%%  Ein Beispiel der DANTE-Edition
%%  Copyright (C) 2010 Herbert Voss
%%  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%%  of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%  See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.
%% ==== 
% Show page(s) 1
  % draw an airfoil
  \psline[linewidth=1pt, linecolor=black](0.0,0.0)(10.0,0.0)
  \psaxes[linewidth=1pt, labels=none, ticks=none]{->}(5,0)(5,0)(-1,2)
 % L'
  \psline[linewidth=1pt, linecolor=red]{->}(7.5,0.0)(7.5,2.0)
  % Weight
  \psline[linewidth=1pt, linecolor=red]{->}(5.0,0.0)(5.0,-2.0)
  % M'ac
  \psarc[linewidth=1pt, linecolor=red]{->>}(7.5,0){0.5cm}{-220}{40}
  % e
  \psline[linewidth=1pt, linecolor=black]{<->}(5.0,1.0)(7.5,1.0)
  % x_ac
  \psline[linewidth=1pt, linecolor=black]{<->}(7.5,1.0)(10.0,1.0)
  % put c.g. point
  % put a.c. point
%  \psgrid[gridcolor=lightgray, gridwidth=0.5pt, subgriddiv=1, gridlabels=7pt](0,0)(0,-2.0)(10.0,2.0)