patch-2.4.6 linux/drivers/mtd/doc2001.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.5/linux/drivers/mtd/doc2001.c linux/drivers/mtd/doc2001.c
@@ -1,883 +0,0 @@
- * Linux driver for Disk-On-Chip Millennium
- * (c) 1999 Machine Vision Holdings, Inc.
- * (c) 1999, 2000 David Woodhouse <>
- *
- * $Id: doc2001.c,v 1.24 2000/12/01 13:11:02 dwmw2 Exp $
- */
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <asm/errno.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/mtd.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/nand_ids.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/doc2000.h>
-/* #define ECC_DEBUG */
-/* I have no idea why some DoC chips can not use memcop_form|to_io().
- * This may be due to the different revisions of the ASIC controller built-in or
- * simplily a QA/Bug issue. Who knows ?? If you have trouble, please uncomment
- * this:
- #undef USE_MEMCPY
-static int doc_read(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t from, size_t len,
-		    size_t *retlen, u_char *buf);
-static int doc_write(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t to, size_t len,
-		     size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf);
-static int doc_read_ecc(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t from, size_t len,
-			size_t *retlen, u_char *buf, u_char *eccbuf);
-static int doc_write_ecc(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t to, size_t len,
-			 size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf, u_char *eccbuf);
-static int doc_read_oob(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t ofs, size_t len,
-			size_t *retlen, u_char *buf);
-static int doc_write_oob(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t ofs, size_t len,
-			 size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf);
-static int doc_erase (struct mtd_info *mtd, struct erase_info *instr);
-static struct mtd_info *docmillist = NULL;
-/* Perform the required delay cycles by reading from the NOP register */
-static void DoC_Delay(unsigned long docptr, unsigned short cycles)
-	volatile char dummy;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < cycles; i++)
-		dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, NOP);
-/* DOC_WaitReady: Wait for RDY line to be asserted by the flash chip */
-static int _DoC_WaitReady(unsigned long docptr)
-	unsigned short c = 0xffff;
-	      "_DoC_WaitReady called for out-of-line wait\n");
-	/* Out-of-line routine to wait for chip response */
-	while (!(ReadDOC(docptr, CDSNControl) & CDSN_CTRL_FR_B) && --c)
-		;
-	if (c == 0)
-		DEBUG(MTD_DEBUG_LEVEL2, "_DoC_WaitReady timed out.\n");
-	return (c == 0);
-static inline int DoC_WaitReady(unsigned long docptr)
-	/* This is inline, to optimise the common case, where it's ready instantly */
-	int ret = 0;
-	/* 4 read form NOP register should be issued in prior to the read from CDSNControl
-	   see Software Requirement 11.4 item 2. */
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 4);
-	if (!(ReadDOC(docptr, CDSNControl) & CDSN_CTRL_FR_B))
-		/* Call the out-of-line routine to wait */
-		ret = _DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	/* issue 2 read from NOP register after reading from CDSNControl register
-	   see Software Requirement 11.4 item 2. */
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 2);
-	return ret;
-/* DoC_Command: Send a flash command to the flash chip through the CDSN Slow IO register to
-   bypass the internal pipeline. Each of 4 delay cycles (read from the NOP register) is
-   required after writing to CDSN Control register, see Software Requirement 11.4 item 3. */
-static inline void DoC_Command(unsigned long docptr, unsigned char command,
-			       unsigned char xtraflags)
-	/* Assert the CLE (Command Latch Enable) line to the flash chip */
-	WriteDOC(xtraflags | CDSN_CTRL_CLE | CDSN_CTRL_CE, docptr, CDSNControl);
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 4);
-	/* Send the command */
-	WriteDOC(command, docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-	WriteDOC(command, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-	/* Lower the CLE line */
-	WriteDOC(xtraflags | CDSN_CTRL_CE, docptr, CDSNControl);
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 4);
-/* DoC_Address: Set the current address for the flash chip through the CDSN Slow IO register to
-   bypass the internal pipeline. Each of 4 delay cycles (read from the NOP register) is
-   required after writing to CDSN Control register, see Software Requirement 11.4 item 3. */
-static inline void DoC_Address(unsigned long docptr, int numbytes, unsigned long ofs,
-			       unsigned char xtraflags1, unsigned char xtraflags2)
-	/* Assert the ALE (Address Latch Enable) line to the flash chip */
-	WriteDOC(xtraflags1 | CDSN_CTRL_ALE | CDSN_CTRL_CE, docptr, CDSNControl);
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 4);
-	/* Send the address */
-	switch (numbytes)
-	    {
-	    case 1:
-		/* Send single byte, bits 0-7. */
-		WriteDOC(ofs & 0xff, docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-		WriteDOC(ofs & 0xff, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-		break;
-	    case 2:
-		/* Send bits 9-16 followed by 17-23 */
-		WriteDOC((ofs >> 9)  & 0xff, docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-		WriteDOC((ofs >> 9)  & 0xff, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-		WriteDOC((ofs >> 17) & 0xff, docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-		WriteDOC((ofs >> 17) & 0xff, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-		break;
-	    case 3:
-		/* Send 0-7, 9-16, then 17-23 */
-		WriteDOC(ofs & 0xff, docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-		WriteDOC(ofs & 0xff, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-		WriteDOC((ofs >> 9)  & 0xff, docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-		WriteDOC((ofs >> 9)  & 0xff, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-		WriteDOC((ofs >> 17) & 0xff, docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-		WriteDOC((ofs >> 17) & 0xff, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-		break;
-	    default:
-		return;
-	    }
-	/* Lower the ALE line */
-	WriteDOC(xtraflags1 | xtraflags2 | CDSN_CTRL_CE, docptr, CDSNControl);
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 4);
-/* DoC_SelectChip: Select a given flash chip within the current floor */
-static int DoC_SelectChip(unsigned long docptr, int chip)
-	/* Select the individual flash chip requested */
-	WriteDOC(chip, docptr, CDSNDeviceSelect);
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 4);
-	/* Wait for it to be ready */
-	return DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-/* DoC_SelectFloor: Select a given floor (bank of flash chips) */
-static int DoC_SelectFloor(unsigned long docptr, int floor)
-	/* Select the floor (bank) of chips required */
-	WriteDOC(floor, docptr, FloorSelect);
-	/* Wait for the chip to be ready */
-	return DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-/* DoC_IdentChip: Identify a given NAND chip given {floor,chip} */
-static int DoC_IdentChip(struct DiskOnChip *doc, int floor, int chip)
-	int mfr, id, i;
-	volatile char dummy;
-	/* Page in the required floor/chip
-	   FIXME: is this supported by Millennium ?? */
-	DoC_SelectFloor(doc->virtadr, floor);
-	DoC_SelectChip(doc->virtadr, chip);
-	/* Reset the chip, see Software Requirement 11.4 item 1. */
-	DoC_Command(doc->virtadr, NAND_CMD_RESET, CDSN_CTRL_WP);
-	DoC_WaitReady(doc->virtadr);
-	/* Read the NAND chip ID: 1. Send ReadID command */ 
-	DoC_Command(doc->virtadr, NAND_CMD_READID, CDSN_CTRL_WP);
-	/* Read the NAND chip ID: 2. Send address byte zero */ 
-	DoC_Address(doc->virtadr, 1, 0x00, CDSN_CTRL_WP, 0x00);
-	/* Read the manufacturer and device id codes of the flash device through
-	   CDSN Slow IO register see Software Requirement 11.4 item 5.*/
-	dummy = ReadDOC(doc->virtadr, CDSNSlowIO);
-	DoC_Delay(doc->virtadr, 2);
-	mfr = ReadDOC(doc->virtadr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-	dummy = ReadDOC(doc->virtadr, CDSNSlowIO);
-	DoC_Delay(doc->virtadr, 2);
-	id  = ReadDOC(doc->virtadr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-	/* No response - return failure */
-	if (mfr == 0xff || mfr == 0)
-		return 0;
-	/* FIXME: to deal with multi-flash on multi-Millennium case more carefully */
-	for (i = 0; nand_flash_ids[i].name != NULL; i++) {
-		if (mfr == nand_flash_ids[i].manufacture_id &&
-		    id == nand_flash_ids[i].model_id) {
-			printk(KERN_INFO "Flash chip found: Manufacturer ID: %2.2X, "
-			       "Chip ID: %2.2X (%s)\n",
-			       mfr, id, nand_flash_ids[i].name);
-			doc->mfr = mfr;
-			doc->id = id;
-			doc->chipshift = nand_flash_ids[i].chipshift;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (nand_flash_ids[i].name == NULL)
-		return 0;
-	else
-		return 1;
-/* DoC_ScanChips: Find all NAND chips present in a DiskOnChip, and identify them */
-static void DoC_ScanChips(struct DiskOnChip *this)
-	int floor, chip;
-	int numchips[MAX_FLOORS_MIL];
-	int ret;
-	this->numchips = 0;
-	this->mfr = 0;
-	this->id = 0;
-	/* For each floor, find the number of valid chips it contains */
-	for (floor = 0,ret = 1; floor < MAX_FLOORS_MIL; floor++) {
-		numchips[floor] = 0;
-		for (chip = 0; chip < MAX_CHIPS_MIL && ret != 0; chip++) {
-			ret = DoC_IdentChip(this, floor, chip);
-			if (ret) {
-				numchips[floor]++;
-				this->numchips++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* If there are none at all that we recognise, bail */
-	if (!this->numchips) {
-		printk("No flash chips recognised.\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Allocate an array to hold the information for each chip */
-	this->chips = kmalloc(sizeof(struct Nand) * this->numchips, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!this->chips){
-		printk("No memory for allocating chip info structures\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Fill out the chip array with {floor, chipno} for each 
-	 * detected chip in the device. */
-	for (floor = 0, ret = 0; floor < MAX_FLOORS_MIL; floor++) {
-		for (chip = 0 ; chip < numchips[floor] ; chip++) {
-			this->chips[ret].floor = floor;
-			this->chips[ret].chip = chip;
-			this->chips[ret].curadr = 0;
-			this->chips[ret].curmode = 0x50;
-			ret++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Calculate and print the total size of the device */
-	this->totlen = this->numchips * (1 << this->chipshift);
-	printk(KERN_NOTICE "%d flash chips found. Total DiskOnChip size: %ld Mbytes\n",
-	       this->numchips ,this->totlen >> 20);
-static int DoCMil_is_alias(struct DiskOnChip *doc1, struct DiskOnChip *doc2)
-	int tmp1, tmp2, retval;
-	if (doc1->physadr == doc2->physadr)
-		return 1;
-	/* Use the alias resolution register which was set aside for this
-	 * purpose. If it's value is the same on both chips, they might
-	 * be the same chip, and we write to one and check for a change in
-	 * the other. It's unclear if this register is usuable in the
-	 * DoC 2000 (it's in the Millenium docs), but it seems to work. */
-	tmp1 = ReadDOC(doc1->virtadr, AliasResolution);
-	tmp2 = ReadDOC(doc2->virtadr, AliasResolution);
-	if (tmp1 != tmp2)
-		return 0;
-	WriteDOC((tmp1+1) % 0xff, doc1->virtadr, AliasResolution);
-	tmp2 = ReadDOC(doc2->virtadr, AliasResolution);
-	if (tmp2 == (tmp1+1) % 0xff)
-		retval = 1;
-	else
-		retval = 0;
-	/* Restore register contents.  May not be necessary, but do it just to
-	 * be safe. */
-	WriteDOC(tmp1, doc1->virtadr, AliasResolution);
-	return retval;
-static const char im_name[] = "DoCMil_init";
-/* This routine is made available to other mtd code via
- * inter_module_register.  It must only be accessed through
- * inter_module_get which will bump the use count of this module.  The
- * addresses passed back in mtd are valid as long as the use count of
- * this module is non-zero, i.e. between inter_module_get and
- * inter_module_put.  Keith Owens <> 29 Oct 2000.
- */
-static void DoCMil_init(struct mtd_info *mtd)
-	struct DiskOnChip *this = (struct DiskOnChip *)mtd->priv;
-	struct DiskOnChip *old = NULL;
-	/* We must avoid being called twice for the same device. */
-	if (docmillist)
-		old = (struct DiskOnChip *)docmillist->priv;
-	while (old) {
-		if (DoCMil_is_alias(this, old)) {
-			printk(KERN_NOTICE "Ignoring DiskOnChip Millennium at "
-			       "0x%lX - already configured\n", this->physadr);
-			iounmap((void *)this->virtadr);
-			kfree(mtd);
-			return;
-		}
-		if (old->nextdoc)
-			old = (struct DiskOnChip *)old->nextdoc->priv;
-		else
-			old = NULL;
-	}
-	mtd->name = "DiskOnChip Millennium";
-	printk(KERN_NOTICE "DiskOnChip Millennium found at address 0x%lX\n",
-	       this->physadr);
-	mtd->type = MTD_NANDFLASH;
-	mtd->flags = MTD_CAP_NANDFLASH;
-	mtd->size = 0;
-	/* FIXME: erase size is not always 8kB */
-	mtd->erasesize = 0x2000;
-	mtd->oobblock = 512;
-	mtd->oobsize = 16;
-	mtd->module = THIS_MODULE;
-	mtd->erase = doc_erase;
-	mtd->point = NULL;
-	mtd->unpoint = NULL;
-	mtd->read = doc_read;
-	mtd->write = doc_write;
-	mtd->read_ecc = doc_read_ecc;
-	mtd->write_ecc = doc_write_ecc;
-	mtd->read_oob = doc_read_oob;
-	mtd->write_oob = doc_write_oob;
-	mtd->sync = NULL;
-	this->totlen = 0;
-	this->numchips = 0;
-	this->curfloor = -1;
-	this->curchip = -1;
-	/* Ident all the chips present. */
-	DoC_ScanChips(this);
-	if (!this->totlen) {
-		kfree(mtd);
-		iounmap((void *)this->virtadr);
-	} else {
-		this->nextdoc = docmillist;
-		docmillist = mtd;
-		mtd->size  = this->totlen;
-		add_mtd_device(mtd);
-		return;
-	}
-static int doc_read (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t from, size_t len,
-		     size_t *retlen, u_char *buf)
-	/* Just a special case of doc_read_ecc */
-	return doc_read_ecc(mtd, from, len, retlen, buf, NULL);
-static int doc_read_ecc (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t from, size_t len,
-			 size_t *retlen, u_char *buf, u_char *eccbuf)
-	int i, ret;
-	volatile char dummy;
-	unsigned char syndrome[6];
-	struct DiskOnChip *this = (struct DiskOnChip *)mtd->priv;
-	unsigned long docptr = this->virtadr;
-	struct Nand *mychip = &this->chips[from >> (this->chipshift)];
-	/* Don't allow read past end of device */
-	if (from >= this->totlen)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Don't allow a single read to cross a 512-byte block boundary */
-	if (from + len > ((from | 0x1ff) + 1)) 
-		len = ((from | 0x1ff) + 1) - from;
-	/* Find the chip which is to be used and select it */
-	if (this->curfloor != mychip->floor) {
-		DoC_SelectFloor(docptr, mychip->floor);
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	} else if (this->curchip != mychip->chip) {
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	}
-	this->curfloor = mychip->floor;
-	this->curchip = mychip->chip;
-	/* issue the Read0 or Read1 command depend on which half of the page
-	   we are accessing. Polling the Flash Ready bit after issue 3 bytes
-	   address in Sequence Read Mode, see Software Requirement 11.4 item 1.*/
-	DoC_Command(docptr, (from >> 8) & 1, CDSN_CTRL_WP);
-	DoC_Address(docptr, 3, from, CDSN_CTRL_WP, 0x00);
-	DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	if (eccbuf) {
-		/* init the ECC engine, see Reed-Solomon EDC/ECC 11.1 .*/
-		WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_RESET, docptr, ECCConf);
-		WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_EN, docptr, ECCConf);
-	} else {
-		/* disable the ECC engine */
-		WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_RESET, docptr, ECCConf);
-		WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_DIS, docptr, ECCConf);
-	}
-	/* Read the data via the internal pipeline through CDSN IO register,
-	   see Pipelined Read Operations 11.3 */
-	dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, ReadPipeInit);
-#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
-	for (i = 0; i < len-1; i++) {
-		/* N.B. you have to increase the source address in this way or the
-		   ECC logic will not work properly */
-		buf[i] = ReadDOC(docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO + (i & 0xff));
-	}
-	memcpy_fromio(buf, docptr + DoC_Mil_CDSN_IO, len - 1);
-	buf[len - 1] = ReadDOC(docptr, LastDataRead);
-	/* Let the caller know we completed it */
-	*retlen = len;
-        ret = 0;
-	if (eccbuf) {
-		/* Read the ECC data from Spare Data Area,
-		   see Reed-Solomon EDC/ECC 11.1 */
-		dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, ReadPipeInit);
-#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
-		for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-			/* N.B. you have to increase the source address in this way or the
-			   ECC logic will not work properly */
-			eccbuf[i] = ReadDOC(docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO + i);
-		}
-		memcpy_fromio(eccbuf, docptr + DoC_Mil_CDSN_IO, 5);
-		eccbuf[5] = ReadDOC(docptr, LastDataRead);
-		/* Flush the pipeline */
-		dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, ECCConf);
-		dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, ECCConf);
-		/* Check the ECC Status */
-		if (ReadDOC(docptr, ECCConf) & 0x80) {
-                        int nb_errors;
-			/* There was an ECC error */
-#ifdef ECC_DEBUG
-			printk("DiskOnChip ECC Error: Read at %lx\n", (long)from);
-			/* Read the ECC syndrom through the DiskOnChip ECC logic.
-			   These syndrome will be all ZERO when there is no error */
-			for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-				syndrome[i] = ReadDOC(docptr, ECCSyndrome0 + i);
-			}
-                        nb_errors = doc_decode_ecc(buf, syndrome);
-#ifdef ECC_DEBUG
-			printk("Errors corrected: %x\n", nb_errors);
-                        if (nb_errors < 0) {
-				/* We return error, but have actually done the read. Not that
-				   this can be told to user-space, via sys_read(), but at least
-				   MTD-aware stuff can know about it by checking *retlen */
-				ret = -EIO;
-                        }
-		}
-		printk("ECC DATA at %lx: %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X\n",
-		       (long)from, eccbuf[0], eccbuf[1], eccbuf[2], eccbuf[3],
-		       eccbuf[4], eccbuf[5]);
-		/* disable the ECC engine */
-		WriteDOC(DOC_ECC_DIS, docptr , ECCConf);
-	}
-	return ret;
-static int doc_write (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t to, size_t len,
-		      size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf)
-	char eccbuf[6];
-	return doc_write_ecc(mtd, to, len, retlen, buf, eccbuf);
-static int doc_write_ecc (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t to, size_t len,
-			  size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf, u_char *eccbuf)
-	int i;
-	volatile char dummy;
-	struct DiskOnChip *this = (struct DiskOnChip *)mtd->priv;
-	unsigned long docptr = this->virtadr;
-	struct Nand *mychip = &this->chips[to >> (this->chipshift)];
-	/* Don't allow write past end of device */
-	if (to >= this->totlen)
-		return -EINVAL;
-#if 0
-	/* Don't allow a single write to cross a 512-byte block boundary */
-	if (to + len > ( (to | 0x1ff) + 1)) 
-		len = ((to | 0x1ff) + 1) - to;
-	/* Don't allow writes which aren't exactly one block */
-	if (to & 0x1ff || len != 0x200)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* Find the chip which is to be used and select it */
-	if (this->curfloor != mychip->floor) {
-		DoC_SelectFloor(docptr, mychip->floor);
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	} else if (this->curchip != mychip->chip) {
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	}
-	this->curfloor = mychip->floor;
-	this->curchip = mychip->chip;
-	/* Reset the chip, see Software Requirement 11.4 item 1. */
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_RESET, 0x00);
-	DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	/* Set device to main plane of flash */
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_READ0, 0x00);
-	/* issue the Serial Data In command to initial the Page Program process */
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_SEQIN, 0x00);
-	DoC_Address(docptr, 3, to, 0x00, 0x00);
-	DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	if (eccbuf) {
-		/* init the ECC engine, see Reed-Solomon EDC/ECC 11.1 .*/
-		WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_RESET, docptr, ECCConf);
-		WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_EN | DOC_ECC_RW, docptr, ECCConf);
-	} else {
-		/* disable the ECC engine */
-		WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_RESET, docptr, ECCConf);
-		WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_DIS, docptr, ECCConf);
-	}
-	/* Write the data via the internal pipeline through CDSN IO register,
-	   see Pipelined Write Operations 11.2 */
-#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
-	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-		/* N.B. you have to increase the source address in this way or the
-		   ECC logic will not work properly */
-		WriteDOC(buf[i], docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO + i);
-	}
-	memcpy_toio(docptr + DoC_Mil_CDSN_IO, buf, len);
-	WriteDOC(0x00, docptr, WritePipeTerm);
-	if (eccbuf) {
-		/* Write ECC data to flash, the ECC info is generated by the DiskOnChip ECC logic
-		   see Reed-Solomon EDC/ECC 11.1 */
-		WriteDOC(0, docptr, NOP);
-		WriteDOC(0, docptr, NOP);
-		WriteDOC(0, docptr, NOP);
-		/* Read the ECC data through the DiskOnChip ECC logic */
-		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-			eccbuf[i] = ReadDOC(docptr, ECCSyndrome0 + i);
-		}
-		/* ignore the ECC engine */
-		WriteDOC(DOC_ECC_DIS, docptr , ECCConf);
-#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
-		/* Write the ECC data to flash */
-		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-			/* N.B. you have to increase the source address in this way or the
-			   ECC logic will not work properly */
-			WriteDOC(eccbuf[i], docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO + i);
-		}
-		memcpy_toio(docptr + DoC_Mil_CDSN_IO, eccbuf, 6);
-		/* write the block status BLOCK_USED (0x5555) at the end of ECC data
-		   FIXME: this is only a hack for programming the IPL area for LinuxBIOS
-		   and should be replace with proper codes in user space utilities */ 
-		WriteDOC(0x55, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO);
-		WriteDOC(0x55, docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO + 1);
-		WriteDOC(0x00, docptr, WritePipeTerm);
-		printk("OOB data at %lx is %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X\n",
-		       (long) to, eccbuf[0], eccbuf[1], eccbuf[2], eccbuf[3],
-		       eccbuf[4], eccbuf[5]);
-	}
-	/* Commit the Page Program command and wait for ready
-	   see Software Requirement 11.4 item 1.*/
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG, 0x00);
-	DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	/* Read the status of the flash device through CDSN Slow IO register
-	   see Software Requirement 11.4 item 5.*/
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_STATUS, CDSN_CTRL_WP);
-	dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 2);
-	if (ReadDOC(docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO) & 1) {
-		printk("Error programming flash\n");
-		/* Error in programming
-		   FIXME: implement Bad Block Replacement (in nftl.c ??) */
-		*retlen = 0;
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	/* Let the caller know we completed it */
-	*retlen = len;
-	return 0;
-static int doc_read_oob(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t ofs, size_t len,
-			size_t *retlen, u_char *buf)
-#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
-	int i;
-	volatile char dummy;
-	struct DiskOnChip *this = (struct DiskOnChip *)mtd->priv;
-	unsigned long docptr = this->virtadr;
-	struct Nand *mychip = &this->chips[ofs >> this->chipshift];
-	/* Find the chip which is to be used and select it */
-	if (this->curfloor != mychip->floor) {
-		DoC_SelectFloor(docptr, mychip->floor);
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	} else if (this->curchip != mychip->chip) {
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	}
-	this->curfloor = mychip->floor;
-	this->curchip = mychip->chip;
-	/* disable the ECC engine */
-	WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_RESET, docptr, ECCConf);
-	WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_DIS, docptr, ECCConf);
-	/* issue the Read2 command to set the pointer to the Spare Data Area.
-	   Polling the Flash Ready bit after issue 3 bytes address in
-	   Sequence Read Mode, see Software Requirement 11.4 item 1.*/
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_READOOB, CDSN_CTRL_WP);
-	DoC_Address(docptr, 3, ofs, CDSN_CTRL_WP, 0x00);
-	DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	/* Read the data out via the internal pipeline through CDSN IO register,
-	   see Pipelined Read Operations 11.3 */
-	dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, ReadPipeInit);
-#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
-	for (i = 0; i < len-1; i++) {
-		/* N.B. you have to increase the source address in this way or the
-		   ECC logic will not work properly */
-		buf[i] = ReadDOC(docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO + i);
-	}
-	buf[i] = ReadDOC(docptr, LastDataRead);
-	memcpy_fromio(buf, docptr + DoC_Mil_CDSN_IO, len - 1);
-	buf[len - 1] = ReadDOC(docptr, LastDataRead);
-	*retlen = len;
-	return 0;
-static int doc_write_oob(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t ofs, size_t len,
-			 size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf)
-#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
-	int i;
-	volatile char dummy;
-	struct DiskOnChip *this = (struct DiskOnChip *)mtd->priv;
-	unsigned long docptr = this->virtadr;
-	struct Nand *mychip = &this->chips[ofs >> this->chipshift];
-	/* Find the chip which is to be used and select it */
-	if (this->curfloor != mychip->floor) {
-		DoC_SelectFloor(docptr, mychip->floor);
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	} else if (this->curchip != mychip->chip) {
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	}
-	this->curfloor = mychip->floor;
-	this->curchip = mychip->chip;
-	/* disable the ECC engine */
-	WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_RESET, docptr, ECCConf);
-	WriteDOC (DOC_ECC_DIS, docptr, ECCConf);
-	/* Reset the chip, see Software Requirement 11.4 item 1. */
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_RESET, CDSN_CTRL_WP);
-	DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	/* issue the Read2 command to set the pointer to the Spare Data Area. */
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_READOOB, CDSN_CTRL_WP);
-	/* issue the Serial Data In command to initial the Page Program process */
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_SEQIN, 0x00);
-	DoC_Address(docptr, 3, ofs, 0x00, 0x00);
-	/* Write the data via the internal pipeline through CDSN IO register,
-	   see Pipelined Write Operations 11.2 */
-#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
-	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-		/* N.B. you have to increase the source address in this way or the
-		   ECC logic will not work properly */
-		WriteDOC(buf[i], docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO + i);
-	}
-	memcpy_toio(docptr + DoC_Mil_CDSN_IO, buf, len);
-	WriteDOC(0x00, docptr, WritePipeTerm);
-	/* Commit the Page Program command and wait for ready
-	   see Software Requirement 11.4 item 1.*/
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG, 0x00);
-	DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	/* Read the status of the flash device through CDSN Slow IO register
-	   see Software Requirement 11.4 item 5.*/
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_STATUS, 0x00);
-	dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 2);
-	if (ReadDOC(docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO) & 1) {
-		printk("Error programming oob data\n");
-		/* FIXME: implement Bad Block Replacement (in nftl.c ??) */
-		*retlen = 0;
-		return -EIO;
-	}
-	*retlen = len;
-	return 0;
-int doc_erase (struct mtd_info *mtd, struct erase_info *instr)
-	volatile char dummy;
-	struct DiskOnChip *this = (struct DiskOnChip *)mtd->priv;
-	unsigned long ofs = instr->addr;
-	unsigned long len = instr->len;
-	unsigned long docptr = this->virtadr;
-	struct Nand *mychip = &this->chips[ofs >> this->chipshift];
-	if (len != mtd->erasesize) 
-		printk(KERN_WARNING "Erase not right size (%lx != %lx)n",
-		       len, mtd->erasesize);
-	/* Find the chip which is to be used and select it */
-	if (this->curfloor != mychip->floor) {
-		DoC_SelectFloor(docptr, mychip->floor);
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	} else if (this->curchip != mychip->chip) {
-		DoC_SelectChip(docptr, mychip->chip);
-	}
-	this->curfloor = mychip->floor;
-	this->curchip = mychip->chip;
-	instr->state = MTD_ERASE_PENDING;
-	/* issue the Erase Setup command */
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_ERASE1, 0x00);
-	DoC_Address(docptr, 2, ofs, 0x00, 0x00);
-	/* Commit the Erase Start command and wait for ready
-	   see Software Requirement 11.4 item 1.*/
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_ERASE2, 0x00);
-	DoC_WaitReady(docptr);
-	instr->state = MTD_ERASING;
-	/* Read the status of the flash device through CDSN Slow IO register
-	   see Software Requirement 11.4 item 5.
-	   FIXME: it seems that we are not wait long enough, some blocks are not
-	   erased fully */
-	DoC_Command(docptr, NAND_CMD_STATUS, CDSN_CTRL_WP);
-	dummy = ReadDOC(docptr, CDSNSlowIO);
-	DoC_Delay(docptr, 2);
-	if (ReadDOC(docptr, Mil_CDSN_IO) & 1) {
-		printk("Error Erasing at 0x%lx\n", ofs);
-		/* There was an error
-		   FIXME: implement Bad Block Replacement (in nftl.c ??) */
-		instr->state = MTD_ERASE_FAILED;
-	} else
-		instr->state = MTD_ERASE_DONE;
-	if (instr->callback) 
-		instr->callback(instr);
-	return 0;
- *
- * Module stuff
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x20212 && defined(MODULE)
-#define cleanup_doc2001 cleanup_module
-#define init_doc2001 init_module
-int __init init_doc2001(void)
-	inter_module_register(im_name, THIS_MODULE, &DoCMil_init);
-	return 0;
-static void __exit cleanup_doc2001(void)
-	struct mtd_info *mtd;
-	struct DiskOnChip *this;
-	while((mtd=docmillist)) {
-		this = (struct DiskOnChip *)mtd->priv;
-		docmillist = this->nextdoc;
-		del_mtd_device(mtd);
-		iounmap((void *)this->virtadr);
-		kfree(this->chips);
-		kfree(mtd);
-	}
-	inter_module_unregister(im_name);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: