/* All the preprocessor definitions are here */ #define MAX_MENUS 10 /* Maximum number of menus */ #define MAX_ENTRIES 10 /* Maximum number of entries per menu */ #define MAX_WIDTH 60 /* Maximum width of the text of each entry */ /* after expanding the working file name */ #define MAX_ACTION 128 /* Maximum width of command (DOS limit) */ #define MAX_ARGS 20 /* Maximum number of arguments in a command */ #define ENV_SIZE 2048 /* Choose a default env size large enough */ #define MAX_FILES_IN_DIR 400 /* Maximum number of files admitted in dir */ #define TOP 1 /* top-right location of menu */ #define RIGHT 80 #ifdef __GO32__ #define BACKSLASH '/' #else #define BACKSLASH '\\' #endif #define SLASH '/' #define CNF_COMLINE '@' /* sign to precede config file in command line */ /* Configuration file conventions */ #define NEW_MENU_SIGN '+' /* sign to indicate start of new menu */ #define SUBST_SIGN '#' /* sign to indicate substitutable item */ #define COMMENT_SIGN '%' /* sign to start comment to end of line */ #define SWITCH_MENUS "menu" /* switch to a different menu */ #define L_SWITCH_MENUS 4 /* length of previous string */ #define DOS_COMMAND "dos" /* execute operating system command */ #define L_DOS_COMMAND 3 /* length of previous string */ #define FIND_NAME "find" /* find new working file */ #define L_FIND_NAME 4 /* length of previous string */ #define NEW_NAME "new" /* supply new working file name */ #define L_NEW_NAME 3 /* length of previous string */ #define END_PROG "end" /* end program */ #define L_END_PROG 3 /* length of previous string */ #define WF_NAME "name" /* working file name (no extension, no path) */ #define L_WF_NAME 4 /* length of previous string */ #define WF_EXT "ext" /* working file extension */ #define L_WF_EXT 3 /* length of previous string */ #define WF_PATH "path" /* working file drive and directory */ #define L_WF_PATH 4 /* length of previous string */ #define WF_SLPATH "/path" /* same as above, with / instead of \ */ #define L_WF_SLPATH 5 /* length of previous string */ /* The following are defined for readability. Do not change them unless you know what you are doing! */ #define CR 13 #define ESC 27 #define SPACE 32 #define HOMEKEY -71 #define ENDKEY -79 #define UPKEY -72 #define DOWNKEY -80 #define PGUPKEY -73 #define PGDNKEY -81 #define LEFTKEY -75 #define RIGHTKEY -77 #define DEF_WFN "work" /* Default working file name */ #define DEF_WFEXT ".tex" /* Default working file extension */ #define CNF_ENVVAR "TX" /* Environmental variable: config file name */ /* Messages */ #define MSG_USAGE "Usage: %s [-h] [-m] [-e num] [@cnfname] [wfname]\n \ \tWhere \"cnfname\" is a configuration file name,\n \ \t \"wfname\" is a working file name,\n \ \t \"-m\" sets monochrome display,\n \ \t \"-e num\" sets env size for child processes to num (>256),\n \ \t and \"-h\" prints this message.\n \ The configuration file name may be skipped if either:\n \ (1) It is specified by the environmental variable %s, or\n \ (2) It resides in the same directory the executable is.\n \ (See the documentation that came along with the program.)\n" #define MSG_NOCONFIG "%s: Could not open configuration file.\n" #define MSG_CONFIGERR "%s: Configuration file error.\n\tText entry \ must be followed by a command.\n" #define MSG_NOTMEM "%s: Not enough memory. Exiting.\n" #define MSG_SCRSAVE "%s: Cannot save screen contents. Exiting.\n" #define MSG_SCRBOUNDS "%s: Menu exceeds screen dimensions. \ Exiting.\n" #define MSG_CHOICE " Choose a number (press the space bar to restore \ the screen momentarily)" #define MSG_COMLONG "%s: Command too long. It will not be executed.\n" #define MSG_NEW_FILE "Write new working file name/path: " #define MSG_CONFFN "Write name of configuration file: " #define MSG_DOSCOM "Write command to be executed: " #define MSG_BADDRIVE "%s: Drive not available.\n" #define MSG_BADDIR "%s: Directory %s not valid.\n"