Last updated August 3, 2001

To download REVTeX 4, download the files listed below, or, more, conveniently,
download revtex4.tar.gz or which contains all of the files.

Only the files under 'Essential files' are required to run REVTeX 4, but
be sure to read the documentation under the 'docs' subdirectory and look
over the sample files in the 'samples' subdirectory.

                     Essential files
revtex4.cls  - The REVTeX 4 class file
aps.rtx      - APS specific REVTeX 4 customizations for Phys. Rev.
rmp.rtx      - APS specific REVTeX 4 customizations for Rev. Mod. Phys.
10pt.rtx     - 10 point size class option file for REVTeX.
11pt.rtx     - 11 point size class option file for REVTeX.
12pt.rtx     - 12 point size class option file for REVTeX.
apsrev.bst   - A new custom-bib based BibTeX style file for use with
               REVTeX 4 for Phys. Rev. style citations.
apsrmp.bst   - For Rev. Mod. Physics (author/year) style citations 
revsymb.sty  - A collection of common symbols for use outside of REVTeX.

                     Documentation files
(located in /docs subdirectory)
auguide.tex  - Author's guide to REVTeX 4 (Note: There is a
               separate "APS Compuscript Guide for REVTeX 4" detailing
               restrictions for APS submissions)
differ.tex   - "Differences between REVTeX 3 and REVTeX 4"
summary.tex  - "REVTeX 4 Command and Options Summary"
revbib.tex   - A short introduction to using BibTeX with REVTeX 4 (Not
               available yet)
docs.sty     - Used by auguide.tex and differ.tex

                     Sample files
(located in /sample subdirectory)
template.aps - A template for APS authors to follow
apssamp.tex  - A sample file showing how to achieve certain effects
               using REVTeX 4
fig_1.eps    - sample figure for apssamp.tex
fig_2.eps    - sample wide figure for apssamp.tex
apssamp.bib  - sample BibTeX source file for apssamp.tex

                     Source files
(located in /src subdirectory)
revtex4.dtx  - The commented source file for revtex4.cls and revsymb.sty.
revtex4.pdf  - PDF documentation generated from .dtx file
ltxgrid.dtx  - The commented source file for the ltxgrid package
ltxgrid.pdf  - PDF documentation generated from .dtx file
ltxutil.dtx  - The commented source file for the ltxutil package
ltxutil.pdf  - PDF documentation generated from .dtx file
ltxdocext.dtx - The commented source file for the ltxdocext package
ltxdocext.pdf - PDF documentation generated from .dtx file
textcase.dtx - The commented source file for the textcase package
revtex4.ins  - A docstrip (version 2.4 or higher) file for extracting
               revtex4.cls and revsymb.sty from the *.dtx files

Not Included   
The following packages are required by REVTeX but are not
included in this distribution. Please obtain from CTAN
(Comprehensive TeX Archive Network), e.g. <>. These
can also be downloaded from <>.

natbib.dtx   - Version 7 or later needed
natbib.ins   - LaTeX this to create natbib.sty and natbib
               documentation from natbib.dtx
bm.dtx       - Bold math style - part of (current!) standard LaTeX2e tools
bm.sty       - generated from bm.dtx by running tools.ins

An up-to-date installation of AMS-LaTeX is also required for certain
documentclass options. Version 2.0 or higher is needed. It is
available from <>.