patch-2.3.29 linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skge.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.28/linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skge.c linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/skge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3676 @@
+ *
+ * Name:      	skge.c
+ * Project:	GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+ * Version:	$Revision: 1.25 $
+ * Date:       	$Date: 1999/10/07 14:47:52 $
+ * Purpose:	The main driver source module
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *	(C)Copyright 1998,1999 SysKonnect,
+ *	a business unit of Schneider & Koch & Co. Datensysteme GmbH.
+ *
+ *	Driver for SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapters:
+ *
+ *	SK-9841 (single link 1000Base-LX)
+ *	SK-9842 (dual link   1000Base-LX)
+ *	SK-9843 (single link 1000Base-SX)
+ *	SK-9844 (dual link   1000Base-SX)
+ *	SK-9821 (single link 1000Base-T)
+ *	SK-9822 (dual link   1000Base-T)
+ *
+ *	Created 10-Feb-1999, based on Linux' acenic.c, 3c59x.c and 
+ *	SysKonnects GEnesis Solaris driver
+ *	Author: Christoph Goos (
+ *
+ *	Address all question to:
+ *
+ *	The technical manual for the adapters is available from SysKonnect's
+ *	web pages:
+ *	Goto "Support" and search Knowledge Base for "manual".
+ *	
+ *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *	(at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *	The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * History:
+ *
+ *	$Log: skge.c,v $
+ *	Revision 1.25  1999/10/07 14:47:52  cgoos
+ *	Changed 984x to 98xx.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.24  1999/09/30 07:21:01  cgoos
+ *	Removed SK_RLMT_SLOW_LOOKAHEAD option.
+ *	Giving spanning tree packets also to OS now.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.23  1999/09/29 07:36:50  cgoos
+ *	Changed assignment for IsBc/IsMc.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.22  1999/09/28 12:57:09  cgoos
+ *	Added CheckQueue also to Single-Port-ISR.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.21  1999/09/28 12:42:41  cgoos
+ *	Changed parameter strings for RlmtMode.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.20  1999/09/28 12:37:57  cgoos
+ *	Added CheckQueue for fast delivery of RLMT frames.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.19  1999/09/16 07:57:25  cgoos
+ *	Copperfield changes.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.18  1999/09/03 13:06:30  cgoos
+ *	Fixed RlmtMode=CheckSeg bug: wrong DEV_KFREE_SKB in RLMT_SEND caused
+ *	double allocated skb's.
+ *	FrameStat in ReceiveIrq was accessed via wrong Rxd.
+ *	Queue size for async. standby Tx queue was zero.
+ *	FillRxLimit of 0 could cause problems with ReQueue, changed to 1.
+ *	Removed debug output of checksum statistic.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.17  1999/08/11 13:55:27  cgoos
+ *	Transmit descriptor polling was not reenabled after SkGePortInit.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.16  1999/07/27 15:17:29  cgoos
+ *	Added some "\n" in output strings (removed while debuging...).
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.15  1999/07/23 12:09:30  cgoos
+ *	Performance optimization, rx checksumming, large frame support.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.14  1999/07/14 11:26:27  cgoos
+ *	Removed Link LED settings (now in RLMT).
+ *	Added status output at NET UP.
+ *	Fixed SMP problems with Tx and SWITCH running in parallel.
+ *	Fixed return code problem at RLMT_SEND event.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.13  1999/04/07 10:11:42  cgoos
+ *	Fixed Single Port problems.
+ *	Fixed Multi-Adapter problems.
+ *	Always display startup string.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.12  1999/03/29 12:26:37  cgoos
+ *	Reversed locking to fine granularity.
+ *	Fixed skb double alloc problem (caused by incorrect xmit return code).
+ *	Enhanced function descriptions.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.11  1999/03/15 13:10:51  cgoos
+ *	Changed device identifier in output string to ethX.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.10  1999/03/15 12:12:34  cgoos
+ *	Changed copyright notice.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.9  1999/03/15 12:10:17  cgoos
+ *	Changed locking to one driver lock.
+ *	Added check of SK_AC-size (for consistency with library).
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.8  1999/03/08 11:44:02  cgoos
+ *	Fixed missing dev->tbusy in SkGeXmit.
+ *	Changed large frame (jumbo) buffer number.
+ *	Added copying of short frames.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.7  1999/03/04 13:26:57  cgoos
+ *	Fixed spinlock calls for SMP.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.6  1999/03/02 09:53:51  cgoos
+ *	Added descriptor revertion for big endian machines.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.5  1999/03/01 08:50:59  cgoos
+ *	Fixed SkGeChangeMtu.
+ *	Fixed pci config space accesses.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.4  1999/02/18 15:48:44  cgoos
+ *	Corrected some printk's.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.3  1999/02/18 12:45:55  cgoos
+ *	Changed SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM to default 16
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.2  1999/02/18 10:55:32  cgoos
+ *	Removed SkGeDrvTimeStamp function.
+ *	Printing "ethX:" before adapter type at adapter init.
+ *	
+ *
+ *	10-Feb-1999 cg	Created, based on Linux' acenic.c, 3c59x.c and 
+ *			SysKonnects GEnesis Solaris driver
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Possible compiler options (#define xxx / -Dxxx):
+ *
+ *	debugging can be enable by changing SK_DEBUG_CHKMOD and 
+ *	SK_DEBUG_CHKCAT in makefile (described there).
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ *	This is the main module of the Linux GE driver.
+ *	
+ *	All source files except skge.c, skdrv1st.h, skdrv2nd.h and sktypes.h
+ *	are part of SysKonnect's COMMON MODULES for the SK-98xx adapters.
+ *	Those are used for drivers on multiple OS', so some thing may seem
+ *	unnecessary complicated on Linux. Please do not try to 'clean up'
+ *	them without VERY good reasons, because this will make it more
+ *	difficult to keep the Linux driver in synchronisation with the
+ *	other versions.
+ *
+ * Include file hierarchy:
+ *
+ *	<linux/module.h>
+ *
+ *	"h/skdrv1st.h"
+ *		<linux/version.h>
+ *		<linux/types.h>
+ *		<linux/kernel.h>
+ *		<linux/string.h>
+ *		<linux/errno.h>
+ *		<linux/ioport.h>
+ *		<linux/malloc.h>
+ *		<linux/interrupt.h>
+ *		<linux/pci.h>
+ *		<asm/byteorder.h>
+ *		<asm/bitops.h>
+ *		<asm/io.h>
+ *		<linux/netdevice.h>
+ *		<linux/etherdevice.h>
+ *		<linux/skbuff.h>
+ *	    those three depending on kernel version used:
+ *		<linux/bios32.h>
+ *		<linux/init.h>
+ *		<asm/uaccess.h>
+ *		<net/checksum.h>
+ *
+ *		"h/skerror.h"
+ *		"h/skdebug.h"
+ *		"h/sktypes.h"
+ *		"h/lm80.h"
+ *		"h/xmac_ii.h"
+ *
+ *      "h/skdrv2nd.h"
+ *		"h/skqueue.h"
+ *		"h/skgehwt.h"
+ *		"h/sktimer.h"
+ *		"h/ski2c.h"
+ *		"h/skgepnmi.h"
+ *		"h/skvpd.h"
+ *		"h/skgehw.h"
+ *		"h/skgeinit.h"
+ *		"h/skaddr.h"
+ *		"h/skgesirq.h"
+ *		"h/skcsum.h"
+ *		"h/skrlmt.h"
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static const char SysKonnectFileId[] = "@(#)" __FILE__ " (C) SysKonnect.";
+static const char SysKonnectBuildNumber[] =
+	"@(#)SK-BUILD: 3.02 (19991111) PL: 01"; 
+#include	<linux/module.h>
+#include	"h/skdrv1st.h"
+#include	"h/skdrv2nd.h"
+/* defines ******************************************************************/
+#define BOOT_STRING	"sk98lin: Network Device Driver v3.02\n" \
+			"Copyright (C) 1999 SysKonnect"
+#define VER_STRING	"3.02"
+/* for debuging on x86 only */
+/* #define BREAKPOINT() asm(" int $3"); */
+/* use of a transmit complete interrupt */
+/* use interrupt moderation (for tx complete only) */
+// #define USE_INT_MOD
+#define INTS_PER_SEC	1000
+ * threshold for copying small receive frames
+ * set to 0 to avoid copying, set to 9001 to copy all frames
+ */
+#define SK_COPY_THRESHOLD	200
+/* number of adapters that can be configured via command line params */
+#define SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM	16
+ * use those defines for a compile-in version of the driver instead 
+ * of command line parameters
+ */
+// #define AUTO_NEG_A	{"Sense", }
+// #define AUTO_NEG_B	{"Sense", }
+// #define DUP_CAP_A	{"Both", }
+// #define DUP_CAP_B	{"Both", }
+// #define FLOW_CTRL_A	{"SymOrRem", }
+// #define FLOW_CTRL_B	{"SymOrRem", }
+// #define ROLE_A	{"Auto", }
+// #define ROLE_B	{"Auto", }
+// #define PREF_PORT	{"A", }
+// #define RLMT_MODE	{"CheckLink", }
+#define DEV_KFREE_SKB(skb) dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+/* function prototypes ******************************************************/
+static void	FreeResources(struct net_device *dev);
+int		init_module(void);
+void		cleanup_module(void);
+static int	SkGeBoardInit(struct net_device *dev, SK_AC *pAC);
+static SK_BOOL	BoardAllocMem(SK_AC *pAC);
+static void	BoardFreeMem(SK_AC *pAC);
+static void	BoardInitMem(SK_AC *pAC);
+static void	SetupRing(SK_AC*, void*, uintptr_t, RXD**, RXD**, RXD**,
+			int*, SK_BOOL);
+static void	SkGeIsr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *ptregs);
+static void	SkGeIsrOnePort(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *ptregs);
+static int	SkGeOpen(struct net_device *dev);
+static int	SkGeClose(struct net_device *dev);
+static int	SkGeXmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
+static int	SkGeSetMacAddr(struct net_device *dev, void *p);
+static void	SkGeSetRxMode(struct net_device *dev);
+static struct net_device_stats *SkGeStats(struct net_device *dev);
+static int	SkGeIoctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd);
+static void	GetConfiguration(SK_AC*);
+static void	ProductStr(SK_AC*);
+static int	XmitFrame(SK_AC*, TX_PORT*, struct sk_buff*);
+static void	FreeTxDescriptors(SK_AC*pAC, TX_PORT*);
+static void	FillRxRing(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*);
+static SK_BOOL	FillRxDescriptor(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*);
+static void	ReceiveIrq(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*);
+static void	ClearAndStartRx(SK_AC*, int);
+static void	ClearTxIrq(SK_AC*, int, int);
+static void	ClearRxRing(SK_AC*, RX_PORT*);
+static void	ClearTxRing(SK_AC*, TX_PORT*);
+static void	SetQueueSizes(SK_AC	*pAC);
+static int	SkGeChangeMtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu);
+static void	PortReInitBmu(SK_AC*, int);
+static int	SkGeIocMib(SK_AC*, unsigned int, int);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static void	DumpMsg(struct sk_buff*, char*);
+static void	DumpData(char*, int);
+static void	DumpLong(char*, int);
+/* global variables *********************************************************/
+static const char *BootString = BOOT_STRING;
+static struct net_device *root_dev = NULL;
+static int probed __initdata = 0;
+/* local variables **********************************************************/
+static uintptr_t TxQueueAddr[SK_MAX_MACS][2] = {{0x680, 0x600},{0x780, 0x700}};
+static uintptr_t RxQueueAddr[SK_MAX_MACS] = {0x400, 0x480};
+ *
+ * 	skge_probe - find all SK-98xx adapters
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function scans the PCI bus for SK-98xx adapters. Resources for
+ *	each adapter are allocated and the adapter is brought into Init 1
+ *	state.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0, if everything is ok
+ *	!=0, on error
+ */
+int __init skge_probe (struct net_device *dev)
+int boards_found = 0;
+int		version_disp = 0;
+SK_AC		*pAC;
+struct pci_dev	*pdev = NULL;
+unsigned int	base_address;
+	if (probed)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	probed++;
+	/* display driver info */
+	if (!version_disp)
+	{
+		/* set display flag to TRUE so that */
+		/* we only display this string ONCE */
+		version_disp = 1;
+		printk("%s\n", BootString);
+	}
+	if (!pci_present())		/* is PCI support present? */
+		return -ENODEV;
+	while((pdev = pci_find_class(PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_ETHERNET << 8, pdev)))
+	{
+		dev = NULL;
+		if (pdev->vendor != PCI_VENDOR_ID_SYSKONNECT || 
+			pdev->device != PCI_DEVICE_ID_SYSKONNECT_GE) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		dev = init_etherdev(dev, sizeof(SK_AC));
+		if (dev == NULL){
+			printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate etherdev "
+			       "structure!\n");
+			break;
+		}
+		if (!dev->priv)
+			dev->priv = kmalloc(sizeof(SK_AC), GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (dev->priv == NULL){
+			printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to allocate adapter "
+			       "structure!\n");
+			break;
+		}
+		memset(dev->priv, 0, sizeof(SK_AC));
+		pAC = dev->priv;
+		pAC->PciDev = *pdev;
+		pAC->PciDevId = pdev->device;
+		pAC->dev = dev;
+		sprintf(pAC->Name, "SysKonnect SK-98xx");
+		pAC->CheckQueue = SK_FALSE;
+		dev->irq = pdev->irq;
+		dev->open =		&SkGeOpen;
+		dev->stop =		&SkGeClose;
+		dev->hard_start_xmit =	&SkGeXmit;
+		dev->get_stats =	&SkGeStats;
+		dev->set_multicast_list = &SkGeSetRxMode;
+		dev->set_mac_address =	&SkGeSetMacAddr;
+		dev->do_ioctl =		&SkGeIoctl;
+		dev->change_mtu =	&SkGeChangeMtu;
+		/*
+		 * Dummy value.
+		 */
+		dev->base_addr = 42;
+		pci_set_master(pdev);
+		base_address = pdev->resource[0].start;
+		/*
+		 * On big endian machines, we use the adapter's aibility of
+		 * reading the descriptors as big endian.
+		 */
+		{
+		SK_U32		our2;
+			SkPciReadCfgDWord(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_2, &our2);
+			our2 |= PCI_REV_DESC;
+			SkPciWriteCfgDWord(pAC, PCI_OUR_REG_2, our2);
+		}
+#endif /* BIG ENDIAN */
+		/*
+		 * Remap the regs into kernel space.
+		 */
+		pAC->IoBase = (char*)ioremap(base_address, 0x4000);
+		if (!pAC->IoBase){
+			printk(KERN_ERR "%s:  Unable to map I/O register, "
+			       "SK 98xx No. %i will be disabled.\n",
+			       dev->name, boards_found);
+			break;
+		}
+		pAC->Index = boards_found;
+		if (SkGeBoardInit(dev, pAC)) {
+			FreeResources(dev);
+			continue;
+		}
+                memcpy((caddr_t) &dev->dev_addr,
+			(caddr_t) &pAC->Addr.CurrentMacAddress, 6);
+		boards_found++;
+		/*
+		 * This is bollocks, but we need to tell the net-init
+		 * code that it shall go for the next device.
+		 */
+#ifndef MODULE
+		dev->base_addr = 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If we're at this point we're going through skge_probe() for
+	 * the first time.  Return success (0) if we've initialized 1
+	 * or more boards. Otherwise, return failure (-ENODEV).
+	 */
+#ifdef MODULE
+	return boards_found;
+	if (boards_found > 0)
+		return 0;
+	else
+		return -ENODEV;
+} /* skge_probe */
+ *
+ * 	FreeResources - release resources allocated for adapter
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function releases the IRQ, unmaps the IO and
+ *	frees the desriptor ring.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *	
+ */
+static void FreeResources(struct net_device *dev)
+SK_U32 AllocFlag;
+SK_AC	*pAC;
+	if (dev->priv) {
+		pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+		AllocFlag = pAC->AllocFlag;
+		if (AllocFlag & SK_ALLOC_IRQ) {
+			free_irq(dev->irq, dev);
+		}
+		if (pAC->IoBase) {
+			iounmap(pAC->IoBase);
+		}
+		if (pAC->pDescrMem) {
+			BoardFreeMem(pAC);
+		}
+	}
+} /* FreeResources */
+#ifdef MODULE
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Christoph Goos <>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("SysKonnect SK-NET Gigabit Ethernet SK-98xx driver");
+/* not used, just there because every driver should have them: */
+MODULE_PARM(debug,      "i");
+#endif // MODULE
+#ifdef AUTO_NEG_A
+static char *AutoNeg_A[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = AUTO_NEG_A;
+static char *AutoNeg_A[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef DUP_CAP_A
+static char *DupCap_A[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = DUP_CAP_A;
+static char *DupCap_A[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef FLOW_CTRL_A
+static char *FlowCtrl_A[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = FLOW_CTRL_A;
+static char *FlowCtrl_A[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef ROLE_A
+static char *Role_A[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = ROLE_A;
+static char *Role_A[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef AUTO_NEG_B
+static char *AutoNeg_B[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = AUTO_NEG_B;
+static char *AutoNeg_B[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef DUP_CAP_B
+static char *DupCap_B[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = DUP_CAP_B;
+static char *DupCap_B[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef FLOW_CTRL_B
+static char *FlowCtrl_B[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = FLOW_CTRL_B;
+static char *FlowCtrl_B[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef ROLE_B
+static char *Role_B[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = ROLE_B;
+static char *Role_B[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef PREF_PORT
+static char *PrefPort[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = PREF_PORT;
+static char *PrefPort[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef RLMT_MODE
+static char *RlmtMode[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = RLMT_MODE;
+static char *RlmtMode[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {"", };
+#ifdef MODULE
+static int debug = 0; /* not used */
+static int options[SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM] = {0, }; /* not used */
+ *
+ * 	init_module - module initialization function
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	Very simple, only call skge_probe and return approriate result.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0, if everything is ok
+ *	!=0, on error
+ */
+int init_module(void)
+int cards;
+	root_dev = NULL;
+	/* just to avoid warnings ... */
+	debug = 0;
+	options[0] = 0;
+	cards = skge_probe(NULL);
+	if (cards == 0) {
+		printk("No adapter found\n");
+	}
+	return cards ? 0 : -ENODEV;
+} /* init_module */
+ *
+ * 	cleanup_module - module unload function
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	Disable adapter if it is still running, free resources,
+ *	free device struct.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+void cleanup_module(void)
+SK_AC	*pAC;
+struct net_device *next;
+unsigned long Flags;
+	while (root_dev) {
+		pAC = (SK_AC*)root_dev->priv;
+		next = pAC->Next;
+		root_dev->tbusy = 1;
+		SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
+		if(pAC->BoardLevel == 2) {
+			/* board is still alive */
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+			SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+			SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+			/* disable interrupts */
+			SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+			SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase); 
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+			pAC->BoardLevel = 0;
+			/* We do NOT check here, if IRQ was pending, of course*/
+		}
+		if(pAC->BoardLevel == 1) {
+			/* board is still alive */
+			SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase); 
+			pAC->BoardLevel = 0;
+		}
+		FreeResources(root_dev);
+		root_dev->get_stats = NULL;
+		/* 
+		 * otherwise unregister_netdev calls get_stats with
+		 * invalid IO ...  :-(
+		 */
+		unregister_netdev(root_dev);
+		kfree(root_dev);
+		root_dev = next;
+	}
+#endif /* cleanup_module */
+ *
+ * 	SkGeBoardInit - do level 0 and 1 initialization
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function prepares the board hardware for running. The desriptor
+ *	ring is set up, the IRQ is allocated and the configuration settings
+ *	are examined.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0, if everything is ok
+ *	!=0, on error
+ */
+static int __init SkGeBoardInit(struct net_device *dev, SK_AC *pAC)
+short	i;
+unsigned long Flags;
+char	*DescrString = "sk98lin: Driver for Linux"; /* this is given to PNMI */
+char	*VerStr	= VER_STRING;
+int	Ret;			/* return code of request_irq */
+		("IoBase: %08lX\n", (unsigned long)pAC->IoBase));
+	for (i=0; i<SK_MAX_MACS; i++) {
+		pAC->TxPort[i][0].HwAddr = pAC->IoBase + TxQueueAddr[i][0];
+		pAC->TxPort[i][0].PortIndex = i;
+		pAC->RxPort[i].HwAddr = pAC->IoBase + RxQueueAddr[i];
+		pAC->RxPort[i].PortIndex = i;
+	}
+	/* Initialize the mutexes */
+	for (i=0; i<SK_MAX_MACS; i++) {
+		spin_lock_init(&pAC->TxPort[i][0].TxDesRingLock);
+		spin_lock_init(&pAC->RxPort[i].RxDesRingLock);
+	}
+	spin_lock_init(&pAC->SlowPathLock);
+	/* level 0 init common modules here */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	/* Does a RESET on board ...*/
+	if (SkGeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0) != 0) {
+		printk("HWInit (0) failed.\n");
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+		return(-EAGAIN);
+	}
+	SkI2cInit(  pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
+	SkEventInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
+	SkPnmiInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
+	SkAddrInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
+	SkRlmtInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
+	SkTimerInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 0);
+	pAC->BoardLevel = 0;
+	pAC->RxBufSize = ETH_BUF_SIZE;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	GetConfiguration(pAC);
+	/* level 1 init common modules here (HW init) */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	if (SkGeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1) != 0) {
+		printk("HWInit (1) failed.\n");
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+		return(-EAGAIN);
+	}
+	SkI2cInit(  pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkEventInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkPnmiInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkAddrInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkRlmtInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkTimerInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	pAC->BoardLevel = 1;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 2) {
+		 Ret = request_irq(dev->irq, SkGeIsr, SA_SHIRQ, pAC->Name, dev);
+	} else if (pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound == 1) {
+		Ret = request_irq(dev->irq, SkGeIsrOnePort, SA_SHIRQ,
+			pAC->Name, dev);
+	} else {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: illegal number of ports: %d\n",
+		       dev->name, pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound);
+		return -EAGAIN;
+	}
+	if (Ret) {
+		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Requested IRQ %d is busy\n",
+		       dev->name, dev->irq);
+		return -EAGAIN;
+	}
+	pAC->AllocFlag |= SK_ALLOC_IRQ;
+	/* Alloc memory for this board (Mem for RxD/TxD) : */
+	if(!BoardAllocMem(pAC)) {
+		printk("No memory for descriptor rings\n");
+       		return(-EAGAIN);
+	}
+	SkCsSetReceiveFlags(pAC,
+		&pAC->CsOfs1, &pAC->CsOfs2);
+	pAC->CsOfs = (pAC->CsOfs2 << 16) | pAC->CsOfs1;
+	BoardInitMem(pAC);
+	SetQueueSizes(pAC);
+	/* Print adapter specific string from vpd */
+	ProductStr(pAC);
+	printk("%s: %s\n", dev->name, pAC->DeviceStr);
+	SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	/*
+	 * Register the device here
+	 */
+	pAC->Next = root_dev;
+	root_dev = dev;
+	return (0);
+} /* SkGeBoardInit */
+ *
+ * 	BoardAllocMem - allocate the memory for the descriptor rings
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function allocates the memory for all descriptor rings.
+ *	Each ring is aligned for the desriptor alignment and no ring
+ *	has a 4 GByte boundary in it (because the upper 32 bit must
+ *	be constant for all descriptiors in one rings).
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	SK_TRUE, if all memory could be allocated
+ *	SK_FALSE, if not
+ */
+static SK_BOOL BoardAllocMem(
+SK_AC	*pAC)
+caddr_t		pDescrMem;	/* pointer to descriptor memory area */
+size_t		AllocLength;	/* length of complete descriptor area */
+int		i;		/* loop counter */
+unsigned long	BusAddr;
+	/* rings plus one for alignment (do not cross 4 GB boundary) */
+	/* RX_RING_SIZE is assumed bigger than TX_RING_SIZE */
+#if (BITS_PER_LONG == 32)
+	AllocLength = (RX_RING_SIZE + TX_RING_SIZE) * pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound + 8;
+	AllocLength = (RX_RING_SIZE + TX_RING_SIZE) * pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound
+		+ RX_RING_SIZE + 8;
+	pDescrMem = kmalloc(AllocLength, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (pDescrMem == NULL) {
+		return (SK_FALSE);
+	}
+	pAC->pDescrMem = pDescrMem;
+	memset(pDescrMem, 0, AllocLength);
+	/* Descriptors need 8 byte alignment */
+	BusAddr = virt_to_bus(pDescrMem);
+	if (BusAddr & (DESCR_ALIGN-1)) {
+		pDescrMem += DESCR_ALIGN - (BusAddr & (DESCR_ALIGN-1));
+	}
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+		if ((virt_to_bus(pDescrMem) & ~0xFFFFFFFFULL) != 
+		    (virt_to_bus(pDescrMem+TX_RING_SIZE) & ~0xFFFFFFFFULL)) {
+			pDescrMem += TX_RING_SIZE;
+		}
+			("TX%d/A: pDescrMem: %lX,   PhysDescrMem: %lX\n",
+			i, (unsigned long) pDescrMem,
+			(unsigned long)virt_to_bus(pDescrMem)));
+		pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxDescrRing = pDescrMem;
+		pAC->TxPort[i][0].VTxDescrRing = virt_to_bus(pDescrMem);
+		pDescrMem += TX_RING_SIZE;
+		if ((virt_to_bus(pDescrMem) & ~0xFFFFFFFFULL) != 
+		    (virt_to_bus(pDescrMem+RX_RING_SIZE) & ~0xFFFFFFFFULL)) {
+			pDescrMem += RX_RING_SIZE;
+		}
+			("RX%d: pDescrMem: %lX,   PhysDescrMem: %lX\n",
+			i, (unsigned long) pDescrMem,
+			(unsigned long)(virt_to_bus(pDescrMem))));
+		pAC->RxPort[i].pRxDescrRing = pDescrMem;
+		pAC->RxPort[i].VRxDescrRing = virt_to_bus(pDescrMem);
+		pDescrMem += RX_RING_SIZE;
+	} /* for */
+	return (SK_TRUE);
+} /* BoardAllocMem */
+ *
+ *	BoardFreeMem - reverse of BoardAllocMem
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	Free all memory allocated in BoardAllocMem: adapter context,
+ *	descriptor rings, locks.
+ *
+ * Returns:	N/A
+ */
+static void BoardFreeMem(
+SK_AC		*pAC)
+		("BoardFreeMem\n"));
+	kfree(pAC->pDescrMem);
+} /* BoardFreeMem */
+ *
+ * 	BoardInitMem - initiate the descriptor rings
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function sets the descriptor rings up in memory.
+ *	The adapter is initialized with the descriptor start addresses.
+ *
+ * Returns:	N/A
+ */
+static void BoardInitMem(
+SK_AC	*pAC)	/* pointer to adapter context */
+int	i;		/* loop counter */
+int	RxDescrSize;	/* the size of a rx descriptor rounded up to alignment*/
+int	TxDescrSize;	/* the size of a tx descriptor rounded up to alignment*/
+		("BoardInitMem\n"));
+	RxDescrSize = (((sizeof(RXD) - 1) / DESCR_ALIGN) + 1) * DESCR_ALIGN;
+	pAC->RxDescrPerRing = RX_RING_SIZE / RxDescrSize;
+	TxDescrSize = (((sizeof(TXD) - 1) / DESCR_ALIGN) + 1) * DESCR_ALIGN;
+	pAC->TxDescrPerRing = TX_RING_SIZE / RxDescrSize;
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+		SetupRing(
+			pAC,
+			pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxDescrRing,
+			pAC->TxPort[i][0].VTxDescrRing,
+			(RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingHead,
+			(RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingTail,
+			(RXD**)&pAC->TxPort[i][0].pTxdRingPrev,
+			&pAC->TxPort[i][0].TxdRingFree,
+			SK_TRUE);
+		SetupRing(
+			pAC,
+			pAC->RxPort[i].pRxDescrRing,
+			pAC->RxPort[i].VRxDescrRing,
+			&pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingHead,
+			&pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingTail,
+			&pAC->RxPort[i].pRxdRingPrev,
+			&pAC->RxPort[i].RxdRingFree,
+			SK_FALSE);
+	}
+} /* BoardInitMem */
+ *
+ * 	SetupRing - create one descriptor ring
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function creates one descriptor ring in the given memory area.
+ *	The head, tail and number of free descriptors in the ring are set.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	none
+ */
+static void SetupRing(
+SK_AC		*pAC,
+void		*pMemArea,	/* a pointer to the memory area for the ring */
+uintptr_t	VMemArea,	/* the virtual bus address of the memory area */
+RXD		**ppRingHead,	/* address where the head should be written */
+RXD		**ppRingTail,	/* address where the tail should be written */
+RXD		**ppRingPrev,	/* address where the tail should be written */
+int		*pRingFree,	/* address where the # of free descr. goes */
+SK_BOOL		IsTx)		/* flag: is this a tx ring */
+int	i;		/* loop counter */
+int	DescrSize;	/* the size of a descriptor rounded up to alignment*/
+int	DescrNum;	/* number of descriptors per ring */
+RXD	*pDescr;	/* pointer to a descriptor (receive or transmit) */
+RXD	*pNextDescr;	/* pointer to the next descriptor */
+RXD	*pPrevDescr;	/* pointer to the previous descriptor */
+uintptr_t VNextDescr;	/* the virtual bus address of the next descriptor */
+	if (IsTx == SK_TRUE) {
+		DescrSize = (((sizeof(TXD) - 1) / DESCR_ALIGN) + 1) *
+		DescrNum = TX_RING_SIZE / DescrSize;
+	}
+	else {
+		DescrSize = (((sizeof(RXD) - 1) / DESCR_ALIGN) + 1) *
+		DescrNum = RX_RING_SIZE / DescrSize;
+	}
+		("Descriptor size: %d   Descriptor Number: %d\n",
+		DescrSize,DescrNum));
+	pDescr = (RXD*) pMemArea;
+	pPrevDescr = NULL;
+	pNextDescr = (RXD*) (((char*)pDescr) + DescrSize);
+	VNextDescr = VMemArea + DescrSize;
+	for(i=0; i<DescrNum; i++) {
+		/* set the pointers right */
+		pDescr->VNextRxd = VNextDescr & 0xffffffffULL;
+		pDescr->pNextRxd = pNextDescr;
+		pDescr->TcpSumStarts = pAC->CsOfs;
+		/* advance on step */
+		pPrevDescr = pDescr;
+		pDescr = pNextDescr;
+		pNextDescr = (RXD*) (((char*)pDescr) + DescrSize);
+		VNextDescr += DescrSize;
+	}
+	pPrevDescr->pNextRxd = (RXD*) pMemArea;
+	pPrevDescr->VNextRxd = VMemArea;
+	pDescr = (RXD*) pMemArea;
+	*ppRingHead = (RXD*) pMemArea;
+	*ppRingTail = *ppRingHead;
+	*ppRingPrev = pPrevDescr;
+	*pRingFree = DescrNum;
+} /* SetupRing */
+ *
+ * 	PortReInitBmu - re-initiate the descriptor rings for one port
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function reinitializes the descriptor rings of one port
+ *	in memory. The port must be stopped before.
+ *	The HW is initialized with the descriptor start addresses.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	none
+ */
+static void PortReInitBmu(
+SK_AC	*pAC,		/* pointer to adapter context */
+int	PortIndex)	/* index of the port for which to re-init */
+		("PortReInitBmu "));
+	/* set address of first descriptor of ring in BMU */
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, TxQueueAddr[PortIndex][TX_PRIO_LOW]+
+		(uint32_t)(((caddr_t)
+		(pAC->TxPort[PortIndex][TX_PRIO_LOW].pTxdRingHead) -
+		pAC->TxPort[PortIndex][TX_PRIO_LOW].pTxDescrRing +
+		pAC->TxPort[PortIndex][TX_PRIO_LOW].VTxDescrRing) &
+		0xFFFFFFFF));
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, TxQueueAddr[PortIndex][TX_PRIO_LOW]+
+		(uint32_t)(((caddr_t)
+		(pAC->TxPort[PortIndex][TX_PRIO_LOW].pTxdRingHead) -
+		pAC->TxPort[PortIndex][TX_PRIO_LOW].pTxDescrRing +
+		pAC->TxPort[PortIndex][TX_PRIO_LOW].VTxDescrRing) >> 32));
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, RxQueueAddr[PortIndex]+RX_Q_CUR_DESCR_LOW,
+		(uint32_t)(((caddr_t)(pAC->RxPort[PortIndex].pRxdRingHead) -
+		pAC->RxPort[PortIndex].pRxDescrRing +
+		pAC->RxPort[PortIndex].VRxDescrRing) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, RxQueueAddr[PortIndex]+RX_Q_DESCR_HIGH,
+		(uint32_t)(((caddr_t)(pAC->RxPort[PortIndex].pRxdRingHead) -
+		pAC->RxPort[PortIndex].pRxDescrRing +
+		pAC->RxPort[PortIndex].VRxDescrRing) >> 32));
+} /* PortReInitBmu */
+ *
+ *	SkGeIsr - handle adapter interrupts
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	The interrupt routine is called when the network adapter
+ *	generates an interrupt. It may also be called if another device
+ *	shares this interrupt vector with the driver.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *
+ */
+static void SkGeIsr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *ptregs)
+struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)dev_id;
+SK_AC		*pAC;
+SK_U32		IntSrc;		/* interrupts source register contents */	
+	pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+	/*
+	 * Check and process if its our interrupt
+	 */
+	SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_SP_ISRC, &IntSrc);
+	if (IntSrc == 0) {
+		return;
+	}
+	while (((IntSrc & IRQ_MASK) & ~SPECIAL_IRQS) != 0) {
+#if 0 /* software irq currently not used */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_SW) {
+				("Software IRQ\n"));
+		}
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_RX1) {
+				("EOF RX1 IRQ\n"));
+			ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0]);
+		}
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_RX2) {
+				("EOF RX2 IRQ\n"));
+			ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[1]);
+		}
+#ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_AS_TX1) {
+				("EOF AS TX1 IRQ\n"));
+			spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+			FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+			spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+		}
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_AS_TX2) {
+				("EOF AS TX2 IRQ\n"));
+			spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+			FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+			spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+		}
+#if 0 /* only if sync. queues used */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_SY_TX1) {
+				("EOF SY TX1 IRQ\n"));
+			spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+			FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+			spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+			ClearTxIrq(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+		}
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_SY_TX2) {
+				("EOF SY TX2 IRQ\n"));
+			spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+			FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 1, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+			spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+			ClearTxIrq(pAC, 1, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+		}
+#endif /* 0 */
+#endif /* USE_TX_COMPLETE */
+		/* do all IO at once */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_RX1)
+			ClearAndStartRx(pAC, 0);
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_RX2)
+			ClearAndStartRx(pAC, 1);
+#ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_AS_TX1)
+			ClearTxIrq(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_LOW);
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_AS_TX2)
+			ClearTxIrq(pAC, 1, TX_PRIO_LOW);
+		SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_ISRC, &IntSrc);
+	} /* while (IntSrc & IRQ_MASK != 0) */
+	if ((IntSrc & SPECIAL_IRQS) || pAC->CheckQueue) {
+			("SPECIAL IRQ\n"));
+		pAC->CheckQueue = SK_FALSE;
+		spin_lock(&pAC->SlowPathLock);
+		if (IntSrc & SPECIAL_IRQS)
+			SkGeSirqIsr(pAC, pAC->IoBase, IntSrc);
+		SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+		spin_unlock(&pAC->SlowPathLock);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * do it all again is case we cleared an interrupt that 
+	 * came in after handling the ring (OUTs may be delayed
+	 * in hardware buffers, but are through after IN)
+	 */
+	ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[pAC->ActivePort]);
+//	ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[1]);
+#if 0
+// #ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+	spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+	FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+	spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+	spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+	FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+	spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+#if 0	/* only if sync. queues used */
+	spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+	FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+	spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+	spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+	FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 1, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+	spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[1][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+#endif /* 0 */
+#endif /* USE_TX_COMPLETE */
+	/* IRQ is processed - Enable IRQs again*/
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, IRQ_MASK);
+	return;
+} /* SkGeIsr */
+ *
+ *	SkGeIsrOnePort - handle adapter interrupts for single port adapter
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	The interrupt routine is called when the network adapter
+ *	generates an interrupt. It may also be called if another device
+ *	shares this interrupt vector with the driver.
+ *	This is the same as above, but handles only one port.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *
+ */
+static void SkGeIsrOnePort(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *ptregs)
+struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *)dev_id;
+SK_AC		*pAC;
+SK_U32		IntSrc;		/* interrupts source register contents */	
+	pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+	/*
+	 * Check and process if its our interrupt
+	 */
+	SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_SP_ISRC, &IntSrc);
+	if (IntSrc == 0) {
+		return;
+	}
+	while (((IntSrc & IRQ_MASK) & ~SPECIAL_IRQS) != 0) {
+#if 0 /* software irq currently not used */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_SW) {
+				("Software IRQ\n"));
+		}
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_RX1) {
+				("EOF RX1 IRQ\n"));
+			ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0]);
+		}
+#ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_AS_TX1) {
+				("EOF AS TX1 IRQ\n"));
+			spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+			FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+			spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+		}
+#if 0 /* only if sync. queues used */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_SY_TX1) {
+				("EOF SY TX1 IRQ\n"));
+			spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+			FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+			spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+			ClearTxIrq(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+		}
+#endif /* 0 */
+#endif /* USE_TX_COMPLETE */
+		/* do all IO at once */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_RX1)
+			ClearAndStartRx(pAC, 0);
+#ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+		if (IntSrc & IRQ_EOF_AS_TX1)
+			ClearTxIrq(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_LOW);
+		SK_IN32(pAC->IoBase, B0_ISRC, &IntSrc);
+	} /* while (IntSrc & IRQ_MASK != 0) */
+	if ((IntSrc & SPECIAL_IRQS) || pAC->CheckQueue) {
+			("SPECIAL IRQ\n"));
+		pAC->CheckQueue = SK_FALSE;
+		spin_lock(&pAC->SlowPathLock);
+		if (IntSrc & SPECIAL_IRQS)
+			SkGeSirqIsr(pAC, pAC->IoBase, IntSrc);
+		SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+		spin_unlock(&pAC->SlowPathLock);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * do it all again is case we cleared an interrupt that 
+	 * came in after handling the ring (OUTs may be delayed
+	 * in hardware buffers, but are through after IN)
+	 */
+	ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[0]);
+#if 0
+// #ifdef USE_TX_COMPLETE /* only if tx complete interrupt used */
+	spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+	FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+	spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock);
+#if 0	/* only if sync. queues used */
+	spin_lock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+	FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, 0, TX_PRIO_HIGH);
+	spin_unlock(&pAC->TxPort[0][TX_PRIO_HIGH].TxDesRingLock);
+#endif /* 0 */
+#endif /* USE_TX_COMPLETE */
+	/* IRQ is processed - Enable IRQs again*/
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, IRQ_MASK);
+	return;
+} /* SkGeIsrOnePort */
+ *
+ *	SkGeOpen - handle start of initialized adapter
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function starts the initialized adapter.
+ *	The board level variable is set and the adapter is
+ *	brought to full functionality.
+ *	The device flags are set for operation.
+ *	Do all necessary level 2 initialization, enable interrupts and
+ *	give start command to RLMT.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 on success
+ *	!= 0 on error
+ */
+static int SkGeOpen(
+struct net_device	*dev)
+SK_AC		*pAC;		/* pointer to adapter context struct */
+unsigned int	Flags;		/* for spin lock */
+int		i;
+SK_EVPARA	EvPara;		/* an event parameter union */
+	pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+		("SkGeOpen: pAC=0x%lX:\n", (unsigned long)pAC));
+	if (pAC->BoardLevel == 0) {
+		/* level 1 init common modules here */
+		if (SkGeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1) != 0) {
+			printk("%s: HWInit(1) failed\n", pAC->dev->name);
+			return (-1);
+		}
+		SkI2cInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+		SkEventInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+		SkPnmiInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+		SkAddrInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+		SkRlmtInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+		SkTimerInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+		pAC->BoardLevel = 1;
+	}
+	/* level 2 init modules here */
+	SkGeInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkI2cInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkEventInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkPnmiInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkAddrInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkRlmtInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkTimerInit	(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	pAC->BoardLevel = 2;
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+		// Enable transmit descriptor polling.
+		SkGePollTxD(pAC, pAC->IoBase, i, SK_TRUE);
+		FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+	}
+	SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+#ifdef USE_INT_MOD
+// moderate only TX complete interrupts (these are not time critical)
+	{
+		unsigned long ModBase;
+		ModBase = 53125000 / INTS_PER_SEC;
+		SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_INI, ModBase);
+	}
+	/* enable Interrupts */
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, IRQ_MASK);
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START, EvPara);
+	if (pAC->RlmtMode != 0) {
+		EvPara.Para32[0] = pAC->RlmtMode;
+			EvPara);
+	}
+	SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	dev->tbusy = 0;
+	dev->interrupt = 0;
+	dev->start = 1;
+		("SkGeOpen suceeded\n"));
+	return (0);
+} /* SkGeOpen */
+ *
+ *	SkGeClose - Stop initialized adapter
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	Close initialized adapter.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 - on success
+ *	error code - on error
+ */
+static int SkGeClose(
+struct net_device	*dev)
+SK_AC		*pAC;
+unsigned int	Flags;		/* for spin lock */
+int		i;
+	dev->start = 0;
+	set_bit(0, (void*)&dev->tbusy);
+	pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+		("SkGeClose: pAC=0x%lX ", (unsigned long)pAC));
+	/* 
+	 * Clear multicast table, promiscuous mode ....
+	 */
+	SkAddrMcClear(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort, 0);
+	SkAddrPromiscuousChange(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort,
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	/* disable interrupts */
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+	SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+	SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+	/* stop the hardware */
+	SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+	pAC->BoardLevel = 0;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+		/* clear all descriptor rings */
+		ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+		ClearRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+		ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[i][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+	}
+		("SkGeClose: done "));
+	return (0);
+} /* SkGeClose */
+ *
+ * 	SkGeXmit - Linux frame transmit function
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	The system calls this function to send frames onto the wire.
+ *	It puts the frame in the tx descriptor ring. If the ring is
+ *	full then, the 'tbusy' flag is set.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0, if everything is ok
+ *	!=0, on error
+ * WARNING: returning 1 in 'tbusy' case caused system crashes (double
+ *	allocated skb's) !!!
+ */
+static int SkGeXmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
+SK_AC		*pAC;
+int		Rc;	/* return code of XmitFrame */
+	pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+	Rc = XmitFrame(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[pAC->ActivePort][TX_PRIO_LOW], skb);
+	if (Rc == 0) {
+		/* transmitter out of resources */
+		set_bit(0, (void*) &dev->tbusy);
+		return (0);
+	} 
+	dev->trans_start = jiffies;
+	return (0);
+} /* SkGeXmit */
+ *
+ * 	XmitFrame - fill one socket buffer into the transmit ring
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function puts a message into the transmit descriptor ring
+ *	if there is a descriptors left.
+ *	Linux skb's consist of only one continuous buffer.
+ *	The first step locks the ring. It is held locked
+ *	all time to avoid problems with SWITCH_../PORT_RESET.
+ *	Then the descriptoris allocated.
+ *	The second part is linking the buffer to the descriptor.
+ *	At the very last, the Control field of the descriptor
+ *	is made valid for the BMU and a start TX command is given
+ *	if necessary.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	> 0 - on succes: the number of bytes in the message
+ *	= 0 - on resource shortage: this frame sent or dropped, now
+ *        the ring is full ( -> set tbusy)
+ *	< 0 - on failure: other problems (not used)
+ */
+static int XmitFrame(
+SK_AC 		*pAC,		/* pointer to adapter context */
+TX_PORT		*pTxPort,	/* pointer to struct of port to send to */
+struct sk_buff	*pMessage)	/* pointer to send-message */
+TXD		*pTxd;		/* the rxd to fill */
+unsigned int	Flags;
+SK_U64		PhysAddr;
+int		BytesSend;
+		("X"));
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pTxPort->TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+	if (pTxPort->TxdRingFree == 0) {
+		/* no enough free descriptors in ring at the moment */
+		FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, pTxPort);
+		if (pTxPort->TxdRingFree == 0) {
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pTxPort->TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+				("XmitFrame failed\n"));
+			/* this message can not be sent now */
+			DEV_KFREE_SKB(pMessage);
+			return (0);
+		}
+	}
+	/* advance head counter behind descriptor needed for this frame */
+	pTxd = pTxPort->pTxdRingHead;
+	pTxPort->pTxdRingHead = pTxd->pNextTxd;
+	pTxPort->TxdRingFree--;
+	/* the needed descriptor is reserved now */
+	/* 
+	 * everything allocated ok, so add buffer to descriptor
+	 */
+#ifdef SK_DUMP_TX
+	DumpMsg(pMessage, "XmitFrame");
+	/* set up descriptor and CONTROL dword */
+	PhysAddr = virt_to_bus(pMessage->data);
+	pTxd->VDataLow = (SK_U32)  (PhysAddr & 0xffffffff);
+	pTxd->VDataHigh = (SK_U32) (PhysAddr >> 32);
+	pTxd->pMBuf = pMessage;
+	pTxd->TBControl = TX_CTRL_OWN_BMU | TX_CTRL_STF |
+		TX_CTRL_EOF | TX_CTRL_EOF_IRQ | pMessage->len;
+		TX_CTRL_EOF | pMessage->len;
+	if ((pTxPort->pTxdRingPrev->TBControl & TX_CTRL_OWN_BMU) == 0) {
+		/* previous descriptor already done, so give tx start cmd */
+		/* StartTx(pAC, pTxPort->HwAddr); */
+		SK_OUT8(pTxPort->HwAddr, TX_Q_CTRL, TX_Q_CTRL_START);
+	}
+	pTxPort->pTxdRingPrev = pTxd;
+	BytesSend = pMessage->len;
+	/* after releasing the lock, the skb may be immidiately freed */
+	if (pTxPort->TxdRingFree != 0) {
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pTxPort->TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+		return (BytesSend);
+	}
+	else {
+		/* ring full: set tbusy on return */
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pTxPort->TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+		return (0);
+	}
+} /* XmitFrame */
+ *
+ * 	FreeTxDescriptors - release descriptors from the descriptor ring
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function releases descriptors from a transmit ring if they
+ *	have been sent by the BMU.
+ *	If a descriptors is sent, it can be freed and the message can
+ *	be freed, too.
+ *	The SOFTWARE controllable bit is used to prevent running around a
+ *	completely free ring for ever. If this bit is no set in the
+ *	frame (by XmitFrame), this frame has never been sent or is
+ *	already freed.
+ *	The Tx descriptor ring lock must be held while calling this function !!!
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	none
+ */
+static void FreeTxDescriptors(
+SK_AC	*pAC,		/* pointer to the adapter context */
+TX_PORT	*pTxPort)	/* pointer to destination port structure */
+TXD	*pTxd;		/* pointer to the checked descriptor */
+TXD	*pNewTail;	/* pointer to 'end' of the ring */
+SK_U32	Control;	/* TBControl field of descriptor */
+	pNewTail = pTxPort->pTxdRingTail;
+	pTxd = pNewTail;
+	/* 
+	 * loop forever; exits if TX_CTRL_SOFTWARE bit not set in start frame
+	 * or TX_CTRL_OWN_BMU bit set in any frame
+	 */
+	while (1) {
+		Control = pTxd->TBControl;
+		if ((Control & TX_CTRL_SOFTWARE) == 0) {
+			/* 
+			 * software controllable bit is set in first
+			 * fragment when given to BMU. Not set means that
+			 * this fragment was never sent or is already 
+			 * freed ( -> ring completely free now).
+			 */
+			pTxPort->pTxdRingTail = pTxd;
+			pAC->dev->tbusy = 0;
+			return;
+		}
+		if (Control & TX_CTRL_OWN_BMU) {
+			pTxPort->pTxdRingTail = pTxd;
+			if (pTxPort->TxdRingFree > 0) {
+				pAC->dev->tbusy = 0;
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		DEV_KFREE_SKB(pTxd->pMBuf); /* free message */
+		pTxPort->TxdRingFree++;
+		pTxd->TBControl &= ~TX_CTRL_SOFTWARE;
+		pTxd = pTxd->pNextTxd; /* point behind fragment with EOF */
+	} /* while(forever) */
+} /* FreeTxDescriptors */
+ *
+ * 	FillRxRing - fill the receive ring with valid descriptors
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function fills the receive ring descriptors with data
+ *	segments and makes them valid for the BMU.
+ *	The active ring is filled completely, if possible.
+ *	The non-active ring is filled only partial to save memory.
+ *
+ * Description of rx ring structure:
+ *	head - points to the descriptor which will be used next by the BMU
+ *	tail - points to the next descriptor to give to the BMU
+ *	
+ * Returns:	N/A
+ */
+static void FillRxRing(
+SK_AC		*pAC,		/* pointer to the adapter context */
+RX_PORT		*pRxPort)	/* ptr to port struct for which the ring
+				   should be filled */
+unsigned int	Flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pRxPort->RxDesRingLock, Flags);
+	while (pRxPort->RxdRingFree > pRxPort->RxFillLimit) {
+		if(!FillRxDescriptor(pAC, pRxPort))
+			break;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pRxPort->RxDesRingLock, Flags);
+} /* FillRxRing */
+ *
+ * 	FillRxDescriptor - fill one buffer into the receive ring
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	The function allocates a new receive buffer and
+ *	puts it into the next descriptor.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	SK_TRUE - a buffer was added to the ring
+ *	SK_FALSE - a buffer could not be added
+ */
+static SK_BOOL FillRxDescriptor(
+SK_AC		*pAC,		/* pointer to the adapter context struct */
+RX_PORT		*pRxPort)	/* ptr to port struct of ring to fill */
+struct sk_buff	*pMsgBlock;	/* pointer to a new message block */
+RXD		*pRxd;		/* the rxd to fill */
+SK_U16		Length;		/* data fragment length */
+SK_U64		PhysAddr;	/* physical address of a rx buffer */
+	pMsgBlock = alloc_skb(pAC->RxBufSize, GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if (pMsgBlock == NULL) {
+			("%s: Allocation of rx buffer failed !\n",
+			pAC->dev->name));
+		return(SK_FALSE);
+	}
+	skb_reserve(pMsgBlock, 2); /* to align IP frames */
+	/* skb allocated ok, so add buffer */
+	pRxd = pRxPort->pRxdRingTail;
+	pRxPort->pRxdRingTail = pRxd->pNextRxd;
+	pRxPort->RxdRingFree--;
+	Length = pAC->RxBufSize;
+	PhysAddr = virt_to_bus(pMsgBlock->data);
+	pRxd->VDataLow = (SK_U32) (PhysAddr & 0xffffffff);
+	pRxd->VDataHigh = (SK_U32) (PhysAddr >> 32);
+	pRxd->pMBuf = pMsgBlock;
+	pRxd->RBControl = RX_CTRL_OWN_BMU | RX_CTRL_STF |
+	return (SK_TRUE);
+} /* FillRxDescriptor */
+ *
+ * 	ReQueueRxBuffer - fill one buffer back into the receive ring
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	Fill a given buffer back into the rx ring. The buffer
+ *	has been previously allocated and aligned, and its phys.
+ *	address calculated, so this is no more necessary.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+static void ReQueueRxBuffer(
+SK_AC		*pAC,		/* pointer to the adapter context struct */
+RX_PORT		*pRxPort,	/* ptr to port struct of ring to fill */
+struct sk_buff	*pMsg,		/* pointer to the buffer */
+SK_U32		PhysHigh,	/* phys address high dword */
+SK_U32		PhysLow)	/* phys address low dword */
+RXD		*pRxd;		/* the rxd to fill */
+SK_U16		Length;		/* data fragment length */
+	pRxd = pRxPort->pRxdRingTail;
+	pRxPort->pRxdRingTail = pRxd->pNextRxd;
+	pRxPort->RxdRingFree--;
+	Length = pAC->RxBufSize;
+	pRxd->VDataLow = PhysLow;
+	pRxd->VDataHigh = PhysHigh;
+	pRxd->pMBuf = pMsg;
+	pRxd->RBControl = RX_CTRL_OWN_BMU | RX_CTRL_STF |
+	return;
+} /* ReQueueRxBuffer */
+ *
+ * 	ReceiveIrq - handle a receive IRQ
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function is called when a receive IRQ is set.
+ *	It walks the receive descriptor ring and sends up all
+ *	frames that are complete.
+ *
+ * Returns:	N/A
+ */
+static void ReceiveIrq(
+SK_AC		*pAC,		/* pointer to adapter context */
+RX_PORT		*pRxPort)	/* pointer to receive port struct */
+RXD		*pRxd;		/* pointer to receive descriptors */
+SK_U32		Control;	/* control field of descriptor */
+struct sk_buff	*pMsg;		/* pointer to message holding frame */
+struct sk_buff	*pNewMsg;	/* pointer to a new message for copying frame */
+int		FrameLength;	/* total length of received frame */
+SK_MBUF		*pRlmtMbuf;	/* ptr to a buffer for giving a frame to rlmt */
+SK_EVPARA	EvPara;		/* an event parameter union */	
+int		PortIndex = pRxPort->PortIndex;
+unsigned int	Offset;
+unsigned int	NumBytes;
+unsigned int	ForRlmt;
+SK_U32		FrameStat;
+unsigned short	Csum1;
+unsigned short	Csum2;
+unsigned short	Type;
+int		Result;
+	/* do forever; exit if RX_CTRL_OWN_BMU found */
+	while (pRxPort->RxdRingFree < pAC->RxDescrPerRing) {
+		pRxd = pRxPort->pRxdRingHead;
+		Control = pRxd->RBControl;
+		/* check if this descriptor is ready */
+		if ((Control & RX_CTRL_OWN_BMU) != 0) {
+			/* this descriptor is not yet ready */
+			FillRxRing(pAC, pRxPort);
+			return;
+		}
+		/* get length of frame and check it */
+		FrameLength = Control & RX_CTRL_LEN_MASK;
+		if (FrameLength > pAC->RxBufSize)
+			goto rx_failed;
+		/* check for STF and EOF */
+		if ((Control & (RX_CTRL_STF | RX_CTRL_EOF)) !=
+			goto rx_failed;
+		/* here we have a complete frame in the ring */
+		pMsg = pRxd->pMBuf;
+		/*
+		 * if short frame then copy data to reduce memory waste
+		 */
+		if (FrameLength < SK_COPY_THRESHOLD) {
+			pNewMsg = alloc_skb(FrameLength+2, GFP_ATOMIC);
+			if (pNewMsg == NULL) {
+				/* use original skb */
+				/* set length in message */
+				skb_put(pMsg, FrameLength);
+			}
+			else {
+				/* alloc new skb and copy data */
+				skb_reserve(pNewMsg, 2);
+				skb_put(pNewMsg, FrameLength);
+				eth_copy_and_sum(pNewMsg, pMsg->data,
+					FrameLength, 0);
+				ReQueueRxBuffer(pAC, pRxPort, pMsg,
+					pRxd->VDataHigh, pRxd->VDataLow);
+				pMsg = pNewMsg;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			/* set length in message */
+			skb_put(pMsg, FrameLength);
+			/* hardware checksum */
+			Type = ntohs(*((short*)&pMsg->data[12]));
+			if (Type == 0x800) {
+				Csum1= pRxd->TcpSums & 0xffff;
+				Csum2=(pRxd->TcpSums >> 16) & 0xffff;
+				if ((Csum1 & 0xfffe) && (Csum2 & 0xfffe)) {
+					Result = SkCsGetReceiveInfo(pAC,
+						&pMsg->data[14], 
+						Csum1, Csum2);
+					if (Result == 
+						Result ==
+						Result ==
+						Result ==
+						pMsg->ip_summed =
+					}
+				} /* checksum calculation valid */
+			} /* IP frame */
+		} /* frame > SK_COPY_TRESHOLD */
+		FrameStat = pRxd->FrameStat;
+		pRxd = pRxd->pNextRxd;
+		pRxPort->pRxdRingHead = pRxd;
+		pRxPort->RxdRingFree ++;
+			("Received frame of length %d on port %d\n",
+			FrameLength, PortIndex));
+			("Number of free rx descriptors: %d\n",
+			pRxPort->RxdRingFree));
+		if ((Control & RX_CTRL_STAT_VALID) == RX_CTRL_STAT_VALID &&
+			(FrameStat & 
+ 			 == 0) {
+			IsBc = (FrameStat & XMR_FS_BC)==XMR_FS_BC;
+			SK_RLMT_PRE_LOOKAHEAD(pAC, PortIndex, FrameLength,
+				IsBc, &Offset, &NumBytes);
+			if (NumBytes != 0) {
+				IsMc = (FrameStat & XMR_FS_MC)==XMR_FS_MC;
+				SK_RLMT_LOOKAHEAD(pAC, PortIndex, 
+					&pMsg->data[Offset],
+					IsBc, IsMc, &ForRlmt);
+			}
+			if (ForRlmt == SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL) {
+				/* send up only frames from active port */
+			    	if (PortIndex == pAC->ActivePort) {
+					/* frame for upper layer */
+						("U"));
+#ifdef DUMP_RX
+					DumpMsg(pMsg, "Rx");
+					pMsg->dev = pAC->dev;
+					pMsg->protocol = eth_type_trans(pMsg,
+						pAC->dev);
+						FrameLength);
+					netif_rx(pMsg);
+					pAC->dev->last_rx = jiffies;
+				}
+				else {
+					/* drop frame */
+						("D"));
+					DEV_KFREE_SKB(pMsg);
+				}
+			} /* if not for rlmt */
+			else {
+				/* packet for rlmt */
+				pRlmtMbuf = SkDrvAllocRlmtMbuf(pAC,
+					pAC->IoBase, FrameLength);
+				if (pRlmtMbuf != NULL) {
+					pRlmtMbuf->pNext = NULL;
+					pRlmtMbuf->Length = FrameLength;
+					pRlmtMbuf->PortIdx = PortIndex;
+					EvPara.pParaPtr = pRlmtMbuf;
+					memcpy((char*)(pRlmtMbuf->pData),
+					       (char*)(pMsg->data),
+					       FrameLength);
+					SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT,
+						EvPara);
+					pAC->CheckQueue = SK_TRUE;
+						("Q"));
+				}
+				if ((pAC->dev->flags & 
+					(IFF_PROMISC | IFF_ALLMULTI)) != 0 ||
+					(ForRlmt & SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL) == 
+					pMsg->dev = pAC->dev;
+					pMsg->protocol = eth_type_trans(pMsg,
+						pAC->dev);
+					netif_rx(pMsg);
+					pAC->dev->last_rx = jiffies;
+				}
+				else {
+					DEV_KFREE_SKB(pMsg);
+				}
+			} /* if packet for rlmt */
+		} /* if valid frame */
+		else {
+			/* there is a receive error in this frame */
+			if ((FrameStat & XMR_FS_1L_VLAN) != 0) {
+				printk("%s: Received frame"
+					" with VLAN Level 1 header, check"
+					" switch configuration\n",
+					pAC->dev->name);
+			}
+			if ((FrameStat & XMR_FS_2L_VLAN) != 0) {
+				printk("%s: Received frame"
+					" with VLAN Level 2 header, check"
+					" switch configuration\n",
+					pAC->dev->name);
+			}
+				("skge: Error in received frame, dropped!\n"
+				"Control: %x\nRxStat: %x\n",
+				Control, FrameStat));
+			DEV_KFREE_SKB(pMsg);
+		}
+	} /* while */
+	FillRxRing(pAC, pRxPort);
+	/* do not start if called from Close */
+	if (pAC->BoardLevel > 0) {
+		ClearAndStartRx(pAC, PortIndex);
+	}
+	return;
+	/* remove error frame */
+		("Schrottdescriptor, length: 0x%x\n", FrameLength));
+	DEV_KFREE_SKB(pRxd->pMBuf);
+	pRxd->pMBuf = NULL;
+	pRxPort->RxdRingFree++;
+	pRxPort->pRxdRingHead = pRxd->pNextRxd;
+	goto rx_start;
+} /* ReceiveIrq */
+ *
+ * 	ClearAndStartRx - give a start receive command to BMU, clear IRQ
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function sends a start command and a clear interrupt
+ *	command for one receive queue to the BMU.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *	none
+ */
+static void ClearAndStartRx(
+SK_AC	*pAC,		/* pointer to the adapter context */
+int	PortIndex)	/* index of the receive port (XMAC) */
+	SK_OUT8(pAC->IoBase, RxQueueAddr[PortIndex]+RX_Q_CTRL,
+} /* ClearAndStartRx */
+ *
+ * 	ClearTxIrq - give a clear transmit IRQ command to BMU
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function sends a clear tx IRQ command for one
+ *	transmit queue to the BMU.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+static void ClearTxIrq(
+SK_AC	*pAC,		/* pointer to the adapter context */
+int	PortIndex,	/* index of the transmit port (XMAC) */
+int	Prio)		/* priority or normal queue */
+	SK_OUT8(pAC->IoBase, TxQueueAddr[PortIndex][Prio]+TX_Q_CTRL,
+} /* ClearTxIrq */
+ *
+ * 	ClearRxRing - remove all buffers from the receive ring
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function removes all receive buffers from the ring.
+ *	The receive BMU must be stopped before calling this function.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+static void ClearRxRing(
+SK_AC	*pAC,		/* pointer to adapter context */
+RX_PORT	*pRxPort)	/* pointer to rx port struct */
+RXD		*pRxd;	/* pointer to the current descriptor */
+unsigned int	Flags;
+	if (pRxPort->RxdRingFree == pAC->RxDescrPerRing) {
+		return;
+	}
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pRxPort->RxDesRingLock, Flags);
+	pRxd = pRxPort->pRxdRingHead;
+	do {
+		if (pRxd->pMBuf != NULL) {
+			DEV_KFREE_SKB(pRxd->pMBuf);
+			pRxd->pMBuf = NULL;
+		}
+		pRxd->RBControl &= RX_CTRL_OWN_BMU;
+		pRxd = pRxd->pNextRxd;
+		pRxPort->RxdRingFree++;
+	} while (pRxd != pRxPort->pRxdRingTail);
+	pRxPort->pRxdRingTail = pRxPort->pRxdRingHead;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pRxPort->RxDesRingLock, Flags);
+} /* ClearRxRing */
+ *
+ *	ClearTxRing - remove all buffers from the transmit ring
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function removes all transmit buffers from the ring.
+ *	The transmit BMU must be stopped before calling this function
+ *	and transmitting at the upper level must be disabled.
+ *	The BMU own bit of all descriptors is cleared, the rest is
+ *	done by calling FreeTxDescriptors.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+static void ClearTxRing(
+SK_AC	*pAC,		/* pointer to adapter context */
+TX_PORT	*pTxPort)	/* pointer to tx prt struct */
+TXD		*pTxd;		/* pointer to the current descriptor */
+int		i;
+unsigned int	Flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pTxPort->TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+	pTxd = pTxPort->pTxdRingHead;
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->TxDescrPerRing; i++) {
+		pTxd->TBControl &= ~TX_CTRL_OWN_BMU;
+		pTxd = pTxd->pNextTxd;
+	}
+	FreeTxDescriptors(pAC, pTxPort);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pTxPort->TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+} /* ClearTxRing */
+ *
+ * 	SetQueueSizes - configure the sizes of rx and tx queues
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function assigns the sizes for active and passive port
+ *	to the appropriate HWinit structure variables.
+ *	The passive port(s) get standard values, all remaining RAM
+ *	is given to the active port.
+ *	The queue sizes are in kbyte and must be multiple of 8.
+ *	The limits for the number of buffers filled into the rx rings
+ *	is also set in this routine.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	none
+ */
+static void SetQueueSizes(
+SK_AC	*pAC)	/* pointer to the adapter context */
+int	StandbyRam;	/* adapter RAM used for a standby port */
+int	RemainingRam;	/* adapter RAM available for the active port */
+int	RxRam;		/* RAM used for the active port receive queue */
+int	i;		/* loop counter */
+	RemainingRam = pAC->GIni.GIRamSize - 
+		(pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound-1) * StandbyRam;
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+	}
+	RxRam = (RemainingRam * 8 / 10) & ~7;
+	pAC->GIni.GP[pAC->ActivePort].PRxQSize = RxRam;
+	pAC->GIni.GP[pAC->ActivePort].PXSQSize = 0;
+	pAC->GIni.GP[pAC->ActivePort].PXAQSize =
+		(RemainingRam - RxRam) & ~7;
+	pAC->RxQueueSize = RxRam;
+	pAC->TxSQueueSize = 0;
+	pAC->TxAQueueSize = (RemainingRam - RxRam) & ~7;
+		("queue sizes settings - rx:%d  txA:%d txS:%d\n",
+		pAC->RxQueueSize,pAC->TxAQueueSize, pAC->TxSQueueSize));
+	for (i=0; i<SK_MAX_MACS; i++) {
+		pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = pAC->RxDescrPerRing;
+	}
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+		pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = pAC->RxDescrPerRing - 100;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Do not set the Limit to 0, because this could cause
+	 * wrap around with ReQueue'ed buffers (a buffer could
+	 * be requeued in the same position, made accessable to
+	 * the hardware, and the hardware could change its
+	 * contents!
+	 */
+	pAC->RxPort[pAC->ActivePort].RxFillLimit = 1;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+			("i: %d,  RxQSize: %d,  PXSQsize: %d, PXAQSize: %d\n",
+			i,
+			pAC->GIni.GP[i].PRxQSize,
+			pAC->GIni.GP[i].PXSQSize,
+			pAC->GIni.GP[i].PXAQSize));
+	}
+} /* SetQueueSizes */
+ *
+ * 	SkGeSetMacAddr - Set the hardware MAC address
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function sets the MAC address used by the adapter.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0, if everything is ok
+ *	!=0, on error
+ */
+static int SkGeSetMacAddr(struct net_device *dev, void *p)
+SK_AC		*pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+struct sockaddr	*addr = p;
+unsigned int	Flags;
+		("SkGeSetMacAddr starts now...\n"));
+	if(dev->start) {
+		return -EBUSY;
+	}
+	memcpy(dev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data,dev->addr_len);
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	SkAddrOverride(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort,
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	return 0;
+} /* SkGeSetMacAddr */
+ *
+ * 	SkGeSetRxMode - set receive mode
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function sets the receive mode of an adapter. The adapter
+ *	supports promiscuous mode, allmulticast mode and a number of
+ *	multicast addresses. If more multicast addresses the available
+ *	are selected, a hash function in the hardware is used.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0, if everything is ok
+ *	!=0, on error
+ */
+static void SkGeSetRxMode(struct net_device *dev)
+SK_AC			*pAC;
+struct dev_mc_list	*pMcList;
+int			i;
+unsigned int		Flags;
+		("SkGeSetRxMode starts now... "));
+	pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	if (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) {
+			("PROMISCUOUS mode\n"));
+		SkAddrPromiscuousChange(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort,
+	} else if (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) {
+			("ALLMULTI mode\n"));
+		SkAddrPromiscuousChange(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort,
+	} else {
+		SkAddrPromiscuousChange(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort,
+		SkAddrMcClear(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort, 0);
+			("Number of MC entries: %d ", dev->mc_count));
+		pMcList = dev->mc_list;
+		for (i=0; i<dev->mc_count; i++, pMcList = pMcList->next) {
+			SkAddrMcAdd(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort,
+				(SK_MAC_ADDR*)pMcList->dmi_addr, 0);
+				("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
+				pMcList->dmi_addr[0],
+				pMcList->dmi_addr[1],
+				pMcList->dmi_addr[2],
+				pMcList->dmi_addr[3],
+				pMcList->dmi_addr[4],
+				pMcList->dmi_addr[5]));
+		}
+		SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pAC->ActivePort);					
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	return;
+} /* SkGeSetRxMode */
+ *
+ * 	SkGeChangeMtu - set the MTU to another value
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function sets is called whenever the MTU size is changed
+ *	(ifconfig mtu xxx dev ethX). If the MTU is bigger than standard
+ *	ethernet MTU size, long frame support is activated.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0, if everything is ok
+ *	!=0, on error
+ */
+static int SkGeChangeMtu(struct net_device *dev, int NewMtu)
+SK_AC		*pAC;
+unsigned int	Flags;
+int		i;
+		("SkGeChangeMtu starts now...\n"));
+	pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+	if ((NewMtu < 68) || (NewMtu > SK_JUMBO_MTU)) {
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	pAC->RxBufSize = NewMtu + 32;
+	dev->mtu = NewMtu;
+		("New MTU: %d\n", NewMtu));
+	/* prevent reconfiguration while changing the MTU */
+	/* disable interrupts */
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_STOP, EvPara);
+	SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+		spin_lock_irqsave(
+			&pAC->TxPort[i][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+	}
+	pAC->dev->tbusy = 1;
+	/* 
+	 * adjust number of rx buffers allocated
+	 */
+	if (NewMtu > 1500) {
+		/* use less rx buffers */
+		for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+			if (i == pAC->ActivePort)
+				pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit =
+					pAC->RxDescrPerRing - 100;
+			else
+				pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit =
+					pAC->RxDescrPerRing - 10;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		/* use normal anoumt of rx buffers */
+		for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+			if (i == pAC->ActivePort)
+				pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit = 1;
+			else
+				pAC->RxPort[i].RxFillLimit =
+					pAC->RxDescrPerRing - 100;
+		}
+	}
+	SkGeDeInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase); 
+	/* 
+	 * enable/disable hardware support for long frames
+	 */
+	if (NewMtu > 1500) {
+		pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage = SK_JUMBO_LINK;
+		for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[i].PRxCmd = 
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		pAC->GIni.GIPortUsage = SK_RED_LINK;
+		for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[i].PRxCmd =
+		}
+	}
+	SkGeInit(   pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkI2cInit(  pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkEventInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkPnmiInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkAddrInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkRlmtInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkTimerInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+	SkGeInit(   pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkI2cInit(  pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkEventInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkPnmiInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkAddrInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkRlmtInit( pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	SkTimerInit(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 2);
+	/* 
+	 * clear and reinit the rx rings here
+	 */
+	for (i=0; i<pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound; i++) {
+		ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+		ClearRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+		FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+		// Enable transmit descriptor polling.
+		SkGePollTxD(pAC, pAC->IoBase, i, SK_TRUE);
+		FillRxRing(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[i]);
+	};
+	SkGeYellowLED(pAC, pAC->IoBase, 1);
+#ifdef USE_INT_MOD
+	{
+		unsigned long ModBase;
+		ModBase = 53125000 / INTS_PER_SEC;
+		SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B2_IRQM_INI, ModBase);
+	}
+	pAC->dev->tbusy = 0;
+	for (i=pAC->GIni.GIMacsFound-1; i>=0; i--) {
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+			&pAC->TxPort[i][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+	}
+	/* enable Interrupts */
+	SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, IRQ_MASK);
+	SkEventQueue(pAC, SKGE_RLMT, SK_RLMT_START, EvPara);
+	SkEventDispatcher(pAC, pAC->IoBase);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	return 0;
+} /* SkGeChangeMtu */
+ *
+ * 	SkGeStats - return ethernet device statistics
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function return statistic data about the ethernet device
+ *	to the operating system.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	pointer to the statistic structure.
+ */
+static struct net_device_stats *SkGeStats(struct net_device *dev)
+SK_AC	*pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA *pPnmiStruct;       /* structure for all Pnmi-Data */
+SK_PNMI_STAT    *pPnmiStat;             /* pointer to virtual XMAC stat. data */SK_PNMI_CONF    *pPnmiConf;             /* pointer to virtual link config. */
+unsigned int    Size;                   /* size of pnmi struct */
+unsigned int	Flags;			/* for spin lock */
+		("SkGeStats starts now...\n"));
+	pPnmiStruct = &pAC->PnmiStruct;
+        memset(pPnmiStruct, 0, sizeof(SK_PNMI_STRUCT_DATA));
+        spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+        Size = SK_PNMI_STRUCT_SIZE;
+        SkPnmiGetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase, pPnmiStruct, &Size);
+        spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+        pPnmiStat = &pPnmiStruct->Stat[0];
+        pPnmiConf = &pPnmiStruct->Conf[0];
+	pAC->stats.rx_packets = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->RxDeliveredCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.tx_packets = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxOkCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.rx_bytes = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->RxOctetsDeliveredCts;
+	pAC->stats.tx_bytes = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxOctetsOkCts;
+	pAC->stats.rx_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->InErrorsCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.tx_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxSingleCollisionCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.rx_dropped = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->RxNoBufCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.tx_dropped = (SK_U32) pPnmiStruct->TxNoBufCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.multicast = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatRxMulticastOkCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.collisions = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxSingleCollisionCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	/* detailed rx_errors: */
+	pAC->stats.rx_length_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatRxRuntCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.rx_over_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatRxFifoOverflowCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.rx_crc_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatRxFcsCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.rx_frame_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatRxFramingCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.rx_fifo_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatRxFifoOverflowCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.rx_missed_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatRxMissedCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	/* detailed tx_errors */
+	pAC->stats.tx_aborted_errors = (SK_U32) 0;
+	pAC->stats.tx_carrier_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxCarrierCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.tx_fifo_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxFifoUnderrunCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.tx_heartbeat_errors = (SK_U32) pPnmiStat->StatTxCarrierCts & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	pAC->stats.tx_window_errors = (SK_U32) 0;
+	return(&pAC->stats);
+} /* SkGeStats */
+ *
+ * 	SkGeIoctl - IO-control function
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function is called if an ioctl is issued on the device.
+ *	There are three subfunction for reading, writing and test-writing
+ *	the private MIB data structure (usefull for SysKonnect-internal tools).
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0, if everything is ok
+ *	!=0, on error
+ */
+static int SkGeIoctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *rq, int cmd)
+SK_AC		*pAC;
+unsigned int	Err = 0;
+int		Size;
+		("SkGeIoctl starts now...\n"));
+	pAC = (SK_AC*) dev->priv;
+	if(copy_from_user(&Ioctl, rq->ifr_data, sizeof(SK_GE_IOCTL))) {
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	switch(cmd) {
+		if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN)) return -EPERM;
+		if(copy_from_user(&pAC->PnmiStruct, Ioctl.pData, 
+			Ioctl.Len<sizeof(pAC->PnmiStruct)?
+			Ioctl.Len : sizeof(pAC->PnmiStruct))) {
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		Size = SkGeIocMib(pAC, Ioctl.Len, cmd);
+		if(copy_to_user(Ioctl.pData, &pAC->PnmiStruct,
+			Ioctl.Len<Size? Ioctl.Len : Size)) {
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		Ioctl.Len = Size;
+		if(copy_to_user(rq->ifr_data, &Ioctl, sizeof(SK_GE_IOCTL))) {
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+	}
+	return(Err);
+} /* SkGeIoctl */
+ *
+ * 	SkGeIocMib - handle a GetMib, SetMib- or PresetMib-ioctl message
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function reads/writes the MIB data using PNMI (Private Network
+ *	Management Interface).
+ *	The destination for the data must be provided with the
+ *	ioctl call and is given to the driver in the form of
+ *	a user space address.
+ *	Copying from the user-provided data area into kernel messages
+ *	and back is done by copy_from_user and copy_to_user calls in
+ *	SkGeIoctl.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	returned size from PNMI call
+ */
+static int SkGeIocMib(
+SK_AC		*pAC,	/* pointer to the adapter context */
+unsigned int	Size,	/* length of ioctl data */
+int		mode)	/* flag for set/preset */
+unsigned int	Flags;	/* for spin lock */
+		("SkGeIocMib starts now...\n"));
+	/* access MIB */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	switch(mode) {
+		SkPnmiGetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &pAC->PnmiStruct, &Size);
+		break;
+		SkPnmiPreSetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &pAC->PnmiStruct, &Size);
+		break;
+		SkPnmiSetStruct(pAC, pAC->IoBase, &pAC->PnmiStruct, &Size);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+		("MIB data access succeeded\n"));
+	return (Size);
+} /* SkGeIocMib */
+ *
+ * 	GetConfiguration - read configuration information
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function reads per-adapter configuration information from
+ *	the options provided on the command line.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	none
+ */
+static void GetConfiguration(
+SK_AC	*pAC)	/* pointer to the adapter context structure */
+SK_I32	Port;		/* preferred port */
+int	AutoNeg;	/* auto negotiation off (0) or on (1) */
+int	DuplexCap;	/* duplex capabilities (0=both, 1=full, 2=half */
+int	MSMode;		/* master / slave mode selection */
+SK_BOOL	AutoSet;
+SK_BOOL DupSet;
+ *	The two parameters AutoNeg. and DuplexCap. map to one configuration
+ *	parameter. The mapping is described by this table:
+ *	DuplexCap ->	|	both	|	full	|	half	|
+ *	AutoNeg		|		|		|		|
+ *	-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *	Off		|    illegal	|	Full	|	Half	|
+ *	-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *	On		|   AutoBoth	|   AutoFull	|   AutoHalf	|
+ *	-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *	Sense		|   AutoSense	|   AutoSense	|   AutoSense	|
+ */
+int	Capabilities[3][3] = 
+		{ {		  -1, SK_LMODE_FULL,     SK_LMODE_HALF}, 
+#define DC_BOTH	0
+#define DC_FULL 1
+#define DC_HALF 2
+#define AN_OFF	0
+#define AN_ON	1
+#define AN_SENS	2
+	/* settings for port A */
+	AutoNeg = AN_SENS; /* default: do auto Sense */
+	AutoSet = SK_FALSE;
+	if (AutoNeg_A != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		AutoNeg_A[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		AutoSet = SK_TRUE;
+		if (strcmp(AutoNeg_A[pAC->Index],"")==0) {
+			AutoSet = SK_FALSE;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(AutoNeg_A[pAC->Index],"On")==0) {
+			AutoNeg = AN_ON;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(AutoNeg_A[pAC->Index],"Off")==0) {
+			AutoNeg = AN_OFF;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(AutoNeg_A[pAC->Index],"Sense")==0) {
+			AutoNeg = AN_SENS;
+		}
+		else printk("%s: Illegal value for AutoNeg_A\n",
+			pAC->dev->name);
+	}
+	DuplexCap = DC_BOTH;
+	DupSet = SK_FALSE;
+	if (DupCap_A != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		DupCap_A[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		DupSet = SK_TRUE;
+		if (strcmp(DupCap_A[pAC->Index],"")==0) {
+			DupSet = SK_FALSE;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(DupCap_A[pAC->Index],"Both")==0) {
+			DuplexCap = DC_BOTH;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(DupCap_A[pAC->Index],"Full")==0) {
+			DuplexCap = DC_FULL;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(DupCap_A[pAC->Index],"Half")==0) {
+			DuplexCap = DC_HALF;
+		}
+		else printk("%s: Illegal value for DupCap_A\n",
+			pAC->dev->name);
+	}
+	/* check for illegal combinations */
+	if (AutoSet && AutoNeg==AN_SENS && DupSet) {
+		printk("%s, Port A: DuplexCapabilities"
+			" ignored using Sense mode\n", pAC->dev->name);
+	}
+	if (AutoSet && AutoNeg==AN_OFF && DupSet && DuplexCap==DC_BOTH){
+		printk("%s, Port A: Illegal combination"
+			" of values AutoNeg. and DuplexCap.\n    Using "
+			"Full Duplex\n", pAC->dev->name);
+		DuplexCap = DC_FULL;
+	}
+	if (AutoSet && AutoNeg==AN_OFF && !DupSet) {
+		DuplexCap = DC_FULL;
+	}
+	if (!AutoSet && DupSet) {
+		printk("%s, Port A: Duplex setting not"
+			" possible in\n    default AutoNegotiation mode"
+			" (Sense).\n    Using AutoNegotiation On\n",
+			pAC->dev->name);
+		AutoNeg = AN_ON;
+	}
+	/* set the desired mode */
+	pAC->GIni.GP[0].PLinkModeConf =
+		Capabilities[AutoNeg][DuplexCap];
+	pAC->GIni.GP[0].PFlowCtrlMode = SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM;
+	if (FlowCtrl_A != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		FlowCtrl_A[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_A[pAC->Index],"") == 0) {
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_A[pAC->Index],"SymOrRem") == 0) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[0].PFlowCtrlMode =
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_A[pAC->Index],"Sym")==0) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[0].PFlowCtrlMode =
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_A[pAC->Index],"LocSend")==0) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[0].PFlowCtrlMode =
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_A[pAC->Index],"None")==0) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[0].PFlowCtrlMode =
+		}
+		else printk("Illegal value for FlowCtrl_A\n");
+	}
+	if (AutoNeg==AN_OFF && pAC->GIni.GP[0].PFlowCtrlMode!=
+		printk("%s, Port A: FlowControl"
+			" impossible without AutoNegotiation,"
+			" disabled\n", pAC->dev->name);
+		pAC->GIni.GP[0].PFlowCtrlMode = SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE;
+	}
+	MSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO; /* default: do auto select */
+	if (Role_A != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		Role_A[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		if (strcmp(Role_A[pAC->Index],"")==0) {
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(Role_A[pAC->Index],"Auto")==0) {
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(Role_A[pAC->Index],"Master")==0) {
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(Role_A[pAC->Index],"Slave")==0) {
+		}
+		else printk("%s: Illegal value for Role_A\n",
+			pAC->dev->name);
+	}
+	pAC->GIni.GP[0].PMSMode = MSMode;
+	/* settings for port B */
+	AutoNeg = AN_SENS; /* default: do auto Sense */
+	AutoSet = SK_FALSE;
+	if (AutoNeg_B != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		AutoNeg_B[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		AutoSet = SK_TRUE;
+		if (strcmp(AutoNeg_B[pAC->Index],"")==0) {
+			AutoSet = SK_FALSE;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(AutoNeg_B[pAC->Index],"On")==0) {
+			AutoNeg = AN_ON;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(AutoNeg_B[pAC->Index],"Off")==0) {
+			AutoNeg = AN_OFF;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(AutoNeg_B[pAC->Index],"Sense")==0) {
+			AutoNeg = AN_SENS;
+		}
+		else printk("Illegal value for AutoNeg_B\n");
+	}
+	DuplexCap = DC_BOTH;
+	DupSet = SK_FALSE;
+	if (DupCap_B != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		DupCap_B[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		DupSet = SK_TRUE;
+		if (strcmp(DupCap_B[pAC->Index],"")==0) {
+			DupSet = SK_FALSE;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(DupCap_B[pAC->Index],"Both")==0) {
+			DuplexCap = DC_BOTH;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(DupCap_B[pAC->Index],"Full")==0) {
+			DuplexCap = DC_FULL;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(DupCap_B[pAC->Index],"Half")==0) {
+			DuplexCap = DC_HALF;
+		}
+		else printk("Illegal value for DupCap_B\n");
+	}
+	/* check for illegal combinations */
+	if (AutoSet && AutoNeg==AN_SENS && DupSet) {
+		printk("%s, Port B: DuplexCapabilities"
+			" ignored using Sense mode\n", pAC->dev->name);
+	}
+	if (AutoSet && AutoNeg==AN_OFF && DupSet && DuplexCap==DC_BOTH){
+		printk("%s, Port B: Illegal combination"
+			" of values AutoNeg. and DuplexCap.\n    Using "
+			"Full Duplex\n", pAC->dev->name);
+		DuplexCap = DC_FULL;
+	}
+	if (AutoSet && AutoNeg==AN_OFF && !DupSet) {
+		DuplexCap = DC_FULL;
+	}
+	if (!AutoSet && DupSet) {
+		printk("%s, Port B: Duplex setting not"
+			" possible in\n    default AutoNegotiation mode"
+			" (Sense).\n    Using AutoNegotiation On\n",
+			pAC->dev->name);
+		AutoNeg = AN_ON;
+	}
+	/* set the desired mode */
+	pAC->GIni.GP[1].PLinkModeConf =
+		Capabilities[AutoNeg][DuplexCap];
+	pAC->GIni.GP[1].PFlowCtrlMode = SK_FLOW_MODE_SYM_OR_REM;
+	if (FlowCtrl_B != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		FlowCtrl_B[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_B[pAC->Index],"") == 0) {
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_B[pAC->Index],"SymOrRem") == 0) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[1].PFlowCtrlMode =
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_B[pAC->Index],"Sym")==0) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[1].PFlowCtrlMode =
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_B[pAC->Index],"LocSend")==0) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[1].PFlowCtrlMode =
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(FlowCtrl_B[pAC->Index],"None")==0) {
+			pAC->GIni.GP[1].PFlowCtrlMode =
+		}
+		else printk("Illegal value for FlowCtrl_B\n");
+	}
+	if (AutoNeg==AN_OFF && pAC->GIni.GP[1].PFlowCtrlMode!=
+		printk("%s, Port B: FlowControl"
+			" impossible without AutoNegotiation,"
+			" disabled\n", pAC->dev->name);
+		pAC->GIni.GP[1].PFlowCtrlMode = SK_FLOW_MODE_NONE;
+	}
+	MSMode = SK_MS_MODE_AUTO; /* default: do auto select */
+	if (Role_B != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		Role_B[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		if (strcmp(Role_B[pAC->Index],"")==0) {
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(Role_B[pAC->Index],"Auto")==0) {
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(Role_B[pAC->Index],"Master")==0) {
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(Role_B[pAC->Index],"Slave")==0) {
+		}
+		else printk("%s: Illegal value for Role_B\n",
+			pAC->dev->name);
+	}
+	pAC->GIni.GP[1].PMSMode = MSMode;
+	/* settings for both ports */
+	pAC->ActivePort = 0;
+	if (PrefPort != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		PrefPort[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		if (strcmp(PrefPort[pAC->Index],"") == 0) { /* Auto */
+			pAC->ActivePort = 0;
+			pAC->Rlmt.MacPreferred = -1; /* auto */
+			pAC->Rlmt.PrefPort = 0;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(PrefPort[pAC->Index],"A") == 0) {
+			/*
+			 * do not set ActivePort here, thus a port
+			 * switch is issued after net up.
+			 */
+			Port = 0;
+			pAC->Rlmt.MacPreferred = Port;
+			pAC->Rlmt.PrefPort = Port;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(PrefPort[pAC->Index],"B") == 0) {
+			/*
+			 * do not set ActivePort here, thus a port
+			 * switch is issued after net up.
+			 */
+			Port = 1;
+			pAC->Rlmt.MacPreferred = Port;
+			pAC->Rlmt.PrefPort = Port;
+		}
+		else printk("%s: Illegal value for PrefPort\n",
+			pAC->dev->name);
+	}
+	if (RlmtMode != NULL && pAC->Index<SK_MAX_CARD_PARAM &&
+		RlmtMode[pAC->Index] != NULL) {
+		if (strcmp(RlmtMode[pAC->Index], "") == 0) {
+			pAC->RlmtMode = 0;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(RlmtMode[pAC->Index], "CheckLinkState") == 0) {
+			pAC->RlmtMode = SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(RlmtMode[pAC->Index], "CheckLocalPort") == 0) {
+			pAC->RlmtMode = SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK |
+		}
+		else if (strcmp(RlmtMode[pAC->Index], "CheckSeg") == 0) {
+			pAC->RlmtMode = SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK |
+		}
+		else {
+			printk("%s: Illegal value for"
+				" RlmtMode, using default\n", pAC->dev->name);
+			pAC->RlmtMode = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		pAC->RlmtMode = 0;
+	}
+} /* GetConfiguration */
+ *
+ * 	ProductStr - return a adapter identification string from vpd
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function reads the product name string from the vpd area
+ *	and puts it the field pAC->DeviceString.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ */
+static void ProductStr(
+SK_AC	*pAC		/* pointer to adapter context */
+int	StrLen = 80;		/* length of the string, defined in SK_AC */
+char	Keyword[] = VPD_NAME;	/* vpd productname identifier */
+int	ReturnCode;		/* return code from vpd_read */
+unsigned int Flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	ReturnCode = VpdRead(pAC, pAC->IoBase, Keyword, pAC->DeviceStr,
+		&StrLen);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pAC->SlowPathLock, Flags);
+	if (ReturnCode != 0) {
+		/* there was an error reading the vpd data */
+			("Error reading VPD data: %d\n", ReturnCode));
+		pAC->DeviceStr[0] = '\0';
+	}
+} /* ProductStr */
+/* functions for common modules *********************************************/
+ *
+ *	SkDrvAllocRlmtMbuf - allocate an RLMT mbuf
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine returns an RLMT mbuf or NULL. The RLMT Mbuf structure
+ *	is embedded into a socket buff data area.
+ *
+ * Context:
+ *	runtime
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	NULL or pointer to Mbuf.
+ */
+SK_MBUF *SkDrvAllocRlmtMbuf(
+SK_AC		*pAC,		/* pointer to adapter context */
+SK_IOC		IoC,		/* the IO-context */
+unsigned	BufferSize)	/* size of the requested buffer */
+SK_MBUF		*pRlmtMbuf;	/* pointer to a new rlmt-mbuf structure */
+struct sk_buff	*pMsgBlock;	/* pointer to a new message block */
+	pMsgBlock = alloc_skb(BufferSize + sizeof(SK_MBUF), GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if (pMsgBlock == NULL) {
+		return (NULL);
+	}
+	pRlmtMbuf = (SK_MBUF*) pMsgBlock->data;
+	skb_reserve(pMsgBlock, sizeof(SK_MBUF));
+	pRlmtMbuf->pNext = NULL;
+	pRlmtMbuf->pOs = pMsgBlock;
+	pRlmtMbuf->pData = pMsgBlock->data;	/* Data buffer. */
+	pRlmtMbuf->Size = BufferSize;		/* Data buffer size. */
+	pRlmtMbuf->Length = 0;		/* Length of packet (<= Size). */
+	return (pRlmtMbuf);
+} /* SkDrvAllocRlmtMbuf */
+ *
+ *	SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf - free an RLMT mbuf
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine frees one or more RLMT mbuf(s).
+ *
+ * Context:
+ *	runtime
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	Nothing
+ */
+void  SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf(
+SK_AC		*pAC,		/* pointer to adapter context */  
+SK_IOC		IoC,		/* the IO-context */              
+SK_MBUF		*pMbuf)		/* size of the requested buffer */
+SK_MBUF		*pFreeMbuf;
+SK_MBUF		*pNextMbuf;
+	pFreeMbuf = pMbuf;
+	do {
+		pNextMbuf = pFreeMbuf->pNext;
+		DEV_KFREE_SKB(pFreeMbuf->pOs);
+		pFreeMbuf = pNextMbuf;
+	} while ( pFreeMbuf != NULL );
+} /* SkDrvFreeRlmtMbuf */
+ *
+ *	SkOsGetTime - provide a time value
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine provides a time value. The unit is 1/HZ (defined by Linux).
+ *	It is not used for absolute time, but only for time differences.
+ *
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	Time value
+ */
+SK_U64 SkOsGetTime(SK_AC *pAC)
+	return jiffies;
+} /* SkOsGetTime */
+ *
+ *	SkPciReadCfgDWord - read a 32 bit value from pci config space
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine reads a 32 bit value from the pci configuration
+ *	space.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 - indicate everything worked ok.
+ *	!= 0 - error indication
+ */
+int SkPciReadCfgDWord(
+SK_AC *pAC,		/* Adapter Control structure pointer */
+int PciAddr,		/* PCI register address */
+SK_U32 *pVal)		/* pointer to store the read value */
+	pci_read_config_dword(&pAC->PciDev, PciAddr, pVal);
+	return(0);
+} /* SkPciReadCfgDWord */
+ *
+ *	SkPciReadCfgWord - read a 16 bit value from pci config space
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine reads a 16 bit value from the pci configuration
+ *	space.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 - indicate everything worked ok.
+ *	!= 0 - error indication
+ */
+int SkPciReadCfgWord(
+SK_AC *pAC,	/* Adapter Control structure pointer */
+int PciAddr,		/* PCI register address */
+SK_U16 *pVal)		/* pointer to store the read value */
+	pci_read_config_word(&pAC->PciDev, PciAddr, pVal);
+	return(0);
+} /* SkPciReadCfgWord */
+ *
+ *	SkPciReadCfgByte - read a 8 bit value from pci config space
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine reads a 8 bit value from the pci configuration
+ *	space.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 - indicate everything worked ok.
+ *	!= 0 - error indication
+ */
+int SkPciReadCfgByte(
+SK_AC *pAC,	/* Adapter Control structure pointer */
+int PciAddr,		/* PCI register address */
+SK_U8 *pVal)		/* pointer to store the read value */
+	pci_read_config_byte(&pAC->PciDev, PciAddr, pVal);
+	return(0);
+} /* SkPciReadCfgByte */
+ *
+ *	SkPciWriteCfgDWord - write a 32 bit value to pci config space
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine writes a 32 bit value to the pci configuration
+ *	space.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 - indicate everything worked ok.
+ *	!= 0 - error indication
+ */
+int SkPciWriteCfgDWord(
+SK_AC *pAC,	/* Adapter Control structure pointer */
+int PciAddr,		/* PCI register address */
+SK_U32 Val)		/* pointer to store the read value */
+	pci_write_config_dword(&pAC->PciDev, PciAddr, Val);
+	return(0);
+} /* SkPciWriteCfgDWord */
+ *
+ *	SkPciWriteCfgWord - write a 16 bit value to pci config space
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine writes a 16 bit value to the pci configuration
+ *	space. The flag PciConfigUp indicates whether the config space
+ *	is accesible or must be set up first.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 - indicate everything worked ok.
+ *	!= 0 - error indication
+ */
+int SkPciWriteCfgWord(
+SK_AC *pAC,	/* Adapter Control structure pointer */
+int PciAddr,		/* PCI register address */
+SK_U16 Val)		/* pointer to store the read value */
+	pci_write_config_word(&pAC->PciDev, PciAddr, Val);
+	return(0);
+} /* SkPciWriteCfgWord */
+ *
+ *	SkPciWriteCfgWord - write a 8 bit value to pci config space
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This routine writes a 8 bit value to the pci configuration
+ *	space. The flag PciConfigUp indicates whether the config space
+ *	is accesible or must be set up first.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 - indicate everything worked ok.
+ *	!= 0 - error indication
+ */
+int SkPciWriteCfgByte(
+SK_AC *pAC,	/* Adapter Control structure pointer */
+int PciAddr,		/* PCI register address */
+SK_U8 Val)		/* pointer to store the read value */
+	pci_write_config_byte(&pAC->PciDev, PciAddr, Val);
+	return(0);
+} /* SkPciWriteCfgByte */
+ *
+ *	SkDrvEvent - handle driver events
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function handles events from all modules directed to the driver
+ *
+ * Context:
+ *	Is called under protection of slow path lock.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 if everything ok
+ *	< 0  on error
+ *	
+ */
+int SkDrvEvent(
+SK_AC *pAC,		/* pointer to adapter context */
+SK_IOC IoC,		/* io-context */
+SK_U32 Event,		/* event-id */
+SK_EVPARA Param)	/* event-parameter */
+SK_MBUF		*pRlmtMbuf;	/* pointer to a rlmt-mbuf structure */
+struct sk_buff	*pMsg;		/* pointer to a message block */
+int		FromPort;	/* the port from which we switch away */
+int		ToPort;		/* the port we switch to */
+SK_EVPARA	NewPara;	/* parameter for further events */
+int		Stat;
+unsigned int	Flags;
+	switch (Event) {
+		printk("%s: Adapter failed.\n", pAC->dev->name);
+		/* disable interrupts */
+		SK_OUT32(pAC->IoBase, B0_IMSK, 0);
+		/* cgoos */
+		break;
+		FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
+			("PORT FAIL EVENT, Port: %d\n", FromPort));
+		if (FromPort == 0) {
+			printk("%s: Port A failed.\n", pAC->dev->name);
+		} else {
+			printk("%s: Port B failed.\n", pAC->dev->name);
+		}
+		/* cgoos */
+		break;
+	case SK_DRV_PORT_RESET:	 /* SK_U32 PortIdx */
+		/* action list 4 */
+		FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
+			("PORT RESET EVENT, Port: %d ", FromPort));
+		NewPara.Para64 = FromPort;
+		SkPnmiEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET, NewPara);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(
+			&pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+			Flags);
+		SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_HARD_RST);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+			&pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+			Flags);
+		/* clear rx ring from received frames */
+		ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort]);
+		ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(
+			&pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+			Flags);
+		SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
+		SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC,IoC, FromPort);
+		PortReInitBmu(pAC, FromPort);
+		SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_TRUE);
+		ClearAndStartRx(pAC, FromPort);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+			&pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+			Flags);
+		break;
+	case SK_DRV_NET_UP:	 /* SK_U32 PortIdx */
+		/* action list 5 */
+		FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
+			("NET UP EVENT, Port: %d ", Param.Para32[0]));
+		printk("%s: network connection up using"
+			" port %c\n", pAC->dev->name, 'A'+Param.Para32[0]);
+		printk("    speed:           1000\n");
+		Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PLinkModeStatus;
+		if (Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF ||
+			printk("    autonegotiation: yes\n");
+		}
+		else {
+			printk("    autonegotiation: no\n");
+		}
+		if (Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_AUTOHALF ||
+			Stat == SK_LMODE_STAT_HALF) {
+			printk("    duplex mode:     half\n");
+		}
+		else {
+			printk("    duplex mode:     full\n");
+		}
+		Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PFlowCtrlStatus;
+		if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_REM_SEND ) {
+			printk("    flowctrl:        remote send\n");
+		}
+		else if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_LOC_SEND ){
+			printk("    flowctrl:        local send\n");
+		}
+		else if (Stat == SK_FLOW_STAT_SYMMETRIC ){
+			printk("    flowctrl:        symmetric\n");
+		}
+		else {
+			printk("    flowctrl:        none\n");
+		}
+		if (pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PhyType != SK_PHY_XMAC) {
+		Stat = pAC->GIni.GP[FromPort].PMSStatus;
+			if (Stat == SK_MS_STAT_MASTER ) {
+				printk("    role:            master\n");
+			}
+			else if (Stat == SK_MS_STAT_SLAVE ) {
+				printk("    role:            slave\n");
+			}
+			else {
+				printk("    role:            ???\n");
+			}
+		}
+		if (Param.Para32[0] != pAC->ActivePort) {
+			NewPara.Para32[0] = pAC->ActivePort;
+			NewPara.Para32[1] = Param.Para32[0];
+				NewPara);
+		}
+		break;
+	case SK_DRV_NET_DOWN:	 /* SK_U32 Reason */
+		/* action list 7 */
+			("NET DOWN EVENT "));
+		printk("%s: network connection down\n", pAC->dev->name);
+		break;
+	case SK_DRV_SWITCH_HARD: /* SK_U32 FromPortIdx SK_U32 ToPortIdx */
+	case SK_DRV_SWITCH_SOFT: /* SK_U32 FromPortIdx SK_U32 ToPortIdx */
+	/* action list 6 */
+		printk("%s: switching to port %c\n", pAC->dev->name,
+			'A'+Param.Para32[1]);
+	case SK_DRV_SWITCH_INTERN: /* SK_U32 FromPortIdx SK_U32 ToPortIdx */
+		FromPort = Param.Para32[0];
+		ToPort = Param.Para32[1];
+			("PORT SWITCH EVENT, From: %d  To: %d (Pref %d) ",
+			FromPort, ToPort, pAC->Rlmt.PrefPort));
+		NewPara.Para64 = FromPort;
+		SkPnmiEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET, NewPara);
+		NewPara.Para64 = ToPort;
+		SkPnmiEvent(pAC, IoC, SK_PNMI_EVT_XMAC_RESET, NewPara);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(
+			&pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+			Flags);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(
+			&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+		SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
+		SkGeStopPort(pAC, IoC, ToPort, SK_STOP_ALL, SK_SOFT_RST);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+			&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+			&pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+			Flags);
+		ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[FromPort]); /* clears rx ring */
+		ReceiveIrq(pAC, &pAC->RxPort[ToPort]); /* clears rx ring */
+		ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+		ClearTxRing(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW]);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(
+			&pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, 
+			Flags);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(
+			&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+		pAC->ActivePort = ToPort;
+		SetQueueSizes(pAC);
+		SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
+		SkGeInitPort(pAC, IoC, ToPort);
+		if (Event == SK_DRV_SWITCH_SOFT) {
+			SkXmRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
+		}
+		SkXmRxTxEnable(pAC, IoC, ToPort);
+		SkAddrSwap(pAC, IoC, FromPort, ToPort);
+		SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, FromPort);
+		SkAddrMcUpdate(pAC, IoC, ToPort);
+		PortReInitBmu(pAC, FromPort);
+		PortReInitBmu(pAC, ToPort);
+		SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, FromPort, SK_TRUE);
+		SkGePollTxD(pAC, IoC, ToPort, SK_TRUE);
+		ClearAndStartRx(pAC, FromPort);
+		ClearAndStartRx(pAC, ToPort);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+			&pAC->TxPort[ToPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock, Flags);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(
+			&pAC->TxPort[FromPort][TX_PRIO_LOW].TxDesRingLock,
+			Flags);
+		break;
+	case SK_DRV_RLMT_SEND:	 /* SK_MBUF *pMb */
+			("RLS "));
+		pRlmtMbuf = (SK_MBUF*) Param.pParaPtr;
+		pMsg = (struct sk_buff*) pRlmtMbuf->pOs;
+		skb_put(pMsg, pRlmtMbuf->Length);
+		XmitFrame(pAC, &pAC->TxPort[pRlmtMbuf->PortIdx][TX_PRIO_LOW],
+			pMsg);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+		("END EVENT "));
+	return (0);
+} /* SkDrvEvent */
+ *
+ *	SkErrorLog - log errors
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function logs errors to the system buffer and to the console
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	0 if everything ok
+ *	< 0  on error
+ *	
+ */
+void SkErrorLog(
+SK_AC	*pAC,
+int	ErrClass,
+int	ErrNum,
+char	*pErrorMsg)
+char	ClassStr[80];
+	switch (ErrClass) {
+		strcpy(ClassStr, "Other error");
+		break;
+		strcpy(ClassStr, "Configuration error");
+		break;
+		strcpy(ClassStr, "Initialization error");
+		break;
+		strcpy(ClassStr, "Out of resources error");
+		break;
+	case SK_ERRCL_SW:
+		strcpy(ClassStr, "internal Software error");
+		break;
+	case SK_ERRCL_HW:
+		strcpy(ClassStr, "Hardware failure");
+		break;
+		strcpy(ClassStr, "Communication error");
+		break;
+	}
+	printk(KERN_INFO "%s: -- ERROR --\n        Class:  %s\n"
+		"        Nr:  0x%x\n        Msg:  %s\n", pAC->dev->name,
+		ClassStr, ErrNum, pErrorMsg);
+} /* SkErrorLog */
+#ifdef DEBUG /***************************************************************/
+/* "debug only" section *****************************************************/
+ *
+ *	DumpMsg - print a frame
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function prints frames to the system logfile/to the console.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *	
+ */
+static void DumpMsg(struct sk_buff *skb, char *str)
+	int	msglen;
+	if (skb == NULL) {
+		printk("DumpMsg(): NULL-Message\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (skb->data == NULL) {
+		printk("DumpMsg(): Message empty\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	msglen = skb->len;
+	if (msglen > 64)
+		msglen = 64;
+	printk("--- Begin of message from %s , len %d (from %d) ----\n", str, msglen, skb->len);
+	DumpData((char *)skb->data, msglen);
+	printk("------- End of message ---------\n");
+} /* DumpMsg */
+ *
+ *	DumpData - print a data area
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function prints a area of data to the system logfile/to the 
+ *	console.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *	
+ */
+static void DumpData(char *p, int size)
+register int    i;
+int	haddr, addr;
+char	hex_buffer[180];
+char	asc_buffer[180];
+char	HEXCHAR[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+	addr = 0;
+	haddr = 0;
+	hex_buffer[0] = 0;
+	asc_buffer[0] = 0;
+	for (i=0; i < size; ) {
+		if (*p >= '0' && *p <='z')
+			asc_buffer[addr] = *p;
+		else
+			asc_buffer[addr] = '.';
+		addr++;
+		asc_buffer[addr] = 0;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(*p & 0xf0) >> 4];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[*p & 0x0f];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = ' ';
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = 0;
+		p++;
+		i++;
+		if (i%16 == 0) {
+			printk("%s  %s\n", hex_buffer, asc_buffer);
+			addr = 0;
+			haddr = 0;
+		}
+	}
+} /* DumpData */
+ *
+ *	DumpLong - print a data area as long values
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *	This function prints a area of data to the system logfile/to the 
+ *	console.
+ *
+ * Returns: N/A
+ *	
+ */
+static void DumpLong(char *pc, int size)
+register int    i;
+int	haddr, addr;
+char	hex_buffer[180];
+char	asc_buffer[180];
+char	HEXCHAR[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+long	*p;
+int	l;
+	addr = 0;
+	haddr = 0;
+	hex_buffer[0] = 0;
+	asc_buffer[0] = 0;
+	p = (long*) pc;
+	for (i=0; i < size; ) {
+		l = (long) *p;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(l >> 28) & 0xf];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(l >> 24) & 0xf];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(l >> 20) & 0xf];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(l >> 16) & 0xf];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(l >> 12) & 0xf];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(l >> 8) & 0xf];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[(l >> 4) & 0xf];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = HEXCHAR[l & 0x0f];
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = ' ';
+		haddr++;
+		hex_buffer[haddr] = 0;
+		p++;
+		i++;
+		if (i%8 == 0) {
+			printk("%4x %s\n", (i-8)*4, hex_buffer);
+			haddr = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	printk("------------------------\n");
+} /* DumpLong */
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ * Local variables:
+ * compile-command: "make"
+ * End:
+ */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: