patch-2.4.2 linux/drivers/mtd/mapped.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.1/linux/drivers/mtd/mapped.c linux/drivers/mtd/mapped.c
@@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
-// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
-// Description                                                          /*{{{*/
-// $Id: mapped.c,v 1.8 2000/03/31 14:40:42 dwmw2 Exp $
-/* ######################################################################
-   Flash MTD Routines
-   These routine support IDing and manipulating flash. Currently the 
-   older JEDEC ID mechanism and a table is used for determining the
-   flash characterisitics, but it is trivial to add support for the
-   CFI specification:
- in the technote section.
-   ##################################################################### */
-									/*}}}*/
-#include <linux/mtd/mapped.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-struct JEDECTable mtd_JEDEC_table[] = 
-  {{0x01AD,"AMD Am29F016",2*1024*1024,64*1024,MTD_CAP_NORFLASH},
-   {0x01D5,"AMD Am29F080",1*1024*1024,64*1024,MTD_CAP_NORFLASH},
-   {}};
-// flash_setup - Setup the mapped_mtd_info structure for normal flash	/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* There is a set of commands that flash manufactures follow for getting the
-   JEDEC id, erasing and writing. So long as your flash device supports 
-   getting the JEDEC ID in this (standard?) way it will be supported as flash,
-   otherwise it is converted to ROM. Upon completion the structure is 
-   registered with the MTD layer */
-int mtd_mapped_setup(struct mapped_mtd_info *map)
-   DEBUG(1, "\n");
-   // Must define a page function to use the defaults!
-   if (map->page == 0)
-      return -1;
-   if (map->jedec_sense == 0)
-      map->jedec_sense = flash_jedec;
-   if (map->jedec_sense(map) != 0)
-      return -1;
-   if (map->mtd.erase == 0 && map->mtd.type == MTD_NORFLASH)
-      map->mtd.erase = flash_erase;
-   if (map->mtd.write == 0)
-   {
-      if (map->mtd.type == MTD_NORFLASH)
-	 map->mtd.write = flash_write;
-      if (map->mtd.type == MTD_RAM)
-	 map->mtd.write = ram_write;      
-   }   
-   if (map-> == 0)
-      map-> = rom_read;   
-   return add_mtd_device(&map->mtd);
-									/*}}}*/
-// flash_remove - Remove the flash device from the MTD layer		/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* Free any memory allocated for the device here */
-int mtd_mapped_remove(struct mapped_mtd_info *map)
-   return del_mtd_device(&map->mtd);
-									/*}}}*/
-// checkparity - Checks a number for odd parity				/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* Helper for the JEDEC function, JEDEC numbers all have odd parity */
-static int checkparity(u_char C)
-   u_char parity = 0;
-   while (C != 0)
-   {
-      parity ^= C & 1;
-      C >>= 1;
-   }
-   return parity == 1;
-									/*}}}*/
-// SetJedec - Set the jedec information for a chip			/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* We track the configuration of each chip separately in the chip list, 
-   each chip can have a different type and configuration to allow for 
-   maximum flexability. */
-void set_jedec(struct mapped_mtd_info *map,unsigned chip,unsigned char mfr,
-	      unsigned char id)
-   unsigned long longID = (mfr << 8) + id;
-   unsigned int I;
-   map->mtd.type = MTD_NORFLASH;
-   map->mfr = mfr;
-   map->id = id;
-   // Locate the chip in the jedec table
-   for (I = 0; mtd_JEDEC_table[I].jedec != 0; I++)
-   {      
-      if (mtd_JEDEC_table[I].jedec == longID)
-	 break;
-   }
-   if (mtd_JEDEC_table[I].jedec != longID || longID == 0)
-   {
-      printk("Unknown JEDEC number %x-%x, treating as ROM\n",map->mfr,
-	     map->id);
-      map->mtd.type = MTD_ROM;
-      return;
-   }
-   // Setup the MTD from the JEDEC information
-//   map->mtd.size = mtd_JEDEC_table[I].size;
-//   map->mtd.erasesize = mtd_JEDEC_table[I].sectorsize;
-//   map->mtd.capabilities = mtd_JEDEC_table[I].capabilities;
-//   strncpy(map->mtd.part,mtd_JEDEC_table[I].name,sizeof(map->mtd.part)-1);
-   map->chips[chip].jedec = longID;
-   map->chips[chip].size = mtd_JEDEC_table[I].size;
-   map->chips[chip].sectorsize = mtd_JEDEC_table[I].sectorsize;
-   map->chips[chip].capabilities = mtd_JEDEC_table[I].capabilities;
-   map->chips[chip].base = 0; 
-									/*}}}*/
-// isjedec - Check if reading from the memory location gives jedec #s	/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* This is ment to be called on the flash window once it is in jedec mode */
-int isjedec(unsigned long base)
-   // Test #1, JEDEC numbers are readable from 0x??00/0x??01
-   if (readb(base + 0) != readb(base + 0x100) || 
-       readb(base + 1) != readb(base + 0x101))
-      return 0;
-   // Test #2 JEDEC numbers exhibit odd parity
-   if (checkparity(readb(base + 0)) == 0 || checkparity(readb(base + 1)) == 0)
-      return 0;
-   return 1;
-									/*}}}*/
-// flash_jedec - JEDEC ID sensor					/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* The mysterious jedec flash probe sequence writes a specific pattern of
-   bytes to the flash. This should be general enough to work with any MTD
-   structure that may contain a flash chip, but note that it will corrupt
-   address 0x5555 on SRAM cards if the machine dies between the two 
-   critical operations. */
-int flash_jedec(struct mapped_mtd_info *map)
-   unsigned I;
-   u_char OldVal;
-   unsigned long base;
-   unsigned long baseaddr = 0;
-   unsigned chip = 0;
-   unsigned count;
-   // Who has a page size this small? :>
-   if (map->pagesize < 0x555)
-      return 1;
-   base = map->page(map,0);
-   // Wait for any write/erase operation to settle
-   OldVal = readb(base);
-   for (I = 0; OldVal != readb(base) && I < 10000; I++)
-      OldVal = readb(base);
-   /* Check for sram by writing to it, the write also happens to be part 
-      of the flash reset sequence.. */
-   OldVal = readb(base + 0x555);
-   writeb(OldVal,base + 0x555);
-   writeb(0xF0,base + 0x555);
-   if (OldVal != readb(base + 0x555))
-   {
-      udelay(100);
-      // Set it back and make sure..
-      writeb(OldVal,base + 0x555);
-      if (OldVal == readb(base + 0x555))
-      {
-	 map->mtd.type = MTD_RAM;
-	 return 0;
-      }
-      writeb(0xF0,base + 0x555);
-   }
-   // Probe for chips
-   while (chip < sizeof(map->chips)/sizeof(map->chips[0]))
-   {
-      // Already in jedec mode, we might be doing some address wrap around
-      if (chip != 0 && isjedec(base) != 0)
-      {
-	 /* Try to reset this page and check if that resets the first page
-	    to confirm */
-	 writeb(0xF0,base + 0x555);
-	 if (isjedec(base) != 0)
-	    break;
-	 base = map->page(map,0);
-	 if (isjedec(base) == 0)
-	    break;
-	 base = map->page(map,baseaddr/map->pagesize);
-      }
-      // Send the sequence
-      writeb(0xAA,base + 0x555);
-      writeb(0x55,base + 0x2AA);
-      writeb(0x90,base + 0x555);
-      // Check the jedec number
-      if (isjedec(base) == 0)
-      {
-	 /* If this is the first chip it must be rom, otherwise it is the
-	    end of the flash region */
-	 if (chip == 0)
-	 {
-	    map->mtd.type = MTD_ROM;
-	    return 0;
-	 }
-	 break;
-      }      
-      // Store the jdec info
-      set_jedec(map,chip,readb(base + 0),readb(base + 1));
-      map->chips[chip].base = baseaddr;
-      // Jump to the next chip
-      baseaddr += map->chips[chip].size;
-      if (baseaddr/map->pagesize > map->maxsize)
-	 break;
-      base = map->page(map,baseaddr/map->pagesize);
-      if (base == 0)
-	 return -EIO;
-      chip++;
-   }
-   // Reset all of the chips
-   map->mtd.size = 0;
-   baseaddr = 0;
-   map->mtd.flags = 0xFFFF;
-   for (I = 0; map->chips[I].jedec != 0; I++)
-   {
-      // Fill in the various MTD structures
-      map->mtd.size += map->chips[I].size;
-      if (map->mtd.erasesize < map->chips[I].sectorsize)
-	 map->mtd.erasesize = map->chips[I].sectorsize;
-      map->mtd.flags &= map->chips[I].capabilities;
-      base = map->page(map,baseaddr/map->pagesize);
-      baseaddr += map->chips[chip].size;
-      writeb(0xF0,base + 0);  // Reset      
-   }   
-   /* Generate a part name that includes the number of different chips and
-      other configuration information */
-   count = 1;
-   map->part[0] = 0;
-   for (I = 0; map->chips[I].jedec != 0; I++)
-   {
-      unsigned J;
-      if (map->chips[I+1].jedec == map->chips[I].jedec)
-      {
-	 count++;
-	 continue;
-      }
-      // Locate the chip in the jedec table
-      for (J = 0; mtd_JEDEC_table[J].jedec != 0; J++)
-      {      
-	 if (mtd_JEDEC_table[J].jedec == map->chips[I].jedec)
-	    break;
-      }
-      if (map->part[0] != 0)
-	 strcat(map->part,",");
-      if (count != 1)
-	 sprintf(map->part+strlen(map->part),"%u*[%s]",count,
-		 mtd_JEDEC_table[J].name);
-      else
-	 sprintf(map->part+strlen(map->part),"%s",
-		 mtd_JEDEC_table[J].name);
-      count = 1;
-   }   
-   return 0;
-									/*}}}*/
-// flash_failed - Print a console message about why the failure		/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* Pass the flags value that the flash return before it re-entered read 
-   mode. */
-static void flash_failed(unsigned char code)
-   /* Bit 5 being high indicates that there was an internal device
-      failure, erasure time limits exceeded or something */
-   if ((code & (1 << 5)) != 0)
-   {
-      printk("mtd: Internal Flash failure\n");
-      return;
-   }
-   printk("mtd: Programming didn't take\n");
-									/*}}}*/
-// flash_erase - Generic erase function					/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* This uses the erasure function described in the AMD Flash Handbook, 
-   it will work for flashes with a fixed sector size only. Flashes with
-   a selection of sector sizes (ie the AMD Am29F800B) will need a different
-   routine. This routine tries to parallize erasing multiple chips/sectors 
-   where possible */
-int flash_erase(struct mtd_info *mtd, struct erase_info *instr)
-   unsigned long Time = 0;
-   unsigned long NoTime = 0;
-   unsigned long start = instr->addr, len = instr->len;
-   unsigned int I;
-   struct mapped_mtd_info *map = (struct mapped_mtd_info *)mtd;
-   // Verify the arguments..
-   if (start + len > map->mtd.size ||
-       (start % map->mtd.erasesize) != 0 ||
-       (len % map->mtd.erasesize) != 0 ||
-       (len/map->mtd.erasesize) == 0)
-      return -EINVAL;
-   flash_chip_scan(map,start,len);
-   // Start the erase sequence on each chip
-   for (I = 0; map->chips[I].jedec != 0; I++)
-   {
-      unsigned long off;
-      struct flash_chip *chip = map->chips + I;
-      unsigned long base;
-      unsigned long flags;
-      if (chip->length == 0)
-	 continue;
-      if (page_jump(map,chip->base + chip->start,0x555,&base,0) != 0)
-	 return -EIO;
-      // Send the erase setup code
-      writeb(0xF0,base + 0x555);
-      writeb(0xAA,base + 0x555);
-      writeb(0x55,base + 0x2AA);
-      writeb(0x80,base + 0x555);
-      writeb(0xAA,base + 0x555);
-      writeb(0x55,base + 0x2AA);
-      // Use chip erase if possible
-      if (chip->start == 0 && chip->length == chip->size)
-      {
-	 writeb(0x10,base+0x555);
-	 continue;
-      }
-      /* Once we start selecting the erase sectors the delay between each 
-         command must not exceed 50us or it will immediately start erasing 
-         and ignore the other sectors */
-      save_flags(flags);
-      cli();
-      for (off = 0; off < chip->length; off += chip->sectorsize)
-      {
-	 if (page_jump(map,chip->base + chip->start + off,1,&base,0) != 0)
-	    return -EIO;
-	 // Check to make sure we didn't timeout
-	 writeb(0x30,base);
-	 if ((readb(base) & (1 << 3)) != 0)
-	 {
-	    printk("mtd: Ack! We timed out the erase timer!\n");
-	    return -EIO;
-	 }       	 
-      }
-      restore_flags(flags);
-   }   
-   /* We could split this into a timer routine and return early, performing
-      background erasure.. Maybe later if the need warrents */
-   /* Poll the flash for erasure completion, specs say this can take as long
-      as 480 seconds to do all the sectors (for a 2 meg flash). 
-      Erasure time is dependant on chip age, temp and wear.. */
-   Time = 0;
-   NoTime = 0;
-   for (I = 0; map->chips[I].jedec != 0; I++)
-   {
-      struct flash_chip *chip = map->chips + I;
-      unsigned long base;
-      unsigned long off = 0;
-      if (chip->length == 0)
-	 continue;
-      if (page_jump(map,chip->base + chip->start,1,&base,0) != 0)
-	 return -EIO;
-      while (1)
-      {
-	 unsigned char Last[4];
-	 unsigned long Count = 0;
-	 /* During erase bit 7 is held low and bit 6 toggles, we watch this,
-	    should it stop toggling or go high then the erase is completed,
-  	    or this is not really flash ;> */
-	 Last[0] = readb(base);
-	 Last[1] = readb(base);
-	 Last[2] = readb(base);
-	 for (Count = 3; (Last[(Count - 1) % 4] & (1 << 7)) == 0 && 
-	      Last[(Count - 1) % 4] != Last[(Count - 2) % 4]; Count++)
-	 {
-	    if (NoTime == 0)
-	       Time += HZ/10 - schedule_timeout(HZ/10);
-	    NoTime = 0;
-	    Last[Count % 4] = readb(base);
-	    // Count time, max of 15s per sector (according to AMD)
-	    if (Time > 15*len/mtd->erasesize*HZ)
-	    {
-	       printk("mtd: Flash Erase Timed out\n");
-	       return -EIO;
-	    }	    
-	 }
-	 if (Last[(Count - 1) % 4] == Last[(Count - 2) % 4])
-	 {
-	    flash_failed(Last[(Count - 3) % 4]);
-	    return -EIO;
-	 }
-	 // Skip to the next chip if we used chip erase
-	 if (chip->length == chip->size)
-	    off = chip->size;
-	 else
-	    off += chip->sectorsize;
-	 if (off >= chip->length)
-	    break;
-	 if (page_jump(map,chip->base + chip->start + off,1,&base,0) != 0)
-	    return -EIO;	 
-	 NoTime = 1;
-      }      
-   }
-   // Paranoid verify of erasure
-   {
-      unsigned long base;
-      unsigned long buflen;
-      while (len > 0)
-      {
-	 unsigned long step;
-	 if (page_jump(map,start,len,&base,&buflen) != 0)
-	    return -EIO;
-	 start += buflen;
-	 len -= buflen;
-	 step = buflen/128;
-	 for (;buflen != 0; buflen -= step)
-	 {
-	    if (readb(base+buflen-1) != 0xFF)
-	    {
-	       printk("mtd: Flash Erase didn't take %lu %lu %lu\n",buflen,len,start);
-	       return -EIO;
-	    }
-	 }	 
-      }      
-   }   
-   return 0;
-#if 1
-									/*}}}*/
-// flash_write - Generic writing function				/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* This could do parallel writes on multiple chips but doesnt, memory 
-   constraints make that infeasable. This should work with any sort of 
-   linear flash that is not interleved */
-extern int flash_write(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t start, size_t len,
-		       size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf)
-   struct mapped_mtd_info *map = (struct mapped_mtd_info *)mtd;
-   unsigned long base;
-   unsigned long off;
-   DEBUG(1,"\n");
-   if (start + len > mtd->size)
-      return -EIO;
-   while (len != 0)
-   {
-      // Compute the page offset and reposition
-      base = map->page(map,(u_long)start/map->pagesize);
-      off = (u_long)start %  map->pagesize;
-      // Loop over this page
-      for (; off != map->pagesize && len != 0; start++, len--, off++,buf++)
-      {
-	 unsigned char oldbyte = readb(base+off);
-	 unsigned char Last[4];
-	 unsigned long Count = 0;
-	 if (oldbyte == *buf)
-	    continue;
-	 if (((~oldbyte) & *buf) != 0)
-	    printk("mtd: warn: Trying to set a 0 to a 1\n");
-	 // Write
-	 writeb(0xAA,base + 0x555);
-	 writeb(0x55,base + 0x2AA);
-	 writeb(0xA0,base + 0x555);
-	 writeb(*buf,base + off);
-	 Last[0] = readb(base + off);
-	 Last[1] = readb(base + off);
-	 Last[2] = readb(base + off);
-	 /* Wait for the flash to finish the operation. We store the last 4
-	    status bytes that have been retrieved so we can determine why
-	    it failed. The toggle bits keep toggling when there is a 
-	    failure */
-	 for (Count = 3; Last[(Count - 1) % 4] != Last[(Count - 2) % 4] &&
-	      Count < 10000; Count++)
-	    Last[Count % 4] = readb(base + off);
-	 if (Last[(Count - 1) % 4] != *buf)
-	 {
-	    flash_failed(Last[(Count - 3) % 4]);
-	    return -EIO;
-	 }	 
-      }
-   }
-   *retlen = len;
-   return 0;
-// ram_write - Generic writing function	for ram				/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* */
-extern int ram_write(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t start, size_t len,
-		       size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf)
-   struct mapped_mtd_info *map = (struct mapped_mtd_info *)mtd;
-   unsigned long base;
-   size_t origlen = len;
-   unsigned long buflen;
-   DEBUG(1,"\n");
-   if (start + len > mtd->size)
-      return -EIO;
-   while (len != 0)
-   {
-      // Reposition..
-      if (page_jump(map,start,len,&base,&buflen) != 0)
-	 return -EIO;
-      // Copy
-      memcpy_toio(base,buf,buflen);
-      len -= buflen;
-      start += buflen;
-   }
-   *retlen = origlen;
-   return 0;
-// rom_read - Read handler for any sort of device			/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* This is a generic read function that should work with any device in the
-   mapped region. */
-extern int rom_read(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t start, size_t len,
-		    size_t *retlen, u_char *buf)
-   struct mapped_mtd_info *map = (struct mapped_mtd_info *)mtd;
-   size_t origlen = len;
-   unsigned long base;
-   unsigned long buflen;
-   printk("Rom_Read\n");
-   if (start + len > mtd->size)
-      return -EIO;
-   while (len != 0)
-   {
-      // Reposition..
-      if (page_jump(map,start,len,&base,&buflen) != 0)
-	 return -EIO;
-      // Copy
-      memcpy_fromio(buf,base,buflen);
-      len -= buflen;
-      start += buflen;
-   }
-   *retlen = origlen;
-   return 0;
-// page_jump - Move the window and return the buffer			/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* Unlike the page function this returns a buffer and length adjusted for
-   the page dimensions and the reading offset into the page, simplifies
-   many of the other routines */
-int page_jump(struct mapped_mtd_info *map,unsigned long start,
-	      unsigned long len,unsigned long *base,
-	      unsigned long *retlen)
-   DEBUG(1,"Page Jump\n");
-   if (start > map->mtd.size || start + len > map->mtd.size)
-      return -EINVAL;
-   *base = map->page(map,start/map->pagesize);
-   if (*base == 0)
-      return -EIO;
-   *base += start % map->pagesize;
-   // If retlen is 0 that mean the caller requires len bytes, no quibbling.
-   if (retlen == 0)
-   {
-      if (len > map->pagesize  - (start % map->pagesize))
-	 return -EIO;
-      return 0;
-   }
-   // Compute the buffer paramaters and return
-   if (len > map->pagesize - (start % map->pagesize))
-      *retlen = map->pagesize - (start % map->pagesize);
-   else
-      *retlen = len;
-   return 0;
-									/*}}}*/
-// flash_chip_scan - Intersect a region with the flash chip structure	/*{{{*/
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* This is used to enhance the speed of the erase routine,
-   when things are being done to multiple chips it is possible to
-   parallize the operations, particularly full memory erases of multi
-   chip memories benifit */
-void flash_chip_scan(struct mapped_mtd_info *map,unsigned long start,
-		     unsigned long len)
-   unsigned int I = 0;
-   DEBUG(1,"\n");
-   // Zero the records
-   for (I = 0; map->chips[I].jedec != 0; I++)
-      map->chips[I].start = map->chips[I].length = 0;
-   // Intesect our region with the chip structures
-   for (I = 0; map->chips[I].jedec != 0 && len != 0; I++)
-   {
-      // Havent found the start yet
-      if (start >= map->chips[I].base + map->chips[I].size)
-	 continue;
-      // Store the portion of this chip that is being effected
-      map->chips[I].start = start - map->chips[I].base;
-      if (len <= map->chips[I].size - map->chips[I].start)
-	 map->chips[I].length = len;
-      else
-	 map->chips[I].length = map->chips[I].size - map->chips[I].start;
-      len -= map->chips[I].length;
-      start = map->chips[I].base + map->chips[I].size;
-   }
-									/*}}}*/

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: