README.INS                                                           V. 1.0

* Installing with PKUNZIP

  If you decide to install the package yourself not using the installer
  program, besides this file, you should read "README.ENG" located in
  "Dsik #1".  Here, it is described only how you may install eLaTeX, 
  TeXshell, fonts and others.

  NOTE: the instruction below assumes your hard disk is being drive C.  
        If your hard disk is labeled other than C, you should substitute
        C with your own disk drive name.

*  Installing

   1. From "Disk 1" copy "pkunzip.exe" into your hard disk, which might
      be drive C.

   2. Then from drive C, where "pkunzip.exe"  is, unzip all files from
      "Disk 7, 8" and font files from "Disk 1, 2".  Example,

	unzip -o a:\elatex.zip <enter>

      NOTE: the source code for the Ethiopian fonts is ETHIOFNT.ZIP and can
            be found on "Disk 7".  Unless you want to generate the fonts,
            you don't have to install it, but if you do make sure you unzip
            it where it belongs.
   3. You should update AUOTEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS as it is described in

Abass B. Alamnehe
P.O. Box 36921
Houston, TX 77236
e-mail: abassa@neosoft.com