+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | onecolumn | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|\oc�% Parameters: �|none�% �|Description:�% If you have specified \twocolumns or \threecolumns, single column text can be formatted again by entering the \onecolumn markup. For example, if an author wants to change from a single column to two columns he enters the \twocolumns markup where the two column text begins and \onecolumn or \oc markup where the single column text begins again. �|Example:�% The \twocolumns markup places the bullets in two columns. And \onecolumn returns text to a single column. \twocolumns\listbegin \bul {\it Russia} in Eastern Europe (and in South America and the Caribbean) \nc \bul {\it China} in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast Asia---Campuchea, and Vietnam) \listend \onecolumn \noindent Countries have tried to dominate each other economically and militarily for thousands of years. Reasons for this continued behavior include . . . +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | * Russia in * China in Ti- | | Eastern Eu- bet (and | | rope (and in most lately | | South Amer- in South- | | ica and the east Asia--- | | Caribbean) Campuchea, | | and Vietnam) | | | | Countries have tried to dominate each other economically and militarily | | for thousands of years. Reasons for this continued behavior include | | . . . | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ �|Notes:�% \onecolumn has no effect if you are already in one column. If you are in \fixedformat, \onecolumn will do a \newpage before starting one column formatting.