patch-2.4.23 linux-2.4.23/drivers/usb/hc_sl811.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.22/drivers/usb/hc_sl811.c linux-2.4.23/drivers/usb/hc_sl811.c
@@ -1,1359 +0,0 @@
- * SL811HS USB HCD for Linux Version 0.1 (10/28/2001)
- * 
- * requires (includes) hc_simple.[hc] simple generic HCD frontend
- *  
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include <linux/config.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-#include <linux/list.h>
-#include <linux/ioport.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <linux/usb.h>
-#include "../core/hcd.h"
-#define SL811_DEBUG_ERR
-#ifdef SL811_DEBUG_ERR
-#define DBGERR(fmt, args...) printk(fmt,## args)
-#define DBGERR(fmt, args...)
-#ifdef SL811_DEBUG
-#define DBG(fmt, args...) printk(fmt,## args)
-#define DBG(fmt, args...)
-#ifdef SL811_DEBUG_FUNC
-#define DBGFUNC(fmt, args...) printk(fmt,## args)
-#define DBGFUNC(fmt, args...)
-#ifdef SL811_DEBUG_DATA
-#define DBGDATAR(fmt, args...) printk(fmt,## args)
-#define DBGDATAW(fmt, args...) printk(fmt,## args)
-#define DBGDATAR(fmt, args...)
-#define DBGDATAW(fmt, args...)
-#define DBGVERBOSE(fmt, args...) printk(fmt,## args)
-#define DBGVERBOSE(fmt, args...)
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-#define HC_SWITCH_INT
-#include "hc_sl811.h"
-#include "hc_simple.h"
-static int urb_debug = 0;
-#include "hc_simple.c"
-#include "hc_sl811_rh.c"
-/* The base_addr, data_reg_addr, and irq number are board specific.
- * The current values are design to run on the Accelent SA1110 IDP
- * NOTE: values need to modify for different development boards 
- */
-static int base_addr = 0xd3800000;
-static int data_reg_addr = 0xd3810000;
-static int irq = 34;
-/* forware declaration */
-int SL11StartXaction (hci_t * hci, __u8 addr, __u8 epaddr, int pid, int len,
-		      int toggle, int slow, int urb_state);
-static int sofWaitCnt = 0;
-MODULE_PARM (urb_debug, "i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC (urb_debug, "debug urb messages, default is 0 (no)");
-MODULE_PARM (base_addr, "i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC (base_addr, "sl811 base address 0xd3800000");
-MODULE_PARM (data_reg_addr, "i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC (data_reg_addr, "sl811 data register address 0xd3810000");
-MODULE_PARM (irq, "i");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC (irq, "IRQ 34 (default)");
-static int hc_reset (hci_t * hci);
- * Function Name : SL811Read
- *
- * Read a byte of data from the SL811H/SL11H
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         offset = address of SL811/SL11H register or memory
- *
- * Return: data 
- **************************************************************************/
-char SL811Read (hci_t * hci, char offset)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	char data;
-	writeb (offset, hp->hcport);
-	wmb ();
-	data = readb (hp->hcport2);
-	rmb ();
-	return (data);
- * Function Name : SL811Write
- *
- * Write a byte of data to the SL811H/SL11H
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         offset = address of SL811/SL11H register or memory
- *         data  = the data going to write to SL811H
- *
- * Return: none 
- **************************************************************************/
-void SL811Write (hci_t * hci, char offset, char data)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	writeb (offset, hp->hcport);
-	writeb (data, hp->hcport2);
-	wmb ();
- * Function Name : SL811BufRead
- *
- * Read consecutive bytes of data from the SL811H/SL11H buffer
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         offset = SL811/SL11H register offset
- *         buf = the buffer where the data will store
- *         size = number of bytes to read
- *
- * Return: none 
- **************************************************************************/
-void SL811BufRead (hci_t * hci, short offset, char *buf, short size)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	if (size <= 0)
-		return;
-	writeb ((char) offset, hp->hcport);
-	wmb ();
-	DBGDATAR ("SL811BufRead: offset = 0x%x, data = ", offset);
-	while (size--) {
-		*buf++ = (char) readb (hp->hcport2);
-		DBGDATAR ("0x%x ", *(buf - 1));
-		rmb ();
-	}
-	DBGDATAR ("\n");
- * Function Name : SL811BufWrite
- *
- * Write consecutive bytes of data to the SL811H/SL11H buffer
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         offset = SL811/SL11H register offset
- *         buf = the data buffer 
- *         size = number of bytes to write
- *
- * Return: none 
- **************************************************************************/
-void SL811BufWrite (hci_t * hci, short offset, char *buf, short size)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	if (size <= 0)
-		return;
-	writeb ((char) offset, hp->hcport);
-	wmb ();
-	DBGDATAW ("SL811BufWrite: offset = 0x%x, data = ", offset);
-	while (size--) {
-		DBGDATAW ("0x%x ", *buf);
-		writeb (*buf, hp->hcport2);
-		wmb ();
-		buf++;
-	}
-	DBGDATAW ("\n");
- * Function Name : regTest
- *
- * This routine test the Read/Write functionality of SL811HS registers  
- *
- * 1) Store original register value into a buffer
- * 2) Write to registers with a RAMP pattern. (10, 11, 12, ..., 255)
- * 3) Read from register
- * 4) Compare the written value with the read value and make sure they are 
- *    equivalent
- * 5) Restore the original register value 
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *   
- *
- * Return: TRUE = passed; FALSE = failed 
- **************************************************************************/
-int regTest (hci_t * hci)
-	int i, data, result = TRUE;
-	char buf[256];
-	DBGFUNC ("Enter regTest\n");
-	for (i = 0x10; i < 256; i++) {
-		/* save the original buffer */
-		buf[i] = (char) SL811Read (hci, i);
-		/* Write the new data to the buffer */
-		SL811Write (hci, i, i);
-	}
-	/* compare the written data */
-	for (i = 0x10; i < 256; i++) {
-		data = SL811Read (hci, i);
-		if (data != i) {
-			DBGERR ("Pattern test failed!! value = 0x%x, s/b 0x%x\n",
-				data, i);
-			result = FALSE;
-		}
-	}
-	/* restore the data */
-	for (i = 0x10; i < 256; i++) {
-		SL811Write (hci, i, buf[i]);
-	}
-	return (result);
- * Function Name : regShow
- *
- * Display all SL811HS register values
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *
- * Return: none 
- **************************************************************************/
-void regShow (hci_t * hci)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-		printk ("offset %d: 0x%x\n", i, SL811Read (hci, i));
-	}
- * Function Name : USBReset
- *  
- * This function resets SL811HS controller and detects the speed of
- * the connecting device				  
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *                
- * Return: 0 = no device attached; 1 = USB device attached
- *                
- ***********************************************************************/
-static int USBReset (hci_t * hci)
-	int status;
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	DBGFUNC ("enter USBReset\n");
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_CTLREG2, 0xae);
-	// setup master and full speed
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_CTLREG1, 0x08);	// reset USB
-	mdelay (20);		// 20ms                             
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_CTLREG1, 0);	// remove SE0        
-	for (status = 0; status < 100; status++)
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);	// clear all interrupt bits
-	status = SL811Read (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG);
-	if (status & 0x40)	// Check if device is removed
-	{
-		DBG ("USBReset: Device removed\n");
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTENBLREG,
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus &=
-		return 0;
-	}
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_BUFLNTHREG_B, 0);	//zero lenth
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_PIDEPREG_B, 0x50);	//send SOF to EP0       
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_DEVADDRREG_B, 0x01);	//address0
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_SOFLOWREG, 0xe0);
-	if (!(status & 0x80)) {
-		/* slow speed device connect directly to root-hub */
-		DBG ("USBReset: low speed Device attached\n");
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_CTLREG1, 0x8);
-		mdelay (20);
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_SOFTMRREG, 0xee);
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_CTLREG1, 0x21);
-		/* start the SOF or EOP */
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_HOSTCTLREG_B, 0x01);
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus |=
-		/* clear all interrupt bits */
-		for (status = 0; status < 20; status++)
-			SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);
-	} else {
-		/* full speed device connect directly to root hub */
-		DBG ("USBReset: full speed Device attached\n");
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_CTLREG1, 0x8);
-		mdelay (20);
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_SOFTMRREG, 0xae);
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_CTLREG1, 0x01);
-		/* start the SOF or EOP */
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_HOSTCTLREG_B, 0x01);
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus |= (PORT_CONNECT_STAT);
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus &= ~PORT_LOW_SPEED_DEV_ATTACH_STAT;
-		/* clear all interrupt bits */
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);
-	}
-	/* enable all interrupts */
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTENBLREG,
-	return 1;
-/* tl functions */
-static inline void hc_mark_last_trans (hci_t * hci)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	__u8 *ptd = hp->tl;
-	dbg ("enter hc_mark_last_trans\n");
-	if (ptd == NULL) {
-		printk ("hc_mark_last_trans: ptd = null\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (hp->xferPktLen > 0)
-		*(ptd + hp->tl_last) |= (1 << 3);
-static inline void hc_flush_data_cache (hci_t * hci, void *data, int len)
- * Function Name : hc_add_trans
- *  
- * This function sets up the SL811HS register and transmit the USB packets.
- * 
- * 1) Determine if enough time within the current frame to send the packet
- * 2) Load the data into the SL811HS register
- * 3) Set the appropriate command to the register and trigger the transmit
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         len = data length
- *         data = transmitting data
- *         toggle = USB toggle bit, either 0 or 1
- *         maxps = maximum packet size for this endpoint
- *         slow = speed of the device
- *         endpoint = endpoint number
- *         address = USB address of the device
- *         pid = packet ID
- *         format = 
- *         urb_state = the current stage of USB transaction
- *       
- * Return: 0 = no time left to schedule the transfer
- *         1 = success 
- *                
- ***********************************************************************/
-static inline int hc_add_trans (hci_t * hci, int len, void *data, int toggle,
-				int maxps, int slow, int endpoint, int address,
-				int pid, int format, int urb_state)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	__u16 speed;
-	int ii, jj, kk;
-	DBGFUNC ("enter hc_addr_trans: len =0x%x, toggle:0x%x, endpoing:0x%x,"
-		 " addr:0x%x, pid:0x%x,format:0x%x\n", len, toggle, endpoint,
-		 i address, pid, format);
-	if (len > maxps) {
-		len = maxps;
-	}
-	speed = hp->RHportStatus->portStatus;
-//      ii = (8*7*8 + 6*3) * len + 800; 
-		ii = 8 * 8 * len + 1024;
-	} else {
-		if (slow) {
-//          ii = (8*7*8 + 6*3) * len + 800; 
-			ii = 8 * 8 * len + 2048;
-		} else
-//          ii = (8*7 + 6*3)*len + 110;
-			ii = 8 * len + 256;
-	}
-	ii += 2 * 10 * len;
-	jj = SL811Read (hci, SL11H_SOFTMRREG);
-	kk = (jj & 0xFF) * 64 - ii;
-	if (kk < 0) {
-		    ("hc_add_trans: no bandwidth for schedule, ii = 0x%x,"
-		     "jj = 0x%x, len =0x%x, active_trans = 0x%x\n", ii, jj, len,
-		     hci->active_trans);
-		return (-1);
-	}
-	if (pid != PID_IN) {
-		/* Load data into hc */
-		SL811BufWrite (hci, SL11H_DATA_START, (__u8 *) data, len);
-	}
-	/* transmit */
-	SL11StartXaction (hci, (__u8) address, (__u8) endpoint, (__u8) pid, len,
-			  toggle, slow, urb_state);
-	return len;
- * Function Name : hc_parse_trans
- *  
- * This function checks the status of the transmitted or received packet
- * and copy the data from the SL811HS register into a buffer.
- *
- * 1) Check the status of the packet 
- * 2) If successful, and IN packet then copy the data from the SL811HS register
- *    into a buffer
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         actbytes = pointer to actual number of bytes
- *         data = data buffer
- *         cc = packet status
- *         length = the urb transmit length
- *         pid = packet ID
- *         urb_state = the current stage of USB transaction
- *       
- * Return: 0 
- ***********************************************************************/
-static inline int hc_parse_trans (hci_t * hci, int *actbytes, __u8 * data,
-				  int *cc, int *toggle, int length, int pid,
-				  int urb_state)
-	__u8 addr;
-	__u8 len;
-	DBGFUNC ("enter hc_parse_trans\n");
-	/* get packet status; convert ack rcvd to ack-not-rcvd */
-	*cc = (int) SL811Read (hci, SL11H_PKTSTATREG);
-	if (*cc &
-		if (*cc & SL11H_STATMASK_OVF)
-			DBGERR ("parse trans: error recv ack, cc = 0x%x, TX_BASE_Len = "
-				"0x%x, TX_count=0x%x\n", *cc,
-				SL811Read (hci, SL11H_BUFLNTHREG),
-				SL811Read (hci, SL11H_XFERCNTREG));
-	} else {
-		DBGVERBOSE ("parse trans: recv ack, cc = 0x%x, len = 0x%x, \n",
-			    *cc, length);
-		/* Successful data */
-		if ((pid == PID_IN) && (urb_state != US_CTRL_SETUP)) {
-			/* Find the base address */
-			addr = SL811Read (hci, SL11H_BUFADDRREG);
-			/* Find the Transmit Length */
-			len = SL811Read (hci, SL11H_BUFLNTHREG);
-			/* The actual data length = xmit length reg - xfer count reg */
-			*actbytes = len - SL811Read (hci, SL11H_XFERCNTREG);
-			if ((data != NULL) && (*actbytes > 0)) {
-				SL811BufRead (hci, addr, data, *actbytes);
-			} else if ((data == NULL) && (*actbytes <= 0)) {
-				DBGERR ("hc_parse_trans: data = NULL or actbyte = 0x%x\n",
-					*actbytes);
-				return 0;
-			}
-		} else if (pid == PID_OUT) {
-			*actbytes = length;
-		} else {
-			// printk ("ERR:parse_trans, pid != IN or OUT, pid = 0x%x\n", pid);
-		}
-		*toggle = !*toggle;
-	}
-	return 0;
- * Function Name : hc_start_int
- *  
- * This function enables SL811HS interrupts
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *       
- * Return: none 
- ***********************************************************************/
-static void hc_start_int (hci_t * hci)
-	int mask =
-	SL811Write (hci, IntEna, mask);
- * Function Name : hc_stop_int
- *  
- * This function disables SL811HS interrupts
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *       
- * Return: none 
- ***********************************************************************/
-static void hc_stop_int (hci_t * hci)
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);
- * Function Name : handleInsRmvIntr
- *  
- * This function handles the insertion or removal of device on  SL811HS. 
- * It resets the controller and updates the port status
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *       
- * Return: none 
- ***********************************************************************/
-void handleInsRmvIntr (hci_t * hci)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	USBReset (hci);
-	/* Changes in connection status */
-	hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= PORT_CONNECT_CHANGE;
-	/* Port Enable or Disable */
-	if (hp->RHportStatus->portStatus & PORT_CONNECT_STAT) {
-		/* device is connected to the port:
-		 *    1) Enable port 
-		 *    2) Resume ?? 
-		 */
-//               hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= PORT_ENABLE_CHANGE;
-		/* Over Current is not supported by the SL811 HW ?? */
-		/* How about the Port Power ?? */
-	} else {
-		/* Device has disconnect:
-		 *    1) Disable port
-		 */
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus &= ~(PORT_ENABLE_STAT);
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= PORT_ENABLE_CHANGE;
-	}
- *
- * Function Name: SL11StartXaction
- *  
- * This functions load the registers with appropriate value and 
- * transmit the packet.				  
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         addr = USB address of the device
- *         epaddr = endpoint number
- *         pid = packet ID
- *         len = data length
- *         toggle = USB toggle bit, either 0 or 1
- *         slow = speed of the device
- *         urb_state = the current stage of USB transaction
- *
- * Return: 0 = error; 1 = successful
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-int SL11StartXaction (hci_t * hci, __u8 addr, __u8 epaddr, int pid, int len,
-		      int toggle, int slow, int urb_state)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	__u8 cmd = 0;
-	__u8 setup_data[4];
-	__u16 speed;
-	speed = hp->RHportStatus->portStatus;
-	if (!(speed & PORT_LOW_SPEED_DEV_ATTACH_STAT) && slow) {
-	}
-	switch (pid) {
-	case PID_SETUP:
-		cmd |=
-		break;
-	case PID_OUT:
-		cmd |=
-		if (toggle) {
-			cmd |= SL11H_HCTLMASK_SEQ;
-		}
-		break;
-	case PID_IN:
-		break;
-	default:
-		DBGERR ("ERR: SL11StartXaction: unknow pid = 0x%x\n", pid);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	setup_data[0] = SL11H_DATA_START;
-	setup_data[1] = len;
-	setup_data[2] = (((pid & 0x0F) << 4) | (epaddr & 0xF));
-	setup_data[3] = addr & 0x7F;
-	SL811BufWrite (hci, SL11H_BUFADDRREG, (__u8 *) & setup_data[0], 4);
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_HOSTCTLREG, cmd);
-#if 0
-	/* The SL811 has a hardware flaw when hub devices sends out
-	 * SE0 between packets. It has been found in a TI chipset and
-	 * cypress hub chipset. It causes the SL811 to hang
-	 * The workaround is to re-issue the preample again.
-	 */
-	if ((cmd & SL11H_HCTLMASK_PREAMBLE)) {
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_PIDEPREG_B, 0xc0);
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_HOSTCTLREG_B, 0x1);	// send the premable
-	}
-	return 1;
- *
- * Function Name: hc_interrupt
- *
- * Interrupt service routine. 
- *
- * 1) determine the causes of interrupt
- * 2) clears all interrupts
- * 3) calls appropriate function to service the interrupt
- *
- * Input:  irq = interrupt line associated with the controller 
- *         hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         r = holds the snapshot of the processor's context before 
- *             the processor entered interrupt code. (not used here) 
- *
- * Return value  : None.
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static void hc_interrupt (int irq, void *__hci, struct pt_regs *r)
-	char ii;
-	hci_t *hci = __hci;
-	int isExcessNak = 0;
-	int urb_state = 0;
-	char tmpIrq = 0;
-	/* Get value from interrupt status register */
-	ii = SL811Read (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG);
-	if (ii & SL11H_INTMASK_INSRMV) {
-		/* Device insertion or removal detected for the USB port */
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTENBLREG, 0);
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_CTLREG1, 0);
-		mdelay (100);	// wait for device stable 
-		handleInsRmvIntr (hci);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Clear all interrupts */
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);
-	if (ii & SL11H_INTMASK_XFERDONE) {
-		/* USB Done interrupt occurred */
-		urb_state = sh_done_list (hci, &isExcessNak);
-#ifdef WARNING
-		if (hci->td_array->len > 0)
-			printk ("WARNING: IRQ, td_array->len = 0x%x, s/b:0\n",
-				hci->td_array->len);
-		if (hci->td_array->len == 0 && !isExcessNak
-		    && !(ii & SL11H_INTMASK_SOFINTR) && (urb_state == 0)) {
-			if (urb_state == 0) {
-				/* All urb_state has not been finished yet! 
-				 * continue with the current urb transaction 
-				 */
-				if (hci->last_packet_nak == 0) {
-					if (!usb_pipecontrol
-					    (hci->td_array->td[0].urb->pipe))
-						sh_add_packet (hci, hci->td_array-> td[0].urb);
-				}
-			} else {
-				/* The last transaction has completed:
-				 * schedule the next transaction 
-				 */
-				sh_schedule_trans (hci, 0);
-			}
-		}
-		SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (ii & SL11H_INTMASK_SOFINTR) {
-		hci->frame_number = (hci->frame_number + 1) % 2048;
-		if (hci->td_array->len == 0)
-			sh_schedule_trans (hci, 1);
-		else {
-			if (sofWaitCnt++ > 100) {
-				/* The last transaction has not completed.
-				 * Need to retire the current td, and let
-				 * it transmit again later on.
-				 */
-				DBGERR ("SOF interrupt: td_array->len = 0x%x, s/b: 0\n",
-					hci->td_array->len);
-				urb_print (hci->td_array->td[hci->td_array->len - 1].urb,
-					   "INTERRUPT", 0);
-				sh_done_list (hci, &isExcessNak);
-				SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);
-				hci->td_array->len = 0;
-				sofWaitCnt = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		tmpIrq = SL811Read (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG) & SL811Read (hci, SL11H_INTENBLREG);
-		if (tmpIrq) {
-			DBG ("IRQ occurred while service SOF: irq = 0x%x\n",
-			     tmpIrq);
-			/* If we receive a DONE IRQ after schedule, need to 
-			 * handle DONE IRQ again 
-			 */
-			if (tmpIrq & SL11H_INTMASK_XFERDONE) {
-				DBGERR ("IRQ occurred while service SOF: irq = 0x%x\n",
-					tmpIrq);
-				urb_state = sh_done_list (hci, &isExcessNak);
-			}
-			SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);
-		}
-	} else {
-		DBG ("SL811 ISR: unknown, int = 0x%x \n", ii);
-	}
-	SL811Write (hci, SL11H_INTSTATREG, 0xff);
-	return;
- *
- * Function Name: hc_reset
- *
- * This function does register test and resets the SL811HS 
- * controller.
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *
- * Return value  : 0
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static int hc_reset (hci_t * hci)
-	int attachFlag = 0;
-	DBGFUNC ("Enter hc_reset\n");
-	regTest (hci);
-	attachFlag = USBReset (hci);
-	if (attachFlag) {
-		setPortChange (hci, PORT_CONNECT_CHANGE);
-	}
-	return (0);
- *
- * Function Name: hc_alloc_trans_buffer
- *
- * This function allocates all transfer buffer  
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *
- * Return value  : 0
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static int hc_alloc_trans_buffer (hci_t * hci)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	int maxlen;
-	hp->itl0_len = 0;
-	hp->itl1_len = 0;
-	hp->atl_len = 0;
-	hp->itl_buffer_len = 1024;
-	hp->atl_buffer_len = 4096 - 2 * hp->itl_buffer_len;	/* 2048 */
-	maxlen = (hp->itl_buffer_len > hp->atl_buffer_len) ? hp->itl_buffer_len : hp->atl_buffer_len;
-	hp->tl = kmalloc (maxlen, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!hp->tl)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	memset (hp->tl, 0, maxlen);
-	return 0;
- *
- * Function Name: getPortStatusAndChange
- *
- * This function gets the ports status from SL811 and format it 
- * to a USB request format
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *
- * Return value  : port status and change
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static __u32 getPortStatusAndChange (hci_t * hci)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	__u32 portstatus;
-	DBGFUNC ("enter getPorStatusAndChange\n");
-	portstatus = hp->RHportStatus->portChange << 16 | hp->RHportStatus->portStatus;
-	return (portstatus);
- *
- * Function Name: setPortChange
- *
- * This function set the bit position of portChange.
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         bitPos = the bit position
- *
- * Return value  : none 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static void setPortChange (hci_t * hci, __u16 bitPos)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	switch (bitPos) {
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange |= bitPos;
-		break;
-	}
- *
- * Function Name: clrPortChange
- *
- * This function clear the bit position of portChange.
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         bitPos = the bit position
- *
- * Return value  : none 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static void clrPortChange (hci_t * hci, __u16 bitPos)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	switch (bitPos) {
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portChange &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-	}
- *
- * Function Name: clrPortStatus
- *
- * This function clear the bit position of portStatus.
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         bitPos = the bit position
- *
- * Return value  : none 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static void clrPortStatus (hci_t * hci, __u16 bitPos)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	switch (bitPos) {
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus &= ~bitPos;
-		break;
-	}
- *
- * Function Name: setPortStatus
- *
- * This function set the bit position of portStatus.
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *         bitPos = the bit position
- *
- * Return value  : none 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static void setPortStatus (hci_t * hci, __u16 bitPos)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	switch (bitPos) {
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus |= bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus |= bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus |= bitPos;
-		break;
-		hp->RHportStatus->portStatus |= bitPos;
-		break;
-	}
- *
- * Function Name: hc_start
- *
- * This function starts the root hub functionality. 
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *
- * Return value  : 0 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static int hc_start (hci_t * hci)
-	DBGFUNC ("Enter hc_start\n");
-	rh_connect_rh (hci);
-	return 0;
- *
- * Function Name: hc_alloc_hci
- *
- * This function allocates all data structure and store in the 
- * private data structure. 
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *
- * Return value  : 0 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static hci_t *__devinit hc_alloc_hci (void)
-	hci_t *hci;
-	hcipriv_t *hp;
-	portstat_t *ps;
-	struct usb_bus *bus;
-	DBGFUNC ("Enter hc_alloc_hci\n");
-	hci = (hci_t *) kmalloc (sizeof (hci_t), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!hci)
-		return NULL;
-	memset (hci, 0, sizeof (hci_t));
-	hp = &hci->hp;
-	hp->irq = -1;
-	hp->hcport = -1;
-	/* setup root hub port status */
-	ps = (portstat_t *) kmalloc (sizeof (portstat_t), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!ps)
-		return NULL;
-	ps->portStatus = PORT_STAT_DEFAULT;
-	ps->portChange = PORT_CHANGE_DEFAULT;
-	hp->RHportStatus = ps;
-	hci->nakCnt = 0;
-	hci->last_packet_nak = 0;
-	hci->a_td_array.len = 0;
-	hci->i_td_array[0].len = 0;
-	hci->i_td_array[1].len = 0;
-	hci->td_array = &hci->a_td_array;
-	hci->active_urbs = 0;
-	hci->active_trans = 0;
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD (&hci->hci_hcd_list);
-	list_add (&hci->hci_hcd_list, &hci_hcd_list);
-	init_waitqueue_head (&hci->waitq);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD (&hci->ctrl_list);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD (&hci->bulk_list);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD (&hci->iso_list);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD (&hci->intr_list);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD (&hci->del_list);
-	bus = usb_alloc_bus (&hci_device_operations);
-	if (!bus) {
-		kfree (hci);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	hci->bus = bus;
-	bus->bus_name = "sl811";
-	bus->hcpriv = (void *) hci;
-	return hci;
- *
- * Function Name: hc_release_hci
- *
- * This function De-allocate all resources  
- *
- * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
- *
- * Return value  : 0 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static void hc_release_hci (hci_t * hci)
-	hcipriv_t *hp = &hci->hp;
-	DBGFUNC ("Enter hc_release_hci\n");
-	/* disconnect all devices */
-	if (hci->bus->root_hub)
-		usb_disconnect (&hci->bus->root_hub);
-	hc_reset (hci);
-	if (hp->tl)
-		kfree (hp->tl);
-	if (hp->hcport > 0) {
-		release_region (hp->hcport, 2);
-		hp->hcport = 0;
-	}
-	if (hp->irq >= 0) {
-		free_irq (hp->irq, hci);
-		hp->irq = -1;
-	}
-	usb_deregister_bus (hci->bus);
-	usb_free_bus (hci->bus);
-	list_del (&hci->hci_hcd_list);
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD (&hci->hci_hcd_list);
-	kfree (hci);
- *
- * Function Name: init_irq
- *
- * This function is board specific.  It sets up the interrupt to 
- * be an edge trigger and trigger on the rising edge  
- *
- * Input: none 
- *
- * Return value  : none 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-void init_irq (void)
-	GPDR &= ~(1 << 13);
-	set_GPIO_IRQ_edge (1 << 13, GPIO_RISING_EDGE);
- *
- * Function Name: hc_found_hci
- *
- * This function request IO memory regions, request IRQ, and
- * allocate all other resources. 
- *
- * Input: addr = first IO address
- *        addr2 = second IO address
- *        irq = interrupt number 
- *
- * Return: 0 = success or error condition 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static int __devinit hc_found_hci (int addr, int addr2, int irq)
-	hci_t *hci;
-	hcipriv_t *hp;
-	DBGFUNC ("Enter hc_found_hci\n");
-	hci = hc_alloc_hci ();
-	if (!hci) {
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	init_irq ();
-	hp = &hci->hp;
-	if (!request_region (addr, 256, "SL811 USB HOST")) {
-		DBGERR ("request address %d failed", addr);
-		hc_release_hci (hci);
-		return -EBUSY;
-	}
-	hp->hcport = addr;
-	if (!hp->hcport) {
-		DBGERR ("Error mapping SL811 Memory 0x%x", hp->hcport);
-	}
-	if (!request_region (addr2, 256, "SL811 USB HOST")) {
-		DBGERR ("request address %d failed", addr2);
-		hc_release_hci (hci);
-		return -EBUSY;
-	}
-	hp->hcport2 = addr2;
-	if (!hp->hcport2) {
-		DBGERR ("Error mapping SL811 Memory 0x%x", hp->hcport2);
-	}
-	if (hc_alloc_trans_buffer (hci)) {
-		hc_release_hci (hci);
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	}
-	usb_register_bus (hci->bus);
-	if (request_irq (irq, hc_interrupt, 0, "SL811", hci) != 0) {
-		DBGERR ("request interrupt %d failed", irq);
-		hc_release_hci (hci);
-		return -EBUSY;
-	}
-	hp->irq = irq;
-	printk (KERN_INFO __FILE__ ": USB SL811 at %x, addr2 = %x, IRQ %d\n",
-		addr, addr2, irq);
-	hc_reset (hci);
-	if (hc_start (hci) < 0) {
-		DBGERR ("can't start usb-%x", addr);
-		hc_release_hci (hci);
-		return -EBUSY;
-	}
-	return 0;
- *
- * Function Name: hci_hcd_init
- *
- * This is an init function, and it is the first function being called
- *
- * Input: none 
- *
- * Return: 0 = success or error condition 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static int __init hci_hcd_init (void)
-	int ret;
-	DBGFUNC ("Enter hci_hcd_init\n");
-	ret = hc_found_hci (base_addr, data_reg_addr, irq);
-	return ret;
- *
- * Function Name: hci_hcd_cleanup
- *
- * This is a cleanup function, and it is called when module is 
- * unloaded. 
- *
- * Input: none 
- *
- * Return: none 
- *                
- *****************************************************************/
-static void __exit hci_hcd_cleanup (void)
-	struct list_head *hci_l;
-	hci_t *hci;
-	DBGFUNC ("Enter hci_hcd_cleanup\n");
-	for (hci_l =; hci_l != &hci_hcd_list;) {
-		hci = list_entry (hci_l, hci_t, hci_hcd_list);
-		hci_l = hci_l->next;
-		hc_release_hci (hci);
-	}
-module_init (hci_hcd_init);
-module_exit (hci_hcd_cleanup);
-MODULE_AUTHOR ("Pei Liu <>");
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION ("USB SL811HS Host Controller Driver");

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: