# Name

Device::PiFace - Perl module to manage PiFace boards

# Synopsis

use Device::PiFace;
# OO interface
my $piface = Device::PiFace->new (hw_addr => 0);
$piface->write (value => 0b10000001); # turn pin 0 and 7 on
$piface->write (pin => 4, value => 1); # turn pin 4 on
printf "Status of the inputs: %08b\n", $piface->read;
printf "Input pin 3 is active? %s\n",
       $piface->mask_has_pins ($piface->read, 3) ? "yes" : "no";
# libpifacedigital API
# http://piface.github.io/libpifacedigital/pifacedigital_8h.html
use Device::PiFace ':piface';
pifacedigital_write_reg (0, OUTPUT, $hw_addr);
# libmcp23s17 API
# http://piface.github.io/libmcp23s17/mcp23s17_8h.html
use Device::PiFace ':mcp23s17';
mcp23s17_write_reg (0xFF, GPIOA, $hw_addr, $fd);

# Description

This module provides the functions and constants available in
[libpifacedigital](https://github.com/piface/libpifacedigital) and
[libmcp23s17](https://github.com/piface/libmcp23s17). In addition, an OO interface is provided,
which makes the module extremely easy to use.

The two libraries specified before are required to install and run this module. Instructions on
how this is done are available on the respective webpages.

# Methods

[Device::PiFace](https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::PiFace) implements the following methods.

## new

my $piface = Device::PiFace->new (%options);

Creates a new [Device::PiFace](https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::PiFace) instance.

`%options` may contain the following:

- `hw_addr => 0`

    The hardware address of your PiFace, specified using the on-board jumpers.

    If you have only one PiFace board, then this number is usually `0`.

    **This is required! The method will croak if this option is not specified.**

- `no_init => 0`

    If specified and true, this option disables the initialization of the PiFace board.

    **WARNING:** this requires the initialization to be performed manually.

## open

my $piface = Device::PiFace->open (%options);

Alias of ["new"](#new).

## close


This method frees up resources associated with the current instance of [Device::PiFace](https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::PiFace).

It is automatically called when the instance of the class is being destroyed. This means that
in most cases it isn't necessary to call this method explicitly.

## read

my $val = $piface->read; # read from the register INPUT
$val = $piface->read (register => OUTPUT); # requires :piface_constants
$val = $piface->read (pin => 0);
$val = $piface->read (register => OUTPUT, pin => 0);

Reads a value from a register (by default `INPUT`). Accepts an hash containing:

- `register => INPUT`

    The register where the read operation is going to be performed.

    The value of this option must be one of the following constants:

    Defaults to `INPUT` (`GPIOB`).

- `pin => 0`

    The pin number, used to obtain the value of a single pin (bit) instead of the whole register.

    The value of this option must be between `0` and `7` (inclusive).

**WARNING:** when `register` is `INPUT`, the bits of the resulting value are flipped.
This is because on the `INPUT` register an idle pin is represented with `1`, while an
active pin is represented with `0` (i.e., `0xFF` when no input is active).

## write

$piface->write (value => 0xFF); # write to the register OUTPUT
$piface->write (register => OUTPUT, value => 0xFF); # same as before
$piface->write (pin => 0, value => 1); # turns on pin 0

Writes a value to a register (by default `OUTPUT`). Accepts an hash containing:

- `register => OUTPUT`

    The register where the write operation is going to be performed.

    See ["read"](#read) for a list of possible values.

    Defaults to `OUTPUT` (`GPIOA`).

- `pin => 0`

    The pin number, used to change the value of a single pin instead of the whole register.

    The value of this option must be between `0` and `7` (inclusive).

## enable\_interrupts

$piface->enable_interrupts or die 'Something went wrong!';

Enables interrupts on this PiFace board.

Returns `1` on success.

**WARNING:** `pifacedigital_enable_interrupts()` returns `0` on success. This method returns
`1` on success, and an empty string on failure.

## disable\_interrupts

$piface->disable_interrupts or die 'Something went wrong!';

Disables interrupts on this PiFace board.

Returns `1` on success.

**WARNING:** `pifacedigital_disable_interrupts()` returns `0` on success. This method returns
`1` on success, and an empty string on failure.

## wait\_for\_input

my $success = $piface->wait_for_input;
my ($success, $value) = $piface->wait_for_input;
$piface->wait_for_input (timeout => 5000);

Waits for a change of any of the input pins on the PiFace board. Accepts an hash containing:

- `timeout => 1000`

    The maximum amount of time permitted for this operation, in milliseconds.

    A value of `-1` (which is the default) represents an infinite maximum waiting time.

In scalar context, it returns one of `R_SUCCESS`, `R_TIMEOUT`, `R_FAILURE` (`$success`).

In list context, it returns `$success` and the current state of all inputs (the equivalent of
a ["read"](#read) call).

Requires that interrupts are enabled with ["enable\_interrupts"](#enable_interrupts) first.

**WARNING:** this method blocks until an input pin changes, or the timeout is reached. Be careful.

# get\_mask

my $mask = $piface->get_mask (@pins);

Returns a mask usable with ["write"](#write), containing the pins specified in `@pins`.

**NOTE:** instead of doing this:

$piface->write (value => $piface->get_mask (qw(1 3 5 7)));

Do this!

$piface->write (value => 0b10101010);

# mask\_has\_pins

my $bool = $piface->mask_has_pins ($mask, @pins);

Checks if `$mask` contains `@pins`. Useful to check if a determined set of pins is currently
turned on:

printf "Pin 1, 5, 7 active? %s\n",
       $piface->mask_has_pins ($piface->read, qw(1 5 7)) ? "yes" : "no";

**NOTE:** you can do this by yourself if you have a mask representing the pins to check:

my $bool = ($mask & 0b10000001) == $mask; # pin 0 and 7 turned on?

# hw\_addr

my $hw_addr = $piface->hw_addr;

Retrieves the hardware address associated with this instance.

# fd

my $fd = $piface->fd;

Retrieves the file descriptor returned by `pifacedigital_open()`.

# A note about exportable constants and functions

You may export constants/functions either directly
(with `use Device::PiFace qw(CONST1 func1 ...)`) or using ["EXPORT TAGS"](#export-tags).
They are then usable without any prefix.

Otherwise, if you prefer to export nothing, you can refer to constants with


And to functions with


This approach is useful to reduce namespace pollution, but it is uglier and longer to write.

# Export

None by default.

# Export tags

[Device::PiFace](https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::PiFace) specifies the following export tags:

- `:registers`

    This tag exports all the registers usable with ["read"](#read) and ["write"](#write).

    See ["read"](#read) for a list.

    **NOTE:** this does not include `INPUT` and `OUTPUT`! Use `:all_constants` or
    `:piface_constants` if you need these. You may also refer to them directly as
    explained in ["A NOTE ABOUT EXPORTABLE CONSTANTS AND FUNCTIONS"](#a-note-about-exportable-constants-and-functions).

- `:piface_constants`

    This tag exports all the constants sufficient for a basic usage of the
    object-oriented API of [Device::PiFace](https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::PiFace).


- `:mcp23s17_constants`

    This includes all the constants of `:registers`, plus:


- `:all_constants`

    This includes all the constants of `:piface_constants` and `:mcp23s17_constants`.

- `:piface`

    This tag exports all the constants and functions necessary for a basic usage of the
    functional interface of [Device::PiFace](https://metacpan.org/pod/Device::PiFace) (`libpifacedigital`).
    It includes all the constants of `:piface_constants`, plus the following functions:


- `:mcp23s17`

    This tag exports all the constants and functions necessary to use the interface of `libmcp23s17`.
    It includes all the constants of `:mcp23s17_constants`, plus the following functions:


- `:all`

    This tag exports every function and constant of `libpifacedigital` and `libmcp23s17`.

# See also


# Author

Roberto Frenna (robertof AT cpan DOT org)

# Bugs

Please report any bugs or feature requests to

# License

Copyright (C) 2015, Roberto Frenna.

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
Artistic License version 2.0.