patch-2.4.23 linux-2.4.23/include/net/snmp.h

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diff -urN linux-2.4.22/include/net/snmp.h linux-2.4.23/include/net/snmp.h
@@ -212,6 +212,35 @@
 	unsigned long   __pad[0];
 } ____cacheline_aligned; 
+/* draft-ietf-sigtran-sctp-mib-07.txt */
+struct sctp_mib
+	unsigned long   SctpCurrEstab;
+	unsigned long   SctpActiveEstabs;
+	unsigned long   SctpPassiveEstabs;
+	unsigned long   SctpAborteds;
+	unsigned long   SctpShutdowns;
+	unsigned long   SctpOutOfBlues;
+	unsigned long   SctpChecksumErrors;
+	unsigned long   SctpOutCtrlChunks;
+	unsigned long   SctpOutOrderChunks;
+	unsigned long   SctpOutUnorderChunks;
+	unsigned long   SctpInCtrlChunks;
+	unsigned long   SctpInOrderChunks;
+	unsigned long   SctpInUnorderChunks;
+	unsigned long   SctpFragUsrMsgs;
+	unsigned long   SctpReasmUsrMsgs;
+	unsigned long   SctpOutSCTPPacks;
+	unsigned long   SctpInSCTPPacks;
+	unsigned long   SctpRtoAlgorithm;
+	unsigned long   SctpRtoMin;
+	unsigned long   SctpRtoMax;
+	unsigned long   SctpRtoInitial;
+	unsigned long   SctpValCookieLife;
+	unsigned long   SctpMaxInitRetr;
+	unsigned long   __pad[0];
 struct linux_mib 
 	unsigned long	SyncookiesSent;

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: