|                                  onecolumn                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\oc�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
If you have  specified \twocolumns or \threecolumns,  single column text can
be formatted again  by entering the \onecolumn  markup.  For  example, if an
author wants  to change from  a single column  to two columns  he enters the
\twocolumns markup  where the two column  text begins and  \onecolumn or \oc
markup where the single column text begins again.
The \twocolumns  markup places the bullets  in two columns.   And \onecolumn
returns text to a single column.
\bul {\it Russia} in Eastern Europe (and in
South America and the Caribbean)
\bul {\it China} in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast
Asia---Campuchea, and Vietnam)
Countries have tried to dominate each other
economically and militarily for thousands of years.
Reasons for this continued behavior include  . . .
|                                                                             |
|  *  Russia     in       * China  in Ti-                                     |
|     Eastern   Eu-         bet      (and                                     |
|     rope (and  in         most   lately                                     |
|     South   Amer-         in     South-                                     |
|     ica  and  the         east  Asia---                                     |
|     Caribbean)            Campuchea,                                        |
|                           and Vietnam)                                      |
|                                                                             |
| Countries have  tried to dominate  each other  economically and militarily  |
| for  thousands of  years.   Reasons  for  this continued  behavior include  |
| . . .                                                                       |
\onecolumn has no effect if you are already in one column.
    If  you  are in  \fixedformat,  \onecolumn  will  do  a \newpage  before
starting one column formatting.