--[[ (c) Copyright 2013 Ondrej Fafejta <fafejtao@gmail.com> https://github.com/fafejtao/pmxChords ]] -- -- -- Chords transposition class -- ChordsTr = {} -- the table representing the class, which will double as the metatable for the instances ChordsTr.__index = ChordsTr -- failed table lookups on the instances should fallback to the class table, to get methods setmetatable(ChordsTr, { __call = function(cls, ...) return cls.new(...) end, }) -- -- global constants -- ChordsTr.CHORDS_BEGIN = "\\ch." ChordsTr.CHORDS_END = ".\\" ChordsTr.BASE_CHORDS_ARR = { -- lua is indexing from 1 I need from 0 ... [0] = "C", [1] = "Cs", [2] = "D", [3] = "Ef", [4] = "E", [5] = "F", [6] = "Fs", [7] = "G", [8] = "Af", [9] = "A", [10] = "Bf", [11] = "B" } -- -- Create instance of chords transposition class -- params iSig input signature e.g. -1 - F major -- oSig output signature e.g. 2 - D major -- function ChordsTr.new(iSig, oSig) local self = setmetatable({}, ChordsTr) self.trMap = ChordsTr.__createTransposeMap(oSig - iSig) return self end -- -- Core of transposition. -- Prepare map of transposed chords. -- Key is input base chord and value is output base chord. -- function ChordsTr.__createTransposeMap(sigDiff) local size = 12 local halfTones = (sigDiff * 7) % size if (halfTones < 0) then halfTones = halfTones + size end -- generate transpose map of base chords ... local res = {} local i for i = 0, size - 1, 1 do local key = ChordsTr.BASE_CHORDS_ARR[i] local trIdx = (i + halfTones) % size; res[key] = ChordsTr.BASE_CHORDS_ARR[trIdx] end return res end -- -- transpose one line. -- Find each chords in line and transpose it into output signature. -- return transposed line. -- function ChordsTr:lineTranspose(line) local pos = 0; local trLine = "" -- transposed line (result) while true do local i = line:find(ChordsTr.CHORDS_BEGIN, pos) if i == nil then trLine = trLine .. line:sub(pos) break end i = i + 3 -- move after \ch. trLine = trLine .. line:sub(pos, i) -- append non chord string into result pos = line:find(ChordsTr.CHORDS_END, i) if pos == nil then -- TODO check correctly end of chords ... e.g. check wrong line (first chord is not finished correctly): \ch.C. c \ch.G7.\ b io.stderr:write("End of chords was not found!\n") os.exit(-1) end local chord = line:sub(i + 1, pos - 1) trLine = trLine .. self:doTranspose(chord) end return trLine end -- -- do transpose of one chord. -- function ChordsTr:doTranspose(chord) local base, alt = ChordsTr.splitChord(chord) return self.trMap[base] .. alt end -- -- Split chord into two part: base chord and chord alteration. -- e.g. Fsm7 - base chord is Fs, alteration is m7 -- function ChordsTr.splitChord(chord) if (chord.len == 1) then return chord, "" end local secondChar = chord:sub(2, 2) if (secondChar == 's' or secondChar == 'f') then return chord:sub(1, 2), chord:sub(3) else return chord:sub(1, 1), chord:sub(2) end end -- -- end of ChordsTr class --