T O P D R A W E R Version 5. 12 on L I N U X Release 1.4c H. Okamura Department of Physics University of Tokyo This is a port of Topdrawer 5.12 to Linux with a number of en- hanced features (most of them are the revival of ones lost in the FNAL version). Please report problems to okamu- ra@timshel.riken.go.jp. This is a private release and is NOT of- ficially supported by Univ. of Tokyo or by RIKEN. See the bottom of this document for the resent upgrade. The lat- est release is available from ftp://iris.riken.go.jp/pub/topdraw- er/ . 1. Introduction Topdrawer is a keyword-driven interface designed to produce physics graphs with minimal specifications. It was originally developed by R.B. Chaffee at SLAC. The Unified Graphics System (UGS), which was also developed at SLAC by R.C. Beach, was used for the graphics primitives and thus the various platforms were supported at that time. Later the function was significantly enhanced by J. Clement at Bonner Lab., RICE University. A number of fancy features such as 3-dimensional plot and function-fitting were introduced. This new version was implemented on VAX/VMS making most of its ad- vanced system libraries, but deteriorating the portability at the same time. As the major operating system had shifted from VAX/VMS to UNIX on RISC workstations, Topdrawer 5.12, the latest version in 1993, was ported to UNICES by A.E. Kreymer at FNAL. It is a great task (imagine, the device-dependent module for the X Window System was written by Fortran in the original version !!) but some impor- tant features, such as interactive execution, were omitted. In the present port to Linux, some features lost in the FNAL ver- sion have been restored. Also some enhancements which were made at KEK and at University of Tokyo for the VMS version have been incorporated. Consideration has been paid also for the portabil- ity. The source can be compiled by f2c and g77 (f2c is enough for most part). The device-dependent module for the X Window System has been extensively re-written and the Motif widget, the use of which requires the license, has been excluded. The plat- form-dependence is solved by using Imake, like the most GNU-ori- ented softwares. The program has been exported back to OSF/1 (Digital Unix) and to SunOS. I expect ports to other platforms will be also easy and straightforward. This document has not been completed. For a quick survey, some enhanced features will be demonstrated by invoking % td $(TOPDRAW_DIR)/examples/whatsnew.top The complete description of Topdrawer 5.12 can be found in $(TOP- DRAW_DIR)/doc/topdrawer.{doc,html}. But please note they are for the VMS (Bonner Lab.) version and some parts contradict with the present version. The interactive execution and the online help have been incorpo- rated by using a part of GNUPLOT source. I desire to express my appreciation to the authors of GNUPLOT. 2. Functions restored from FNAL version o Interactive execution The present version of topdrawer can be invoked in the following three ways: % td # command-name alone % td file-spec # command-name followed by a filename % td < file-spec # redirecting stdin In the first case, topdrawer is invoked in an interactive-mode and the prompting string "TD: " will appear. Ordinary editing controls by arrow keys, various control characters such as ^A, ^E etc, as well as history recall, are available. If you feel the prompting string is annoying in "cut & paste" work, it can be set to null by the command SET PROMPT MAIN "" In the second case, topdrawer is invoked in a batch mode and the content of file will be executed. It pauses, however, at the page break which is specified by NEW_FRAME or EXIT command if X Window System or Tektronix 4010 is used as a plotting device. A prompting string "PAUSE: " will appear on the tty. The execution will be continued simply by pressing RETURN or by entering CON- TINUE command, and will be stopped by entering EXIT or HALT com- mand. In the third case, topdrawer is invoked in a batch mode but does not pause at the page break (*). On X Window System, all figures are drawn successively and you will not be able to catch up de- tails before the window is closed :-< This type of invoke-method was prepared not for using the topdrawer in a stand-alone mode but for using it as a subprocess of another interpreter. In Tcl/Tk, for example, all the drawing ability of topdrawer can be utilized in the following way: set fd [open |td w] puts $fd (*) This feature can be modified by '-w' option. If the device is an interactive one such as X11, topdrawer will wait for SIG- NALs when it encounters a NEW_FRAME command or an EOF of input. SIGUSR1 is used for CONTINUE and SIGUSR2 for STOP. Other SIGNALs will be ignored (if it is maskable). "-w" is used in Emacs-Lisp "td.el" which allows one to invoke td from within Emacs without saving buffers. See contrib/elisp/README.elisp for details. o Online help Type HELP to invoke online help. The location of the help file "topdrawer.gih" has to be specified by the environment variable TD_HELP, and the pager by PAGER. o SPAWN (invoking sub-shell) A sub-shell, which is specified by the environment variable SHELL, is invoked simply by typing SPAWN. If any argument is provided, it will be executed in the sub-shell. The argument can consists of several words but do NOT enclose them by quotation marks (""). The "pseudo pipe" described later will be practical- ly more useful in many cases. It should be noted that the command delimiter ";" for ordinary shells is also a delimiter (command terminator) for the topdrawer by default. In order to execute several shell commands at a time, the command terminator of topdrawer has to be modified like in the following way: SET CHARACTER TERMINATOR "&" (new terminator is &) SET CHARACTER SPECIAL ";" (SPECIAL means meaningless :-) BTW, SET CHARACTER command is also useful in modifying comment characters, the default of which is a pair of "(" and ")", e.g. SET CHARACTER COMMENT "!" (like VMS DCL) SET CHARACTER COMMENT "#" (like UNIX script) SET CHARACTER COMMENT "*" (like FORTRAN free format) SET CHARACTER COMMENT "{" (like Pascal) SET CHARACTER ENDCOMMENT "}" But let me suggest you that the most practical method to comment out some block of statements is to use the (ridiculous) IF state- ment: IF 0 .NE. 0 THEN .... ENDIF o Command definition Local commands can be defined like in the following way: DEFINE COMMAND INCLUDE "SET FILE INPUT=" By this declaration, INCLUDE works in the same way as SET FILE INPUT=. The same job can be done by defining an environment variable before invoking td, e.g. % setenv TD_C_INCLUDE "SET FILE INPUT=" (csh) $ export TD_C_INCLUDE "SET FILE INPUT=" (bsh) Local commands currently defined are listed by SHOW COMMAND Unfortunately, abbreviation of the local command, which was available in the VMS version, does not work. Namely, the defini- tion DEFINE COMMAND INC*LUDE "SET FILE INPUT=" which used to allow both the command INCLUDE and INC, is not available. The argument for the local command can be referred to in the same way as for the alias command on the Unix shell, i.e. by using !:n n-th argument !^ 1-st argument !$ last argument !* all arguments o Lexical definition Local variables (referred to as LEXICAL according to VMS DCL) can be defined by DEFINE VALUE for a numeric value, and by DEFINE STRING for a character string, e.g. DEFINE VALUE THETA=0 DEFINE STRING NAME="Yumiko" By these declarations, their contents can be referred to like in the following way: SET LIMIT X FROM V_THETA TO 360 TITLE TOP 'My name is ' S_NAME It should be noted that lexicals defined by DEFINE VALUE command can be referred also as strings by prefixing 'S_', for example, DEFINE VALUE TMP= TYPE S_TMP prints the value of sine 30-degree. Like the local command, lexicals can be also defined by environ- ment variables of the shell: % setenv TD_V_THETA .0 % setenv TD_S_NAME Yumiko Lexicals currently defined are listed by SHOW VALUES SHOW STRINGS But they do NOT show the "system" variables, which are listed by HELP LEXICAL_VALUES LIST_OF_NAMES It should be noted that values can be set to the system variables which will lead to unexpected results. Lexicals can be used anywhere constant values/strings are allowed to be placed. In addition, a formula enclosed by a pair of an- gle-brackets (< >) is evaluated before it is referred to. For example, REPEAT "V_THETA ; - DEFINE VALUE THETA=" 361 creates a set of data for the sine function. As can be seen from example, the prefix 'V_' is not required for referring lexicals in the angle-brackets calculation. Please note the "-" at the end of a line stands for the continuing mark, like in VMS DCL. Also "\" can be used, like in Unix shells. However, the length of command line is limited to be less than 512 characters. Please use DEFINE COMMAND to give a longer command line, but the length of strings fed to DEFINE COMMAND is also limited to be less than 512 characters. o Initialization The file ~/.topdrawrc, if it exists, will be executed at the time td is invoked. It is convenient to modify the default values, such as the comment character, or to define some local commands. o Cursor readout An interactive method for obtaining the logical/physical coordi- nate is provided, but only for X Window System. Type SHOW CURSOR and see what happens. Look up the reference manual to see ad- vanced usages of the mouse-cursor. o Bitmap font on X Window System Although the DUPLEX font has better quality in the PostScript output, the BITMAP (raw) font, in X Window System, has advantages in the drawing speed and in the readability for small figures. Enter the commands SET FONT BASIC SET MODE VECTOR=OFF and see the raw font is used. X font can be modified by editing the resource file (see below). Currently it can not be dynami- cally changed. In a strict sense, the font "pattern" is speci- fied in the resource file. A specific font is automatically se- lected depending on the character size required by UGS. Unlike the original X11 library, the raw font can be drawn at any angles. This feature is implemented by using xvertext-5.0 con- tained in X11R5/contrib, as well as its patch made in xfig-3.x. I express my appreciation to the authors of these free-wares. o Scatter plot of 2-dimensional histogram Some serious bugs (both in FNAL and Bonner Lab. implementations) have been fixed. Try SET THREE OFF PLOT RANDOM=10 and see it works fine for 2-dimensional data. 3. Special features o Enhanced duplex fonts Following 'CASE' specifications have been newly introduced, using "Hershey database" by Alan Hershey. They are available, however, only for DUPLEX font. It should be noted that these case-modifi- cations can be applied BOTH for the lower and upper case charac- ters, unlike the original ones which should be used only for up- per case characters. I italic J script 1 sans-serif 2 gothic 3 bold-roman 4 bold-italic BTW the hyphen, i.e. short "-", has been introduced as "-" case- modified by "1", because the ordinary "-" sign is too long for a hyphen. In addition, the default font (including numeric labels) can be specified by the SECOND argument of "set font" command, but only "I", "J", "1", "2", "3", and "4" are valid values. For example, SET FONT DUPLEX I sets the default font to be italic. o X resource specification Like the most X-applications, the resource can be modified by $(X11)/app-defaults/Ugs or ~/.Xdefaults. The resource names and their default values are following: Ugs*width: 768 # window size. Ugs*height: 585 Ugs*white: White # color palette. Ugs*red: Red # valid keyword is Ugs*green: Green # names in xrgb Ugs*blue: Blue # or #RRGGBB(hex) Ugs*yellow: Yellow Ugs*magenta: Magenta Ugs*cyan: Cyan Ugs*background: Black Ugs*fontPattern: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-*-75-75-* Ugs*title: UGS on X Window System # title bar Ugs*iconName: UGS Ugs*geometry: (null) # +0+0 means upper-left corner Unlike ordinary X-applications, the resource specification from the command line is not supported. o Additional symbols In addition to ordinary symbols specified by [0-9] case-modified by "P" (SLAC-convention) or by "O" (Bonner-Lab.), following new symbols have been introduced. Closed symbols are supported only for the X Window System and PostScript. A closed circle B open circle C closed square D open square E closed rhomb F open rhomb G closed triangle H open triangle I closed reverse-triangle J open reverse-triangle K closed star L open star X scale-break mark for X-axis Y scale-break mark for Y-axis It should be noted that the open symbol is not a simple skeleton but its inner part is filled with the background color, so that overlapping symbols appear preferable. o Escape sequence for switching VT100 <=> TEK4010 for Xterm o Command line options for Lexicals Lexicals can be pre-defined in the command line options, -V for numerical values and -S for character strings, like in the fol- lowing way: % td -V value=0.1 -S name="Yumiko" Be careful not to insert any space before or after "=". Essen- tially the same job can be done by defining environment variables of the shell, but this method is more convenient because you don't have to care about the case of variable name (upper case character have to be used for environment variable). o Pseudo pipe input If the file name specified by SET FILE INPUT='...' command begins with '|', the remaining string is passed to sub-shell and the re- sultant stream is read in as topdrawer commands. A useful exam- ple is to use gzip: SET FILE INPUT='| gunzip -c filename.dat.gz' Another somewhat tricky example is to get full-path of the cur- rent directory and draw as a title: SET FILE INPUT='| echo define string dir=\"`pwd`\"' TITLE TOP S_DIR "/filename.tdr" "Pseudo" means that this feature is not implemented as an ordi- nary UNIX pipe, but in a DOS-like manner by using the temporary file created by OPEN(STATUS="SCRATCH"...) Fortran statement... o Additional color BLACK BLACK stands for the background color. Combining with FILL com- mand, this allows you to place a "PasteIt" on the figure. Unfor- tunately, BLACK is useless in the drawing commands (JOIN, PLOT, etc) and SET command since 3-bit encoding is used for color in these commands. BLACK is adequate only in SET COLOR command and, exceptionally, in TITLE command. o Intensity (line-width) range The original range of line-width, 1-5, has been extended like in the following: SET INTENSITY command ..... 1-9 INTENSITY modifier in drawing commands, such as JOIN and HISTOGRAM ..... 1-7 The intensity 8 and 9, however, can be troublesome in some cases. o Extended device-dependent commands for PostScript Following device-dependent commands have been introduced for the POSTSCR device: FONT= WHITE= RED= GREEN=.... and so on Here, stands for 6- or 12-digit hexadecimal character string describing RGB color and should be one of the fol- lowing strings: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Times-BoldItalic Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique Courier Courier-Oblique Courier-Bold Courier-BoldOblique Symbol and are case-blind. Their default values are: FONT=Helvetia, WHITE=FFFFFF, RED=FF0000, GREEN=00FF00, BLUE=0000FF, YELLOW=FFFF00, MAGENTA=FF00FF, CYAN=00FFFF, BLACK=000000. These commands should be used in the device specification. With- in the topdrawer, for example, SET DEVICE POSTSCR "FONT=HELVETICA-OBLIQUE,RED=FF2211" It should be noted that the device-dependent commands have to be enclosed by quotation marks ("). In the command line option, you have to ESCAPE the quotation mark like in the following way: % td -d postscr,\"font=times-roman,cyan=11eeee\" because the shell interprets the quotation mark. is the hardware font generated in the PostScript printer, so you have to declare the followings to use them: SET FONT BASIC SET MODE VECTOR=OFF 4. Change of some conventions o Device specification Like ordinary Unix commands, the device is specified by using an option "-d": % td -d Available s are xwindow, xw, or simply x : X Window System tek4010, tek, or simply t : Tektronix 4010 postscr, ps : PostScript epsf , ep : see below The default device, if -d is omitted, is X Window System. The device name can be followed by some options which are allowed in SET DEVICE command. Options have to be separated by comma (,) and NEVER insert any white space. For example, % td -d postscr,sideways o File-name specified in topdrawer Interpretation of environment variables (strings beginning with $) and ~ (tilde: home-directory specified by $HOME) has been in- corporated. o CASE The convention of case-modification has been changed back to be compatible with the original SLAC version !! (I have a pretty amount of inheritance using this ...) It is easily switched to be compatible with Bonner Lab. version, namely UGS convention, by invoking td with an option "-b": % td -b o SIDEWAYS SET SIDEWAYS (and/or ROTATE, PORTRAIT etc) rotates the figure counterclockwise, while the rotation was clockwise in the origi- nal version. This is preferable in previewing the figure with GhostScript and in including the figure to TeX file with eclepsf.sty. BTW, the use of SET SIZE SIDEWAYS is recommended instead of SET DEVICE SIDEWAYS. If SET DEVICE is used without specifying any device, a confusion of file name will be caused for the PostScript output. o EPSF device This device is the same as POSTSCR escept for the figure is drawn in the lower half of the portrait paper shrinked by 0.7 and ro- tated counterclockwise. This is essentially the same as POSTSCR,SIDEWAYS. o Default resolution of the PostScript driver The default resolution has been changed from 300 dpi to 600 dpi, leading to the better expression particularly of duplex fonts and circle symbols. Also a bug which causes a dependence of the line width on the resolution has been fixed. The unit line width specified by SET INTENSITY 1 is set to be 1/300 in. for compati- bility. FYI, The device-dependent parameters and their default values, concerning the resolution and drawing area, are the fol- lowing: RUCMX = 600/2.54 RUCMY = 600/2.54 ; Rusters/cm XMIN = 300 YMIN = 300 ; Minimum in ruster unit XMAX = 6300 YMAX = 4800 ; Maximum in ruster unit 5. Limitations inherited from FNAL version o Supported devices are only X Window System, PostScript and Tektronix 4010. o HBOOK or HandyPak file can not be treated. o Shared memory is not supported. o Data storage area is statically allocated. The size of current version is extended to 1 mega bytes. o Subroutine library (TDHIST, TDJOIN, etc.) is not supported. For a Fortran-callable graphics library, I would like to recommend PGPLOT which is more powerful and widely distributed rather than Topdrawer. o Some known bugs (?) 6. Change log o Release 0.1 10-Sep-95 Release of the first version. It also worked on OSF/1. o Release 0.2--0.4 ????? o Release 0.5 20-Jan-96 Enhancement of X resource specification. o Release 0.6 3-Feb-96 A number of bugs, originating from the difference between VMS- and Unix-Fortrans, have been fixed. Significantly improved sta- bility. o Release 0.7 25-Feb-96 Straight make by using Imakefile. Prepared some documents (IN- STALL, topdrawer.html etc). o Release 0.8 19-May-96 Straight make for Linux-ELF system (thanks to g77-0.5.18 !!). A number of minor bugs are fixed. Prepared of case.html. o Release 0.9 31-Jul-96 Command line options for Lexicals. Fixed a small (but fatal) bug for SunOS Imakefile. Preparation of English document (this file :-). o Release 1.0 16-Aug-96 Intensity level has been increased from 5 to 9 (7). Device-de- pendent commands for PostScript (FONT, WHITE,...) have been in- troduced. o Release 1.1 23-Aug-96 Concerning files read in td, meaningless default has been deleted and interpretation of environment variables as well as ~ (tilde) has been incorporated. o Release 1.1a 13-Sep-96 Dependence of the extended symbols (circle, square, etc.) on the texture has been excluded. o Release 1.2 20-Nov-96 Fixed a bug deteriorating the lexical definition on OSF/1 (that was introduced in the original Bonner Lab. version). Inhibit the upper-case conversion of the file name given by DDNAME. "-w" op- tion to wait for SIGNALs, when td is invoked with redirecting stdin, has been introduced so that the Emacs-Lisp "td.el" works. td.el, contributed by Ohnishi, Univ. of Tokyo, is located under contrib/elisp/. o Release 1.2a 23-Nov-96 Fixed a bug of "td.el" in specifying a complete path for PostScript output file. The device-dependent description for EPSF driver has been fixed. o Release 1.2b 30-Nov-96 The limit of filename-length (80-char for topdrawer, 64-char for UGS) has been extended to 256-char. Updated the HTML version of reference manual (into small pieces of files, using FRAME). Up- dated "td.el" (kill old process at invoking \C-t\C-d twice, sup- port descriptions of the Bonner Lab. CASE convention and the com- plete path of executable). o Release 1.2c 11-Dec-96 Fixed a bug deteriorating the continuation mark '-' at End-Of- Line in case for using stdin. Fixed a bug of SET FILL ANGLE com- mand (change unit from radian to degree ;-). Fixed a bug deteri- orating FILL modifier for ARROW, BOX... commands in a logarithmic scale. All these bugs originated in Bonner Lab. version. o Release 1.3 14-Dec-96 The X11 driver of UGS has been refined. Eventually * Cursor bug on SunOS has been fixed. * CPU load for processing exposure-event becomes smaller. * Open symbols with error bars are drawn "as expected" without using any tricks. o Release 1.3a 28-Dec-96 The default resolution of the PostScript driver has been changed from 300 dpi to 600 dpi. Fixed a bug which causes the dependence of the line width on the resolution. Fixed a bug for treating ".ps" or ".eps" extension in case that the original extension is not ".top" or ".tdr" (introduced since the release 1.2b). o Release 1.3b 7-Jan-97 Fixed a bug of the PostScript driver producing a broken Bounding Box for the resolution other than 300dpi. Fixed a bug of td.el for PostScript output in case that the file name contains a de- limiter such as hyphen. o Release 1.3c 19-May-97 Fixed bugs of "SHOW DATA" and "SHOW CURSOR" commands, originating from Bonner Lab. version. Support of SunOS5 (Solaris) has start- ed, though no modification of source was required. o Release 1.3d 24-May-97 Fixed a bug of td.el causing error in output of PostScript for unnamed buffer. Broken doc/topdrawer.tex has been restored. doc/topdrawer4.0.hlp and doc/doc2gih.f have been modified so that bold and/or underlined characters are properly displayed. o Release 1.3e 27-May-97 Fixed a bug for BOX, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, and DIAMOND commands in case that coordinates for FROM|TO are given in data system. o Release 1.3f 17-Aug-97 Fixed bugs for arguments passed to a command defined by DEFINE COMMAND and for inverse of trigonometric functions. o Release 1.3g 22-Aug-97 Changed argument-passing scheme to a command defined by DEFINE COMMAND, allowing use of multi-statements. o Release 1.3h 18-Sep-97 Fixed a bug (introduced in 1.3g) specifying the name 'ugde- vice.xx' in case that no filename is given for PostScript output. Corrected wrong grammars of html document. o Release 1.4 20-Sep-97 Rotation of X11-bitmap font and extended symbols has been sup- ported. o Release 1.4a 26-Sep-97 Implemented pseudo pipe. o Release 1.4b 23-Jan-98 Fixed a bug (originating from Bonner Lab. version) of SET SHIELD which does not work properly for SIDEWAYS/ROTATED/ORIENTA- TION=1,2,3. o Release 1.4c 20-Mar-98 Workaround to avoid problems of SIGNAL-processing in STDIO, for OSF1, Solaris, and Linux with libc-5.4.38 and later. Libc-5.4.38 itself, however, is buggy and STRONGLY recommended to replace to 5.4.44 or later.