patch-2.3.34 linux/Documentation/video4linux/bttv/Insmod-options

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.33/linux/Documentation/video4linux/bttv/Insmod-options linux/Documentation/video4linux/bttv/Insmod-options
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+	the bt848 (grabber chip) driver
+	insmod args:
+		card=n		card type, see cardlist for a list.
+		radio=0/1	card supports radio
+		pll=0/1/2	pll settings
+			0: don't use PLL
+			1: 28 MHz crystal installed
+			2: 35 MHz crystal installed
+		triton1=0/1     for Triton1 compatibility
+                                Triton1 is automatically recognized
+                                but this might also help with other chipsets
+		bigendian=n	Set the endianness of the gfx framebuffer.
+				Default is native endian.
+		fieldnr=1	Count fields.  Some TV descrambling software
+				needs this, for others it only generates
+				50 useless IRQs/sec.
+	remap, card, radio and pll accept up to four comma-separted arguments
+	(for multiple boards).
+	The driver for the msp34xx sound processor chips. If you have a
+	stereo card, you probably want to insmod this one.
+	insmod args:
+		debug=1/2	print some debug info to the syslog,
+				2 is more verbose.
+		simple=1	Use the "short programming" method.  Newer
+				msp34xx versions support this.  You need this
+				for dbx stereo.
+		once=1		Don't check the TV-stations Audio mode
+				every few seconds, but only once after
+				channel switches.
+		amsound=1	Audio carrier is AM/NICAM at 6.5 Mhz.  This
+				should improve things for french people, the
+				carrier autoscan seems to work with FM only...
+		mixer=n		allocate mixer device #n.  Default is the
+				first free slot.
+	The driver for the tea6300 fader chip.  If you have a stereo
+	card and the msp3400.o doesn't work, you might want to try this
+	one.  This chip is seen on most STB TV/FM cards (usually from
+	Gateway OEM sold surplus on auction sites).
+	insmod args:
+		debug=1		print some debug info to the syslog.
+	The driver for the tda8425 fader chip.  This driver used to be
+	part of bttv.c, so if your sound used to work but does not
+	anymore, try loading this module.
+	insmod args:
+		debug=1		print some debug info to the syslog.
+	The driver for the tda9855 audio chip.  Afaik, only the 
+        Diamond DTV2000 has this chip.
+	insmod args:
+		debug=1		print some debug info to the syslog.
+	The tuner driver.  You need this unless you want to use only
+	with a camera or external tuner ...
+	insmod args:
+		debug=1		print some debug info to the syslog
+		type=n		type of the tuner chip. n as follows:
+			0: Temic PAL tuner
+			1: Philips PAL_I tuner
+			2: Philips NTSC tuner
+			3: Philips SECAM tuner
+			4: no tuner
+			5: Philips PAL tuner
+			6: Temic NTSC tuner
+			7: Temic PAL tuner

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: