% twoblocks.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % defines the command \twoblocks {#1}{#2} % to position two text blocks side by side % separated by \colsep horizontal space % 17.11.1993 % 06.06.1994 % do not read the arguments prematurely: catcodes ! % no warranty whatever %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally % Institut fuer Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \twblatcode \undefined \else \expandafter \endinput \fi % load only once \chardef \twblatcode = \catcode`\@ \catcode`\@ = 11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newbox \boxa \newbox \boxb \newbox \boxc \newbox \boxd \newdimen \htmin \newdimen \hta \newdimen \htb \newdimen \pagerest \newdimen \splitheight \newdimen \totalheight \newdimen \colwidth \newdimen \colsep \colsep 0.4in % adjust to your preference %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \unpackbox #1{% unwrap minipage to get a \vbox only \setbox0 \vbox {\unvbox #1\global \setbox1 \lastbox } % get line \setbox0 \hbox {\unhbox1 \unskip \unskip \unpenalty % get inner box \global \setbox #1 \lastbox }} % and forget the rest \def \a@minipagerestore {% modify tabbing and list spacing \vskip 0pt plus 12pt \emergencystretch 3cm \hbadness 5000 } \def \depositboxes {% fill page, recursive \nointerlineskip \null \allowbreak % update page builder parameters \pagerest \pagegoal \advance \pagerest -\pagetotal \advance \pagerest -\maxdepth \advance \pagerest -\baselineskip % just to make sure \getheights % max total height of \boxa and \boxb \ifdim \totalheight > \pagerest % no more space, split? \splitheight \totalheight \advance \splitheight -2\baselineskip % try to avoid widows \ifdim \splitheight > \pagerest \splitheight \pagerest \fi \htmin 2\baselineskip \ifdim \splitheight > \htmin % try to avoid clubs \splitboxes \splitheight % to \boxc and \boxd, and output \else \vfill \eject % new page \fi \depositboxes % try again \else \combineboxes % output \boxa and \boxb \fi } \def \adjustbox #1{% set depth to total height, height zero, full width \ifvoid#1 \setbox#1 \null \fi \wd#1 \colwidth \dimen0 \ht#1 \advance \dimen0 \dp#1 \ht#1 \z@ \dp#1 \dimen0 } \def \getheights {% \ht plus \dp of boxes \boxa and \boxb \hta \ht \boxa \advance \hta \dp \boxa \htb \ht \boxb \advance \htb \dp \boxb \ifdim \htb > \hta \totalheight \htb \else \totalheight \hta \fi } \def \splitboxes #1{% split off #1 from \boxa and \boxb \splitmaxdepth \z@ \splittopskip \topskip \ifdim #1 > \hta \setbox \boxc \box \boxa \else \setbox \boxc \vsplit \boxa to #1 \fi \ifdim #1 > \htb \setbox \boxd \box \boxb \else \setbox \boxd \vsplit \boxb to #1 \fi \outputboxes \boxc \boxd \vfill \eject } \def \outputboxes #1#2{% hanging from top of \hbox \adjustbox #1 \adjustbox #2 % height zero, all depth \nointerlineskip \hbox to \textwidth {\noindent \box #1\hfill \box #2}\allowbreak } \def \combineboxes {% output \boxa and \boxb \outputboxes \boxa \boxb } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \twoblocks {% two aligned paragraphs \bgroup \colwidth \textwidth \advance \colwidth -\colsep \divide \colwidth 2 \let \@minipagerestore \a@minipagerestore \setbox \boxa \vbox \bgroup \minipage[t]\colwidth \bgroup \aftergroup \tw@blocks \ignorespaces \let \next } \def \tw@blocks {% after first block \endminipage \egroup \unpackbox \boxa % unwrap minipage \setbox \boxb \vbox \bgroup \minipage[t]\colwidth \bgroup \aftergroup \tw@bl@cks \ignorespaces \let \next } \def \tw@bl@cks {% after second block \endminipage \egroup \unpackbox \boxb % unwrap minipage \depositboxes \egroup } % split if necessary %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \catcode `\@ = \twblatcode \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%