The xargs package Defining commands with many optional arguments made easy Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard <> Presentation ------------ Defining commands with an optional argument is easy in LaTeXe. There is, however, two limitations: only one argument can be optional and it must be the first one. The xargs package provide extended variants of \newcommand & friends, for which these limitations no longer hold. It allows to control what happens with many consecutive optional arguments. It also provide a way of making the definition global. Some features of xargs are similar to those provided by the experimental `xparse' package, which also allows more flexible argument syntaxes, though the approach and syntax are different. However, xargs is not experimental, so I hope it can be useful while waiting for a stable LaTeX3 release. Contents -------- xargs.sty: the package itself xargs.pdf: the (English) documentation and documented code xargs-fr.pdf: the French documentation xargs.dtx: source for both documentations and package Version info ------------ 2007-10-20 v1.0 First release 2008-03-08 v1.09 Added the usedefault and addprefix keys, not documented yet... 2008-03-22 v1.1 Updated the documentation and fixed a bug in \DeclareRobustCommandx, introduced in v1.09. License ------- This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license.