conf[midi_dev].timer_flag = 1;
-  if (num_sound_timers >= MAX_TIMER_DEV)
-    n = 0;			/* Overwrite the system timer */
-  else
-    n = num_sound_timers++;
-  sound_timer_devs[n] = &mpu_timer;
-  if (devc->version < 0x20)	/* Original MPU-401 */
-  else
-    {
-      /*
-         * The version number 2.0 is used (at least) by the
-         * MusicQuest cards and the Roland Super-MPU.
-         *
-         * MusicQuest has given a special meaning to the bits of the
-         * revision number. The Super-MPU returns 0.
-       */
-      if (devc->revision)
-	timer_caps |= TMR_EXTERNAL | TMR_MODE_MIDI;
-      if (devc->revision & 0x02)
-	timer_caps |= TMR_MODE_CLS;
+#ifdef MODULE
+MODULE_PARM(irq, "i");
+MODULE_PARM(io, "i");
-      if (devc->revision & 0x40)
-	max_timebase = 10;	/* Has the 216 and 240 ppqn modes */
-    }
+int             io = -1;
+int             irq = -1;
+struct address_info hw;
-  timer_mode = (TMR_INTERNAL | TMR_MODE_MIDI) & timer_caps;
+int init_module(void)
+	/* Can be loaded either for module use or to provide functions
+	   to others */
+	if (io != -1 && irq != -1)
+	{
+		hw.irq = irq;
+		hw.io_base = io;
+		if (probe_mpu401(&hw) == 0)
+			return -ENODEV;
+		attach_mpu401(&hw);
+	}
+	return 0;
+void cleanup_module(void)
+	if (io != -1 && irq != -1)
+	{
+		unload_mpu401(&hw);
+	}
+	/*  FREE SYMTAB */
+	register_symtab(&mpu401_syms);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,