

This module implements a session handler that stores sessions in a database. It
creates its own database connection, separate from any existing database
connection, to avoid any issues with transactions. It wraps all changes to the
database in transactions to ensure consistency.

This configuration expects a database table that looks like this:

    CREATE TABLE session (
        id CHAR(72) NOT NULL,
        application VARCHAR DEFALUT '' NOT NULL,
        timeout integer DEFAULT date_part('epoch'::text, now()) NOT NULL,
        data TEXT

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX session_uq ON sessions (id, application);
    CREATE INDEX session_timeout_ix ON sessions (timeout);

Additional columns may be added as desired but they will not be used by this
session handler.

To use this session handler, add this to your configuration file:

            driver: Prancer::Session::Store::Database::Driver::DriverName
                table: sessions
                database: test
                username: test
                password: test
                hostname: localhost
                port: 5432
                charset: utf8
                connection_check_threshold: 10
                    RaiseError: 0
                    PrintError: 1
                    - SET search_path=public
                expiration_timeout: 3600
                autopurge: 0
                autopurge_probability: 0.1
                application: foobar


- table

    The name of the table in your database to use to store sessions. This name may
    include a schema name, like `public.sessions`. Otherwise the default schema of
    the database user will be used. If this option is not provided then the default
    table name is `sessions`.

- database

    **REQUIRED** The name of the database to connect to. If using SQLite, this
    should be the path to the database file.

- username

    The username to use when connecting. If this option is not set the default is
    the user running the application server. If using SQLite then this will be

- password

    The password to use when connecting. If this option is not set the default is
    to connect with no password. If using SQLite then this will be ignored.

- hostname

    The host name of the database server. If this option is not set the default is
    to connect to localhost. If using SQLite then this will be ignored.

- port

    The port number on which the database server is listening. If this option is
    not set the default is to connect on the database's default port. If using
    SQLite then this will be ignored.

- charset

    The character set to connect to the database with. If this is set to "utf8"
    then the database connection will attempt to make UTF8 data Just Work if

- connection\_check\_threshold

    This sets the number of seconds that must elapse between calls to get a
    database handle before performing a check to ensure that a live database
    connection still exists. If the check for a live database connection fails then
    the session handler will attempt to reconnect. This handles cases where the
    database handle hasn't been used in a while and the underlying connection has
    gone away. If this is not set it will default to 30 seconds.

- dsn\_extra

    If you have any further connection parameters that need to be appended to the
    dsn then you can put them in the configuration as a hash. This hash will be
    merged into the default parameters and overwrite any that are duplicated. The
    dsn parameters set by default are `AutoCommit` to 0, `RaiseError` to 1, and
    `PrintError` to 0.

- on\_connect

    This can be an array of commands execute on a successful connection. These will
    be executed on every connection so if the connection goes away but is re-
    established then these commands will be run again.

- timeout

    Tthis is the number of seconds a session should last in the database before it
    will be automatically purged. The default is to purge sessions after 1800
    seconds (30 minutes).

- autopurge

    This flag controls whether sessions will be automatically purged by Prancer.
    If set to 1, the default, then on 10% of requests to your application, Prancer
    will delete from the database any session that has timed out. If set to 0 then
    sessions will never be removed from the database. Note that this doesn't
    control whether sessions time out, only whether they get removed from the

- autopurge\_probability

    This is the probability that autopurge will run on any given request. By
    default, this value is 0.1, or 10%, meaning that 1 in every 10 requests will
    attempt to purge expired sessions. This can be set to "1" to purge on every
    session action or to something extremely small like 0.001 to purge very, very
    infrequently. Or you can export purging duties to another program entirely.

- application

    If multiple applications will be using the same session table then this option
    may be used to distinguish between them. This key will be used in the
    `application` column of the sessions table.


Copyright 2014 Paul Lockaby. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.


- [Prancer](https://metacpan.org/pod/Prancer)
- [Prancer::Session](https://metacpan.org/pod/Prancer::Session)