patch-2.4.2 linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/ofw-shark.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/ofw-shark.c linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/ofw-shark.c
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ * linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/ofw-shark.c
+ *
+ * by
+ *
+ * This file is used to get some basic information
+ * about the memory layout of the shark we are running
+ * on. Memory is usually divided in blocks a 8 MB.
+ * And bootargs are copied from OpenFirmware.
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <asm/setup.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+asmlinkage void
+create_params (unsigned long *buffer)
+	/* Is there a better address? Also change in kernel/arch.c */
+	struct param_struct *params = (struct param_struct *) 0x08003000;
+	int j,i,m,k,nr_banks,size;
+	for (j=0;j<256;j++) params->u1.unused[j]=0;
+	size=0;
+	nr_banks=(unsigned int) buffer[0];
+	if (nr_banks > NR_BANKS) nr_banks = NR_BANKS;
+	for (j=0;j<nr_banks;j++){
+		/* search the lowest address and put it into the next entry   */
+		/* not a fast sort algorithm, but there are at most 8 entries */
+		/* and this is used only once anyway                          */
+		m=0xffffffff;
+		for (i=0;i<(unsigned int) buffer[0];i++){
+			if (buffer[2*i+1]<m) {
+				m=buffer[2*i+1];
+				k=i;
+			}
+		}
+		/* using pages_in_bank for startaddress and size               */
+		/* start is in bytes, size in pages and not bigger than 0x2000 */
+		/* This is decoded in fixup_shark in arch/arm/kernel/arch.c    */
+		params->u1.s.pages_in_bank[j]=buffer[2*k+1]|(buffer[2*k+2]/PAGE_SIZE);
+		size += buffer[2*k+2];
+		buffer[2*k+1]=0xffffffff;                    /* mark as copied             */
+	}
+	params->u1.s.page_size = PAGE_SIZE;
+	params->u1.s.nr_pages  = size/PAGE_SIZE;
+	params->u1.s.flags     = FLAG_READONLY;
+	/* Copy over the bootargs */
+	for (j=0;j<128/4;j++) {
+		((unsigned long *) params->commandline)[j]=buffer[33+j];
+	}
+typedef int (*ofw_handle_t)(void *);
+/* Everything below is called with a wrong MMU setting.
+ * This means: no string constants, no initialization of
+ * arrays, no global variables! This is ugly but I didn't
+ * want to write this in assembler :-)
+ */
+of_decode_int(const unsigned char *p)
+	unsigned int i = *p++ << 8;
+	i = (i + *p++) << 8;
+	i = (i + *p++) << 8;
+	return (i + *p);
+OF_finddevice(ofw_handle_t openfirmware, char *name)
+	unsigned int args[8];
+	char service[12];
+	service[0]='f';
+	service[1]='i';
+	service[2]='n';
+	service[3]='d';
+	service[4]='d';
+	service[5]='e';
+	service[6]='v';
+	service[7]='i';
+	service[8]='c';
+	service[9]='e';
+	service[10]='\0';
+	args[0]=(unsigned int)service;
+	args[1]=1;
+	args[2]=1;
+	args[3]=(unsigned int)name;
+	if (openfirmware(args) == -1)
+		return -1;
+	return args[4];
+OF_getproplen(ofw_handle_t openfirmware, int handle, char *prop)
+	unsigned int args[8];
+	char service[12];
+	service[0]='g';
+	service[1]='e';
+	service[2]='t';
+	service[3]='p';
+	service[4]='r';
+	service[5]='o';
+	service[6]='p';
+	service[7]='l';
+	service[8]='e';
+	service[9]='n';
+	service[10]='\0';
+	args[0] = (unsigned int)service;
+	args[1] = 2;
+	args[2] = 1;
+	args[3] = (unsigned int)handle;
+	args[4] = (unsigned int)prop;
+	if (openfirmware(args) == -1)
+		return -1;
+	return args[5];
+OF_getprop(ofw_handle_t openfirmware, int handle, char *prop, void *buf, unsigned int buflen)
+	unsigned int args[8];
+	char service[8];
+	service[0]='g';
+	service[1]='e';
+	service[2]='t';
+	service[3]='p';
+	service[4]='r';
+	service[5]='o';
+	service[6]='p';
+	service[7]='\0';
+	args[0] = (unsigned int)service;
+	args[1] = 4;
+	args[2] = 1;
+	args[3] = (unsigned int)handle;
+	args[4] = (unsigned int)prop;
+	args[5] = (unsigned int)buf;
+	args[6] = buflen;
+	if (openfirmware(args) == -1)
+		return -1;
+	return args[7];
+asmlinkage void ofw_init(ofw_handle_t o, int *nomr, int *pointer)
+	int phandle,i,mem_len,buffer[32];
+	char temp[12];
+	temp[0]='/';
+	temp[1]='m';
+	temp[2]='e';
+	temp[3]='m';
+	temp[4]='o';
+	temp[5]='r';
+	temp[6]='y';
+	temp[7]='\0';
+	phandle=OF_finddevice(o,temp);
+	temp[0]='r';
+	temp[1]='e';
+	temp[2]='g';
+	temp[3]='\0';
+	mem_len = OF_getproplen(o,phandle, temp);
+	OF_getprop(o,phandle, temp, buffer, mem_len);
+	*nomr=mem_len >> 3;
+	for (i=0; i<=mem_len/4; i++) pointer[i]=of_decode_int((const unsigned char *)&buffer[i]);
+	temp[0]='/';
+	temp[1]='c';
+	temp[2]='h';
+	temp[3]='o';
+	temp[4]='s';
+	temp[5]='e';
+	temp[6]='n';
+	temp[7]='\0';
+	phandle=OF_finddevice(o,temp);
+	temp[0]='b';
+	temp[1]='o';
+	temp[2]='o';
+	temp[3]='t';
+	temp[4]='a';
+	temp[5]='r';
+	temp[6]='g';
+	temp[7]='s';
+	temp[8]='\0';
+	mem_len = OF_getproplen(o,phandle, temp);
+	OF_getprop(o,phandle, temp, buffer, mem_len);
+	for (i=0; i<=mem_len/4; i++) pointer[i+32]=buffer[i];

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: