AnnoCPAN development version 0.22

AnnoCPAN is a web interface for the documentation of all the modules on CPAN,
where users can add annotations on the margin of specific paragraphs throughout
the POD.


1) First, the usual (after satisfying the dependencies):

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

2) Copy, move, or link the html/ directory, and/or configure your server
   so that html/ directory is in your server's webspace.

3) Put the tt/ directory somewhere readable by the web server (but not in the

4) Edit to set the database and other details, and possibly
   html/index.cgi so that it can find the config file.

5) Create the tables. Assuming you have a mysql database called annocpan,

    mysql annocpan < tables.mysql

6) Load the database (you need a local CPAN mirror). It may take a while...

    annocpan_load /path/to/local/mirror/of/CPAN


        # non-core modules
        Archive::Tar        => 0,
        Archive::Zip        => 0,
        Class::DBI          => 0,
        CPAN::DistnameInfo  => 0.06,
        DBD::SQLite         => 1.08,
        IO::String          => 0,
        String::Similarity  => 1,
        Template            => 2,
        XML::RSS            => 0,
        XML::Simple         => 0,

        # core 5.8 modules
        List::Util          => 0,
        Test::More          => 0,

        # core 5.6 modules
        Pod::Select         => 0,
        File::Path          => 0,
        File::stat          => 0,
        Carp                => 0,


Copyright (C) 2005 Ivan Tubert-Brohman <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

Some of the icons in the html/img directory by tigert; they were taken from . Available under the GPL.

The star* images were borrowed from