% this is template for Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
% according to 2001 year rules
% no ordering of the references is needed. Otherwise add line
% '%ordering= AUTHORL' wher AUTHORL is taken just as example!



%% +normal article:
% ARTICLE [$AUTHOR0F~M~P~L, $,  {\it $JOURNAL$} {\bf $YEAR$}, {\it $VOL$}, $PAGE$.]

%% +article which is submitted or accepted
% ARTICLE0[$AUTHOR0F~M~P~L, $,  {\it $JOURNAL$}  $STATE$.]

%% +normal book
% BOOK    [$AUTHOR0F~M~P~L, $, "{\it $TITLE$}", $PUBL$, $PLACE$, $YEAR$, p.~$PAGES$.]

%% +article in a book AUTHORE, AUTHORG and AUTHORH - last, first 
%% +and middle names of the editor
% EDBOOK  [$AUTHOR0F~M~P~L, $, "$TITLE$", in: {\it $BOOKTITLE$}, $AUTHOR0G~H~I~E, $,Eds., $PUBL$, $PLACE$ $YEAR$, p.~$PAGE$.]

%% +article in a book without editor
% INBOOK  [$AUTHOR0F~M~P~L, $, "$TITLE$", in: {\it $BOOKTITLE$}, $PUBL$, $PLACE$ $YEAR$, p.~$PAGE$.]

%% +Thesis 
% THESIS [$AUTHOR0F~M~P~L, $, {\it $SORT$}, $UNIV$, $PLACE$ $YEAR$.]

%% Electronic preprint (like on xxx.lanl.gov)
