# Makefile for Borland C++ version 2.0 # Should work with any Borland C or Turbo C. # Check the include and library paths below. # Ignore warnings about possibly incorrect assignments CC = bcc LINK = tlink STRIP = tdstrip RM = del .c.obj: $(CC) -ms -O -Z -Ic:\bc\include -c $< OBJ_FILES = \ frame.obj \ tx.obj \ txcomm.obj \ txdir.obj \ txexpand.obj \ txmain.obj \ txmenu.obj \ txprompt.obj all: tx.exe tx.exe: $(OBJ_FILES) $(LINK) /x/c/Lc:\bc\lib @tx.rsp strip: tx.exe -$(STRIP) tx.exe clean: -$(RM) *.obj veryclean: -$(RM) *.obj -$(RM) tx.exe