patch-2.4.14 linux/drivers/char/README.computone

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.13/linux/drivers/char/README.computone linux/drivers/char/README.computone
@@ -1,227 +1,10 @@
 Computone Intelliport II/Plus Multiport Serial Driver
-Release Notes For Linux Kernel 2.2
-These notes have been tested on Linux kernels 2.0 and 2.2.
-Please refer to Documentation/computone.txt for information on the driver
-that is included with the kernel sources.
-Version: 1.2.9
-Date: 04/12/2000
-Fixes and Updates: Doug McNash 
-Historical Author: Andrew Manison 
-Kernel Integration: Mike Warfield <>
-This driver supports the entire family of Intelliport II/Plus controllers
-with the exception of the MicroChannel controllers. 
-This driver was developed on the v2.0.x Linux source tree and has been 
-tested up to v2.2.14; it will probably not work with earlier v1.X kernels, 
-and has not yet been tested on the v2.1.x tree. The most likely problems 
-will be in patching the kernel sources to support the driver. For this
-reason there are 2 different patch files for 2.0.XX and 2.2.XX kernels.
-Make sure you use the right one!
-Note that a version (1.2.5) is included in the 2.2.12+ kernels so this
-will not be a new install but and upgrade.
-Hardware - If you have an ISA card, find a free interrupt and io port. 
-		   List those in use with `cat /proc/interrupts` and 
-		   `cat /proc/ioports`.  Set the card dip switches to that free 
-		   address.  You may need to configure your BIOS to reserve the
-		   irq for the ISA card.  PCI and EISA parameters are set
-		   automagically and need only be set to nonzero values.
-		   Insert card into computer with the power off before or after
-		   driver installation.
-Software - New Installation
-Module installation:
-a) Obtain driver-kernel patch file
-b) Copy to the linux source tree root, Run ip2build (if not patch)
-c) Determine free irq/address to use if any (configure BIOS if need be)
-d) Run "make config" or "make menuconfig" or "make xconfig"
-   Select (m) module for CONFIG_COMPUTONE under character
-   devices.  CONFIG_PCI and CONFIG_MODULES also may need to be set.
-e) Set address on ISA cards then:
-   edit /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/ip2/ip2.h if needed 
-	or
-   edit /etc/modules.conf if needed (module).
-	or both to match this setting.
-f) Run "make dep"
-g) Run "make modules"
-h) Run "make modules_install"
-i) Run "/sbin/depmod -a"
-i) install driver using `modprobe ip2 <options>` (options listed below)
-j) run mkip2dev
-Kernel installation:
-a) Obtain driver-kernel patch file
-b) Copy to the linux source tree root, Run ip2build (if not patch)
-c) Determine free irq/address to use if any (configure BIOS if need be)
-d) Run "make config" or "make menuconfig" or "make xconfig"
-   Select (y) kernel for CONFIG_COMPUTONE under character
-   devices.  CONFIG_PCI may need to be set if you have PCI bus.
-e) Set address on ISA cards then:
-	   edit /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/ip2/ip2.h  
-f) Run "make dep"
-g) Run "make zImage" or whatever target you prefer.
-h) mv /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage to /boot.
-i) add new config for this kernel into /etc/lilo.conf, run "lilo"
-j) reboot using this kernel
-k) make and run ip2/mkip2dev
-Software - Upgrades
-a) Install new sources in proper location, usually /usr/src/linux/drivers/char
-b) Follow steps above to create new kernel or modules
-Previously, the driver sources were packaged with a set of patch files
-to update the character drivers' makefile and configuration file, and other 
-kernel source files. A build script (ip2build) was included which applies 
-the patches if needed, and build any utilities needed.
-What you receive may be a single patch file in conventional kernel
-patch format build script. That form can also be applied by
-running patch -p1 < ThePatchFile.  Otherwise the drivers source may be
-a tar file, then untar and run ip2build if a new installation.
-The driver can be installed as a module (recommended) or built into the 
-kernel. This is selected as for other drivers through the `make config`
-command from the root of the Linux source tree. If the driver is built 
-into the kernel you will need to edit the file ip2.h to match the boards 
-you are installing. See that file for instructions. If the driver is 
-installed as a module the configuration can also be specified on the
-modprobe command line as follows:
-	modprobe ip2 irq=irq1,irq2,irq3,irq4 io=addr1,addr2,addr3,addr4
-where irqnum is one of the valid Intelliport II interrupts (3,4,5,7,10,11,
-12,15) and addr1-4 are the base addresses for up to four controllers. If 
-the irqs are not specified the driver uses the default in ip2/ip2.h (which 
-selects polled mode). The io addresses are set to io=1 for PCI cards,i
-io=2 for EISA cards or io=[some valid ISA address] for ISA cards.  If no
-base addresses are specified the defaults in ip2.h are used. If you are
-autoloading the driver module with kerneld or kmod the base addresses and
-interrupt number must also be set in ip2/ip2.h and recompile or just insert
-an options line in /etc/modules.conf or both.  The command line takes
-precidence over the options line which takes precidence over the defaults
-in ip2.h. 
-command line sample:
-	modprobe ip2 io=1,0x328 irq=1,10
-/etc/modules.conf sample:
-	options ip2 io=1,0x328 irq=1,10
-	alias char-major-71 ip2
-	alias char-major-72 ip2
-	alias char-major-73 ip2
-the equivelant ip2.h:
-static ip2config_t ip2config =
-	{1,10,0,0},
-	{
-		0x0001,    // Board 0, ttyF0   - ttyF63		/* PCI card */
-		0x0328,    // Board 1, ttyF64  - ttyF127	/* ISA card */
-		0x0000,    // Board 2, ttyF128 - ttyF191	/* empty */
-		0x0000     // Board 3, ttyF192 - ttyF255	/* empty */
-	}
-Specifying an invalid or in-use ISA irq will default the driver into
-running in polled mode for that card.  If all irq entries are 0 then
-all cards will operate in polled mode.  Note that the PCI will be
-assigned it's irq by the BIOS and may not match what you specify.
-It must be non-zero otherwise it will be polled.
-Tarball Install:
-The whole tarfile should be untarred in the /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/
-directory. Most files required for the driver are placed in the ip2
-subdirectory. Then execute the script (for a new install only)
-	ip2build
-which will patch the files.
-Kernel Patch Install:
-	cd to the Linux source root, run patch -p1 < ThePatchFile. 
-Now return to the root directory of the Linux
-source tree and run make config or make menuconfig. You will be prompted
-for the Computone drivers, either as a module or part of the kernel. 
-If you have a PCI card you many need to select PCI bios support (CONFIG_PCI)
-if not enabled already.  Ditto for CONFIG_MODULES if you use modules.
-If you select the driver as part of the kernel run :
-	make depend
-	make bzImage(,zlilo or whatever you do to create a bootable kernel)
-If you selected a module run :
-	make modules && make modules_install
-The utility ip2mkdev creates all the device nodes required by the driver.
-For a device to be created it must be configured in the driver and the 
-board must be installed. Only devices corresponding to real IntelliPort II 
-ports are created. With multiple boards and expansion boxes this will 
-leave gaps in the sequence of device names. ip2mkdev uses Linux tty naming 
-conventions: ttyF0 - ttyF255 for normal devices, and cuf0 - cuf255 for 
-callout devices.  Note that the callout devices are going away in the
-future and that is what the warning messages are trying to tell you.
-As noted above, the driver implements the ports in accordance with Linux
-conventions, and the devices should be interchangeable with the standard
-serial devices. (This is a key point for problem reporting: please make
-sure that what you are trying do works on the ttySx/cuax ports first; then 
-tell us what went wrong with the ip2 ports!)
-Higher speeds can be obtained using the setserial utility which remaps 
-38,400 bps (extb) to 57,600 bps, 115,200 bps, or a custom speed. 
-Intelliport II installations using the PowerPort expansion module can
-use the custom speed setting to select the highest speeds: 153,600 bps,
-230,400 bps, 307,200 bps, 460,800bps and 921,600 bps. The base for
-custom baud rate configuration is fixed at 921,600 for cards/expantion
-modules with ST654's and 115200 for those with Cirrus CD1400's.  This
-corresponds to the maximum bit rates those chips are capable.  
-For example if the baud base is 921600 and the baud divisor is 18 then
-the custom rate is 921600/18 = 51200 bps.  See the setserial man page for
-complete details. Of course, if stty accepts the higher rates now you can
-use that as well as the standard ioctls().
-This is a release version of the driver, but it is impossible to test it
-in all configurations of Linux. If there is any anomalous behaviour that 
-does not match the standard serial port's behaviour please let us know.
-Some installations report that characters fail to echo immediatly at a
-terminal if the kernel/modules are compiled with the CONFIG_M386 and
-the card is run in polling mode on a pentium class machine.  Compiling
-with a more appropriate processor flag or running on interrupt would be
-the fix as well as the wise thing to do.
+Release Notes For Linux Kernel 2.2 and higher
+This file is now deprecated and will be removed at some point.
+Please refer to the file Documentation/computone.txt instead.
+Michael H. Warfield 08/12/2001

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: