% haxzplmb.mtx
% (part of the mathpazo package, by Diego Puga)
% Metrics file
% to adjust zplm letters bold font
% Based on plcembx.mtx (part of mathpple), by Aloysius G. Helminck, modified by Walter Schmidt;
% further adjustments made to latin, greek done from scratch for Pazo
% (note that Pazo fonts have accent placement information in the .afm file)


% \shiftglyph takes four parameters:
% 	#1 the name of the glyph
% 	#2 the amount of extra space at the left
% 	#3 the amount of extra space at the right
% 	#4 the amount of extra space for subscripts

% \hackglyph takes five parameters:
% 	#1 the name of the glyph
% 	#2 the amount of extra space at the left
% 	#3 the amount of extra space at the right
% 	#4 the amount of extra space for subscripts
% 	#5 the amount by which to shift accents rightwards




