patch-2.2.12 linux/drivers/net/fc/tach_structs.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.11/linux/drivers/net/fc/tach_structs.h linux/drivers/net/fc/tach_structs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+ * iph5526.c: Structures for the Interphase 5526 PCI Fibre Channel 
+ *			  IP/SCSI driver.
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 Vineet M Abraham <>
+ **********************************************************************/
+#ifndef _TACH_STRUCT_H
+#define _TACH_STRUCT_H
+typedef struct {
+	u_short cmnd_code;
+	u_short payload_length;
+	u_short type_code;
+	u_short est_image_pair;
+	u_int originator_pa;
+	u_int responder_pa;
+	u_int service_params;
+} PRLI;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int flags_and_byte_offset;
+	u_int byte_count;
+	u_short no_of_recvd_frames;
+	u_short no_of_expected_frames;
+	u_int last_fctl;
+	u_int sdb_address;
+	u_int scratch_pad;
+	u_int expected_ro;
+	u_short buffer_index;
+	u_short buffer_offset;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int flags_and_did;
+	u_short max_frame_len;
+	u_short cntl;
+	u_int total_seq_length;
+	u_short link;
+	u_short rx_id;
+	u_int transaction_id;
+	u_int header_address;
+	u_char seq_id;
+	u_char reserved;
+	u_short header_length;
+	u_int edb_address;
+typedef struct {
+	u_short d_naa;
+	u_short dest_high;
+	u_int dest_low;
+	u_short s_naa;
+	u_short source_high;
+	u_int source_low;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int resv;
+	u_char sof_and_eof;
+	u_char dest_alpa;
+	u_short lcr_and_time_stamp;
+	u_int r_ctl_and_d_id;
+	u_int vc_id_and_s_id;
+	u_int type_and_f_cntl;
+	u_char seq_id;
+	u_char df_cntl;
+	u_short seq_cnt;
+	u_short ox_id;
+	u_short rx_id;
+	u_int ro;
+	NW_HEADER nw_header;
+typedef struct {
+	u_short service_options;
+	u_short initiator_ctl;
+	u_short recipient_ctl;
+	u_short recv_data_field_size;
+	u_short concurrent_sequences;
+	u_short n_port_end_to_end_credit;
+	u_short open_seq_per_exchange;
+	u_short resv;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int logo_cmnd;
+	u_char reserved;
+	u_char n_port_id_2;
+	u_char n_port_id_1;
+	u_char n_port_id_0;
+	u_int port_name_up;
+	u_int port_name_low;
+	} LOGO;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int ls_cmnd_code;
+	u_int hard_address;
+	u_int port_name_high;
+	u_int port_name_low;
+	u_int node_name_high;
+	u_int node_name_low;
+	u_int n_port_id;
+	} ADISC;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int cmnd_code;
+	u_int reason_code;
+	} LS_RJT;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int cmnd_code;
+	} ACC;
+typedef struct  {
+	u_int seq_d_id;
+	u_int tot_len;
+	u_short cntl;
+	u_short rx_id;
+	u_short cs_enable;
+	u_short cs_seed;
+	u_int trans_id;
+	u_int hdr_addr;
+	u_short frame_len;
+	u_short hdr_len;
+	u_int edb_addr;
+	}ODB;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int cmnd_code;
+	u_int reg_function; /* in the last byte */
+	} SCR;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int rev_in_id;
+	u_char fs_type;
+	u_char fs_subtype;
+	u_char options;
+	u_char resv1;
+	u_short cmnd_resp_code;
+	u_short max_res_size;
+	u_char resv2;
+	u_char reason_code;
+	u_char expln_code;
+	u_char vendor_unique;
+	} CT_HDR;
+typedef struct {
+	CT_HDR	 ct_hdr;
+	u_int s_id;
+	u_char bit_map[32]; /* 32 byte bit map */
+	} RFC_4;
+typedef struct {
+	u_int ls_cmnd_code;
+	u_short fc_ph_version;
+	u_short buff_to_buff_credit;
+	u_short common_features;
+	u_short recv_data_field_size;
+	u_short n_port_total_conc_seq;
+	u_short rel_off_by_info_cat;
+	u_int ED_TOV;
+	u_int n_port_name_high;
+	u_int n_port_name_low;
+	u_int node_name_high;
+	u_int node_name_low;
+	CLASS_OF_SERVICE c_of_s[3];
+	u_int resv[4];
+	u_int vendor_version_level[4];
+typedef struct {
+	CT_HDR	 ct_hdr;
+	u_int port_type; /* in the first byte */
+	} GP_ID4;
+typedef struct  {
+	u_int   buf_addr;
+	u_short ehf;
+	u_short buf_len;
+	}EDB;
+/* (i)chip Registers */
+struct i_chip_regs {
+	u_int	ptr_ichip_hw_control_reg;
+	u_int	ptr_ichip_hw_status_reg;
+	u_int	ptr_ichip_hw_addr_mask_reg;
+struct iph5526_novram {
+	u_int	ptr_novram_hw_control_reg;
+	u_int	ptr_novram_hw_status_reg;
+	u_short data[IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE];
+/* Tachyon Registers */
+struct tachyon_regs {
+	u_int    ptr_ocq_base_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_ocq_len_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_ocq_prod_indx_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_ocq_cons_indx_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_imq_base_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_imq_len_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_imq_cons_indx_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_imq_prod_indx_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_mfsbq_base_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_mfsbq_len_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_mfsbq_prod_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_mfsbq_cons_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_mfsbuff_len_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_sfsbq_base_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_sfsbq_len_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_sfsbq_prod_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_sfsbq_cons_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_sfsbuff_len_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_sest_base_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_sest_len_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_scsibuff_len_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_tach_config_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_tach_control_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_tach_status_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_tach_flush_oxid_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_fm_config_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_fm_control_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_fm_status_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_fm_tov_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_fm_wwn_hi_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_fm_wwn_low_reg;
+	u_int    ptr_fm_rx_al_pa_reg;
+struct globals {
+	u_long tachyon_base;
+	u_int *mem_base;
+	u_short ox_id; /* OX_ID used for IP and ELS frames */
+	u_short scsi_oxid; /* OX_ID for SEST entry */
+	u_char seq_id;
+	u_int my_id;
+	u_int my_ddaa; /* my domain and area in a fabric */
+	volatile u_char loop_up;
+	volatile u_char ptp_up; /* we have a point-to-point link */
+	volatile u_char link_up;
+	volatile u_char n_port_try;
+	volatile u_char nport_timer_set;
+	volatile u_char lport_timer_set;
+	/* Hmmm... We dont want to Initialize while closing */
+	u_char dont_init; 
+	u_int my_node_name_high;
+	u_int my_node_name_low;
+	u_int my_port_name_high;
+	u_int my_port_name_low;
+	u_char fabric_present;
+	u_char explore_fabric;
+	u_char name_server;  
+	u_int my_mtu;
+	u_int *els_buffer[MAX_PENDING_FRAMES]; /* temp space for ELS frames */
+	char *arp_buffer; /* temp space for ARP frames */
+	u_int mfs_buffer_count; /* keep track of MFS buffers used*/
+	u_char scsi_registered;
+	/* variables for port discovery */
+	volatile u_char port_discovery;
+	volatile u_char perform_adisc;
+	u_short alpa_list_index;
+	u_short type_of_frame; /* Could be IP/SCSI Read/SCSI Write*/	
+	u_char no_of_targets; /* used to assign target_ids */
+	u_long sem; /* to synchronize between IP and SCSI */
+	u_char e_i;
+	/* the frames */
+	TACHYON_HEADER tach_header;
+	LOGIN login;
+	PRLI prli;
+	LOGO logo;
+	ADISC adisc;
+	LS_RJT ls_rjt;
+	ODB	odb;
+	INB_SEST_ENTRY inb_sest_entry;
+	OUTB_SEST_ENTRY outb_sest_entry;
+	ACC	acc;
+	SCR	scr;
+	EDB	edb;
+	RFC_4 rfc_4;
+	GP_ID4 gp_id4;
+struct queue_variables {
+	/* Indices maintained in host memory.
+	 */
+	u_int *host_ocq_cons_indx, *host_hpcq_cons_indx, *host_imq_prod_indx;
+	u_int *ptr_host_ocq_cons_indx, *ptr_host_hpcq_cons_indx, *ptr_host_imq_prod_indx;
+	/* Variables for Outbound Command Queue (OCQ).
+	 */
+	u_int *ptr_ocq_base;
+	u_int ocq_len, ocq_end;
+	u_int ocq_prod_indx;
+	u_int *ptr_odb[OCQ_LENGTH];
+	/* Variables for Inbound Message Queue (IMQ).
+	 */
+	u_int *ptr_imq_base;
+	u_int imq_len, imq_end;
+	u_int imq_cons_indx;
+	u_int imq_prod_indx;
+	u_int *ptr_imqe[IMQ_LENGTH];
+	u_int *ptr_mfsbq_base;
+	u_int mfsbq_len, mfsbq_end;
+	u_int mfsbq_prod_indx;
+	u_int mfsbq_cons_indx;
+	u_int mfsbuff_len, mfsbuff_end;
+	u_int *ptr_sfsbq_base;
+	u_int sfsbq_len, sfsbq_end;
+	u_int sfsbq_prod_indx;
+	u_int sfsbq_cons_indx;
+	u_int sfsbuff_len, sfsbuff_end;
+	u_int *ptr_sfs_buffers[SFSBQ_LENGTH * NO_OF_ENTRIES];
+	/* Tables for SCSI Transactions */
+	u_int *ptr_sest_base;
+	u_int *ptr_sest[SEST_LENGTH];
+	u_char free_scsi_oxid[SEST_LENGTH];
+	u_int *ptr_sdb_base;
+	u_int *ptr_sdb_slot[NO_OF_SDB_ENTRIES];
+	u_char sdb_slot_status[NO_OF_SDB_ENTRIES];
+	u_int sdb_indx;
+	u_int *ptr_fcp_cmnd_base;
+	u_int *ptr_fcp_cmnd[NO_OF_FCP_CMNDS];
+	u_int fcp_cmnd_indx;
+	/* Table for data to be transmitted.
+	 */
+	u_int *ptr_edb_base;
+	u_int *ptr_edb[EDB_LEN];
+	u_int edb_buffer_indx;
+	volatile u_char free_edb_list[EDB_LEN];
+	/* Table of Tachyon Headers.
+	 */
+	u_int *ptr_tachyon_header[NO_OF_TACH_HEADERS];
+	u_int *ptr_tachyon_header_base;
+	u_int tachyon_header_indx;
+/* Used to match incoming ACCs to ELS requests sent out */
+struct ox_id_els_map {
+	u_short ox_id;
+	u_int els;
+	struct ox_id_els_map *next;
+/* Carries info about individual nodes... stores the info got at login 
+ * time. Also maintains mapping between MAC->FC addresses 
+ */
+struct fc_node_info {
+	/* Itz the WWN (8 bytes), the last 6 bytes is the MAC address */
+	u_char hw_addr[PORT_NAME_LEN]; 
+	u_char node_name[NODE_NAME_LEN]; 
+	u_int d_id;  /*real FC address, 3 bytes */
+	int mtu;
+	/* login = 1 if login attempted
+	 * login = 2 if login completed 
+	 */
+	int login;    
+	u_char scsi; /*  = 1 if device is a SCSI Target */
+	u_char target_id;
+	CLASS_OF_SERVICE c_of_s[3];
+	struct fc_node_info *next;
+struct fc_info {
+	char name[8];
+	u_long base_addr;
+	int irq;
+	struct net_device_stats fc_stats;
+	struct fc_node_info *node_info_list;
+	int num_nodes;
+	struct ox_id_els_map *ox_id_list;
+	struct i_chip_regs i_r;
+	struct tachyon_regs t_r;
+	struct queue_variables q;
+	struct globals g;
+	struct iph5526_novram n_r;
+	u_short clone_id;
+	struct timer_list nport_timer;
+	struct timer_list lport_timer;
+	struct timer_list explore_timer;
+	struct timer_list display_cache_timer;
+	struct device *dev;
+	struct Scsi_Host *host;
+	spinlock_t fc_lock;
+struct iph5526_hostdata {
+	struct fc_info *fi;
+	fcp_cmd cmnd;
+	Scsi_Cmnd *cmnd_handler[SEST_LENGTH];
+	u_int tag_ages[MAX_SCSI_TARGETS];
+/* List of valid AL_PAs */
+u_char alpa_list[127] = { 
+	0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x17, 
+	0x18, 0x1B, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x23, 0x25, 0x26, 
+	0x27, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x31, 
+	0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x3C, 
+	0x43, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C, 
+	0x4D, 0x4E, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 
+	0x59, 0x5A, 0x5C, 0x63, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x69, 
+	0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 
+	0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x7C, 0x80, 0x81, 
+	0x82, 0x84, 0x88, 0x8F, 0x90, 0x97, 0x98, 0x9B, 
+	0x9D, 0x9E, 0x9F, 0xA3, 0xA5, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0xA9, 
+	0xAA, 0xAB, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0xAE, 0xB1, 0xB2, 0xB3, 
+	0xB4, 0xB5, 0xB6, 0xB9, 0xBA, 0xBC, 0xC3, 0xC5, 
+	0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC9, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0xCC, 0xCD, 0xCE, 
+	0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0xD6, 0xD9, 0xDA, 
+	0xDC, 0xE0, 0xE1, 0xE2, 0xE4, 0xE8, 0xEF
+#endif /* _TACH_STRUCT_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: