patch-2.4.10 linux/arch/mips/kernel/time.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.9/linux/arch/mips/kernel/time.c linux/arch/mips/kernel/time.c
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
  * Copyright 2001 MontaVista Software Inc.
  * Author: Jun Sun, or
- * arch/mips/kernel/time.c
- *     Common time service routines for MIPS machines.  See 
- *     Documents/MIPS/time.txt. 
+ * Common time service routines for MIPS machines. See 
+ * Documents/MIPS/README.txt. 
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute  it and/or modify it
  * under  the terms of  the GNU General  Public License as published by the
  * Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 of the  License, or (at your
  * option) any later version.
- ***********************************************************************
 #include <linux/config.h>
 #include <linux/types.h>
 #include <linux/kernel.h>
@@ -29,22 +26,11 @@
 #include <asm/cpu.h>
 #include <asm/time.h>
 #include <asm/hardirq.h>
- * macro for catching spurious errors.  Eable to LL_DEBUG in kernel hacking
- * config menu.
- */
-#define	MIPS_ASSERT(x)	if (!(x)) { panic("MIPS_ASSERT failed at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); }
-#define MIPS_DEBUG(x)  do { x; } while (0)
-#define MIPS_ASSERT(x)
-#define MIPS_DEBUG(x)
+#include <asm/div64.h>
 /* This is for machines which generate the exact clock. */
 #define USECS_PER_JIFFY (1000000/HZ)
-#define USECS_PER_JIFFY_FRAC (0x100000000*1000000/HZ&0xffffffff)
+#define USECS_PER_JIFFY_FRAC ((1000000ULL << 32) / HZ & 0xffffffff)
  * forward reference
@@ -74,50 +60,50 @@
 void do_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv)
-        unsigned long flags;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	read_lock_irqsave (&xtime_lock, flags);
+	*tv = xtime;
+	tv->tv_usec += do_gettimeoffset();
+	/*
+	 * xtime is atomically updated in timer_bh. jiffies - wall_jiffies
+	 * is nonzero if the timer bottom half hasnt executed yet.
+	 */
+	if (jiffies - wall_jiffies)
+		tv->tv_usec += USECS_PER_JIFFY;
-        read_lock_irqsave (&xtime_lock, flags);
-        *tv = xtime;
-        tv->tv_usec += do_gettimeoffset();
-        /*
-         * xtime is atomically updated in timer_bh. jiffies - wall_jiffies
-         * is nonzero if the timer bottom half hasnt executed yet.
-         */
-        if (jiffies - wall_jiffies)
-                tv->tv_usec += USECS_PER_JIFFY;
-        read_unlock_irqrestore (&xtime_lock, flags);
-        if (tv->tv_usec >= 1000000) {
-                tv->tv_usec -= 1000000;
-                tv->tv_sec++;
-        }
+	read_unlock_irqrestore (&xtime_lock, flags);
+	if (tv->tv_usec >= 1000000) {
+		tv->tv_usec -= 1000000;
+		tv->tv_sec++;
+	}
 void do_settimeofday(struct timeval *tv)
-        write_lock_irq (&xtime_lock);
+	write_lock_irq (&xtime_lock);
-        /* This is revolting. We need to set the xtime.tv_usec
-         * correctly. However, the value in this location is
-         * is value at the last tick.
-         * Discover what correction gettimeofday
-         * would have done, and then undo it!
-         */
-        tv->tv_usec -= do_gettimeoffset();
-        if (tv->tv_usec < 0) {
-                tv->tv_usec += 1000000;
-                tv->tv_sec--;
-        }
-        xtime = *tv;
-        time_adjust = 0;                /* stop active adjtime() */
-        time_status |= STA_UNSYNC;
-        time_maxerror = NTP_PHASE_LIMIT;
-        time_esterror = NTP_PHASE_LIMIT;
+	/* This is revolting. We need to set the xtime.tv_usec
+	 * correctly. However, the value in this location is
+	 * is value at the last tick.
+	 * Discover what correction gettimeofday
+	 * would have done, and then undo it!
+	 */
+	tv->tv_usec -= do_gettimeoffset();
-        write_unlock_irq (&xtime_lock);
+	if (tv->tv_usec < 0) {
+		tv->tv_usec += 1000000;
+		tv->tv_sec--;
+	}
+	xtime = *tv;
+	time_adjust = 0;			/* stop active adjtime() */
+	time_status |= STA_UNSYNC;
+	time_maxerror = NTP_PHASE_LIMIT;
+	time_esterror = NTP_PHASE_LIMIT;
+	write_unlock_irq (&xtime_lock);
@@ -162,30 +148,26 @@
 	u32 count;
 	unsigned long res;
-	MIPS_ASSERT(mips_cpu.options & MIPS_CPU_COUNTER);
-	MIPS_ASSERT(mips_counter_frequency != 0);
-	MIPS_ASSERT(sll32_usecs_per_cycle != 0);
 	/* Get last timer tick in absolute kernel time */
-        count = read_32bit_cp0_register(CP0_COUNT);
+	count = read_32bit_cp0_register(CP0_COUNT);
-        /* .. relative to previous jiffy (32 bits is enough) */
-        count -= timerlo;
+	/* .. relative to previous jiffy (32 bits is enough) */
+	count -= timerlo;
-        __asm__("multu\t%1,%2\n\t"
-                "mfhi\t%0"
-                :"=r" (res)
-                :"r" (count),
-                 "r" (sll32_usecs_per_cycle));
-        /*
-         * Due to possible jiffies inconsistencies, we need to check
-         * the result so that we'll get a timer that is monotonic.
-         */
-        if (res >= USECS_PER_JIFFY)
-                res = USECS_PER_JIFFY-1;
+	__asm__("multu\t%1,%2\n\t"
+	        "mfhi\t%0"
+	        :"=r" (res)
+	        :"r" (count),
+	         "r" (sll32_usecs_per_cycle));
-        return res;
+	/*
+	 * Due to possible jiffies inconsistencies, we need to check
+	 * the result so that we'll get a timer that is monotonic.
+	 */
+	if (res >= USECS_PER_JIFFY)
+		res = USECS_PER_JIFFY-1;
+	return res;
@@ -197,156 +179,107 @@
 /* Last jiffy when calibrate_divXX_gettimeoffset() was called. */
 static unsigned long last_jiffies = 0;
- * copied from include/asm/div64.  
- * We do the copy instead of include the header file because we don't
- * want to reply on _MIPS_ISA value.
- */
-#define do_div64_32(res, high, low, base) ({ \
-        unsigned long __quot, __mod; \
-        unsigned long __cf, __tmp, __i; \
-        \
-        __asm__(".set   push\n\t" \
-                ".set   noat\n\t" \
-                ".set   noreorder\n\t" \
-                "b      1f\n\t" \
-                " li    %4,0x21\n" \
-                "0:\n\t" \
-                "sll    $1,%0,0x1\n\t" \
-                "srl    %3,%0,0x1f\n\t" \
-                "or     %0,$1,$2\n\t" \
-                "sll    %1,%1,0x1\n\t" \
-                "sll    %2,%2,0x1\n" \
-                "1:\n\t" \
-                "bnez   %3,2f\n\t" \
-                "sltu   $2,%0,%z5\n\t" \
-                "bnez   $2,3f\n\t" \
-                "2:\n\t" \
-                " addiu %4,%4,-1\n\t" \
-                "subu   %0,%0,%z5\n\t" \
-                "addiu  %2,%2,1\n" \
-                "3:\n\t" \
-                "bnez   %4,0b\n\t" \
-                " srl   $2,%1,0x1f\n\t" \
-                ".set   pop" \
-                : "=&r" (__mod), "=&r" (__tmp), "=&r" (__quot), "=&r" (__cf), \
-                  "=&r" (__i) \
-                : "Jr" (base), "0" (high), "1" (low), "2" (0), "3" (0) \
-                /* Aarrgh!  Ran out of gcc's limit on constraints... */ \
-                : "$1", "$2"); \
-        \
-        (res) = __quot; \
-        __mod; })
  * This is copied from dec/time.c:do_ioasic_gettimeoffset() by Mercij.
 unsigned long calibrate_div32_gettimeoffset(void)
-        u32 count;
-        unsigned long res, tmp;
-        unsigned long quotient;
-	MIPS_ASSERT(mips_cpu.options & MIPS_CPU_COUNTER);
-        tmp = jiffies;
-        quotient = cached_quotient;
-        if (last_jiffies != tmp) {
-                last_jiffies = tmp;
-                if (last_jiffies != 0) {
-                        unsigned long r0;
-                        do_div64_32(r0, timerhi, timerlo, tmp);
-                        do_div64_32(quotient, USECS_PER_JIFFY,
-                                    USECS_PER_JIFFY_FRAC, r0);
-                        cached_quotient = quotient;
-                }
-        }
-        /* Get last timer tick in absolute kernel time */
-        count = read_32bit_cp0_register(CP0_COUNT);
-        /* .. relative to previous jiffy (32 bits is enough) */
-        count -= timerlo;
-        __asm__("multu  %2,%3"
-                : "=l" (tmp), "=h" (res)
-                : "r" (count), "r" (quotient));
-        /*
-         * Due to possible jiffies inconsistencies, we need to check
-         * the result so that we'll get a timer that is monotonic.
-         */
-        if (res >= USECS_PER_JIFFY)
-                res = USECS_PER_JIFFY - 1;
+	u32 count;
+	unsigned long res, tmp;
+	unsigned long quotient;
+	tmp = jiffies;
+	quotient = cached_quotient;
+	if (last_jiffies != tmp) {
+		last_jiffies = tmp;
+		if (last_jiffies != 0) {
+			unsigned long r0;
+			do_div64_32(r0, timerhi, timerlo, tmp);
+			do_div64_32(quotient, USECS_PER_JIFFY,
+			            USECS_PER_JIFFY_FRAC, r0);
+			cached_quotient = quotient;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Get last timer tick in absolute kernel time */
+	count = read_32bit_cp0_register(CP0_COUNT);
+	/* .. relative to previous jiffy (32 bits is enough) */
+	count -= timerlo;
+	__asm__("multu  %2,%3"
+	        : "=l" (tmp), "=h" (res)
+	        : "r" (count), "r" (quotient));
+	/*
+	 * Due to possible jiffies inconsistencies, we need to check
+	 * the result so that we'll get a timer that is monotonic.
+	 */
+	if (res >= USECS_PER_JIFFY)
+		res = USECS_PER_JIFFY - 1;
-        return res;
+	return res;
 unsigned long calibrate_div64_gettimeoffset(void)
-        u32 count;
-        unsigned long res, tmp;
-        unsigned long quotient;
-	MIPS_ASSERT(mips_cpu.options & MIPS_CPU_COUNTER);
-	MIPS_ASSERT((mips_cpu.isa_level != MIPS_CPU_ISA_I) &&
-		    (mips_cpu.isa_level != MIPS_CPU_ISA_II) &&
-		    (mips_cpu.isa_level != MIPS_CPU_ISA_M32));
-        tmp = jiffies;
-        quotient = cached_quotient;
-        if (tmp && last_jiffies != tmp) {
-                last_jiffies = tmp;
-                __asm__(".set\tnoreorder\n\t"
-                        ".set\tnoat\n\t"
-                        ".set\tmips3\n\t"
-                        "lwu\t%0,%2\n\t"
-                        "dsll32\t$1,%1,0\n\t"
-                        "or\t$1,$1,%0\n\t"
-                        "ddivu\t$0,$1,%3\n\t"
-                        "mflo\t$1\n\t"
-                        "dsll32\t%0,%4,0\n\t"
-                        "nop\n\t"
-                        "ddivu\t$0,%0,$1\n\t"
-                        "mflo\t%0\n\t"
-                        ".set\tmips0\n\t"
-                        ".set\tat\n\t"
-                        ".set\treorder"
-                        :"=&r" (quotient)
-                        :"r" (timerhi),
-                         "m" (timerlo),
-                         "r" (tmp),
-                         "r" (USECS_PER_JIFFY)
-                        :"$1");
-                cached_quotient = quotient;
-        }
-        /* Get last timer tick in absolute kernel time */
-        count = read_32bit_cp0_register(CP0_COUNT);
-        /* .. relative to previous jiffy (32 bits is enough) */
-        count -= timerlo;
-        __asm__("multu\t%1,%2\n\t"
-                "mfhi\t%0"
-                :"=r" (res)
-                :"r" (count),
-                 "r" (quotient));
-        /*
-         * Due to possible jiffies inconsistencies, we need to check
-         * the result so that we'll get a timer that is monotonic.
-         */
-        if (res >= USECS_PER_JIFFY)
-                res = USECS_PER_JIFFY-1;
+	u32 count;
+	unsigned long res, tmp;
+	unsigned long quotient;
+	tmp = jiffies;
-        return res;
+	quotient = cached_quotient;
+	if (tmp && last_jiffies != tmp) {
+		last_jiffies = tmp;
+		__asm__(".set\tnoreorder\n\t"
+	        ".set\tnoat\n\t"
+	        ".set\tmips3\n\t"
+	        "lwu\t%0,%2\n\t"
+	        "dsll32\t$1,%1,0\n\t"
+	        "or\t$1,$1,%0\n\t"
+	        "ddivu\t$0,$1,%3\n\t"
+	        "mflo\t$1\n\t"
+	        "dsll32\t%0,%4,0\n\t"
+	        "nop\n\t"
+	        "ddivu\t$0,%0,$1\n\t"
+	        "mflo\t%0\n\t"
+	        ".set\tmips0\n\t"
+	        ".set\tat\n\t"
+	        ".set\treorder"
+	        :"=&r" (quotient)
+	        :"r" (timerhi),
+	         "m" (timerlo),
+	         "r" (tmp),
+	         "r" (USECS_PER_JIFFY)
+	        :"$1");
+	        cached_quotient = quotient;
+	}
+	/* Get last timer tick in absolute kernel time */
+	count = read_32bit_cp0_register(CP0_COUNT);
+	/* .. relative to previous jiffy (32 bits is enough) */
+	count -= timerlo;
+	__asm__("multu\t%1,%2\n\t"
+	        "mfhi\t%0"
+	        :"=r" (res)
+	        :"r" (count),
+	         "r" (quotient));
+	/*
+	 * Due to possible jiffies inconsistencies, we need to check
+	 * the result so that we'll get a timer that is monotonic.
+	 */
+	if (res >= USECS_PER_JIFFY)
+		res = USECS_PER_JIFFY-1;
+	return res;
@@ -377,57 +310,56 @@
-        if(!user_mode(regs)) {
+	if(!user_mode(regs)) {
 		if (prof_buffer && current->pid) {
-                        extern int _stext;
-                        unsigned long pc = regs->cp0_epc;
+			extern int _stext;
+			unsigned long pc = regs->cp0_epc;
-                        pc -= (unsigned long) &_stext;
-                        pc >>= prof_shift;
-                        /*
-                         * Dont ignore out-of-bounds pc values silently,
-                         * put them into the last histogram slot, so if
-                         * present, they will show up as a sharp peak.
-                         */
-                        if (pc > prof_len-1)
-                                pc = prof_len-1;
-                        atomic_inc((atomic_t *)&prof_buffer[pc]);
-                }
-        }
+			pc -= (unsigned long) &_stext;
+			pc >>= prof_shift;
+			/*
+			 * Dont ignore out-of-bounds pc values silently,
+			 * put them into the last histogram slot, so if
+			 * present, they will show up as a sharp peak.
+			 */
+			if (pc > prof_len-1)
+			pc = prof_len-1;
+			atomic_inc((atomic_t *)&prof_buffer[pc]);
+		}
+	}
 	 * call the generic timer interrupt handling
-        do_timer(regs);
-        /*
-         * If we have an externally synchronized Linux clock, then update
-         * CMOS clock accordingly every ~11 minutes. rtc_set_time() has to be
-         * called as close as possible to 500 ms before the new second starts.
-         */
-        read_lock (&xtime_lock);
-        if ((time_status & STA_UNSYNC) == 0 &&
-            xtime.tv_sec > last_rtc_update + 660 &&
-            xtime.tv_usec >= 500000 - ((unsigned) tick) / 2 &&
-            xtime.tv_usec <= 500000 + ((unsigned) tick) / 2) {
+	do_timer(regs);
+	/*
+	 * If we have an externally synchronized Linux clock, then update
+	 * CMOS clock accordingly every ~11 minutes. rtc_set_time() has to be
+	 * called as close as possible to 500 ms before the new second starts.
+	 */
+	read_lock (&xtime_lock);
+	if ((time_status & STA_UNSYNC) == 0 &&
+	    xtime.tv_sec > last_rtc_update + 660 &&
+	    xtime.tv_usec >= 500000 - ((unsigned) tick) / 2 &&
+	    xtime.tv_usec <= 500000 + ((unsigned) tick) / 2) {
 		if (rtc_set_time(xtime.tv_sec) == 0) {
 			last_rtc_update = xtime.tv_sec;
 		} else {
 			last_rtc_update = xtime.tv_sec - 600; 
 			/* do it again in 60 s */
-        }
-        read_unlock (&xtime_lock);
+	}
+	read_unlock (&xtime_lock);
 	 * If jiffies has overflowed in this timer_interrupt we must
 	 * update the timer[hi]/[lo] to make fast gettimeoffset funcs
 	 * quotient calc still valid. -arca
-        if (!jiffies) {
-                timerhi = timerlo = 0;
-        }
+	if (!jiffies) {
+		timerhi = timerlo = 0;
+	}
 asmlinkage void ll_timer_interrupt(int irq, struct pt_regs *regs)
@@ -442,9 +374,8 @@
 	irq_exit(cpu, irq);
-	/* check for bottom half */
-        if (softirq_active(cpu)&softirq_mask(cpu))
-                do_softirq();
+	if (softirq_pending(cpu))
+		do_softirq();
@@ -480,19 +411,14 @@
 void __init time_init(void)
-	printk("New MIPS time_init() invoked.\n");
 	if (board_time_init)
-	/* setup xtime */
-	write_lock_irq(&xtime_lock);
 	xtime.tv_sec = rtc_get_time();
 	xtime.tv_usec = 0;
-	write_unlock_irq(&xtime_lock);
 	/* choose appropriate gettimeoffset routine */
-	if ( ! (mips_cpu.options & MIPS_CPU_COUNTER) ) {
+	if (!(mips_cpu.options & MIPS_CPU_COUNTER)) {
 		/* no cpu counter - sorry */
 		do_gettimeoffset = null_gettimeoffset;
 	} else if (mips_counter_frequency != 0) {
@@ -519,11 +445,6 @@
 		sll32_usecs_per_cycle = mips_counter_frequency / 100000;
 		sll32_usecs_per_cycle = 0xffffffff / sll32_usecs_per_cycle;
 		sll32_usecs_per_cycle *= 10;
-		MIPS_DEBUG(printk("cycles_per_jiffy = %d\n", 
-				  cycles_per_jiffy));
-		MIPS_DEBUG(printk("sll32_usecs_per_cycle = %d \n",
-				  sll32_usecs_per_cycle));
@@ -537,6 +458,52 @@
 	 * to be NULL function so that we are sure the high-level code
 	 * is not invoked accidentally.
-	MIPS_ASSERT(board_timer_setup != NULL);
+#define FEBRUARY		2
+#define STARTOFTIME		1970
+#define SECDAY			86400L
+#define SECYR			(SECDAY * 365)
+#define leapyear(year)		((year) % 4 == 0)
+#define days_in_year(a)		(leapyear(a) ? 366 : 365)
+#define days_in_month(a)	(month_days[(a) - 1])
+static int month_days[12] = {
+	31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
+void to_tm(unsigned long tim, struct rtc_time * tm)
+	long hms, day;
+	int i;
+	day = tim / SECDAY;
+	hms = tim % SECDAY;
+	/* Hours, minutes, seconds are easy */
+	tm->tm_hour = hms / 3600;
+	tm->tm_min = (hms % 3600) / 60;
+	tm->tm_sec = (hms % 3600) % 60;
+	/* Number of years in days */
+	for (i = STARTOFTIME; day >= days_in_year(i); i++)
+	day -= days_in_year(i);
+	tm->tm_year = i;
+	/* Number of months in days left */
+	if (leapyear(tm->tm_year))
+	days_in_month(FEBRUARY) = 29;
+	for (i = 1; day >= days_in_month(i); i++)
+	day -= days_in_month(i);
+	days_in_month(FEBRUARY) = 28;
+	tm->tm_mon = i;
+	/* Days are what is left over (+1) from all that. */
+	tm->tm_mday = day + 1;
+	/*
+	 * Determine the day of week
+	 */
+	tm->tm_wday = (day + 3) % 7;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: