patch-2.3.48 linux/include/asm-mips64/stackframe.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.47/linux/include/asm-mips64/stackframe.h linux/include/asm-mips64/stackframe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+/* $Id: stackframe.h,v 1.4 2000/02/24 03:24:38 ulfc Exp $
+ *
+ * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
+ * License.  See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999 Ralf Baechle
+ * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 Paul M. Antoine.
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
+ */
+#include <asm/asm.h>
+#include <asm/offset.h>
+#ifdef _LANGUAGE_C
+#define __str2(x) #x
+#define __str(x) __str2(x)
+#define save_static(frame)                               \
+	__asm__ __volatile__(                            \
+		"sd\t$16,"__str(PT_R16)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		"sd\t$17,"__str(PT_R17)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		"sd\t$18,"__str(PT_R18)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		"sd\t$19,"__str(PT_R19)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		"sd\t$20,"__str(PT_R20)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		"sd\t$21,"__str(PT_R21)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		"sd\t$22,"__str(PT_R22)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		"sd\t$23,"__str(PT_R23)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		"sd\t$30,"__str(PT_R30)"(%0)\n\t"        \
+		: /* No outputs */                       \
+		: "r" (frame))
+#endif /* _LANGUAGE_C */
+		.macro	SAVE_AT
+		.set	push
+		.set	noat
+		sd	$1, PT_R1(sp)
+		.set	pop
+		.endm
+		.macro	SAVE_TEMP
+		mfhi	v1
+		sd	$8, PT_R8(sp)
+		sd	$9, PT_R9(sp)
+		sd	v1, PT_HI(sp)
+		mflo	v1
+		sd	$10, PT_R10(sp)
+		sd	$11, PT_R11(sp)
+		sd	v1,  PT_LO(sp)
+		sd	$12, PT_R12(sp)
+		sd	$13, PT_R13(sp)
+		sd	$14, PT_R14(sp)
+		sd	$15, PT_R15(sp)
+		sd	$24, PT_R24(sp)
+		.endm
+		.macro	SAVE_STATIC
+		sd	$16, PT_R16(sp)
+		sd	$17, PT_R17(sp)
+		sd	$18, PT_R18(sp)
+		sd	$19, PT_R19(sp)
+		sd	$20, PT_R20(sp)
+		sd	$21, PT_R21(sp)
+		sd	$22, PT_R22(sp)
+		sd	$23, PT_R23(sp)
+		sd	$30, PT_R30(sp)
+		.endm
+		.macro	SAVE_SOME
+		.set	push
+		.set	reorder
+		mfc0	k0, CP0_STATUS
+		sll	k0, 3		/* extract cu0 bit */
+		.set	noreorder
+		bltz	k0, 8f
+		 move	k1, sp
+		.set	reorder
+		/* Called from user mode, new stack. */
+		lui	k1, %hi(kernelsp)
+		ld	k1, %lo(kernelsp)(k1)
+8:		move	k0, sp
+		dsubu	sp, k1, PT_SIZE
+		sd	k0, PT_R29(sp)
+		sd	$3, PT_R3(sp)
+		sd	$0, PT_R0(sp)
+		dmfc0	v1, CP0_STATUS
+		sd	$2, PT_R2(sp)
+		sd	v1, PT_STATUS(sp)
+		sd	$4, PT_R4(sp)
+		dmfc0	v1, CP0_CAUSE
+		sd	$5, PT_R5(sp)
+		sd	v1, PT_CAUSE(sp)
+		sd	$6, PT_R6(sp)
+		dmfc0	v1, CP0_EPC
+		sd	$7, PT_R7(sp)
+		sd	v1, PT_EPC(sp)
+		sd	$25, PT_R25(sp)
+		sd	$28, PT_R28(sp)
+		sd	$31, PT_R31(sp)
+		ori	$28, sp, 0x3fff
+		xori	$28, 0x3fff
+		.set	pop
+		.endm
+		.macro	SAVE_ALL
+		.endm
+		.macro	RESTORE_AT
+		.set	push
+		.set	noat
+		ld	$1,  PT_R1(sp)
+		.set	pop
+		.endm
+		.macro	RESTORE_SP
+		ld	sp,  PT_R29(sp)
+		.endm
+		.macro	RESTORE_TEMP
+		ld	$24, PT_LO(sp)
+		ld	$8, PT_R8(sp)
+		ld	$9, PT_R9(sp)
+		mtlo	$24
+		ld	$24, PT_HI(sp)
+		ld	$10, PT_R10(sp)
+		ld	$11, PT_R11(sp)
+		mthi	$24
+		ld	$12, PT_R12(sp)
+		ld	$13, PT_R13(sp)
+		ld	$14, PT_R14(sp)
+		ld	$15, PT_R15(sp)
+		ld	$24, PT_R24(sp)
+		.endm
+		ld	$16, PT_R16(sp)
+		ld	$17, PT_R17(sp)
+		ld	$18, PT_R18(sp)
+		ld	$19, PT_R19(sp)
+		ld	$20, PT_R20(sp)
+		ld	$21, PT_R21(sp)
+		ld	$22, PT_R22(sp)
+		ld	$23, PT_R23(sp)
+		ld	$30, PT_R30(sp)
+		.endm
+		.macro	RESTORE_SOME
+		.set	push
+		.set	reorder
+		mfc0	t0, CP0_STATUS
+		.set	pop
+		ori	t0, 0x1f
+		xori	t0, 0x1f
+		mtc0	t0, CP0_STATUS
+		li	v1, 0xff00
+		and	t0, v1
+		ld	v0, PT_STATUS(sp)
+		nor	v1, $0, v1
+		and	v0, v1
+		or	v0, t0
+		dmtc0	v0, CP0_STATUS
+		ld	v1, PT_EPC(sp)
+		dmtc0	v1, CP0_EPC
+		ld	$31, PT_R31(sp)
+		ld	$28, PT_R28(sp)
+		ld	$25, PT_R25(sp)
+		ld	$7,  PT_R7(sp)
+		ld	$6,  PT_R6(sp)
+		ld	$5,  PT_R5(sp)
+		ld	$4,  PT_R4(sp)
+		ld	$3,  PT_R3(sp)
+		ld	$2,  PT_R2(sp)
+		.endm
+		.macro	RESTORE_ALL
+		.endm
+ * Move to kernel mode and disable interrupts.
+ * Set cp0 enable bit as sign that we're running on the kernel stack
+ */
+		.macro	CLI
+		mfc0	t0, CP0_STATUS
+		li	t1, ST0_CU0|0x1f
+		or	t0, t1
+		xori	t0, 0x1f
+		mtc0	t0, CP0_STATUS
+		.endm
+ * Move to kernel mode and enable interrupts.
+ * Set cp0 enable bit as sign that we're running on the kernel stack
+ */
+		.macro	STI
+		mfc0	t0, CP0_STATUS
+		li	t1, ST0_CU0 | 0x1f
+		or	t0, t1
+		xori	t0, 0x1e
+		mtc0	t0, CP0_STATUS
+		.endm
+ * Just move to kernel mode and leave interrupts as they are.
+ * Set cp0 enable bit as sign that we're running on the kernel stack
+ */
+		.macro	KMODE
+		mfc0	t0, CP0_STATUS
+		li	t1, ST0_CU0 | 0x1e
+		or	t0, t1
+		xori	t0, 0x1e
+		mtc0	t0, CP0_STATUS
+		.endm
+#endif /* _LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY */
+#endif /* _ASM_STACKFRAME_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: