*** *BEFORE* BUILDING, TESTING AND INSTALLING this you will need to: Build, test and install Perl 5 (Preferrably 5.006_00 or later) It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! Build, test and install the DBI module (at least DBI 1.21). It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! Remember to *read* the DBI README file and this one CAREFULLY! Ensure the following DB2 product is installed. DB2 Application Development Client v7.2 or later Included with the DB2 Personal Developer's Edition and the DB2 Universal Developer's Edition The Application Development Client can be downloaded here: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/support/ *** BUILDING: On UNIX: export DB2_HOME=<path to CLI DRIVER installation>/clidriver export PERL5LIB=~/lib/perl5/lib/perl5/site_perl:$HOME/DBD-DB2-1.85/tests:$HOME/DBD-DB2-1.85/Constants perl Makefile.PL # use a perl that's in your PATH make make test make install (if the tests look okay) NOTE: For non root installation specify the installation into ~/lib/perl5 instead for non-root installation: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/lib/perl5 make make test make install On Windows: perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install *** TESTING: All Platforms: Edit the file connection.pl in the folder tests so that it looks like the following: $USERID="userid"; $PASSWORD="password"; $PORT=50000; $HOSTNAME="localhost"; $DATABASE="database"; $PROTOCOL="TCPIP"; The next section has details about the trusted context user. If you dont have trusted users set specifically, then you may leave this section as is and the testcase for the trusted context would fail. This is an expected behavior. The details for fakeport etc can be left untouched. Run the test suite by running the following command: $ perl run-tests.pl *** IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS: Please read the CAVEATS files which includes important information, including tips and workarounds for various platform-specific problems. *** SUPPORT INFORMATION: Technical support for the DBD::DB2 driver is provided by IBM through its service agreements for DB2 UDB. Information on DB2 UDB service agreements and support can be found on the Web at http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/db2tech For other DBD::DB2 information, please see http://www.software.ibm.com/data/db2/perl For documentation about DB2 and CLI, please see: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2help/index.jsp Comments/suggestions/enhancement requests may be sent to opendev@us.ibm.com Please see the following files for more information: CAVEATS - important build/usage information DB2.pod - an example perl script - an explanation of attribute hashes *** MAILING LISTS As a user or maintainer of a local copy of DBD::DB2, you need to be aware of the following addresses: The DBI mailing lists located at dbi-announce@perl.org for announcements dbi-dev@perl.org for developer/maintainer discussions dbi-users@perl.org for end user level discussion and help To subscribe or unsubscribe to each individual list please see http://lists.perl.org/ or send an empty email to the following addresses dbi-announce-subscribe@perl.org dbi-dev-subscribe@perl.org dbi-users-subscribe@perl.org