patch-2.3.99-pre8 linux/arch/s390/tools/dasdfmt/dasdfmt.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.99-pre7/linux/arch/s390/tools/dasdfmt/dasdfmt.c linux/arch/s390/tools/dasdfmt/dasdfmt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+ *
+ * dasdfmt.c
+ *
+ *  S390 version
+ *    Copyright (C) 1999,2000 IBM Corporation
+ *    Author(s): Utz Bacher, <>
+ *
+ *  Device-in-use-checks by Fritz Elfert, <>
+ *
+ * Still to do:
+ *   detect non-switch parameters ("dasdfmt -n 170 XY") and complain about them 
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <mntent.h>
+#include "../../../drivers/s390/block/dasd.h" /* uses DASD_PARTN_BITS */
+#define __KERNEL__ /* we want to use kdev_t and not have to define it */
+#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
+#undef __KERNEL__
+#define EXIT_MISUSE 1
+#define EXIT_BUSY 2
+#define TEMPFILENAME "/tmp/ddfXXXXXX"
+#define TEMPFILENAMECHARS 8  /* 8 characters are fixed in all temp filenames */
+#define IOCTL_COMMAND 'D' << 8
+#define SLASHDEV "/dev/"
+#define PROC_DASD_DEVICES "/proc/dasd/devices"
+#define DASD_DRIVER_NAME "dasd"
+#define PROC_LINE_LENGTH 80
+#define ERR_LENGTH 80
+#define GIVEN_DEVNO 1
+#define GIVEN_MAJOR 2
+#define GIVEN_MINOR 4
+#define CHECK_START 1
+#define CHECK_END 2
+#define CHECK_BLKSIZE 4
+#define CHECK_ALL ~0
+#define ERRMSG(x...) {fflush(stdout);fprintf(stderr,x);}
+#define ERRMSG_EXIT(ec,x...) {fflush(stdout);fprintf(stderr,x);exit(ec);}
+#define CHECK_SPEC_MAX_ONCE(i,str) \
+	{if (i>1) \
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_MISUSE,"%s: " str " " \
+			"can only be specified once\n",prog_name);}
+#define PARSE_PARAM_INTO(x,param,base,str) \
+	{x=(int)strtol(param,&endptr,base); \
+	if (*endptr) \
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_MISUSE,"%s: " str " " \
+			"is in invalid format\n",prog_name);}
+typedef struct {
+	int start_unit;
+	int stop_unit;
+	int blksize;
+} format_data_t;
+char prog_name[]="dasd_format";
+char tempfilename[]=TEMPFILENAME;
+exit_usage(int exitcode)
+	printf("Usage: %s [-htvyV] [-b blocksize] <range> <diskspec>\n\n",
+	       prog_name);
+	printf("       where <range> is either\n");
+	printf("           -s start_track -e end_track\n");
+	printf("       or\n");
+	printf("           -r start_track-end_track\n");
+	printf("       and <diskspec> is either\n");
+	printf("           -f /dev/dasdX\n");
+	printf("       or\n");
+	printf("           -n <s390-devnr>\n");
+	exit(exitcode);
+get_xno_from_xno(int *devno,kdev_t *major_no,kdev_t *minor_no,int mode)
+	FILE *file;
+	int d,rc;
+	kdev_t mi,ma;
+	int mi_i,ma_i; /* for scanf :-( */
+	char line[PROC_LINE_LENGTH];
+	file=fopen(PROC_DASD_DEVICES,"r");
+	if (file==NULL)
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: failed to open " \
+			PROC_DASD_DEVICES ": %s (do you have the /proc " \
+			"filesystem enabled?)\n",prog_name,strerror(errno));
+	fgets(line,sizeof(line),file); /* omit first line */
+	while (fgets(line,sizeof(line),file)!=NULL) {
+		rc=sscanf(line,"%X%d%d",&d,&ma_i,&mi_i);
+		ma=ma_i;
+		mi=mi_i;
+		if ( (rc==3) &&
+			!((d!=*devno)&&(mode&GIVEN_DEVNO)) &&
+			!((ma!=*major_no)&&(mode&GIVEN_MAJOR)) &&
+			!((mi!=*minor_no)&&(mode&GIVEN_MINOR)) ) {
+			*devno=d;
+			*major_no=ma;
+			*minor_no=mi;
+			/* yes, this is a quick exit, but the easiest way */
+			fclose(file);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(file);
+	ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: failed to find device in the /proc " \
+		"filesystem (are you sure to have the right param line?)\n",
+		prog_name);
+char *
+get_devname_from_devno(int devno,int verbosity)
+	kdev_t major_no,minor_no;
+	kdev_t file_major,file_minor;
+	struct stat stat_buf;
+	int rc;
+	int found;
+	char *devname;
+	char tmpname[MAX_FILELEN];
+	DIR *dp;
+	struct dirent *direntp;
+	/**** get minor number ****/
+	get_xno_from_xno(&devno,&major_no,&minor_no,GIVEN_DEVNO);
+	/**** get device file ****/
+	if ((dp=opendir(SLASHDEV)) == NULL)
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: unable to read " SLASHDEV \
+			"\n",prog_name);
+	found=0;
+	while ((direntp=readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
+		strcpy(tmpname,SLASHDEV);
+		strcat(tmpname,direntp->d_name);
+		rc=stat(tmpname,&stat_buf);
+		if (!rc) {
+			file_major=MAJOR(stat_buf.st_rdev);
+			file_minor=MINOR(stat_buf.st_rdev);
+			if ((file_major==major_no) && (file_minor==minor_no)) {
+				found=1;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (found) {
+		devname=malloc(strlen(direntp->d_name));
+		strcpy(devname,tmpname);
+	}
+	rc=closedir(dp);
+	if (rc<0) ERRMSG("%s: unable to close directory " SLASHDEV \
+		"; continuing\n",prog_name);
+	if (found)
+		return devname;
+	if (verbosity>=1)
+		printf("I didn't find device node in " SLASHDEV \
+			"; trying to create a temporary node\n");
+	/**** get temp file and create device node *****/
+	rc=mkstemp(tempfilename);
+	if (rc==-1)
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: failed to get temporary " \
+			"filename: %s\n",prog_name,strerror(errno));
+	close(rc);
+	rc=unlink(tempfilename);
+	rc=mknod(tempfilename,S_IFBLK|0600,MKDEV(major_no,minor_no));
+	if (rc)
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: failed to create temporary " \
+			"device node %s: %s\n",prog_name,tempfilename,
+			strerror(errno));
+	return tempfilename;
+char *
+check_param(int mode,format_data_t data)
+	char *s;
+	if (NULL==(s=malloc(ERR_LENGTH)))
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: not enough memory.\n",prog_name);
+	if ((mode&CHECK_START)&&(data.start_unit<0)) {
+		strcpy(s,"start track must be greater than zero");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if ((mode&CHECK_END)&&(data.stop_unit<-1)) {
+		strcpy(s,"end track must be -1 or greater than zero");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if ((mode&CHECK_END)&&(data.start_unit>data.stop_unit)&&
+		(data.stop_unit!=-1)) {
+		strcpy(s,"end track must be higher than start track");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if ((mode&CHECK_BLKSIZE)&&(data.blksize<1)) {
+		strcpy(s,"blocksize must be a positive integer");
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	if (mode&CHECK_BLKSIZE) while (data.blksize>0) {
+		if ((data.blksize%2)&&(data.blksize!=1)) {
+			strcpy(s,"blocksize must be a power of 2");
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		data.blksize/=2;
+	}
+	free(s);
+	return NULL;
+	return s;
+#define ASK_PRINTOUT printf("Please enter %s",output)
+#define ASK_GETBUFFER fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),stdin)
+#define ASK_SCANFORNUMBER(var) rc=sscanf(buffer,"%d%c",&var,&c)
+#define ASK_COMPLAIN_FORMAT if ((rc==2)&&(c=='\n')) rc=1; \
+	if (rc==-1) rc=1; /* this happens, if enter is pressed */ \
+	if (rc!=1) printf(" -- wrong input, try again.\n")
+#define ASK_CHECK_PARAM(mode) str=check_param(mode,params); \
+		if (str!=NULL) { printf(" -- %s\n",str); rc=0; free(str); }
+ask_user_for_data(format_data_t params)
+	char buffer[20]; /* should be enough for inputing track numbers */
+	char c;
+	int i,rc;
+	char *str;
+	char output[60],o2[12];
+	i=params.start_unit;
+	do {
+		params.start_unit=i;
+		sprintf(output,"the start track of the range to format " \
+			"[%d]: ",i);
+		ASK_SCANFORNUMBER(params.start_unit);
+	} while (rc!=1);
+	i=params.stop_unit;
+	do {
+		params.stop_unit=i;
+		sprintf(output,"the end track of the range to format [");
+		if (i==-1) sprintf(o2,"END]: "); else
+			sprintf(o2,"%d]: ",i);
+		strcat(output,o2);
+		if ( (!strcasecmp(buffer,"end")) ||
+			(!strcasecmp(buffer,"end\n")) ) {
+			rc=1;
+			params.stop_unit=-1;
+		} else {
+			ASK_SCANFORNUMBER(params.stop_unit);
+		}
+	} while (rc!=1);
+	i=params.blksize;
+	do {
+		params.blksize=i;
+		sprintf(output,"the blocksize of the formatting [%d]: ",i);
+		ASK_SCANFORNUMBER(params.blksize);
+	} while (rc!=1);
+	return params;
+/* Check if the device we are going to format is mounted.
+ * If true, complain and exit.
+ */
+check_mounted(int major, int minor)
+	FILE *f;
+	int ishift = 0;
+	struct mntent *ment;
+	struct stat stbuf;
+	char line[128];
+	/* If whole disk to be formatted ... */
+	if ((minor % (1U << DASD_PARTN_BITS)) == 0) {
+		/* ... ignore partition-selector */
+		minor >>= DASD_PARTN_BITS;
+		ishift = DASD_PARTN_BITS;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * first, check filesystems
+	 */
+	if (!(f = fopen(_PATH_MOUNTED, "r")))
+			strerror(errno));
+	while ((ment = getmntent(f))) {
+		if (stat(ment->mnt_fsname, &stbuf) == 0)
+			if ((major == MAJOR(stbuf.st_rdev)) &&
+				(minor == (MINOR(stbuf.st_rdev)>>ishift))) {
+				ERRMSG("%s: device is mounted on %s!!\n",
+					prog_name,ment->mnt_dir);
+				ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_BUSY, "If you really want to "
+					"format it, please unmount it.\n");
+			}
+	}
+	fclose(f);
+	/*
+	 * second, check active swap spaces
+	 */
+	if (!(f = fopen("/proc/swaps", "r")))
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE, "/proc/swaps: %s", strerror(errno));
+	/*
+	 * skip header line
+	 */
+	fgets(line, sizeof(line), f);
+	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
+		char *p;
+		for (p = line; *p && (!isspace(*p)); p++) ;
+		*p = '\0';
+		if (stat(line, &stbuf) == 0)
+			if ((major == MAJOR(stbuf.st_rdev)) &&
+				(minor == (MINOR(stbuf.st_rdev)>>ishift))) {
+				ERRMSG("%s: the device is in use for "
+					"swapping!!\n",prog_name);
+				ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_BUSY, "If you really want to "
+					"format it, please use swapoff %s.\n",
+					line);
+			}
+	}
+	fclose(f);
+do_format_dasd(char *dev_name,format_data_t format_params,int testmode,
+	int verbosity,int withoutprompt)
+	int fd,rc;
+	struct stat stat_buf;
+	kdev_t minor_no,major_no;
+	int devno;
+	char inp_buffer[5]; /* to contain yes */
+	fd=open(dev_name,O_RDWR);
+	if (fd==-1)
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: error opening device %s: " \
+			"%s\n",prog_name,dev_name,strerror(errno));
+	if (verbosity>=1) {
+	}
+	rc=stat(dev_name,&stat_buf);
+	if (rc) {
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: error occured during stat: " \
+			"%s\n",prog_name,strerror(errno));
+	} else {
+		if (!S_ISBLK(stat_buf.st_mode))
+			ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: file is not a " \
+				"blockdevice.\n",prog_name);
+		major_no=MAJOR(stat_buf.st_rdev);
+		minor_no=MINOR(stat_buf.st_rdev);
+	}
+	check_mounted(major_no, minor_no);
+	if ( ((withoutprompt)&&(verbosity>=1)) ||
+		(!withoutprompt) ) {
+		get_xno_from_xno(&devno,&major_no,&minor_no,
+		printf("\nI am going to format the device %s in the " \
+			"following way:\n",dev_name);
+		printf("   Device number of device : 0x%x\n",devno);
+		printf("   Major number of device  : %u\n",major_no);
+		printf("   Minor number of device  : %u\n",minor_no);
+		printf("   Start track             : %d\n" \
+			,format_params.start_unit);
+		printf("   End track               : ");
+		if (format_params.stop_unit==-1)
+			printf("last track of disk\n");
+		else
+			printf("%d\n",format_params.stop_unit);
+		printf("   Blocksize               : %d\n" \
+			,format_params.blksize);
+		if (testmode) printf("Test mode active, omitting ioctl.\n");
+	}
+	while (!testmode) {
+		if (!withoutprompt) {
+			printf("\n--->> ATTENTION! <<---\n");
+			printf("All data in the specified range of that " \
+				"device will be lost.\nType yes to continue" \
+				", no will leave the disk untouched: ");
+			fgets(inp_buffer,sizeof(inp_buffer),stdin);
+			if (strcasecmp(inp_buffer,"yes") &&
+				strcasecmp(inp_buffer,"yes\n")) {
+				printf("Omitting ioctl call (disk will " \
+					"NOT be formatted).\n");
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !(  (withoutprompt)&&(verbosity<1) ))
+			printf("Formatting the device. This may take a " \
+				"while (get yourself a coffee).\n");
+		rc=ioctl(fd,IOCTL_COMMAND,format_params);
+		if (rc)
+			ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE,"%s: the dasd driver " \
+				"returned with the following error " \
+				"message:\n%s\n",prog_name,strerror(errno));
+		printf("Finished formatting the device.\n");
+		break;
+	}
+	rc=close(fd);
+	if (rc)
+		ERRMSG("%s: error during close: " \
+			"%s; continuing.\n",prog_name,strerror(errno));
+int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
+	int verbosity;
+	int testmode;
+	int withoutprompt;
+	char *dev_name;
+	int devno;
+	char *dev_filename,*devno_param_str,*range_param_str;
+	char *start_param_str,*end_param_str,*blksize_param_str;
+	format_data_t format_params;
+	int rc;
+	int oc;
+	char *endptr;
+	char c1,c2,cbuffer[6]; /* should be able to contain -end plus 1 char */
+	int i1,i2;
+	char *str;
+	int start_specified,end_specified,blksize_specified;
+	int devfile_specified,devno_specified,range_specified;
+	/******************* initialization ********************/
+	endptr=NULL;
+	/* set default values */
+	format_params.start_unit=0;
+	format_params.stop_unit=-1;
+	format_params.blksize=4096;
+	testmode=0;
+	verbosity=0;
+	withoutprompt=0;
+	start_specified=end_specified=blksize_specified=0;
+	devfile_specified=devno_specified=range_specified=0;
+	/*************** parse parameters **********************/
+	/* avoid error message generated by getopt */
+	opterr=0;
+	while ( (oc=getopt(argc,argv,"r:s:e:b:n:f:hty?vV")) !=EOF) {
+		switch (oc) {
+		case 'y':
+			withoutprompt=1;
+			break;
+		case 't':
+			testmode=1;
+			break;
+		case 'v':
+			verbosity++;
+			break;
+		case '?': /* fall-through */
+		case ':':
+			exit_usage(EXIT_MISUSE);
+		case 'h':
+			exit_usage(0);
+		case 'V':
+			printf("%s version 0.99\n",prog_name);
+			exit(0);
+		case 's' :
+			start_param_str=optarg;
+			start_specified++;
+			break;
+		case 'e' :
+			end_param_str=optarg;
+			end_specified++;
+			break;
+		case 'b' :
+			blksize_param_str=optarg;
+			blksize_specified++;
+			break;
+		case 'n' :
+			devno_param_str=optarg;
+			devno_specified++;
+			break;
+		case 'f' :
+			dev_filename=optarg;
+			devfile_specified++;
+			break;
+		case 'r' :
+			range_param_str=optarg;
+			range_specified++;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/******************** checking of parameters **************/
+	/* convert range into -s and -e */
+	CHECK_SPEC_MAX_ONCE(range_specified,"formatting range");
+	while (range_specified) {
+		start_specified++;
+		end_specified++;
+		/* scan for 1 or 2 integers, separated by a dash */
+		rc=sscanf(range_param_str,"%d%c%d%c",&i1,&c1,&i2,&c2);
+		if ((rc==3)&&(c1=='-')) {
+			format_params.start_unit=i1;
+			format_params.stop_unit=i2;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (rc==1) {
+			format_params.start_unit=i1;
+			break;
+		}
+		/* scan for integer and -END */
+		rc=sscanf(range_param_str,"%d%s",&i1,cbuffer);
+		if ((rc==2)&&(!strcasecmp(cbuffer,"-END"))) {
+			format_params.start_unit=i1;
+			format_params.stop_unit=-1;
+			break;
+		}
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_MISUSE,"%s: specified range " \
+			"is in invalid format\n",prog_name);
+	}
+	if ((!devfile_specified)&&(!devno_specified))
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_MISUSE,"%s: device to format " \
+			"not specified\n",prog_name);
+	if ((devfile_specified+devno_specified)>1)
+		ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_MISUSE,"%s: device to format " \
+			"can only be specified once\n",prog_name);
+	if ((!start_specified)&&(!end_specified)&&(!range_specified)&&
+		(!blksize_specified)) {
+		format_params=ask_user_for_data(format_params);
+	}
+	CHECK_SPEC_MAX_ONCE(start_specified,"start track");
+	CHECK_SPEC_MAX_ONCE(end_specified,"end track");
+	CHECK_SPEC_MAX_ONCE(blksize_specified,"blocksize");
+	if (devno_specified)
+		PARSE_PARAM_INTO(devno,devno_param_str,16,"device number");
+	if (start_specified&&!range_specified)
+		PARSE_PARAM_INTO(format_params.start_unit,start_param_str,10,
+			"start track");
+	if (end_specified&&!range_specified)
+		PARSE_PARAM_INTO(format_params.stop_unit,end_param_str,10,
+			"end track");
+	if (blksize_specified)
+		PARSE_PARAM_INTO(format_params.blksize,blksize_param_str,10,
+			"blocksize");
+	/***********get dev_name *********************/
+	dev_name=(devno_specified)?
+		get_devname_from_devno(devno,verbosity):
+		dev_filename;
+	/*** range checking *********/
+	str=check_param(CHECK_ALL,format_params);
+	if (str!=NULL) ERRMSG_EXIT(EXIT_MISUSE,"%s: %s\n",prog_name,str);
+	/*************** issue the real command *****************/
+	do_format_dasd(dev_name,format_params,testmode,verbosity,
+		withoutprompt);
+	/*************** cleanup ********************************/
+	if (strncmp(dev_name,TEMPFILENAME,TEMPFILENAMECHARS)==0) {
+		rc=unlink(dev_name);
+		if ((rc)&&(verbosity>=1))
+			ERRMSG("%s: temporary device node %s could not be " \
+				"removed: %s\n",prog_name,dev_name,
+				strerror(errno));
+	} else {
+		if (devno_specified) {
+			/* so we have allocated space for the filename */
+			free(dev_name);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: