patch-2.4.2 linux/arch/cris/drivers/ide.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/arch/cris/drivers/ide.c linux/arch/cris/drivers/ide.c
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+/* $Id: ide.c,v 1.4 2001/01/10 21:14:32 bjornw Exp $
+ *
+ * Etrax specific IDE functions, like init and PIO-mode setting etc.
+ * Almost the entire ide.c is used for the rest of the Etrax ATA driver.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Axis Communications AB 
+ *
+ * Authors:    Bjorn Wesen        (initial version)
+ *             Mikael Starvik     (pio setup stuff)
+ *
+ * $Log: ide.c,v $
+ * Revision 1.4  2001/01/10 21:14:32  bjornw
+ * Initialize hwif->ideproc, for the new way of handling ide_xxx_data
+ *
+ * Revision 1.3  2000/12/01 17:48:18  bjornw
+ * - atapi_output_bytes now uses DMA
+ * - dma_active check removed - the kernel does proper serializing and it had
+ *   a race-condition anyway
+ * - ide_build_dmatable had a nameclash
+ * - re-added the RESET_DMA thingys because sometimes the interface can get
+ *   stuck apparently
+ * - added ide_release_dma
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2  2000/11/29 17:31:29  bjornw
+ * 2.4 port
+ *
+ * - The "register addresses" stored in the hwif are now 32-bit fields that
+ *   don't need to be shifted into correct positions in R_ATA_CTRL_DATA
+ * - PIO-mode detection temporarily disabled since ide-modes.c is not compiled
+ * - All DMA uses virt_to_phys conversions for DMA buffers and descriptor ptrs
+ * - Probably correct ide_dma_begin semantics in dmaproc now for ATAPI devices
+ * - Removed RESET_DMA when starting a new transfer - why was this necessary ?
+ * - Indentation fix
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/* Regarding DMA: 
+ *
+ * There are two forms of DMA - "DMA handshaking" between the interface and the drive,
+ * and DMA between the memory and the interface. We can ALWAYS use the latter, since it's
+ * something built-in in the Etrax. However only some drives support the DMA-mode handshaking
+ * on the ATA-bus. The normal PC driver and Triton interface disables memory-if DMA when the
+ * device can't do DMA handshaking for some stupid reason. We don't need to do that.
+ */ 
+#undef REALLY_SLOW_IO           /* most systems can safely undef this */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/timer.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/blkdev.h>
+#include <linux/hdreg.h>
+#include <linux/ide.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/svinto.h>
+/* number of Etrax DMA descriptors */
+#define MAX_DMA_DESCRS 64
+#define LOWDB(x)
+#define D(x)
+void OUT_BYTE(unsigned char data, ide_ioreg_t reg) {
+	LOWDB(printk("ob: data 0x%x, reg 0x%x\n", data, reg));
+	while(*R_ATA_STATUS_DATA & IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, busy)); /* wait for busy flag */
+	*R_ATA_CTRL_DATA = reg | data; /* write data to the drive's register */
+	while(!(*R_ATA_STATUS_DATA &
+		IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, tr_rdy))); /* wait for transmitter ready */
+unsigned char IN_BYTE(ide_ioreg_t reg) {
+	int status;
+	while(*R_ATA_STATUS_DATA & IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, busy)); /* wait for busy flag */
+	*R_ATA_CTRL_DATA = reg | IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, rw, read); /* read data */ 
+	while(!((status = *R_ATA_STATUS_DATA) &
+		IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, dav))); /* wait for available */
+	LOWDB(printk("inb: 0x%x from reg 0x%x\n", status & 0xff, reg));
+	return (unsigned char)status; /* data was in the lower 16 bits in the status reg */
+/* PIO timing (in R_ATA_CONFIG)
+ *
+ *                        _____________________________
+ * ADDRESS :     ________/
+ *
+ *                            _______________
+ * DIOR    :     ____________/               \__________
+ *
+ *                               _______________
+ * DATA    :     XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_______________XXXXXXXX
+ *
+ *
+ * DIOR is unbuffered while address and data is buffered.
+ * This creates two problems:
+ * 1. The DIOR pulse is to early (because it is unbuffered)
+ * 2. The rise time of DIOR is long
+ *
+ * There are at least three different plausible solutions
+ * 1. Use a pad capable of larger currents in Etrax
+ * 2. Use an external buffer
+ * 3. Make the strobe pulse longer
+ *
+ * Some of the strobe timings below are modified to compensate
+ * for this. This implies a slight performance decrease.
+ *
+ *
+ * TODO: Is this true for the latest LX boards still ?
+ */
+#define ATA_DMA2_STROBE  4 
+#define ATA_DMA2_HOLD    0
+#define ATA_DMA1_STROBE  4 
+#define ATA_DMA1_HOLD    1
+#define ATA_DMA0_STROBE 12 
+#define ATA_DMA0_HOLD    9
+#define ATA_PIO4_SETUP   1
+#define ATA_PIO4_STROBE  5
+#define ATA_PIO4_HOLD    0
+#define ATA_PIO3_SETUP   1
+#define ATA_PIO3_STROBE  5
+#define ATA_PIO3_HOLD    1
+#define ATA_PIO2_SETUP   1
+#define ATA_PIO2_STROBE  6
+#define ATA_PIO2_HOLD    2
+#define ATA_PIO1_SETUP   2
+#define ATA_PIO1_STROBE 11
+#define ATA_PIO1_HOLD    4
+#define ATA_PIO0_SETUP   4
+#define ATA_PIO0_STROBE 19
+#define ATA_PIO0_HOLD    4
+ * good_dma_drives() lists the model names (from "hdparm -i")
+ * of drives which do not support mword2 DMA but which are
+ * known to work fine with this interface under Linux.
+ */
+const char *good_dma_drives[] = {"Micropolis 2112A",
+				 "CONNER CTMA 4000",
+				 "CONNER CTT8000-A",
+				 NULL};
+static void tune_e100_ide(ide_drive_t *drive, byte pio)
+	unsigned long flags;
+	pio = 4;
+	//pio = ide_get_best_pio_mode(drive, pio, 4, NULL);
+	save_flags(flags);
+	cli();
+	/* set pio mode! */
+	switch(pio) {
+		case 0:
+			*R_ATA_CONFIG = ( IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, enable,     1 ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_strobe, ATA_DMA2_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_hold,   ATA_DMA2_HOLD ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_setup,  ATA_PIO0_SETUP ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_strobe, ATA_PIO0_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_hold,   ATA_PIO0_HOLD ) );
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			*R_ATA_CONFIG = ( IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, enable,     1 ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_strobe, ATA_DMA2_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_hold,   ATA_DMA2_HOLD ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_setup,  ATA_PIO1_SETUP ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_strobe, ATA_PIO1_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_hold,   ATA_PIO1_HOLD ) );
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			*R_ATA_CONFIG = ( IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, enable,     1 ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_strobe, ATA_DMA2_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_hold,   ATA_DMA2_HOLD ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_setup,  ATA_PIO2_SETUP ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_strobe, ATA_PIO2_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_hold,   ATA_PIO2_HOLD ) );
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			*R_ATA_CONFIG = ( IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, enable,     1 ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_strobe, ATA_DMA2_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_hold,   ATA_DMA2_HOLD ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_setup,  ATA_PIO3_SETUP ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_strobe, ATA_PIO3_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_hold,   ATA_PIO3_HOLD ) );
+			break;
+		case 4:
+			*R_ATA_CONFIG = ( IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, enable,     1 ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_strobe, ATA_DMA2_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_hold,   ATA_DMA2_HOLD ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_setup,  ATA_PIO4_SETUP ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_strobe, ATA_PIO4_STROBE ) |
+					  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_hold,   ATA_PIO4_HOLD ) );
+			break;
+	}
+	restore_flags(flags);
+static int e100_dmaproc (ide_dma_action_t func, ide_drive_t *drive); /* defined below */
+static void e100_ideproc (ide_ide_action_t func, ide_drive_t *drive,
+			  void *buffer, unsigned int length);        /* defined below */
+void __init init_e100_ide (void)
+	volatile unsigned int dummy;
+	int h;
+	printk("ide: ETRAX 100LX built-in ATA DMA controller\n");
+	/* first fill in some stuff in the ide_hwifs fields */
+	for(h = 0; h < MAX_HWIFS; h++) {
+		ide_hwif_t *hwif = &ide_hwifs[h];
+		hwif->chipset = ide_etrax100;
+		hwif->tuneproc = &tune_e100_ide;
+		hwif->dmaproc = &e100_dmaproc;
+		hwif->ideproc = &e100_ideproc;
+	}
+	/* actually reset and configure the etrax100 ide/ata interface */
+	/* de-assert bus-reset */
+	port_pb_dir_shadow = port_pb_dir_shadow | 
+		IO_STATE(R_PORT_PB_DIR, dir7, output);
+	*R_PORT_PB_DIR = port_pb_dir_shadow;
+	REG_SHADOW_SET(R_PORT_PB_DATA, port_pb_data_shadow, 7, 1);
+	*R_PORT_G_DATA = 0;
+	*R_ATA_CONFIG = 0;
+	genconfig_shadow = (genconfig_shadow & 
+			    ~IO_MASK(R_GEN_CONFIG, dma2) &
+			    ~IO_MASK(R_GEN_CONFIG, dma3) &
+			    ~IO_MASK(R_GEN_CONFIG, ata)) | 
+		( IO_STATE( R_GEN_CONFIG, dma3, ata    ) |
+		  IO_STATE( R_GEN_CONFIG, dma2, ata    ) |
+		  IO_STATE( R_GEN_CONFIG, ata,  select ) );
+	*R_GEN_CONFIG = genconfig_shadow;
+	*(volatile long *)(MEM_CSE1_START | MEM_NON_CACHEABLE) = 0;
+	/* wait some */
+	dummy = 1;
+	dummy = 2;
+	dummy = 3;
+	*(volatile long *)(MEM_CSE1_START | MEM_NON_CACHEABLE) = 1 << 16;
+	*R_PORT_G_DATA = 0;  /* de-assert bus-reset */
+	/* make a dummy read to set the ata controller in a proper state */
+	dummy = *R_ATA_STATUS_DATA;
+	*R_ATA_CONFIG = ( IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, enable,     1 ) |
+			  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_strobe, ATA_DMA2_STROBE ) |
+			  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, dma_hold,   ATA_DMA2_HOLD ) |
+			  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_setup,  ATA_PIO4_SETUP ) |
+			  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_strobe, ATA_PIO4_STROBE ) |
+			  IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CONFIG, pio_hold,   ATA_PIO4_HOLD ) );
+	*R_ATA_CTRL_DATA = ( IO_STATE( R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, rw,   read) |
+			     IO_FIELD( R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, addr, 1   ) );
+	while(*R_ATA_STATUS_DATA & IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, busy)); /* wait for busy flag*/
+	*R_IRQ_MASK0_SET = ( IO_STATE( R_IRQ_MASK0_SET, ata_irq0, set ) |
+			     IO_STATE( R_IRQ_MASK0_SET, ata_irq1, set ) |
+			     IO_STATE( R_IRQ_MASK0_SET, ata_irq2, set ) |
+			     IO_STATE( R_IRQ_MASK0_SET, ata_irq3, set ) );
+	printk("ide: waiting 10 seconds for drives to regain consciousness\n");
+	h = jiffies + 1000;
+	while(jiffies < h) ;
+  /* reset the dma channels we will use */
+	WAIT_DMA(2);
+	WAIT_DMA(3);
+static etrax_dma_descr mydescr;
+ * The following routines are mainly used by the ATAPI drivers.
+ *
+ * These routines will round up any request for an odd number of bytes,
+ * so if an odd bytecount is specified, be sure that there's at least one
+ * extra byte allocated for the buffer.
+ */
+static void 
+e100_atapi_input_bytes (ide_drive_t *drive, void *buffer, unsigned int bytecount)
+	ide_ioreg_t data_reg = IDE_DATA_REG;
+	unsigned long status;
+	D(printk("atapi_input_bytes, dreg 0x%x, buffer 0x%x, count %d\n",
+		 data_reg, buffer, bytecount));
+	if(bytecount & 1) {
+		printk("warning, odd bytecount in cdrom_in_bytes = %d.\n", bytecount);
+		bytecount++; /* to round off */
+	}
+	/* make sure the DMA channel is available */
+	WAIT_DMA(3); 
+	/* setup DMA descriptor */
+	mydescr.sw_len = bytecount;
+	mydescr.ctrl   = d_eol;
+	mydescr.buf    = virt_to_phys(buffer);
+	/* start the dma channel */
+	*R_DMA_CH3_FIRST = virt_to_phys(&mydescr);
+	*R_DMA_CH3_CMD   = IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH3_CMD, cmd, start);
+	/* initiate a multi word dma read using PIO handshaking */
+	*R_ATA_TRANSFER_CNT = bytecount >> 1;
+	*R_ATA_CTRL_DATA = data_reg |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, rw,       read) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, src_dst,  dma) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, handsh,   pio) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, multi,    on) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, dma_size, word);
+	/* wait for completion */
+	WAIT_DMA(3);
+#if 0
+	/* old polled transfer code */
+	/* initiate a multi word read */
+	*R_ATA_TRANSFER_CNT = wcount << 1;
+	*R_ATA_CTRL_DATA = data_reg |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, rw,       read) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, src_dst,  register) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, handsh,   pio) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, multi,    on) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, dma_size, word);
+	/* svinto has a latency until the busy bit actually is set */
+	nop(); nop();
+	nop(); nop();
+	nop(); nop();
+	nop(); nop();
+	nop(); nop();
+	/* unit should be busy during multi transfer */
+	while((status = *R_ATA_STATUS_DATA) & IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, busy)) {
+		while(!(status & IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, dav)))
+			status = *R_ATA_STATUS_DATA;
+		*ptr++ = (unsigned short)(status & 0xffff);
+	}
+static void 
+e100_atapi_output_bytes (ide_drive_t *drive, void *buffer, unsigned int bytecount)
+	ide_ioreg_t data_reg = IDE_DATA_REG;
+	unsigned short *ptr = (unsigned short *)buffer;
+	unsigned long ctrl;
+	D(printk("atapi_output_bytes, dreg 0x%x, buffer 0x%x, count %d\n",
+		 data_reg, buffer, bytecount));
+	if(bytecount & 1) {
+		printk("odd bytecount %d in atapi_out_bytes!\n", bytecount);
+		bytecount++;
+	}
+	/* make sure the DMA channel is available */
+	WAIT_DMA(2); 
+	/* setup DMA descriptor */
+	mydescr.sw_len = bytecount;
+	mydescr.ctrl   = d_eol;
+	mydescr.buf    = virt_to_phys(buffer);
+	/* start the dma channel */
+	*R_DMA_CH2_FIRST = virt_to_phys(&mydescr);
+	*R_DMA_CH2_CMD   = IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH2_CMD, cmd, start);
+	/* initiate a multi word dma write using PIO handshaking */
+	*R_ATA_TRANSFER_CNT = bytecount >> 1;
+	*R_ATA_CTRL_DATA = data_reg |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, rw,       write) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, src_dst,  dma) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, handsh,   pio) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, multi,    on) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, dma_size, word);
+	/* wait for completion */
+	WAIT_DMA(2);
+#if 0
+	/* old polled write code */
+	while(*R_ATA_STATUS_DATA & IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, busy)); /* wait for busy flag */
+	/* initiate a multi word write */
+	*R_ATA_TRANSFER_CNT = bytecount >> 1;
+	ctrl = data_reg |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, rw,       write) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, src_dst,  register) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, handsh,   pio) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, multi,    on) |
+		IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, dma_size, word);
+	/* Etrax will set busy = 1 until the multi pio transfer has finished
+	 * and tr_rdy = 1 after each succesful word transfer. 
+	 * When the last byte has been transferred Etrax will first set tr_tdy = 1 
+	 * and then busy = 0 (not in the same cycle). If we read busy before it
+	 * has been set to 0 we will think that we should transfer more bytes 
+	 * and then tr_rdy would be 0 forever. This is solved by checking busy
+	 * in the inner loop.
+	 */
+	do {
+		*R_ATA_CTRL_DATA = ctrl | *ptr++;
+		while(!(*R_ATA_STATUS_DATA & IO_MASK(R_ATA_STATUS_DATA, tr_rdy)) &&
+ * This is used for most PIO data transfers *from* the IDE interface
+ */
+static void 
+e100_ide_input_data (ide_drive_t *drive, void *buffer, unsigned int wcount)
+	e100_atapi_input_bytes(drive, buffer, wcount << 2);
+ * This is used for most PIO data transfers *to* the IDE interface
+ */
+static void
+e100_ide_output_data (ide_drive_t *drive, void *buffer, unsigned int wcount)
+	e100_atapi_output_bytes(drive, buffer, wcount << 2);
+ * The multiplexor for ide_xxxput_data and atapi calls
+ */
+static void 
+e100_ideproc (ide_ide_action_t func, ide_drive_t *drive,
+	      void *buffer, unsigned int length)
+	switch (func) {
+		case ideproc_ide_input_data:
+			e100_ide_input_data(drive, buffer, length);
+			break;
+		case ideproc_ide_output_data:
+			e100_ide_input_data(drive, buffer, length);
+			break;
+		case ideproc_atapi_input_bytes:
+			e100_atapi_input_bytes(drive, buffer, length);
+			break;
+		case ideproc_atapi_output_bytes:
+			e100_atapi_output_bytes(drive, buffer, length);
+			break;
+		default:
+			printk("e100_ideproc: unsupported func %d!\n", func);
+			break;
+	}
+/* we only have one DMA channel on the chip for ATA, so we can keep these statically */
+static etrax_dma_descr ata_descrs[MAX_DMA_DESCRS];
+static unsigned int ata_tot_size;
+ * e100_ide_build_dmatable() prepares a dma request.
+ * Returns 0 if all went okay, returns 1 otherwise.
+ */
+static int e100_ide_build_dmatable (ide_drive_t *drive)
+	struct request *rq = HWGROUP(drive)->rq;
+	struct buffer_head *bh = rq->bh;
+	unsigned long size, addr;
+	unsigned int count = 0;
+	ata_tot_size = 0;
+	do {
+		/*
+		 * Determine addr and size of next buffer area.  We assume that
+		 * individual virtual buffers are always composed linearly in
+		 * physical memory.  For example, we assume that any 8kB buffer
+		 * is always composed of two adjacent physical 4kB pages rather
+		 * than two possibly non-adjacent physical 4kB pages.
+		 */
+		if (bh == NULL) {  /* paging and tape requests have (rq->bh == NULL) */
+			addr = virt_to_phys (rq->buffer);
+			size = rq->nr_sectors << 9;
+		} else {
+			/* group sequential buffers into one large buffer */
+			addr = virt_to_phys (bh->b_data);
+			size = bh->b_size;
+			while ((bh = bh->b_reqnext) != NULL) {
+				if ((addr + size) != virt_to_phys (bh->b_data))
+					break;
+				size += bh->b_size;
+			}
+		}
+		/* did we run out of descriptors? */
+		if(count >= MAX_DMA_DESCRS) {
+			printk("%s: too few DMA descriptors\n", drive->name);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		/* uh.. I'm lazy.. if size >= 65536, it should loop below and split it in
+		   more than one descriptor */
+		if(size >= 65536) {
+			printk("too large ATA DMA request block, size = %d!\n", size);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		/* however, this case is more difficult - R_ATA_TRANSFER_CNT cannot be more
+		   than 65536 words per transfer, so in that case we need to either 
+		   1) use a DMA interrupt to re-trigger R_ATA_TRANSFER_CNT and continue with
+		      the descriptors, or
+		   2) simply do the request here, and get dma_intr to only ide_end_request on 
+		      those blocks that were actually set-up for transfer.
+		*/
+		if(ata_tot_size + size >= 131072) {
+			printk("too large total ATA DMA request, %d + %d!\n", ata_tot_size, size);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		/* ok we want to do IO at addr, size bytes. set up a new descriptor entry */
+		ata_descrs[count].sw_len = size;
+		ata_descrs[count].ctrl = 0;
+		ata_descrs[count].buf = addr;
+		ata_descrs[count].next = virt_to_phys(&ata_descrs[count + 1]);
+		count++;
+		ata_tot_size += size;
+	} while (bh != NULL);
+	if (count) {
+		/* set the end-of-list flag on the last descriptor */
+		ata_descrs[count - 1].ctrl |= d_eol;
+		/* return and say all is ok */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	printk("%s: empty DMA table?\n", drive->name);
+	return 1;	/* let the PIO routines handle this weirdness */
+static int config_drive_for_dma (ide_drive_t *drive)
+        const char **list;
+        struct hd_driveid *id = drive->id;
+        if (id && (id->capability & 1)) {
+                /* Enable DMA on any drive that supports mword2 DMA */
+                if ((id->field_valid & 2) && (id->dma_mword & 0x404) == 0x404) {
+                        drive->using_dma = 1;
+                        return 0;               /* DMA enabled */
+                }
+                /* Consult the list of known "good" drives */
+                list = good_dma_drives;
+                while (*list) {
+                        if (!strcmp(*list++,id->model)) {
+                                drive->using_dma = 1;
+                                return 0;       /* DMA enabled */
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return 1;       /* DMA not enabled */
+ * etrax_dma_intr() is the handler for disk read/write DMA interrupts
+ */
+static ide_startstop_t etrax_dma_intr (ide_drive_t *drive)
+	int i, dma_stat;
+	byte stat;
+	dma_stat = HWIF(drive)->dmaproc(ide_dma_end, drive);
+	stat = GET_STAT();			/* get drive status */
+	if (OK_STAT(stat,DRIVE_READY,drive->bad_wstat|DRQ_STAT)) {
+		if (!dma_stat) {
+			struct request *rq;
+			rq = HWGROUP(drive)->rq;
+			for (i = rq->nr_sectors; i > 0;) {
+				i -= rq->current_nr_sectors;
+				ide_end_request(1, HWGROUP(drive));
+			}
+			return ide_stopped;
+		}
+		printk("%s: bad DMA status\n", drive->name);
+	}
+	return ide_error(drive, "dma_intr", stat);
+ * e100_dmaproc() initiates/aborts DMA read/write operations on a drive.
+ *
+ * The caller is assumed to have selected the drive and programmed the drive's
+ * sector address using CHS or LBA.  All that remains is to prepare for DMA
+ * and then issue the actual read/write DMA/PIO command to the drive.
+ *
+ * For ATAPI devices, we just prepare for DMA and return. The caller should
+ * then issue the packet command to the drive and call us again with
+ * ide_dma_begin afterwards.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if all went well.
+ * Returns 1 if DMA read/write could not be started, in which case
+ * the caller should revert to PIO for the current request.
+ */
+static int e100_dmaproc (ide_dma_action_t func, ide_drive_t *drive)
+        static unsigned int reading; /* static to support ide_dma_begin semantics */
+	int atapi = 0;
+	D(printk("e100_dmaproc func %d\n", func));
+        switch (func) {
+		case ide_dma_verbose:
+			return 0;
+                case ide_dma_check:
+                        return config_drive_for_dma (drive);
+		case ide_dma_off:
+		case ide_dma_off_quietly:
+			/* ok.. we don't really need to do anything I think. */
+			return 0;
+                case ide_dma_write:
+                        reading = 0;
+			break;
+                case ide_dma_read:
+			reading = 1;
+                        break;
+                case ide_dma_begin:
+			/* begin DMA, used by ATAPI devices which want to issue the 
+			 * appropriate IDE command themselves.
+			 *
+			 * they have already called ide_dma_read/write to set the
+			 * static reading flag, now they call ide_dma_begin to do
+			 * the real stuff. we tell our code below not to issue
+			 * any IDE commands itself and jump into it. 
+			 */
+			atapi++;
+			goto dma_begin;
+		case ide_dma_end: /* returns 1 on error, 0 otherwise */
+			/* TODO: check if something went wrong with the DMA */
+			return 0;
+                default:
+                        printk("e100_dmaproc: unsupported func %d\n", func);
+                        return 1;
+        }
+	/* ATAPI-devices (not disks) first call ide_dma_read/write to set the direction
+	 * then they call ide_dma_begin after they have issued the appropriate drive command
+	 * themselves to actually start the chipset DMA. so we just return here if we're
+	 * not a diskdrive.
+	 */
+        if (drive->media != ide_disk)
+                return 0;
+ dma_begin:
+	if(reading) {
+		RESET_DMA(3); /* sometimes the DMA channel get stuck so we need to do this */
+		WAIT_DMA(3);
+		/* set up the Etrax DMA descriptors */
+		if(e100_ide_build_dmatable (drive))
+			return 1;
+		if(!atapi) {
+			/* set the irq handler which will finish the request when DMA is done */
+			ide_set_handler(drive, &etrax_dma_intr, WAIT_CMD, NULL);
+			/* issue cmd to drive */
+		}
+		/* begin DMA */
+		*R_DMA_CH3_FIRST = virt_to_phys(ata_descrs);
+		*R_DMA_CH3_CMD   = IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH3_CMD, cmd, start);
+		/* initiate a multi word dma read using DMA handshaking */
+		*R_ATA_TRANSFER_CNT = ata_tot_size >> 1;
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, rw,       read) |
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, src_dst,  dma)  |
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, handsh,   dma)  |
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, multi,    on)   |
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, dma_size, word);
+		D(printk("dma read of %d bytes.\n", ata_tot_size));
+	} else {
+		/* writing */
+		RESET_DMA(2); /* sometimes the DMA channel get stuck so we need to do this */
+		WAIT_DMA(2);
+		/* set up the Etrax DMA descriptors */
+		if(e100_ide_build_dmatable (drive))
+			return 1;
+		if(!atapi) {
+			/* set the irq handler which will finish the request when DMA is done */
+			ide_set_handler(drive, &etrax_dma_intr, WAIT_CMD, NULL);
+			/* issue cmd to drive */
+		}
+		/* begin DMA */
+		*R_DMA_CH2_FIRST = virt_to_phys(ata_descrs);
+		*R_DMA_CH2_CMD   = IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH2_CMD, cmd, start);
+		/* initiate a multi word dma write using DMA handshaking */
+		*R_ATA_TRANSFER_CNT = ata_tot_size >> 1;
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, rw,       write) |
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, src_dst,  dma) |
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, handsh,   dma) |
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, multi,    on) |
+			IO_STATE(R_ATA_CTRL_DATA, dma_size, word);
+		D(printk("dma write of %d bytes.\n", ata_tot_size));
+	}
+	/* DMA started successfully */
+	return 0;
+/* ide.c calls this, but we don't need to do anything particular */
+int ide_release_dma (ide_hwif_t *hwif)
+	return 1;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: