package Test::AutomationFramework; use 5.010001; use strict; use warnings; use Date::Manip; use File::Path; #use Test::More; use Getopt::Long; use File::Copy; use File::Copy::Recursive qw(fcopy rcopy dircopy fmove rmove dirmove); use File::Find; use Regexp::Assemble; use Cwd; use IO::Socket; # might not work in http mode #if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { use Term::ReadKey; } use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); $| = 1; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( help processTCs processTC processProperty genDriver_taf_pl genDriver_taf_cgi genDriver_taf_svr initTAF printVersion printTAFVersion printOSVersion fetchmail installTestbed deleteTestbed ); our $VERSION = '0.060.05'; ###################### TAF Global Variables ############################### my %tsProperty ; my %tsPropertyRoot; my %tafProperty ; my %tafPropertyRev; my $propertyOp=''; my $regression=0; my $help=0; my $sleep4Display = 1; my $notUsegetTCName= 0; my %recordTags=(); my $tcIdCtr=0 ; my $tsDriver = "null" ; # cmd-line-overwrite $testDriverName (generated by -e .. or index.ps1) my $pr2Screen = 1 ; my $tcIdMin= 0 ; my $reportHtmlSummaryStr = ''; # String for mouse-over display TC summary my $Execution_24_7 = "n"; my $Execution_24_7_title= "y"; my $Execution_local_only= "n"; my $Execution_from_cgi = "n"; my $NofExecution = "1"; my $NofExecutionCtr=0; my $NofExecutionCtrExec=0; my $ExecutionLength = "10000 hour"; my $ExecutionType = '>'; my @tcDesc; my $tsFilter=".*"; my $exitTAFTCId ; my $tcComment1 ="Comment1"; my $tcComment2 ="PlaceHolderforComment2"; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; my $NofPropertyExecCtr = 0 ; my $NofPropertyExec = 0 ; my $tags ="_full_,_smoke_,_smoketest_,_regression_,_regressiontest_,_bat_,_32bit_,_64bit_,_list_,_load_,_erase_,_install_"; my $TSHookIsPerl = "n"; my $outputFormat = "text"; # noOutput my $htmlRefreshRate = 200; my $htmlRefreshRateWebUI= 200; my $htmlRefreshRateLogUI= 200; my $createOrAppendTS = "create"; #"append"; # create my $outputPause = 0; my $titleStatus = ""; my $perl = $^X; $perl =~ s/\\/\\\//g; # todo3 \\ linux my $perl_ = $^X; $perl_=~ s/\\/\//g; # todo3 \\ my $listAll_var =""; ###################### TAF Generated Variables ############################### my $scriptName = $0; $scriptName =~ s/\\/\//g; # linux my $workingDir = getcwd(); my $TSHookName = ""; my $TSHookNameParent = ""; my $TSHookNameGenerated = ""; my $createTS_index = ""; my $createTS_indexindex = ""; ###################### TAF Default Variables ############################### my $overWriteTC = "y"; my $interact = "n"; my $tcPropertyPatternName = "tcRunResult"; my $tcPropertyPatternPattern = ".*"; my $tcPropertyPatternName1 = "tcRunResult"; my $tcPropertyPatternPattern1 = ".*"; my $tcPropertyPatternName2 = "tcRunResult"; my $tcPropertyPatternPattern2 = ".*"; my $tcPropertyPatternName3 = "tcRunResult"; my $tcPropertyPatternPattern3 = ".*"; my $tcPropertyName = "all"; my $tcPropertyPattern = Regexp::Assemble->new; my $tcNamePattern = "TC*"; my $tcOp = 'list'; my $tcCtr = 0; my $tcDelta = 20; my $markSymbol = '|'; my $cgi_bin = "/"; if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $cgi_bin = "/" ; } my $c = "c:"; if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $c= "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin" ; } my $ping = "C:/Windows/System32/ping.exe -n 1 "; if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $ping = "/bin/ping -c 1 " ; } my $deli = ";"; if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $deli = '~' ; } my $copy = "copy"; if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $copy= 'copy' ; } my $http_port = ":8080"; if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $http_port= ":1234" ; } my $_realSemi_ = ";"; if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $_realSemi_ = '&' ; } my $taf = ""; my $tafCGI = "taf.cgi"; my $SUTSymbol = "_"; my $tsFilterDefault = "_"; my $tcFilterDefault = ".*"; my $_TAF = "_TAF"; # very useful variable my $NofTCinTSTemplate = -1; # very useful variable my $SvrDrive = $c.'/'.$_TAF; # *:will be reset later in generated variable section my $SvrProjName = '_testsuite1_'; my $SvrProjNameSub = ''; my $SvrTCName = '_testcase1_'; my $SvrTCNamePattern = "*"; my $SvrPropNamePattern = '.*'; my $SvrPropValuePattern = ".*"; my $SvrTCNameExecPattern = ".".$SvrTCNamePattern; # * my $SvrLogDir = ''.$SvrProjName.''; # * my $ps1_args = "-ps1_args___powershell_args"; # should not include -ps1_args my $exitTAFGracefullyLock = $c.'/'.$_TAF.'/'."_exitTAFGracefully_.txt"; # * my $exitTAFGracefullyString = 1; my $performanceMode = "slow4webUI"; # fast4cmd my $generateTestsuiteBAT = $c.'/'.$_TAF."/taf_generateTestsuite.bat"; # * my $tsFrom =""; my $tsTo =""; my $resetTSFileName =""; my $externalLogName ="$c/$_TAF/externalLog.txt"; # * my $commandLogName ="$c/$_TAF/_cmdLogs.txt"; # * my $commandLogLifeSpan = "-3 days"; my $queueSizeLimit = 10000; ###################### TAF WebUI Default Settings ############################### my $webUITreeViewLevel = 20; my $excelReportColumnWidth = 9; my $AutomationtsName ="Automation_MVSDK"; my $makeMark = 'n'; my $makeMarkComment = ''; my $makeMarkLastDay = &getExecDay(); my $web_ui_title ="Test Automation Framework"; my $webUI_TCDescWidth = 120; # <<<<<<<<<<<<<< my $scrollAmount = 0; my $borderWidth = 0; my $borderStyle = "SOLID"; my $passFailDisplayWidth = 8; # TS Variable. Should be reset for each TS execution my $maxPassFailDisplayWidth = 40; my $reportHtmlSummaryScale = 3600; # in seconds my $reportHtmlSummaryScaleMajor = 12; # in seconds my $tsProperty = 'tsProperty.txt'; my $tsPropertyWidth = 150; # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< my $testcaseNode = "testcase" ; my $testType = "ts"; # ts for testsuite my $reportHtml = 'index.htm'; my $reportHtml1 = '_tcReport_.html'; my $reportHtmlHistory = '_tcReportHistory_.html'; my $reportHtmlSummary = '_tcReportSummary_.html'; my $tc_pl = ""; my $reportHtml_http = 'index_http.htm'; # $reportHtml."_http"; my $reportHtml1_http = '_tcReport_.html'."_http"; my $reportHtmlHistory_http = '_tcReportHistory_.html'."_http"; my $web_ui_title_tip = "Run TAF-Team Version based on IIS/httpd"; my $hostname = "localhost"; my $ip = ""; my $rst = `$ping $hostname`; if ($rst =~ /Ping request could not/i) { $web_ui_title_tip = "Click to update every TAF testsuites";} elsif ($rst =~ /unknown/i) { $web_ui_title_tip = "Click to update every TAF testsuites";} else { $hostname = `hostname`; chop $hostname; $ip = inet_ntoa((gethostbyname($hostname))[4]); } my $queueFName = "taf.queue"; my $lockFName = "$c/$_TAF/taf.lock"; my $url = 'file:///'.$SvrDrive; # will be updated in the sub-processTCs my $urlHttp = 'http://'.$ip.$http_port; # will be updated in the sub-processTCs my $indexTitleRefresh = sprintf("<a href=\"${url}/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$c;_TAF=$_TAF;generateTestsuiteAgain')\" title=\"Refresh *all* TAF Testsuites\" > </a>"); my $indexTitleRefreshCGI= sprintf("<a href=\"${urlHttp}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=${SvrDrive}_semi_generateTestsuiteAgain;tafRedirectory=${urlHttp}/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Refresh *all* TAF Testsuites\"> </a>"); my $indexTitleRefreshRoot = sprintf("<a href=\"${url}/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$c;_TAF=$_TAF;generateRootIndex')\" title=\"Refresh Root Index\" > </a>"); my $indexTitleRefreshCGIRoot= sprintf("<a href=\"${urlHttp}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=${SvrDrive}_semi_generateRootIndex;tafRedirectory=${urlHttp}/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Refresh Root Index\"> </a>"); if (-e "$c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt") { &readTAFGlobalVars(); } else { &printTAFGlobalVars();} # Global Variables ######### Generated Variables $SvrDrive = $c.'/'.$_TAF; $exitTAFGracefullyLock = $c.'/'.$_TAF.'/'."_exitTAFGracefully_.txt"; $SvrTCNameExecPattern = ".".$SvrTCNamePattern; # * $SvrLogDir = ''.$SvrProjName.''; # * $generateTestsuiteBAT = $c.'/'.$_TAF."/taf_generateTestsuite.bat"; # * $externalLogName ="$c/$_TAF/externalLog.txt"; # * $commandLogName ="$c/$_TAF/_cmdLogs.txt"; # * sub new { my $package = shift; return bless({}, $package); } sub tcLoop { ###### Testsuite Loop ##### my $returnValue; if (-e "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tafGlobalVars.txt") { &readTAFTSVars();} # TS Global Variables will overwrite TAF Global Variables while ((($Execution_24_7 eq 'y') || ($NofExecution > $NofExecutionCtr)) && ($NofPropertyExec >= $NofPropertyExecCtr )) { &markDaily(); $NofExecutionCtr++; my $tcOp_ = $tcOp; if ($tcOp_ =~ /list/) {$tcOp_ = "list & update";} my $currentTime = &UnixDate( "now", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z" ); if ($pr2Screen == 1) { if (($NofExecution == 1) && ($Execution_24_7 ne 'y')){ print "Processing $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName ($tcOp_) <- Testsuite \n" if ($outputFormat =~ /text/i) ; } else {print "Processing ($NofExecutionCtrExec\/$NofExecution) ......\n" ; } } else { print "";} if (($propertyOp =~ /^\s*$/) || ($propertyOp =~ /tcDescAuto/i)) { $NofExecutionCtrExec++; &tcPre(); &tcMain_(); &tcPost(); } else { #&xtcMain_(); if ($NofPropertyExec =~ /y/i) { $propertyExecCtrEqZero = "y"; $propertyOp = ""; } else {$NofPropertyExecCtr++;} &tcMain_(); $NofPropertyExecCtr++; } # TC Property Process #### uncomment for debugging if ($pr2Screen==1) { if ($propertyOp) { print " -> $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_${propertyOp}.txt\n"; } print " - Completed -\n"; } else { print "";} } return $returnValue; } sub tcPre { # if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName) {;} else { print "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName doesn't exist.\n"; exit; } # Fix 2013/04/13 ##################### PrePRocessor ##################### if ($tcOp =~ /create/i) { if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1) {;} else { &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1,"<html><body>") }; if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1_http) {;} else { &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1_http,"<html><body>--- _tcReport_.htm will be available after list/update operation ---</body></html>") }; if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlSummary) {;} else { &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlSummary,"<html><body>--- summary file will be available after list/update operation ---</body></html>") }; if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory) {;} else { &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,"<html><body>--- history file will be available after list/update operation ---</body></html>") }; } &readTestSuitProperty(); ######################################################## } sub tcMain_ { $notUsegetTCName= 1; find( {preprocess=>sub {return sort @_;}, wanted=>\&recursiveSearchtcMain}, $SvrDrive); } sub recursiveSearchtcMain() { my $returnValue =''; if ($SvrTCNamePattern eq '*') { $SvrTCNamePattern = '.*';} if (($File::Find::name =~ /\s*$/) && ($File::Find::name =~ /$SvrDrive\/$SvrProjName\/$testcaseNode/i) && ($File::Find::name =~ /$SvrTCNamePattern/i)) # TC Filter { $tcIdCtr++; my $eachTC = &getRoot($File::Find::name); $SvrTCName = &getDir ($File::Find::name); $eachTC = &getRoot($eachTC); if (-e "$SvrTCName/_tafGlobalVars.txt") { &readTAFTCVars();} # TC Global Variables will overwrite TAF Global Variables &getWeb_($eachTC) =~ /scrollAmount\s*=\s*(\d+)/; $scrollAmount = $1; if ($scrollAmount) {;} else {$scrollAmount =0;} &getWeb_($eachTC) =~ /borderWidth\s*=\s*(\d+)/ ; $borderWidth = $1; if ($borderWidth) {;} else {$borderWidth=0;} &getWeb_($eachTC) =~ /borderStyle\s*=\s*(.+)/ ; $borderStyle = $1; if ($borderStyle) {;} else {$borderStyle=0;} if ( ($tcOp !~ /^\s*$/)&&($SvrTCName =~/$SvrTCNameExecPattern/)&&($tcIdCtr >= $tcIdMin) && (&getProperties(&getTCName($SvrTCName) , $tcPropertyPatternName, "value") =~ /$tcPropertyPatternPattern/i) && (&getProperties(&getTCName($SvrTCName) , $tcPropertyPatternName1, "value") =~ /$tcPropertyPatternPattern1/i) && (&getProperties(&getTCName($SvrTCName) , $tcPropertyPatternName2, "value") =~ /$tcPropertyPatternPattern2/i) && (&getProperties(&getTCName($SvrTCName) , $tcPropertyPatternName3, "value") =~ /$tcPropertyPatternPattern3/i) ) { # Property/testcaseExec Filter if ($propertyOp) { # Property Processor ##################### Property OPeration Start #################### if ($propertyOp =~ /tcDescAuto/) { # add tcDesc when generateTestsuite my $tcDescAuto=""; if ($#tcDesc eq 0 ) {;} else { $tcDescAuto = "add=tcDesc:".shift @tcDesc; } my $tcDescAuto_ = $tcDescAuto; $tcDescAuto =~ s/_space_/ /g; $tcDescAuto =~ s/_column_/:/g; $tcDescAuto =~ s/_eq_/=/g; printf "%-20s %s %s\n", "processProperty:", &getTCName($File::Find::name),$tcDescAuto; &processProperty("",&getTCName($File::Find::name), $tcDescAuto_); } elsif (($propertyOp =~ /_doit_/i) || ($propertyOp =~ /^\s*_?get_/i) || ($propertyOp =~ /^\s*_?list_/i)) { # property Operation (_doit_) my $propertyOp_ = $propertyOp; $propertyOp_ =~ s/_doit_//g; my $rst = &processProperty("",&getTCName($File::Find::name), $propertyOp_); my $File_Find_name = $File::Find::name; $File_Find_name =~ s/\/$tc_pl//g; if ($rst =~ /\n/) { &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'."_$propertyOp_.txt","$File_Find_name\t$propertyOp_=\n$rst\n") ; } else { &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'."_$propertyOp_.txt","$File_Find_name\t$propertyOp_=$rst\n") ; } } else { print "[TS/TC=$File::Find::name] propertyOp=$propertyOp _doit_\n"; # property Operation (print it) } ##################### Property OPeration End #################### } # else if (($propertyOp =~ /tcDescAuto/i) || ($propertyOp =~ /^\s*$/)) { # TC Exec Processor ##################### TC Operation Start ###################### if ($scrollAmount ==0 and $borderWidth ==0) { # TC Execution my $scrollAmount_ = 1 ; if ($tcOp =~ /list/) { $scrollAmount_ = 0; } if ($tcOp =~ /exec/i) { &updateWeb_(&getDir($File::Find::name),$scrollAmount_, $borderWidth, "SOLID", $ExecutionType); &generateRootIndex () ; } # update RootIndex $returnValue = $returnValue. &processTC("","$tcOp=$eachTC",$pr2Screen)."\n"; &logTC($eachTC); # TC Logging -> tesesuite\testcase\_tcLog.html if ($performanceMode =~ /slow4WebUI/i) { &reportTCHistory($eachTC); # TC ReporHistory -> testsuite\_tcReportHistory_.html &reportTCSummary (); &updateTestsuitePassFail () ; &Queue("updateQueue"); } &updateWeb_(&getDir($File::Find::name),0, $borderWidth, "SOLID"); if (($tcOp !~ /list/) && ($tcOp !~ /mark/)) { sleep $sleep4Display;} } elsif ( $scrollAmount != 0 ) { # Handle different TC exec state - handle concurrency if (($scrollAmount != 0 and $borderWidth== 0 )) { $borderWidth = 1; $borderStyle = "DOTTED"; } elsif (($scrollAmount != 0 and $borderStyle =~ /DOTTED/i)) {$borderWidth =1; $borderStyle = "SOLID"; } elsif (($scrollAmount != 0 and $borderStyle =~ /SOLID/i)) {$scrollAmount=0; $borderWidth =0; $borderStyle = "SOLID"; } &logTC($eachTC); # TC Logging -> tesesuite\testcase\_tcLog.html if ($performanceMode =~ /slow4WebUI/i) { #### &reportTCHistory($eachTC); # TC ReporHistory -> testsuite\_tcReportHistory_.html &reportTCSummary (); &updateWeb_(&getDir($File::Find::name),$scrollAmount, $borderWidth, $borderStyle); } } ##################### TC Operation End ###################### if ((&getExitTAFGracefullyLock() eq &getRoot_2($File::Find::name)) || (&getExitTAFGracefullyLock() eq "exitTAF" ) ) { print "TAF exited gracefully\n"; &tcPost(); &releaseExitTAFGracefullyLock(); exit; } # &generateRootIndex () ; } } else { # to handle no-run execution add to ts/tc/thProperty.txt &dumyTC_ (); } $scrollAmount = 0; $borderWidth = 0; $borderStyle = "SOLID"; #} # Property Filter # Passing $scrollAmount, $borderWidth, $borderStyle, } # TC Filter } sub tcPost { ##################### Post PRocessor ################### if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName ) { # fix 2013/04/13 &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,"") ; &reportTCHistory("null"); # TC ReporHistory -> testsuite\_tcReportHistory_.html &appendtoFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,"<html><body><pre>\n") ; &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,"</pre></body></html>\n") ; &mergeFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1) ; &mergeFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1_http) ; &prHtml1() ; &appendtoFileFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml) ; &appendtoFileFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1_http, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http); &prHtml2() ; &reportTCSummary (); &generateRootIndex () ; &updateTestsuiteHTA () ; &updateTestsuitePassFail() ; $AutomationtsName = "$SvrProjName"; &generateExcelReport () ; &sortCmdLog(); } sleep $outputPause; ######################################################## } sub printVersion { printf "%s\n",$VERSION ; } sub printTAFVersion { printf "%s\n",$VERSION ; } sub printOSVersion { printf "%s\n",$^O; } sub heartBeat { print "This is heartBeat\n";} # sub heartBeat { goto &fetchmail} sub fetchmail { # this is window version my $WinUser = "w"; # window user name is the cygwin user name my $gmail = "wripcity\"; # gmail address my $GmailPassword = "beaverton"; # gmail password my $tcId = 1; $tcId = shift if @_; my $fetchMailDate =""; my $fetchMailChmodFName = "c:/cygwin/home/$WinUser/fetchmailChmod.bat" ; my $fetchMailBATFName = "c:/cygwin/home/$WinUser/fetchmail.bat" ; my $fetchMailRCFName = "c:/cygwin/home/$WinUser/.fetchmailrc" ; my $str="poll with proto POP3 and options no dns user '$gmail' there with password '$GmailPassword' is '$WinUser' here options ssl"; mkpath "c:/cygwin/home/$WinUser"; open Fout, ">$fetchMailRCFName"; print Fout $str; close Fout; #print " -> $fetchMailRCFName\n"; $str="/usr/bin/fetchmail.exe -vk"; open Fout, ">$fetchMailBATFName"; print Fout $str; close Fout; # print " -> $fetchMailBATFName\n"; $str= "chmod 0600 /home/$WinUser/.fetchmailrc"; open Fout, ">$fetchMailChmodFName"; print Fout $str; close Fout; # print " -> $fetchMailChmodFName\n"; my $cmd = 'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l /home/'.$WinUser.'/fetchmailChmod.bat'; my $rst = `$cmd 2>&1`; $cmd = 'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l /home/'.$WinUser.'/fetchmail.bat'; $rst = `$cmd 2>&1`; foreach my $each (split /\n/, $rst) { if ($each =~ /protocol POP3\) at\s*(.+): poll completed/) { $fetchMailDate = $1; } } copy ('c:/cygwin/var/spool/mail/'.$WinUser, 'c:/_TAF/_gmail_.txt'); $rst = "log is skipped\n"; return "---------- Start ".(caller(0))[3]."-----------\n$cmd\n".$rst."---------- End ". (caller(0))[3]. "-----------\n"; } sub getTAFArgsFromFile { my $fname = "$c/$_TAF/_tafArgs.txt"; my $return=""; if (-e $fname) { open Fin, $fname; while ($_ =<Fin>) { chop; $return .=";$_"; } close Fin; } $return =~ s/^\s*;+//g; $return =~ s/;+/;/g; $return =~ s/\s*//g; unlink $fname; return $return; } sub markDaily { if ((($makeMarkLastDay < &getExecDay()) && ($makeMark =~ /n/)) or (($tcCtr)%($tcDelta)== 0)) { $makeMarkLastDay = &getExecDay(); $makeMark = 'y'; } else { $makeMark = 'n'; } $tcCtr++; } sub getExecDay { my $initStartTime = &UnixDate( "Jan 1, 2012", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z" ); my $endStartTime = &UnixDate( "now" , "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z" ); my $totalTimeSpan = &DateCalc(&ParseDate($initStartTime),&ParseDate($endStartTime)); #### => YY:MM:WK:DD:HH:MM:SS the years, months, etc. between the two my ($Y,$M,$W,$D,$H,$MIN,$S) = split /:/, $totalTimeSpan; my $makeMarkLastDay_Local = int ($H/24); return $makeMarkLastDay_Local; } sub generateTAFVars {goto &printTAFGlobalVars} sub generateTAFTSVars {goto &printTAFTSVars} sub generateTAFTCVars {goto &printTAFTCVars} sub printTAFGlobalVars { if (-e "$c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt") {;} else {mkpath "$c/$_TAF" ;} ; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; print Fout &printGlobalVars() ; close Fout; print " -> $c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } sub printTAFTSVars { if (-e "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tafGlobalVars.txt") {;} else {mkpath "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName" ;} ; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; print Fout &printTSGlobalVars(); close Fout; print " -> $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } sub printTAFTCVars { if (-e "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt") {;} else {mkpath "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/$SvrTCNamePattern" ;} ; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; print Fout &printTCGlobalVars(); close Fout; print " -> $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } sub updateTAFGlobalVars { my $str = "testcaseNode =$testcaseNode\n"; $str = shift if @_; if (-e "$c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt") { open Fout, ">>$c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; print Fout $str ; close Fout; print " ->> $c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } else { print "updateTAFGlobalVars: $c:/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt does *NOT* exist\n"; } } sub updateTAFTSVars { my $str="Execution_24_7_title =n\nExecution_local_only =y\n"; $str = shift if @_; my $SvrProjName_ = $SvrProjName; $SvrProjName_ =~ s/$c\///; $SvrProjName_ =~ s/^\///g; if (-e "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/_tafGlobalVars.txt") { open Fout, ">>$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/_tafGlobalVars.txt"; print Fout $str; close Fout; print " ->> $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } else { print "updateTAFTSVars: $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/_tafGlobalVars.txt does *NOT* exist. - Created\n"; mkpath("$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_"); open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/_tafGlobalVars.txt"; print Fout $str; close Fout; print " -> $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } } sub updateTAFTCVars { my $str="Execution_24_7_title =n\nExecution_local_only =y\n"; $str = shift if @_; my $SvrProjName_ = $SvrProjName; $SvrProjName_ =~ s/$c\///; $SvrProjName_ =~ s/^\///g; if (-e "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt") { open Fout, ">>$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt"; print Fout $str; close Fout; print " ->> $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } else { print "updateTAFTCVars: $c:/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt does *NOT* exist. - created\n"; mkpath("$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_"); open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt"; print Fout $str; close Fout; print " -> $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } } sub clearTAFGlobalVars { unlink "$c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; print " -rm-> $c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } sub clearTAFTSVars { unlink "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; print " -rm-> $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tafGlobalVars.txt"; } sub clearTAFTCVars { unlink "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt"; print " -rm-> $c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/$SvrTCNamePattern/_tafGlobalVars.txt\n"; } ####################### remove duplicate records in file sub removeDuplicate { my $fname = shift; if ($fname ) {;} else { print "remvoeDuplicate: needs filename\n"; exit; } if (-e $fname ) {;} else { print "remvoeDuplicate: $fname doesn't exist\n"; exit; } my $fname_tmp = $fname."_.htm"; open FILE , $fname; open FILE_tmp , "> $fname_tmp"; my $firstOccurence = "_firstOccurence_"; while ($_ = <FILE>) { if (($firstOccurence !~ /^_firstOccurence_$/) and ($_ ne $firstOccurence)) { print FILE_tmp $_; $firstOccurence = $_; } } close FILE; close FILE_tmp; copy ($fname_tmp, $fname); } ####################### copy Testsuite sub copyTestsuite { shift; print "$copy $tsFrom -> $tsTo\n"; rcopy ($tsFrom, $tsTo) or die $!; 1;} sub copyTS { shift; print "$copy $tsFrom -> $tsTo\n"; if (-e $tsFrom) {;} else { print "Warning: $tsFrom doesn't exist. It is created.\n"; mkdir $tsFrom; } if (-e $tsTo ) {;} else { print "Warning: $tsTo doesn't exist. It is created.\n"; mkdir $tsTo ; } rcopy ($tsFrom, $tsTo) or die $!; return 1;} ############ sub generatePropertyTestsuite {goto &generateTestsuiteByDesc} sub generateTestsuiteBasedOnProperty{ $SvrProjName =~ s/\\/\//g; &tcMain_1(); 1; } #######################generate Property TCs from desc sub generateTestsuiteByDesc { $SvrProjName =~ s/\\/\//g; &tcMain_1(); 1; } sub tcMain_1 { print " Scanning for testsuites at $SvrProjName ......\n"; find({preprocess=> sub {return reverse sort @_;}, wanted=> \&recursiveSearchtcMain_1}, $SvrProjName); # print " [fyi: -> $generateTestsuiteBAT]\n"; 1; } sub recursiveSearchtcMain_1() { if (($File::Find::name =~ /\/$TSHookName\s*$/) && ($tcPropertyName !~ /_all_/i)) # bug 04/26/2013 { &readTCDesc($File::Find::name); $tcPropertyPattern->add($tcPropertyName ); my @property = split ("\/", $File::Find::name) ; my $tags_ = $tags; $tags_ =~ s/,/\|/g; $tags_ = "($tags_)"; if ($property[$#property -1] =~ /$tags_/ ) {;} #### stop recursivly creating property test suite else { &generateTS ($File::Find::name, $tcPropertyName); } } } sub generateTestsuiteAgain { my $SvrProjName_ = $SvrProjName; $SvrProjName = "$c\\$_TAF"; $SvrProjName =~ s/\\/\//g; # linux todo &tcMain_2(); $SvrProjName=$SvrProjName_; $SvrProjName =~ s/\\/\//g; &readTAFProperty(); &generateRootIndex("exit"); 1; } sub tcMain_2 { print " Scanning for testsuites at $SvrProjName ......\n"; find({preprocess=> sub {return reverse sort @_;}, wanted=>\&recursiveSearchtcMain_2}, $SvrProjName); print " [fyi: -> $generateTestsuiteBAT]\n"; 1; } sub recursiveSearchtcMain_2() { if (($File::Find::name =~ /$reportHtml\s*$/)) { my $cmd = $File::Find::name; $cmd =~ s/\/?$reportHtml//; $cmd =~ s/$c\/$_TAF//; $cmd =~ s/^\s*\///; if ($cmd) { $cmd = "testsuite=$cmd;performanceMode=fast;list"; $passFailDisplayWidth = 8; # TS Variable. Should be reset for each TS execution &processTCs("", $cmd); } } } sub generateTestsuiteScript { my $testsuite; # ="c:/_CRB_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_pl"; $testsuite = $SvrProjName; my $testsuiteTAF = $SvrProjName; $testsuiteTAF =~ s/c://g; # here foreach my $each (split /,/, $tags) { print <<EOF; REM $c/$_TAF/ -processTSs create=$testsuite rem create Tag TS $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=$each;testsuite=$testsuite;generateTestsuiteByDesc rem create Tag TS $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$testsuite/$each;generateTestsuite rem create TAF-tag TS $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$testsuite;testcaseNode=testcase;generateTestsuite rem create TAF TS $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$testsuiteTAF;testcaseNode=testcase;list EOF ; } } sub generateTS { my $str; my $tsHook = "" ; $tsHook = shift if @_ ; my $tcPropertyNameLocal = "_smoketest_" ; $tcPropertyNameLocal = shift if @_ ; my $tsDir = $tsHook ; $tsDir =~ s/(\/$TSHookName\s*$)//g ; my $tsHookChild = "$tsDir/${tcPropertyName}/$TSHookNameGenerated" ; # c:\_TAF my $tsDirChild = "$tsDir/$tcPropertyNameLocal" ; # c:\... my $otherCmd = "$copy (\"$tsDir/_tcLogAppend.txt\", \"$tsDirChild/_tcLogAppend.txt\")"; $ps1_args =~ s/\\/\//g; if ($tsHook =~ /\.ps1\s*$/) { $tsHook = "powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -file $tsHook "; } # change1 # solve the ps1->pl cerversion bug my $perlCode=<<EOF_; #!$perl_ use File::Copy; if (\$ARGV[0]) { #_cmd_holder_# } else { print \<\<EOF; #_desc_holder_# EOF ; } EOF_ ; ############ TS - > subTS maping Table _tcMap.txt my $ctr_local=1; for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#tcDesc; $i++) { if ( $tcDesc[$i] =~ /($tcPropertyPattern)/i ) { my $tmp = sprintf ("$tsDir\/testcase%04d => $tsDirChild/testcase%04d", $i, $ctr_local); &appendtoFileUniqly("$tsDir/_tcMap.txt", $tmp); $ctr_local++; } } ########## read the Mapping to %_tcMap my %_tcMap; open Fin, "$tsDir/_tcMap.txt"; while ($_=<Fin>) { $_ =~ /(.+)=>(.+)/; $_tcMap{$2}=$1; } close Fin; $ctr_local=1; for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#tcDesc; $i++) { if ( $tcDesc[$i] =~ /($tcPropertyPattern)/i ) { $tcDesc[$i] = &removeTags($tcDesc[$i]); my $i_tmp = $i ; my $tmpStr = "if (\$ARGV[0] == $ctr_local) { \$rst = \`$tsHook $i_tmp -ps1_args $ps1_args\` ; $otherCmd; print \$rst; } \n"; # change 2 $perlCode =~ s/#_cmd_holder_#/$tmpStr\t#_cmd_holder_#/; $tmpStr = "$tcDesc[$i]\n"; # remove tcDesc Serial Number $tmpStr =~ s/\\/\//g; $perlCode =~ s/#_desc_holder_#/$tmpStr#_desc_holder_#/; $ctr_local++; } } if ($ctr_local > 1) { if (-e $tsDirChild) {;} else { mkpath $tsDirChild;} $perlCode =~ s/#_cmd_holder_#//g; $perlCode =~ s/#_desc_holder_#//g; open Fout , ">$tsHookChild"; print Fout $perlCode; close Fout; print " -> $tsHookChild\n"; } } sub tsTags {goto &readTCDesc} sub readTCDesc { my $cmd = shift; my $ctr = 1; my $tags=""; if ($cmd) {;} else { $cmd= "$SvrProjName/$TSHookName"; } # improvement 05/10/2013 $#tcDesc = -1; if ($cmd =~ /\.ps1\s*$/) { $cmd = "powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -file $cmd -ps1_args $ps1_args"; } # change 3 else { $cmd = "$perl_ $cmd "; } # change 3 # linux Bug: with -ps2 args, the return nothing foreach my $each (split /\n/, `$cmd`) { if ($each =~ /^\s*$/) {; } elsif ($each =~ /^\s*_test/) { ; } else { #### $tcDesc[$ctr++] = $each; original before add _full_ $tcDesc[$ctr++] = $each." _full_"; # _full_ bug fix 05/12/2013 (see 6 line below) # $tcDesc[$ctr++] = $each.", full,"; # _full_ bug fix 05/12/2013 $tags = $tags.",".&getTags($each); } } # $tags = "$tags,full"; return &uniq($tags); } sub getTags { my $tags=""; my $str = shift; @_ = split (/_/, $str); foreach my $each (@_) { if (($str =~ /_${each}_\s*/) && ($each !~ /^\s*$/)) { $tags = $tags.','.$each; } } $tags =~ s/^\s*,//g; $tags =~ s/,\s*$//g; return $tags; } sub uniq { my $str = shift; my %record; @_ = split (/,/,$str); foreach my $each (@_) { $record{$each} = $each; } $str = ""; foreach my $each (sort keys %record) { $str = $str.",".$each; } $str =~ s/^\s*,//g; $str =~ s/,\s*$//g; $str =~ s/^\s*,//g; $str =~ s/,\s*$//g; $str =~ s/^\s*,//g; $str =~ s/,\s*$//g; $str =~ s/^\s*,//g; $str =~ s/,\s*$//g; $str =~ s/^\s*,//g; $str =~ s/,\s*$//g; $str =~ s/^\s*,//g; $str =~ s/,\s*$//g; return $str; } #######################generate Property TCs from desc sub scanTestsuites { ######### generate index.htm shift; my $doit="n"; my @dir; if ($tsFilter =~/_doit_/i) { $doit='y'; $tsFilter =~ s/_doit_//i;} elsif ($tsFilterDefault =~/_doit_/i) { $doit='y'; $tsFilterDefault =~ s/_doit_//i;} elsif ($SvrProjName =~ /_doit_/i) { $doit = 'y'; $SvrProjName =~ s/_doit_//i; } if ($tsFilterDefault =~ /^$c/) { @dir = glob "${tsFilterDefault}*"; } else { @dir = glob "${c}/${tsFilterDefault}*"; # c:\_filter is added to the search pattern } if ($SvrProjName !~ /_testSuit_/i) { if ($SvrProjName =~ /^$c/) { @dir = glob "${SvrProjName}*"; } else { @dir = glob "${c}/${SvrProjName}*"; } } foreach my $each (@dir) { $each =~ s/\\/\//g; find( { preprocess => sub {return reverse sort @_;}, wanted => sub { if (($File::Find::name =~ /index\.\w+$/i) && ($File::Find::name !~ /${c}\/${_TAF}/i)&&($File::Find::name !~ /${c}.${_TAF}/i)) # todo1 \\ { my $dirName = $File::Find::name; $dirName =~ s/[\\|\/]index..+$//g; $tsFilterDefault =~ s/\\/\//g; if ($dirName =~ /$tsFilterDefault/i) { $ps1_args =~ s/ /___/g; $notUsegetTCName = 0; my $cmd = sprintf "$SvrDrive/$taf testsuite=$dirName;web_ui_title=$dirName;ps1_args=$ps1_args;generateTestsuite" ; print "scanTestsuites: $cmd\n"; if ($doit =~ /\by\b/) { # $cmd =~ s/\//\\/g; # todo2 \\ print "Running ... >>>>\n$cmd\n<<<<\n"; $workingDir = $dirName; $SvrProjName = $dirName; $web_ui_title = $dirName; $ps1_args = $ps1_args; &generateTestsuite(); } } } }}, $each); } 1; } sub getWeb_ { my %tsProperty; my $tcname = 'TC_tc1' ; $tcname = shift if @_; my $scrollamount = -1 ; my $borderwidth = -1 ; my $borderStyle = 'SOLID' ; $tcname = &getTCName($tcname); $tcname =~ s/\\/\//g; if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml) { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml; while ($_ = <Fin>) { my $tcnameTmp = $tcname; if ( $_ =~ /$tcnameTmp/i) { $_ =~ /scrollamount=\s*(\d+)\s*/; $scrollamount = $1; $_ =~ /border:RED\s+(\d+)\s*px/; $borderwidth = $1; $_ =~ /\d+\s*px\s+(\w+)\s*"/; $borderStyle= $1; } } close Fin; } return "borderWidth=$borderwidth;scrollAmount=$scrollamount;borderStyle=$borderStyle"; } sub getTSMaxScrollAmount{ my $testsuite= "$c/$_TAF/_testsuite2_"; $testsuite = shift if @_; my $scrollAmount = -1; if (-e "$testsuite/$reportHtml") { open Fin, "$testsuite/$reportHtml"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /scrollamount=\s*(\d+)\s*/) { my $scrollamount = $1; if ($scrollamount > $scrollAmount) { $scrollAmount = $scrollamount; } } } close Fin; } return $scrollAmount; } #######################generateRootIndex { sub generateRootIndex { ######### generate index.htm my %tafUI; my %tafUITreeView; my %tafRootProperty; my $queueSizeUI; my $queueSizeUICGI; my $exit_y_n = "NO" ; $exit_y_n = shift if @_; my $queueSize=0; $queueSize = &Queue("", "queueSize"); if ($queueSize > 0) { $queueSizeUI = " <a href=\"$url/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize > 0) { $queueSizeUICGI = " <a href=\"$urlHttp/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize == 0) { $queueSizeUI = " <a style=\"color:grey\" href=\"$url/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize == 0) { $queueSizeUICGI = " <a style=\"color:grey\" href=\"$urlHttp/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} &readTAFProperty(); # read %tafProperty; &readTestSuitPropertyRoot(); &readWebTitle($SvrDrive); #### part 1 #### open INDEX, ">$SvrDrive/index.htm_"; open INDEX_Simple, ">$SvrDrive/index.htm_Simple"; print INDEX &prJScript2(); print INDEX<<EOF; <body onload=\"addEvents();\"><pre> <h2><a href="$urlHttp/$reportHtml_http" title="$web_ui_title_tip over Network"> $web_ui_title </a>${indexTitleRefreshRoot}${indexTitleRefresh}${queueSizeUI}</h2><ul id="LinkedList1" class="LinkedList"> EOF find({preprocess=> sub {return sort @_;}, wanted=>sub { if ($File::Find::name =~ /index\.htm$/i) { my $tmp= $File::Find::name; $tmp=~ s/$SvrDrive//; my $tmp1 = $File::Find::name; $tmp1 =~ s/\/index.htm//g; $tmp1 =~ s/\/$reportHtml//; my $tmp2 = $File::Find::name; $tmp2 =~ s/\/index.htm//g; my $testsuite = $tmp2; my $tsDir = $tmp2; if ($tafProperty{$tmp2}) { $tmp2 = $tafProperty{$tmp2}; } else { $tmp2 = $tmp2; } if ($tafProperty{$tmp2}) { $tmp2 = sprintf("%-${tsPropertyWidth}s", $tafProperty{$tmp2}); } else { $tmp2 = sprintf("%-${tsPropertyWidth}s", $tmp2); } my $tmp3 = $tmp2; $tmp2 = sprintf("%-${tsPropertyWidth}s", $tmp2); my $tmp4 = $tmp2; $tmp4 =~ s/^\s*\d+\s*//g; if ($tafRootProperty{$tmp3}) { $tafRootProperty{$tmp3}=$tafRootProperty{$tmp3};} else {$tafRootProperty{$tmp3} = $tmp2;} ### < TreeView text $tafUI{$tmp2}=" <marquee style=\"border:RED 0px SOLID\" width=48 direction=right behavior=alternate loop=10000 scrollamount=".&getTSMaxScrollAmount($testsuite).">*</marquee> <a href=\"$url".$tmp."\">$tafRootProperty{$tmp3}</a><a style=\"color:white\">$SvrDrive$tmp</a>\n" if ($tmp ne "/index.htm"); my $tmp2TreeView = &getRoot_N($tsDir, $webUITreeViewLevel) ; if (defined $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} ) {;} else { $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} ="";} if (defined $tafUI{$tmp2} ) {;} else { $tafUI{$tmp2} ="";} if (($tmp2TreeView !~ /^\s*$c\/$_TAF\s*$/) && ($tafUI{$tmp2} !~ /_noShow_/i)) { $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} = $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView}."<li>".$tafUI{$tmp2}."</li>" ; $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} =~ s/\n//g; $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} =~ s/^\s*//g; # extra line webUI } } }}, $SvrDrive); foreach my $each1 (sort keys %tafUI) { print INDEX_Simple $tafUI{$each1} if (($each1 !~ /^\s*$c\/$_TAF\s*$/) && ($tafUI{$each1} !~ /_noShow_/i)); } foreach my $each (sort { &get1stColumn($tafProperty{$a}) cmp &get1stColumn($tafProperty{$b})} keys %tafUITreeView ) { # foreach my $each (sort keys %tafUITreeView ) { @_ = split(/<li>/,$tafUITreeView{$each}); my $NofTS; $NofTS = $#_; my $tsDesc ; if ($tsPropertyRoot{$each}) { $tsDesc = "<a title=\"$each\">$tsPropertyRoot{$each}"; } else { $tsDesc = $each;} if ($NofTS >2 ) { print INDEX "<li>$tsDesc<ul>$tafUITreeView{$each}"."</ul></li>" if ($each !~ /$c\/$_TAF\s*$/i); } else { print INDEX "$tafUITreeView{$each}" if ($each !~ /$c\/$_TAF\s*$/i); } } print INDEX <<EOF; </ul> </pre></body></html> <style type="text/css"> a { text-decoration:none} </style> EOF ; close INDEX; close INDEX_Simple; move ($SvrDrive.'/index.htm_', $SvrDrive.'/'."index.htm"); #### part 1 #### #################################### Generate Root tsProperty.txt ################################## if (-e "$SvrDrive/tsProperty.txt" ) {;} else { my $ctr=1; open FoutRootProperty, ">$SvrDrive/tsProperty.txt"; print FoutRootProperty "web_ui_title: Test Automaiton Framework : web_ui_title\n"; foreach my $each (sort keys %tafRootProperty) { $each =~ s/\s*$//g; printf FoutRootProperty "%-60s\|%04d %-60s\n", $each, $ctr++, $each if ($each !~ /$SvrDrive\s*$/i); } close FoutRootProperty; } #################################### Generate Root tsProperty.txt ################################## #### part 2 #### %tafUITreeView=(); open INDEX, ">$SvrDrive/index_http.htm_"; ########## generate index_http.htm print INDEX &prJScript2(); print INDEX<<EOF; <body onload=\"addEvents();\"><pre> <h2><a href="$urlHttp/$reportHtml_http" title="Click to view *all* Testsuites"> $web_ui_title </a>${indexTitleRefreshCGIRoot}$indexTitleRefreshCGI (Automation host: $hostname/$ip)${queueSizeUICGI}</h2><ul id="LinkedList1" class="LinkedList"> EOF find({preprocess=> sub {return sort @_;}, wanted=>sub { if ($File::Find::name =~ /index_http\.htm$/i) { my $tmp = $File::Find::name; $tmp =~ s/$SvrDrive//; my $tmp2 = $File::Find::name; $tmp2 =~ s/\/index_http.htm//g; my $testsuite = $tmp2; my $tsDir = $tmp2; if ($tafProperty{$tmp2} ) { $tmp2 = sprintf("%-${tsPropertyWidth}s", $tafProperty{$tmp2}); } else { $tmp2 = sprintf("%-${tsPropertyWidth}s", $tmp2); } my $tmp3 = $tmp2; $tmp2 = sprintf("%-${tsPropertyWidth}s", $tmp2); my $tmp4 = $tmp2; $tmp4 =~ s/^\s*\d+\s*//g; if ($tafRootProperty{$tmp3}) {;} else {$tafRootProperty{$tmp3} = $tmp4;} $tafUI{$tmp2}=" <marquee style=\"border:RED 0px SOLID\" width=48 direction=right behavior=alternate loop=10000 scrollamount=".&getTSMaxScrollAmount($testsuite).">*</marquee> <a href=\"$urlHttp".$tmp."\">$tafRootProperty{$tmp3}</a><a style=\"color:white\">$SvrDrive$tmp</a>\n" if ($tmp ne "/index.htm"); my $tmp2TreeView = &getRoot_N($tsDir, $webUITreeViewLevel) ; if (defined $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} ) {;} else { $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} ="";} if (defined $tafUI{$tmp2} ) {;} else { $tafUI{$tmp2} ="";} if (($tmp2 !~ /^\s*$c\/$_TAF\s*$/) && ($tafUI{$tmp2} !~ /_noShow_/i)) { $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} = $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView}."<li>".$tafUI{$tmp2}."</li>"; $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} =~ s/\n//g; $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} =~ s/^\s*//g; # $tafUITreeView{$tmp2TreeView} =~ s/\s*$/\n/g; } } }}, $SvrDrive); foreach my $each (sort { &get1stColumn($tafProperty{$a}) cmp &get1stColumn($tafProperty{$b})} keys %tafUITreeView ) { # foreach my $each ( sort keys %tafUITreeView ) { my $NofTS; @_ = split(/<li>/,$tafUITreeView{$each}); $NofTS = $#_; my $tsDesc ; if ($tsPropertyRoot{$each}) { $tsDesc = "<a title=\"$each\">$tsPropertyRoot{$each}"; } else { $tsDesc = $each;} if ($NofTS >2 ) { print INDEX "<li>$tsDesc<ul>$tafUITreeView{$each}"."</ul></li>" if ($each !~ /$c\/$_TAF\s*$/i); } else { print INDEX "$tafUITreeView{$each}" if ($each !~ /$c\/$_TAF\s*$/i); } } print INDEX <<EOF; </ul> </pre></html> <style type="text/css"> a { text-decoration:none} </style> EOF ; close INDEX; move ($SvrDrive.'/index_http.htm_', $SvrDrive.'/'."index_http.htm"); #### part 2 #### if ($exit_y_n =~ /exit/) { sleep $outputPause; exit; } 1; } sub get1stColumn { my $str = shift; if ($str){;} else {$str ="";} $str =~ s/^\s*//g; @_ = split (/\s+/,$str); my $return = $_[0]; if ($return) {;} else {$return = "0000"; } return $return; } ####################### read Testsuite web_ui_title sub readWebTitle{ my $dir = shift; my %prop; my $webTitle = "Test Automation Framework"; if (-e "$dir/tsProperty.txt") { # todo hardcoded variable open Fin, "$dir/tsProperty.txt"; while ($_ =<Fin>) { my $tmp=""; /(\s*)/; $_ =~ /^\s*(.+)\|/ ; $tmp = $1; $prop{$tmp}=$_; if ($_ =~ /web_ui_title\s*:\s*(.+)\s*:\s*web_ui_title/) {$webTitle = $1;} } close Fin; } return $webTitle; } ####################### get Testsuite Total Exec Time sub getTestsuiteTotalExecTime { my $index= shift; my $index_; my $tsTotalExecTime = 0; if (-e $index) { open FinTS, $index; while ($_ = <FinTS>) { if ($_ =~ /^\s*<span\s+style="color:black;/i) { # $_ =~ /(\d+)\s*\(s\)/; $tsTotalExecTime = $tsTotalExecTime + $1;} if ($_ =~ /(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\s*\(s\)/) { $tsTotalExecTime = $tsTotalExecTime + $1 * 3600 + $2 * 60 + $3;} elsif ($_ =~ /(\d+)\s*\(s\)/) { $tsTotalExecTime = $tsTotalExecTime + $1;} } } close FinTS; } return &timeConvert($tsTotalExecTime); } ####################### get Testsuite Total Exec Time sub timeConvert { my $totalTime = shift; my $hr = int ($totalTime/3600); my $min = int (($totalTime - $hr*3600) / 60); my $sec = int (($totalTime - $hr*3600 - $min * 60)); $totalTime = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d",$hr,$min,$sec; } #######################generateFailedTCHtml { sub createTestsuitePassFailedHtml { my $index= shift; my $index_; ####################### failed.htm ##################### if ($index=~ /index\.htm\s*$/ ) { $index_ = $index; $index_ =~ s/\.htm/_failed\.htm/; if (-e $index) { open Fin, $index; open Fout, ">$index_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /tcPropertyPatternPattern/) { $_ =~ s/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\.\*/tcPropertyPatternPattern=fail/g; } if ($_ =~ /RunFile/) { $_ =~ s/index\.htm/index_failed\.htm/g; } if (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:gray;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:green;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:black;/i) { ; } else { print Fout $_; } } close Fout; close Fin; } } elsif ($index=~ /index_http\.htm\s*$/ ) { $index_ = $index; $index_ =~ s/\.htm/_failed\.htm/; if (-e $index) { open Fin, $index; open Fout, ">$index_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /tcPropertyPatternPattern/) { $_ =~ s/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\.\*/tcPropertyPatternPattern=fail/g; } if ($_ =~ /RunFile/) { $_ =~ s/index_http\.htm/index_failed_http\.htm/g; } if (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:gray;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:green;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:black;/i) { ; } else { print Fout $_; } } close Fout; close Fin; } } ####################### failed.htm ##################### ####################### pass.htm ##################### if ($index=~ /index\.htm\s*$/ ) { $index_ = $index; $index_ =~ s/\.htm/_passed\.htm/; if (-e $index) { open Fin, $index; open Fout, ">$index_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /tcPropertyPatternPattern/) { $_ =~ s/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\.\*/tcPropertyPatternPattern=pass/g; } if ($_ =~ /RunFile/) { $_ =~ s/index\.htm/index_passed\.htm/g; } if (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:gray;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:black;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:red;/i) { ; } else { print Fout $_; } } close Fout; close Fin; } } elsif ($index=~ /index_http\.htm\s*$/ ) { $index_ = $index; $index_ =~ s/\.htm/_passed\.htm/; if (-e $index) { open Fin, $index; open Fout, ">$index_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /tcPropertyPatternPattern/) { $_ =~ s/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\.\*/tcPropertyPatternPattern=pass/g; } if ($_ =~ /RunFile/) { $_ =~ s/index_http\.htm/index_passed_http\.htm/g; } if (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:gray;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:black;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:red;/i) { ; } else { print Fout $_; } } close Fout; close Fin; } } ####################### pass.htm ##################### ####################### other.htm ##################### if ($index=~ /index\.htm\s*$/ ) { $index_ = $index; $index_ =~ s/\.htm/_others\.htm/; if (-e $index) { open Fin, $index; open Fout, ">$index_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /tcPropertyPatternPattern/) { $_ =~ s/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\.\*/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\\\\d+_pipe_null/g; } if ($_ =~ /RunFile/) { $_ =~ s/index\.htm/index_others\.htm/g; } if (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:green;/i) { ; } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:red;/i) { ; } else { print Fout $_; } } close Fout; close Fin; } } elsif ($index=~ /index_http\.htm\s*$/ ) { $index_ = $index; $index_ =~ s/\.htm/_others\.htm/; if (-e $index) { open Fin, $index; open Fout, ">$index_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /tcPropertyPatternPattern/) { $_ =~ s/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\.\*/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\\\\d+_pipe_null/g; } if ($_ =~ /RunFile/) { $_ =~ s/index_http\.htm/index_others_http\.htm/g; } if (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:green;/i) { } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:red;/i) { ; } else { print Fout $_; } } close Fout; close Fin; } } ####################### other.htm ##################### } #######################generateFailedTCHtml #######################generate_tagsHtml sub generateTagHtml { my $index= shift; my $index_; my $tagName = "_smoke_"; if ($index=~ /index\.htm\s*$/ ) { $index_ = $index; $index_ =~ s/\.htm/_$tagName\.htm/; if (-e $index) { open Fin, $index; open Fout, ">$index_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /tcPropertyPatternPattern/) { $_ =~ s/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\.\*/tcPropertyPatternPattern=\\\\d+_pipe_null/g; } if ($_ =~ /RunFile/) { $_ =~ s/index\.htm/index_${tagName}\.htm/g; } if (&processProperties("","dir", $tagName) =~ /color:green;/i) { print Fout $_; } # here to start } close Fout; close Fin; } } elsif ($index=~ /index_http\.htm\s*$/ ) { $index_ = $index; $index_ =~ s/\.htm/_others\.htm/; if (-e $index) { open Fin, $index; open Fout, ">$index_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:green;/i) { } elsif (&getLatestPassFail($_) =~ /color:red;/i) { ; } else { print Fout $_; } } close Fout; close Fin; } } } #######################generate_tagsHtml sub getLatestPassFail { $_ = shift; my $color; my @symbol = $_ =~ />.<\/a><a\s+style=/g; my @color = $_ =~ /<a style=\"color:\w+\"/g; for (my $i = 0; $i < $#symbol; $i++) { $symbol[$i] =~ />(.)</; $symbol[$i] = $1; if ($symbol[$i] =~ /^\s*$/) {;} # dumy elsif ($symbol[$i] =~ /\|/) {;} # mark else { $color[$i] =~ /\"(color:\w+)\"/; return "$1;"; } } return ""; } sub getLatestPassFail_old { $_ = shift; my $color; if ($_ =~ /^\s*<span\s+style="color:black;">/) { if ($_ =~ /^\s*<span\s+style="color:black;">\s*<a\s+style="color:\s*(\w+)"/) {$color = $1;} else {$color = "black";} } if ($color) { return "color:$color;";} else {return "_";} } sub updateWeb { my %tsProperty; my $tcname = 'TC_tc1'; $tcname = shift if @_ ; my $scrollamount = 0 ; $scrollamount = shift if @_ ; $tcname = &getTCName($tcname); $tcname =~ s/\\/\//g ; if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml) { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml ; open Fout, ">".$SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_" ; while ($_ = <Fin>) { my $tcnameTmp = $tcname; if ( $_ =~ /$tcnameTmp/i) { $_ =~ /scrollamount=\s*(\d+)\s*/; $_ =~ s/scrollamount=\s*$1\s*/scrollamount=$scrollamount/; } print Fout $_; } close Fout; close Fin; move ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_", $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml); } return "tcCtr_Dynamics=$scrollamount"; } ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ sub hungryMatch { # hungryMatch("startStr_returnStr_endStr","startStr","endStr") my $str = shift; my $startStr = shift; my $endStr = shift; if (index($str, $startStr) < 0) { return "";} if (index($str, $endStr ) < 0) { return "";} my $offset = index($str,$startStr) + length $startStr; my $len = index($str,$endStr) - $offset; if ($len < 0) { $len = 0; } return substr ($str, $offset, $len); } sub match1stRegexp { my $str = shift; my $pattern = shift; @_ = split (/$pattern/, $str); return $_[0]; } sub matchRestRegexp { my $str = shift; my $pattern = shift; @_ = split (/$pattern/, $str); $str =~ s/^\s*$_[0]//; $str =~ s/^\s*$pattern//; return $str;} sub removeTags { my $str = shift; @_ = ($str=~ /\b_\S+_\b/ig); foreach my $each (@_) { if ($each !~ /\//) { $str =~ s/\b$each\b//g ; } } return $str; } sub updateTestsuiteHTA { open Fin, $SvrDrive."/index.htm" || die "Can't open index.htm"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { chop; if ( &hungryMatch($_,"\/\/\/","index.htm") ) { my $ts= &hungryMatch($_,"\/\/\/","index.htm") ; &createTestsuiteHTA ($ts); } } close Fin; } sub tsPostProcessPlugin { open Fin, $SvrDrive."/index.htm" || die "Can't open index.htm"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { chop; if ( &hungryMatch($_,"/\/\/\/","index.htm")) { my $ts= &hungryMatch($_,"\/\/\/","index.htm"); print "postProcessPlugin: $ts\n";} } close Fin; } sub updateTestsuitePassFail { #if (-e $SvrDrive."/index.htm" ) { #open FinIndex, $SvrDrive."/index.htm" || die "Can't open index.htm"; if (-e $SvrDrive."/index.htm_Simple" ) { open FinIndex, $SvrDrive."/index.htm_Simple" || die "Can't open index.htm"; while ($_ = <FinIndex>) { chop; if ( &hungryMatch($_, "\/\/\/","index.htm" )) { my $ts = &hungryMatch($_,"\/\/\/","index.htm")."index.htm" ; &createTestsuitePassFailedHtml ($ts); my $ts_http = $ts; $ts_http =~ s/index\.htm/index_http\.htm/; &createTestsuitePassFailedHtml ($ts_http); } } close FinIndex; } } sub createTestsuiteHTA { my $tsDir = shift; @_ = split /\//, $tsDir; my $testsuite = $_[$#_]; &createFile_( $tsDir.'ts.hta', " <html> <head> <script language=\"JavaScript\"> function RunFileHTTP(testsuite, testcase) { // alert(\"testsuite is \" + testsuite + \" testcase is \" + testcase ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject(\"WScript.Shell\"); cmd= '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /delete /tn TAF_'+ testsuite + ' /f'; sleep (1000); //alert (cmd); WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /create /TR \"$c\\\\$_TAF\\\\ testsuit='+testsuite+';testcaseExec='+testcase+';exec\" /TN TAF_'+testsuite+' /sc monthly /mo 1 /F'; sleep (1000); //alert (cmd); WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd= '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /run /tn TAF_'+testsuite; sleep (1000); //alert (cmd); WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); } function sleep(milliseconds) { var start = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) { if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){ break; } } } </script> </head> <body onLoad =\"RunFileHTTP(\'$testsuite\', \'.*\')\">Run $testsuite\/ts.hta</button> <p> </body> </html> ") ; } ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ sub initTAF { foreach my $each (split /\n/, `schtasks /query`) { if ($each =~ /TAF_/i) { $each =~ /^\s*(.+)\s+(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)\s+/; my $processName = $1; my $cmd = "schtasks /delete /tn $processName /f"; `$cmd`; } } } ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ sub readTestSuitProperty { if ( -e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'."tsProperty.txt") { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'."tsProperty.txt"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { chop; if ($_ =~ /web_ui_title\s*:\s*(.+)\s*:\s*web_ui_title/) { $web_ui_title = $1; } # else { $web_ui_title = "Test Automation Framework"; } my $tcname, my $tcdesc; ($tcname, $tcdesc) = split /[\|]/, $_; if ($tcdesc) { #### Remove xml tags from the tcDesc for property display $tcdesc =~ s/<.*>//g; $tcname =~ s/^\s*//; $tcname =~ s/\s*$//; # $tcdesc =~ s/^\s*//; $tsProperty{$tcname}= $tcdesc; } } close Fin; } } sub readTestSuitPropertyRoot { if ( -e $SvrDrive.'/'."tsProperty.txt") { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'."tsProperty.txt"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { chop; if ($_ =~ /web_ui_title\s*:\s*(.+)\s*:\s*web_ui_title/) { $web_ui_title = $1; } my $tcname, my $tcdesc; ($tcname, $tcdesc) = split /[\|]/, $_; if ($tcdesc) { #### Remove xml tags from the tcDesc for property display $tcdesc =~ s/<.*>//g; $tcname =~ s/^\s*//; $tcname =~ s/\s*$//; # $tcdesc =~ s/^\s*//; $tsPropertyRoot{$tcname}= $tcdesc; } } close Fin; } } ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ sub readTAFProperty { if ( -e $SvrDrive.'/'.$tsProperty) { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'.$tsProperty; while ($_ = <Fin>) { chop; if ($_ =~ /web_ui_title\s*:(.+):\s*web_ui_title/) { $web_ui_title = $1; } my $tcname, my $tcdesc; ($tcname, $tcdesc) = split /[\|]/, $_; if ($tcdesc) { $tcname =~ s/^\s*//; $tcname =~ s/\s*$//; # $tcdesc =~ s/^\s*//; $tafProperty{$tcname}= $tcdesc; $tafPropertyRev{$tcdesc} = $tcname; } } close Fin; } } ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ sub getTSNameFromTSDesc { &readTAFProperty(); my $tcDesc = "018"; $tcDesc = shift if @_; foreach my $each (keys %tafPropertyRev) { if ($each =~ /$tcDesc/i) { my $tmp = $tafPropertyRev{$each}; $tmp =~ s/$c\/$_TAF\///; return $tmp; } } } ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ sub runFromGmailService { while (1==1) { `$c/$_TAF/$taf runFromGmail`; sleep 10; } } sub runFromGmail { my %record; my $value; my $key; my %record_file ; my $fetchmailFName = "/var/spool/mail/qa_user" ; my $fetchmailFNameLocal = "/usr/local/iiiiiiii/bin/qa_user" ; if (-e $fetchmailFNameLocal) { open Fin1, $fetchmailFNameLocal; while ($_= <Fin1>) { $_ = /_date_(.+)_subject_(.+)/; $record_file{$1}=$2;} close Fin2; } # read local history file if (-e $fetchmailFName ) { open Fin , $fetchmailFName ; while ($_= <Fin> ) { if (/^\s*Date:/) { chop; $key=$_; } elsif (/^\s*Subject: /) { chop; $value = $_; $record{$key}= $value;} } close Fin; } else { print " $fetchmailFName doesn't exit\n"; exit;} foreach my $each (sort keys %record) { if ($record_file{$each}) { print "$each already exist\n"; } else { &runIndex($record{$each}); open Fout , ">>$fetchmailFNameLocal" ; print Fout "_date_${each}_subject_$record{$each}\n"; close Fout; } } } sub runIndex { # todo } sub runFromGmail_old_win32 { my $cmd='c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l /home/'; my $rst = `$cmd`; # my $gmailFName = 'c:/cygwin/var/spool/mail/w'; my $testsuite=""; my $gmailFName = 'c:/cygwin/var/spool/mail/'; my $testsuite=""; if ( -e $gmailFName) { open Fin, $gmailFName; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /^\s*subject:\s+Run\s*(.+)\s*$/i) { $testsuite=$1; } } close Fin; } if ($testsuite =~ /^\s*\d+/) { my $cmd = "c:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe $c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=".&getTSNameFromTSDesc($testsuite).";exec"; my $rst = `$cmd`; print ">>$cmd\n$rst\n"; } else { print "\nPlease input the testsuite *Number* (not $testsuite)\n"; } unlink $gmailFName; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : logTC # Function: create TC _tcLog.html for each TC # Input Parameters: Test Case name # Output/Returns : c:\inetpub\wwwroot\*.html ################################################################################ sub logTC { # Update TC Log on webUI (TH:WebUI) my $currentTime = &UnixDate( "now", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z" ); my $tcname = shift; $tcname = &getTCName ($tcname); if (&getTCLogFname($tcname) =~ /_tcLog\.txt\s*$/ ) { my $webLogText = &readFile("$tcname/_tcLog.html"); $webLogText =~ s/<html>\s*<body>\s*<pre>\s*//; $webLogText =~ s/<\/pre>\s*<\/body>\s*<\/html>\s*//; $webLogText =~ s/\n/_nl_/g; $webLogText =~ s/\s*_nl_\s*/\n/g; my $fileText = &readFile(&getTCLogFname($tcname)); my $fileText_= &readFile(&getTCLogFname_($tcname)); # for _tcLogAppendix_.txt (pyAnvil logs) my $fileText__= &readFile(&getTCLogFname__($tcname)); # for _tcLogAppendix_.txt (pyAnvil logs) if (-e $tcname) {;} else {mkpath $tcname;} open Fout, "> $tcname/_tcLog.html" || die "Warning: $tcname/_tcLog.html doesn't exist\n"; print Fout &prJScript(); print Fout "==================== Update on $currentTime Start ===================== $tcname\n"; print Fout $fileText__ if ($fileText__); print Fout $fileText_ if ($fileText_); print Fout $fileText; print Fout "\n==================== Update on $currentTime End ===================== $tcname\n\n"; print Fout "</pre></body></html>\n"; print Fout "<style type=\"text/css\"> a { text-decoration:none} </style>\n"; close Fout; } elsif ((&getTCLogFname ($tcname) =~ /_tcLogAppend\.txt\s*$/) || (&getTCLogFname_ ($tcname) =~ /_tcLogAppend_\.txt\s*$/) ||(&getTCLogFname__ ($tcname) =~ /_tcLogAppend__\.txt\s*$/) ){ my $webLogText = &readFile("$tcname/_tcLog.html"); $webLogText =~ s/<html>\s*<body>\s*<pre>\s*//; $webLogText =~ s/<\/pre>\s*<\/body>\s*<\/html>\s*//; $webLogText =~ s/\n/_nl_/g; $webLogText =~ s/\s*_nl_\s*/\n/g; $webLogText =~ s/^\s*//g; my $fileText = &readFile(&getTCLogFname($tcname)); my $fileText_ = &readFile(&getTCLogFname_($tcname)); # for _tcLogAppendix_.txt (pyAnvil logs) my $fileText__= &readFile(&getTCLogFname__($tcname)); # for _tcLogAppendix_.txt (pyAnvil logs) ######## add html tags to $fileText_ ####### if ($fileText_) {$fileText_ = &addURLs($fileText_); } if ($fileText ) {$fileText = &addURLs($fileText ); } ######## add html tags to $fileText_ ####### if (-e $tcname) {;} else {mkpath $tcname;} open Fout, "> $tcname/_tcLog.html" || die "Warning: $tcname/_tcLog.html doesn't exist\n"; print Fout &prJScript(); print Fout "==================== Update on $currentTime Start ===================== $tcname\n"; print Fout $fileText__ if ($fileText__); print Fout $fileText_ if ($fileText_); print Fout $fileText; print Fout "\n==================== Update on $currentTime End ===================== $tcname\n\n"; print Fout $webLogText; print Fout "</pre></body></html>\n"; print Fout "<style type=\"text/css\"> a { text-decoration:none} </style>\n"; close Fout; } else { if (-e "$tcname/_tcLog.html") {;} else {mkpath $tcname; open Fout, "> $tcname/_tcLog.html" || die "Warning: $tcname/_tcLog.html doesn't exist\n"; print Fout &prJScript(); my $dirRoot = &getRoot($tcname); my $tcPropertyPatternPattern_ = ".*"; ####################### Reset the tcPropertyPatternPattern for index.htm my $runTCOnce = "<a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseExec=$dirRoot;ExecutionType=runTC;exec')\" title=\"**JScript**: Generate Logs e.g. $tcname/_tcLogAppend.txt \">St</a>"; my $runTCOnceHttp = "<a href=\"${urlHttp}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=$SvrDrive;tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseExec=$dirRoot;ExecutionType=runTC;exec_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${urlHttp}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"**Http**: Generate Logs e.g. $tcname/_tcLogAppend.txt\">Art</a>"; $runTCOnceHttp =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $runTCOnceHttp=~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; # $runTCOnceHttp =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $runTCOnceHttp=~ s/_realSemi_/;/g; linux porting print Fout "==================== Update on $currentTime ${runTCOnce}$runTCOnceHttp ===================== $tcname\n"; print Fout "$tcname has no log\n"; print Fout "==================== Update on $currentTime End ===================== $tcname\n\n"; print Fout "\n\n<font color=\"white\">-------------------------AutomationFramework generated tcDriver -----------------------\n $tcname/\n". &readFile ("$tcname/$tc_pl") ; print Fout "-------------------------AutomationFramework generated tcDriver ------------------------<font>"; print Fout "</pre></body></html>\n"; print Fout "<style type=\"text/css\"> a { text-decoration:none} </style>\n"; close Fout; } } rmtree &getTCLogFname ($tcname) ; rmtree &getTCLogFname_ ($tcname) ; rmtree &getTCLogFname__ ($tcname) ; return " tcLog[Append].[txt|html] are refreshed"; } sub addURLs { my $return=""; foreach my $each (split "\n", shift ) { $_ = $each; #### The followings are for Powershell only #s/_/_underscore_/g; s/\s/_ws_/g; s/\./_dot_/g; s/\\/_backslash_/g; s/\//_slash_/g; s/:/_col_/g; s/-/_dash_/g; s/\(/_leftPara/g; s/\)/_rightPara/g; s/</_lessThan/g; s/>/_greaterThan/g;s/=/_equal/g; #s/"/_doubleQuote/g; s/'/_singleQuote/g; s/\$/_dollar_/g; s/\%/_percentage_/g; s/\@/_at_/g; s/;/_semiColumn_/g; #s/\W//g; #s/\_ws_/ /g; s/_dot_/\./g; s/_backslash_/\\/g; s/_slash_/\//g; s/_col_/:/g; s/_dash_/-/g; s/_underscore_/_/g; s/_leftPara/\(/g; s/_rightPara/\)/g; s/_lessThan/</g; s/_greaterThan/>/g;s/_equal/=/g; #s/_doubleQuote/"/g; s/_singleQuote/'/g; s/_dollar_/\$/g; s/_percentage_/\%/g; s/_at_/\@/g; s/_semiColumn_/;/g; my $c_ = $c; my $_TAF_ = $_TAF; my $SvrProjName_ = $SvrProjName; if ($SvrProjName_ =~ s/^$c_// ) { ; } else { ; # print "\nInfo: $SvrProjName_ might have problem with the build-in file link (*.txt) \n($SvrProjName_ !~ $c_)\n\n" if ($^O =~ /linux/); #### debug info: } # if (($_ !~ /href=\"/) && ($_ =~ /(.+)?($c\S+)\s?(.+)?/i) &&($_ !~ /_url_line_/i)) { # convert c:\abc.txt or c:/efg.txt <a href file= abc.txt </a> if (($_ !~ /href=\"/) && ($_ =~ /(.+)?($c\S+)\s?(.+)?/i) &&($_ !~ /_url_line_/i) && ($_ !~ /_cmd_line_/i) && ($_ !~ /\-runAsCmd/i)) { # convert c:\abc.txt or c:/efg.txt <a href file= abc.txt </a> $_ =~ s/</__lt__/g; $_ =~ s/>/__gt__/g; $_ =~ /(.+)?($c\S+)\s?(.+)?/i; my $match1 = $1; my $logNameInLog = $2; my $match3=""; if ($3) {$match3 = $3."\n";;} #if ($logNameInLog =~ /\.txt\s*$/) { if (($logNameInLog =~ /\.txt\s*$/) || ($logNameInLog =~ /\.htm\s*$/)) { $logNameInLog =~ s/\\/\//g; my $currentTime = &UnixDate( "now", "%m-%d-%Y-%H_%M_%S" ); my $fileFrom = $logNameInLog ; my $fileToFile = &getTCName()."/".&getRoot_4($logNameInLog); $fileToFile =~ s/\.txt\s*$/_$currentTime\.txt/; my $fileToHttp = &getTCName()."/".&getRoot_4($logNameInLog); $fileToHttp =~ s/\.txt\s*$/_$currentTime\.txt/; $_ =~ s/__lt__/</g; $_ =~ s/__gt__/>/g; if ( -e $fileFrom ) { if ( -e &getDir($fileToFile)){ ; } else {mkpath &getDir($fileToFile); } # copy ($fileFrom, $fileToFile); &addHtml ($fileFrom, $fileToFile); $fileToHttp =~ s/$c\/$_TAF/${ip}${http_port}/; $return = $return.$match1."<a href=\"http://$fileToHttp\" >(http:$fileFrom)</a> $match3"; #### tech reserver $return = $return.$match1."<a href=\"file:////$fileToFile\">(file:$fileFrom)</a> $match3"; } else { $return = $return.$match1."Warning: Log $fileFrom doesn't exist! $match3"; } } else { $return = $return.$_."\n"; } } else { if ($_ =~ s/_url_line_//i) {; } else { $_ =~ s/</__lt__/g; $_ =~ s/>/__gt__/g; $_ =~ s/__lt__/</g; $_ =~ s/__gt__/>/g; } $return = $return.$_."\n"; } } $return =~ s/__lt__/</g; $return =~ s/__gt__/>/g; ### $return ; } sub addURLs_old { my $return=""; foreach my $each (split "\n", shift ) { $_ = $each; s/_/_underscore_/g; s/\s/_ws_/g; s/\./_dot_/g; s/\\/_backslash_/g; s/\//_slash_/g; s/:/_col_/g; s/-/_dash_/g; s/\(/_leftPara/g; s/\)/_rightPara/g; s/</_lessThan/g; s/>/_greaterThan/g;s/=/_equal/g; s/"/_doubleQuote/g; s/'/_singleQuote/g; s/\$/_dollar_/g; s/\%/_percentage_/g; s/\@/_at_/g; s/;/_semiColumn_/g; s/\W//g; s/\_ws_/ /g; s/_dot_/\./g; s/_backslash_/\\/g; s/_slash_/\//g; s/_col_/:/g; s/_dash_/-/g; s/_underscore_/_/g; s/_leftPara/\(/g; s/_rightPara/\)/g; s/_lessThan/</g; s/_greaterThan/>/g;s/_equal/=/g; s/_doubleQuote/"/g; s/_singleQuote/'/g; s/_dollar_/\$/g; s/_percentage_/\%/g; s/_at_/\@/g; s/_semiColumn_/;/g; if (($_ !~ /href=\"/) && ($_ =~ /(.+)($c\S+)\s?(.+)?/i)) { # convert c:\abc.txt <a href file= abc.txt </a> my $match1 = $1; my $match2 = $2; my $match3=""; if ($3) {$match3 = $3;} if ($match2 =~ /\.txt\s*$/) { my $currentTime = &UnixDate( "now", "%m-%d-%Y-%H_%M_%S" ); my $fileFrom = $match2; my $fileTo = $match2; $fileTo =~ s/\.txt\s*$/_$currentTime\.txt/; #copy ($fileFrom, $fileTo); &addHtml ($fileFrom, $fileTo); $return = $return.$match1."<a href=\"file:////$fileTo\">$fileTo</a>$match3\n"; } else { $return = $return.$_."\n"; } } else { $return = $return.$_."\n"; } } $return ; } sub addHtml { my $FNameFrom = shift; my $FNameTo = shift; my $str; if (-e &getDir($FNameTo)) {;} else { mkpath &getDir($FNameTo);} if (-e $FNameFrom) { open FNameTo , ">$FNameTo"; open FNameFrom, $FNameFrom ; @_ = <FNameFrom>; $str .= "@_"; close FNameFrom; $str =~ s/\r|\n/_realReturn_/ig; $str =~ s/\x{d}/_return_/ig; $str =~ s/\s*\x{8}//ig; # processing return and BS $str =~ s/_return_/....../g; # $str =~ s/\s+/_space_/g; $str =~ s/_space_/ /g; $str =~ s/</ ..../ig if ($str !~ /<a/); $str =~ s/>/ ..../ig if ($str !~ /a>/); $str =~ s/(_realReturn_)+/\n/g; $str = "\n<pre>\n$str\n</pre>\n"; print FNameTo $str; close FNameTo; } else { print "Warning: addHtml: $FNameFrom deesn't exist!\n"; } } sub addHtml_v1 { my $FNameFrom = shift; my $FNameTo = shift; my $str; if (-e &getDir($FNameTo)) {;} else { mkpath &getDir($FNameTo);} if (-e $FNameFrom) { open FNameTo , ">$FNameTo"; open FNameFrom, $FNameFrom ; @_ = <FNameFrom>; $str .= "@_"; close FNameFrom; $str =~ s/\r|\n/_realReturn_/ig; $str =~ s/\x{d}/_return_/ig; $str =~ s/\s*\x{8}//ig; # processing return and BS $str =~ s/_return_/....../g; $str =~ s/\s+/_space_/g; $str =~ s/_space_/ /g; $str =~ s/</ ..../ig ; #if ($str !~ /<a/); $str =~ s/>/ ..../ig ; # if ($str !~ /a>/); $str =~ s/(_realReturn_)+/\n/g; $str = "\n<pre>\n$str\n</pre>\n"; print FNameTo $str; close FNameTo; } else { print "Warning: addHtml: $FNameFrom deesn't exist!\n"; } } sub addHtml_v0 { my $FNameFrom = shift; my $FNameTo = shift; if (-e &getDir($FNameTo)) {;} else { mkpath &getDir($FNameTo);} if (-e $FNameFrom) { open FNameTo , ">$FNameTo"; print FNameTo "\n<pre>\n"; open FNameFrom, $FNameFrom ; @_ = <FNameFrom>; my $str = "@_"; $str =~ s/\x{d}+/_rtn_/ig; $str =~ s/\x{d}+/_rtn_/ig; $str =~ s/\x{d}+/_rtn_/ig; $str =~ s/\x{d}+/_rtn_/ig; $str =~ s/\x{d}+/_rtn_/ig; $str =~ s/\s*\x{8}/_bs_/ig; #print FNameTo "@_"; print FNameTo $str; print FNameTo "</pre>\n"; close FNameFrom; close FNameTo; } else { print "Warning: addHtml: $FNameFrom deesn't exist!\n"; } } sub ps12txt { my $return=""; foreach my $each (split "\n", shift ) { $_ = $each; s/_/_underscore_/g; s/\s/_ws_/g; s/\./_dot_/g; s/\\/_backslash_/g; s/\//_slash_/g; s/:/_col_/g; s/-/_dash_/g; s/\W//g; s/\_ws_/ /g; s/_dot_/\./g; s/_backslash_/\\/g; s/_slash_/\//g; s/_col_/:/g; s/_dash_/-/g; s/_underscore_/_/g; s/^\s*//g; $return = $return."\n".$_; } $return ; } sub addUrl { my $return; my $str = shift; foreach my $each (split /\n/, $str) { if ($each =~ /^\s*(.+\.html)/) { my $line = $1; $line =~ s/^\s*//g; $line =~ s/\s*$//g; $line =~ s/\\/\//g; $line =~ s/HTML:\s*/file:\/\/\//i; $line =~ s//file:\/\/\//; $return = $return. "<a href=\"$line\">$each</a>\n"; } elsif ($each =~ /^\s*(.+\.xml)/) { my $line = $1; $line =~ s/^\s*//g; $line =~ s/\s*$//g; $line =~ s/\\/\//g; $line =~ s/XML:\s*/file:\/\/\//i; $line =~ s//file:\/\/\//; $return = $return. "<a href=\"$line\">$each</a>\n"; } else { $return = $return.$each."\n"; } } return $return; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : getTCLogFname # Function: get valid Log (new log) fname # Input Parameters: c:\TC*\_thLog.txt # Output/Returns : noLog or hasWWWLog ################################################################################ sub getTCLogFname { # Determine if a log exists (TH:TC Report) my $tcName = shift; my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimePropertyFile, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ); my $mtimeLogWeb; if (-e $tcName.'/thProperty.txt' ) { ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimePropertyFile, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcName.'/'.'thProperty.txt'); } my $tcNameLog = $tcName."/_tcLogAppend.txt"; if (-e $tcNameLog) { my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimeLog, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcNameLog); if ($mtimePropertyFile - $mtimeLog>= 0 ) { return $tcNameLog; } } $tcNameLog = "$tcName/_tcLog.txt"; if (-e $tcNameLog) { my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimeLog, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcNameLog); if ( $mtimePropertyFile - $mtimeLog>= 2 ) { return $tcNameLog; } } return "noLog"; } sub getTCLogFname_ { # Determine if a log exists (TH:TC Report) my $tcName = shift; my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimePropertyFile, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ); my $mtimeLogWeb; if (-e $tcName.'/thProperty.txt' ) { ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimePropertyFile, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcName.'/'.'thProperty.txt'); } my $tcNameLog = $tcName."/_tcLogAppend_.txt"; if (-e $tcNameLog) { my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimeLog, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcNameLog); if ($mtimePropertyFile - $mtimeLog>= 0 ) { return $tcNameLog; } } $tcNameLog = "$tcName/_tcLog_.txt"; if (-e $tcNameLog) { my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimeLog, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcNameLog); if ( $mtimePropertyFile - $mtimeLog>= 2 ) { return $tcNameLog; } } return "noLog"; } sub getTCLogFname__ { # Determine if a log exists (TH:TC Report) my $tcName = shift; my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimePropertyFile, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ); my $mtimeLogWeb; if (-e $tcName.'/thProperty.txt' ) { ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimePropertyFile, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcName.'/'.'thProperty.txt'); } my $tcNameLog = $tcName."/_tcLogAppend__.txt"; if (-e $tcNameLog) { my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimeLog, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcNameLog); if ($mtimePropertyFile - $mtimeLog>= 0 ) { return $tcNameLog; } } $tcNameLog = "$tcName/_tcLog__.txt"; if (-e $tcNameLog) { my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtimeLog, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks ) = stat($tcNameLog); if ( $mtimePropertyFile - $mtimeLog>= 2 ) { return $tcNameLog; } } return "noLog"; } sub sortOnDate { my $return; my %record; my $str = shift; if ($str =~ /^\s*$/) { return " ";} if ($str =~ /^\s*$/) { return "";} @_ = split(/\n/, $str); foreach my $each (@_) { if ($each =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\d+-\d+-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+).+$/) { my $rst = $1; $record{$2}=$each if ($rst !~ /mark/i && $rst !~ /dumy/i);}} foreach my $each (reverse sort keys %record) { $return = $return."$record{$each}\n"; } return $return; } sub reportTCSummary { $reportHtmlSummaryStr = ''; if ( -e "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$reportHtmlHistory" ) {;} else { return; } open Fin, "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$reportHtmlHistory" || die "Can't open _tcReportHistory.html"; my $fname_ = $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlSummary."_"; while (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlSummary."_") { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } open Fout, "> $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$reportHtmlSummary"."_" || die "Can't open _tcReportSummary_.html"; $reportHtmlSummaryStr = "<html><body><pre>\n"; $reportHtmlSummaryStr = $reportHtmlSummaryStr . "<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$htmlRefreshRateWebUI\"> "; $reportHtmlSummaryStr = $reportHtmlSummaryStr . "\n_replace_here_"; my $passFail ; my $dateTime; my $date1; my $date2; my %tcResult; my $tcName; my $passCtr=0; my $initStartTime = &UnixDate( "Jan 1, 2050", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z" ); my $endStartTime = &UnixDate( "Jan 1, 1900", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z" ); while ($_ =<Fin>) { chop; if (($_ =~ /(testcase\d+)/) &&( $passCtr ==0 )) { $tcName = $1; $reportHtmlSummaryStr = $reportHtmlSummaryStr . "\n$tcName: "; $_ = <Fin>; if ($_ =~ /^\s+(\w+)\s+\w+\s+(\d+\-\d+\-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+/) { # always skip $_ =~ /^\s+(\w+)\s+\w+\s+(\d+\-\d+\-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+/; $passFail = $1; $dateTime= $2; $date1=&ParseDate($dateTime); my $title=" title=\"$dateTime\""; if (&Date_Cmp( &ParseDate($initStartTime), &ParseDate($dateTime) ) >=0 ) { $initStartTime = $dateTime; } if (&Date_Cmp( &ParseDate($endStartTime), &ParseDate($dateTime) ) <=0 ) { $endStartTime = $dateTime; } if ($passFail =~ /pass/i) { $passFail = '<a style="color:green"'.$title.'>*</a>'; } elsif ($passFail =~ /fail/i) { $passFail = '<a style="color:red"'.$title.'>*</a>';} elsif ($passFail =~ /mark/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title>$markSymbol<\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /Perf/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title>.<\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /null/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title>.<\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /dumy/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title> <\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /expF/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title>*<\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /bugF/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:blue\"$title>*<\/a>";} $reportHtmlSummaryStr = $reportHtmlSummaryStr . $passFail; } } elsif (/^\s+(\w+)\s+\w+\s+(\d+\-\d+\-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+)/) { $_ =~ /^\s+(\w+)\s+\w+\s+(\d+\-\d+\-\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+)\s+(.+)/; my $note=$3; $passFail = $1; $dateTime= $2; $date2=&ParseDate($dateTime); my $title = " title=\"$dateTime $note\""; if ($passFail =~ /pass/i) { $passFail = '<a style="color:green"'.$title.'>*</a>'; } elsif ($passFail =~ /fail/i) { $passFail = '<a style="color:red"'.$title.'>*</a>';} elsif ($passFail =~ /null/i) { $passFail = '<a style="color:black"'.$title.'>.</a>';} elsif ($passFail =~ /mark/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title>$markSymbol<\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /Perf/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title>.<\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /null/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title>.<\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /dumy/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title> <\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /expF/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:black\"$title>*<\/a>";} elsif ($passFail =~ /bugF/i) {$passFail ="<a style=\"color:blue\"$title>*<\/a>";} if (&Date_Cmp( &ParseDate($initStartTime), &ParseDate($dateTime) ) >=0 ) { $initStartTime = $dateTime; } if (&Date_Cmp( &ParseDate($endStartTime), &ParseDate($dateTime) ) <=0 ) { $endStartTime = $dateTime; } my $delta=&DateCalc($date2,$date1); $delta =~ s/\+//g; my ($Y,$M,$W,$D,$H,$MIN,$S) = split /:/, $delta; my $totalMIN ; if ($Y && $M && $D && $H && $MIN && $S && $reportHtmlSummaryScale) { $totalMIN = int ((((($Y*365 + $M * 30 + $D) * 24 + $H) * 60 + $MIN) * 60 + $S)/$reportHtmlSummaryScale) ; } else { $totalMIN = 0; } $reportHtmlSummaryStr = $reportHtmlSummaryStr . $passFail; } } my $totalTimeSpan = &DateCalc($initStartTime,$endStartTime); my ($Y,$M,$W,$D,$H,$MIN,$S) = split /:/, $totalTimeSpan; my $NofX = int ((((($Y*365 + $M * 30 + $D) * 24 + $H) * 60 + $MIN) * 60 + $S)/$reportHtmlSummaryScale) ; my $X_Unit = int (3600/$reportHtmlSummaryScale); $reportHtmlSummaryStr = $reportHtmlSummaryStr. "\n_replace_here_\n"; $reportHtmlSummaryStr = $reportHtmlSummaryStr . "</pre></body></html>\n"; my $tmp = "---------- |<marquee width = 50><--</marquee> ".&UnixDate($endStartTime, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")." ---------- $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName Test Summary -----...... <marquee width = 50><--</marquee>|". &UnixDate($initStartTime, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z" ); $reportHtmlSummaryStr =~ s/_replace_here_/$tmp/g; print Fout $reportHtmlSummaryStr; close Fout; close Fin; move ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlSummary."_", $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlSummary); } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : reportTCHistory # Function: append TC result History to htmlLog # Input Parameters: Test Case name ################################################################################ sub reportTCHistory_ { my $tcname = shift; my $fileText = sprintf "%10s %s", "", &reportTC($tcname,"","History"); &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory, " ---------------------- TestCase: <a name=\"".&getTCName($tcname)."\"> ".&getTCName($tcname)." </a>-----------------------\n"); &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory, $fileText); } sub reportTCHistory { my $tcIdCtr_ = $tcIdCtr; my $tcname = shift; $tcIdCtr=1; &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,""); &appendtoFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,"<html><body><pre>\n"); find({ preprocess => sub {return sort @_;}, wanted=> sub {if ( ($File::Find::name =~ /\s*$/) && ($File::Find::name =~ /$SvrDrive\/$SvrProjName\/$testcaseNode/i) && ($File::Find::name =~ /$SvrTCNamePattern/i) ) { # fix tcDesc tag related $SvrTCName = $File::Find::name; $SvrTCName =~ s/\/; my $fileText = sprintf "%10s %s", "", &reportTC($tcname,"","History"); if ($fileText =~ /^\s*$/) { $fileText = " ";} $fileText = &sortOnDate($fileText); if ($tcDesc[$tcIdCtr]) {;} else { $tcDesc[$tcIdCtr] ="tcDesc is unavailable. It will be updated in next \"list\"";} &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory, " ---- TestCase $tcIdCtr: <a name=\"".&getTCName($tcname)."\"> ".&processProperty("",$SvrTCName, "get_tcDesc")."</a>----\n"); if (defined $fileText) { ; } else { $fileText="";} &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory, "$fileText") if ( $fileText !~ /^\s*$/) ; $tcIdCtr++; } }}, "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName"); &appendtoFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,"</pre></body></html>\n") ; $tcIdCtr = $tcIdCtr_; } sub reportTCHistory_old { my $tcIdCtr_ = $tcIdCtr; my $tcname = shift; $tcIdCtr=1; &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,""); &appendtoFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,"<html><body><pre>\n"); find({preprocess => sub {return reverse sort @_;}, wanted => sub { if ( ($File::Find::name =~ /\s*$/) && ($File::Find::name =~ /$SvrDrive\/$SvrProjName\/$testcaseNode/i) && ($File::Find::name =~ /$SvrTCNamePattern/i) ) { # fix tcDesc tag related $SvrTCName = $File::Find::name; $SvrTCName =~ s/\/; my $fileText = sprintf "%10s %s", "", &reportTC($tcname,"","History"); &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory, " ---------------------- TestCase: <a name=\"".&getTCName($tcname)."\"> ".&getTCName($tcname)." </a>-----------------------\n"); &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory, $fileText); $tcIdCtr++; } }}, "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName"); &appendtoFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtmlHistory,"</pre></body></html>\n") ; $tcIdCtr = $tcIdCtr_; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : reportTC # Function: report TC results on STDOUT and Update TCProj HTML # Input Parameters: TC Name # TC PropertyName = tcRunResult # TC Report Type: 0 = latest 1 = historyical # Output/Returns : TC Reports displayed on webUI ################################################################################ sub reportTC() { # TC Report Function (TH:TC Report) my $tcPropertyPatternPattern_ = ".*"; ####################### Reset the tcPropertyPatternPattern for index.htm my $cmd=''; $cmd = shift; if ($cmd !~ /^\s*cmd\s*=/i) { unshift @_, $cmd; } ; my $timeSpan = "2000!now"; my $tcname = $_[0]; my $propertyPattern = $_[1]; my $reportType = $_[2]; $tcname = &getTCName($tcname); my ($timeSpanStart, $timeSpanEnd, $isInSpan, $beautifiedStr, $beautifiedStr4Web); my $returnValue=""; my ($propertyName, $startTime, $endTime, $comment1, $comment2) ; my $passCtr =0; my $failCtr = 0; my $nullCtr = 0 ; my $totalTime=0; my $avgResponseTime; my $propertyValue =''; my $totalTimeDummy; my $passFailDisplay=""; my $passFailDisplay_ =""; my $tcTags=""; &readTestSuitProperty(); if( $propertyPattern =~ /^\s*$/) { $propertyPattern = 'tcRunResult';} if( $reportType =~ /^\s*$/) { $reportType = 'lastValue';} if ($timeSpan) { $_ = $timeSpan; ($timeSpanStart, $timeSpanEnd ) = split( /!|\|/, $timeSpan ); $timeSpanStart = &ParseDate($timeSpanStart); $timeSpanEnd = &ParseDate($timeSpanEnd); } my $tcPassFailDisplayWidth = 0; # ############ get maxPassFailDisplayWidth ################# # open Fin, "$tcname/thProperty.txt" || die "Can't open file:$!"; ################## Read Property File # ############################## Read Property File to update reportHtmlHistory ########################### # while ( $_ = <Fin> ) { chop; local @ARGV ; my $propertyFName = "$tcname/thPropertyLink.txt"; if (-e $propertyFName) { open Fin, $propertyFName; @_ = <Fin>; close Fin; foreach my $each (@_) { if (-e $each) { push @ARGV, $each."/thProperty.txt"; } } } $propertyFName = "$tcname/thProperty.txt"; push @ARGV, $propertyFName if (-e $propertyFName ); while ( $_ = <> ) { chop; if ( $_ =~ /$propertyPattern/i ) { ( $propertyName, $propertyValue, $startTime, $endTime, $totalTimeDummy, $comment1, $comment2) = split( '\|', $_); my $flag1 = &Date_Cmp( &ParseDate($startTime), &ParseDate($timeSpanStart) ); my $flag2 = &Date_Cmp( &ParseDate($timeSpanEnd), &ParseDate($endTime) ); if ( ( $flag1 >= 0 ) && ( $flag2 >= 0 ) ) { $isInSpan = 1; } else { $isInSpan = -1; } my $date1=&ParseDate($startTime); my $date2=&ParseDate($endTime); my $delta=&DateCalc($date1,$date2); $delta =~ s/\+//g; my ($Y,$M,$W,$D,$H,$MIN,$S) = split /:/, $delta; my $totalSec = $D * 24 * 3600 + $H * 3600 + $MIN * 60 + $S; if ($propertyValue =~ /^\s*[\d|.]+\s*$/) { $totalSec = $propertyValue; $propertyValue = "Perf";} if ( $isInSpan == 1 ) {; if ( $propertyPattern =~ /tcRunResult/i ) { $tcPassFailDisplayWidth= $tcPassFailDisplayWidth + 1 ; } } # endif for InSpan } # endif for /propertyPattern= tcRunResult/ elsif ($_=~ /^\s*tcTags\s*\|(.+)\|?/) { ( $propertyName, $propertyValue, $startTime, $endTime, $totalTimeDummy, $comment1, $comment2) = split( '\|', $_); $tcTags = $propertyValue; } } close Fin; if ($tcTags) { $tcTags =~ s/_//g; $tcTags =~ s/\t//g; $tcTags =~ s/null/ /g; } my $passFailDisplayWidth_1st= 0; # ############ get maxPassFailDisplayWidth ################# # open Fin, "$tcname/thProperty.txt" || die "Can't open file:$!"; ################## Read Property File # ############################## Read Property File to update reportHtmlHistory ########################### # while ( $_ = <Fin> ) { chop; # local @ARGV ; $propertyFName = "$tcname/thProperty.txt"; # Merge Ts 04/27/2013 # push @ARGV, $propertyFName if (-e $propertyFName ); #$propertyFName = "$tcname/thPropertyLink.txt"; #if (-e $propertyFName) { open Fin, $propertyFName; @_ = <Fin>; close Fin; foreach my $each (@_) { if (-e $each) { push @ARGV, $each."/thProperty.txt"; } } } local @ARGV ; $propertyFName = "$tcname/thPropertyLink.txt"; if (-e $propertyFName) { open Fin, $propertyFName; @_ = <Fin>; close Fin; foreach my $each (@_) { if (-e $each) { push @ARGV, $each."/thProperty.txt"; } } } $propertyFName = "$tcname/thProperty.txt"; push @ARGV, $propertyFName if (-e $propertyFName ); while ( $_ = <> ) { chop; if ( $_ =~ /$propertyPattern/i ) { ( $propertyName, $propertyValue, $startTime, $endTime, $totalTimeDummy, $comment1, $comment2) = split( '\|', $_); my $flag1 = &Date_Cmp( &ParseDate($startTime), &ParseDate($timeSpanStart) ); my $flag2 = &Date_Cmp( &ParseDate($timeSpanEnd), &ParseDate($endTime) ); if ( ( $flag1 >= 0 ) && ( $flag2 >= 0 ) ) { $isInSpan = 1; } else { $isInSpan = -1; } my $date1=&ParseDate($startTime); my $date2=&ParseDate($endTime); my $delta=&DateCalc($date1,$date2); $delta =~ s/\+//g; my ($Y,$M,$W,$D,$H,$MIN,$S) = split /:/, $delta; my $totalSec = $D * 24 * 3600 + $H * 3600 + $MIN * 60 + $S; if ($propertyValue =~ /^\s*([\d|.]+)\s*$/) { $totalSec = $propertyValue; $propertyValue = "Perf"; $comment2 = "Perf Test = ${1}s";} if ($propertyValue =~ /null/i) { ; ; $comment2 = "TC returns NULL";} if ($propertyValue =~ /pass/i) { ; ; $comment2 = "Test Passed" ;} if ($propertyValue =~ /fail/i) { ; ; $comment2 = "Test Failed" ;} if ($propertyValue =~ /bugF/i) { ; ; $comment2 = "Failed BugID : <TBD>" ;} if ($propertyValue =~ /expF/i) { ; ; $comment2 = "Expected Fail" ;} if ($propertyValue =~ /expected_f_a_i_l/i) { ; $propertyValue = "expF"; $comment2 = "Expected Fail" ;} if ( $isInSpan == 1 ) { if ( $propertyPattern =~ /tcRunResult/i ) { $beautifiedStr = sprintf "%15s %-15s %-25s%-20s Note: %s", $propertyValue, $totalSec.'s', $startTime, $comment1, $comment2; # add comment2 for mouse-over display if ($propertyValue =~ /pass/i) {$passCtr++; $totalTime =$totalTime + $totalSec; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."p";} if ($propertyValue =~ /fail/i) {$failCtr++; $totalTime =$totalTime + $totalSec; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."f";} if ($propertyValue =~ /mark/i) { ; $totalTime =$totalTime + $totalSec; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."m";} if ($propertyValue =~ /Perf/i) { ; $totalTime =$totalTime + $totalSec; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."e";} if ($propertyValue =~ /null/i) {$nullCtr++; $totalTime =$totalTime + $totalSec; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."n";} if ($propertyValue =~ /expF/i) {$nullCtr++; $totalTime =$totalTime + $totalSec; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."x";} if ($propertyValue =~ /bugF/i) {$nullCtr++; $totalTime =$totalTime + $totalSec; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."b";} if ($propertyValue =~ /dumy/i) { ; ; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."d";} #if ($propertyValue =~ /dumy/i) {$nullCtr++; ; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."d";} if ($propertyValue =~ /expected_F_a_i_l/i) {; $totalTime =$totalTime + $totalSec; $passFailDisplay = $passFailDisplay."x";} if ($propertyValue =~ /pass/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."p $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /fail/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."f $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /mark/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."m $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /Perf/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."e $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /null/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."n $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /expF/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."x $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /bugF/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."b $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /dumy/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."d $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /expected_f_a_i_l/i) { $passFailDisplay_ = $passFailDisplay_."x $startTime: ${comment2}_|_";} if ($propertyValue =~ /pass|fail|mark|Perf|null|bugF|expF/i) { $passFailDisplayWidth_1st ++ ; } } else { $beautifiedStr = $_; } # endif for /tcRunResult/ if ( $reportType =~ /history/i ) { $returnValue = "$beautifiedStr\n$returnValue"; } elsif ( $reportType =~ /lastValue/i ) { $returnValue = $beautifiedStr; } elsif ( $reportType =~ /forWeb/i ) { $returnValue .= $beautifiedStr4Web; } } # endif for InSpan } # endif for /propertyPattern/ } ##################### ############################## Adjust passFailDisplayWidth by _1st and max ########################### if ( $passFailDisplayWidth < $passFailDisplayWidth_1st ) { $passFailDisplayWidth = $passFailDisplayWidth_1st;} if ( $passFailDisplayWidth > $maxPassFailDisplayWidth ) { $passFailDisplayWidth = $maxPassFailDisplayWidth ;} ############################## Read Property File to update reportHtmlHistory ########################### if ($passCtr + $failCtr + $nullCtr == 0) { ########## Generate TC webUI string $avgResponseTime = 0; } else { $avgResponseTime = $totalTime / ($passCtr + $failCtr + $nullCtr); } my $qtpHost; my $ATResultFname; my %color; my $color = 'gray'; my @color; my $colorIndex = 0; my $QASvrName; my $expFailure=""; my $bugFailure=""; if ($propertyValue =~ /pass/i) { $color = "Green"; } elsif ($propertyValue =~ /fail/i) { $color = 'Red'; } elsif ($propertyValue =~ /bugF/i) {$color = "blue";} elsif ($propertyValue =~ /expected\s*fail/i) { $expFailure = "_Expected_Failure_ "; } $color[0]=1; ##### testcase Desc #### my $TCDesc_displayTip = "Click to view TC logs"; my $TCDesc_display ; my $TCDesc_display_ ; if ($tsProperty{$tcname}) { ###### Handle expected failure if (($tsProperty{$tcname} =~ /_expected_fail_/i) && ($propertyValue =~ /fail/i)){ $color = "Green"; } if (($tsProperty{$tcname} =~ /_expected_fail_/i) && ($propertyValue =~ /pass/i)){ $color = "Red"; } ###### Handle expected failure $TCDesc_display_ = $expFailure.$tsProperty{$tcname}; my $TCDesc_display__ = $TCDesc_display_; # $TCDesc_display__ =~ s/<|>|&|%|$|¦/X/g; $TCDesc_display__ =~ s/<|>|&|%|$|¦|(|)/X/g; my $n1 = () = $TCDesc_display_ =~ /<|>/g; # my $n2 = () = $TCDesc_display_ =~ /&|%|$/g; my $n2 = () = $TCDesc_display_ =~ /&|%|$|(|Ƒ/g; my $n3 = () = $TCDesc_display_ =~ /¦/g; my $extra = $n1 * 3 + $n2 * 4 + $n3 * 5; my $webUI_TCDescWidth_extra = $webUI_TCDescWidth + $extra ; if (length($TCDesc_display__) <= $webUI_TCDescWidth ) { $TCDesc_display = sprintf "%-${webUI_TCDescWidth}s", $TCDesc_display_; } else { $TCDesc_display = sprintf "%-${webUI_TCDescWidth}s", substr $TCDesc_display_, 0, $webUI_TCDescWidth_extra; $TCDesc_displayTip = $tsProperty{$tcname}; } } else { $TCDesc_display = sprintf "%-${webUI_TCDescWidth}s", $tcname; } # prHtml3 mark for search my $tcSerialN = $TCDesc_display; if ($tcSerialN =~ /^\s*\d+\D+/) {$tcSerialN =~ /^\s*(\d+)\D+/; $tcSerialN = "$1"; if ($tcSerialN) {;} else {$tcSerialN = "";}} my $dirRoot = &getRoot($tcname); my $TCCtrToolTip = sprintf "Run Test (Testcase Number == $tcSerialN [%s])", &timeConvert($avgResponseTime); my $TCCtrToolTipMin = sprintf "Run Tests (Testcase Number >= $tcSerialN)" ; my $TCScrollAmount = 0; my $CtrSeparator = "|"; $passFailDisplay = &genPassFailDisplay ($passFailDisplay); $passFailDisplay = &genPassFailDisplay_ ($passFailDisplay_); my $stopTS = "<a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName Execution_from_cgi=$Execution_from_cgi;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;exitTAFGracefullyString=$tcname;exitTAF')\" title=\"Stop Test (Testcase Number = $tcSerialN)\" >.</a>"; my $runTS24_7 = "<a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName Execution_from_cgi=$Execution_from_cgi;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;drive=$SvrDrive;tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseExec=$dirRoot;ExecutionType=runTC;Execution_24_7=y;exec')\" title=\"Exec Test 24/7 (Testcase Number == $tcSerialN)\"> ,</a>"; my $runTCOnce = "<a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName Execution_from_cgi=$Execution_from_cgi;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;drive=$SvrDrive;tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseExec=$dirRoot;ExecutionType=runTC;exec')\" title=\"$TCCtrToolTip\">></a>"; my $runTSOnce = "<a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName Execution_from_cgi=$Execution_from_cgi;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;drive=$SvrDrive;tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;tcIdMin=$tcIdCtr;testsuit=$SvrProjName;ExecutionType=runTS;exec')\" title=\"$TCCtrToolTipMin\"><marquee style=\"border:RED ${borderWidth}px ${borderStyle}\" width=48 direction=right behavior=alternate loop=10000 scrollamount=$scrollAmount>>\|</marquee></a>"; my $html = sprintf( "<span style=\"color:black;\">$passFailDisplay${stopTS}$runTS24_7<font color=\"$color[$colorIndex]\"> $runTCOnce $runTSOnce</font><a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/".&getTCNameStr($SvrTCName)."/_tcLog.html\" title=\"$TCDesc_displayTip\">%-${webUI_TCDescWidth}s</a> <a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/${reportHtmlHistory}#$tcname\" title=\"Click to see Pass/Fail history\">%5d/%-5d</a> %10s $tcTags <font color=\"white\"> %s </font></span>\n", $TCDesc_display, $passCtr, $failCtr, &formatSeconds($avgResponseTime), $tcname.'/', ); # http $stopTS = "<a href=\"${urlHttp}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=Execution_from_cgi=y;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;exitTAFGracefullyString=$tcname;exitTAF=_null__realSemi_tafRedirectory=${urlHttp}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Stop Test (Testcase Number = $tcSerialN)\" >.</a>"; $runTS24_7 = "<a href=\"${urlHttp}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=Execution_from_cgi=y;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;SysDrive=$SvrDrive;tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseExec=$dirRoot;ExecutionType=runTC;Execution_24_7=y;exec_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${urlHttp}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Exec Test 24/7 (Testcase Number == $tcSerialN)\"> ,</a>"; $runTCOnce = "<a href=\"${urlHttp}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=Execution_from_cgi=y;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;SysDrive=$SvrDrive;tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseExec=$dirRoot;ExecutionType=runTC;exec_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${urlHttp}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"$TCCtrToolTip\">></a>"; $runTSOnce = "<a href=\"${urlHttp}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=Execution_from_cgi=y;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;SysDrive=$SvrDrive;tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;tcIdMin=$tcIdCtr;testsuit=$SvrProjName;ExecutionType=runTS;exec_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${urlHttp}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"$TCCtrToolTipMin\"><marquee style=\"border:RED ${borderWidth}px ${borderStyle}\" width=48 direction=right behavior=alternate loop=10000 scrollamount=$scrollAmount>>\|</marquee></a>"; $stopTS =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $stopTS =~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; # todo: taf.cgi need to handle exitGracefully scenario $runTS24_7=~ s/;/_semi_/g; $runTS24_7=~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; $runTCOnce=~ s/;/_semi_/g; $runTCOnce=~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; $runTSOnce=~ s/;/_semi_/g; $runTSOnce=~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; my $html_http = sprintf( "<span style=\"color:black;\">$passFailDisplay${stopTS}$runTS24_7<font color=\"$color[$colorIndex]\"> $runTCOnce $runTSOnce</font><a href=\"${urlHttp}/$SvrProjName/".&getTCNameStr($SvrTCName)."/_tcLog.html\" title=\"$TCDesc_displayTip\">%-${webUI_TCDescWidth}s</a> <a href=\"${urlHttp}/$SvrProjName/${reportHtmlHistory}#$tcname\" title=\"Click to see Pass/Fail history\">%5d/%-5d</a> %10s $tcTags <font color=\"white\"> %s </font></span>\n", $TCDesc_display, $passCtr, $failCtr, &formatSeconds($avgResponseTime), $tcname.'/', ); if ($cmd =~ /noprint/i) {;} else { &appendtoFileUniq_( $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1, $html ); &updateWeb1_( $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml, $html ); &appendtoFileUniq_( $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1_http, $html_http); &updateWeb1Http_( $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http, $html_http ); } close Fin; if ($returnValue) {$returnValue =~ s/^\s*//g;} else {$returnValue = "";} return $returnValue; } sub genPassFailDisplay { my $str = shift; $str = reverse $str; $str = $str. " "; $str = substr ($str, 0, $passFailDisplayWidth); $str =~ s/p/<a style=\"color:green\">*<\/a>/g; $str =~ s/f/<a style=\"color:red\">*<\/a>/g; $str =~ s/m/|/g; if ($str =~ /^\s*$/) { $str = &genStr($passFailDisplayWidth);} return $str; } sub genPassFailDisplay_ { my $str = shift; my $str_ =""; my $strLenCtr=0; my $mark4One=0; @_ = split /_\|_/, $str; $str=""; for (my $i=$#_; $i >= 0; $i--) { my $tcResult ; if( $_[$i] =~ s/^\s*(\w)\s+//g) { $tcResult = $1; $str_ = $_[$i]; $strLenCtr++; if ($tcResult =~ /p/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:green\" title=\"$str_\">*<\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /f/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:red\" title=\"$str_\">*<\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /m/i) { #if ($mark4One == 2) { ; } else { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:black\" title=\"$str_\">$markSymbol<\/a>"; #$mark4One = 0; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /b/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:blue\" title=\"$str_\">*<\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /e/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:black\" title=\"$str_\">.<\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /n/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:black\" title=\"$str_\">.<\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /x/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:black\" title=\"$str_\">*<\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /d/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:black\" title=\"$str_\"> <\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /_/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:black\" title=\"$str_\">.<\/a>"; } } $mark4One++; if ($strLenCtr + 1 > $passFailDisplayWidth) { return $str; } } if ($strLenCtr < $passFailDisplayWidth) { for (my $i = $strLenCtr; $i < $passFailDisplayWidth; $i++) { $str = $str . "<a style=\"color:black\"> <\/a>"; } } return $str; } sub genPassFailDisplay_old { my $str = shift; my $str_ =""; my $strLenCtr=0; @_ = split /_\|_/, $str; $str=""; for (my $i=$#_; $i >= 0; $i--) { my $tcResult ; if( $_[$i] =~ s/^\s*(\w)\s+//g) { $tcResult = $1; $str_ = $_[$i]; $strLenCtr++; if ($tcResult =~ /p/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:green\" title=\"$str_\">*<\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /f/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:red\" title=\"$str_\">*<\/a>"; } elsif ($tcResult =~ /m/i) { $str = $str."<a style=\"color:black\" title=\"$str_\">|<\/a>"; } } if ($strLenCtr + 1 > $passFailDisplayWidth) { return $str; } } if ($strLenCtr < $passFailDisplayWidth) { for (my $i = $strLenCtr; $i < $passFailDisplayWidth; $i++) { $str = $str . "<a style=\"color:blank\"> <\/a>"; } } return $str; } sub genStr { my $strLen = shift; my $return=""; for (my $i = 0; $i < $strLen; $i++) { $return .= " "; } $return; } sub processTSs{ shift; my $each = shift; if ($each !~ /=/) { if ($each =~ /\bmarkblablaaaaa\b/i) { ; } else { # print "pa: $each\n"; my %record; &processTCs("", "listAll"); my $rst = $listAll_var; @_ = split (/\n|\r/, $rst); foreach my $each (@_) { $each =~ s/^$c//g; $each =~ s/^[\/|\\]//g; $each =~ s/^$_TAF//g; $each =~ s/^[\/|\\]//g; $each =~ s/testcase\d\d\d\d.*$//g; $each =~ s/[\/|\\]\s*$//g; $record{$each}=$each; } if ($each =~ /listTS/i) { # list all available TS foreach my $each (sort keys %record) { print "$each\n"; } } elsif ($each =~ /deleteTSs/i) { foreach my $each (sort keys %record) { print "pc: $SvrProjName, $each\n"; # &deleteTAFTestsuite(); } } #print "pd: $SvrProjName, $each\n"; my $str = "\&$each();"; my $rst = eval $str; next ; } } else { $each =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*/; my $varName = $1; my $varValue = $2 ; if (($varName !~ /^\s*$/) && ($varValue !~ /^\s*$/)) { if ($varName =~ /\bcreate\b/i) { &createTS($varValue); } elsif ($varName =~ /\badd\b/i) { &addTS($varValue); } elsif ($varName =~ /\bdelete\b/i) { &deleteTS($varValue); } elsif ($varName =~ /\bcheckStatus\b/i) { &checkStatusTS($varValue); } else { print "Unrecognized Testsuite Command: $varName\n"; } } } } sub checkStatusTS { ; # print "pass a: ".shift."\n"; } sub processTCs{ shift; my $isBatchProcessing = 1; my $tmp = shift; if (defined $tmp ) {;} else { return; } @_ = split /;/, $tmp; &genDriver_taf_pl (); &genDriver_taf_cgi (); &appendtoFile($commandLogName, "\n".&UnixDate( "now", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")."> "); &appendtoFile($commandLogName,"$c/$_TAF/$taf "); foreach my $each (@_) { #### uncomment for debugging print " cmd> $each\n"; &appendtoFile($commandLogName,$each.";"); if ($each !~ /=/) { $isBatchProcessing = 0; if (($each =~ /\blistVars\b/i) || ($each =~ /\bgetVars\b/i)) { return &printGlobalVars(); } elsif ($each =~ /\bprintVars\b/i) { print &printGlobalVars(); next ; } elsif ($each =~ /\bexec\b/i) { ; &setGlobalVars("","tcOP=exec") ; $isBatchProcessing = 1 ; } elsif ($each =~ /\blistTcFilters|printTcFilters\b/i) { ; &setGlobalVars("","tcOP=listtcfilters") ; $isBatchProcessing = 1 ; } elsif ($each =~ /\blist\b/i) { ; &setGlobalVars("","tcOP=list") ; $isBatchProcessing = 1 ; } elsif ($each =~ /\blistHistory\b/i) { ; &setGlobalVars("","tcOP=listHistory") ; $isBatchProcessing = 1 ; } elsif ($each =~ /\bmark\b/i) { ; &setGlobalVars("","tcOP=mark") ; $isBatchProcessing = 1 ; } elsif ($each =~ /\blistAll\b/i) { ; $SvrTCNamePattern =".*"; print &listAll() ; $isBatchProcessing = 0 ; } elsif ($each =~ /refreshTS/i) { ; &deleteTAFTestsuite() ; &generateTAFTestsuite() ; $isBatchProcessing = 0 ; } elsif ($each =~ /refreshHost/i) { ; #print "pa: $c/$_TAF/$tsProperty\n"; need to test on linux unlink "$c/$_TAF/$tsProperty"; &generateRootIndex() ; &generateRootIndex() ; $isBatchProcessing = 0 ; } elsif ($each =~ /releaseLock|refreshLock|refreshQueue|resetLock|resetQueue/i) { ; &Queue("","releaseLock"); # &generateTAFTestsuite() ; $isBatchProcessing = 0 ; } elsif ($each =~ /customer1/i) { &customer1(); } else { my $str = "\&$each();"; my $rst = eval $str; if ($rst) { print "\`$each\` = \"$rst\"\n" if ($pr2Screen == 1); } else { print "\`$each\` is not a TAF command."; } next; } } else { if ( $each =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*/ ) { $each =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*/; my $varName = $1; my $varValue = $2 ; if (($varName !~ /^\s*$/) && ($varValue !~ /^\s*$/)) { if ($varName =~ /propertyOp/) { $isBatchProcessing = 1; } else { $isBatchProcessing = 0;} # 1 for propertyOp if (&setGlobalVars ("","$varName=$varValue;") == 1 ) { ; } # Process value assginment else { my $rst = &processTC("",$each) ; } # Process TC } } else { next; } } if ($isBatchProcessing == 1) { if ($Execution_24_7 !~ /y/i) {$NofExecutionCtrExec=0}; $NofExecutionCtr = 0; &tcLoop(); } # NofExecutionCtr reset for each list/exec } } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : process Test Case # Function: wrapper for Test Case management functions # Input Parameters: PropertyOP # Output/Returns : tcName and propertyO/proc ################################################################################ sub processTC { my $tcname; my $cmd=""; shift; my $tcOP= ''; $tcOP = shift if (@_); my $prMsg = '' ; $prMsg= shift if @_; $tcOP =~ /\s*([\w|\d]+)\s*(=)?\s*(\w+)?\s*([;|\/])?(\s*\S+\s*)?/; $tcOP = $1; $tcname = $3; $cmd = $5; $prMsg = $pr2Screen; if ($cmd) {$cmd =~ s/\n//g;} else { $cmd ="";} ######## This is for TCs processing (Batching) if ($tcOP =~ /\blistAll\b/i) { # SvrTCName as a regExp if ($tcname =~ /^\s*$/) { $SvrTCNamePattern =".*";} else { $SvrTCNamePattern = $tcname; } print &listAll(); return; } ######## The following are for TC processing if ((defined $tcname) && ($tcname =~ /^.$/) && ($cmd =~ /:[\\|\/]/)) { $tcname = $tcname.$cmd; # handle -s delete=c:\_ts1_ } $tcname = &getTCName($tcname); if ((-e $tcname)||($tcOP =~ /create/i)) { printf "%-20s %-40s ", "processTC:", $tcname if (($outputFormat =~ /text/i) && ($pr2Screen ==1)) ; } # print for webUI 1/2 # printf "%-20s %-40s ", "processTC:", $tcname if (($outputFormat =~ /text/i) && ($pr2Screen ==1)) ; # print for webUI 1/2 my $tmp = sprintf "%-20s %-40s\n", "processTC: ", $tcname ; &appendtoFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'."_listHistory.txt", "$tmp"); my $rst; if ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*create/i ) { if ($cmd) { $rst = &createTC("cmd=$cmd",$tcname); } else { $rst = &createTC($tcname); } } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*exec\b/i ) { if ($NofExecutionCtr== 1 ) {$rst = &markTC_($tcname);} $rst = &execTC_($tcname); my $rst1 = &mapTC($tcname); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*mark\b/i ) { $rst = &markTC_($tcname); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*execAll/i ) { $rst = &tcLoop(); return $rst; } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*UpdateWeb/i ) { if (defined $cmd) {;} else { $cmd = 0;} $rst = &updateWeb_($tcname,$cmd); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*getWeb_/i ) { $rst = &getWeb_($tcname); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*log/i ) { $rst = &logTC($tcname); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*detect/i ) { $rst = &detectTC($tcname, $SvrProjName, $SvrDrive); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*getLogName/i ) { $rst = &getTCLogFname(&getTCName($tcname)); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*listTCFilters/i ) { $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname) , '.*_all_', 'latest'); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*printtcFilters/i ) { $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname) , '.*_all_', 'latest'); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*listHistory/i ) { $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname) , 'tcRunResult', 'history'); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*printResult/i ) { } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*list|get\b/i ) { $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname) , 'tcRunResult', 'last'); # return last valid TC result my $rst1 = &mapTC($tcname); } elsif ( $tcOP =~ /^\s*delete/i ) { $tcOP =~ s/^\s*delete\s*=//g; $tcOP =~ s/\s*$//g; $rst = &deleteTC($tcname); } else { if ( -e $tcname ) { print "<- Test suite \n" if $prMsg; } return "_noProcessedTC_"; } printf "%s\n", $rst if (($outputFormat =~ /text/i)&&($pr2Screen == 1)) ; # print for webUI 2/2 &appendtoFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'."_listHistory.txt","$rst\n") ; $rst = sprintf "%-20s %-40s %s", "processTC:", $tcname, $rst ; return $rst; } sub Queue { # &Queue(push,"pushedContenet") $rst = &Queue(pop) shift; my @pushQueue; my @popQueue; $#pushQueue=0, $#popQueue=0; my $operation = "push"; $operation = shift if @_; my $tafCmd = shift; my $pushQueueSize; my $queueLength=0; my $queueSize=0; ################# Set/release/check Lock ################### if ($operation =~ /setLock/i) { open Fin, ">$lockFName"; print Fin "lock is ON\n"; close Fin; return; } elsif ($operation =~ /releaseLock/i) { unlink $lockFName; } elsif ($operation =~ /checkLock/i) { if (-e $lockFName) { return 1;} else { return 0; } } ################# Set/release/check Lock ################### if (-e "$c/$_TAF/$queueFName") {;} else { open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/$queueFName"; close Fout ; } open Fin, "$c/$_TAF/$queueFName" ; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /^\s*(pushed|poped)\s*\((.+)\):\s*(.+)\s*$/) { my $status = $1; my $index = $2; my $content = $3; if ($status =~ /pushed/) { $pushQueue[$index] = $content;} if ($status =~ /poped/ ) { $popQueue[$index] = $content;} } } close Fin; ################# generate Active Queue & update Queue Operation ################### if (($#popQueue < $#pushQueue ) || ($operation =~ /updateQueue/i)) { open Fin, ">$c/$_TAF/${queueFName}_active"; for (my $i = $#popQueue+1; $i<=$#pushQueue; $i++) { printf Fin "[%5d] %s\n", $i, $pushQueue[$i] if (defined $pushQueue[$i]); } if ($#popQueue+1 > $#pushQueue) { print Fin "No task to proceed\n";} close Fin; } ################# generate Active Queue & reset Queue Operation ################### if (($#popQueue < $#pushQueue ) || ($operation =~ /reset/i)) { open Fin, ">$c/$_TAF/${queueFName}_active"; for (my $i = $#popQueue+1; $i<=$#pushQueue; $i++) { printf Fin "[%5d] %s\n", $i, $pushQueue[$i] if (defined $pushQueue[$i]); } if ($#popQueue+1 > $#pushQueue) { print Fin "No task to proceed\n";} close Fin; } ################# autoReset Operation ################### if (($#popQueue > $queueSizeLimit ) || ($operation =~ /reset/i)) { open Fin, ">$c/$_TAF/$queueFName"; close Fin; return; } $pushQueueSize = $#pushQueue + 1; ################# QueueSize ################### if ($operation =~ /queueSize/i) { return ($#pushQueue - $#popQueue); } ################# Push Operation ################### if ($operation =~ /push/i) { if (defined $tafCmd) { if (($tafCmd =~ /set_property[1-2]/i) || ($tafCmd =~ /get_property[1-2]/i) || ($tafCmd =~ /printTcFilters/i)) { ; } else { open Fin, ">>$c/$_TAF/$queueFName"; print Fin "pushed ($pushQueueSize): $tafCmd\n"; close Fin; return; } } } ################# Pop Operation ################### elsif ($operation =~ /pop/i) { for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#pushQueue; $i++ ) { if (defined $popQueue[$i] ) { ; } else { # already popped if ((defined $pushQueue[$i]) && ($pushQueue[$i] !~ /_notPushed_ignored/i)) { open Fin, ">>$c/$_TAF/$queueFName"; print Fin "poped ($i): $pushQueue[$i]\n"; close Fin; return $pushQueue[$i]; } else { open Fin, ">>$c/$_TAF/$queueFName"; print Fin "poped ($i): _notPushed_ignored\n"; close Fin; return "_notPushed_ignored"; } } } } ################# check Operation ################### elsif ($operation =~ /checkQueue/i) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#pushQueue; $i++ ) { if (defined $popQueue[$i] ) { ; } else { # already popped return $pushQueue[$i]; } } } } sub listAll { find({preprocess=> sub {return reverse sort @_;}, wanted=> \&recursiveSearchListAll}, $SvrDrive); } sub recursiveSearchListAll() { if (($File::Find::name =~ / && ($File::Find::name =~ /$SvrTCNamePattern/i)) { print "$File::Find::name\n"; } } sub createTS { # Create Testsuite for Testbed # 1 create from /tmp/ # 2 create from /tmp/ # 3 create powershell HelloWorld TS ( and # 4 create Perl HelloWorld TS ( # &generateTAFTestsuie() displays TS on webUI if ($SvrProjName !~ /$c/i) { print "Warning: testcase should start with $c\n"; } my $tsName = $SvrProjName; $tsName = shift if @_; $SvrProjName = $tsName; if (-e $SvrProjName) {;} else { mkdir $SvrProjName; } if (-e "$SvrProjName/$TSHookNameParent") { my $rst = `$perl $SvrProjName/$TSHookNameParent`; print "$SvrProjName/$TSHookName is generated from $SvrProjName/$TSHookNameParent\n"; ; } elsif (-e "$c/$_TAF/$createTS_indexindex" ) { print " --> Create $SvrProjName <- from $c/$_TAF/$createTS_indexindex\n"; copy ("$c/$_TAF/$createTS_indexindex", "$SvrProjName/$createTS_indexindex"); print "$SvrProjName/$createTS_indexindex is running ......\n"; my $rst = `$perl $SvrProjName/$createTS_indexindex`; print "$SvrProjName/$createTS_indexindex is completed.....\n"; } elsif (-e "$c/$_TAF/$createTS_index" ) { print " --> Create $SvrProjName <- from $c/$_TAF/$createTS_index\n"; move ("$c/$_TAF/$createTS_index", "$SvrProjName/$TSHookNameGenerated"); } elsif ($SvrProjName =~ s/_powershell_//i) { print " --> Create Powershell Testsuite: $SvrProjName\n"; &generatePowershell_ps1_template($SvrProjName); } elsif ($NofTCinTSTemplate != -1 ) { &createTS_B($SvrProjName); } else { print " --> Create Perl Testsuite: $SvrProjName\n"; &generatePerl_pl_template($SvrProjName); } &generateTAFTestsuite (); 1; } sub createTS_save { # Create Testsuite for Testbed if ($SvrProjName !~ /$c/i) { print "Warning: testcase should start with $c\n"; } my $tsName = $SvrProjName; $tsName = shift if @_; $SvrProjName = $tsName; if (-e $SvrProjName) {;} else { mkdir $SvrProjName; } if (-e "$c/$_TAF/$createTS_indexindex" ) { print " --> Create $SvrProjName <- from $c/$_TAF/$createTS_indexindex\n"; copy ("$c/$_TAF/$createTS_indexindex", "$SvrProjName/$createTS_indexindex"); print "$SvrProjName/$createTS_indexindex is running ......\n"; my $rst = `$perl $SvrProjName/$createTS_indexindex`; print "$SvrProjName/$createTS_indexindex is completed.....\n"; } elsif (-e "$c/$_TAF/$createTS_index" ) { print " --> Create $SvrProjName <- from $c/$_TAF/$createTS_index\n"; move ("$c/$_TAF/$createTS_index", "$SvrProjName/$TSHookNameGenerated"); } elsif ($SvrProjName =~ s/_powershell_//i) { print " --> Create Powershell Testsuite: $SvrProjName\n"; &generatePowershell_ps1_template($SvrProjName); } elsif ($NofTCinTSTemplate != -1 ) { &createTS_B($SvrProjName); } else { print " --> Create Perl Testsuite: $SvrProjName\n"; &generatePerl_pl_template($SvrProjName); } &generateTAFTestsuite (); 1; } sub addTS { my $tsName = "_testsuite_"; $tsName = shift if @_; if (-e $tsName) { print " --> Add Testsuite Hook : $tsName \n"; return 0; } else { print "[Warning] Testsuite ($tsName) doesn't exist. No testsuite hook is added\n"; return 1;} } sub deleteTS { goto &deleteTAFTestsuite } sub updateTS {goto &listTS} sub listTS { my $tsName = $SvrProjName; $tsName = shift if @_; $SvrProjName = $tsName; &processTCs ("","tcDelay=0;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;testsuite=$SvrProjName;AutomationtsName=$SvrProjName;list"); return 1; } sub generateIndexIndexIndex { my $str=<<'EOFIndex3' use File::Path; $tcName = "_testsuite1_"; if ($ARGV[0] =~ /\bh\b/i) { print<<EOF; ############################################################################## Purpose: create a skeleton of for AF delivery testing Format : $0 tsName (like _testsuit1_) Output c:/iiiiiiii/\$tsName/ ############################################################################## [WindowOS] * T Purpose: Delivery TS ( commands Setup : c:/iiiiiiii/bin/ _testsuite4_ Execution: c:/iiiiiiii/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action installIndexIndex -tsName _testsuite4_ Verify. : WebUI has _testsuite4_ Teardown : c:/iiiiiiii/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action delete -tsName _testsuite3_ * T Purpose: Delivery TS ( commands Setup : c:/_TAF/ testsuite=c:/iiiiiiii/_testsuite5_;createTS Execution: c:/iiiiiiii/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action installIndex -tsName _testsuite5_ Verify. : WebUI http: has _testsuite5_ Teardown : c:/iiiiiiii/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action delete -tsName _testsuite5_ [LinuxOS] * T Purpose: Delivery TS ( commands Setup : /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/ _testsuite4_ Execution: /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action installIndexIndex -tsName _testsuite4_ Verify. : WebUI has _testsuite4_ Teardown : /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action delete -tsName _testsuite3_ * T Purpose: Delivery TS ( commands Setup : /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ testsuite=/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_testsuite5_~createTS Execution: /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action installIndex -tsName _testsuite5_ Verify. : /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/ WebUI http: has _testsuite5_ Teardown : /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action delete -tsName _testsuite5_ Note: Remote Test Case and Test Suite Execution Commands c:/iiiiiiii/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action installIndexIndex -tsName _testsuite4_ /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action installIndexIndex -tsName _testsuite4_ c:/iiiiiiii/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action run -tsName _testsuite4_~testcase=testcase0006 /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/AutomationFramework/ -runAsCmd -host -action run -tsName _testsuite4_~testcase=testcase0006 EOF exit; } if ($ARGV[0]) {$tcName = $ARGV[0]; } my $tcDir = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/$tcName"; if ($^O =~ /linux/) { $tcDir = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/$tcName"; } elsif ($^O =~ /win32/i) { $tcDir = "c:/iiiiiiii/$tcName"; } if (-e $tcDir ) {;} else { mkpath $tcDir ;} my $index = "$tcDir/"; my $ctr; my %tcExec ; my %tcDesc; open Fout, "> $index"; my $str=<<'EOF3'; use File::Path; $tcName = "_testsuite1_"; my $tcDir = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/$tcName"; if ($^O =~ /linux/) { $tcDir = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/$tcName"; } elsif ($^O =~ /win32/i) { $tcDir = "c:/iiiiiiii/$tcName"; } if (-e $tcDir ) {;} else { mkpath $tcDir ;} my $index = "$tcDir/"; my $ctr; my %tcExec ; my %tcDesc; open Fout, ">$index"; my $str=<<'EOF1' #!C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe $tcName = "_testsuite1_"; if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { $_TAF = "c:"; } if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $_TAF = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin"; } $tcDir = "$_TAF/$tcName"; if ($ARGV[0]) { open Fout, ">$tcDir/_tcLogAppend.txt"; if ($ARGV[0] == 1) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 1 here e.g. print ` 1` ; >>> if ($ARGV[0] == 2) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 2 here e.g. print ` 2`>>> if ($ARGV[0] == 3) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 3 here e.g. print ` 3`>>> if ($ARGV[0] == 4) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 4 here e.g. print ` 4`>>> if ($ARGV[0] == 5) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 5 here e.g. print ` 5`>>> if ($ARGV[0] == 6) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 6 here e.g. print ` 6`>>> close Fout; } else { print <<EOF; 1. Test case description 1 for < > \$ \% @ ( ) testing the function 1 --- Please modifyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _smoke_ _regression_ 2. Test case description 2 for testing _smoketest__regressiontest_the function 2 --- Please modifybbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb _smoke_ 3. Test case description 3 for testing _smoketest_the function 3 --- Please modifycddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd _regression_ 4. Test case description 4 for testing _regressiontest_the function 4 --- Please modify _smoke_ 5. Test case description 5 for testing _regressiontest_the function 5 --- Please modify 6. Test case description 6 for testing the function 6 --- Please modify EOF ; } EOF1 ; $str =~ s/_testsuite1_/$tcName/g; print Fout $str; close Fout; print " -> c:/iiiiiiii/_testsuite1_/"; EOF3 ; $str =~ s/_testsuite1_/$tcName/g; print Fout $str; close Fout; print " -> $index\n"; EOFIndex3 ; my $fname ; if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { $fname = "$_TAF/bin/"; } if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $fname = "/tmp/"; } if ( -e $fname) {;} else { open Fout, ">$fname"; print Fout $str; close Fout; } # print " -> $fname\n"; } sub createTS_B { # $NofTCinTSTenplate is a global var my $cmd = $SvrProjName; my $tcDir = "c:/_TAF"; if (-e $cmd) {;} else { mkdir $cmd; } mkpath $cmd; open Fout, "> $cmd/"; my $tsNameTmp = &getRoot($cmd); my %tcDesc; my %tcExec; for (my $i = 1; $i <= $NofTCinTSTemplate; $i++) { $tcExec{"$i"}=" if (\$ARGV[0] == $i) { print \\\"pass\\\"; } # <<< plug in the test case 1 here e.g. print ` 1` ; >>>"; $tcDesc{"$i"}=" $i Test case Desc for TC$i"; } print Fout <<EOF; #!/usr/bin/perl.exe \$tcName = "$tsNameTmp"; if (\$^O =~ /win32/i) { \$_TAF = "c:"; } if (\$^O =~ /linux/i) { \$_TAF = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin"; } \$tcDir = "\$_TAF/\$tcName"; if (\$ARGV[0]) { open Fout, ">\$tcDir/_tcLogAppend.txt"; EOF my $ctr = 1; foreach my $each (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %tcExec) { print Fout "if (\$ARGV[0] == ".$ctr++.") \{print Fout \"$tcExec{$each}\"; print \"null\";\}\n"; } print Fout <<EOF; close Fout; } else { EOF print Fout "\nprint<<EOF;\n"; $ctr = 1; foreach my $each (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %tcDesc) { print Fout $ctr++.". $tcDesc{$each}\n"; } print Fout "EOF\n}\n"; close Fout; print " -> $cmd/\n"; } sub createTC { my $tc_pl=""; my $cmd=''; $cmd = shift; if ($cmd =~ /^\s*$/) { print "Warning: createTC lack the cmd. \n"; exit; } if ($cmd !~ /^\s*cmd\s*=/i) { unshift @_, $cmd; } ; my $tcNameRoot = "@_"; my $sleep = 0; if ($cmd =~ /sleep\s*=\s*(\d+)/ ) { $sleep = $1; } my $tcName = &getTCName("@_"); if( &detectTC($tcName) =~ /exists/ && ($cmd !~ /Over/i) && ( $overWriteTC =~ /n/i)) { # overwrite return "\n\tWarning $tcName already exist! (use -create;cmd=overwrite to overwrite)" ; } else { mkpath($tcName); ######################## tc.hta ########################## @_ = split "\/", $tcName; my $testsuite = $_[2]; my $testcase = $_[3]; my $now = &UnixDate(&DateCalc("now","+ 6 seconds") , "%H:%M:%S" ); if ($testsuite) {;} else { print "[Info] \$testsuite is null. Note \$tcName = $tcName\n"; $testsuite ="";} if ($testcase ) {;} else { print "[Info] \$testcase is null. Note \$tcName = $tcName\n"; $testcase = "";} my $tcNameIIS = $tcName; if ($tcNameIIS) {;} else { print "[Info] \$tcName is null, \$tcNameIIS = $c.':/inetpub/wwwroot/'\n"; $tcNameIIS = $c.':/inetpub/wwwroot/';} &createFile( $tcNameIIS.'/'.'tc.hta', " <html> <head> <script language=\"JavaScript\"> function RunFileHTTP(testsuite, testcase) { // alert(\"testsuite is \" + testsuite + \" testcase is \" + testcase ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject(\"WScript.Shell\"); cmd= '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /delete /tn TAF_'+ testsuite + '_' + testcase + ' /f'; sleep (1000); //alert (cmd); WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /create /TR \"$c\\\\$_TAF\\\\ testsuit='+testsuite+';testcaseExec='+testcase+';exec\" /TN TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase+' /sc monthly /mo 1 /F'; sleep (1000); //alert (cmd); WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd= '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /run /tn TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase; sleep (1000); //alert (cmd); WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); } function sleep(milliseconds) { var start = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) { if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){ break; } } } // <a onclick=\"RunFileHTTP(\'$testsuite\', \'$testcase\')\">Click this to run Run Program</button> <p> </script> </head> <body onLoad =\"RunFileHTTP(\'$testsuite\', \'$testcase\')\">Run $testsuite\/$testcase\/tc.hta</button> <p> </body> </html> " ); ######################## tc.hta ########################## if ($cmd =~ /\bPerf\b/i) { # PerformanceTC &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "\$| = 1; print \"1234567.89\\n\"; sleep $sleep; "); } elsif ($cmd =~ /\bExpectedFail\b/i) { # ExpectedFailedTC &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "\$| = 1; print \"Expected_f_a_i_l\\n\"; sleep $sleep; "); } elsif ($cmd =~ /\bexpF\b/i) { # ExpF for ExpectedFailedTC &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "\$| = 1; print \"expF\\n\"; sleep $sleep; "); } elsif ($cmd =~ /\bbugF\b/i) { # ExpF for ExpectedFailedTC &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "\$| = 1; print \"bugF\\n\"; sleep $sleep; "); } elsif ($cmd =~ /\bFail\b/i) { # FailedTC &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "\$| = 1; print \"fail\\n\"; sleep $sleep; "); } elsif ($cmd =~ /\bcustomTC\b/i) { # CustomTC $cmd=~ /customTC:\s*(.+)\s*:customTC/; $cmd =$1; if (defined $cmd) {;} else { $cmd="";} $cmd =~ s/_space_/ /; if ($cmd =~ /ps1\b/) { # Powershell plugin ########### &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "#!$perl_ use File::Copy;\n\$| = 1; if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" , \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.bak\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\", \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.bak\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\", \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.bak\");} print `powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -file $cmd $ps1_args`; # custom TC if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" , \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend.txt\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\", \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\");} if (-e \"$externalLogName\") {copy(\"$externalLogName\", \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\");} " ); ########### } elsif (($cmd =~ /pyanvil/i) &&( $tc_pl =~ /index_pyAnvil\.pl/i)) { # pyAnvil plugin ########### &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "#!$perl_ use File::Copy;\n\$| = 1; if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" , \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.bak\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\", \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.bak\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\", \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.bak\");} print `$perl_ $cmd $ps1_args`; # if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" , \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend.txt\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\", \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\");} if (-e \"$externalLogName\") {copy(\"$externalLogName\", \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\");} #if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\", \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\");} " ); ########### #} elsif ($cmd =~ /\S+\.pl\s*/) { # perl plugin } elsif ($cmd =~ /\S+\.pl\b/) { # perl plugin ########### &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "#!$perl_ use File::Copy;\n\$| = 1; if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" , \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.bak\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\", \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.bak\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\", \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.bak\");} print `$perl_ $cmd`; # $c/$_TAF/ if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend.txt\" , \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend.txt\");} if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\", \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend_.txt\");} if (-e \"$externalLogName\") {copy(\"$externalLogName\", \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\");} #if (-e \"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\" ) {move(\"".&getDir($cmd)."\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\", \"$tcName\/_tcLogAppend__.txt\");} " ); ########### } elsif ( $cmd =~ /taftestcase1/) { ########### &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "#!$perl_ \$| = 1; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=set_property1_as_propertyValue1_doit_`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=get_property1`; if ( \$rst =~ /propertyValue1/) { print \"pass\\n\";} else {print \"fail\\n\";} \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=set_property1_as_propertyValue0_doit_`; " ); ########### ; } elsif ( $cmd =~ /taftestcase2/) { ########### &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "#!$perl_ \$| = 1; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=set_property1_as_propertyValue1A_doit_`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=get_property1`; if ( \$rst =~ /propertyValue1A/) { print \"pass\\n\";} else {print \"fail\\n\";} \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=set_property1_as_propertyValue0_doit_`; " ); ########### ; } elsif ( $cmd =~ /taftestcase3/) { ########### &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "#!$perl_ \$| = 1; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOP=set_property2_as_propertyValue2_doit_`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=get_property2`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOP=get_property2`; if (( \$rst =~ /testcase1/) && (\$rst =~ /testcase2/) && (\$rst =~ /property2\\s*=\\s*propertyValue2/)) { print \"pass\\n\";} else {print \"fail\\n\";} \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=set_property1_as_propertyValue0_doit_`; " ); ########### ; } elsif ( $cmd =~ /taftestcase4/) { ########### &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "#!$perl_ \$| = 1; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOP=set_property2_as_propertyValue1_doit_`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOP=set_property2_as_propertyValue2_doit_`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOP=set_property2_as_propertyValue2A_doit_`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOP=set_property1_as_propertyValue1A_doit_`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}printTcFilters`; if (( \$rst =~ /property1\\s+propertyValue1A/) && (\$rst =~ /property2\\s+propertyValue2A/)) { print \"pass\\n\";} else {print \"fail\\n\";} \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=set_property1_as_propertyValue0_doit_`; \$rst = `$perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=_testcase2_${deli}propertyOP=set_property2_as_propertyValue0_doit_`; " ); ########### ; } elsif ( $cmd =~ /powershellTC/) { ########### &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, " " ); ########### ; } else { ; } } else { &createFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, "\$| = 1; print \"pass\\n\"; sleep $sleep; "); } &createPropertyTemplate($tcName); my $tmp =<<EOF; open Fout, '>$tcName/_tcLogAppend.txt'; #!/usr/bin/perl print Fout "* This is the content of TC log file\\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can has URL (file:///) pointed to <a href=\\"file:////$c/$_TAF/_blabla.html\\" >File Archieve</a> _url_line_ \\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can has URL (file:///) pointed to <a href=\\"file:////$c/$_TAF/_testsuite2_/testcase0002/_tcLog.html\\" >Another TC's Log _url_line_ </a>\\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can has URL (file:///) pointed to <a href=\\"file:////$c/$_TAF/index.htm\\" >TAF</a> _url_line_ \\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can has URL (http:///) pointed to <a href=\\"$urlHttp/_blabla.html\\" >File Archieve</a> _url_line_ \\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can has URL (http:///) pointed to <a href=\\"$urlHttp/_testsuite2_/testcase0002/_tcLog.html\\" >Another TC's Log _url_line_ </a>\\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can has URL (http:///) pointed to <a href=\\"$urlHttp/index.htm\\" >TAF</a> _url_line_ \\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can has special characters like Dollor \\\$, Percentage \\\% AT \\\@ \\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can display (add _url_line_ in the line) URL http://localhost$http_port _ url_line_line _url_line_ (_url_line_ indicates a real url. Not translation will be done.)\\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can parse log (*.txt) in log $c/$_TAF/_testLog.txt and add its Http and File links.\\n"; print Fout "* TC Log can parse log (*.txt) in log $c/$_TAF/_testLog.htm and add its Http and File links.\\n"; close Fout; exit; EOF if (($cmd =~ /genLog/i) || ($cmd =~ /addLog/i)) {&appendtoFile( $tcName.'/'.$tc_pl, $tmp) ; undef $tmp; } $tcName =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; # todo \\ return "is created"; } } sub execTC { my $tcName = &getTCName(@_); my $timeStart = &getDate(); my $rst='' ; if ( -e "$tcName/" ) { my $cmd = "$tcName/"; $rst = `$cmd`; my $timeEnd= &getDate() ; $rst =~ /(pass|fail|bugF|expF|todo|[\d|.]+)$/i; $rst = $1; if ($rst) {;} else {$rst = "null";} if (($rst =~ /Expected_f_a_i_l/i) || ($rst =~ /null/i)) { sleep 10; } $rst =~ s/^\s*0+//g; my $rstStr = sprintf "%20s|%10s|%s", "tcRunResult",$rst , $timeStart ; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "$timeEnd"; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "0:0:0:0s"; $rstStr .= "|"; if ( $rst =~ /^\s*[\d+|\.]+\s*$/ ) { $rstStr .= "Performance Test ($rst) "; } else { $rstStr .= "Functional Test ($rst) "; } $rstStr .= '|comment2'; &addProperty(&getTCName($tcName), "add=$rstStr"); return $rst; } else { return "tcName: $tcName doesn't exist.\n"; } } sub dumyTC_ { # create a dumy tc result my $tcName = &getTCName(@_); my $timeStart = &getDate(); my $rst=''; if ( -e "$tcName/$tc_pl" ) { my $cmd = "$tcName/$tc_pl"; $rst = "dump"; my $timeEnd= &getDate(); $rst = "dumy"; if ($rst) {;} else {$rst = "null";} my $rstStr = sprintf "%20s|%10s|%s", "tcRunResult",$rst , $timeStart; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "$timeEnd"; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "0:0:0:0s"; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "Functional Test ($rst) "; $rstStr .= '|'.$tcComment2; &addProperty(&getTCName($tcName), "add=$rstStr"); return $rst; } else { return "tcName: $tcName doesn't exist.\n"; } } sub markTC_ { my $tcName = &getTCName(@_); my $timeStart = &getDate(); my $rst=''; if ( -e "$tcName/$tc_pl" ) { my $cmd = "$tcName/$tc_pl"; $rst = "mark"; # $rst = `$cmd`; my $timeEnd= &getDate(); $rst =~ /(mark|pass|fail|bugF|expF|todo|[\d|.]+)$/i; $rst = $1; if ($rst) {;} else {$rst = "null";} $rst =~ s/^\s*0+//g; my $rstStr = sprintf "%20s|%10s|%s", "tcRunResult",$rst , $timeStart; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "$timeEnd"; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "0:0:0:0s"; $rstStr .= "|"; if ( $rst =~ /^\s*[\d+|\.]+\s*$/ ) { $rstStr .= "Performance Test ($rst) "; } else { $rstStr .= "Functional Test ($rst) "; } $rstStr .= '|'.$tcComment2; &addProperty(&getTCName($tcName), "add=$rstStr"); return $rst; } else { return "tcName: $tcName doesn't exist.\n"; } } sub execTC_ { my $tcName = &getTCName(@_); my $timeStart = &getDate(); my $rst=''; if ( -e "$tcName/$tc_pl" ) { my $cmd = "$perl_ $tcName/$tc_pl"; $rst = `$cmd`; my $timeEnd= &getDate(); $rst =~ /(pass|fail|todo|bugF|expF|expected_f_a_i_l|task|[\d|.]+)$/i; $rst = $1; if ($rst) { if ($rst =~ /expected_f_a_i_l/) { $rst = "expF"; } ;} else {$rst = "null";} $rst =~ s/^\s*0+//g; my $rstStr = sprintf "%20s|%10s|%s", "tcRunResult",$rst , $timeStart; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "$timeEnd"; $rstStr .= "|"; $rstStr .= "0:0:0:0s"; $rstStr .= "|"; if ( $rst =~ /^\s*[\d+|\.]+\s*$/ ) { $rstStr .= "Performance Test ($rst) "; } elsif ( $rst =~ /task/i ) { $rstStr .= "Task "; } else { $rstStr .= "Functional Test ($rst) "; } $rstStr .= '|comment2PlaceHolder'; &addProperty(&getTCName($tcName), "add=$rstStr"); return $rst; } else { return "tcName: $tcName doesn't exist.\n"; } } sub mapTC { my $tcName = &getTCName(@_); my $timeStart = &getDate(); my $rst=''; if ( -e "$tcName/$tc_pl" ) { if (-e "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tcMap.txt") { my $tcName_ = &getTCName($tcName); $tcName_ =~ s/$c\/$_TAF\///i; &mergethProperty($tcName_,"$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tcMap.txt"); } return $rst; } else { return "tcName: $tcName doesn't exist.\n"; } } sub mergethProperty { my $thPropertyString ="_CRB_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_pl/testcase0002"; $thPropertyString= shift if @_; my $tcMapFName = "_tcMap.txt"; $tcMapFName = shift if @_; my $propertyName = "tcRunResult";my %records; my %record_out; my $tag = "tag"; my $content_out=""; my $parent=""; my $child; open Fin, $tcMapFName; while ($_=<Fin>) { chop; if ($_ =~ /$thPropertyString/) { my $thPropertyFName; $content_out = ""; ($parent, $child) = split (/\s*=>\s*/, $_); if (($parent !~ /^\s*$/) && ($child !~ /^\s*$/)) { $thPropertyFName=$parent."/thProperty.txt"; if ($thPropertyFName !~ /$c\/$_TAF/) {$thPropertyFName =~ s/$c/$c\/$_TAF/;} # TS->TAF TS conversion open Fin1, $thPropertyFName or die "Can't open $thPropertyFName:$!"; while ($_ = <Fin1>) { if ($_ =~ /$tags/) { $tag=$1;} # todo if ($_ =~ /^\s*$propertyName\s*\|/) { @_ = split (/\|/, $_); $records{$_[2]}=$_; } else { $content_out = $content_out.$_; } } close Fin1; $thPropertyFName=$child."/thProperty.txt"; if ($thPropertyFName !~ /$c\/$_TAF/){ $thPropertyFName =~ s/$c/$c\/$_TAF/;} # TS->TAF TS conversion if ( -e $thPropertyFName ) { ; } else { return ;} open Fin1, "$thPropertyFName" or die "Can't open $thPropertyFName:$!"; while ($_ = <Fin1>) { if ($_ =~ /$tags/i) { $tag=$1;} # todo if ($_ =~ /^\s*$propertyName\s*\|/) { $_ =~ s/Comment2\s*$/$tag/i; @_ = split (/\|/, $_); $records{$_[2]}=$_; } } close Fin1; } } } close Fin; if (-e $parent) { open Fout1, ">$parent/thProperty.txt_"; print Fout1 $content_out; foreach my $each (sort keys %records) {print Fout1 "$records{$each}\n"; } close Fout1; ©File("$parent/thProperty.txt_", "$parent/thProperty.txt"); } } sub deleteTC { if ($_[1]) { $SvrProjName = $_[1];} if ($_[2]) { $SvrDrive = $_[2];} my $tcName = &getTCName(@_); #### todo backup deleted TCs. move ($tcName, $tcName."_". &UnixDate( "now", "%m_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S_%Z" ) ."_backup"); rmtree $tcName; return "$tcName is deleted (saved as *_backup)"; } sub detectTC { if ($_[1]) { $SvrProjName = $_[1];} if ($_[2]) { $SvrDrive = $_[2];} my $tcName = ''; $tcName = &getTCName(@_); if (-e "$tcName/" ) { return "exists"; } else { return 'does not exist';} } sub getTSName { my $tsname = shift; $tsname =~ s/\/testcase\d+.+//g; return $tsname; } sub getTCName { my $SvrProjNameTmp; my $SvrDriveTmp; my $SvrTCNameTmp="" ; $SvrTCNameTmp = shift if @_; if ($notUsegetTCName==1) { return $SvrTCName; } # Do nothing if ($SvrTCNameTmp) {;} else { $SvrTCNameTmp = $SvrTCName; } # get current SvrTCName if ($SvrProjNameTmp) {;} else { $SvrProjNameTmp = $SvrProjName; } # do nothing if ($SvrDriveTmp) {;} else { $SvrDriveTmp = $SvrDrive; } # do nothing if ($SvrTCNameTmp =~ /[a-z]:/i) { return $SvrTCNameTmp; } # remove c: elsif ($SvrTCNameTmp =~ /$c/i) { return $SvrTCNameTmp; } # remove c: else { return ($SvrDriveTmp.'/'.$SvrProjNameTmp.'/'.$SvrTCNameTmp) ; } # c:/testcase/testsuite } sub getTCNameStr{ my $SvrTCNameStr = shift; @_ = split /\\|\//, $SvrTCNameStr; pop; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : processProperty # Function: wrapper for property management functions # Input Parameters: PropertyOP # Output/Returns : tcName and propertyOp ################################################################################ sub processProperty { shift; my $tcname = shift; my $propertyOP = shift; my $rst=""; my $prMsg=0; #### PropertyOp String Translation $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*propertyOp\s*=//g; $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*po\s*=//g; $propertyOP =~ s/_doit_//g; if ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?modify_(.+)_(as|eq)_(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "add_eq_$1_column_$3"; } if ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?set_(.+)_(as|eq)_(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "add_eq_$1_column_$3"; } elsif ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?get_history(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "get_history$1"; } elsif ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?list_history(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "get_history$1"; } elsif ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?get_latest(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "get_latest$1"; } elsif ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?list_latest(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "get_latest$1"; } elsif ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?get_last(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "get_last$1"; } elsif ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?list_last(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "get_last$1"; } elsif ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?get_(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "get_$1"; } elsif ($propertyOP =~ /^\s*_?list_(.+)/) { $propertyOP = "get_$1"; } #### PropertyOp String Translation if (defined $propertyOP) {;} else { $rst = "Warning: wrong format. Correct format is -add=prop:value"; return $rst; } if ($propertyOP =~ /;\s*pr2Screen\s*/) { $prMsg = 1; $propertyOP =~ s/;\s*pr2Screen\s*(=\s*\d*\s*)?//; } if ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*add/i ) { $rst = &addProperty( &getTCName($tcname), $propertyOP ); } elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*del/i ) { $rst = &deleteProperty( &getTCName($tcname), $propertyOP ); } elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*reset/i ) { ; } # copy to a backup and create a property file elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*modify/i ) { $rst = &modifyProperty( &getTCName($tcname), $propertyOP ); } elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*get_history|list_history_/i ) { $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*get_history_+\s*//g; $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*list_history_+\s*//g; $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname), $propertyOP, "history" ); } elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*get_latest|list_latest/i ) { $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*get_latest_+\s*//g; $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*list_latest_+\s*//g; $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname), $propertyOP, "latest" ); } elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*get_last|list_last/i ) { $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*get_last_+\s*//g; $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*list_last_+\s*//g; $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname), $propertyOP, "last" ); } elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*get|list/i ) { $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*get_\s*//g; $propertyOP =~ s/^\s*list_\s*//g; if ($propertyOP =~ /;/ ) { @_ = split /;/, $propertyOP ; $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname), $_[0], $_[1]); } else { $rst = &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname), $propertyOP, "value" ); } } elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*create/i ) { $rst = &createPropertyTemplate($tcname); } elsif ( $propertyOP =~ /^\s*match|filter/i ) { if ($propertyOP =~ s/^\s*match\s*_//g) { $propertyOP =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*_(as|eq)_\s*(\S+)\s*/; $rst = &matchProperty($1, $3, $tcname); } } else { $rst = sprintf "ProcessProperty (no match OP) %40s %20s", $tcname, $propertyOP; } if (($rst) && ($rst =~ /^\s*$/)) { $rst = "_noMatchedPropertyOP_";} if ((defined $prMsg) && ($prMsg ==1)) { print $rst;} if ($rst) { return $rst; } else { return "doen't exist"; } } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : matchProperties # Function: return true/false # Input Parameters: Property Name in regExp # Output/Returns : True/False ################################################################################ sub matchProperty { # &matchProperty("QAOwner","ywang", "TC_tc1"); my $propertyName = ".*"; my $propertyPattern = ".*"; my %array; my $tcname = "TC_tc1"; $propertyName = shift if (@_); $propertyPattern= shift if (@_); $tcname = shift if (@_); if (&getProperties(&getTCName($tcname), "" ) =~ /info:There is no/ ) { return "False"; } foreach my $each (split /\n/, &getProperties(&getTCName($tcname), "", "_all_")) { $each =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*$/; $array {$1} = $2; } foreach my $each (sort keys %array) { if (($array{$each} =~ /$propertyPattern/) && ( $each =~ /$propertyName/)) { return "True\n$each:$array{$each}"; } } return 'False'; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : getProperties # Function: return Test Case Property # Input Parameters: Property Name (regExp) (tcName, tcPattern, value) # Output/Returns : Property Value ################################################################################ sub getProperties() { # get TC Property Names (TH:TC Managements) my %array; my $returnValue; my $tcname ; $tcname = shift if @_ ; my $propertyOp ; $propertyOp = shift if @_ ; my $returnType= 'latest'; $returnType = shift if @_ ; if ($propertyOp =~ s/^\s*add\s*=\s*//ig) {;} elsif ($propertyOp =~ s/^\s*_eq_\s*//g) {;} elsif ($propertyOp =~ s/\s*_eq_\s*/=/g) {;} elsif ($propertyOp =~ s/_column_/:/g) {;} if ($propertyOp =~ /_all_/) { $returnType = "_all_"; $propertyOp =~ s/_all_//g; } # if ( -e "$tcname/thProperty.txt" ) { ; } else { return "info:There is no $_[0]/thProperty.txt here";} if ( -e "$tcname/thProperty.txt" ) { ; } else { return "info:There is no $tcname/thProperty.txt here";} open Fin, "$tcname/thProperty.txt" || die "Can't open file:$!"; while ( $_ = <Fin> ) { #local @ARGV ; my $propertyFName ; $propertyFName = "$tcname/thProperty.txt"; push @ARGV, $propertyFName if (-e $propertyFName ); #$propertyFName = "$tcname/thPropertyLink.txt"; #if (-e $propertyFName) { open Fin, $propertyFName; @_ = <Fin>; close Fin; foreach my $each (@_) { if (-e $each) { push @ARGV, $each."/thProperty.txt"; } } } # while ( $_ = <> ) { @_= split /\|/, $_; my $propertyName_ = $_[0]; my $propertyValue_ = $_[1]; $propertyName_ =~ s/^\s*//g; $propertyName_ =~ s/\s*$//g; my $propertyStartTime = $_[2]; if (($propertyName_ !~ /^\s*$/) && ( $propertyValue_ !~ /^\s*$/)) { if (($propertyName_ =~ /$propertyOp/i) || ( $propertyOp eq '')) { # PropertyPattern Filter if ($returnType =~ /^\s*$/) { $returnValue .= sprintf "%-20s=%s\n",$propertyName_, $propertyValue_; } elsif ($returnType =~ /values/i) { $returnValue .= sprintf "%s\n", $propertyValue_; } elsif ($returnType =~ /_all_/i) { $propertyValue_ =~ s/^\s*//g; $propertyValue_ =~ s/\s*$//g; $returnValue = sprintf "\t%s\n", $propertyValue_; } elsif ($returnType =~ /history/i) { $returnValue .= sprintf "%-20s=%s \@ $propertyStartTime\n",$propertyName_, $propertyValue_; } elsif ($returnType =~ /\blatest\b/i) { $returnValue = "$propertyValue_\n"; } elsif ($returnType =~ /\blast\b/i) { if ($propertyValue_ !~ /dumy/) { $returnValue = "$propertyValue_\n"; } } elsif ($returnType =~ /\bvalue\b/i) { $returnValue = sprintf "%s\n", $propertyValue_; } } $array{$propertyName_} = $returnValue; } } close Fin; $returnValue = "\n"; if ($returnType =~ /_all_/i) { foreach my $each (sort keys %array) { $returnValue .= sprintf "%20s%s", $each, $array{$each}; } return $returnValue; } else { $returnValue = $array{$propertyOp} ; if ($returnValue ) { $returnValue =~ s/\s*\n\s*$//g; if ($returnValue =~ /^\s*$/) { $returnValue = "_noMatch_";} ; return $returnValue; } else { return ""; } } } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : modfyProperty # Function: modify Test Case Property # Input Parameters: Test Case Property Name # Output/Returns : updated c:\TC_*\thProperty.txt # Subroutine Name : # Function: # Input Parameters: # Output/Returns : ################################################################################ sub modifyProperty() { # modify TC Property (TH:TC Managements) my $tcname = $_[0]; my $propertyName = $_[1]; my $propertyValue ; if ($propertyName =~ s/^\s*modify\s*_\s*//g) { $propertyName =~ /(\w+)\s*_as_\s*(\w+)\s*/; $propertyName = $1; $propertyValue = $2; } my $cmdStr = "delete=$propertyName"; &deleteProperty( $tcname, $cmdStr ); $cmdStr = "add_${propertyName}_column_${propertyValue}"; # todo print "pa; addProperty\n"; &addProperty( $tcname, $cmdStr ); return "$propertyName is modified to $propertyValue for $tcname"; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : deleteProperty # Function: delete Test Case Property # Input Parameters: Test Case Property Name # Output/Returns : update c:\TC_*\thProperty.txt ################################################################################ sub deleteProperty() { # delete TC Property (TH:TC Managements) my $fname = "$_[0]/thProperty.txt"; my $fout = $fname; $fout =~ s/\.txt/_Dumpster\.txt/; my $propertyName = $_[1]; if ($propertyName !~ /\s*del\S*\s*_\s*/) { return "Warning: wrong format -del=prop1;pr2Screen";} else { $propertyName =~ s/^\s*del\S*\s*_\s*//g; $propertyName =~ s/:\s*\S*//; } my %array ; open Fin, "$fname"; @_ = <Fin>; close Fin; open Fout, ">>$fout"; foreach my $each (@_) { if ( $each =~ /^\s*$propertyName\s*\|/i ) { print Fout "$each"; } } close Fout; open Fout, ">${fname}" || die "Can't open $fname:$!"; foreach my $each (@_) { if ( $each !~ /^\s*$propertyName\s*\|/i ) { print Fout "$each"; } } close Fout; return "$propertyName is deleted from $fname"; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : createPropertyTemplate # Function: # Input Parameters: # Output/Returns : ################################################################################ sub createPropertyTemplate() { # create TC Property File (TH:TC Managements) my $timeStr = getDate(); $timeStr = "|$timeStr|$timeStr|0:0:0:0s|Comment1|Comment2"; my $tcDesc = "@_"; my $fname = "@_/thProperty.txt"; if (-e $fname) { open Fout, ">>$fname"; } else { open Fout, ">$fname";} printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'tcId','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'tcDesc',$tcDesc,$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'tcSPR','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'tcSCR','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'QA','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'modolID','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'priority','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'openSPR','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'tcID','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'tcOwner','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'tcId','null',$timeStr; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n", 'resultN','null',$timeStr; close Fout; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : addProperty # Function: add Test Case Property # Input Parameters: Test Case Property Name # Output/Returns : updated c:\TC_*\thProperty.txt ################################################################################ sub addProperty() { # add TC Property (TH:TC Managements) my $timeStr = &getDate(); $timeStr = "|$timeStr|$timeStr|0:0:0:0s|comment1|comment2"; my $fname = "$_[0]/thProperty.txt"; my $propertyName = $_[1]; $propertyName =~ s/^\s*add\s*=//g; $propertyName =~ s/^\s*add\s*_eq_\s*//g; if (-e $_[0]) {;} else { mkpath $_[0]; } open Fout, ">>$fname"; if ($propertyName =~ /\|/) { # for tcRunResult $propertyName =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*\|\s*(\S+)\s*\|(.+)\s*$/; my $propName = $1 ; my $propValue = $2 ; my $propComment = $3 ; $propValue =~ s/_space_/ /g ; $propValue =~ s/_eq_/=/g ; $propValue =~ s/_column_/:/g ; printf Fout "%20s|%10s|%s\n",$propName, $propValue,$propComment; } else { $propertyName =~ /^\s*(\S+)_column_(\S+)\s*/; my $propName = $1 ; my $propValue = $2 ; $propName = &match1stRegexp($propertyName, "_column_"); $propValue= &matchRestRegexp($propertyName, "_column_"); if ($propName && $propValue) { $propValue =~ s/_column_/:/g ; $propValue =~ s/_space_/ /g ; $propValue =~ s/_eq_/=/g ; $propValue =~ s/___/ /g ; $propName =~ s/^\s*add\s*=//g ; $propName =~ s/_space_/ /g ; printf Fout "%20s|%10s%s\n",$propName, $propValue,$timeStr; } } close Fout; return "$propertyName is added to $fname"; } sub printGlobalVars { my $return=<<EOF; ##################### Frequently Used Setting #################### web_ui_title =$web_ui_title tags =$tags ps1_args =$ps1_args Execution_24_7 =$Execution_24_7 Execution_24_7_title =$Execution_24_7_title Execution_local_only =$Execution_local_only outputFromat =$outputFormat (text,noOutput -todo ,html-todo) htmlRefreshRate =$htmlRefreshRate htmlRefreshRateWebUI =$htmlRefreshRateWebUI htmlRefreshRateLogUI =$htmlRefreshRateLogUI ##################### WebUI Setting #################### excelReportColumnWidth =$excelReportColumnWidth pr2Screen =$pr2Screen webUI_TCDescWidth =$webUI_TCDescWidth scrollAmount =$scrollAmount borderWidth =$borderWidth borderStyle =$borderStyle passFailDisplayWidth =$passFailDisplayWidth maxPassFailDisplayWidth =$maxPassFailDisplayWidth tsPropertyWidth =$tsPropertyWidth webUITreeViewLevel =$webUITreeViewLevel ##################### TAF Default Settings #################### ip =$ip c =$c taf =$taf _TAF =$_TAF overWriteTC =$overWriteTC reportHtmlSummaryScale =$reportHtmlSummaryScale reportHtmlSummaryScaleMajor =$reportHtmlSummaryScaleMajor testcaseNode =$testcaseNode NofExecution =$NofExecution ExecutionLength =$ExecutionLength tsFilter =$tsFilter tcComment1 =$tcComment1 tcComment2 =$tcComment2 MaxTCExecTime =$MaxTCExecTime TSHookName =$TSHookName TSHookNameGenerated =$TSHookNameGenerated TSHookIsPerl =$TSHookIsPerl interact =$interact tcPropertyPatternName =$tcPropertyPatternName tcPropertyPatternPattern =$tcPropertyPatternPattern tcPropertyPatternName1 =$tcPropertyPatternName1 tcPropertyPatternPattern1 =$tcPropertyPatternPattern1 tcPropertyPatternName2 =$tcPropertyPatternName2 tcPropertyPatternPattern2 =$tcPropertyPatternPattern2 tcPropertyPatternName3 =$tcPropertyPatternName3 tcPropertyPatternPattern3 =$tcPropertyPatternPattern3 tcPropertyName =$tcPropertyName tcNamePattern =$tcNamePattern tcOp =$tcOp tcCtr =$tcCtr tcDelta =$tcDelta markSymbol =$markSymbol tsFilterDefault =$tsFilterDefault tcFilterDefault =$tcFilterDefault SvrDrive =$SvrDrive SvrProjName_ignore =$SvrProjName SvrTCName_ignore =$SvrTCName SvrTCNamePattern =$SvrTCNamePattern SvrPropNamePattern =$SvrPropNamePattern SvrPropValuePattern =$SvrPropValuePattern SvrTCNameExecPattern =$SvrTCNameExecPattern exitTAFGracefullyLock =$exitTAFGracefullyLock performanceMode =$performanceMode resetTSFileName =$resetTSFileName externalLogName =$externalLogName commandLogName =$commandLogName commandLogLifeSpan =$commandLogLifeSpan testType =$testType AutomationtsName =$AutomationtsName tsProperty =$tsProperty sleep4Display =$sleep4Display createOrAppendTS =$createOrAppendTS NofTCinTSTemplate =$NofTCinTSTemplate EOF } ################ sub printTSGlobalVars { my $return=<<EOF; ##################### Frequently Used Setting #################### Execution_24_7 =$Execution_24_7 Execution_24_7_title =$Execution_24_7_title Execution_local_only =$Execution_local_only htmlRefreshRate =$htmlRefreshRate htmlRefreshRateWebUI =$htmlRefreshRateWebUI htmlRefreshRateLogUI =$htmlRefreshRateLogUI ##################### WebUI Setting #################### EOF } sub printTCGlobalVars { my $return=<<EOF; ##################### Frequently Used Setting #################### Execution_24_7 =$Execution_24_7 Execution_24_7_title =$Execution_24_7_title Execution_local_only =$Execution_local_only htmlRefreshRate =$htmlRefreshRate htmlRefreshRateWebUI =$htmlRefreshRateWebUI htmlRefreshRateLogUI =$htmlRefreshRateLogUI ##################### WebUI Setting #################### EOF } ############### # sub readTAFTCVars { open Fin, "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/$SvrTCName/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; while (<Fin>) { chop; if ($_ =~ /(.+)=(.+)/ ) { &readTAFGlobalVars1($1, $2); } }; close Fin; } sub readTAFTCVars { open Fin, "$SvrTCName/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; while (<Fin>) { chop; if ($_ =~ /(.+)=(.+)/ ) { &readTAFGlobalVars1($1, $2); } }; close Fin; } sub readTAFTSVars { open Fin, "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; while (<Fin>) { chop; if ($_ =~ /(.+)=(.+)/ ) { &readTAFGlobalVars1($1, $2); } }; close Fin; } sub readTAFGlobalVars { open Fin, "$c/$_TAF/_tafGlobalVars.txt" ; while (<Fin>) { chop; if ($_ =~ /(.+)=(.+)/ ) { &readTAFGlobalVars1($1, $2); } } close Fin; } sub readTAFGlobalVars1 { my $varName = shift; my $varValue = shift; $varName =~ s/^\s*//g; $varName =~ s/\s*$//g; $varValue =~ s/^\s*//g; $varValue=~ s/\s*$//g; if ($varName eq "web_ui_title" ) { $web_ui_title = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tags" ) { $tags = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "ps1_args" ) { $ps1_args = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "excelReportColumnWidth" ) { $excelReportColumnWidth = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "testcaseNode" ) { $testcaseNode = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "pr2Screen" ) { $pr2Screen = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "webUI_TCDescWidth" ) { $webUI_TCDescWidth = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "webUITreeViewLevel" ) { $webUITreeViewLevel = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "scrollAmount" ) { $scrollAmount = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "borderWidth" ) { $borderWidth = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "borderStyle" ) { $borderStyle = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "passFailDisplayWidth" ) { $passFailDisplayWidth = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "maxPassFailDisplayWidth" ) { $maxPassFailDisplayWidth = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "reportHtmlSummaryScale" ) { $reportHtmlSummaryScale = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "reportHtmlSummaryScaleMajor" ) { $reportHtmlSummaryScaleMajor = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tsPropertyWidth" ) { $tsPropertyWidth = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "c" ) { $c = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "taf" ) { $taf = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "_TAF" ) { $_TAF = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "Execution_24_7" ) { $Execution_24_7 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "Execution_24_7_title" ) { $Execution_24_7_title = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "Execution_local_only" ) { $Execution_local_only = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "Execution_from_cgi" ) { $Execution_from_cgi = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "NofExecution" ) { $NofExecution = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "ExecutionLength" ) { $ExecutionLength = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tsFilter" ) { $tsFilter = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcComment1" ) { $tcComment1 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcComment2" ) { $tcComment2 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "MaxTCExecTime" ) { $MaxTCExecTime = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "TSHookName" ) { $TSHookName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "TSHookNameGenerated" ) { $TSHookNameGenerated = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "interact" ) { $interact = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyPatternName" ) { $tcPropertyPatternName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyPatternPattern" ) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyPatternName1" ) { $tcPropertyPatternName1 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyPatternPattern1" ) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern1 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyPatternName2" ) { $tcPropertyPatternName2 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyPatternPattern2" ) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern2 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyPatternName3" ) { $tcPropertyPatternName3 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyPatternPattern3" ) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern3 = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcPropertyName" ) { $tcPropertyName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcNamePattern" ) { $tcNamePattern = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcOp" ) { $tcOp = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcCtr" ) { $tcCtr = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcDelta" ) { $tcDelta = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "markSymbol" ) { $markSymbol = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tsFilterDefault" ) { $tsFilterDefault = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tcFilterDefault" ) { $tcFilterDefault = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "SvrDrive" ) { $SvrDrive = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "SvrProjName" ) { $SvrProjName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "SvrTCName" ) { $SvrTCName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "SvrTCNamePattern" ) { $SvrTCNamePattern = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "SvrPropNamePattern" ) { $SvrPropNamePattern = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "SvrPropValuePattern" ) { $SvrPropValuePattern = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "SvrTCNameExecPattern" ) { $SvrTCNameExecPattern = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "exitTAFGracefullyLock" ) { $exitTAFGracefullyLock = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "performanceMode" ) { $performanceMode = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tsFrom" ) { $tsFrom = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tsTo" ) { $tsTo = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "resetTSFileName" ) { $resetTSFileName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "externalLogName" ) { $externalLogName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "commandLogName" ) { $commandLogName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "commandLogLifeSpan" ) { $commandLogLifeSpan = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "testType" ) { $testType = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "AutomationtsName" ) { $AutomationtsName = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "tsProperty" ) { $tsProperty = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "TsHookIsPerl" ) { $TSHookIsPerl = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "createOrAppendTS" ) { $createOrAppendTS = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "htmlRefreshRate" ) { $htmlRefreshRate = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "htmlRefreshRateWebUI" ) { $htmlRefreshRateWebUI = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "NofTCinTSTemplate" ) { $NofTCinTSTemplate = $varValue; } if ($varName eq "testcaseNode" ) { $testcaseNode = $varValue; # &updateTAFGlobalVars(); if ($testcaseNode =~ /_null_/) { $testcaseNode = "";} } } sub getGlobalVars_old { my $return = <<EOF; \$ip = $ip \$c = $c \$_TAF = $_TAF \$SvrDrive = $SvrDrive \$SvrProjName = $SvrProjName \$SvrTCName = $SvrTCName \$SvrTCNamePattern = $SvrTCNamePattern \$SvrTCNameExecPattern = $SvrTCNameExecPattern \$tcOp = $tcOp \$SvrPropNamePattern = $SvrPropNamePattern \$SvrPropValuePattern = $SvrPropValuePattern \$pr2Screen = $pr2Screen \$tc_pl = $tc_pl \$tsDriver = $tsDriver \$web_ui_title = $web_ui_title \$workingDir = $workingDir \$tcIdMin = $tcIdMin \$tcPropertyPatternPattern = $tcPropertyPatternPattern \$tcPropertyPatternName = $tcPropertyPatternName \$ps1_args = $ps1_args \$sleep4Display = $sleep4Display \$Execution_24_7 = $Execution_24_7 \$NofExecution = $NofExecution \$ExecutionLength = $ExecutionLength \$ExecutionType = $ExecutionType \$performanceMode = $performanceMode \$testcaseNode = $testcaseNode \$testType = $testType \$tsTo = $tsTo \$tsFrom = $tsFrom \$sleep4Display = $sleep4Display \$makeMark = $makeMark \$externalLogName = $externalLogName \$tags = $tags EOF return $return; } sub setGlobalVars { shift; @_ = split /;/, shift; my $foundMatch = 0; foreach my $each (@_) { my $varName = ""; my $varValue = ""; if ($each =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)?\s*/) { $varName = $1; $varValue = $2; } elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)?\s*/) { $varName =$1; $varValue = "";} if ($varName =~ /SysDrive/i) { $SvrDrive = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /SvrDrive/i) { $SvrDrive = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /SvrProjName/i) { $SvrProjName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /SvrTCName\b/i) { $SvrTCName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /SvrTCNamePattern\b/i) { $SvrTCNamePattern = $varValue; $SvrTCNameExecPattern = $SvrTCNamePattern; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /SvrTCNameExecPattern/i) { $SvrTCNameExecPattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /SvrPropNamePattern\b/i) { $SvrPropNamePattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /SvrPropValuePattern/i) { $SvrPropValuePattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bDrive\b/i) { $SvrDrive = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bProjName\b/i) { $SvrProjName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTCName\b/i) { $SvrTCName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTCNamePattern\b/i) { $SvrTCNamePattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTCNameExecPattern/i) { $SvrTCNameExecPattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcOp\b/i) { $tcOp= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bPropNamePattern\b/i) { $SvrPropNamePattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bPropValuePattern\b/i) { $SvrPropValuePattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTestSuit\b/i) { $SvrProjName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $SvrProjName =~ s/\\/\//g; $SvrProjName =~ s/$c\/$_TAF\///; } elsif ($varName =~ /\bTestSuite\b/i) { $SvrProjName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $SvrProjName =~ s/\\/\//g; $SvrProjName =~ s/$c\/$_TAF\///;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bsubTestSuite\b/i) { $SvrProjNameSub = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $SvrProjNameSub =~ s/\\/\//g; $SvrProjNameSub =~ s/$c\/$_TAF\///;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTestSuiteSub\b/i) { $SvrProjNameSub = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $SvrProjNameSub =~ s/\\/\//g; $SvrProjNameSub =~ s/$c\/$_TAF\///;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTCNameFilter\b/i) { $SvrTCNamePattern = $varValue;$foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTCNameExecFilter\b/i) { $SvrTCNameExecPattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTestCaseExec\b/i) { $SvrTCNameExecPattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTestCase\b/i) { $SvrTCNamePattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bPropNameFilter\b/i) { $SvrPropNamePattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bPropValueFilter\b/i) { $SvrPropValuePattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcPropertyName\b/i) { $tcPropertyName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btsuit\b/i) { $SvrProjName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btname\b/i) { $SvrTCNamePattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bpname\b/i) { $SvrPropNamePattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bpvalue\b/i) { $SvrPropValuePattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btop\b/i) { $tcOp= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bts\b/i) { $SvrProjName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btn\b/i) { $SvrTCNamePattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btc\b/i) { $SvrTCNamePattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btne\b/i) { $SvrTCNameExecPattern = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bop\b/i) { $tcOp= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bpr2Screen\b/i) { $pr2Screen= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bnotUsegetTCName\b/i) { $notUsegetTCName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btc_pl\b/i) { $tc_pl= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcDriver\b/i) { $tc_pl= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btsDriver\b/i) { $tsDriver = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bweb_ui_title\b/i) { $web_ui_title= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $web_ui_title =~ s/___/ /g;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bworkingDir\b/i) { $workingDir= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $workingDir =~ s/\\/\//g;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcIdMin\b/i) { $tcIdMin = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName=~/\btcPropertyPatternPattern\b/i){ $tcPropertyPatternPattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $tcPropertyPatternPattern =~ s/_pipe_/\|/gi;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcPropertyPatternName\b/i){ $tcPropertyPatternName= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName=~/\btcFilterFilter\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $tcPropertyPatternPattern =~ s/_pipe_/\|/gi;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcFilterName\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternName= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btppp\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $tcPropertyPatternPattern =~ s/_pipe_/\|/gi;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btppn\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternName= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btppp1\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern1= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $tcPropertyPatternPattern =~ s/_pipe_/\|/gi;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btppn1\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternName1= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btppp2\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern2= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $tcPropertyPatternPattern =~ s/_pipe_/\|/gi;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btppn2\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternName2= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btppp2\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern3= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $tcPropertyPatternPattern =~ s/_pipe_/\|/gi;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btppn2\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternName3= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bkeyValue\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternPattern= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $tcPropertyPatternPattern =~ s/_pipe_/\|/gi;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bkey\b/i) { $tcPropertyPatternName= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcFilters\b/i) { $varValue =~ /(.+)_matches_(.+)/; $tcPropertyPatternName = $1; $tcPropertyPatternPattern = $2; $foundMatch = 1; } elsif ($varName =~ /\bps1_args\b/i) { $ps1_args = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $ps1_args =~ s/___/ /ig;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bsleep4Display\b/i) { $sleep4Display = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcDelay\b/i) { $sleep4Display = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bc\b/i) { $c = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\b_TAF\b/i) { $_TAF = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bExecution_24_7\b/i) { $Execution_24_7 = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bNofExecution\b/i) { $NofExecution = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bExecutionLength\b/i) { $ExecutionLength = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bExecutionType\b/i) { $ExecutionType = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bperformanceMode\b/i) { $performanceMode = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bpm\b/i) { $performanceMode = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bpropertyOp\b/i) { $propertyOp = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $propertyOp =~ s/_null_//ig;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bpo\b/i) { $propertyOp = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; $propertyOp =~ s/_null_//ig;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btsFilter\b/i) { $tsFilter = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bSUTSymbol\b/i) { $SUTSymbol = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btsFilterDefault\b/i) { $tsFilterDefault = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bnotUsegetTCName\b/i) { $notUsegetTCName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTSHookName\b/i) { $TSHookName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTSHookNameGenerated\b/i) { $TSHookNameGenerated = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btestcaseNode\b/i) { $testcaseNode = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; if ($testcaseNode =~ /_null_/) {$testcaseNode = "";}; } elsif ($varName =~ /\btestType\b/i) { $testType = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1; #if ($testcaseNode !~ /^\s*$/) { if ($testType =~ /tc/i) { $testcaseNode = ".*";} if ($testType =~ /ts/i) { $testcaseNode = "testcase";} #} } elsif ($varName =~ /\btsFrom\b/i) { $tsFrom = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btsTo\b/i) { $tsTo = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bmakeMark\b/i) { $makeMark = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bexitTAFGracefullyString\b/i) { $exitTAFGracefullyString = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bAutomationtsName\b/i) { $AutomationtsName= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bresetTSFileName\b/i) { $resetTSFileName = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bexitTAFTCId\b/i) { $exitTAFTCId = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcComment1\b/i) { $tcComment1 = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btcComment2\b/i) { $tcComment2 = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bexternalLogName\b/i) { $externalLogName= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bexternalLogName\b/i) { $externalLogName= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\boutputFormat\b/i) { $outputFormat = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bhtmlRefreshRate\b/i) { $htmlRefreshRate= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bhtmlRefreshRateWebUI\b/i) { $htmlRefreshRateWebUI= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bhtmlRefreshRateLogUI\b/i) { $htmlRefreshRateLogUI= $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bip\b/i) { $ip = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\boverWriteTC\b/i) { $overWriteTC = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bTSHookIsPerl\b/i) { $TSHookIsPerl = $varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bcreateOrAppendTS\b/i) { $createOrAppendTS=$varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btitleStatus\b/i) { $titleStatus =$varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bwebUITreeViewLevel\b/i) { $webUITreeViewLevel =$varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bNofPropertyExec\b/i) { $NofPropertyExec =$varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\bNofTCinTSTemplate\b/i) { $NofTCinTSTemplate=$varValue; $foundMatch = 1;} elsif ($varName =~ /\btags\b/i) { $tags =$varValue; $foundMatch = 1; my $tmp = ""; foreach my $each (split (/_,_/, $tags)) { $tmp=$tmp."|".$each; } $tmp =~ s/\|_/_(/g; $tmp =~ s/_\s*$/)_/g; $tags = $tmp; } $url = 'file:///'.$SvrDrive; # will be updated in the sub-processTCs. Update derived Global Variable $urlHttp = 'http://'.$ip.$http_port; # will be updated in the sub-processTCs. Update derived Global Variable } # if (($SvrTCNamePattern =~ /\//) || ($SvrTCNamePattern =~ /\\/)) { print "Error: Testcase can't have directory structure\n"; exit; } $foundMatch; #### &printTAFGlobalVars(); todo Non-volatile GlobalVars #### Variable content verfication } sub runPowershell { my $cmd = shift; my $return; if ($cmd =~ /.ps1\s+/) { $cmd = "$cmd"; $return = `$cmd`;} else { $return = `$perl $cmd`; } $return =~ s/&/&/g; $return =~ s/\%/%/g; $return =~ s/\$/$/g; $return =~ s/\s+<\s+/ < /g; $return =~ s/\s+>\s+/ > /g; # improvement : handle < > in tcDesc $return =~ s/\s*\(\s*/ (/g; $return =~ s/\s*\)\s*/ )/g; # improvement : handle < > in tcDesc $return =~ s/\|/¦/g; if ($return =~ /^\s*$/) { $return = "Testsuite has no Testcase";} # bug fix on 2013/09/20 return $return; } sub generateIndex_pyAnvil_pl { my $cwd = $SvrProjName; my $cmd = $SvrProjName. "\/index.ps1"; open Fout, "> ".$cwd."/"; print Fout<<EOF_; ############################ ################################### use strict; &execTC(\$ARGV[0]); sub execTC { my \$passFail='FAIL'; my \$logHtml; my \$logXml ; my \$pyAnvil= $c.'/pyAnvil/pyAnvil -s ' ; my \$tcDir = "$cwd\/" ; my \$testsuiteHook = "" ; my \$tcId = -1 ; \$tcId = shift if \@_; my \$tcDesc = "Testcase \$tcId Demo" ; \$tcDesc = shift if \@_; my \$tsDesc = "pyAnvil Testsuite Demo" ; \$tsDesc = shift if \@_; \$testsuiteHook = \$tcDir.\$testsuiteHook ; my \$tcScenario = "_tc.xml" ; \$tcScenario = \$tcDir."_tc.xml" ; my \$tcLog_pyAnvil = "_tcLogAppend_.txt" ; \$tcLog_pyAnvil = \$tcDir."\$tcLog_pyAnvil"; if (\$tcId =~ /^\\s*\$/) { print `\$testsuiteHook`; return 0; } my \$str=<<EOF; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <XMLTestCollection> <TestList TestCases="\$tcDesc"> <ToolCase> <Name>\$tcDesc</Name> <Executable>C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe</Executable> <Parameters>\$testsuiteHook \$tcId</Parameters> <StdoutContains>PASS</StdoutContains> </ToolCase> </TestList> </XMLTestCollection> EOF open Fout, ">\$tcScenario"; print Fout \$str; close Fout; my \$cmd = \$pyAnvil."\$tcScenario"; my \$rst = `\$cmd`; foreach my \$each (split /\n/, \$rst) { if ( \$each =~ /^\\s+PASS\\s+/) { \$passFail = "PASS";} elsif (\$each =~ /^\\s+FAIL\\s+/) { \$passFail = "FAIL";} elsif (\$each =~ /^\\s+XML:\\s+(.+)/) { \$logXml = \$1;} elsif (\$each =~ /^\\s+HTML:\\s+(.+)/){ \$logHtml = \$1;} } open Fout, "> \$tcLog_pyAnvil "; print Fout "\$rst\n"; close Fout; print "- > \$tcLog_pyAnvil\n"; print "\$passFail\n"; } ############################ ################################### EOF_ close Fout; print " -->".$cwd."/\n"; } sub generateExcelReport { my $key; my %listHistory; my %tcDesc; my @tcExecDateTime; my $tcExecDateTimeCtr=0; my $isPassFail = "n"; my $tsName= "MVSDK_OCSP"; my @columnWidth; # bug: _tc_Desc.txt and _list_history_tcRunResult are not genreated - fixed by NofPropertyExecCtr = 0; !!!!!! my $rst = &processTCs ("","testsuite=$SvrProjName;AutomationtsName=$SvrProjName;pr2Screen=0;resetTSFileName=_list_history_tcRunResult.txt;resetTSFile;propertyOp=list_history_tcRunResult;pr2Screen=1"); $NofPropertyExecCtr=0; $propertyOp=""; $rst = &processTCs ("","testsuite=$SvrProjName;AutomationtsName=$SvrProjName;pr2Screen=0;resetTSFileName=_list_tcDesc.txt;resetTSFile;propertyOp=list_tcDesc;pr2Screen=1"); $NofPropertyExecCtr=0; $propertyOp=""; my $tcDescMax=40; my $tcIdMax=10; if ( -e "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_list_tcDesc.txt") { ##### print " <- $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_list_tcDesc.txt\n"; open Fin, "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_list_tcDesc.txt" || die "Can't open file $!"; while( $_ = <Fin>) { chop; $_ =~ s/(list_)?tcDesc\s*=\s*(\d+\.)?//; if ($_ =~ /testcase\d+(_)?\s+/) { @_ = split (/\t/, $_); my $key = $_[0]; my $value = $_[1]; if ($_ =~ /\/_/) {;} else { # exclude directory like /_ ## $value =~ s/_.+_//g; # remove property $value = &removeTags($value); } $tcDesc{$key} = $value; if (length($value) > $tcDescMax) { $tcDescMax = length ($value); } if (length($key) > $tcIdMax) { $tcIdMax = length ($key); } } } close Fin; } else { print "Info: $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_list_tcDesc.txt doesn't exist. Proceed ... (generateExcelReport won't work. Run -propertyOp=list_tcDesc)\n"; return 0 ;} $columnWidth[0]=$tcIdMax; $columnWidth[1]=$tcDescMax; if ( -e "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_list_history_tcRunResult.txt") { #### print " <- $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_list_history_tcRunResult.txt\n"; open Fin, "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_list_history_tcRunResult.txt" || die "Can't open file $!"; while($_ = <Fin>) { chop; s/\s*=\s*/ /g; if ($_ =~ /list_history_tcRunResult/) { if ($_ =~ /list_history_tcRunResult/) { $tcExecDateTimeCtr ++ ;} @_ = split (/\s+/, $_); $_ =~ /(.+)\s+(.+)/; $key = $_[0]; my $value = $_[1]; if ($_ =~ s/^.+list_history_tcRunResult//) { my $passFail=""; my $date=""; if ($_ =~ /tcRunResult\s*(\S+)\s+\@\s+(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/ ) { $passFail = $1; $date = $2; } if ($passFail =~ /pass|fail|\d+/i) { my $tmp = $listHistory{$key}; # remove the unreasable error - concat undefined variables if ($tmp) {;} else { $tmp="";} $listHistory{$key} = $tmp."$passFail\t"; $isPassFail = 'y'; } else {$isPassFail = 'n'; } if (($isPassFail =~ /y/i) && ($tcExecDateTimeCtr == 1)) { push (@tcExecDateTime, $date) ;} ; } } elsif ($_ =~ /tcRunResult/i) { my $passFail = ""; my $date = ""; #if ($_ =~ /tcRunResult\s*(\S+)\s+\@\s+(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/) { if ($_ =~ /tcRunResult\s*(\S+)\s+\@\s+(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/) { $passFail = $1; $date = $2; } if ($passFail =~ /pass|fail|\d+/i) { my $tmp = $listHistory{$key}; # remove the unreasable error - concat undefined variables if ($tmp) {;} else { $tmp="";} $listHistory{$key} = $tmp."$passFail\t"; $isPassFail = 'y'; } else {$isPassFail = 'n'; } if (($isPassFail =~ /y/i) && ($tcExecDateTimeCtr == 1)) { push (@tcExecDateTime, $date) ; } } else { ; } } close Fin; } else { print "Info: $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_list_history_tcRunResult.txt doesn't exist. Proceed ... (generateExcelReport won't work. Run propertyOp=list_history_tcRunResult)\n"; return 0 ;} open Fout, "> $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_generateExcelReport.txt"; open Fout1, "> $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_generateExcelReport.html"; print Fout1 "<html><body><pre>\n"; my $currentDate =""; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#tcExecDateTime; $i++) { $tcExecDateTime[$i] =~ /(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)\s+(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/; my $date = $1; my $time = $2; if ($currentDate eq $date) { $tcExecDateTime[$i] = $time; $columnWidth[$i+2] = length ($time); } elsif ($currentDate ne $date) { $currentDate = $date; $columnWidth[$i+2] = length ("$date $time"); } } printf Fout "Test Suite Name: $AutomationtsName\n"; printf Fout1 "Test Suite Name: $AutomationtsName\n"; printf Fout "%-${tcIdMax}s\t%-${tcDescMax}s\t", "tcId", "Description"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#tcExecDateTime; $i++) { print Fout "($tcExecDateTime[$i])\t"; } print Fout "\n"; printf Fout1 "%-${tcIdMax}s %-${tcDescMax}s", "tcId", "Description"; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#tcExecDateTime; $i++) { print Fout1 "($tcExecDateTime[$i])"; } print Fout1 "\n"; foreach my $each (sort keys %listHistory) { my $each_ = $each; if ($tcDesc{$each}) { printf Fout "%-$columnWidth[0]s\t%-$columnWidth[1]s\t", $each_, $tcDesc{$each}; printf Fout1 "%-$columnWidth[0]s %-$columnWidth[1]s ", $each_, $tcDesc{$each}; } else { # for Test-AutomationFramework.t printf Fout "%-$columnWidth[0]s\t%-$columnWidth[1]s\t", $each_, ""; printf Fout1 "%-$columnWidth[0]s %-$columnWidth[1]s ", $each_, ""; } my @fields = split (/\t/, $listHistory{$each}); for (my $i=0; $i <= $#fields; $i++) { my $tmp; if ($columnWidth[$i + 2]) {;} else { $columnWidth[$i+2] = 10;} $tmp = $columnWidth[$i + 2] + 1; if ($tmp) {;} else { $tmp = $excelReportColumnWidth;} printf Fout "%-${tmp}s\t", $fields[$i]; printf Fout1 "%-${tmp}s ", $fields[$i]; } print Fout "\n"; print Fout1 "\n"; } close Fout; print Fout1 "</pre></body></html>\n"; close Fout1; #### uncomment for debugging print " -> $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/_generateExcelReport.html\n"; 1; } sub generateIndex_pl { my $cwd = $workingDir; $cwd = shift if @_; open Fout, "> ".$cwd."/"; my $ps1_args_ = $ps1_args; $ps1_args_ =~ s/\\/\//g; print Fout<<EOF_; ##################### for pyAnvil ############################ my \$testsuiteHook = "powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -file $cwd/index.ps1 "; my \$testsuiteHookPartB = " \$ps1_args_"; if (\$ARGV[1]) { print &call_index(\$ARGV[0], "noExec") ; } elsif (\$ARGV[0]) { print &call_index(\$ARGV[0], "yesExec"); } else { print &call_index(); } sub call_index { my \$return ; my \$recordCtr=1; if (\@_) {;} else {; return `\$testsuiteHook \$testsuiteHookParkB`;} my \$indexCtr = 9999 ; \$indexCtr = shift if \@_; my \$execYN = 'noExec' ; \$execYN = shift if \@_; \@_ = (split /\\n/, `\$testsuiteHook`) ; foreach \$each (\@_) { if ((\$each) && (\$each =~ /^\\s*_/)) { \$return = \$return .\$each."\n"; } elsif ((\$each) && (\$each !~ /^\\s*_/)) { \$return = \$return . sprintf "TC [%04s] %s\\n",\$recordCtr,\$each; if ((\$recordCtr == \$indexCtr ) && ( \$execYN =~ /noExec/i )) { return "TC [\$recordCtr] \$each"; } if ((\$recordCtr == \$indexCtr ) && ( \$execYN =~ /yesExec/i)) { return `\$testsuiteHook \$indexCtr \$testsuiteHookPartB` ; } \$recordCtr++; } } if (\$return =~ /pass/i) { return 0;} if (\$return =~ /fail/i) { return 1;} } ##################### for pyAnvil ############################ EOF_ close Fout; print " -->".$cwd."/\n"; } sub generatePerl_pl_template { my $cmd = $SvrProjName; if (-e $cmd) {;} else { mkdir $cmd; } mkpath $cmd; open Fout, "> $cmd/"; my $tsNameTmp = &getRoot($cmd); print Fout<<EOF_; #!$perl_ \$tcName = "$tsNameTmp"; if (\$^O =~ /win32/i) { \$_TAF = "$c"; } if (\$^O =~ /linux/i) { \$_TAF = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin"; } \$tcDir = "\$_TAF/\$tcName"; if (\$ARGV[0]) { open Fout, ">\$tcDir/_tcLogAppend.txt"; if (\$ARGV[0] == 1) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 1 here e.g. print ` 1` ; >>> if (\$ARGV[0] == 2) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 2 here e.g. print ` 2`>>> if (\$ARGV[0] == 3) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 3 here e.g. print ` 3`>>> if (\$ARGV[0] == 4) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 4 here e.g. print ` 4`>>> if (\$ARGV[0] == 5) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 5 here e.g. print ` 5`>>> if (\$ARGV[0] == 6) { print "pass"; } # <<< plug in the test case 6 here e.g. print ` 6`>>> close Fout; } else { print \<\<EOF; 1. Test case description 1 for | | < > \\\$ \\\% @ testing the function 1 --- Please modifyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa _smoke_ _regression_ 2. Test case description 2 for testing _smoketest__regressiontest_the function 2 --- Please modifybbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb _smoke_ 3. Test case description 3 for testing _smoketest_the function 3 --- Please modifycddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd _regression_ 4. Test case description 4 for testing _regressiontest_the function 4 --- Please modify _smoke_ 5. Test case description 5 for testing _regressiontest_the function 5 --- Please modify 6. Test case description 6 for testing the function 6 --- Please modify EOF ; } EOF_ close Fout; print "\n[Warning] Creating Temporial testsuite hook --> [".$SvrProjName."/]\n"; ; } sub generatePowershell_ps1_template { my $cmd = $SvrProjName; open Fout, "> $cmd/index.ps1"; my $tsNameTmp = &getRoot($cmd); my $tmpWorkingDir = $tsNameTmp; $tmpWorkingDir =~ s/\\/\//g; print Fout<<EOF_; ########################### param([INT]\$index = "-1", \$buildpath="") if(\$verbose -eq \$true) { cls } \$subHtml = "/auto_html/LBP_automation.html" \$index = \$index -1 ###################################################################################### # Dictionary for pre-canned test scenarios. ###################################################################################### \$testDictionary = \@() \$testDictionary += \@( ` \@{ "desc" = "Testcase1 description $SvrProjName"; "result" = "PASS"; } ` ) \$testDictionary += \@( ` \@{ "desc" = "Testcase2 description $SvrProjName _smoketest_ _regression_ _regressiontest_"; "result" = "FAIL"; } ` ) \$testDictionary += \@( ` \@{ "desc" = "Testcase3 Description $SvrProjName _smoketest_ _regression"; "result" = "FAIL"; ` } ` ) \$testDictionary += \@( ` \@{ "desc" = "Testcase4 Description $SvrProjName _smoketest_"; ` "result" = "PASS"; ` } ` ) ################################################################################################ \$idx = [Int32]::Parse(\$index) \$testDictionaryCount = \$testDictionary.length - 1 \$count = 1 if((\$idx -lt 0) -or (\$idx -gt \$testDictionaryCount)) { foreach(\$dictionaryDesc in \$testDictionary) { Write-Host "\$count :"\$dictionaryDesc.desc \$count++ } exit } write-host \$testDictionary[\$idx].result; ########################### EOF_ close Fout; print "\n[Warning] Creating Temporial testsuite hook --> [".$SvrProjName."/index.ps1]\n"; ; } sub eraseTAFTestsuite {goto &deleteTAFTestsuite} sub deleteTAFTestsuite { my $c_ = $c; my $_TAF_ = $_TAF; my $SvrProjName_ = $SvrProjName; if (($SvrProjName_ =~ /^$c_/ ) || ($^O =~ /linux/i)) { if ($^O =~ /win/i) { $SvrProjName_ =~ s/^$c//;} my $TSDir = "$c/$_TAF/$SvrProjName_"; $TSDir =~ s/\/\//\//g; if ( -e $TSDir ) { unlink glob "$TSDir/index*.*"; unlink glob "$TSDir/_*"; # rmtree $TSDir; print "Delete TAF Testsuite $TSDir\n"; &generateRootIndex(); # &refreshHost(); } else { print "Warning: TAF Testsuite $c_/${_TAF}$SvrProjName_ doesn't exist!\n"; } } else { print "\nWarning: $SvrProjName_ is NOT a TAF testsuite. \n($SvrProjName_ !~ $c_)\n\n"; } } ########### index2index sub index2index { #### Generate subIndex from # input $tcDir, $matchStr my $tcDir = $SvrProjName; my $matchStr = "2013.09.13"; $matchStr = shift if @_; my @tcExec_; my @tcDesc_; my $is_tcDesc="n"; my %tcDesc_; my %tcExec_; if (-e "$tcDir/") {;} else {print "Warning: There is no $tcDir/ exits\n"; exit; } open Fin, "$tcDir/"; my @index = <Fin>; close Fin; foreach my $each (@index) { if ($each =~ /ARGV\[0\]\s*==/) { push (@tcExec_, $each); } if ($each =~ /print\s*<<EOF;/) { $is_tcDesc = 'y'; } elsif ($each =~ /^EOF\b/) { $is_tcDesc = 'n'; } elsif ($is_tcDesc =~ /y/i) { chop $each; push (@tcDesc_, $each);} } my $ctrctr=1; print " -> $tcDir/_tcMap.txt\n"; if ( -e "$tcDir/_tcMap.txt" ) { open Foutmap, ">> $tcDir/_tcMap.txt"; } else { open Foutmap, "> $tcDir/_tcMap.txt"; } #for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#tcDesc_+1; $i++ ) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#tcDesc_; $i++ ) { # print "pa:b $i, $tcDesc_[$i], $matchStr\n"; if ($tcDesc_[$i] =~ /$matchStr/i) { my $tmp = $tcDir; # $tmp =~ s/$c/$c\/$_TAF/; printf Foutmap "$tmp/testcase%04d => $tmp/$matchStr/testcase%04d\n", $i+1, $ctrctr; $ctrctr++; $tcDesc_{$i} = $tcDesc_[$i]; $tcExec_{$i} = $tcExec_[$i]; } else { my $tmp = $tcDir; #$tmp =~ s/$c/$c\/$_TAF/; printf Foutmap "$tmp/testcase%04d => $tmp/testcase%04d\n", $i+1, $i+1; } } close Foutmap; if (-e "$tcDir/$matchStr") {;} else { mkpath ("$tcDir/$matchStr"); print " -dir-> $tcDir/$matchStr\n";} #### create new TS dir open INDEX , ">$tcDir/$matchStr/"; print INDEX <<EOF; #!/usr/bin/perl.exe \$tcName = "subTestsuit"; if (\$^O =~ /win32/i) { \$_TAF = "c:"; } if (\$^O =~ /linux/i) { \$_TAF = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin"; } \$tcDir = "\$_TAF/\$tcName"; if (\$ARGV[0]) { open Fout, ">\$tcDir/$matchStr/_tcLogAppend.txt"; EOF my $ctr = 1; foreach my $each ( sort keys %tcExec_) { my $tmp = $tcExec_{$each}; $tmp =~ s/==\s*(\d+)\s*\)/== $ctr )/; $ctr++; print INDEX $tmp; # print INDEX $tcExec_{$each}; } print INDEX <<EOF; close Fout; } else { EOF print INDEX "\nprint<<EOF;\n"; $ctr = 1; foreach my $each (sort keys %tcDesc_) { print INDEX $ctr++.". $tcDesc_{$each}\n"; } print INDEX "EOF\n}\n"; close INDEX; print " -> $tcDir/$matchStr/\n"; } ########### index2index sub generateTAFTestsuite {goto &generateTestsuite} sub generateTestsuite { # Generating 1. 2. + $performanceMode = "fast4cmd"; # fast4cmd my $cmd = $SvrProjName ; $cmd = shift if @_; #if ($cmd !~ /:/) { $cmd = $c.'/'.$_TAF.'/'.$cmd; } linux # This is a logic for window system (c:) if testsuite !~ c:\, it is a TAF TS under c:\_TAF\.... if ($SvrProjNameSub !~ /^\s*$/) { &index2index($SvrProjNameSub); exit;} if ( $^O =~ /win32/i ) { # window only logic if ($cmd !~ /$c\//i) { $cmd = $c.'/'.$_TAF.'/'.$cmd; } } $cmd =~ s/\/\//\//g; # Fix the // problem in the linux coding my $cwd = $cmd; if ( -e $cwd) {;} else { mkpath $cwd; #### bug fix if ($tsDriver =~ /null/i) { $tsDriver = "$cmd\/"; } &generatePerl_pl_template(); } if (-e "$cmd\/index.ps1") { $cmd = $cmd . "\/index.ps1"; #### pre-existing testsuiteHook is index.ps1 &generateIndex_pl ($cwd) ; # --> generate $cmd =~ s/index.ps1/; } elsif (-e "$cmd\/") { $cmd = $cmd . "\/";} #### pre-existing testsuiteHook is else { #### No pre-existing if ($tsDriver =~ /null/i) { $tsDriver = "$cmd\/"; } &generatePerl_pl_template(); } ############################################## subroutine Main ########################################### $cmd = shift if @_; my $testsuiteName="_default_testsuiteblas_"; my $testsuitePropertyFName='tsProperty.txt'; my $testDriverName = $cmd; my $tsPropertyStr = "web_ui_title: "; my $tcCtr=1; my $TAF= $SvrDrive ; $testsuiteName = &getRoot_4($cwd); ############ $testsuiteName = &getRoot(&getcwd()); if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { $testsuiteName =~ s/^\s*$_TAF//g; } if (($TSHookIsPerl =~ /y/i) && ($cmd =~ /index\.ps1\s*$/)) { $cmd =~ s/index\.ps1\s*$/index\.pl /g;} ############ Generate Property file for webUI tc description if ($ps1_args =~ /^\s*$/) { $ps1_args = "-ps1_args powershell_args";} if ($cmd =~ /\.ps1\s*$/) { $cmd = "powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -file ". $cmd. " $ps1_args"; } foreach my $each (split "\n", &runPowershell($cmd)) { # get testsuiteName _testsuitename_: (\w+)and _testdrivername_: (\w+) if ($each =~ /_testsuitename_/i) { $each =~ /_testsuitename_\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i; $testsuiteName = $1; if ($testsuiteName =~ /\s/) { print "white space in testsuitename\n";exit; }} elsif ($each =~ /_testdrivername_/i) { $each =~ /_testdrivername_\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i; $testDriverName = $1; } else { ; } } #### <--$cmd _testsuitename_ : [$testsuiteName] #### <--$cmd _testdrivername_: [$testDriverName] $testsuiteName =~ s/^\///g; # linux print<<EOF; <--$cmd --> $c/$_TAF/$testsuiteName ...... (Can take several minutes) EOF if ($web_ui_title =~ /Test Automation Framework/) {$tcCtr=1; $tsPropertyStr = $tsPropertyStr . " $testsuiteName : web_ui_title\n";} # overwrite web_ui_title else {$tcCtr=1; $tsPropertyStr = $tsPropertyStr . " $web_ui_title: web_ui_title\n";} foreach my $each (split "\n", &runPowershell($cmd)) { # get testsuitePropertyString if ($each =~ /_testsuitename_/i) { $each =~ /testsuitename_\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i; $testsuiteName = $1; } elsif ($each =~ /_testdrivername_/i) { $each =~ /testdrivername_\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i; $testDriverName = $1; } elsif ($each =~ /^\s*\n/i) { ; } elsif ($each =~ /^\s*$/i) { ; } else { if ($each =~ /^\s*\d/) { #### Fix duplicated serial # problem - double serial # problem $tsPropertyStr = $tsPropertyStr . sprintf "$c/$_TAF\/$testsuiteName\/testcase%04d\|%s\n", $tcCtr, $each; $tcCtr++; } else { $tsPropertyStr = $tsPropertyStr . sprintf "$c/$_TAF\/$testsuiteName\/testcase%04d\|%4d %s\n", $tcCtr, $tcCtr, $each; $tcCtr++; } } } ############ Generate Property file for webUI tc description ############ add tcDesc Property ############# my $tcCtr_ = 0; foreach my $each (split "\n", &runPowershell($cmd)) { # get testsuitePropertyString if ($each =~ /_testsuitename_/i) { $each =~ /testsuitename_\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i; $testsuiteName = $1; } elsif ($each =~ /_testdrivername_/i) { $each =~ /testdrivername_\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i; $testDriverName = $1; } elsif ($each =~ /^\s*\n/i) { ; } elsif ($each =~ /^\s*$/i) { ; } else { $each =~ s/\s/_space_/g; $each =~ s/:/_column_/g; $each =~ s/=/_eq_/g; $tcDesc[$tcCtr_] = $each ; $tcCtr_ ++; $propertyOp = "tcDescAuto"; } } ############ add tcDesc Property ############# ############ Generate Tags Property ################ my @tcDescPropertyList; my $ctr=0; my $maxPropertyNameLength=1; my %propertyList; foreach my $each (split "\n", &runPowershell($cmd)) { # get testsuitePropertyString $each =~ s/__/_ _/g; @_ = ($each =~ /_\w+_/gi ) ; for (my $i=0; $i <= $#_;$i++) { $propertyList{$_[$i]}=$_[$i]; if ($maxPropertyNameLength < length($propertyList{$_[$i]})) { $maxPropertyNameLength = length($propertyList{$_[$i]}); } } } ############ Generate Tags Property ################ ############ Create Testsuite/Testcase $tcCtr=1; foreach my $each (split "\n", &runPowershell($cmd)) { # get testsuitePropertyString if ($each =~ /_testsuitename_/i) { $each =~ /testsuitename_\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i; $testsuiteName = $1; } elsif ($each =~ /_testdrivername_/i) { $each =~ /testdrivername_\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/i; $testDriverName = $1; } elsif ($each =~ /^\s*\n/i) { ; } elsif ($each =~ /^\s*$/i) { ; } else { if ($tsDriver !~ /null/) { $testDriverName = $tsDriver; } # tsDriver overwrite testDriverName #### todo: need to decide to generate pl or ps1 my $ps1_args_; my $cmd_; if ( $cmd =~ /index\.ps1\s*$/) { $ps1_args_ = $ps1_args; $ps1_args_ =~ s/ /___/g; $ps1_args_ =~ s/\\/\//g; # ps1_args $cmd_ = sprintf "ps1_args=$ps1_args_;testsuite=$testsuiteName;create=testcase%04d/customTC:${testDriverName}_space_${tcCtr}:customTC\n", $tcCtr ; } elsif ( $cmd =~ /index\.pl\s*$/) { $cmd_ = sprintf "testsuite=$testsuiteName;create=testcase%04d/customTC:${testDriverName}_space_${tcCtr}:customTC\n", $tcCtr ; } &processTCs("",$cmd_); my $tcnameTmp = sprintf "$c/$_TAF/$testsuiteName/testcase%04d", $tcCtr++; my $propertyTmp = $each; $propertyTmp =~ s/ /_space_/g; $propertyTmp =~ s/:/_column_/g; $propertyTmp =~ s/=/_eq_/g; $propertyTmp =~ s/ /__/g; &processProperty("",$tcnameTmp, "set_tcDesc_as_$propertyTmp"); foreach $each (split (",", $tags)) { if ($propertyTmp =~ /$each/i) { &processProperty("",$tcnameTmp, "_add_${each}_as_y"); } } $propertyTmp=""; #### reuse the variable foreach my $propertyName (sort keys %propertyList) { if ($each=~ /\b$propertyName\b/i) { $propertyTmp = sprintf "$propertyTmp%-${maxPropertyNameLength}s",$propertyName; } else { $propertyTmp = sprintf "$propertyTmp%-${maxPropertyNameLength}s","_null_"; } } $propertyTmp =~ s/ /_space_/g; $propertyTmp =~ s/:/_column_/g; $propertyTmp =~ s/=/_eq_/g; $propertyTmp =~ s/ /__/g; &processProperty("",$tcnameTmp, "set_tcTags_as_$propertyTmp"); } } $tcCtr = 1; ############ Create Testsuite/Testcase open Fout, ">>$c/$_TAF/$testsuiteName/$testsuitePropertyFName" || die "Can't create file\n"; print Fout $tsPropertyStr; close Fout; print " -->$c/$_TAF/$testsuiteName/$testsuitePropertyFName\n"; # &generateGenerateTestsuite(); #### print " -->$c/$_TAF/$testsuiteName/\n"; if ( -e "$c/$testsuiteName/_tcMap.txt" ) { open Fin2, "$c/$testsuiteName/_tcMap.txt" ; open Fout2, ">$c/$_TAF/$testsuiteName/_tcMap.txt"; while ($_=<Fin2>) { $_ =~ s/$c/$c\/$_TAF/ig; print Fout2 $_; } close Fout2; close Fin2; print " -->$c/$_TAF/$testsuiteName/_tcMap.txt\n"; } $testsuiteName = $testsuiteName; if ($testcaseNode =~ /^\s*$/) { $testcaseNode = "_null_"; } #$cmd = sprintf "$c/$_TAF/ tcDelay=0;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;testsuite=$testsuiteName;list"; #print "\nlist: todo> $cmd\n". `$cmd`; #### !!!!!!!!!! the processTCs works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #### updateTS in stead of recreate TS $cmd = sprintf "tcDelay=0;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;testsuite=$testsuiteName;list"; &processTCs("",$cmd); # todo $cmd = sprintf "tcDelay=0;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;testsuite=$testsuiteName;mark"; &processTCs("",$cmd); # todo &generateRootIndex(); if ($interact =~ /\by\b/) {system ("C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe", "$c/$_TAF/$testsuiteName/index.htm");} print "\n"; 1; } sub generateTAFChildTestsuites { # Generating 1. 2. + my $cmd = $SvrProjName ; $cmd = shift if @_; if ($cmd !~ /:/) { $cmd = $c.'/'.$_TAF.'/'.$cmd; } my $cwd = $cmd; my $testsuiteName = &getRoot_4($cwd); ############ $testsuiteName = &getRoot(&getcwd()); if (-e "$cmd\/index.ps1") { $cmd = $cmd . "\/index.ps1"; #### pre-existing testsuiteHook is index.ps1 } elsif (-e "$cmd\/") { $cmd = $cmd . "\/";} #### pre-existing testsuiteHook is else { #### No pre-existing print "generateChildTestsuites: The parentTestsuite doesn't exist! \n"; exit; } open FOUT, ">$c/$_TAF/_generateChildTestsuite.bat"; if ($cmd =~ /\.ps1\s*$/) { $cmd = "powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -file ". $cmd. " $ps1_args"; } foreach my $each (split "\n", &runPowershell($cmd)) { # get testsuiteName _testsuitename_: (\w+)and _testdrivername_: (\w+) $each = " _full_ ".$each; @_ = $each =~ /_(\w+)_/g; if ($#_ > 0) { foreach my $each1 (@_) { if ($recordTags{$each1}) { $recordTags{$each1} = $recordTags{$each1} + 1; } else { $recordTags{$each1} = 1;} } } } #$cmd = "$c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$SvrProjName;tcPropertyName=_full_;generateTestsuiteByDesc\n"; $cmd =~ s/\//\\/g; print FOUT "$cmd"; # todo \\ #$cmd = "$c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$SvrProjName/_full_;generateTestsuite\n"; $cmd =~ s/\//\\/g; print FOUT "$cmd"; # todo \\ $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$SvrProjName;tcPropertyName=_full_;generateTestsuiteByDesc\n"; print FOUT "$cmd"; # todo5 \\ $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$SvrProjName/_full_;generateTestsuite\n"; print FOUT "$cmd"; # todo6 \\ foreach my $key (sort hashValueDescendingNum (keys(%recordTags))) { if ($key !~ /\bfull\b/i) { #$cmd = "$c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$SvrProjName;tcPropertyName=_${key}_;generateTestsuiteByDesc\n"; $cmd =~ s/\//\\/g; print FOUT "$cmd"; # todo \\ #$cmd = "$c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$SvrProjName/_${key}_;generateTestsuite\n"; $cmd =~ s/\//\\/g; print FOUT "$cmd"; # todo \\ $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$SvrProjName;tcPropertyName=_${key}_;generateTestsuiteByDesc\n"; print FOUT "$cmd"; # todo7 \\ $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$SvrProjName/_${key}_;generateTestsuite\n"; print FOUT "$cmd"; # todo8 \\ } } close FOUT; print " -> $c/$_TAF/_generateChildTestsuite.bat\n --.....-> Running $c/$_TAF/_generateChildTestsuite.bat to generate _smoke_, _regression_ sub Testsuite\n"; ############################################################################################## 1; } sub hashValueDescendingNum { $recordTags{$a} <=> $recordTags{$b}; } sub help4install { &genDriver_taf_pl (); &genDriver_taf_cgi (); my $help=<<EOF; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test::AutomationFramework - Test Automation Framework (TAF) version: $VERSION TAF manages automated test cases regarding test setup, test query, test execution and test reportings with *ONE* mouse-click. No programming and no manual Reading. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $c/$_TAF/index.htm WebAccess TAF-Testbed $c/$_TAF/ -help4intro TAF Introduction $c/$_TAF/ -help4install Command_line usages $c/$_TAF/ -help4cmd Command_line usages $c/$_TAF/ -help4developer Historical and under-development Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAF Test Case integration - $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/[test_case]/ * $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/[test_case]/ : print Pass|fail|number to STDOUT * $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/[test_case]/ : geneate TC Log as cwd()/_appendLog.txt TAF Test Suite integration - $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/ or index.ps1 * $c/$_TAF/index.[pl|ps1] : print one TC Description per line * $c/$_TAF/index.[pl|ps1] Index : exec Index-th TC [Web Access: http://$c/$_TAF/index.htm] 1. Install StrawberryPerl 2. Install TAF from CPAN (Perl -MCPAN -e "install Test::AutomationFramework) 3. Install TAF Testbed (Perl -MTest::AutomationFramework -e "help" 4. *One* mouse click to execute and view test results in the Test Bed [Web examples] 5. Add test suite by modifying $c/$_TAF/taf.bat 6. Add test case by modifying $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/[test_case]/ 7. Run $c/$_TAF/taf.bat to create user's test suite structure and start its webUI webUI TAF usages scenarios: List Test cases: * list test pass|fail (click Pass|Fail) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;list * list Passed test cases (click title's Pass) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;tcFilters=tcRunResult_matches_pass * list Failed test cases (click title's Failed) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;tcFilters=tcRunResult_matches_fail * list non-Pass|Failed test cases (click \| between Pass and Fail) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;tcFilters=tcRunResult_matches_null Exec Test cases: * Exec test cases (click pass|fail counters) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;testcase=testcase0001;exec cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;testcase=testcase000[1,2,3,4];exec cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;testcase=testcase000[1-9];exec * Exec test suite (click title pass|fail counters) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;exec View Test Results * View historical pass/fail (click Pass|Fail) * View historical logs (click Test Desc) * View historical pass/fail in graphics (click title Result) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF print $help; &genDriver_testbed(); 1; } sub help { &genDriver_taf_pl (); &genDriver_taf_cgi (); &genDriver_taf_svr (); my $help=<<EOF; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test::AutomationFramework - Test Automation Framework (TAF) version: $VERSION TAF manages automated test cases regarding test setup, test query, test execution and test reportings with *ONE* mouse-click. No programming and no manual Reading. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $c/$_TAF/ helpmore TAF Usage Samples $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuit3_ Frequently Used Command line $c/$_TAF/index.htm WebAccess TAF-Testbed $c/$_TAF/ help4intro TAF Introduction $c/$_TAF/ help4install Command_line usages $c/$_TAF/ help4cmd Command_line usages $c/$_TAF/ help4dev Historical and under-development Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF print $help; &genDriver_testbed(); sleep $outputPause; if (-e "$SvrDrive/$reportHtml") { ; } else { # if this is the 1st time install, testbed script is started print "Start ***testbed*** ($c/$_TAF/taf.[bat|sh] for ininital installation. Remove testbed script ($c/$_TAF/taf_delete.[bat|sh])\n"; system "$c/$_TAF/taf.bat" if ($^O =~ /win32/i); system "$c/$_TAF/ " if ($^O =~ /linux/i); print "Finish ***testbed*** ($c/$_TAF/taf.[bat|sh] for ininital installation. Remove testbed script ($c/$_TAF/taf_delete.[bat|sh])\n"; } 1; } sub installTestbed { print "Start ***testbed*** ($c/$_TAF/taf.[bat|sh] for ininital installation. Remove testbed script ($c/$_TAF/taf_delete.[bat|sh])\n"; system "$c/$_TAF/taf.bat" if ($^O =~ /win32/i); system "$c/$_TAF/ " if ($^O =~ /linux/i); print "Finish ***testbed*** ($c/$_TAF/taf.[bat|sh] for ininital installation. Remove testbed script ($c/$_TAF/taf_delete.[bat|sh])\n"; } sub deleteTestbed { print "Start ***delete testbed*** ($c/$_TAF/taf_delete.[bat|sh]. Install testbed script ($c/$_TAF/taf.[bat|sh])\n"; system "$c/$_TAF/taf_delete.bat" if ($^O =~ /win32/i); system "$c/$_TAF/ " if ($^O =~ /linux/i); print "Finish ***delete testbed*** ($c/$_TAF/taf_delete.[bat|sh]. Install testbed script ($c/$_TAF/taf.[bat|sh])\n"; } sub help4intro { if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } else { print "TAF supports Win32 ONLY currently.\n"; exit; } &genDriver_taf_pl (); &genDriver_taf_cgi (); my $help=<<EOF; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test::AutomationFramework - Test Automation Framework (TAF) version: $VERSION TAF manages automated test cases regarding test setup, test query, test execution and test reportings with *ONE* mouse-click. No programming and no manual Reading. TAF Test Case integration - $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/[test_case]/ * $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/[test_case]/ : print Pass|fail|number to STDOUT * $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/[test_case]/ : geneate TC Log as cwd()/_appendLog.txt TAF Test Suite integration - $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/ or index.ps1 * $c/$_TAF/index.[pl|ps1] : print one TC Description per line * $c/$_TAF/index.[pl|ps1] Index : exec Index-th TC [Web Access: http://$c/$_TAF/index.htm] 1. Install StrawberryPerl 2. Install TAF from CPAN (Perl -MCPAN -e "install Test::AutomationFramework) 3. Install TAF Testbed (Perl -MTest::AutomationFramework -e "help" 4. *One* mouse click to execute and view test results in the Test Bed [Web examples] 5. Add test suite by modifying $c/$_TAF/taf.bat 6. Add test case by modifying $c/$_TAF/[test_suite]/[test_case]/ 7. Run $c/$_TAF/taf.bat to create user's test suite structure and start its webUI webUI TAF usages scenarios: List Test cases: * list test pass|fail (click Pass|Fail) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;list * list Passed test cases (click title's Pass) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;tcFilters=tcRunResult_matches_pass * list Failed test cases (click title's Failed) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;tcFilters=tcRunResult_matches_fail * list non-Pass|Failed test cases (click \| between Pass and Fail) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;tcFilters=tcRunResult_matches_null Exec Test cases: * Exec test cases (click pass|fail counters) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;testcase=testcase0001;exec cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;testcase=testcase000[1,2,3,4];exec cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;testcase=testcase000[1-9];exec * Exec test suite (click title pass|fail counters) cmd> testsuite=_testsuit2_;exec View Test Results * View historical pass/fail (click Pass|Fail) * View historical logs (click Test Desc) * View historical pass/fail in graphics (click title Result) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF print $help; &genDriver_testbed(); } sub helpmore { if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } else { print "TAF supports Win32 ONLY currently.\n"; exit; } &genDriver_taf_pl (); &genDriver_taf_cgi (); my $help=<<EOF; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test::AutomationFramework - Test Automation Framework (TAF) version: $VERSION [TAF Execution Controls] $c\\$_TAF\\ -help $c\\$_TAF\\ tcPropertyPatternPattern=\\d+_pipe_null;tcPropertyPatternName=tcRunResult;testsuite=_testsuite3_ rem list tcRunResult =~ /performance|null/ $c\\$_TAF\\ -processTSs [create|delete|add]=$c/_testsuite1/_testsuite2 $c\\$_TAF\\ Execution_24_7=y;NofExecution=5;Execution=24hour;testsuite=_MV_SDK_OCSP;[list|exec] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuit=CPD_QA_Tests/BATtests/MVTests/Bat/MV_2-0-1-0057/_MV_SDK_OCSP;list $c\\$_TAF\\ exitTAF $c\\$_TAF\\ ExecutionType=[runTC|runTS] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;performanceMode=fast;list $c\\$_TAF\\ [SUTSymbol|tsFilterDefault]=_;tsFilter="[_doit_];scanTestsuites $c\\$_TAF\\ generateRootIndex $c\\$_TAF\\ -processTCs create=tc1/fail,overwrite $c\\$_TAF\\ -processTCS;printVars;testsuite=_testsuite3_;list ##################### Powershell Testsuite Exmaples ################################## $c\\$_TAF\\ -processTSs create=c:/_CRB_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1__powershell_ $c\\$_TAF\\ -buildpath c:/_CRB_/AppBuildpath -genTAF y ##################### get/set tc [Property|Filter] ################################## $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=set_property1_[as|eq]_propVal1[_doit_] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=_get_property1[_doit_] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=_get__all_[_doit] ##################### TC [list|exec] based on TC Filters ################################## $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;listTcfilters testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tcOp=listtcfilters $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tcFilters=testproperty_matches_tsetProperValue1;[list|exec] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tppp1=;tppn1=;tppp2=;tppn2=.... $c\\$_TAF\\ tcPropertyName=smoke;tsFilterDefault=c:\\_CRB_\\AppBuildpath;generateTestsuiteByDesc e.g. 1. testsuite=_testsuite2_;[list|print]Tcfilters 2. testsuite=_testsuite2_;propertyOP=_set_property1_[as|eq]_propVal1_doit_ 3. testsuite=_testsuite2_;propertyOP=_get_property1 4. testsuite=_testsuite2_;tcFilters=property1_matches_PropertyValue1;[list|exec] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF print $help; &genDriver_testbed(); 1; } sub help4cmd{ if ( $^O =~ /MSWin32/ ) {; } else { print "TAF supports Win32 ONLY now.\n"; exit; } &genDriver_taf_pl (); &genDriver_taf_cgi (); my $help=<<EOF; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test::AutomationFramework - Test Automation Framework (TAF) version: $VERSION TAF manages automated test cases regarding test setup, test query, test execution and test reportings with *ONE* mouse-click. No programming and no manual Reading. [Programmer's Usage: from command line. see TAF commands cmd> and taf cmds in $c/$_TAF/taf.bat>] Create Testcases * c:\\_TAF\\ -processTSs create=c:/_TAF/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_ Create Testsuites * c:\\_TAF\\ testsuit=_testsuite3_;create=_testcase2_/overwrite,perf,sleep=3 * c:\\_TAF\\ testsuit=_testsuite2_;create=_testcase1_/overwrite,sleep=20 * c:\\_TAF\\ testsuit=_testsuite3_;create=_testcase6_/overwrite,genLog,sleep=10 * c:\\_TAF\\ testsuit=_testsuite3_;create=_testcase9_/overwrite,expectedFail,genLog,sleep=1 Copy Testsuite tsFrom=e.txt;tsTo=ee.txt;copyTS TS/TC Management by _tcGlobal.txt testsuite=_testsuite2;printTAFTSVars testsuite=_testsuite2;testcase=testcase0002;printTAFTCVars TC Execution controls * tcIdMin : start TC Id for Testsuite Execution (default = 0) * printVars : Print Global Variables * printTCFilters : print TC Filters * setTCFilter : set_property1_as_value1[_doit_] * getTCFilter : get_property * tcFilters : =property_match_propertyvalue * tsDriver : Testsuite Driver|hook * web_ui_title : set webUI title * Execution_24_7 : Continuous execution [y|n] * NofExecution : Number of Executions * ExecutionDuration : Execution Longivity * exitTAF : exitTAF gracefully * executionType : TC|TS * performanceMode : 'slow' for webUI & 1st time execution. 'fast' for command line exec ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Examples] $c\\$_TAF\\ -help $c\\$_TAF\\ genDriver_testbed $c\\$_TAF\\ generateIndex_pl | generateIndex_pyAnvil_pl $c\\$_TAF\\ generateTestsuite $c\\$_TAF\\ generateRootIndex testsuite=_testsuite1_;resetTSFileName=_list_history_tcRunResult.txt;resetTSFile;resetTSFile ##################### TS/TC Management (Create/List/Exec) ################################## $c\\$_TAF\\ -processTCs create=tc1/fail,overwrite $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=c:/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl;createOrAppendTS=create;generateTAFTestsuite $c\\$_TAF\\ -processTSs [create|delete|add]=$c/_testsuite1/_testsuite2 $c\\$_TAF\\ [SUTSymbol|tsFilterDefault]=_;tsFilter="[_doit_];scanTestsuites $c\\$_TAF\\ tsDriver=$c/TAF_pyAnvil/;web_ui_title=Test___Automation___Framework;printVars;generateTestsuite Generate pyAnvil Testsuite $c\\$_TAF\\ tcIdMin=5;printVars;testsuite=_testsuite3_;list $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuit=CPD_QA_Tests/BATtests/MVTests/Bat/MV_2-0-1-0057/_MV_SDK_OCSP;list $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;performanceMode=fast;list $c\\$_TAF\\ -processTCS;printVars;testsuite=_testsuite3_;list $c\\$_TAF\\ tcPropertyPatternPattern=\\d+_pipe_null;tcPropertyPatternName=tcRunResult;testsuite=_testsuite3_ rem list tcRunResult =~ /performance|null/ $c\\$_TAF\\ tcPropertyPatternPattern=fail;tcPropertyPatternName=tcRunResult;testsuite=_testsuite3_ $c\\$_TAF\\ tcIdMin=5;printVars;testsuite=_testsuite3_;exec $c\\$_TAF\\ ExecutionType=[runTC|runTS] $c\\$_TAF\\ exitTAF $c\\$_TAF\\ Execution_24_7=y;NofExecution=5;Execution=24hour;testsuite=_MV_SDK_OCSP;[list|exec] ##################### Powershell Testsuite Exmaples ################################## $c\\$_TAF\\ -processTSs create=c:/_CRB_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1__powershell_ $c\\$_TAF\\ -buildpath c:/_CRB_/AppBuildpath -genTAF y ##################### get/set/list/list_history tc [Property|Filter] ################################## $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=set_property1_[as|eq]_propVal1[_doit_] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=_get_property1[_doit_] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=_get__all_[_doit] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=Autobat\\Bat\\QA_Tests\\BATtests\\MVTests\\BAT\\AutomationtsNameSUT\\_full_;AutomationtsName=AutomationtsNameSUT;propertyOp=list_tcDesc $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=Autobat\\Bat\\QA_Tests\\BATtests\\MVTests\\BAT\\AutomationtsNameSUT\\_full_;AutomationtsName=AutomationtsNameSUT;propertyOp=list_history_tcRunResult $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=Autobat\\Bat\\QA_Tests\\BATtests\\MVTests\\BAT\\AutomationtsNameSUT\\_full_;AutomationtsName=AutomationtsNameSUT;generateExcelReport ##################### TC [list|exec] based on TC Filters ################################## $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;listTcfilters testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tcOp=listtcfilters $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tcFilters=testproperty_matches_tsetProperValue1;[list|exec] $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tppp1=;tppn1=;tppp2=;tppn2=.... e.g. 1. testsuite=_testsuite2_;[list|print]Tcfilters 2. testsuite=_testsuite2_;propertyOP=_set_property1_[as|eq]_propVal1_doit_ 3. testsuite=_testsuite2_;propertyOP=_get_property1 4. testsuite=_testsuite2_;tcFilters=property1_matches_PropertyValue1;[list|exec] ##################### MISC Maintenance info ########################### 1. ......titleStatus=(UnderMaint);list ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF print $help; &genDriver_testbed(); 1; } sub help4dev{ my $help=<<EOF; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- This help is for historical and under-development functions ----------------- testsuit=_ts1_;list testsuit=_ts1_;testcase=_tc1_;list testsuite=Autobat\\Bat\\QA_Tests\\BATtests\\MVTests\\BAT\\Automation_MVSDK\\_full_;propertyOp=list_tcDesc testsuite=Autobat\\Bat\\QA_Tests\\BATtests\\MVTests\\BAT\\Automation_MVSDK\\_full_;listHistory testsuite=generateReport -processTC or -tc arg=[tcName;cmd] create=tc1|list|get|exec=tc1|detect|delete|log|getLogName|printResult;all # e.g. -tc create=tc1;fail,overwrite -tc create=tc1;fail,genLog;pr2Screen -tc create=tc1;performanceTC,genLog;pr2Screen -tc delete=tc1;pr2Screen -processTCs or -s arg=[TCOP=list;...] # e.g. -s TCNamePattern=tc.* # -s list Drive=c:; # c: d: e: ... TestSuite=_testSuit_; # directory TCOp=list; # List test cases that matches the TCNameFilter and PropertyFilter TCName=_testCase_; # test case name TCNamePattern=*; # Test Case Name Filter TCNameFilter=*; # Test Case Name Filter PropNameFilter=.*; # Property_Name Filter PropValueFilter.=.*; # Property_Value Filter pr2Screen; # Results will be displayed on screen getVars|listVars|printVars # get or print TAF settings -processTSs [create|delete|add]=c:/... -processProperty or -prop arg=[add=prop1:val1] add|delete|list|get|modify|match|filter # e.g -prop list=tc;pr2Screen -prop add=prop1:val1;pr2Screen -prop match=.*:.*;pr2Screen -prop match=propNameFilter:propValFilter To create driver ( -MTest::AutomationFramework -e "help" -processTCs create=tc1/fail,overwrite -processTCS;printVars;testsuite=_testsuite3_;list $c\\$_TAF\\;printVars;generateTestsuite $c\\$_TAF\\ web_ui_title=testtitle;printVars;generateTestsuite cwd/ generateTestsuite generateRootIndex $c\\$_TAF\\ workingDir=c:/_MahoBby_/CPD_QA_Tests/BATtests/MVTests/Bat/MV_2-0-1-0062/_MV_SDK_OCSP;web_ui_title=c:/_MahoBby_/CPD_QA_Tests/BATtests/MVTests/Bat/MV_2-0-1-0062/_MV_SDK_OCSP;ps1_args=-buildpath___c:/_MahoBay_/CPD_QA_Tests/BATTests/MVTests/Bat/;generateTestsuite $c\\$_TAF\\ -scanTestsuites Tests/BATtests/MVtests/Bat/ $c\\$_TAF\\ testsuite=_testsuite1_;resetTSFileName=_list_history_tcRunResult.txt;resetTSFile;resetTSFile ########################## Property add/get ################################## testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=set_property1_[as|eq]_propVal1_doit_ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=_get_property1_doit_ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=_get__all__doit testsuite=_testsuite3_;testcase=testcase1;propertyOp=add_eq_prop1_column_val1[_doit_] testsuite=_testsuite3_;testcase=testcase1;propertyOp=add_eq_tcDesc_column_TCDescription___Test[_doit_] testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOp=get_eq_prop1_doit_ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOp=get_eq_tcDesc_doit_ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=get_eq_.*_all__doit_ testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;propertyOP=get_eq_tcOwner_doit_ ##################### TC Property Filter for TC Execution ################################## testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;listTcfilters testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tcOp=listtcfilters testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tcFilters=testproperty_matches_tsetProperValue1;[list|exec] testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tcPropertyPatternName=prop1;tcPropertyPatternPattern=val1;list testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;tppn=prop1;tppp=val1;list testsuite=_testsuite2_;pm=fast;key=prop1;keyValue=val1;list e.g. 1. testsuite=_testsuite2_;listTcfilters 2. testsuite=_testsuite2_;propertyOP=_set_property1_[as|eq]_propVal1_doit_ 3. testsuite=_testsuite2_;propertyOP=_get_property1 4. testsuite=_testsuite2_;tcFilters=property1_matches_PropertyValue1;[list|exec] install (obsoleted) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF print $help; 1; } sub genDriver_taf_pl { if (-e "$c/$_TAF/") {;} else { mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/"; print Fout &prDriver(1); close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/\n"; } 1; } sub genDriver_taf_cgi { if (-e "$c/$_TAF/taf.cgi") {;} else { mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf.cgi"; print Fout &prDriverCGI(1); close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/taf.cgi\n"; } 1; } sub genDriver_taf_svr { if (-e "$c/$_TAF/taf.svr") {;} else { mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf.svr"; print Fout &prDriverSvr(1); close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/taf.svr\n"; } 1; } sub genDriver_testbed { if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { &genDriver_testbed_Window(); &delDriver_testbed_Window();} if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { &genDriver_testbed_Linux(); &delDriver_testbed_Linux();} } sub genDriver_testbed_Window { # Testbed/testbed mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; if (-e "$c/$_TAF/") { ;} else { open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/"; print Fout &prDriver(1); close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/\n"; } if (-e "$c/$_TAF/taf.bat") {;} else { &generateAutoItTS(); my $testbed4Window =<<EOF; REM ------------- Create TC/TS under $c/$_TAF ----------------------------------- REM * Create Functional test case, which returns Pass with different execution time. REM * Create Functional test case, which returns Fail with different execution time. REM * Create Performance test case, which returns number of seconds REM * Create Functional test case, with logs and links in the logs (_tcLogAppend.txt) REM * Create Functional test case, with expected failure (expF) REM * Create Functional test case, with expected failure (bugF) REM * Test case execution testcase=string ~ (testType=tc or ts~ what does it mean?) REM * Test case execution testcase=regExp ~ (testType=tc or ts~ what does it mean?) REM * Test suite execution testsuite=string ~ (testType=tc or ts~ what does it mean?) REM * Test suite execution testsuite=regExp ~ (testType=tc or ts~ what does it mean?) REM * Test case status ~ moving ">" REM * Test case 24/7 execution REM * Test suite 24/7 execution REM * Test case "stop" REM * Test suite "stop" REM * Test suite title tsProperty.txt REM * Test case title tcProperty.txt REM create test_suite (_test_suite?_)/_test_case?_ under $c/$_TAF REM * Modify REM * Delete TC/TS REM * Update TS/TC Status REM * deleteTS $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTS rem debug: C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_;deleteTS rem debug: C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_;create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=1 rem debug: C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_;list rem debug /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ testsuite=/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_testsuite5_non_TAF_~deleteTS rem debug /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ testsuite=/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/tmp~deleteTS rem debug /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ generateRootIndex rem debug /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ testsuite=/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1~createTS REM ------------- Create TC/TS in directory $c/$_TAF...... ----------------------------------- $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0002/overwrite,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0003/overwrite,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0004/overwrite,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0005/overwrite,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0006/overwrite,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=20 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0002/overwrite,sleep=20 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0003/overwrite,sleep=40 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0004/overwrite,sleep=30 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0005/overwrite,sleep=20 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0006/overwrite,sleep=20 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=2 REM create performance test $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0002/overwrite,perf,sleep=3 REM create Failed Functional test $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0003/overwrite,fail,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0004/overwrite,sleep=2 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0005/overwrite,fail,sleep=4 REM create functional test /w log $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0006/overwrite,genLog,sleep=10 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0007/overwrite,fail,genLog,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0008/overwrite,pass,genLog,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0009/overwrite,expectedFail,genLog,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0010/overwrite,expF,genLog,sleep=1 $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0011/overwrite,bugF,genLog,sleep=1 REM REM create customrized TAF test cases for property operation test (TC contents are hardcoded in TAF) REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=1,customTC:taftestcase1:customTC REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}create=testcase0002/overwrite,sleep=1,customTC:taftestcase2:customTC REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}create=testcase0003/overwrite,sleep=1,customTC:taftestcase3:customTC REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}create=testcase0004/overwrite,sleep=1,customTC:taftestcase4:customTC REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}exec REM REM REM $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}printTAFTSVars REM REM $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}testcase=testcase0003${deli}printTAFTCVars REM REM REM _TAF/_testsuite/TAFTSVars.txt that overwrite _TAF/TAFGlobalVARS.txt REM REM updateTAFTSVars set Execution_local_only=y REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}printTAFTSVars REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}updateTAFTSVars REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}updateTAFTCVars REM REM REM REM REM ************ Make _testsuite1_/testcase0001 Execution_local_only (no remote exectuion) REM REM _TAF/_testsuite/TAFTSVars.txt that overwrite _TAF/TAFGlobalVARS.txt REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}printTAFTSVars REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}updateTAFTSVars REM REM REM ************ Make _testsuite2_/testcase0002 Execution_local_only (no remote exectuion) REM rem $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}clearTAFTCVars REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}printTAFTCVars REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}updateTAFTCVars REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}list REM REM REM REM REM exec all test_suite (testsuite~= Regexp~ testcase=RegExp) REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}exec REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}testcase=.*${deli}exec REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}testcase=testcase.1*${deli}exec REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testType=tc${deli}exec REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}exec REM REM REM test execution status (1. moving symbol = test-in-prog 2. Current execution status = getWeb_ 3. delete TS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite2_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=_testcase1_/2 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=_testcase2_/1 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=_testcase3_/3 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}getWeb_=_testcase1_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testType=tc${deli}delete=$c/$_TAF/_test_suit1_ REM REM REM TS Property update REM REM *Verification* _test_suit1_ is removed from disk and webUI REM EM REM REM REM REM ------------- Create TC/TS in $c/_testsuite5_/...... ------ REM REM generate test suite from TS Hook ( REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1${deli}createTS REM REM REM ------------- generate TAF testsuite ($c/_testsuite5_/... -> $c/_TAF/_testsuite5_/...) REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM REM *Verification* TC_TAF $c/$_TAF/_TAF/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite?_ should be created and executable REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1${deli}exec REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1${deli}exec REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1${deli}exec REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1${deli}exec REM REM REM REM REM ------------- Generate Perl testsuite with different tags (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}createTS REM REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM REM ------------- Generate sub-Testsuites (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM REM ------------- Generate sub-Testsuies' TAF testsuite --------------------------------------------------- REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM REM ------------- Generate Summary of Original Testsuite and its TAG Testsuites by testcaseNode=_null_ --------------------------------------------------- REM REM $perl_ $c/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM REM ------------- Create Perl-Testsuite Hook and its Test suites /w Tag-based sub-Testsuites (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) REM REM (make sure the ts ends with _powershell_, which indicate a powershell testsuite) REM REM REM REM ------------- Create Powershell-Testsuite Hook and its Test suites - Generate Tag-based sub-Testsuites ------------- REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1__powershell_${deli}createTS REM REM REM ------------- Generate sub-Testsuites (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem For powershell only ${deli} use over index.ps1 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem combine all the property testsuites REM REM ------------- Create Powershell-Testsuite Hook and its Test suites - Generate Tag-based sub-Testsuites ------------- REM REM REM Demo for generating daily excel report REM REM REM ------------- Scabiality Test${deli} multi-testsuites and testing scanTestsuite -------------------------- REM REM REM REM HelloWorld-testbed powershell-Hook (property = _full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) Note: _powershell_ indicate the testsuite hook is index.ps1, in stead of REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1__powershell_${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2__powershell_${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3__powershell_${deli}createTS REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4__powershell_${deli}createTS REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite REM REM REM REM Generate index.ps1 -> for the original TC (_doit_ is deleted) REM REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM REM scanTestsuites from testsuite directory - generate root index.html REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM REM $perl_ $c/_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM $perl_ $c/_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite REM REM REM REM The above scripts should be replace by the scanTestsuites below REM rem $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1__doit_${deli}scanTestsuites REM rem $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2__doit_${deli}scanTestsuites REM rem $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3__doit_${deli}scanTestsuites REM rem $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4__doit_${deli}scanTestsuites REM REM REM ------------- Scabiality Test: multi-testsuites and testing scanTestsuite -------------------------- REM REM REM REM ------------- Update testbed' s _thProperties.txt[s] by generateRootIndex REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ printTestBedProperties${deli}generateRootIndex REM REM REM ------------- TS execution REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite2_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=testcase0001/2 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=testcase0002/1 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=testcase0003/3 REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite2_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=testcase0001/2 REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ generateRootIndex REM REM REM rem Mark TS with comments REM rem testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}tcComment2=abcd${deli}mark REM \@start "" /b "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" "$c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/index.htm" REM REM rem mark3 REM rem todo: --------------------- property operation and property filter REM rem add/set, createTemplate, del, modify, match/filter, get/list (values,_all_, history, latest, last, value, filters), REM REM Property Operation: add a property REM REM Property Operation: set/modify a property REM REM Property Operation: get/list a property REM REM Property Operation: print TC properties REM REM Property Operation: propertyFilter REM REM REM REM copy testsuites tsFrom=e.txt${deli}tsTo=ee.txt${deli}copyTS REM REM REM Test the tcFilter functions REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1a_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1b_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1c_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1d_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1e_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1f_doit_ REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1a_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1b_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1c_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1d_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1e_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1f_doit_ REM REM REM get TC properties REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=get_property1 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=get_history_property1 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=get_last_property1 REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=get_latest_property1 REM REM REM del TC properties (remove all the property-values) REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property2_eq_value2a_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=del_property2_doit_ REM REM REM Modify TC properties (same as add properties - append to thProperty.txt) REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=modify_property3_eq_value3f_doit_ REM REM REM print TS/TC tcFilters REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}printTCFilters REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}printTCFilters REM REM REM property match (might need regExp in the future) REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=match_property2_as_value1h_doit_ REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=match_property1_as_value1h_doit_ REM REM $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}printTCFilters REM REM rem *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite6_${deli}NofTCinTSTemplate${deli}createTS ##### createTS with different number of TC REM REM rem *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOp=set_propverty1_as_value1_doit_ REM rem *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase2${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_as_value2_doit_ REM rem *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase2${deli}printTCFilters REM REM rem *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}printTcFilters REM rem *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOp=get_property1 REM rem *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase2 propertyOp=get_property1 REM REM REM Old memories REM rem 'testsuit=_test_suit1_${deli}create=_testcase1_/overwrite,customTC${deli}$c/tmp/purge.pl_space_1${deli}customTC' REM rem 'testsuit=_test_suit1_${deli}create=_testcase1_/overwrite,pyAnvil,customTC:$c/tmp/indexPyAnvil.pl_space_1:customTC' REM REM REM reminder REM REM _noShow_ tag the TS/TC will not be displayed on webUI REM REM TS can't be executed from remotly over http REM REM UnderExecution message REM REM \$cmd = "c${deli}/_TAF/ testsuite=\$tsGenerated${deli}tsTags"; Get Testsuite tags REM REM webUITreeViewLevel=3${deli}generateRootIndex EOF open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf.txt"; print Fout $testbed4Window; close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/taf.txt\n"; my $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/taf.txt"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf.bat"; print Fout $testbed4Window; close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/taf.bat\n"; $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/taf.bat"; if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { print " Please exec $cmd to setup testbed\n";} if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { print " Please exec $cmd to setup testbed\n";} } 1; } sub genDriver_testbed_Linux { # Testbed/testbed mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { `sudo /bin/chmod -R ugo+rwx $c`;} if (-e "$c/$_TAF/") { ;} else { open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/"; print Fout &prDriver(1); close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/\n"; } if (-e "$c/$_TAF/") {;} else { my $testbed4Linux=<<EOF; # ------------- Create TC/TS under $c/$_TAF ----------------------------------- # * Create Functional test case, which returns Pass with different execution time. # * Create Functional test case, which returns Fail with different execution time. # * Create Performance test case, which returns number of seconds # * Create Functional test case, with logs and links in the logs (_tcLogAppend.txt) # * Create Functional test case, with expected failure (expF) # * Create Functional test case, with expected failure (bugF) # * Test case execution testcase=string ~ (testType=tc or ts~ what does it mean?) # * Test case execution testcase=regExp ~ (testType=tc or ts~ what does it mean?) # * Test suite execution testsuite=string ~ (testType=tc or ts~ what does it mean?) # * Test suite execution testsuite=regExp ~ (testType=tc or ts~ what does it mean?) # * Test case status ~ moving ">" # * Test case 24/7 execution # * Test suite 24/7 execution # * Test case "stop" # * Test suite "stop" # * Test suite title tsProperty.txt # * Test case title tcProperty.txt # create test_suite (_test_suite?_)/_test_case?_ under $c/$_TAF # * Modify # * Delete TC/TS # * Update TS/TC Status # * deleteTS /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTS # ------------- Create TC/TS in directory $c/$_TAF...... ----------------------------------- # debug: C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_;deleteTS # debug: C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_;create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=1 # debug: C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_;list # debug /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ testsuite=/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_testsuite5_non_TAF_~deleteTS # debug /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ testsuite=/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/tmp~deleteTS # debug /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ generateRootIndex # debug /usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ testsuite=/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1~createTS /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0002/overwrite,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0003/overwrite,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0004/overwrite,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0005/overwrite,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}create=testcase0006/overwrite,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=20 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0002/overwrite,sleep=20 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0003/overwrite,sleep=40 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0004/overwrite,sleep=30 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0005/overwrite,sleep=20 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}create=testcase0006/overwrite,sleep=20 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=2 # create performance test /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0002/overwrite,perf,sleep=3 # create Failed Functional test /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0003/overwrite,fail,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0004/overwrite,sleep=2 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0005/overwrite,fail,sleep=4 # create functional test /w log /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0006/overwrite,genLog,sleep=10 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0007/overwrite,fail,genLog,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0008/overwrite,pass,genLog,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0009/overwrite,expectedFail,genLog,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0010/overwrite,expF,genLog,sleep=1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}create=testcase0011/overwrite,bugF,genLog,sleep=1 # create customrized TAF test cases for property operation test (TC contents are hardcoded in TAF) /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}create=testcase0001/overwrite,sleep=1,customTC:taftestcase1:customTC /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}create=testcase0002/overwrite,sleep=1,customTC:taftestcase2:customTC /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}create=testcase0003/overwrite,sleep=1,customTC:taftestcase3:customTC /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}create=testcase0004/overwrite,sleep=1,customTC:taftestcase4:customTC /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}exec # $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}printTAFTSVars # $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}testcase=testcase0003${deli}printTAFTCVars # _TAF/_testsuite/TAFTSVars.txt that overwrite _TAF/TAFGlobalVARS.txt # updateTAFTSVars set Execution_local_only=y #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}printTAFTSVars #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}updateTAFTSVars #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}updateTAFTCVars # ************ Make _testsuite1_/testcase0001 Execution_local_only (no remote exectuion) # _TAF/_testsuite/TAFTSVars.txt that overwrite _TAF/TAFGlobalVARS.txt #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}printTAFTSVars #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}updateTAFTSVars # ************ Make _testsuite2_/testcase0002 Execution_local_only (no remote exectuion) # $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}clearTAFTCVars #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}printTAFTCVars #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}updateTAFTCVars #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}list # exec all test_suite (testsuite~= Regexp~ testcase=RegExp) /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}exec /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}testcase=.*${deli}exec /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}testcase=testcase.1*${deli}exec /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite2_${deli}testType=tc${deli}exec /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}exec # test execution status (1. moving symbol = test-in-prog 2. Current execution status = getWeb_ 3. delete TS /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite2_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=_testcase1_/2 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=_testcase2_/1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=_testcase3_/3 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}getWeb_=_testcase1_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testType=tc${deli}delete=$c/$_TAF/_test_suit1_ # TS Property update # *Verification* _test_suit1_ is removed from disk and webUI # ------------- Create TC/TS in $c/_testsuite5_/...... ------ # generate test suite from TS Hook ( /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1${deli}createTS /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1${deli}createTS /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1${deli}createTS /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1${deli}createTS /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- generate TAF testsuite ($c/_testsuite5_/... -> $c/_TAF/_testsuite5_/...) #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1${deli}generateTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1${deli}generateTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1${deli}generateTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # *Verification* TC_TAF $c/$_TAF/_TAF/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite?_ should be created and executable /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1${deli}exec /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1${deli}exec /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1${deli}exec /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1${deli}exec /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Generate Perl testsuite with different tags (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}createTS /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}createTS /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}createTS /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}createTS /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Generate sub-Testsuites (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generatePropertyTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Generate sub-Testsuies' TAF testsuite --------------------------------------------------- /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Generate Summary of Original Testsuite and its TAG Testsuites by testcaseNode=_null_ --------------------------------------------------- /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}generateTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Create Perl-Testsuite Hook and its Test suites /w Tag-based sub-Testsuites (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) # (make sure the ts ends with _powershell_, which indicate a powershell testsuite) # Demo for generating daily excel report # ------------- Scabiality Test${deli} multi-testsuites and testing scanTestsuite -------------------------- # # ------------- Update testbed' s _thProperties.txt[s] by generateRootIndex /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ printTestBedProperties${deli}generateRootIndex /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ printTAFGlobalVars # ------------- TS execution /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite1_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite2_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite4_${deli}testType=tc${deli}list /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=testcase0001/2 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=testcase0002/1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite3_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=testcase0003/3 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuit=_testsuite2_${deli}testType=tc${deli}updateWeb_=testcase0001/2 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ generateRootIndex # \@start "" /b "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" "$c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/index.htm" # mark3 # todo: --------------------- property operation and property filter # add/set, createTemplate, del, modify, match/filter, get/list (values,_all_, history, latest, last, value, filters), # Property Operation: add a property # Property Operation: set/modify a property # Property Operation: get/list a property # Property Operation: print TC properties # Property Operation: propertyFilter # # copy testsuites tsFrom=e.txt${deli}tsTo=ee.txt${deli}copyTS # Test the tcFilter functions /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1a_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1b_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1c_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1d_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1e_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1f_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1a_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1b_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1c_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1d_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1e_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0002${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_eq_value1f_doit_ # get TC properties /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=get_property1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=get_history_property1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=get_last_property1 /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=get_latest_property1 # del TC properties (remove all the property-values) /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=set_property2_eq_value2a_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=del_property2_doit_ # Modify TC properties (same as add properties - append to thProperty.txt) /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=modify_property3_eq_value3f_doit_ # print TS/TC tcFilters /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}printTCFilters /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}printTCFilters # property match (might need regExp in the future) /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=match_property2_as_value1h_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase0001${deli}propertyOp=match_property1_as_value1h_doit_ /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}printTCFilters # *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite6_${deli}NofTCinTSTemplate${deli}createTS ##### createTS with different number of TC # *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOp=set_propverty1_as_value1_doit_ # *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase2${deli}propertyOp=set_property1_as_value2_doit_ # *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase2${deli}printTCFilters # *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}printTcFilters # *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}propertyOp=get_property1 # *Technology Reserve* $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=_testsuite3_${deli}testcase=testcase2 propertyOp=get_property1 # Old memories # 'testsuit=_test_suit1_${deli}create=_testcase1_/overwrite,customTC${deli}$c/tmp/purge.pl_space_1${deli}customTC' # 'testsuit=_test_suit1_${deli}create=_testcase1_/overwrite,pyAnvil,customTC:$c/tmp/indexPyAnvil.pl_space_1:customTC' # reminder # _noShow_ tag the TS/TC will not be displayed on webUI # TS can't be executed from remotly over http # UnderExecution message # Test result merge by _thProperty_link.txt # printGlobalVars for TAF/TS/TC ... printTAFGlobalVars , printTAFTSVars , printTAFTCVars # \$cmd = "c${deli}/_TAF/ testsuite=\$tsGenerated${deli}tsTags"; Get Testsuite tags # webUITreeViewLevel=3${deli}generateRootIndex # Configuration: 1. disable selinux 2. disable firewall (iptable) # !!!!!!!!!!!!! Run sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx /tmp/var !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EOF open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf.txt"; print Fout $testbed4Linux; close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/taf.txt\n"; my $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/taf.txt"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/" ; print Fout $testbed4Linux; close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/\n"; $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/"; if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { `/usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod -R ugo+rwx $c`;} if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { print "Please exec $cmd manually\n";} } 1; } ############## sub generateAutoItTS { if (-e "c:/AutoItTestsuite") {;} else { mkpath "c:/AutoItTestsuite";} my $calcTestsuite=<<'EOF' ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.0 ; Language: English ; Platform: Win9x/NT ; ; Script Function: ; Plays with the calculator. ; ; ################################################## ; Setup step: read var1 and var2 from command line arguments ; : generate the test log as _tcLogAppend.txt ; ################################################## dim $var1 dim $var2 $var1 = $CmdLine[1] $var2 = $CmdLine[2] Local $file = FileOpen("c:/autoItTestsuite/_tcLogAppend.txt", 1) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf ; ################################################## ; Execution step: start calc and type $var1 and $var2 ; ################################################## Run("calc.exe") WinWaitActive("Calculator") AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 400) Send($var1&"*"&$var2&"=") ; Log what is typed for debugging FileWrite($file, "Input :"& $var1 &"*"& $var2 & @CRLF) ; ################################################## ; Execution step: capture output from the calculator ; ################################################## Local $output = WinGetText("[CLASS:CalcFrame]", "") Sleep(1000) FileWrite($file, "output:"&$output & @CRLF) WinClose("Calculator") WinWaitClose("Calculator") FileClose($file) ; ################################################## ; Verification step: $var1 * $var2 = $output ; ################################################## ;Verification if $output = 1024 then print Pass if $output = ($var1 * $var2) then ConsoleWrite("pass") else ConsoleWrite("fail") endif EOF ; my $index_pl=<<'EOF1' #!C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe $tcName = "AutoItTestsuite"; if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { $_TAF = "c:"; } if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $_TAF = "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin"; } $tcDir = "$_TAF/$tcName"; if ($ARGV[0]) { open Fout, ">$tcDir/_tcLogAppend.txt"; if ($ARGV[0] == 1) { print &testcase(5 , 6 );} if ($ARGV[0] == 2) { print &testcase(5.5, 6 );} if ($ARGV[0] == 3) { print &testcase(5.5, 6.5);} if ($ARGV[0] == 4) { print &testcase(5.5, 0 );} close Fout; } else { print <<EOF; 1. Test case 1: inteter * integer ( 5 * 6 ) 2. Test case 2: float * integer ( 5.5 * 6 ) 3. Test case 3: float * float ( 5.5 * 6.5) 4. Test case 4: float * zero ( 5.5 * 0 ) EOF ; } sub testcase { my $cmd = "\"C:/Program Files (x86)/AutoIt3/AutoIt3\" c:/AutoItTestsuite/calc.au3 $_[0] $_[1]"; return `$cmd`; } EOF1 ; open Fout, ">c:/AutoItTestsuite/calc.au3"; print Fout $calcTestsuite; close Fout; open Fout, ">c:/AutoItTestsuite/"; print Fout $index_pl; close Fout; } sub delDriver_testbed_Window { # Testbed/testbed #here if ($workingDir =~ /\w+:[\/|\\]\s*$/) { print 'Please do *NOT* run perl -MTest::AutomationFramework -e "install" from rootDir. Run it from non-root directory.'; exit} if (-e "$c/$_TAF") {;} else { mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; } if (-e "$c/$_TAF/") { ;} else { open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/"; print Fout &prDriver(1); close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/\n"; } if (-e "$c/$_TAF/taf_delete.bat") {;} else { my $testbed4Window =<<EOF; REM ------------- Create TC/TS in directory $c/$_TAF...... ----------------------------------- $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite2_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite3_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite4_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM ------------- Create TC/TS in $c/_testsuite5_/...... ------ REM generate test suite from TS Hook ( $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM ------------- Generate sub-Testsuites (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM ------------- Generate sub-Testsuies' TAF testsuite --------------------------------------------------- $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM ------------- Generate Summary of Original Testsuite and its TAG Testsuites by testcaseNode=_null_ --------------------------------------------------- $perl_ $c/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM ------------- Generate sub-Testsuites (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM ------------- Scabiality Test${deli} multi-testsuites and testing scanTestsuite -------------------------- REM REM HelloWorld-testbed powershell-Hook (property = _full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) Note: _powershell_ indicate the testsuite hook is index.ps1, in stead of $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookName=index.ps1${deli}${deli}tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM Generate index.ps1 -> for the original TC (_doit_ is deleted) rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite rem $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ TSHookIsPerl=y${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM scanTestsuites from testsuite directory - generate root index.html $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite $perl_ $c/_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite REM ------------- Scabiality Test: multi-testsuites and testing scanTestsuite -------------------------- REM ------------- Update testbed' s _thProperties.txt[s] by generateRootIndex $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ printTestBedProperties${deli}generateRootIndex $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ generateRootIndex refreshHost testsuite=c:/_testsuite10_;refreshHost EOF open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf_delete.txt"; print Fout $testbed4Window; close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/taf_delete.txt\n"; my $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/taf_delete.txt"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf_delete.bat"; print Fout $testbed4Window; close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/taf_delete.bat\n"; $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/taf_delete.bat"; # if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {if ( &enterY("Execute $c/$_TAF/taf_delete.bat (y/n)? ") =~ /y/) {system $cmd;} } if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { print " Please exec $cmd to teardown testbed\n";} if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { print " Please exec $cmd to teardown testbed\n";} } 1; } sub delDriver_testbed_Linux { # Testbed/testbed if ( -e "$c/$_TAF") {;} else { mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; } if ($^O =~ /linux/i) {`/usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod -R ugo+rwx $c`;} if (-e "$c/$_TAF/") {;} else { open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/"; print Fout &prDriver(1); close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/\n"; } if (-e "$c/$_TAF/") {;} else { my $testbed4Linux=<<EOF; /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite1_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite2_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite rem /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite3_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite4_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Create TC/TS in $c/_testsuite5_/...... ------ # generate test suite from TS Hook ( /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- generate TAF testsuite ($c/_testsuite5_/... -> $c/_TAF/_testsuite5_/...) #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite #/usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite # ------------- Generate Perl testsuite with different tags (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Generate sub-Testsuites (_smoketest_, _regression_ ) ----------------------------------- /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Generate sub-Testsuies' TAF testsuite --------------------------------------------------- /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_full_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_full_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_smoketest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/$_TAF/ tcPropertyName=_regressiontest_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c # ------------- Generate Summary of Original Testsuite and its TAG Testsuites by testcaseNode=_null_ --------------------------------------------------- /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo $perl_ $c/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_${deli}testsuite=$c/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl${deli}deleteTAFTestsuite /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx $c /usr/bin/sudo chmod -R go-wx $c refreshHost testsuite=c:/_testsuite10_;refreshHost EOF open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf_delete.txt"; print Fout $testbed4Linux; close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/taf_delete.txt\n"; my $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/taf_delete.txt"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/" ; print Fout $testbed4Linux; close Fout; print " --> $c/$_TAF/\n"; $cmd = "$c/$_TAF/"; if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { `/usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod -R ugo+rwx $c`;} if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { print "Please exec $cmd manually\n";} } 1; } ############## #sub enterY { print shift ; $_ = &getYorN(); if (($_ =~ /n/i) || ($_ =~ /^\s*$/)) { return "n"; } if ($_ =~ /y/i) { return "y"; } } #sub timed_input { # my $end_time = time + shift; # my $default = "timed_input_default"; $default = shift if (@_); # my $string ; # do { # my $key = ReadKey(1); # print $key if defined $key; # $string .= $key if defined $key; # } while (time < $end_time); # return $string; #}; # sub getYorN { my $input = &timed_input(6); if ($input) { return $input ; } else { return "n";} } sub install { &genDriver(); 1; } #### install is replaced by genDriver () . it is kept for backwards compatible sub printTestBedProperties { ############ Generate taf Property file for _testsuite1_ mkpath "$c/$_TAF/_testsuite1_"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/_testsuite1_/tsProperty.txt"; my $str = <<EOF; There is no $c/$_TAF/_testsuite1_/tsProperty.txt for c:/_TAF/_testsuite1_. This is as designed. EOF print Fout $str; close Fout; ############ Generate taf Property file for _testsuite1_ ############ Generate taf Property file for _testsuite2_ mkpath "$c/$_TAF/_testsuite2_"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/_testsuite2_/tsProperty.txt"; $str = <<EOF; There is no $c/$_TAF/_testsuite2_/tsProperty.txt for $c/$_TAF/_testsuite2_. This is as designed. EOF print Fout $str; close Fout; ############ Generate taf Property file for _testsuite2_ ############ Generate taf Property file for _testsuite3_ mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/_blabla.html"; $str=<<EOF; <html><body><pre> This is a demo for URL link in log </pre></body></html> EOF print Fout $str; close Fout; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/_testLog.txt"; $str=<<EOF; This is a demo for Log in Log (Recursive Log) EOF print Fout $str; close Fout; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/_testLog.htm"; $str=<<EOF; <html><bod><pre> This is a demo for *.htm in Log (Recursive Log) </pre></body></html> EOF print Fout $str; close Fout; mkpath "$c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/tsProperty.txt"; $str = <<EOF; web_ui_title: Test Automation Framework : web_ui_title $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0001| 1 Test case 1 description Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0002| 2 Test case 2 Perform TC for tsProperty.txt Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0003| 3 Test case 3 Fail TC for .. tsProperty.txt Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0004| 4 Test case 4 Pass TC for ... tsProperty.txt Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0005| 5 Test case 5 Fail TC for .... tsProperty.txt Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0006| 6 Test case 6 TC /w Log for ..... tsProperty.txt Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0007| 7 Test case 7 _Expected_Fail_ for ... tsProperty.txt Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0008| 8 Test case 8 _Expected_Fail_ for ... tsProperty.txt Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0009| 9 Test case return Expected_f_a_i_l for ... tsPro Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0010| 10 Test case return expF for ... tsPro Manual edit please $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_/testcase0011| 11 Test case return bugF for ... tsPro Manual edit please EOF print Fout $str; close Fout; ############ Generate taf Property file for _testsuite3_ mkpath "$c/$_TAF/_testsuite4_"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/_testsuite4_/tsProperty.txt"; $str = <<EOF; web_ui_title: Testcase/Testsuite Property Operation Test Suite : web_ui_title $c/$_TAF/_testsuite4_/testcase0001| 1 Test case 1 add testcase Property1 = propertyValue1 $c/$_TAF/_testsuite4_/testcase0002| 2 Test case 2 get testcase Property1 = propertyValue1A $c/$_TAF/_testsuite4_/testcase0003| 3 Test case 3 add testsuite Property $c/$_TAF/_testsuite4_/testcase0004| 4 Test case 4 get testsutie Property EOF print Fout $str; close Fout; ############ Generate taf Property file for webUI tc description mkpath "$c/$_TAF"; open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/tsProperty.txt"; print Fout<<EOF; web_ui_title: Test Automation Framework : web_ui_title $c/$_TAF/_testsuite1_|0001 TAF Testbed 1 : Test Case Management: TC list, TC execution, TC Reporting /o TC Description $c/$_TAF/_testsuite2_|0002 TAF Testbed 2 : Test Case Management: TC list, TC execution, TC Reporting /o TC Description $c/$_TAF/_testsuite3_|0003 TAF Testbed 3 : Test Case Management: Concurrency, Performance TCs, TC Logging, TC Description $c/$_TAF/_testsuite4_|0004 TAF Testbed 4 : Test Case Management: Property operations : add/get properties $c/$_TAF/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite1_/_TS1|0007 TAF Testbed 7 : Test Suite Management: Multiple test suite coexistence (testsuite1) $c/$_TAF/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite2_/_TS1|0008 TAF Testbed 8 : Test Suite Management: Multiple test suite coexistence (testsuite2) $c/$_TAF/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite3_/_TS1|0009 TAF Testbed 9 : Test Suite Management: Multiple test suite coexistence (testsuite3) $c/$_TAF/_testsuite5_non_TAF_/_testsuiteTestBed/_testsuite4_/_TS1|0010 TAF Testbed 10: Test Suite Management: Multiple test suite coexistence (testsuite4) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl|0011 TAF Testbed 11: ts1: perl testsuite hook /o tags _smoketest_, _regressiontest_ $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl|0012 TAF Testbed 12: ts2: perl testsuite hook /o tags _smoketest_, _regressiontest_ $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl|0013 TAF Testbed 13: ts3: perl testsuite hook /o tags _smoketest_, _regressiontest_ $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl|0014 TAF Testbed 14: ts4: perl testsuite hook /o tags _smoketest_, _regressiontest_ $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl|0015 TAF Testbed 15: Test Suite Management: Perl Script Automation Test Suite 1 (_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_full_|0016 TAF Testbed 16: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_full_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_|0017 TAF Testbed 17: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_|0018 TAF Testbed 18: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_smoketest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl|0019 TAF Testbed 19: Test Suite Management: Perl Script Automation Test Suite 2 (_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_full_|0020 TAF Testbed 20: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_full_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_|0021 TAF Testbed 21: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites2_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_|0022 TAF Testbed 22: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_smoketest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl|0023 TAF Testbed 23: Test Suite Management: Perl Script Automation Test Suite 3 (_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_full_|0024 TAF Testbed 24: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_full_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_|0025 TAF Testbed 25: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites3_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_|0026 TAF Testbed 26: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_smoketest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl|0027 TAF Testbed 27: Test Suite Management: Perl Script Automation Test Suite 4 (_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_full_|0028 TAF Testbed 28: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_full_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_regressiontest_|0029 TAF Testbed 29: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites4_/_testsuite_pl/_smoketest_|0030 TAF Testbed 30: Test Suite Management: sub Test Suite (_smoketest_) $c/$_TAF/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_|0031 TAF Testbed 31: Test Suite Management: Powershell Script Automation Test Suite(_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_full_|0032 TAF Testbed 32: Test Suite Management: (_full_) $c/$_TAF/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_smoketest_|0033 TAF Testbed 33: Test Suite Management: (_smoketest_) $c/$_TAF/_powershellTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites_/_testsuite_ps1_/_regressiontest_|0034 TAF Testbed 34: Test Suite Management: (_regressiontest_) REM testsuite Desc (tsDesc) example $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat|Testsuite : Test suite of Tree structure and Test suite Node functon $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests|TAF Testsuite : Test suite Tree structure and Test suite Node function $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests|TAF Testsuite : Test suite Tree structure and Test suite Node function $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_|0035 TAF Testbed 35: Test suite Tree structure: Test suite Node (in develop) of testsuite1 $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_full_|0036 TAF Testbed 36: Test Suite Management: Test Suite Hook (testsuite1/index.ps1) (_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_regressiontest_|0037 TAF Testbed 37: Test Suite Management: (_regression tests_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite1_/_smoketest_|0038 TAF Testbed 38: Test Suite Management: (_smoketest_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_|0039 TAF Testbed 39: Test suite Tree structure: Test suite Node (in develop) of testsuite1 $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_full_|0040 TAF Testbed 40: Test Suite Management: Test Suite Hook (testsuite2/index.ps1) (_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_regressiontest_|0041 TAF Testbed 41: Test Suite Management: (_regression tests_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite2_/_smoketest_|0042 TAF Testbed 42: Test Suite Management: (_smoketest_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_|0043 TAF Testbed 43: Test suite Tree structure: Test suite Node (in develop) of testsuite1 $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_full_|0044 TAF Testbed 44: Test Suite Management: Test Suite Hook (testsuite3/index.ps1) (_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_regressiontest_|0045 TAF Testbed 45: Test Suite Management: (_regression tests_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite3_/_smoketest_|0046 TAF Testbed 46: Test Suite Management: (_smoketest_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_|0047 TAF Testbed 47: Test suite Tree structure: Test suite Node (in develop) of testsuite1 $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_/_full_|0048 TAF Testbed 48: Test Suite Management: Test Suite Hook (testsuite4/index.ps1) (_full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_/_regressiontest_|0049 TAF Testbed 49: Test Suite Management: (_regression tests_) $c/$_TAF/Autobat/Bat/QA_Tests/BATtests/BAT/Automation_testsuite4_/_smoketest_|0050 TAF Testbed 50: Test Suite Management: (_smoketest_) EOF close Fout; 1; } ########### sub prDriverSvr { my $driver=<<'EOF'; #!/usr/bin/perl { package MyWebServer; use HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI; use base qw(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI); my %dispatch = ( '/hello' => \&resp_hello, ); my $root = "c:/_TAF"; if ($^O =~ /win32/i ) { ;} elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $root="/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF";} sub handle_request { my $self = shift; my $cgi = shift; my $path = $cgi->path_info(); my $handler = $dispatch{$path}; if (ref($handler) eq "CODE") { print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"; $handler->($cgi); } elsif (-e "${root}${path}") { print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"; if (${path} !~ /taf\.cgi/i) { #### display html file print $cgi->header , $cgi->start_html("$root$path"); open Fin, "$root$path"; @_ = <Fin>; close Fin; my $content = "@_"; print $cgi->body($content); print $cgi->end_html; } else { #### process taf.cgi ######################## sub taf_cgi { my $tafArgs = "help"; $tafArgs = $cgi->param("tafArgs"); if (($tafArgs =~ /exitTAFGracefullyString/i) && ($tafArgs !~ /;exitTAF/i)) { $tafArgs = $tafArgs.";exitTAF";} if ($^O =~ /win32/i ) { $tafArgs =~ s/_semi_/;/g; } if ($^O =~ /linux/i ) { $tafArgs =~ s/_semi_/\~/g; } $tafArgs =~ s/exitTAF=_null_/exitTAF/g; my $tafRedirectory = $cgi->param("tafRedirectory"); my $refreshRate = 5; print $cgi->header, $cgi->start_html("$root$path"); print "<pre>"; if (($tafArgs =~ /Execution_local_only=y/i) && ($tafArgs =~ /Execution_from_cgi=y/i)) { print "This test can NOT be executed over the network. Pleae execute the test from host w-PC/ To Turn ON Remote Execution, email the administrator. \n" ; } else { my $cmd = "start c:/_TAF/ $tafArgs"; if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { ; } elsif ( $^O =~ /linux/i) { $cmd = "/usr/bin/perl /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/ $tafArgs"; } print "Running at _host_/_ip_: $cmd\n"; print "Waiting ......\n"; system $cmd; } print<<EOF1; </pre> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="$refreshRate; url=$tafRedirectory"> EOF1 print $cgi->end_html ; ####################### } } } else { print "HTTP/1.0 404 Not found\r\n"; print $cgi->header, $cgi->start_html('Not found'), $cgi->body("${root}$path is Not found"); if (-e "${root}${path}") { open Fin, "$root$path"; @_ = <Fin>; close Fin; my $content = "@_"; print $cgi->body("$content"); } print $cgi->end_html; } } sub resp_hello { my $cgi = shift; # object return if !ref $cgi; my $who = $cgi->param('name'); my $dir = `C:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/_TAF/ -help`; open Fin, "c:/_TAF/_blabla.html"; @_ = <Fin>; $file = "@_"; $file ="@_"; close Fin; my $pathinfo = $cgi->path_info(); my $fullpath = $cgi->url(-full=>1); print $cgi->header, $cgi->start_html("Hello"), $cgi->body("$file, $pathinfo, $fullpath"), $cgi->end_html; } } # start the server on port 8080 my $httpport = 8080; if ($^O =~ /win32/i) {;} elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $httpport = "1234"; } my $pid = MyWebServer->new($httpport)->background(); print "Use 'kill $pid' to stop server.\n"; EOF $driver =~ s/_host_/$hostname/ig; $driver =~ s/_ip_/$ip/ig; ; # $c = "c:"; $_TAF = "_TAF"; # open Fout, ">$c/$_TAF/taf.svr"; print Fout $driver ; close Fout; print " ->$c/$_TAF/taf.svr"; if (@_) { return $driver;} else { print $driver;} } ########### sub prDriver { my $driver=<<EOF; #!/usr/bin/perl use Test::AutomationFramework; use Getopt::Long; GetOptions( 'processTSs=s' => \\\$processTSs, 'processTCs|settings|s=s' => \\\$processTCs, 'processTC|tc=s' => \\\$processTC, 'processProperty|property=s' => \\\$processProperty, 'help' => \\\$help, ); \$TAF = new Test::AutomationFramework; if (\$help) {\$TAF->help();} if (\$prDriver) {\$TAF->prDriver();} if (\$processTSs) { \$TAF->processTSs(\$processTSs);} if (\$processTCs) { \$TAF->processTCs(\$processTCs);} if (\$processProperty) { \$TAF->processProperty(\$processProperty);} if (\$processTC) { \$TAF->processTC(\$processTC);} if (\$scanTestsuites) { \$TAF->scanTestsuites();} \$cmdLine = \$TAF->getTAFArgsFromFile(); if (\$cmdLine) {;} else {foreach \$each (\@ARGV) {\$cmdLine =\$cmdLine.\$each.';'; } } \$cmdLine =~ s/\\\~/;/g; # Linux porting # Single Uer mode # Mult-user mode: can be done by modifying \$TAF->processTCs(\$cmdLine); # print "debug: taf: done. Please uncomment this from\\n"; exit; if (\$cmdLine =~ /releaseLock/i) { \$TAF->Queue("releaseLock"); exit;} if (\$cmdLine =~ /exitTAF/i) { \$TAF->processTCs(\$cmdLine); \$TAF->Queue("releaseLock"); } else { if (\$cmdLine) {\$TAF->Queue("push",\$cmdLine);} } if (\$TAF->Queue("checkLock") > 0) { print "The task is in queue. The lock (\$c/\$_TAF/taf.lock) exist!\\n"; exit;} \$TAF->Queue("setLock"); while (\$TAF->Queue("queueSize") > 0 ) { \$cmdLine = \$TAF->Queue("pop"); \$TAF->processTCs(\$cmdLine); } \$TAF->Queue("updateQueue"); \$TAF->Queue("releaseLock"); # \$TAF->generateRootIndex(); # \$TAF->Queue("releaseLock"); # if (\$TAF->Queue("checkLock") > 0) { print "The task is in queue. (c:/_TAF/taf.lock exist!\\n"; exit;} # \$TAF->Queue("setLock"); while (\$TAF->Queue("queueSize") > 0 ) { \$cmdLine = \$TAF->Queue("pop"); \$TAF->processTCs(\$cmdLine); \$TAF->Queue("releaseLock"); } # \$TAF->generateRootIndex(); ## \$TAF->Queue("releaseLock"); EOF if (@_) { return $driver;} else { print $driver;} } sub prDriverCGI { my $perl_loc ; if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { $perl_loc = "#!c:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe";} if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $perl_loc = "#!/usr/bin/perl";} my $cmdFormat ; if ($^O =~ /win32/i) { $cmdFormat = "my \$cmd = \"start c:/_TAF/ \$tafArgs\""; } if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $cmdFormat = "my \$cmd = \"/usr/bin/perl $c/$_TAF/ \$tafArgs\""; } my $driver=<<EOF; $perl_loc use strict; use warnings; use CGI ":all"; my \$q = new CGI; my \$tafArgs = "help"; \$tafArgs = \$q->param("tafArgs"); if ((\$tafArgs =~ /exitTAFGracefullyString/i) && (\$tafArgs !~ /;exitTAF/i)) { \$tafArgs = \$tafArgs.";exitTAF";} if (\$^O =~ /win32/i ) { \$tafArgs =~ s/_semi_/;/g; } if (\$^O =~ /linux/i ) { \$tafArgs =~ s/_semi_/\\~/g; } \$tafArgs =~ s/exitTAF=_null_/exitTAF/g; my \$tafRedirectory = \$q->param("tafRedirectory"); my \$refreshRate = 5; print \$q->header(); print \$q->start_html(); print "<pre>"; # ################## add Remove_or_local_execution variable here and in TAF if ((\$tafArgs =~ /Execution_local_only=y/i) && (\$tafArgs =~ /Execution_from_cgi=y/i)) { print "This test can NOT be executed over the network. Pleae execute the test from host $hostname/$ip. To Turn ON Remote Execution, email the administrator. \\n" ; } else { #if (\$tafArgs =~ /Again/) { \$refreshRate = 50000000; } # my \$cmd = "start c:/_TAF/ \$tafArgs"; # todo $cmdFormat; #print \$q->param("tafArgs"); print "\\n-----------\\n"; #print \$q->param("tafRedirectory"); print "\\n-----------\\n"; print "Running at $hostname/$ip: \$cmd\\n"; system \$cmd; } print<<EOF1; </pre> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="\$refreshRate; url=\$tafRedirectory"> EOF1 print \$q->end_html ; EOF if (@_) { return $driver;} else { print $driver;} } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : getDate # Function: get current Datetime # Input Parameters: # Output/Returns : currentDate in the format of 2010-10-02 12:11:22 ################################################################################ sub getDate ( ) { # TH:Generic Functions: get current Time (TH:Generic Functions) my ( $y, $m, $d, $hh, $mm, $ss ) = (localtime)[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ]; $y += 1900; $m++; my $iso_sale_time = sprintf( "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $y, $m, $d, $hh, $mm, $ss ); $iso_sale_time; } sub sortCmdLog { my %record; open Fin, "$c/$_TAF/_cmdLogs.txt"; while (<Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /(.+)>\s+/) { if ( &Date_Cmp (&DateCalc("now", "+0 day"), &DateCalc("now", $commandLogLifeSpan)) >= 0 ) {$record{$1} = $_;} } } close Fin; open Fout, "> $c/$_TAF/_cmdLogs.txt_"; foreach my $each (reverse sort keys %record) { $record{$each} =~ s/\s*\n$//g; if ($record{$each}) {print Fout "$record{$each}\n";} } close Fout; copy ("$c/$_TAF/_cmdLogs.txt_", "$c/$_TAF/_cmdLogs.txt"); } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : appendtoFile # Function: append text to a file # Input Parameters: 1 Filename 2 String # Output/Returns : New File with the appened text ################################################################################ sub appendtoFile() { # TH:Generic Functions: append to file (TH:Generic Functions) my $fname = $_[0]; open Fout, ">>$fname"; print Fout "$_[1]"; close Fout; } sub appendtoFileStart() { # TH:Generic Functions: append to file (TH:Generic Functions) my $fname = $_[0]; if (-e $fname ) { open Fin, $fname; @_=<Fin>; close Fin;} open Fout, ">>$fname"; print Fout "$_[1]\n"; print Fout @_; close Fout; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : appendtoFileFile # Function: append file1 to file2 # Input Parameters: 1 Filename 2 String # Output/Returns : New File with the appened text ################################################################################ sub appendtoFileFile() { # TH:Generic Functions: append file to file (TH:Generic Functions) my $fname = $_[0]; my $fnameOUT = $_[1]; open Fin, "$fname" || die "Can't open $fname:$!"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { &appendtoFile($fnameOUT, $_) if ($_ !~ /^\s*$/); } close Fin; } sub appendtoFileUniq_ { # fname, fileContent, maxTCExecTime my $fname = "e.txt" ; $fname = shift if @_; my $content = "" ; $content = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; my $fname_ = $fname."_" ; my %record; while (-e $fname_) { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } #if (-e $fname ){ if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1) {;} else { &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1,"") }; if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1_http) {;} else { &createFile_($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml1_http,"") }; open Fin , "$fname"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { my $_tmp = $_; $_tmp =~ s/_semi_/;/g; if ($_tmp =~ /exitTAFGracefullyString=(.+)\s*;\s*exitTAF/) { $record{$1} = $_; } } close Fin; #} my $content_tmp = $content; $content_tmp =~ s/_semi_/;/g; if ( $content_tmp =~ /exitTAFGracefullyString=(.+)\s*;\s*exitTAF/) {$record{$1} = $content;} # open Fout, ">$fname_"; foreach my $each (sort keys %record) { open Fout, ">$fname_"; foreach my $each (sort keys %record) { print Fout $record{$each} } close Fout; move ($fname_, $fname); } sub appendtoFileUniqly { # fname, fileContent, maxTCExecTime my $fname = "e.txt" ; $fname = shift if @_; my $content = "" ; $content = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; my $fname_ = $fname."_" ; my %record; while (-e $fname_) { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } if (-e $fname) { open Fin , "$fname"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { $_ =~ s/\s*\n//g; $record{$_} = $_; } close Fin; $record{$content}=$content; open Fout, ">$fname_"; foreach my $each (sort keys %record) { print Fout "$record{$each}\n" if ($record{$each} !~ /^\s*$/); } close Fout; move ($fname_, $fname); } else { open Fout , ">$fname" || die "Can't open $fname:$!"; print Fout $content; close Fout; } } sub write2File{ # fname, fileContent, maxTCExecTime my $fname = "e.txt" ; $fname = shift if @_; my $content = "" ; $content = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; my $fname_ = $fname."_" ; my %record; while (-e $fname_) { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } open Fout, ">$fname_"; print Fout $content; close Fout; move ($fname_, $fname); } sub copyFile { # fname, fileContent, maxTCExecTime my $fnameFrom = "e.txt" ; $fnameFrom = shift if @_; my $fnameTo = "e.txt" ; $fnameTo = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; # my $fname_ = $fname."_" ; # my %record; #while (-e $fname_) { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } copy ($fnameFrom, $fnameTo); } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : createFile # Function: create a new file # Input Parameters: 1 Filename 2 String # Output/Returns : New File with the appened text ################################################################################ sub createFile() { # TH:Generic Functions: create to file (TH:Generic Functions) my $fname = $_[0]; $fname =~ s/\\/\//g; if (-e &getDir($fname)) { chmod 0777, &getDir($fname); ;} else { umask 0000; mkpath &getDir($fname); chmod 0777, &getDir($fname); } umask 0000; open Fout, ">$fname"; print Fout "$_[1]\n"; close Fout; chmod 0777, $fname; } ################################################################################ # Subroutine Name : readFile # Function: Read a file # Input Parameters: Filename # Output/Returns : String ################################################################################ sub readFile() { # TH:Generic Functions: read file (TH:Generic Functions) my $fname = $_[0]; if ( -e $fname ) { open Fin, "$fname"; @_ = <Fin>; close Fin; return " @_"; } else { return "";} } ################################## STOP TAF Gracefully ############################################ sub getExitTAFGracefullyLock { if ( -e $exitTAFGracefullyLock) { open Fin, $exitTAFGracefullyLock || die "Can't open $exitTAFGracefullyLock:$!"; $_ = <Fin>; close Fin; if ($_ =~ /exitTAFGracefullyString\s*=\s*(.+)/) { return $1; } } else { return "unlocked"; } } sub detectExitTAFGracefullyLock { if ( -e $exitTAFGracefullyLock) { return "locked"; } else { return "unlocked"; } } sub setExitTAFGracefullyLock { open Fout, ">$exitTAFGracefullyLock"; print Fout "exitTAFGracefullyString=$exitTAFGracefullyString"; close Fout; } sub releaseExitTAFGracefullyLock { unlink $exitTAFGracefullyLock; } sub exitTAF { open Fout, ">$exitTAFGracefullyLock"; print Fout "exitTAFGracefullyString=$exitTAFGracefullyString"; close Fout; sleep $outputPause; 1;} ################################## concurrency file log ############################################ sub updateWeb_ { my %tsProperty; my $tcname = 'TC_tc1' ; $tcname = shift if @_; my $scrollamount = 0 ; $scrollamount = shift if @_; my $borderwidth = 0 ; $borderwidth = shift if @_; my $borderstyle = 'SOLID' ; $borderstyle = shift if @_; my $movingString = '>' ; $movingString = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; @_ = split (/,/ , $scrollamount); if ($_[0]) { $scrollamount = $_[0];} if ($_[1]) { $borderwidth= $_[1];} if ($_[2]) { $borderstyle= $_[2];} if ($movingString =~ /runTC/i) { $movingString = '>'; } if ($movingString =~ /runTS/i) { $movingString = '>>'; } $tcname = &getTCName($tcname); $tcname =~ s/\\/\//g; ############ BEGIN ############# my $fname_ = $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_"; while (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_") { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml) { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml; open Fout, ">".$SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { my $tcnameTmp = $tcname; if ( $_ =~ /$tcnameTmp/i) { $_ =~ />(\S+)<\/marquee>/; my $movingString_ = $1; if ($_ =~ /\s+(\S+\(s\))/) { my $tmp_total_time = $1; my $currentTime = &UnixDate( "now", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" ); my $tmp_perf_str = "***Start at $currentTime for $tmp_total_time***"; if ($scrollamount > 0) { $_ =~ s/Run Tests \(Testcase Number >=/$tmp_perf_str Run Tests \(Testcase Number >=/; } else { $_ =~ s/\*\*\*.+\*\*\*//; } } if ($movingString_) {;} else { $movingString_ = '>>'; } $_ =~ s/>$movingString_<\/marquee>/>$movingString<\/marquee>/; $_ =~ /scrollamount=\s*(\d+)\s*/; my $scrollamount_ = $1; if ($scrollamount_) {;} else { $scrollamount_ = 0; } $_ =~ s/scrollamount=\s*$scrollamount_\s*/scrollamount=$scrollamount/; $_ =~ /border:RED\s+(\d+)\s*px/; my $borderwidth_ = $1; if ($borderwidth_) {;} else { $borderwidth_ = 0; } $_ =~ s/border:RED\s*$borderwidth_\s*px/border:RED ${borderwidth}px/; $_ =~ /(border:RED\s+\d+\s*px\s+)(DASHED|SOLID|DOTTED)"/; my $borderstyle_= $2; if ($borderstyle_) {;} else { $borderstyle_ = 'SOLID'; } $_ =~ s/(border:RED\s+\d+\s*px\s+)$borderstyle_"/${1}${borderstyle}"/ ; } print Fout $_; } close Fout; close Fin; move ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_", $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml); } ############ END ############### ############ BEGIN ############# my $fname_http = $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http."_"; while (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http."_") { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_http)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http) { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http; open Fout, ">".$SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http."_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ =~ /\s+(\S+\s*\(s\))/) { my $tmp_total_time = $1; my $currentTime = &UnixDate( "now", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" ); my $tmp_perf_str = "***Start at $currentTime for $tmp_total_time***"; if ($scrollamount > 0) { $_ =~ s/Run Tests \(Testcase Number >=/$tmp_perf_str Run Tests \(Testcase Number >=/; } else { $_ =~ s/\*\*\*.+\*\*\*//; } } my $tcnameTmp = $tcname; if ( $_ =~ /$tcnameTmp/i) { $_ =~ /scrollamount=\s*(\d+)\s*/; my $scrollamount_ = $1; if ($scrollamount_) {;} else { $scrollamount_ = 0; } $_ =~ s/scrollamount=\s*$scrollamount_\s*/scrollamount=$scrollamount/; $_ =~ /border:RED\s+(\d+)\s*px/; my $borderwidth_ = $1; if ($borderwidth_) {;} else { $borderwidth_ = 0; } $_ =~ s/border:RED\s*$borderwidth_\s*px/border:RED ${borderwidth}px/; $_ =~ /(border:RED\s+\d+\s*px\s+)(DASHED|SOLID|DOTTED)"/; my $borderstyle_= $2; if ($borderstyle_) {;} else { $borderstyle_ = 'SOLID'; } $_ =~ s/(border:RED\s+\d+\s*px\s+)$borderstyle_"/${1}${borderstyle}"/ ; } print Fout $_; } close Fout; close Fin; move ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http."_", $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http); } ############ END ############### # move ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_", $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml); return "tcCtr_Dynamics=$scrollamount"; } sub mergeFile_ { my $indexFName = "index.htm" ; $indexFName = shift if @_; my $reportFName = "_tcReport_.html" ; $reportFName = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; $indexFName =~ s/\\/\//g; # todo10 \\ $reportFName =~ s/\\/\//g; # todo11 \\ my %index; my $indexFName_ = $indexFName."_"; while (-e $indexFName_) { my $mtime = ( stat $indexFName)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } if ( -e $indexFName) {open Fin, $indexFName ; while ($_ = <Fin> ) { if ($_ =~ /$_TAF\/(.+)\/_tcLog.html/) { $_ =~ /$_TAF\/(.+)\/_tcLog.html/; $index{$1} = $_; } } close Fin; } if ( -e $reportFName) {open Fin, $reportFName; while ($_ = <Fin> ) { if ($_ =~ /$_TAF\/(.+)\/_tcLog.html/) { $_ =~ /$_TAF\/(.+)\/_tcLog.html/; $index{$1} = $_; } } close Fin; } } sub updateWeb1_ { my %tsProperty; my $tcname = 'TC_tc1' ; $tcname = shift if @_; my $tcHtml = "" ; $tcHtml = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; my $testsuiteTotalExecTime = &getTestsuiteTotalExecTime ("$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml1"); $tcname = &getTCName($tcname); $tcname =~ s/\\/\//g; my $fname_ = $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_"; while (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_") { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } my $findMatch = 'n'; if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml) { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml; open Fout, ">".$SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { my $tcnameTmp = $tcname; if ( $_ =~ /$tcnameTmp/i) { $_ = $tcHtml; $findMatch ='y'; } # Update Testsuite properties on Test case level if ( $_ =~ /\(Avg Time is\s+(\d+:\d+:\d+)\)/) { $_ =~ s/Avg Time is $1/Avg Time is $testsuiteTotalExecTime/; } print Fout $_; } close Fout; close Fin; move ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml."_", $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml); } return 1; } sub updateWeb1Http_ { my %tsProperty; my $tcname = 'TC_tc1' ; $tcname = shift if @_; my $tcHtml = "" ; $tcHtml = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; my $testsuiteTotalExecTime = &getTestsuiteTotalExecTime ("$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml1"); $tcname = &getTCName($tcname); $tcname =~ s/\\/\//g; my $fname_ = $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http."_"; while (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http."_") { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } my $findMatch = 'n'; if (-e $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http) { open Fin, $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http; open Fout, ">".$SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http."_"; while ($_ = <Fin>) { my $tcnameTmp = $tcname; if ( $_ =~ /$tcnameTmp/i) { $_ = $tcHtml; $findMatch ='y'; } # Update Testsuite properties on Test case level if ( $_ =~ /\(Avg Time is\s+(\d+:\d+:\d+)\)/) { $_ =~ s/Avg Time is $1/Avg Time is $testsuiteTotalExecTime/; } print Fout $_; } close Fout; close Fin; move ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http."_", $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http); } return 1; } sub resetTSFile { # fname, fileContent, maxTCExecTime my $fname = "$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$resetTSFileName"; $fname = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; my $content = ""; my $fname_ = $fname."_" ; while (-e $fname_) { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } open Fout, ">$fname_" or die $!; print Fout $content; close Fout; move ($fname_, $fname); #### print " <-> Reset $SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$resetTSFileName - Done\n"; 1; } sub createFile_ { # fname, fileContent, maxTCExecTime my $fname = "e.txt" ; $fname = shift if @_; my $content = "" ; $content = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; my $fname_ = $fname."_" ; while (-e $fname_) { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } mkpath &getDir($fname_); open Fout, ">$fname_" or die $!; print Fout $content; close Fout; move ($fname_, $fname); 1; } sub appendtoFile_ { # fname, fileContent, maxTCExecTime my $fname = "e.txt" ; $fname = shift if @_; my $content = " " ; $content = shift if @_; my $MaxTCExecTime = 10 ; $MaxTCExecTime= shift if @_; my $fname_ = $fname."_" ; if (-e $fname) {;} else { &createFile($fname,"");} while (-e $fname_) { my $mtime = ( stat $fname_)[9]; my $current_time = time; my $diff = $current_time - $mtime; if ($diff > $MaxTCExecTime) { last; } sleep 1; } copy ($fname, $fname_); open Fout, ">>$fname_" or die $!; if ($content) {;} else { $content = "";} print Fout $content; close Fout; move ($fname_, $fname); } sub appendtoFileFile_ { # TH:Generic Functions: append file to file (TH:Generic Functions) my $fname = $_[0]; my $fnameOUT = $_[1]; if (-e $fname) { open Fin, "$fname" || die "Can't open $fname:$!"; my $content; while ($_ = <Fin>) { if ($_ !~ /^\s*$/) {$content = $content .$_; } } close Fin; &appendtoFile_($fnameOUT, $content) ; } } sub formatSeconds{ my $time = shift; if ($time <60) { return int($time)."(s)";} my $hours = int ($time / 3600); $time = $time % 3600; my $minutes = int ($time / 60); $time = $time % 60; my $seconds = int ($time); return sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d(s)",$hours,$minutes,$seconds; } ################################## concurrency file log ############################################ sub getRoot { my $string = shift; @_ = split /\\|\//, $string; return $_[$#_]; } # return sub getRoot_1 { my $string = shift; @_ = split /\\|\//, $string; return $_[$#_-1]; } # remove sub getRoot_2 { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/\\/\//g; $string =~ s/\/$tc_pl//; return $string; } # remove c:\ sub getRoot_3 { my $string = shift; @_ = split /\\|\//, $string; # remove c:\ if ($#_ == 1) { return $_[$#_]; } elsif ($#_ == 2) { my $tmp = $#_ -1; return $_[$tmp].'/'.$_[$#_]; } elsif ($#_ == 3) { my $tmp = $#_ -1; my $tmp1 = $#_ -2; return $_[$tmp1].'/'.$_[$tmp].'/'.$_[$#_]; } elsif ($#_ == 4) { my $tmp = $#_ -1; my $tmp1 = $#_ -2; my $tmp2 = $#_ - 3; return $_[$tmp2].'/'.$_[$tmp1].'/'.$_[$tmp].'/'.$_[$#_]; } elsif ($#_ == 5) { my $tmp = $#_ -1; my $tmp1 = $#_ -2; my $tmp2 = $#_ - 3; my $tmp3 = $#_ - 4; return $_[$tmp3].'/'.$_[$tmp2].'/'.$_[$tmp1].'/'.$_[$tmp].'/'.$_[$#_]; } } sub getRoot_4 { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/\w:[\/|\\]//; $string =~ s/\s*\/\s*$//; return $string; } # remove c:\ yw remove last / sub getRoot_N { my $string = shift; my $len = shift; @_ = split /\\|\//, $string; my $return=""; if ($len >$#_) { return $string;} # "_treeLevel_ > dir Level_ "; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $len; $i++ ) { $return = $return."/".$_[$i]}; $return =~ s/^\s*\///g; return $return; } sub getDir { my $string = shift; my $root =&getRoot($string); $string =~ s/([\\|\/])?$root//i; return $string; } sub prJScript { my $indexHtml =<<EOF; <html> <head> <META http-equiv="refresh" content="$htmlRefreshRateLogUI"> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="oMyApp" APPLICATIONNAME="Application Executer" BORDER="no" CAPTION="no" SHOWINTASKBAR="yes" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" SYSMENU="yes" SCROLL="no" WINDOWSTATE="normal"> <script language="JavaScript"> function RunFile(file) { // alert("file is " + file ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run(file, 1, false); } function RunFileHTTP(testsuite, testcase) { // alert("testsuite is " + testsuite + " testcase is " ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /delete /tn TAF_'+ testsuite + '_' + testcase + ' /f'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /create /TR "$c\\\\$_TAF\\\\ testsuit='+testsuite+';testcaseExec='+testcase+';exec" /TN TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase+' /sc monthly /mo 1 /F'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /run /tn TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); } // <body OnLoad ="function1()"> </script> </head> <body><pre> EOF # <!-script type="text/javascript"> if (navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer") alert("Please use IE to access TAF's webUI") </script> return $indexHtml; } sub prJScript2 { my $str=<<EOF; <html> <META http-equiv="refresh" content="$htmlRefreshRate"> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="oMyApp" APPLICATIONNAME="Application Executer" c:/_TAF/ testcaseNode=_null_;testsuite=c:/_perlTestsuite_/AppBuildpath/_automated_testsuites1_/_testsuite_pl;generateTAFTestsuite BORDER="no" CAPTION="no" SHOWINTASKBAR="yes" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" SYSMENU="yes" SCROLL="no" WINDOWSTATE="normal"> <style type="text/css"> /* ul.LinkedList { display: block; } */ ul.LinkedList { display: black; } ul.LinkedList { list-style-type: none; } ul.LinkedList { list-style-position: inside; } ul.LinkedList { list-style-padding: 0px; } ul.LinkedList { list-style-margin-left: 0px; } ul.LinkedList { list-style-padding-left: 0px; } ul.LinkedList { list-style-text-indent: 0px; } ul.LinkedList { list-style-text-align: left; } ul.LinkedList ul { display: none; } ul.LinkedList ul { list-style-type: none; } ul.LinkedList ul { list-style-position: inside; } ul.LinkedList ul { list-style-padding: 0px; } ul.LinkedList ul { list-style-margin-left: 0px; } ul.LinkedList ul { list-style-padding-left: 0px; } ul.LinkedList ul { list-style-text-indent: 0px; } ul.LinkedList ul { list-style-text-align: left; } .HandCursorStyle { cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } /* For IE */ </style> <script type="text/JavaScript"> function RunFile(file) { // alert("file is " + file ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run(file, 1, false); } function RunFileHTTP(testsuite, testcase) { // alert("testsuite is " + testsuite + " testcase is " ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); cmd = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\schtasks.exe /delete /tn TAF_'+ testsuite + '_' + testcase + ' /f'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\schtasks.exe /create /TR "$c\\$_TAF\\ testsuit='+testsuite+';testcaseExec='+testcase+';exec" /TN TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase+' /sc monthly /mo 1 /F'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\schtasks.exe /run /tn TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); } // <body OnLoad ="function1()"> // Add this to the onload event of the BODY element function addEvents() { activateTree(document.getElementById("LinkedList1")); } // This function traverses the list and add links // to nested list items function activateTree(oList) { // Collapse the tree for (var i=0; i < oList.getElementsByTagName("ul").length; i++) { oList.getElementsByTagName("ul")[i].style.display="none"; } // Add the click-event handler to the list items if (oList.addEventListener) { oList.addEventListener("click", toggleBranch, false); } else if (oList.attachEvent) { // For IE oList.attachEvent("onclick", toggleBranch); } // Make the nested items look like links addLinksToBranches(oList); } // This is the click-event handler function toggleBranch(event) { var oBranch, cSubBranches; if ( { oBranch =; } else if (event.srcElement) { // For IE oBranch = event.srcElement; } cSubBranches = oBranch.getElementsByTagName("ul"); if (cSubBranches.length > 0) { if (cSubBranches[0].style.display == "block") { cSubBranches[0].style.display = "none"; } else { cSubBranches[0].style.display = "block"; } } } // This function makes nested list items look like links function addLinksToBranches(oList) { var cBranches = oList.getElementsByTagName("li"); var i, n, cSubBranches; if (cBranches.length > 0) { for (i=0, n = cBranches.length; i < n; i++) { cSubBranches = cBranches[i].getElementsByTagName("ul"); if (cSubBranches.length > 0) { addLinksToBranches(cSubBranches[0]); cBranches[i].className = "HandCursorStyle"; cBranches[i].style.color = "blue"; cSubBranches[0].style.color = "black"; cSubBranches[0].style.cursor = "auto"; } } } } </script> <script language="JavaScript"> function RunFile(file) { // alert("file is " + file ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run(file, 1, false); } function RunFileHTTP(testsuite, testcase) { // alert("testsuite is " + testsuite + " testcase is " ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); cmd = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\schtasks.exe /delete /tn TAF_'+ testsuite + '_' + testcase + ' /f'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\schtasks.exe /create /TR "$c\\$_TAF\\ testsuit='+testsuite+';testcaseExec='+testcase+';exec" /TN TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase+' /sc monthly /mo 1 /F'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\schtasks.exe /run /tn TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); } // <body OnLoad ="function1()"> </script> EOF return $str; } sub prHtml1_strGen() { my $localUrl = $url; $localUrl = shift if @_; my $tcPropertyPatternPattern_ = ".*"; ####################### Reset the tcPropertyPatternPattern for index.htm my $testsuiteTotalExecTime = &getTestsuiteTotalExecTime ("$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml1"); my $tcDescTitle = "<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/_generateExcelReport.html\" title=\"Link to Daily Report. Below link to TC Logs\">"; $tcDescTitle = sprintf "$tcDescTitle%-${webUI_TCDescWidth}s</a>"," ------------------Testcase Description------------------"; my $TCCtrToolTip = sprintf "Run Test Suite 24/7 (Avg Time is $testsuiteTotalExecTime)"; if ($Execution_24_7_title =~ /n/i) { $TCCtrToolTip = sprintf "Run Test Suite (Avg Time is $testsuiteTotalExecTime)";} my $execTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;Execution_24_7=$Execution_24_7_title;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;exec')\" title=\"$TCCtrToolTip\"> Exec</a>"); my $stopTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName exitTAFGracefullyString=exitTAF;exitTAF')\" title=\"Stop Test Execution gracefully\" >.</a>"); my $markTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;Execution_24_7=n;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;mark;resetLock')\" title=\"MarK the beginning of a execution by \|\"> \|</a>"); my $listTSUnderTest = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseNode=testcase;titleStatus=(UnderTestDontUse);list')\" title=\"Display UnderTestDontUser\"> </a>"); my $listTSUnderTestNull = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseNode=testcase;titleStatus=;list')\" title=\"set titleStatus to Null \"> </a>"); my $listTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseNode=testcase;list')\" title=\"Update webUI /o Tags (default)\">S</a>"); my $listTSAll = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=_null_;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;list')\" title=\"Update webUI /w Tags\">U</a>"); my $updateTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml\" onClick=\"RunFile('$perl $scriptName SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;createOrAppendTS=append;testsuit=$c/$SvrProjName;generateTAFTestsuite')\" title=\"Update webUI /o Tags (default)\">S</a>"); my $listTAFTestBed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/taf.txt\" title=\"Display TAF Testbed scripts\">E</a>"); my $indexthProperty = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/tsProperty.txt\" title=\"Display TS property\">L</a>"); my $tafGlobalVars = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/_tafGlobalVars.txt\" title=\"Display TAF Global Variables\">T</a>"); my $indexCmdLog = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/_cmdLogs.txt\" title=\"Display TAF Cmd History\">S</a>"); my $indexFailed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_failed.htm\" title=\"Display *Failed* TCs\">Fail</a>"); my $indexPassed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_passed.htm\" title=\"Display *Passed* TCs\">Pass</a>"); my $indexOthers = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_others.htm\" title=\"Display *others* TCs\">/</a>"); my $indexUrlIIS = sprintf("<a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/index_http.htm\" title=\"$web_ui_title_tip\"> <font color=\"white\">TC Manual Command</font></a>"); my $indexSeconds = "<a title=\"Total TS Execution time = $testsuiteTotalExecTime (s) \">(sec)</a>"; my $indexTitle = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/index.htm\" title=\"View *all* Testsuites\">$web_ui_title</a>"); my $indexResult = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtmlSummary\" title=\"testofUpdate\">".substr ("Result ", 0, $passFailDisplayWidth-7)."</a>"); my $tmp10 = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtmlSummary\" title=\"$reportHtmlSummaryStr\">"); my $passFailDisplay = &genPassFailDisplay(""); my $queueSizeUI; my $queueSizeUICGI; my $queueSize=0; $queueSize = &Queue("", "queueSize"); if ($queueSize > 0) { $queueSizeUI = " <a href=\"$url/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize > 0) { $queueSizeUICGI = " <a href=\"$urlHttp/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize == 0) { $queueSizeUI = " <a style=\"color:white\" href=\"$url/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize == 0) { $queueSizeUICGI = " <a style=\"color:white\" href=\"$urlHttp/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ( $localUrl =~ /^\s*http:/) { $indexTitle = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/index_http.htm\" title=\"$web_ui_title_tip\">$web_ui_title</a>"); $indexFailed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_http_failed.htm\" title=\"Display *Failed* TCs\">Fail</a>"); $indexPassed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_http_passed.htm\" title=\"Display *Passed* TCs\">Pass</a>"); $indexOthers = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_http_others.htm\" title=\"Display *others* TCs\">/</a>"); } my $indexHtml =<<EOF; <html> <head> <META http-equiv="refresh" content="$htmlRefreshRate"> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="oMyApp" APPLICATIONNAME="Application Executer" BORDER="no" CAPTION="no" SHOWINTASKBAR="yes" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" SYSMENU="yes" SCROLL="no" WINDOWSTATE="normal"> <script language="JavaScript"> function RunFile(file) { // alert("file is " + file ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run(file, 1, false); } function RunFileHTTP(testsuite, testcase) { // alert("testsuite is " + testsuite + " testcase is " ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /delete /tn TAF_'+ testsuite + '_' + testcase + ' /f'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /create /TR "$c\\\\$_TAF\\\\ testsuit='+testsuite+';testcaseExec='+testcase+';exec" /TN TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase+' /sc monthly /mo 1 /F'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /run /tn TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); } // <body OnLoad ="function1()"> </script> </head> <script type="text/javascript"> if (navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer") alert("Please use IE to access TAF's webUI") </script> <body> <pre> <p> <h2> ${titleStatus}${indexTitle}${listTSUnderTest}${listTSUnderTestNull}${queueSizeUI}</h2> ${indexResult}${listTAFTestBed}${updateTS}${listTSAll}${indexthProperty}${tafGlobalVars}${indexCmdLog} ${stopTS}${markTS}${execTS} <a title=\"Click Testcase Desc to view TC logs\">$tcDescTitle ${indexPassed}${indexOthers}${indexFailed} ${indexSeconds} ${indexUrlIIS} </span> EOF return $indexHtml; } sub prHtml1_strGen_CGI() { my $localUrl = $url; $localUrl = shift if @_; my $tcPropertyPatternPattern_ = ".*"; ####################### Reset the tcPropertyPatternPattern for index.htm my $testsuiteTotalExecTime = &getTestsuiteTotalExecTime ("$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml1"); my $tcDescTitle = "<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/_generateExcelReport.html\" title=\"Link to Daily Report. Below link to TC Logs\">"; $tcDescTitle = sprintf "$tcDescTitle%-${webUI_TCDescWidth}s</a>"," ------------------Testcase Description------------------"; my $TCCtrToolTip = sprintf "Run Test Suite 24/7 (Avg Time is $testsuiteTotalExecTime)"; if ($Execution_24_7_title =~ /n/i) { $TCCtrToolTip = sprintf "Run Test Suite (Avg Time is $testsuiteTotalExecTime)";} my $execTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=Execution_from_cgi=y;Execution_local_only=$Execution_local_only;SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;Execution_24_7=$Execution_24_7_title;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;exec_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"$TCCtrToolTip\"> Exec</a>"); my $stopTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=exitTAFGracefullyString=exitTAF;exitTAF_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Stop Test Execution gracefully\" >.</a>"); my $markTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;Execution_24_7=n;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;mark_realSemi_resetLock_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Mark the beginning of a execution by \|\"> \|</a>"); my $listTSUnderTest = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseNode=testcase;titleStatus=(UnderTestDontUse);list_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Display (UnderTestDontUse)\"> </a>"); my $listTSUnderTestNull = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseNode=testcase;titleStatus=;list_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Set titleStatus as Null\"> </a>"); my $listTS = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=$testcaseNode;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;testcaseNode=testcase;list_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Update webUI /o Tags (default)\">S</a>"); my $listTSAll=sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;testcaseNode=_null_;$tcPropertyPatternName=$tcPropertyPatternName;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;testsuit=$SvrProjName;list_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Update webUI /w Tags\">U</a>"); my $updateTS =sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/${cgi_bin}$tafCGI?tafArgs=SysDrive=$SvrDrive;performanceMode=fast;tcPropertyPatternPattern=$tcPropertyPatternPattern_;createOrAppendTS=append;testsuit=$c/$SvrProjName;generateTAFTestsuite;list_realSemi_tafRedirectory=${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml_http\" title=\"Update webUI /o Tags (default)\">S</a>"); $execTS =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $execTS =~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; $stopTS =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $stopTS =~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; $markTS =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $markTS =~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; $listTSUnderTest =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $listTSUnderTest =~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; $listTS =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $listTS =~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; $listTSAll =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $listTSAll =~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; $updateTS =~ s/;/_semi_/g; $updateTS=~ s/_realSemi_/$_realSemi_/g; my $listTAFTestBed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/taf.txt\" title=\"Display TAF Testbed scripts\">E</a>"); my $indexthProperty = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/tsProperty.txt\" title=\"Display TS property\">L</a>"); my $tafGlobalVars = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/_tafGlobalVars.txt\" title=\"Display TAF Global Variables\">T</a>"); my $indexCmdLog = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/_cmdLogs.txt\" title=\"Display TAF Cmd History\">S</a>"); my $indexFailed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_failed.htm\" title=\"Display *Failed* TCs\">Fail</a>"); my $indexPassed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_passed.htm\" title=\"Display *Passed* TCs\">Pass</a>"); my $indexOthers = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_others.htm\" title=\"Display *others* TCs\">/</a>"); my $indexUrlIIS = sprintf("<a href=\"${url}/$SvrProjName/index_http.htm\" title=\"$web_ui_title\"> <font color=\"white\">TC Manual Command</font></a>"); my $indexSeconds = "<a title=\"Total TS Execution time = $testsuiteTotalExecTime (s) \">(sec)</a>"; my $indexTitle = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/index.htm\" title=\"$web_ui_title_tip\">Test Automation </a>"); my $indexResult = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtmlSummary\" title=\"Latest TC pass/fail (Gree/Red) Click to Display Test Suite Summary\">".substr ("Result ", 0, $passFailDisplayWidth-7)."</a>"); my $tmp10 = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/$reportHtmlSummary\" title=\"$reportHtmlSummaryStr\">"); my $passFailDisplay = &genPassFailDisplay(""); my $queueSizeUI; my $queueSizeUICGI; my $queueSize=0; $queueSize = &Queue("", "queueSize"); if ($queueSize > 0) { $queueSizeUI = " <a href=\"$url/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize > 0) { $queueSizeUICGI = " <a href=\"$urlHttp/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize == 0) { $queueSizeUI = " <a style=\"color:white\" href=\"$url/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ($queueSize == 0) { $queueSizeUICGI = " <a style=\"color:white\" href=\"$urlHttp/${queueFName}_active\" title=\"View waiting jobs\">$queueSize job(s) is/are waiting....</a>";} if ( $localUrl =~ /^\s*http:/) { $indexTitle = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/index_http.htm\" title=\"$web_ui_title_tip\">$web_ui_title</a>"); $indexFailed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_http_failed.htm\" title=\"Display *Failed* TCs\">Fail</a>"); $indexPassed = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_http_passed.htm\" title=\"Display *Passed* TCs\">Pass</a>"); $indexOthers = sprintf("<a href=\"${localUrl}/$SvrProjName/index_http_others.htm\" title=\"Display *others* TCs\">/</a>"); } my $indexHtml =<<EOF; <html> <head> <META http-equiv="refresh" content="$htmlRefreshRate"> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="oMyApp" APPLICATIONNAME="Application Executer" BORDER="no" CAPTION="no" SHOWINTASKBAR="yes" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" SYSMENU="yes" SCROLL="no" WINDOWSTATE="normal"> <script language="JavaScript"> function RunFile(file) { // alert("file is " + file ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run(file, 1, false); } function RunFileHTTP(testsuite, testcase) { // alert("testsuite is " + testsuite + " testcase is " ); WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /delete /tn TAF_'+ testsuite + '_' + testcase + ' /f'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /create /TR "$c\\\\$_TAF\\\\ testsuit='+testsuite+';testcaseExec='+testcase+';exec" /TN TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase+' /sc monthly /mo 1 /F'; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); cmd = '$c\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\schtasks.exe /run /tn TAF_'+testsuite+'_'+testcase; WshShell.Run(cmd, 1, false); } // <body OnLoad ="function1()"> </script> </head> <body> <pre> <p> <h2> ${titleStatus}${indexTitle}(Automation Host: $hostname/$ip)${listTSUnderTest}${listTSUnderTestNull}${queueSizeUICGI}</h2> ${indexResult}${listTAFTestBed}${updateTS}${listTSAll}${indexthProperty}${tafGlobalVars}${indexCmdLog} ${stopTS}${markTS}${execTS} <a title=\"Click Testcase Desc to view TC logs\">$tcDescTitle ${indexPassed}${indexOthers}${indexFailed} ${indexSeconds} ${indexUrlIIS} </span> EOF return $indexHtml; } sub prHtml1 { # print index.htm beginnings my $tcPropertyPatternPattern_ = ".*"; ####################### Reset the tcPropertyPatternPattern for index.htm my $testsuiteTotalExecTime = &getTestsuiteTotalExecTime ("$SvrDrive/$SvrProjName/$reportHtml1"); &createFile_( $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml, '' ); &createFile_( $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http, '' ); my $str =<<EOF; : TAF Driver taf.bat : TAF testbed setup : TC hook _tcAppend.txt: TC log hook EOF &readTestSuitProperty(); my $indexHtml = &prHtml1_strGen($url); &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml, $indexHtml); my $indexHtml_http = &prHtml1_strGen_CGI($urlHttp); &appendtoFile_ ($SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http, $indexHtml_http); } sub prHtml2 { # print index.htm endings ############ Temporal Solution of $c collision ############# my $tsDriverStr= &readFile("$c/$SvrProjName/") if ($^O =~ /win/i); ##### unix only $tsDriverStr= &readFile("/$SvrProjName/") if ($^O =~ /linux/i); ##### unix only if ($tsDriverStr =~ /^\s*$/){ $tsDriverStr = "This Testsuite doesn't have a hook ( "; } my $tmp; if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { $tmp =<<EOF; Step 1: Generate Testsuite Template: $perl_ $c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=/$SvrProjName${deli}createTS Step 2: Edit the Testsuite Template: /$SvrProjName/ to add customer test suite EOF } if ($^O =~ /win/i) { $tmp =<<EOF; Step 1: Generate Testsuite Template: $perl_ $c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$c/$SvrProjName${deli}createTS Step 2: Edit the Testsuite Template: $c/$SvrProjName/ to add customer test suite EOF } $tsDriverStr =~ s/print\s*<</# todo: After copy-and-paste, please *delete* the white spaces in the following line to make the scrept work!\n print << /g; my $html =<<EOF; <font color=\"white\"> ---------------------------TS Driver $c/$SvrProjName/ ------------------------- Step 1: Generate Testsuite Template: $perl_ $c/$_TAF/$taf testsuite=$c/$SvrProjName${deli}createTS Step 2: Edit the Testsuite Template: $c/$SvrProjName/ to add customer test suite ---------------------------TS Driver $c/$SvrProjName/ ------------------------- $tsDriverStr ---------------------------TS Driver -------------------------<font> </pre></body> </html> <style type="text/css"> a { text-decoration:none} </style> EOF &appendtoFile_( $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml, $html ); &appendtoFile_( $SvrDrive.'/'.$SvrProjName.'/'.$reportHtml_http, $html ); } __END__ TAF Function Requirement Summary (Sept 27, 2011) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TH Function Category Function Name Function Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TH:TC Managements logIsValid Verify if a log is valid by comparing TC created T and log create T Commented Done TH:TC Managements tcRunningYN get the TC result Pass/Fail Commented Done TH:TC Managements getProperty get TC Property Names Commented Done TH:TC Managements getPropertyValues get TC Property Values Commented Done TH:TC Managements deleteProperty delete TC Property Commented Done TH:TC Managements addProperty add TC Property Commented Done TH:TC Managements modifyProperty modify TC Property Commented Done TH:TC Managements appendPropFile append to TC Property File Commented Done TH:TC Managements createPropFile create TC Property File Commented n/a TH:TC Managements readProperty Read TC Property Commented n/a TH:TC Managements updateTCResultProperty Update TC Property Commented n/a TH:TC Managements genTC Generate a HelloWorld TC Commented Done TH:TC Report Report TC Report Function Commented Done TH:TC Report reportUpdateOnWeb update TC Report on webUI Commented TH:TC Report logExist Determine if a log exists Commented Done TH:TC Execution ReportAvgResponseTime report TC Average Response Time Commented n/a TH:TC Execution lastPassFail get the latest TC Pass/Fail Result Commented Done TH:TC Execution longivityPeriod If the TC in LongivityPeriod Commented TH:WebUI thWebUIUpdate Update the webUI based on thProperty.txt Commented v2 TH:WebUI tcStatusHtmlSync synchrinize the HTML with with TC Result Commented v2 TH:WebUI tcStatusHtml Display the TCStatuse in Html format Commented v2 TH:WebUI rearrangeWebUI Update webUI based on thProperty.txt Commented v2 TH:WebUI tcLog2Web Update TC Log on webUI Commented v2 TH:Concurrency Control tcRunningYNOther get the running TC Status for Concurrency Control. Commented v2 TH:Concurrency Control tcScheduledYNOther get the scheduled TC for Concurrency Control. Commented v2 TH:Concurrency Control tcQueue TC Queue function for Concurrency Control. Commented v2 TH:Concurrency Control tcDeQueue TC deQueue for Concurrency Control Commented v2 TH:Email Notification emailNotification Process the Outlook email Notification Commands Commented v3 TH:Conti. Integration thBuzRule Handle Continuous Integration Commented v3 TH:Assist Functions genTimeStr time format function Commented TH:Assist Functions getIP TH:Generic Functions: get IP of local machine Commented TH:Assist Functions genThProperty generate TH property file Commented TH:Assist Functions printLibraryFun print QTP Library Functions Commented TH:Assist Functions readTestHarnessCmdLine read Test Harness Cmd Line args Commented TH:Assist Functions genQTPInputs generate QTP Input files Commented TH:Assist Functions thPropertyUpdate update TH property Commented TH:Assist Functions prHelp_short Print the short Help Commented todo TH:Assist Functions prHelp print lengthy Help Commented TH:Assist Functions genQTPDriver Generic qtpDriver Commented TH:Assist Functions genQTPLibrary Generate QTP Library Commented TH:Assist Functions genCmd Generate the Test Harness ASP files Commented TH:Generic Functions appendtoFile TH:Generic Functions: append to file Commented Done TH:Generic Functions createFile TH:Generic Functions: create a file Commented Done TH:Generic Functions getDate TH:Generic Functions: get current Time Commented Done TH:Generic Functions reverse TH:Generic Functions: reverse a Associate Array Commented TH:Generic Functions strLen Generic Functon: return Str len Commented TH:Generic Functions decrCtr Decrease Ctr Commented TH:Generic Functions incrCtr Increase Ctr Commented TH:Generic Functions getCtr Get Ctr Commented TH:Generic Functions getCurrentTime TH:Generic Functions: getCurrentTime Commented TH:Generic Functions getHost getHost function done by SZ Team Charlie and David Commented TH:Generic Functions getHostFromIP Get Host done by SZ Team Charlie and David Commented ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head1 NAME Test::AutomationFramework - Test Automation Framework (TAF) =head2 SYNOPSIS 1. Download and install Test::AutomationFramework from CPAN 2. DOS>perl -MTest::AutomationFramework -e "help" 3. A WebUI is created, which can display and execute, as well as view test case by *ONE* mouse click 3. Modify taf.bat for the automated test suit structures 4. Modify c:\[test_suit]\[test_case]\ to plug-in the customer test case 5. Execute taf.bat to get the webUI 6. Run test cases, view test result, view test logs with mouse click only. - Enjoy TAF 7. Please email ywangperl@gmail for questions/suggestions/bugs =head2 DESCRIPTION TAF manages automated test cases regarding test setup, test query, test execution and test reult reportings without any programming nor reading user manual. TAF defines a automated test case as [c:]\[test_suite]\[test_case]\ returns Pass|fail|numerical number creates tc's log file as [c:]\[test_suite]\[test_case]\ creates test suite's webUI at [c:]\[test_suite]\index.htm =head1 LICENSE This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR Yong Wang ( =cut; 1; 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase01/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_1:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase02/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_2:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase03/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_3:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase04/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_4:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase05/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_5:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase06/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_6:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase07/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_7:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase08/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_8:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase09/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_9:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase10/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_10:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase11/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_11:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase12/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_12:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase13/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_13:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase14/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_14:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase15/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_15:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase16/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_16:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase17/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_17:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase18/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_18:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase19/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_19:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase20/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_20:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase21/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_21:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase22/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_22:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase23/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_23:customTC' 'testsuit=_default_testsuite_;create=testcase23/overwrite,customTC:c:/tmp/test_default_testsuite_.pl_space_23:customTC' testbed=c:\_testbed_ts;NofTCinTSTemplate;createTS -- history/good memory -- testsuit=propertyChangedEvent;list rem testsuit=propertyChangedEvent;exec rem testsuit=propertyChangedEvent;updateWeb=_testcase2_/1 * using the directory recursive for searching testcases * CustomTC:....:CustomTC __END__ #################### Todo list: Functional Requirements ################################ # * requirement: teamware function. generate AF/AM? # * need to doc -processTSs listTS/deleteTSs function # * listAll modified for return var in stead of print in sub (listAll_var) # This is used for performance improvement # Todo: queue mode and display taf.queue_active # Todo: queue mode and display taf.queue # Todo: queue mode and display taf.sourcecode? # Todo: cut&paste needs modification for demo # * improvement: -help start testbed if c:\_TAF (/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF) doesn't exist # * improvement: runFromGmail in prog (test fetchmail in linux; win/linux ) # * $c collision temporal solution line 6206 # * testbed testsuite=c:\_testsuite10_;refreshTS (need c:\ and test on linux) # * testbed refreshHost/refreshTS (need c:\ and test on linux) # * testbed improvement: tsProperty with combination of TreeViewLevel (local confg) need to be tested # * Testbed improvement: _thProperty_link.txt # * Testbed improvement: _noShow_ # * testbed improvement: subTestsuite # * testbed improvement: mark-resetLock # * testbed releaseLock # * improvement (mouse=over has starting time ) -done 12/03/2013 # * bug fix: addHtml to take care of ^M ^H chars <a </a> _ws_.. - 11/26/2013 <- reopened # * bug: taf.svr for linux. perl /.../ $cgiargs -done 12/02/2013 # * bug; taf.svr should be platform independent : linux prt 1234/ 8080 -done 11/27/2013 # * improvement: _cmd_line_ | -runAsCmd won't add URLs -done 11/26/2013 # * bug fix: addHtml to take care of ^M ^H chars -done 11/26/2013 # * improvement: run testbed for the initial install -done 11/25/2013 # * improvement: add /usr/bin/sudo to the linux test bed script -done 11/25/2013 # * improvement: genDriverLinux -> genDriver_testbed_Linux -done 11/25/2013 # * bug fix: tcDesc can't have ( and ). generateTAFTestsuite will fail -done 11/20/2013 # * bug fix: deleteTAFTestsuite deletes its sub-TS -done 11/20/2013 # * improvement : performanceMode="fast4cmd" in generateTAFTestsuite -done 11/14/2013 # * improvement : add currentTime to the Processing -done 11/13/2013 <- Reverse broke pass/fail history info # * Update TS should not mask previous Logs using mark (instead of list)-done 11/11/2013 <- Reopened (The tcLog.html get removed ?) # * log in log need to add <pre> </pre> sub addHtml -done 11/11/2013 # * add resetLock to "mark" operation -done 11/10/2013 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------done 09/30/2013 # * requirement: sub Test suite/ Testsuite _tcMap.txt (index2index?) -done 11/10/2013 # testsuite=c:/aaaa;createTS ................ # testsuite=c:\aaaa;generateTAFTestsuite ................ # testsuite=c:\aaaa;subTestsuite=_smoketest_;generateTAFTestsuite ............... # testsuite=c:\aaaa\_smoketest_;generateTAFTestsuite ................ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------done 09/30/2013 # * releaseLock will del taf.lock and keep taf.queue -done 11/09/2013 # * bug? No () in the tcDesc/special character @, too long, \t -nbug 11/07/2013 # * research: use stop TS to run several TCs. The idea works!!!! -done 11/07/2013 # * bug : tcDesc can't has "|". It is treated as a pipeline -done 11/07/2013 # * bug fix: @ is displayed as & fix in sub runPowershell { -done 11/06/2013 # * bug fix: print<< truncate the file in linux. Fix in line 7062 -done 11/06/2013 # * bug fix: printTAFGlobalVariables line 189 -done 11/06/2013 # * bug: One text link per line. need extra space at the line 1426 tail # * add sub formatSeconds(); fix related bug -done 11/03/2013 # * addURLs to parse c:\....htm c:\_TAF\_testLog.htm -done 11/01/2013 # * bug fix line 1328 currentTime has type -done 10/30/2013 # * add createTS / -done 10/29/2013 # * add &generateAutoItTS() to the window test bed -done 10/26/2013 # * bug: fix the powershell bug (generateTAFTestsuite)*test*on linux -done 10/26/2013 # * taf.svr uses hostname and ip dynamically -done 12/26/2013 # * bug: the TC exec time is too small (null time shoul not be counted -done 10/26/2013 # * todo test the genTAFDriver_Svr on linux system !!!!!!!!!!!!!! depend HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI # * research python as http/cgi server or CPAN : Solution: taf.svr -done 10/26/2013 # * add genTAFDriver_SVR to replacy mongoose (work on windowOS) -done 10/25/2013 # * activate/test queue -onhod10/12/2013 <- on hold # * explore cygwin/bash ..... usages (see -done 10/12/2013 # * remove "Pleaes uncoment this from message". Concurency -done 10/12/2013 # Linux Only: comment print "\nInfo: $SvrProjName_ might have problem -done 10/12/2013 with the build-in file link (*.txt) \n($SvrProjName_ !~ $c_)\n\n" ................ if ($^O =~ /linux/); #### debug info: ................ # <style type="text/css"> a { text-decoration:none} </style> -done 10/10/2013 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------done 09/30/2013 # * Integrate the to handle subTS - $SvrProjNameSub ........... # testsuite=c:/aa;createTS ................ # testsuite=c:/aa;subtestsuite=TC3;generateTestsuite ................ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------done 09/30/2013 # * createTS_B: sort {$a <=> $b} -done 09/30/2013 # * improvement: printVersion printOSVersion has \n (need AF change) -done 09/26/2013 # * bug: __lt__ __gt__ are not converted to <> in tcLog.html (addURLs) -done 09/25/2013 # * requirement: createTS (numberOfTC = N) -done 09/24/2013 <- needs in test bed and tested on linux # * improvement: verify testcase =~ /$c/ at createTC -done 09/25/2013 # * improvement remove underline for url -done 09/25/2013 # * improvement: add a url on webUI to run (genSubTS) -n/a 09/24/2013 # * tech reserver line 1425 file:// is commented for http/cgi version -done 09/23/2013 # * bug: linux title misses / (tmp/var/www...) noBug ts=tmp/... -doen 09/23/2013 # * add printVersion /printOSVersion -done 09/23/2013 # * explore testsuite=_testsuite-1,3-4]_;testcase=testcase000[1,2] -done 09/22/2013 # * ----------------- remove several comment lines -done 09/21/2013 # * add createTS_index var to make createTS using proveded 09/20/2013 # * modification sub deleteTS poiintint to deleteTAFTestsuite -done 09/20/2013 # * bug: When has none TC, write error sub runPowershell -done 09/20/2013 # * add createTS_index var to make createTS using proveded -done 09/19/2013 # * bug : was not created (check -done 09/18/2013 # * bug: line 2446 perf|expectedF... is a reserved word -> \bperf\b -done 09/17/2013 # * bug: deleteTAFTestsuite won't work on linux -done 09/09/2013 # * print warning message when TS is outside /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin (1412)-done 09/06/2013 # * request: remove testBed delDriverWindow delDriverLinux -done 09/06/2013 # * request: deleteTAFTestsuite -done 09/06/2013 # * bug: should not create line 3638 -done 09/06/2013 # * bug fix: modify the test bed for linux security -done 08/07/2013 # * user experience: add testbed's tcDriver display line 1386 -done 08/07/2013 # * user experience: add testbed's tsDriver display line 6200 -done 08/07/2013 # * improvement: deleteTS (remove a directory) -done 08/06/2013 # * improvement: combine createTS and generateTAFTestsuite -done 08/06/2013 # * bug line sub getProperties uncomment the close Fin -done 07/30/2013 # * line 3699: add OS independency for generateTestcase -done 07/30/2013 # * scan TAF server sub scanTAFServer done by a TC -n/a 07/30/2013 # * bug: commandline should overwrite _TAF/_tafGlobalVari.txt -nobg 06/12/2013 # The _tafGlobalVars.txt is used by the webUI -............... # * improvement: title and link too far generateRootIndex -done 06/12/2013 # * cosmatic improvement: webUI extra \n -done 06/12/2013 # improvement: when TS and TAF-mapp-TA is from different root (linux) -done 06/11/2013 # same root (window) -........... # ???? $copy window and linux -> copy -done 06/11/2013 # * Improvemnt: createTS add #!/usr/bin/perl -done 06/11/2013 # execTC_ has debugging code for linux/expect -done 06/11/2013 # improvement Running at Hostname/IP -done 06/11/2013 # bug: full is not add to the tsTags -done 06/10/2013 # improvement: tc sub createTC add #!/usr/bin/perl -done 06/07/2013 # bug: $c/$SvrPRojname -> // in file creation (line 422, 431) -done 06/07/2013 # function: use mongoose on linux set http_port = :1234 -done 06/07/2013 # function: use mongoose on linux set $cgi_bin = "/"; -done 06/07/2013 # ./mongoose -enable_directory_listing yes -listening_ports 1234 -document_root /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF # * bug: generatePropertyTestsuite (tag $i = $i -1 line 585 -done 06/05/2013 # * line 3777 window only logic if ($^O) { ; } -done 06/04/2013 # * line 3769 //-> / in the $cmd for linux -done 06/04/2013 # * bug: index_pass.htm only work for _testsuite1_ (line 1130) _Simple -done 05/30/2013 # * configuraiton: sudo doesn't prompt for root password -done 05/30/2013 # /etc/sudoers/ ywang00 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL -............... # * bug: createFile doesn't set executable permission (line 5495) -done 05/30/2013 # * todo mkpath("dir", 0, 0777) -.............. # * bug: testbed use c:/ in stead of $c for testsuite3/testcase0006 -done 05/30/2013 # * bug: ExcelReport report only testcase. It should repoert all TS/TC -nBug 05/29/2013 # * bug: TC Result * string only testcase. It should repoert all TS/TC -nBug 05/29/2013 # * bug: 734 800 write to close filehandle -happens one time only # * bug when there is no tags (_full_ and _smoketest_), _full_ will break the TAF # * Linux Port: Makefile.PL (package version requirement update) # * Linux Port: mkpath use umask and openfile with umask or chmod # * dubug prDriver ignore the Queue function (will be reversed later) # * misc: testbed for tsTags, thProperty_link.txt, _noShow_ # * bug: when there is no TC in a TS, the TS * is default to move -nSee 05/29/2013 # * bug? htmlRefreshRate is not read from _tafGlobal.txt -done 05/29/2013 # Modify sub readTAFGlobalVars1 for each read variables -............... # * bug? webUI_tcDescWidth is not read from _tafGlobal.txt -done 05/29/2013 # * minor bug : the result webUI misses several record (* is outofrange -nobg 05/29/2013 # * minor bug : when TC run 24/7 it always display 2/1 (should n/1) -done 05/29/2013 # * line 201, 2124 -done ......... # * bug: miss generate default tsProperty.txt function (default=none) -nobg 05/29/2013 # # Linux Port: Setup: disable selinux, and disable firewall iptable -setup ........ # * Bug: missed the printTestBedPropertyFunction during copy/paste -done 05/29/2013 # * Linux Port: testsuite generation is not working yet -tested! -done 05/28/2013 # * Linux Port: add genDriverLinux -done 05/28/2013 # * apache confi file template is appended -done 05/28/2013 # * Linux Port: if ($^O =~ /linux/i) { `sudo /bin/chmod -R ugo+rwx $c`;}-done 05/27/2013 # To take care of TAF-doesn't-have-enough-permission -............... # * Linux port: and taf.cgi are tested -done 05/27/2013 # * Linux bug: tcIdMin is a stack variable (should be reset somewhere0 -done 05/27/2013 # * Linux bug: tcExec sequence is reversed line 223 and line 1723 -done 05/27/2013 # * Bug: the find loop display testcase000N no random order (findsorted)-done 05/27/2013 # * Linux porting: #!/usr/bin/perl or $!c:/strawberry/bin/ -done 05/27/2013 # * Linux porting: taf.cgi_realSemi_ = ; for win32 and ~ for linux -done 05/24/2013 # * Linux porting: taf.cgi_$cmd is modi for win32 and linux -done 05/24/2013 # * Linux porting (convert \\ to / for unix port) -done 05/24/2013 # * Bug http:ip:port// <double fix cgi_bin = cgi-bin/ -done 05/23/2013 # * Improvement: TreeView.tsDesc at generateRootIndex -done 05/19/2013 # * bug: tsTags doesn't work after webUITreeView (add to testbed) tsDir-done 05/18/2013 # * bug: tsProperty.txt will not work when modified (add %tcUIDesc ) -dupl 05/18/2013 # * bug sub updateTAFTSVars (SvrProjName =~ s/c:\_TAF//; -done 05/16/2013 # * bug : The TrewView should display the TS when there is only one TS -done 05/15/2013 # * Function: webUITreeView controled by webUITreeViewLevel = 1,2... -done 05/15/2013 # webUITreeViewLevel=3;generateRootIndex # * Improvemen: webUI tree struc sub getRoot_N -done 05/15/2013 # * Improvment: Modify the Local Execution only messate -done 05/14/2013 # * taf.queue_active: display no waiting job -done 05/12/2013 # * bug: Displaying "UnderExecution" can't be undone -done 05/12/2013 # * bug: cmdline var=; var="" -done 05/12/2013 # * minor bug _full_ (need to retest) removeTags -done 05/12/2013 # * improve &tsTags : testsuite=c:\io....;tsTags -done 05/10/2013 # * improvement: c:\_TAF\ testsuite=c:/iiiiiiii/pdxnpywang02/Service;readTCDesc -done 05/10/2013 # * bug: 1st execution have undefined $fileText line 1666 -done 05/06/2013 # * Test: TS=4, TC=1 (20s) 1 (20s) -done 05/02/2013 # * Test: TS=4, TC=1,2,1,2,3,4 /w lock (tc1 = 20sec) -done 05/02/2013 # * Test: TS=4, TC=1,2,1,2,3,4 /o lock -done 05/02/2013 # * bug: add updateQueue to update taf.queue_active -done 05/02/2013 # * bug: stopTS have ; ;->_semi_ (like 4995,4997,1897,1902,taf.cgi) -done 05/02/2013 # * Testing concurrency (1usr, 2 usr, + exitTAF ) -done 04/30/2013 (tested!!!) # * bug: testsuite=_t1_;list (have errro when _testsuite1_ doen's exist -done 05/02/2013 # * impromement: job is running info for every title -impletmented (need testing) # * todo: test different $c/$_TAF scenarios (work around available) -done 05/00/2013 # * impromement: display *Real* job queue -done 04/30/2013 # ........................ above should be compled ........................... # * Add a service of fetchmail and triger behind webUI is good # * sub fetchGmail as a place holder # * Improvement: merge Test result batch _thPropertyExtend.txt 5/n # * *MS/IE* Bug: when IE open the html, it locks the file for writting -Limitation # * improvement: use xterm to show the execution at linux server -postponed # * test delete TS/TC scenario -postponed # * improvement: delete TS/TC by clicing webUI component -postponed # * Improvement: a TS with 100 testcases to test the performance -postponed # * Improvement: Virtual PropertyTestsuites -postponed # * improve: exit status = manl for manual test -postponed # * Improvement: Testsuite search won't take regexp (as testcase does) -postponed # * remote installation? or create c:\_TAF from installation -postponed # * todo: need do a mass copy/replace commands from linux sed ? -postponed # * ouptputFormat = text|no|html -postponed # * create testbed regression -postponed # * handle unexpected reboot scenario -postponed # * improvement: Title of TS + propertyTS needs retrunHtml ... -postponed # * _generateExcelReport.html (alignment for , ) -postponed # * improvement: tcDesc width can be self-adjusted -postponed # * bug sometimes TS has not testcases (*U*pdate is the workaround) -postponed # * bug: queueFName missing $c/$_TAF -done 04/30/2013 # * bug: exitTAF should be handled separately -done 04/30/2013 # * bug: 5226 read on closed filehandle (can't be reproduced) -doen 04/30/2013 # * multi-TS Execution sequentially or concurrently -done 04/29/2013 # * Bug see Todo: &processTCs won't gernerate _list_tcDesc.txt -done 04/29/2013 # * there is recursive call on scanTestsuite (call list) -done 04/30/2013 # * add CGI support for the index_http.htm -done 02/00/2013 # * Bugs fix at generateExecelReport &processTC recursively is possible -done 04/29/2013 # * Improve: QueueSizeLimit = 10000 -done 04/29/2013 # * QueueTest: batch drive, queue driven, exections -done 04/29/2013 # * Improve: Queue limitation: it require sequential index -done 04/29/2013 # * bug fix: no embeded !!!!!! NofPropertyExec processTC(); -done 04/29/2013 # * Improvement: add generateRootIndex link at Title -done 04/29/2013 # * bug: exitGracefully stops working after the taf.cgi update -nobug04/29/2013 # * bug: propertyTS index number is not sequential tmp4 in genRootIndx -done 04/29/2013 # * Concurrency Control: add sub Queue (queueSize) queueSizeUI -done 04/29/2013 # * Concurrency Control: add sub Queue (set/releaseLock) -done 04/28/2013 # * Concurrency Control: add sub Queue -done 04/28/2013 # * Concurrency Control: add sub pushQueue and popQueue (absolete) -done 04/28/2013 # * Improvement: merge Test result histrorystring 4/n -done 04/27/2013 # * Improvement: merge Test result thPropertyLink.txt 3/n -done 04/27/2013 # * Improvement: merge Test result sub sortOnDate 2/n -done 04/29/2013 # * Improvement: merge Test result sub sortOnDate 1/n -done 04/26/2013 # * Improvement: create independent TS (redirect != c:\_TAF -n/a 04/26/2013 # * improvement: generate c:\_TAF\ for index.htm -done 04/26/2013 # To refresh, delete c:\_TAF\tsProperty.txt & generateRootIndex ---------------- # * Bug: _install_ is matched by /all/ -done 04/26/2013 # * Bug: 5089 open non-existence file (1st run bug) -done 04/22/2013 # * Bug: 4790 open non-existence file (1st run bug) -done 04/22/2013 # * Bug: Execution_24_7 won't update the historical &reportTCSummary () -done 04/20/2013 # * Bug: Testsuite <- Testsuite displays default. Not real TS -done 04/20/2013 # * Bug: Variable is treated as testsuite ( if -e $tcname ) -done 04/20/2013 # * Improvement: treat c:\_TAF ($c/$_TAF) is a global variable -done 04/20/2013 # * Improvement: self-identify local-execution or Execution_from_cgi -done 04/17/2013 # TC Variables should overwrite TS variables (TC over TS when no TS -done 04/17/2013 # * Improvement: Testsuite/Testcase local execution only (taf.cgi) -done 04/17/2013 # updateTAFTSVars, updateTAFTCVars, updateTAFVars -done 04/1y/2013 # clearTAFTSVars, clearTAFTCVars, clearTAFTSVars, readTAFTCVars -done 04/1y/2013 # printTAFTSVars, printTAFTCVars, readTAFTSVars, readTAFTCVars -done 04/15/2013 # * bug: ts=_ts_ create a invalid c:\_TAF\_ts_ -done 04/13/2013 # * Request: disable Execution_24_7 on the title line (sub readTAFTSVar)-done 04/10/2013 <- TestBed:_testsuite1_->title.Exec won't run 24/7 # * bug: generateTestsuiteByDesc uses wrong # (_tcMap.txt) -doen 04/03/2013 # * add sub runFromGmailService for gmail interaction -done 03/30/2013 <- # * add sub runFromGmail for gmail interaction -done 03/30/2013 # * add sub getTSNameFromTSDesc for gmail interaction -done 03/30/2013 # * improvement: propertyExecCtrEqZero (24_7 & propertyOp won't exit) -obsolete------- # * add <body OnLoad function to getGamil and create c:\_TAF\_TAFArgs.txt -replaced by the following # * improvement: the c:\_TAF\index.htm and index_http is not updated -deon 03/30/2013 (generateRootIndex after updateWeb) # * sub getTAFArgsFromFile (c:\_TAF\_tafArgs.txt) -done 03/27/2013 # modify the genDrive_taf_pl to show the change -done 03/27/2013 # * improvmemt: no more recursive call -done 03/27/2013 # * bug: fixing special character bug introduce < in < broke loglink -done 03/21/2013 (add _url_link_) # * : should create http for http.htm ---------------- # * add titleStatus for maintenance info titleStatus=(UnderMaint);list -done 03/19/2013 # * add sub listTS aka updateTS -done 03/19/2013 # Technical point: reDirect variable is passed to taf.cgi -done 03/19/2013 # * add Global createOrAppendTS to handle append TC to TS -done 03/19/2013 # append new TC in the webUI sub createPropertyTemplate() -done 03/18/2013 # * tcDesc display special characters < > will dis-align the webUI (work around < lessThan > greaterThan see #### special character -> Conversion in progress. Testbed is done with _testsuite5_ # modify sub runPowershell and sub -done 03/14/2013 # * check _url_line_ for _logTC is treated as URL no < replace -done 03/14/2013 # * improvement: htmlRefreshRate for webUI (fast) and for logUI (slow) -done 03/14/2013 # * Req: tcDesc can't have xml tags from the tcDesc for property display-done 03/12/2013 # * bug # bug: parsing tcSerialN failed - sprintf error -done 03/12/2013 # * href> in the _tcLogAppend.txt (sub addURL) -done 03/07/2013 # * improvement: add bugF return state -done 03/07/2013 # * bug: < > @ in _tcLogAppend.txt to tcLog.htm sub addURL()a -done 03/06/2013 <more char # ...> # * bug: <a> </a> in _tcLogAppend.txt should be < > -done 03/06/2013 # * todo: remove javascripts in the html title invalid -ign 03/04/2013 # * Improvement: add a exec URL in tc_log and tc_log_http.htm -done 03/04/2013 # * improvement: tcDesc has c:\_TAF too short by removeTags/match1stReg -done 03/02/2013 # * bug: tcDesc = _..._ should not remove '/' by removeTags -done 03/02/2013 # * improvement: add performanceMode=fast to webUI cmds -done 03/01/2013 # * improvement: add performanceMode=fast to generateTestsuiteAgain -done 03/01/2013 # * improvement: add nullCtr to display total execution time for null -done 03/01/2013 # * performance improvement move updateTCPassFAil to Post -done 02/28/2013 # * performance improvement move reportHistory to tcPost -done 02/28/2013 # * performance improvement ping -n 1 localhost -done 02/28/2013 # * overWriteTC = 'y' ***Default is overwrite*** -done 02/28/2013 # * bug: duplicated serial # in the tcDesc #### Fix duplicated serial -done 02/27/2013 # * improment: combine tags with the tcDesc -done 02/28/2013 # * bug: command history is not updated by HTA, only by Httpd (No BUG) -done 02/24/2013 # * bug (sec)-Tip is total time Work-around: use Total TS Exec Time. -done 02/24/2013 # * improvement: test hook color grey->white -done 02/24/2013 # * add testcaseNode commandline -done 02/24/2013 # * improvement: Title of TS + propertyTS needs testcaseNode=_null_ for *U* -done 02/24/2013 # * update the _tafGlobal_txt after setGlobal (testcaseNode) outdated -done 02/23/2013 # * bug "Use uniniatialize $cmd 1807 " -done 02/23/2013 # * testcaseNode=_null_ will set testcaseNode = "" -done 02/21/2013 # * generateTAFTestsuite including subTS by testcaseNode = "" -done 02/21/2013 # * use Term::ReadKey for the enterY() -done 02/21/2013 # * bug: recursive usage of creating propertyTS by generatePropertyTS -done 02/16/2013 # * bug: ResultString width is max-so-far during generateTestsuiteAgain -done 02/15/2013 # * handle no httpd service scenario (ping localhost) -done 02/14/2013 # * generateTestsuiteAgain (Can't be executed by webUI) -done 02/14/2013 # * add generateTestsuiteAgain to the title -done 02/14/2013 # * outputPause = 5 -done 02/14/2013 # * Bug: web_ui_title should from readTSProperty (not readTAFProperty) -done 02/13/2013 # * modify taf.cgi -done 02/11/2013 # * htmlRefreshRate = 20 -done 02/11/2013 # * add ip as a global variable -done 02/11/2013 # * modify prHtml2 for http -done 02/09/2013 # * add prHtml1_strGen_CGI() for http title line -done 02/08/2013 # * Integration with mongoose web server -done 02/08/2013 # * add genDriver_taf_CGI -done 02/08/2013 # * c:\_TAF independency (change $_TAF will change different testsuite -done 01/31/2013 # * add URL to c:\_TAF\taf.bat (taf.txt) -done 01/29/2013 # * add tsProperty.txt for testsuite1 and testsuite2 -done 01/29/2013 # * bug mapTC shadows the listTC/execTC $rst -done 01/23/2013 # * modify the ps1_args___powershell_args -done 01/22/2013 # * add the generateChildTestsuites -done 01/16/2013 (need further test) # * Add thProperty.txt for each TS -not an issue # * add the c:\_TAF\_tafGlobalVars.txt &readTAFGlobalVars -done 01/15/2013 # * c:\_TAF\_cmdLogs.txt can grow very big potentially -done 01/15/2013 # * Issue: testcaseNode default = testcase000N (comflict between taf/ts and generated/ts) -fixed 01/15/2013 # * But one PS TC failed in the test bed ps1_arg=powershell_args -doen 01/15/2013 # * cmdLog.txt TimeSpan $commandLogLifeSpan = "- 3 days"; -done 01/15/2013 # * add command history to c:\_cmdLogs.txt -done 01/15/2013 # * remove autoTCDesc related lines (remove tcDesc Serial Number) -done 01/15/2013 # * tcDelta needs to be copied from Jan_11B version markdaily -done 01/15/2013 # * add _tag_ function (index_faild mergethProperty(); -done 01/15/2013 # * add refresh from webUI $listTS,$listTSAll -done 01/14/2013 # * bug: list should not make the moving bar $scrollAmount_ -done 01/13/2013 # * testsuite log $externalLogName=... see &getTCLogFname__ -done 01/13/2013 # * Format the passFailString add dumyTC -done 01/13/2013 # * Pass/Fail link failed getLastPassFail() and genPassFailOther -done 01/13/2013 # * Bug Exec_24_7 will run infinite number for propertyOp -done 01/13/2013 (propertyExecCtr) # * duplicated records in webUI (possible reason/solution) testcaseNode (solution: testcaseNode?) # * fix todo in the code -done 01/13/2013 (4 todo left to fix) # * generateRootIndex copy index.htm_ to index.htm doens't work on some system (need exit IE/index.htm or manual copy) # * add Regexp::Assemble->new; in the build process -done 01/04/2013 # * add File::Copy::Recursive dependency in the build process -done 01/04/2013 # * generate the index_http.htm. -In progress (12/26/2012 onhold wait for RubyOnRail) # * Animate Testsuite bulletin. - generateRootIndex ? -in Prog (need testing) # * Extra searial#. was added in the code. thProperty.txt) - as designed-done 01/01/2012 # * Mark automation every day by sub getExecDay -done 01/04/2013 # * Full width passFailString (index_Full_Length.htm) Add intelegent -done 01/02/2012 # * Mark with Automation Note/Mouse Over display -done 01/01/2013 # * MouseOver * in the Automation history -done 12/26/2012 # * generate on e: (other than c:) _TAF=tmp\tmp;genDriver-done 12/26/2012 # * generateExcelReport has $rst = `$cmd`. should &func() -done 12/26/2012 # * add Mark by "|" in webUI -done 12/21/2012 # * add stop TS by "." in webUI -done 12/21/2012 # * multiple command in squence: list;exec;list;exec -done 12/18/2012 # * scan TS under c:\_TAF\ doen't work yet. (errous test bed) -done 12/20/2012 # * fix bug ps1_arg1= bug In processTCS -done 12/20/2012 # * add function: exitTAFGracefully for any TC .Execution -done 12/20/2012 # * multiple commands separated by ; $isBatchProcessing == 1) { $NofExecutionCtr=0; &tcLoop();} -done 12/18/2012 # * add refresh function to c:\_TAF\index.htm -done 12/14/2012 # * Stop a specific test execution -done 12/13/2012 # * Repeat a specific test case ($markTS) -done 12/13/2012 # * GeneratePowershellShellTS -done 06/06/2012 # * create ps1 testsuite createTS and its test cases -done 06/01/2012 # * integrate gerneatePShellTestsuite -done 06/06/2012 # * remove taf recursive by $makeMark=y (perform improvement) -done 12/05/201/ # * exitGracefully for each test case -done 12/12/2012 # * add generateExcelReport Function -done 12/06/2012 # * add enterY function -done 12/10/2012 # * remove _cmd_holder and _desc_holder_ -done 12/11/2012 # * convert listHistory to propertyOP=list_history_tcRunReport -done 12/11/2012 # * generate daily Excel report -done 12/11/2012 # * resetTSFile -done 12/12/2012 # * make Testcase Description link to Daily Report -done 12/12/2012 # * run one TC 24_7 -done 05/01/2012 # * win8 installation -done 12/05/2012 # * use testsuite for tcFilter, tcDefaultFilter -done 12/12/2012 # * generateExcelReport handles performance TC (return NN.NN) -done 12/12/2012 * # addURLs will add date-time to the log fname -done 12/13/2012 ############# Low Priority Requirement/Bugs ######### ----- # Need to setup IIS and _TAF as a virtual directory documentation -obso 04/30/2013 (use mogoose) # * multiple tppp filters (Very difficult/Low priority) -postpone # * Notif for the expected failure -done 01/01/2013 # * generateIndex (including generateRootIndex) based on scanTestsuite - works. but index.htm has a lock on it? (investigation) ############# todo: MarkTC related Actions ######### ----- # * mark by delta time (every day at 0:00?) -postpone # * mark with comments (mouse over comments) -done 12/26/2012 # * history mark link to logs/passfail -postpone # * mark non-executed TCs -postpone #################### Completed Requirements/Bug fixes ########################### # * passFailDisplayWidth is self-adjustable (see todo) -done # * line 1951: **recursive calling** -Done on 09/04/2012 -done # * 24 exec, done -done # * Number of TS execution setGlobal(NofExecution = 5) -done # * start/stop gracefully exitTAF -done # * 24 continuously, in stead of one test suite -done # * Stop TAF graceffully from webUI -done # * bug: * history is incorrect -done # * Bug 'mark' is counted as a failure -done # * Cleanup the directory with index.ps1 -done (.ps1 takes high priority over *.pl) # * Bug 'L' has characters other than '*' -Ignore (invalid bug) # * Performance improvements -done (performanceMode) # * generateTestsuite will add the tcDesc property -done # * propertyOperation by propertyOp=add=prop1:val1 -done # * propertyOperation by propertyOp=get_prop1:val1 -done # * PropertyFilter for TC operation ( tcDesc = ..) -done # * Search by TCDesc -done by tcProperty # * list should list all TS/TCs -done -handle by scanTestsuites # * Refresh or the historical "*" -done # * testcase=testcase[1,2,3..] work for list. not work for exec -done (it works) # * Bug: pass/fail html is incorrect -done # * modify the getProperties to pass regression -done # * add removeDuplicated records to handle webUI dup -done (wrong fix. reversed) # * scanTestsuite for generated property files _full_, _smoketest_, _regressiontest_ -done (see taf.bat) # * scanTestsuite for generated property files _full_, _tcLogAppend.txt was not copied to the _property_ directory - Done # * c:\_TAF\index.htm concurrency control -done # * Bug fix for generate index_[pass|fail].htm -done ################################################################################### ############# property operations ############### ----- # * Add -done # * Delete add=prop:null -done # * Modify add=prop:newValue -done # * List|get propertyOp=list_[history_]propName -dene 12/11/2012 ############ repalced by [set|get]_tcFilter ----- # When The TS is under c:\_TAF, generateTestsuite will generate c:\_TAF\_TAF.... no is copied. # The original c:\_TAF\... is treated as the test suites -postponed # Q: does the c:\_TAF\_TAF is necessary created? (It won't hurt for now)-postponed ##################### Research Topic1: TAF_Team function ############################ # * Web Service architecture / CGI / RPC / RubyOnRail -done 04/30/2013 # * Browser independency -done 04/30/2013 # * local run version and /o IIS , support multiple TC Concurrency ., -done 04/30/2013 # * Working with new Concurrency Control scheme, TCExecSummary, tcDelay=10 -obsolete #################### Research Topics2:TestSuite Machine independency ################### # * Move/Merge TAF over machine -future # ** Merge test suite from one machine -future # ** Merge test suite from multi-machine -future # ** Move TS from one dir to different dir and regenerate the index*.* -future # 0. Move the TS to c:\_MachineName\.... -future # 1. -done 01/02/2013 # 2. Copy c:\_TAF\* to new server -todo # 3. taf testsuite=...;list -done 01/01/2013 # 4. Need to copy the AUT to new server # 5. use tsProperty.txt to update -postpone # 6. TS titleName -obsolete # 7. TC directory -obsolete #Note: ts;list will update all index.html -done ############################## Apache Config File (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ################################### # DocumentRoot = /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF ################################################################################################################# # # This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the # configuration directives that give the server its instructions. # See <URL:> for detailed information. # In particular, see # <URL:> # for a discussion of each configuration directive. # # # Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding # what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure # consult the online docs. You have been warned. # # The configuration directives are grouped into three basic sections: # 1. Directives that control the operation of the Apache server process as a # whole (the 'global environment'). # 2. Directives that define the parameters of the 'main' or 'default' server, # which responds to requests that aren't handled by a virtual host. # These directives also provide default values for the settings # of all virtual hosts. # 3. Settings for virtual hosts, which allow Web requests to be sent to # different IP addresses or hostnames and have them handled by the # same Apache server process. # # Configuration and logfile names: If the filenames you specify for many # of the server's control files begin with "/" (or "drive:/" for Win32), the # server will use that explicit path. If the filenames do *not* begin # with "/", the value of ServerRoot is prepended -- so "logs/foo.log" # with ServerRoot set to "/etc/httpd" will be interpreted by the # server as "/etc/httpd/logs/foo.log". # ### Section 1: Global Environment # # The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache, # such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it # can find its configuration files. # # # Don't give away too much information about all the subcomponents # we are running. Comment out this line if you don't mind remote sites # finding out what major optional modules you are running ServerTokens OS # # ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's # configuration, error, and log files are kept. # # NOTE! If you intend to place this on an NFS (or otherwise network) # mounted filesystem then please read the LockFile documentation # (available at <URL:>); # you will save yourself a lot of trouble. # # Do NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path. # ServerRoot "/etc/httpd" # # PidFile: The file in which the server should record its process # identification number when it starts. Note the PIDFILE variable in # /etc/sysconfig/httpd must be set appropriately if this location is # changed. # PidFile run/ # # Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out. # Timeout 60 # # KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than # one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate. # KeepAlive Off # # MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow # during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount. # We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance. # MaxKeepAliveRequests 100 # # KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the # same client on the same connection. # KeepAliveTimeout 15 ## ## Server-Pool Size Regulation (MPM specific) ## # prefork MPM # StartServers: number of server processes to start # MinSpareServers: minimum number of server processes which are kept spare # MaxSpareServers: maximum number of server processes which are kept spare # ServerLimit: maximum value for MaxClients for the lifetime of the server # MaxClients: maximum number of server processes allowed to start # MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests a server process serves <IfModule prefork.c> StartServers 8 MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 20 ServerLimit 256 MaxClients 256 MaxRequestsPerChild 4000 </IfModule> # worker MPM # StartServers: initial number of server processes to start # MaxClients: maximum number of simultaneous client connections # MinSpareThreads: minimum number of worker threads which are kept spare # MaxSpareThreads: maximum number of worker threads which are kept spare # ThreadsPerChild: constant number of worker threads in each server process # MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests a server process serves <IfModule worker.c> StartServers 4 MaxClients 300 MinSpareThreads 25 MaxSpareThreads 75 ThreadsPerChild 25 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 </IfModule> # # Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or # ports, in addition to the default. See also the <VirtualHost> # directive. # # Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to # prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses ( # #Listen Listen 80 # # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support # # To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you # have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the # directives contained in it are actually available _before_ they are used. # Statically compiled modules (those listed by `httpd -l') do not need # to be loaded here. # # Example: # LoadModule foo_module modules/ # LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/ LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/ LoadModule authn_file_module modules/ LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/ LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/ LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/ LoadModule authn_default_module modules/ LoadModule authz_host_module modules/ LoadModule authz_user_module modules/ LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/ LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/ LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/ LoadModule authz_default_module modules/ LoadModule ldap_module modules/ LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/ LoadModule include_module modules/ LoadModule log_config_module modules/ LoadModule logio_module modules/ LoadModule env_module modules/ LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/ LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/ LoadModule expires_module modules/ LoadModule deflate_module modules/ LoadModule headers_module modules/ LoadModule usertrack_module modules/ LoadModule setenvif_module modules/ LoadModule mime_module modules/ LoadModule dav_module modules/ LoadModule status_module modules/ LoadModule autoindex_module modules/ LoadModule info_module modules/ LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/ LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/ LoadModule negotiation_module modules/ LoadModule dir_module modules/ LoadModule actions_module modules/ LoadModule speling_module modules/ LoadModule userdir_module modules/ LoadModule alias_module modules/ LoadModule substitute_module modules/ LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/ LoadModule cache_module modules/ LoadModule suexec_module modules/ LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/ LoadModule cgi_module modules/ LoadModule version_module modules/ # # The following modules are not loaded by default: # #LoadModule asis_module modules/ #LoadModule authn_dbd_module modules/ #LoadModule cern_meta_module modules/ #LoadModule cgid_module modules/ #LoadModule dbd_module modules/ #LoadModule dumpio_module modules/ #LoadModule filter_module modules/ #LoadModule ident_module modules/ #LoadModule log_forensic_module modules/ #LoadModule unique_id_module modules/ # # # Load config files from the config directory "/etc/httpd/conf.d". # Include conf.d/*.conf # # ExtendedStatus controls whether Apache will generate "full" status # information (ExtendedStatus On) or just basic information (ExtendedStatus # Off) when the "server-status" handler is called. The default is Off. # #ExtendedStatus On # # If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run # httpd as root initially and it will switch. # # User/Group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run httpd as. # . On SCO (ODT 3) use "User nouser" and "Group nogroup". # . On HPUX you may not be able to use shared memory as nobody, and the # suggested workaround is to create a user www and use that user. # NOTE that some kernels refuse to setgid(Group) or semctl(IPC_SET) # when the value of (unsigned)Group is above 60000; # don't use Group #-1 on these systems! # User apache Group apache ### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration # # The directives in this section set up the values used by the 'main' # server, which responds to any requests that aren't handled by a # <VirtualHost> definition. These values also provide defaults for # any <VirtualHost> containers you may define later in the file. # # All of these directives may appear inside <VirtualHost> containers, # in which case these default settings will be overridden for the # virtual host being defined. # # # ServerAdmin: Your address, where problems with the server should be # e-mailed. This address appears on some server-generated pages, such # as error documents. e.g. # ServerAdmin root@localhost # # ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself. # This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify # it explicitly to prevent problems during startup. # # If this is not set to valid DNS name for your host, server-generated # redirections will not work. See also the UseCanonicalName directive. # # If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here. # You will have to access it by its address anyway, and this will make # redirections work in a sensible way. # ServerName # # UseCanonicalName: Determines how Apache constructs self-referencing # URLs and the SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT variables. # When set "Off", Apache will use the Hostname and Port supplied # by the client. When set "On", Apache will use the value of the # ServerName directive. # UseCanonicalName Off # # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your # documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but # symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations. # # DocumentRoot "/var/www/html" DocumentRoot "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF" # # Each directory to which Apache has access can be configured with respect # to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that # directory (and its subdirectories). # # First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of # features. # <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory> # <Directory "/var/www/html"> <Directory "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF"> # # Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All", # or any combination of: # Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews # # Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All" # doesn't give it to you. # # The Options directive is both complicated and important. Please see # # for more information. # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Options All AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl # # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files. # It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords: # Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # # AllowOverride None # # Controls who can get stuff from this server. # Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> #<Directory /home/*/public_html> # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec # <Limit GET POST OPTIONS> # Order allow,deny # Allow from all # </Limit> # <LimitExcept GET POST OPTIONS> # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # </LimitExcept> #</Directory> # # UserDir: The name of the directory that is appended onto a user's home # directory if a ~user request is received. # # The path to the end user account 'public_html' directory must be # accessible to the webserver userid. This usually means that ~userid # must have permissions of 711, ~userid/public_html must have permissions # of 755, and documents contained therein must be world-readable. # Otherwise, the client will only receive a "403 Forbidden" message. # # See also: # <IfModule mod_userdir.c> # # UserDir is disabled by default since it can confirm the presence # of a username on the system (depending on home directory # permissions). # UserDir disabled # # To enable requests to /~user/ to serve the user's public_html # directory, remove the "UserDir disabled" line above, and uncomment # the following line instead: # #UserDir public_html </IfModule> # # Control access to UserDir directories. The following is an example # for a site where these directories are restricted to read-only. # #<Directory /home/*/public_html> # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec # <Limit GET POST OPTIONS> # Order allow,deny # Allow from all # </Limit> # <LimitExcept GET POST OPTIONS> # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # </LimitExcept> #</Directory> # # DirectoryIndex: sets the file that Apache will serve if a directory # is requested. # # The index.html.var file (a type-map) is used to deliver content- # negotiated documents. The MultiViews Option can be used for the # same purpose, but it is much slower. # DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index_http.htm # # AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory # for additional configuration directives. See also the AllowOverride # directive. # AccessFileName .htaccess # # The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being # viewed by Web clients. # <Files ~ "^\.ht"> Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All </Files> # # TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is # to be found. # TypesConfig /etc/mime.types # # DefaultType is the default MIME type the server will use for a document # if it cannot otherwise determine one, such as from filename extensions. # If your server contains mostly text or HTML documents, "text/plain" is # a good value. If most of your content is binary, such as applications # or images, you may want to use "application/octet-stream" instead to # keep browsers from trying to display binary files as though they are # text. # DefaultType text/plain # # The mod_mime_magic module allows the server to use various hints from the # contents of the file itself to determine its type. The MIMEMagicFile # directive tells the module where the hint definitions are located. # <IfModule mod_mime_magic.c> # MIMEMagicFile /usr/share/magic.mime MIMEMagicFile conf/magic </IfModule> # # HostnameLookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses # e.g., (on) or (off). # The default is off because it'd be overall better for the net if people # had to knowingly turn this feature on, since enabling it means that # each client request will result in AT LEAST one lookup request to the # nameserver. # HostnameLookups Off # # EnableMMAP: Control whether memory-mapping is used to deliver # files (assuming that the underlying OS supports it). # The default is on; turn this off if you serve from NFS-mounted # filesystems. On some systems, turning it off (regardless of # filesystem) can improve performance; for details, please see # # #EnableMMAP off # # EnableSendfile: Control whether the sendfile kernel support is # used to deliver files (assuming that the OS supports it). # The default is on; turn this off if you serve from NFS-mounted # filesystems. Please see # # #EnableSendfile off # # ErrorLog: The location of the error log file. # If you do not specify an ErrorLog directive within a <VirtualHost> # container, error messages relating to that virtual host will be # logged here. If you *do* define an error logfile for a <VirtualHost> # container, that host's errors will be logged there and not here. # ErrorLog logs/error_log # # LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log. # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, # alert, emerg. # LogLevel warn # # The following directives define some format nicknames for use with # a CustomLog directive (see below). # LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent # "combinedio" includes actual counts of actual bytes received (%I) and sent (%O); this # requires the mod_logio module to be loaded. #LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio # # The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format). # If you do not define any access logfiles within a <VirtualHost> # container, they will be logged here. Contrariwise, if you *do* # define per-<VirtualHost> access logfiles, transactions will be # logged therein and *not* in this file. # #CustomLog logs/access_log common # # If you would like to have separate agent and referer logfiles, uncomment # the following directives. # #CustomLog logs/referer_log referer #CustomLog logs/agent_log agent # # For a single logfile with access, agent, and referer information # (Combined Logfile Format), use the following directive: # CustomLog logs/access_log combined # # Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host # name to server-generated pages (internal error documents, FTP directory # listings, mod_status and mod_info output etc., but not CGI generated # documents or custom error documents). # Set to "EMail" to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin. # Set to one of: On | Off | EMail # ServerSignature On # # Aliases: Add here as many aliases as you need (with no limit). The format is # Alias fakename realname # # Note that if you include a trailing / on fakename then the server will # require it to be present in the URL. So "/icons" isn't aliased in this # example, only "/icons/". If the fakename is slash-terminated, then the # realname must also be slash terminated, and if the fakename omits the # trailing slash, the realname must also omit it. # # We include the /icons/ alias for FancyIndexed directory listings. If you # do not use FancyIndexing, you may comment this out. # Alias /icons/ "/var/www/icons/" <Directory "/var/www/icons"> Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> Alias /perl/ "/home/ywang00/perl/" # Alias /perl/ "/home/ywang00/Desktop/_TAF/" <Location /perl/> SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry PerlOptions +ParseHeaders Options +ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all </Location> # # WebDAV module configuration section. # <IfModule mod_dav_fs.c> # Location of the WebDAV lock database. DAVLockDB /var/lib/dav/lockdb </IfModule> # # ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts. # ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that # documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and # run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client. # The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias directives as to # Alias. # ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/" # # "/var/www/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured. # <Directory "/tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF/"> AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> # # Redirect allows you to tell clients about documents which used to exist in # your server's namespace, but do not anymore. This allows you to tell the # clients where to look for the relocated document. # Example: # Redirect permanent /foo # # Directives controlling the display of server-generated directory listings. # # # IndexOptions: Controls the appearance of server-generated directory # listings. # IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort NameWidth=* HTMLTable Charset=UTF-8 # # AddIcon* directives tell the server which icon to show for different # files or filename extensions. These are only displayed for # FancyIndexed directories. # AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.gif) text/* AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/* AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/* AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.gif) video/* AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exe AddIcon /icons/binhex.gif .hqx AddIcon /icons/tar.gif .tar AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv AddIcon /icons/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf AddIcon /icons/text.gif .txt AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl AddIcon /icons/tex.gif .tex AddIcon /icons/bomb.gif core AddIcon /icons/back.gif .. AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif README AddIcon /icons/folder.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^ AddIcon /icons/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^ # # DefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon # explicitly set. # DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif # # AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in # server-generated indexes. These are only displayed for FancyIndexed # directories. # Format: AddDescription "description" filename # #AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz #AddDescription "tar archive" .tar #AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz # # ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by # default, and append to directory listings. # # HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to # directory indexes. ReadmeName README.html HeaderName HEADER.html # # IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore # and not include in the listing. Shell-style wildcarding is permitted. # IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t # # DefaultLanguage and AddLanguage allows you to specify the language of # a document. You can then use content negotiation to give a browser a # file in a language the user can understand. # # Specify a default language. This means that all data # going out without a specific language tag (see below) will # be marked with this one. You probably do NOT want to set # this unless you are sure it is correct for all cases. # # * It is generally better to not mark a page as # * being a certain language than marking it with the wrong # * language! # # DefaultLanguage nl # # Note 1: The suffix does not have to be the same as the language # keyword --- those with documents in Polish (whose net-standard # language code is pl) may wish to use "AddLanguage pl .po" to # avoid the ambiguity with the common suffix for perl scripts. # # Note 2: The example entries below illustrate that in some cases # the two character 'Language' abbreviation is not identical to # the two character 'Country' code for its country, # E.g. 'Danmark/dk' versus 'Danish/da'. # # Note 3: In the case of 'ltz' we violate the RFC by using a three char # specifier. There is 'work in progress' to fix this and get # the reference data for rfc1766 cleaned up. # # Catalan (ca) - Croatian (hr) - Czech (cs) - Danish (da) - Dutch (nl) # English (en) - Esperanto (eo) - Estonian (et) - French (fr) - German (de) # Greek-Modern (el) - Hebrew (he) - Italian (it) - Japanese (ja) # Korean (ko) - Luxembourgeois* (ltz) - Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) # Norwegian (no) - Polish (pl) - Portugese (pt) # Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) - Russian (ru) - Swedish (sv) # Simplified Chinese (zh-CN) - Spanish (es) - Traditional Chinese (zh-TW) # AddLanguage ca .ca AddLanguage cs .cz .cs AddLanguage da .dk AddLanguage de .de AddLanguage el .el AddLanguage en .en AddLanguage eo .eo AddLanguage es .es AddLanguage et .et AddLanguage fr .fr AddLanguage he .he AddLanguage hr .hr AddLanguage it .it AddLanguage ja .ja AddLanguage ko .ko AddLanguage ltz .ltz AddLanguage nl .nl AddLanguage nn .nn AddLanguage no .no AddLanguage pl .po AddLanguage pt .pt AddLanguage pt-BR .pt-br AddLanguage ru .ru AddLanguage sv .sv AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw # # LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages # in case of a tie during content negotiation. # # Just list the languages in decreasing order of preference. We have # more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to change this. # LanguagePriority en ca cs da de el eo es et fr he hr it ja ko ltz nl nn no pl pt pt-BR ru sv zh-CN zh-TW # # ForceLanguagePriority allows you to serve a result page rather than # MULTIPLE CHOICES (Prefer) [in case of a tie] or NOT ACCEPTABLE (Fallback) # [in case no accepted languages matched the available variants] # ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback # # Specify a default charset for all content served; this enables # interpretation of all content as UTF-8 by default. To use the # default browser choice (ISO-8859-1), or to allow the META tags # in HTML content to override this choice, comment out this # directive: # AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 # # AddType allows you to add to or override the MIME configuration # file mime.types for specific file types. # #AddType application/x-tar .tgz # # AddEncoding allows you to have certain browsers uncompress # information on the fly. Note: Not all browsers support this. # Despite the name similarity, the following Add* directives have nothing # to do with the FancyIndexing customization directives above. # #AddEncoding x-compress .Z #AddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz # If the AddEncoding directives above are commented-out, then you # probably should define those extensions to indicate media types: # AddType application/x-compress .Z AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz # # MIME-types for downloading Certificates and CRLs # AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl .crl # # AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers": # actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server # or added with the Action directive (see below) # # To use CGI scripts outside of ScriptAliased directories: # (You will also need to add "ExecCGI" to the "Options" directive.) # AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl # yw <Directory /tmp/var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF> Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl </Directory> <Directory /home/*/_TAF> Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl </Directory> # # For files that include their own HTTP headers: # #AddHandler send-as-is asis # # For type maps (negotiated resources): # (This is enabled by default to allow the Apache "It Worked" page # to be distributed in multiple languages.) # AddHandler type-map var # # Filters allow you to process content before it is sent to the client. # # To parse .shtml files for server-side includes (SSI): # (You will also need to add "Includes" to the "Options" directive.) # AddType text/html .shtml AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml # # Action lets you define media types that will execute a script whenever # a matching file is called. This eliminates the need for repeated URL # pathnames for oft-used CGI file processors. # Format: Action media/type /cgi-script/location # Format: Action handler-name /cgi-script/location # # # Customizable error responses come in three flavors: # 1) plain text 2) local redirects 3) external redirects # # Some examples: #ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo." #ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html #ErrorDocument 404 "/cgi-bin/" #ErrorDocument 402 # # # Putting this all together, we can internationalize error responses. # # We use Alias to redirect any /error/HTTP_<error>.html.var response to # our collection of by-error message multi-language collections. We use # includes to substitute the appropriate text. # # You can modify the messages' appearance without changing any of the # default HTTP_<error>.html.var files by adding the line: # # Alias /error/include/ "/your/include/path/" # # which allows you to create your own set of files by starting with the # /var/www/error/include/ files and # copying them to /your/include/path/, even on a per-VirtualHost basis. # Alias /error/ "/var/www/error/" <IfModule mod_negotiation.c> <IfModule mod_include.c> <Directory "/var/www/error"> AllowOverride None Options IncludesNoExec AddOutputFilter Includes html AddHandler type-map var Order allow,deny Allow from all LanguagePriority en es de fr ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback </Directory> # ErrorDocument 400 /error/HTTP_BAD_REQUEST.html.var # ErrorDocument 401 /error/HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED.html.var # ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_FORBIDDEN.html.var # ErrorDocument 404 /error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var # ErrorDocument 405 /error/HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.html.var # ErrorDocument 408 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT.html.var # ErrorDocument 410 /error/HTTP_GONE.html.var # ErrorDocument 411 /error/HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED.html.var # ErrorDocument 412 /error/HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED.html.var # ErrorDocument 413 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE.html.var # ErrorDocument 414 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE.html.var # ErrorDocument 415 /error/HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE.html.var # ErrorDocument 500 /error/HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.html.var # ErrorDocument 501 /error/HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.html.var # ErrorDocument 502 /error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var # ErrorDocument 503 /error/HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.html.var # ErrorDocument 506 /error/HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES.html.var </IfModule> </IfModule> # # The following directives modify normal HTTP response behavior to # handle known problems with browser implementations. # BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0 BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0 BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0 # # The following directive disables redirects on non-GET requests for # a directory that does not include the trailing slash. This fixes a # problem with Microsoft WebFolders which does not appropriately handle # redirects for folders with DAV methods. # Same deal with Apple's DAV filesystem and Gnome VFS support for DAV. # BrowserMatch "Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "MS FrontPage" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^WebDrive" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^WebDAVFS/1.[0123]" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^gnome-vfs/1.0" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^XML Spy" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^Dreamweaver-WebDAV-SCM1" redirect-carefully # # Allow server status reports generated by mod_status, # with the URL of http://servername/server-status # Change the "" to match your domain to enable. # #<Location /server-status> # SetHandler server-status # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # Allow from #</Location> # # Allow remote server configuration reports, with the URL of # http://servername/server-info (requires that mod_info.c be loaded). # Change the "" to match your domain to enable. # #<Location /server-info> # SetHandler server-info # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # Allow from #</Location> # # Proxy Server directives. Uncomment the following lines to # enable the proxy server: # #<IfModule mod_proxy.c> #ProxyRequests On # #<Proxy *> # Order deny,allow # Deny from all # Allow from #</Proxy> # # Enable/disable the handling of HTTP/1.1 "Via:" headers. # ("Full" adds the server version; "Block" removes all outgoing Via: headers) # Set to one of: Off | On | Full | Block # #ProxyVia On # # To enable a cache of proxied content, uncomment the following lines. # See for more details. # #<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c> # CacheEnable disk / # CacheRoot "/var/cache/mod_proxy" #</IfModule> # #</IfModule> # End of proxy directives. ### Section 3: Virtual Hosts # # VirtualHost: If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your # machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them. Most configurations # use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about # IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below. # # Please see the documentation at # <URL:> # for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts. # # You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host # configuration. # # Use name-based virtual hosting. # NameVirtualHost *:80 # # NOTE: NameVirtualHost cannot be used without a port specifier # (e.g. :80) if mod_ssl is being used, due to the nature of the # SSL protocol. # # # VirtualHost example: # Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container. # The first VirtualHost section is used for requests without a known # server name. # #<VirtualHost *:80> # ServerAdmin # DocumentRoot /www/docs/ # ServerName # ErrorLog logs/ # CustomLog logs/ common #</VirtualHost> ############################## Apache Config File ################################### ############################## ################################### # todo ############################## ################################### # TAF Linux setup: # mkdir /var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF # sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx /var/www # #!/usr/bin/perl in generated perl script and TCs (!) # Security config: * disable selinux *disable firewall (iptable) # Apache *setup /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (see sample above) */etc/init.d/httpd restart * # DocumentRoot: /var/www/html -> /var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF # <Directory> /var/www/html> -> /var/www/cgi-bin/_TAF # ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ # AddHandler cgi-script .pl .cgi # Servername: # DirectoryIndex: -> index_http.htm # Alias /perl/ "/home..." -> <Location /perl/> setHandler </Location> # for security reason: sudo yum install perl-suidperl #If you are running a Perl script with the setuid bit, it actually runs a slightly modified version of Perl so that it is a bit more cautious. On a CentOS box, you need to install the ??perl-suidperl?�� package to get the necessary files installed. Otherwise you get an error like this: #[root@host bin]# ls -al #-rws--S--- 1 mail mail 1218 Oct 1 13:09 #[root@host bin]# ./ #Can't do setuid (cannot exec sperl) # Here is