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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.6/linux/Documentation/networking/dl2k.txt linux/Documentation/networking/dl2k.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+    D-Link DL2000-based Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Installation
+    for Linux
+    July 5, 2001
+ - Compatibility List
+ - Quick Install
+ - Compiling the Driver
+ - Installing the Driver
+ - Option parameter
+ - Configuration Script Sample
+ - Troubleshooting
+Compatiblity List
+Adapter Support:
+D-Link DGE-550T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter.
+D-Link DL2000-based Gigabit Ethernet Adapter.
+The driver support Linux kernal 2.4.x later. We had tested it
+on the environments below.
+ . Red Hat v6.2 (update to kernel 2.4.4)
+ . Red Hat v7.0 (update to kernel 2.4.4)
+ . Red Hat v7.1 (kernel 2.4.2-2)
+Quick Install
+Install linux driver as following command:
+1. make all
+2. insmod dl2x.o
+3. ifconfig eth0 up netmask
+		    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\	    ^^^^^^^^\
+				    IP		     NETMASK
+Now eth0 bring up, you can test it by "ping" or get more information by
+"ifconfig". If test ok, then continue next step.
+4. cp dl2x.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net
+5. Add the following lines to /etc/modules.conf:
+	alias eth0 dl2x
+6. Run "netconfig" or "netconf" to create configuration script ifcfg-eth0
+   located at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts or create it manually.
+   [see - Configuration Script Sample]
+7. Driver will automatically load and configure at next boot time.
+Compiling the Driver
+  In Linux, NIC drivers are most commonly configured as loadable modules.
+The approach of building a monolithic kernel has become obsolete. The driver
+can be compiled as part of a monolithic kernel, but is strongly discouraged.
+The remainder of this section assumes the driver is built as a loadable module.
+In the Linux environment, it is a good idea to rebuild the driver from the
+source instead of relying on a precompiled version. This approach provides
+better reliability since a precompiled driver might depend on libraries or
+kernel features that are not present in a given Linux installation.
+The 3 files necessary to build Linux device driver are dl2x.c, dl2x.h and
+Makefile. To compile, the Linux installation must include the gcc compiler,
+the kernel source, and the kernel headers. The Linux driver supports Linux
+Kernels 2.4.x. Copy the files to a directory and enter the following command
+to compile and link the driver:
+CD-ROM drive
+[root@XXX /] mkdir cdrom
+[root@XXX /] mount -r -t iso9660 -o conv=auto /dev/cdrom /cdrom
+[root@XXX /] cd root
+[root@XXX /root] mkdir dl2x
+[root@XXX /root] cd dl2x
+[root@XXX dl2x] cp /cdrom/linux/dl2x.tgz /root/dl2x
+[root@XXX dl2x] tar xfvz dl2x.tgz
+[root@XXX dl2x] make all
+Floppy disc drive
+[root@XXX /] cd root
+[root@XXX /root] mkdir dl2x
+[root@XXX /root] cd dl2x
+[root@XXX dl2x] mcopy a:/linux/dl2x.tgz /root/dl2x
+[root@XXX dl2x] tar xfvz dl2x.tgz
+[root@XXX dl2x] make all
+Installing the Driver
+  Manual Installation
+  -------------------
+  Once the driver has been compiled, it must be loaded, enabled, and bound
+  to a protocol stack in order to establish network connectivity. To load a
+  module enter the command:
+  insmod dl2x.o
+  or
+  insmod dl2x.o <optional parameter>	; add parameter
+  ===============================================================
+   example: insmod dl2x.o media=100mbps_hd
+   or	    insmod dl2x.o media=3
+   or	    insmod dl2x.o media=3 2	; for 2 cards
+  ===============================================================
+  Please reference the list of the command line parameters supported by
+  the Linux device driver below.
+  The insmod command only loads the driver and gives it a name of the form
+  eth0, eth1, etc. To bring the NIC into an operational state,
+  it is necessary to issue the following command:
+  ifconfig eth0 up
+  Finally, to bind the driver to the active protocol (e.g., TCP/IP with
+  Linux), enter the following command:
+  ifup eth0
+  Note that this is meaningful only if the system can find a configuration
+  script that contains the necessary network information. A sample will be
+  given in the next paragraph.
+  The commands to unload a driver are as follows:
+  ifdown eth0
+  ifconfig eth0 down
+  rmmod dl2x.o
+  The following are the commands to list the currently loaded modules and
+  to see the current network configuration.
+  lsmod
+  ifconfig
+  Automated Installation
+  ----------------------
+  This section describes how to install the driver such that it is
+  automatically loaded and configured at boot time. The following description
+  is based on a Red Hat 6.0/7.0 distribution, but it can easily be ported to
+  other distributions as well.
+  Red Hat v6.x/v7.x
+  -----------------
+  1. Copy dl2x.o to the network modules directory, typically
+     /lib/modules/2.x.x-xx/net or /lib/modules/2.x.x/kernel/drivers/net.
+  2. Locate the boot module configuration file, most commonly modules.conf
+     or conf.modules in the /etc directory. Add the following lines:
+     alias ethx dl2x
+     options dl2x <optional parameters>
+     where ethx will be eth0 if the NIC is the only ethernet adapter, eth1 if
+     one other ethernet adapter is installed, etc. Refer to the table in the
+     previous section for the list of optional parameters.
+  3. Locate the network configuration scripts, normally the
+     /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory, and create a configuration
+     script named ifcfg-ethx that contains network information.
+  4. Note that for most Linux distributions, Red Hat included, a configuration
+     utility with a graphical user interface is provided to perform steps 2
+     and 3 above.
+Parameter Description
+You can install this driver without any addtional parameter. However, if you
+are going to have extensive functions then it is necessary to set extra
+parameter. Below is a list of the command line parameters supported by the
+Linux device
+mtu=packet_size			- Specifies the maximum packet size. default
+				  is 1500.
+media=xxxxxxxxx			- Specifies the media type the NIC operates at.
+				  autosense	Autosensing active media.
+				  10mbps_hd	10Mbps half duplex.
+				  10mbps_fd	10Mbps full duplex.
+				  100mbps_hd	100Mbps half duplex.
+				  100mbps_fd	100Mbps full duplex.
+				  1000mbps_fd	1000Mbps full duplex.
+				  1000mbps_hd	1000Mbps half duplex.
+				  0		Autosensing active media.
+				  1		10Mbps half duplex.
+				  2		10Mbps full duplex.
+				  3		100Mbps half duplex.
+				  4		100Mbps full duplex.
+				  5		1000Mbps full duplex.
+				  6		1000Mbps half duplex.
+				  By default, the NIC operates at autosense.
+vlan=x				- Specifies the VLAN ID. If vlan=0, the
+				  Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) function is
+				  disable.
+jumbo=x				- Specifies the jumbo frame support. If jumbo=1,
+				  the NIC accept jumbo frames. By default, this
+				  function is disabled.
+Configuration Script Sample
+Here is a sample of a simple configuration script:
+Q1. Source files contain behind every line.
+	Make sure all files are Unix file format (no LF). Try the following
+    shell command to convert files.
+	cat dl2k.c | col -b > dl2k.tmp
+	mv dl2k.tmp dl2k.c
+	OR
+	cat dl2k.c | tr -d "\r" > dl2k.tmp
+	mv dl2k.tmp dl2k.c
+Q2: Could not find header files (*.h) ?
+	To compile the driver, you need kernel header files. After
+    installing the kernel source, the header files are usually located in
+    /usr/src/linux/include, which is the default include directory configured
+    in Makefile. For some distributions, there is a copy of header files in
+    /usr/src/include/linux and /usr/src/include/asm, that you can change the
+    INCLUDEDIR in Makefile to /usr/include without installing kernel source.
+	Note that RH 7.0 didn't provide correct header files in /usr/include,
+    including those files will make a wrong version driver.

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: