# # intext format # # Citations in running text # I TMACLIB amsabb.ttz AA abbreviate authors' first names EA abbreviate editors' first names C0 citation in text # #The lines below are copied verbatim into the output document as TeX commands. #First the file Macros.ttx is \input with Macros and default settings. #The control string \TMACLIB is just a path. \input \TMACLIB intext.ttx %macros for formatting reference list \Refstda\Rpunct %set general formats for reference list and citations \def\LIcitemark#1\RIcitemark{\gdef\Ztest{ }\gdef\Zstr{#1}} \def\Lcitemark{\def\ztest{ }\def\zstr{, }[\bgroup\def\Comma{}\Citefont} \def\Rcitemark{\unskip\egroup]} \def\LAcitemark{\def\ztest{ }\def\zstr{\ [}\bgroup\def\Comma{}\Citefont} \def\RAcitemark{\unskip\egroup]} \def\Citehyphen{} \def\Citecomma{} \def\Citebreak{}%mark between parts of citation (e.g. author\Citebreak date) \def\Titlefont{\sl}