\begin{onlystandalone} \documentstyle[11pt,literate]{article} \begin{document} \title{Glasgow Literate Programming\\ User's Guide} \author{ The GRASP Team \\ Contact: Will Partain (partain\@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk) } \date{September 1992} \maketitle \begin{onlylatex} \tableofcontents \end{onlylatex} \clearpage \end{onlystandalone} This \standaloneornot{guide}{\sectiontype{Literate_guide}} introduces a suite of programs for literate programming. They support documentation as a natural part of programming; a program's organization focusses on understanding by humans. If you installing this system as a standalone entity, please see~\sectionref{lit-install}, near the end. This document begins with a few words about literate programming, the objectives of this system, and the Neat Stuff that this system is supposed to do for you (i.e., cheap, tasteless self-promotion). See~\sectionref{Highlights}. The real goods come next, most notably: \begin{itemize} \item an alleged ``tutorial'' on the \LaTeX{}-like markup language in which documents/programs are written (\sectionref{notation-tut}); \item a ``reference manual'' about the same markup language; this tends to be what you consult once you are using the system (\sectionref{Command_reference}); \item the programs/tools to mangle your documents/programs into useful forms (\sectionref{Programs-and-options}). \end{itemize} There are other sections, too, in greater-or-less states of usefulness. It would be a good idea to understand the rudiments of GNU Info files before reading much further---type \tr{info info} at your favourite Unix prompt. Or you could just ignore all mention of Info files... YOUR SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING THIS SYSTEM ARE MOST WELCOME. DISCLAIMER: ``Literate programming'' is not my(WDP)/our area of expertise. This system has been developed mainly to suit our needs and has evolved on a grease-the-squeaky-wheel principle. However, we wouldn't bother to document it if we didn't think there was something to it! APRIL91 PROPOSALS: I am thinking about some changes to the system, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Discussion about most (all?) of them is gathered together in \sectionref{april91-proposals}. (You can find all discussion of proposed changes by grepping for ``APRIL91''.) SEPT92 THOUGHTS: Still haven't really worked on this system. I have typed a few further thoughts at the obvious place. I have fixed one or two bugs, and I have incorporated Adriaan Joubert's (adriaan\@dcs.qmw.ac.uk) stuff for ``literate Fortran,'' for which I am most grateful. (See, it really is easy to extend :-) For more information about ``real'' literate programming, the bibliography of literate programming in the (approx: ToDo) March~1991 SIGPLAN Notices may be of use. % section on who should and shouldn't use this system? % (now in highlights) \input{highlights.lit} \input{lang_tut.lit} \input{lang_ref.lit} \input{lang_specific.lit} \input{habits.lit} \input{caveats.lit} \input{programs.lit} \input{using.lit} \input{april91.lit} \input{sept92.lit} \input{install.lit} %\input{lit_mode.lit} \begin{onlystandalone} \printindex \end{document} \end{onlystandalone}