patch-2.4.6 linux/Documentation/networking/alias.txt

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.5/linux/Documentation/networking/alias.txt linux/Documentation/networking/alias.txt
@@ -2,40 +2,43 @@
+IP-aliases are additional IP-adresses/masks hooked up to a base 
+interface by adding a colon and a string when running ifconfig. 
+This string is usually numeric, but this is not a must.
+IP-Aliases are avail if CONFIG_INET (`standard' IPv4 networking) 
+is configured in the kernel.
-o For IP aliasing you must have IP_ALIAS support included by static
-  linking.
 o Alias creation.
-  Alias creation is done by 'magic' iface naming: eg. to create a
+  Alias creation is done by 'magic' interface naming: eg. to create a alias for eth0 ...
     # ifconfig eth0:0  etc,etc....
                    ~~ -> request alias #0 creation (if not yet exists) for eth0
-    and routing stuff also ...
-    # route add -host dev eth0:0  (if same IP network as
-					    main device)
-    # route add -net dev eth0:0   (if completely new network wanted
-					    for eth0:0)
+    The corresponding route is also set up by this command. 
+    Please note: The route always points to the base interface.
 o Alias deletion.
-  Also done by shutting the interface down:
+  The alias is removed by shutting the alias down:
     # ifconfig eth0:0 down
                  ~~~~~~~~~~ -> will delete alias
-Alias (re-)configuring
+o Alias (re-)configuring
-  Aliases are not real devices, but programs` should be able to configure and
+  Aliases are not real devices, but programs should be able to configure and
   refer to them as usual (ifconfig, route, etc).
-Relationship with main device
-  - the main device is an alias itself like additional aliases and can
-    be shut down without deleting other aliases.
+o Relationship with main device
+  If the base device is shut down the added aliases will be deleted 
+  too.

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: