patch-2.1.87 linux/arch/m68k/atari/config.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.86/linux/arch/m68k/atari/config.c linux/arch/m68k/atari/config.c
@@ -27,35 +27,33 @@
 #include <linux/config.h>
 #include <linux/types.h>
 #include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/mc146818rtc.h>
-#include <linux/kd.h>
-#include <linux/tty.h>
 #include <linux/console.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
 #include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
 #include <asm/bootinfo.h>
 #include <asm/setup.h>
 #include <asm/atarihw.h>
-#include <asm/atarihdreg.h>
 #include <asm/atariints.h>
+#include <asm/atari_stram.h>
 #include <asm/system.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <asm/pgtable.h>
 #include <asm/machdep.h>
-#include <asm/kgdb.h>
 u_long atari_mch_cookie;
+u_long atari_mch_type = 0;
 struct atari_hw_present atari_hw_present;
+u_long atari_switches = 0;
+int atari_dont_touch_floppy_select = 0;
+int atari_rtc_year_offset;
-extern char m68k_debug_device[];
+/* local function prototypes */
+static void atari_reset( void );
+extern void atari_floppy_setup(char *, int *);
+static void atari_get_model(char *model);
+static int atari_get_hardware_list(char *buffer);
-static void atari_sched_init(void (*)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *));
 /* atari specific keyboard functions */
 extern int atari_keyb_init(void);
 extern int atari_kbdrate (struct kbd_repeat *);
@@ -68,33 +66,36 @@
 extern void atari_enable_irq (unsigned int);
 extern void atari_disable_irq (unsigned int);
 extern int atari_get_irq_list (char *buf);
-static void atari_get_model(char *model);
-static int atari_get_hardware_list(char *buffer);
-/* atari specific timer functions */
-static unsigned long atari_gettimeoffset (void);
-static void atari_mste_gettod (int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *);
-static void atari_gettod (int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *);
-static int atari_mste_hwclk (int, struct hwclk_time *);
-static int atari_hwclk (int, struct hwclk_time *);
-static int atari_mste_set_clock_mmss (unsigned long);
-static int atari_set_clock_mmss (unsigned long);
 extern void atari_mksound( unsigned int count, unsigned int ticks );
-static void atari_reset( void );
-extern int atari_floppy_init (void);
-extern void atari_floppy_setup(char *, int *);
+static void atari_heartbeat( int on );
 extern struct consw fb_con;
-extern struct fb_info *atari_fb_init(long *);
-static void atari_debug_init(void);
-extern void atari_video_setup(char *, int *);
-static struct console atari_console_driver;
-/* Can be set somewhere, if a SCC master reset has already be done and should
- * not be repeated; used by kgdb */
-int atari_SCC_reset_done = 0;
+/* atari specific timer functions (in time.c) */
+extern void atari_sched_init(void (*)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *));
+extern unsigned long atari_gettimeoffset (void);
+extern void atari_mste_gettod (int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *);
+extern void atari_tt_gettod (int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *);
+extern int atari_mste_hwclk (int, struct hwclk_time *);
+extern int atari_tt_hwclk (int, struct hwclk_time *);
+extern int atari_mste_set_clock_mmss (unsigned long);
+extern int atari_tt_set_clock_mmss (unsigned long);
+/* atari specific debug functions (in debug.c) */
+extern void atari_debug_init(void);
+static char atari_sysrq_xlate[128] =
+	"\000\0331234567890-=\177\t"					/* 0x00 - 0x0f */
+	"qwertyuiop[]\r\000as"							/* 0x10 - 0x1f */
+	"dfghjkl;'`\000\\zxcv"							/* 0x20 - 0x2f */
+	"bnm,./\000\000\000 \000\201\202\203\204\205"	/* 0x30 - 0x3f */
+	"\206\207\210\211\212\000\000\000\000\000-\000\000\000+\000"/* 0x40 - 0x4f */
+	"\000\000\000\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" /* 0x50 - 0x5f */
+	"\000\000\000()/*789456123"						/* 0x60 - 0x6f */
+	"0.\r\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000";	/* 0x70 - 0x7f */
 extern void (*kd_mksound)(unsigned int, unsigned int);
@@ -237,18 +238,62 @@
 	    atari_mch_cookie = *data;
+	    atari_mch_type = *data;
+	    break;
 	    unknown = 1;
+/* Parse the Atari-specific switches= option. */
+__initfunc(void atari_switches_setup( const char *str, unsigned len ))
+    char switches[len+1];
+    char *p;
+    int ovsc_shift;
+    /* copy string to local array, strtok works destructively... */
+    strncpy( switches, str, len );
+    switches[len] = 0;
+    atari_switches = 0;
+    /* parse the options */
+    for( p = strtok( switches, "," ); p; p = strtok( NULL, "," ) ) {
+	ovsc_shift = 0;
+	if (strncmp( p, "ov_", 3 ) == 0) {
+	    p += 3;
+	    ovsc_shift = ATARI_SWITCH_OVSC_SHIFT;
+	}
+	if (strcmp( p, "ikbd" ) == 0) {
+	    /* RTS line of IKBD ACIA */
+	    atari_switches |= ATARI_SWITCH_IKBD << ovsc_shift;
+	}
+	else if (strcmp( p, "midi" ) == 0) {
+	    /* RTS line of MIDI ACIA */
+	    atari_switches |= ATARI_SWITCH_MIDI << ovsc_shift;
+	}
+	else if (strcmp( p, "snd6" ) == 0) {
+	    atari_switches |= ATARI_SWITCH_SND6 << ovsc_shift;
+	}
+	else if (strcmp( p, "snd7" ) == 0) {
+	    atari_switches |= ATARI_SWITCH_SND7 << ovsc_shift;
+	}
+    }
      *  Setup the Atari configuration info
 __initfunc(void config_atari(void))
+    unsigned short tos_version;
     memset(&atari_hw_present, 0, sizeof(atari_hw_present));
@@ -267,22 +312,40 @@
     mach_get_irq_list	 = atari_get_irq_list;
     mach_gettimeoffset   = atari_gettimeoffset;
     mach_reset           = atari_reset;
-    mach_floppy_init	 = atari_floppy_init;
     mach_floppy_setup	 = atari_floppy_setup;
     conswitchp	         = &fb_con;
-    mach_fb_init         = atari_fb_init;
     mach_max_dma_address = 0xffffff;
-    mach_video_setup	 = atari_video_setup;
     kd_mksound		 = atari_mksound;
+    mach_sysrq_key = 98;          /* HELP */
+    mach_sysrq_shift_state = 8;   /* Alt */
+    mach_sysrq_shift_mask = 0xff; /* all modifiers except CapsLock */
+    mach_sysrq_xlate = atari_sysrq_xlate;
+    mach_heartbeat = atari_heartbeat;
+    /* Set switches as requested by the user */
+    if (atari_switches & ATARI_SWITCH_IKBD)
+	acia.key_ctrl = ACIA_DIV64 | ACIA_D8N1S | ACIA_RHTID;
+    if (atari_switches & ATARI_SWITCH_MIDI)
+	acia.mid_ctrl = ACIA_DIV16 | ACIA_D8N1S | ACIA_RHTID;
+    if (atari_switches & (ATARI_SWITCH_SND6|ATARI_SWITCH_SND7)) {
+	sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;
+	sound_ym.wd_data = sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel |
+			   ((atari_switches&ATARI_SWITCH_SND6) ? 0x40 : 0) |
+			   ((atari_switches&ATARI_SWITCH_SND7) ? 0x80 : 0);
+    }
     /* ++bjoern: 
      * Determine hardware present
     printk( "Atari hardware found: " );
-    if (is_medusa || is_hades) {
         /* There's no Atari video hardware on the Medusa, but all the
          * addresses below generate a DTACK so no bus error occurs! */
@@ -324,12 +387,12 @@
         printk( "TT_SCSI_DMA " );
-    if (!is_hades && hwreg_present( &st_dma.dma_hi )) {
+    if (!MACH_IS_HADES && hwreg_present( &st_dma.dma_hi )) {
         printk( "STND_DMA " );
-    if (is_medusa || /* The ST-DMA address registers aren't readable
-                      * on all Medusas, so the test below may fail */
+    if (MACH_IS_MEDUSA || /* The ST-DMA address registers aren't readable
+			   * on all Medusas, so the test below may fail */
         (hwreg_present( &st_dma.dma_vhi ) &&
          (st_dma.dma_vhi = 0x55) && (st_dma.dma_hi = 0xaa) &&
          st_dma.dma_vhi == 0x55 && st_dma.dma_hi == 0xaa &&
@@ -346,11 +409,12 @@
         printk( "YM2149 " );
-    if (!is_medusa && !is_hades && hwreg_present( &tt_dmasnd.ctrl )) {
+	hwreg_present( &tt_dmasnd.ctrl )) {
         printk( "PCM " );
-    if (!is_hades && hwreg_present( &codec.unused5 )) {
+    if (!MACH_IS_HADES && hwreg_present( &codec.unused5 )) {
         printk( "CODEC " );
@@ -364,7 +428,7 @@
 	(tt_scc_dma.dma_ctrl = 0x01, (tt_scc_dma.dma_ctrl & 1) == 1) &&
 	(tt_scc_dma.dma_ctrl = 0x00, (tt_scc_dma.dma_ctrl & 1) == 0)
-	!is_medusa && !is_hades
 	) {
@@ -378,7 +442,7 @@
 	printk( "ST_ESCC " );
-    if (is_hades)
+    if (MACH_IS_HADES)
         ATARIHW_SET( VME );
         printk( "VME " );
@@ -393,20 +457,22 @@
         printk( "ANALOG_JOY " );
-    if (!is_hades && hwreg_present( blitter.halftone )) {
+    if (!MACH_IS_HADES && hwreg_present( blitter.halftone )) {
         printk( "BLITTER " );
-    if (hwreg_present( (void *)(ATA_HD_BASE+ATA_HD_CMD) )) {
+    if (hwreg_present((void *)0xfff00039)) {
         printk( "IDE " );
 #if 1 /* This maybe wrong */
-    if (!is_medusa && !is_hades &&
 	hwreg_present( & ) &&
 	hwreg_present( &tt_microwire.mask ) &&
 	(tt_microwire.mask = 0x7ff,
+	 udelay(1), = MW_LM1992_PSG_HIGH | MW_LM1992_ADDR,
+	 udelay(1), != 0)) {
 	while (tt_microwire.mask != 0x7ff) ;
@@ -416,24 +482,24 @@
     if (hwreg_present( &tt_rtc.regsel )) {
         printk( "TT_CLK " );
-        mach_gettod = atari_gettod;
-        mach_hwclk = atari_hwclk;
-        mach_set_clock_mmss = atari_set_clock_mmss;
+        mach_gettod = atari_tt_gettod;
+        mach_hwclk = atari_tt_hwclk;
+        mach_set_clock_mmss = atari_tt_set_clock_mmss;
-    if (!is_hades && hwreg_present( &mste_rtc.sec_ones)) {
+    if (!MACH_IS_HADES && hwreg_present( &mste_rtc.sec_ones)) {
         printk( "MSTE_CLK ");
         mach_gettod = atari_mste_gettod;
         mach_hwclk = atari_mste_hwclk;
         mach_set_clock_mmss = atari_mste_set_clock_mmss;
-    if (!is_medusa && !is_hades &&
 	hwreg_present( &dma_wd.fdc_speed ) &&
 	hwreg_write( &dma_wd.fdc_speed, 0 )) {
 	    printk( "FDC_SPEED ");
-    if (!is_hades && !ATARIHW_PRESENT(ST_SCSI)) {
         printk( "ACSI " );
@@ -491,153 +557,24 @@
               : "d0" );
-__initfunc(static void
-atari_sched_init(void (*timer_routine)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *)))
-    /* set Timer C data Register */
-    mfp.tim_dt_c = INT_TICKS;
-    /* start timer C, div = 1:100 */
-    mfp.tim_ct_cd = (mfp.tim_ct_cd & 15) | 0x60; 
-    /* install interrupt service routine for MFP Timer C */
-    request_irq(IRQ_MFP_TIMC, timer_routine, IRQ_TYPE_SLOW,
-                "timer", timer_routine);
-/* ++andreas: gettimeoffset fixed to check for pending interrupt */
-#define TICK_SIZE 10000
-/* This is always executed with interrupts disabled.  */
-static unsigned long atari_gettimeoffset (void)
-  unsigned long ticks, offset = 0;
-  /* read MFP timer C current value */
-  ticks = mfp.tim_dt_c;
-  /* The probability of underflow is less than 2% */
-  if (ticks > INT_TICKS - INT_TICKS / 50)
-    /* Check for pending timer interrupt */
-    if (mfp.int_pn_b & (1 << 5))
-      offset = TICK_SIZE;
-  ticks = INT_TICKS - ticks;
-  ticks = ticks * 10000L / INT_TICKS;
-  return ticks + offset;
-static void
-mste_read(struct MSTE_RTC *val)
-#define COPY(v) val->v=(mste_rtc.v & 0xf)
-	do {
-		COPY(sec_ones) ; COPY(sec_tens) ; COPY(min_ones) ; 
-		COPY(min_tens) ; COPY(hr_ones) ; COPY(hr_tens) ; 
-		COPY(weekday) ; COPY(day_ones) ; COPY(day_tens) ; 
-		COPY(mon_ones) ; COPY(mon_tens) ; COPY(year_ones) ;
-		COPY(year_tens) ;
-	/* prevent from reading the clock while it changed */
-	} while (val->sec_ones != (mste_rtc.sec_ones & 0xf));
-#undef COPY
-static void
-mste_write(struct MSTE_RTC *val)
-#define COPY(v) mste_rtc.v=val->v
-	do {
-		COPY(sec_ones) ; COPY(sec_tens) ; COPY(min_ones) ; 
-		COPY(min_tens) ; COPY(hr_ones) ; COPY(hr_tens) ; 
-		COPY(weekday) ; COPY(day_ones) ; COPY(day_tens) ; 
-		COPY(mon_ones) ; COPY(mon_tens) ; COPY(year_ones) ;
-		COPY(year_tens) ;
-	/* prevent from writing the clock while it changed */
-	} while (val->sec_ones != (mste_rtc.sec_ones & 0xf));
-#undef COPY
-#define	RTC_READ(reg)				\
-    ({	unsigned char	__val;			\
-		outb(reg,&tt_rtc.regsel);	\
-		__val =;		\
-		__val;				\
-	})
-#define	RTC_WRITE(reg,val)			\
-    do {					\
-		outb(reg,&tt_rtc.regsel);	\
- = (val);		\
-	} while(0)
-static void atari_mste_gettod (int *yearp, int *monp, int *dayp,
-			       int *hourp, int *minp, int *secp)
-    int hr24=0, hour;
-    struct MSTE_RTC val;
-    mste_rtc.mode=(mste_rtc.mode | 1);
-    hr24=mste_rtc.mon_tens & 1;
-    mste_rtc.mode=(mste_rtc.mode & ~1);
-    mste_read(&val);
-    *secp = val.sec_ones + val.sec_tens * 10;
-    *minp = val.min_ones + val.min_tens * 10;
-    hour = val.hr_ones + val.hr_tens * 10;
-    if (!hr24) {
-        if (hour == 12 || hour == 12 + 20)
-	    hour -= 12;
-	if (hour >= 20)
-	    hour += 12 - 20;
-    }
-    *hourp = hour;
-    *dayp = val.day_ones + val.day_tens * 10;
-    *monp = val.mon_ones + val.mon_tens * 10;
-    *yearp = val.year_ones + val.year_tens * 10 + 80;	
-static void atari_gettod (int *yearp, int *monp, int *dayp,
-			  int *hourp, int *minp, int *secp)
-    unsigned char	ctrl;
-    unsigned short tos_version;
-    int hour, pm;
-    while (!(RTC_READ(RTC_FREQ_SELECT) & RTC_UIP)) ;
+    /*
+     * On the Hades map the PCI memory, I/O and configuration areas
+     * (0x80000000 - 0xbfffffff).
+     *
+     * Settings: supervisor only, non-cacheable, serialized, read and write.
+     */
-    *secp  = RTC_READ(RTC_SECONDS);
-    *minp  = RTC_READ(RTC_MINUTES);
-    hour = RTC_READ(RTC_HOURS);
-    *dayp  = RTC_READ(RTC_DAY_OF_MONTH);
-    *monp  = RTC_READ(RTC_MONTH);
-    *yearp = RTC_READ(RTC_YEAR);
-    pm = hour & 0x80;
-    hour &= ~0x80;
-    ctrl = RTC_READ(RTC_CONTROL); 
-    if (!(ctrl & RTC_DM_BINARY)) {
-        BCD_TO_BIN(*secp);
-        BCD_TO_BIN(*minp);
-        BCD_TO_BIN(hour);
-        BCD_TO_BIN(*dayp);
-        BCD_TO_BIN(*monp);
-        BCD_TO_BIN(*yearp);
-    }
-    if (!(ctrl & RTC_24H)) {
-	if (!pm && hour == 12)
-	    hour = 0;
-	else if (pm && hour != 12)
-            hour += 12;
+    if (MACH_IS_HADES) {
+        __asm__ __volatile__ ("movel %0,%/d0\n\t"
+                              ".chip 68040\n\t"
+                              "movec %%d0,%%itt0\n\t"
+                              "movec %%d0,%%dtt0\n\t"
+                              ".chip 68k\n\t"
+                              : /* no outputs */
+                              : "g" (0x803fa040)
+                              : "d0");
-    *hourp = hour;
-    /* Adjust values (let the setup valid) */
     /* Fetch tos version at Physical 2 */
     /* We my not be able to access this address if the kernel is
@@ -647,403 +584,29 @@
        we use the fact that in head.S we have set up a mapping
        0xFFxxxxxx -> 0x00xxxxxx, so that the first 16MB is accessible
        in the last 16MB of the address space. */
-    tos_version = (is_medusa || is_hades) ? 0xfff : *(unsigned short *)0xFF000002;
-    *yearp += (tos_version < 0x306) ? 70 : 68;
+    tos_version = (MACH_IS_MEDUSA || MACH_IS_HADES) ?
+		  0xfff : *(unsigned short *)0xff000002;
+    atari_rtc_year_offset = (tos_version < 0x306) ? 70 : 68;
-static int atari_mste_hwclk( int op, struct hwclk_time *t )
+static void atari_heartbeat( int on )
-    int hour, year;
-    int hr24=0;
-    struct MSTE_RTC val;
-    mste_rtc.mode=(mste_rtc.mode | 1);
-    hr24=mste_rtc.mon_tens & 1;
-    mste_rtc.mode=(mste_rtc.mode & ~1);
-    if (op) {
-        /* write: prepare values */
-        val.sec_ones = t->sec % 10;
-        val.sec_tens = t->sec / 10;
-        val.min_ones = t->min % 10;
-        val.min_tens = t->min / 10;
-        hour = t->hour;
-        if (!hr24) {
-	    if (hour > 11)
-		hour += 20 - 12;
-	    if (hour == 0 || hour == 20)
-		hour += 12;
-        }
-        val.hr_ones = hour % 10;
-        val.hr_tens = hour / 10;
-        val.day_ones = t->day % 10;
-        val.day_tens = t->day / 10;
-        val.mon_ones = (t->mon+1) % 10;
-        val.mon_tens = (t->mon+1) / 10;
-        year = t->year - 80;
-        val.year_ones = year % 10;
-        val.year_tens = year / 10;
-        val.weekday = t->wday;
-        mste_write(&val);
-        mste_rtc.mode=(mste_rtc.mode | 1);
-        val.year_ones = (year % 4);	/* leap year register */
-        mste_rtc.mode=(mste_rtc.mode & ~1);
-    }
-    else {
-        mste_read(&val);
-        t->sec = val.sec_ones + val.sec_tens * 10;
-        t->min = val.min_ones + val.min_tens * 10;
-        hour = val.hr_ones + val.hr_tens * 10;
-	if (!hr24) {
-	    if (hour == 12 || hour == 12 + 20)
-		hour -= 12;
-	    if (hour >= 20)
-                hour += 12 - 20;
-        }
-	t->hour = hour;
-	t->day = val.day_ones + val.day_tens * 10;
-        t->mon = val.mon_ones + val.mon_tens * 10 - 1;
-        t->year = val.year_ones + val.year_tens * 10 + 80;
-        t->wday = val.weekday;
-    }
-    return 0;
+    unsigned char tmp;
+    unsigned long flags;
-static int atari_hwclk( int op, struct hwclk_time *t )
-    int sec=0, min=0, hour=0, day=0, mon=0, year=0, wday=0; 
-    unsigned long 	flags;
-    unsigned short	tos_version;
-    unsigned char	ctrl;
-    int pm = 0;
-    /* Tos version at Physical 2.  See above for explanation why we
-       cannot use PTOV(2).  */
-    tos_version = (is_medusa || is_hades) ? 0xfff : *(unsigned short *)0xff000002;
-    ctrl = RTC_READ(RTC_CONTROL); /* control registers are
-                                   * independent from the UIP */
-    if (op) {
-        /* write: prepare values */
-        sec  = t->sec;
-        min  = t->min;
-        hour = t->hour;
-        day  = t->day;
-        mon  = t->mon + 1;
-        year = t->year - ((tos_version < 0x306) ? 70 : 68);
-        wday = t->wday + (t->wday >= 0);
-        if (!(ctrl & RTC_24H)) {
-	    if (hour > 11) {
-		pm = 0x80;
-		if (hour != 12)
-		    hour -= 12;
-	    }
-	    else if (hour == 0)
-		hour = 12;
-        }
-        if (!(ctrl & RTC_DM_BINARY)) {
-            BIN_TO_BCD(sec);
-            BIN_TO_BCD(min);
-            BIN_TO_BCD(hour);
-            BIN_TO_BCD(day);
-            BIN_TO_BCD(mon);
-            BIN_TO_BCD(year);
-            if (wday >= 0) BIN_TO_BCD(wday);
-        }
-    }
+    if (atari_dont_touch_floppy_select)
+	return;
-    /* Reading/writing the clock registers is a bit critical due to
-     * the regular update cycle of the RTC. While an update is in
-     * progress, registers 0..9 shouldn't be touched.
-     * The problem is solved like that: If an update is currently in
-     * progress (the UIP bit is set), the process sleeps for a while
-     * (50ms). This really should be enough, since the update cycle
-     * normally needs 2 ms.
-     * If the UIP bit reads as 0, we have at least 244 usecs until the
-     * update starts. This should be enough... But to be sure,
-     * additionally the RTC_SET bit is set to prevent an update cycle.
-     */
-        current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
-        current->timeout = jiffies + HWCLK_POLL_INTERVAL;
-        schedule();
-    }
-    if (!op) {
-        sec  = RTC_READ( RTC_SECONDS );
-        min  = RTC_READ( RTC_MINUTES );
-        hour = RTC_READ( RTC_HOURS );
-        day  = RTC_READ( RTC_DAY_OF_MONTH );
-        mon  = RTC_READ( RTC_MONTH );
-        year = RTC_READ( RTC_YEAR );
-        wday = RTC_READ( RTC_DAY_OF_WEEK );
-    }
-    else {
-        RTC_WRITE( RTC_SECONDS, sec );
-        RTC_WRITE( RTC_MINUTES, min );
-        RTC_WRITE( RTC_HOURS, hour + pm);
-        RTC_WRITE( RTC_DAY_OF_MONTH, day );
-        RTC_WRITE( RTC_MONTH, mon );
-        RTC_WRITE( RTC_YEAR, year );
-        if (wday >= 0) RTC_WRITE( RTC_DAY_OF_WEEK, wday );
-    }
-    restore_flags(flags);
-    if (!op) {
-        /* read: adjust values */
-        if (hour & 0x80) {
-	    hour &= ~0x80;
-	    pm = 1;
-	}
-	if (!(ctrl & RTC_DM_BINARY)) {
-            BCD_TO_BIN(sec);
-            BCD_TO_BIN(min);
-            BCD_TO_BIN(hour);
-            BCD_TO_BIN(day);
-            BCD_TO_BIN(mon);
-            BCD_TO_BIN(year);
-            BCD_TO_BIN(wday);
-        }
-        if (!(ctrl & RTC_24H)) {
-	    if (!pm && hour == 12)
-		hour = 0;
-	    else if (pm && hour != 12)
-		hour += 12;
-        }
-        t->sec  = sec;
-        t->min  = min;
-        t->hour = hour;
-        t->day  = day;
-        t->mon  = mon - 1;
-        t->year = year + ((tos_version < 0x306) ? 70 : 68);
-        t->wday = wday - 1;
-    }
-    return( 0 );
-static int atari_mste_set_clock_mmss (unsigned long nowtime)
-    short real_seconds = nowtime % 60, real_minutes = (nowtime / 60) % 60;
-    struct MSTE_RTC val;
-    unsigned char rtc_minutes;
-    mste_read(&val);  
-    rtc_minutes= val.min_ones + val.min_tens * 10;
-    if ((rtc_minutes < real_minutes
-         ? real_minutes - rtc_minutes
-         : rtc_minutes - real_minutes) < 30)
-    {
-        val.sec_ones = real_seconds % 10;
-        val.sec_tens = real_seconds / 10;
-        val.min_ones = real_minutes % 10;
-        val.min_tens = real_minutes / 10;
-        mste_write(&val);
-    }
-    else
-        return -1;
-    return 0;
-static int atari_set_clock_mmss (unsigned long nowtime)
-    int retval = 0;
-    short real_seconds = nowtime % 60, real_minutes = (nowtime / 60) % 60;
-    unsigned char save_control, save_freq_select, rtc_minutes;
-    save_control = RTC_READ (RTC_CONTROL); /* tell the clock it's being set */
-    RTC_WRITE (RTC_CONTROL, save_control | RTC_SET);
-    save_freq_select = RTC_READ (RTC_FREQ_SELECT); /* stop and reset prescaler */
-    RTC_WRITE (RTC_FREQ_SELECT, save_freq_select | RTC_DIV_RESET2);
-    rtc_minutes = RTC_READ (RTC_MINUTES);
-    if (!(save_control & RTC_DM_BINARY))
-        BCD_TO_BIN (rtc_minutes);
-    /* Since we're only adjusting minutes and seconds, don't interfere
-       with hour overflow.  This avoids messing with unknown time zones
-       but requires your RTC not to be off by more than 30 minutes.  */
-    if ((rtc_minutes < real_minutes
-         ? real_minutes - rtc_minutes
-         : rtc_minutes - real_minutes) < 30)
-        {
-            if (!(save_control & RTC_DM_BINARY))
-                {
-                    BIN_TO_BCD (real_seconds);
-                    BIN_TO_BCD (real_minutes);
-                }
-            RTC_WRITE (RTC_SECONDS, real_seconds);
-            RTC_WRITE (RTC_MINUTES, real_minutes);
-        }
-    else
-        retval = -1;
-    RTC_WRITE (RTC_FREQ_SELECT, save_freq_select);
-    RTC_WRITE (RTC_CONTROL, save_control);
-    return retval;
-static inline void ata_mfp_out (char c)
-    while (!(mfp.trn_stat & 0x80)) /* wait for tx buf empty */
-	barrier ();
-    mfp.usart_dta = c;
-static void atari_mfp_console_write (const char *str, unsigned int count)
-    while (count--) {
-	if (*str == '\n')
-	    ata_mfp_out( '\r' );
-	ata_mfp_out( *str++ );
-    }
-static inline void ata_scc_out (char c)
-    do {
-    } while (!(scc.cha_b_ctrl & 0x04)); /* wait for tx buf empty */
-    MFPDELAY();
-    scc.cha_b_data = c;
-static void atari_scc_console_write (const char *str, unsigned int count)
-    while (count--) {
-	if (*str == '\n')
-	    ata_scc_out( '\r' );
-	ata_scc_out( *str++ );
-    }
-static int ata_par_out (char c)
-    extern unsigned long loops_per_sec;
-    unsigned char tmp;
-    /* This a some-seconds timeout in case no printer is connected */
-    unsigned long i = loops_per_sec > 1 ? loops_per_sec : 10000000;
-    while( (mfp.par_dt_reg & 1) && --i ) /* wait for BUSY == L */
-	;
-    if (!i) return( 0 );
-    sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 15;  /* select port B */
-    sound_ym.wd_data = c;           /* put char onto port */
-    sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14;  /* select port A */
+    sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14; /* Select PSG Port A */
     tmp = sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel;
-    sound_ym.wd_data = tmp & ~0x20; /* set strobe L */
-    MFPDELAY();                     /* wait a bit */
-    sound_ym.wd_data = tmp | 0x20;  /* set strobe H */
-    return( 1 );
-static void atari_par_console_write (const char *str, unsigned int count)
-    static int printer_present = 1;
-    if (!printer_present)
-	return;
-    while (count--) {
-	if (*str == '\n')
-	    if (!ata_par_out( '\r' )) {
-		printer_present = 0;
-		return;
-	    }
-	if (!ata_par_out( *str++ )) {
-	    printer_present = 0;
-	    return;
-	}
-    }
+    sound_ym.wd_data = on ? (tmp & ~0x02) : (tmp | 0x02);
+    restore_flags(flags);
-__initfunc(static void atari_debug_init(void))
-	/* if the m68k_debug_device is used by the GDB stub, do nothing here */
-	if (kgdb_initialized)
-		return(NULL);
-    if (!strcmp( m68k_debug_device, "ser" )) {
-	/* defaults to ser2 for a Falcon and ser1 otherwise */
-	strcpy( m68k_debug_device, 
-		((atari_mch_cookie >> 16) == ATARI_MCH_FALCON) ?
-		"ser2" : "ser1" );
-    }
-    if (!strcmp( m68k_debug_device, "ser1" )) {
-	/* ST-MFP Modem1 serial port */
-	mfp.trn_stat  &= ~0x01; /* disable TX */
-	mfp.usart_ctr  = 0x88;  /* clk 1:16, 8N1 */
-	mfp.tim_ct_cd &= 0x70;  /* stop timer D */
-	mfp.tim_dt_d   = 2;     /* 9600 bps */
-	mfp.tim_ct_cd |= 0x01;  /* start timer D, 1:4 */
-	mfp.trn_stat  |= 0x01;  /* enable TX */
-	atari_console_driver.write = atari_mfp_console_write;
-    }
-    else if (!strcmp( m68k_debug_device, "ser2" )) {
-	/* SCC Modem2 serial port */
-	static unsigned char *p, scc_table[] = {
-	    9, 12,		/* Reset */
-	    4, 0x44,		/* x16, 1 stopbit, no parity */
-	    3, 0xc0,		/* receiver: 8 bpc */
-	    5, 0xe2,		/* transmitter: 8 bpc, assert dtr/rts */
-	    9, 0,		/* no interrupts */
-	    10, 0,		/* NRZ */
-	    11, 0x50,		/* use baud rate generator */
-	    12, 24, 13, 0,	/* 9600 baud */
-	    14, 2, 14, 3,	/* use master clock for BRG, enable */
-	    3, 0xc1,		/* enable receiver */
-	    5, 0xea,		/* enable transmitter */
-	    0
-	};
-	(void)scc.cha_b_ctrl; /* reset reg pointer */
-	for( p = scc_table; *p != 0; ) {
-	    scc.cha_b_ctrl = *p++;
-	    MFPDELAY();
-	    scc.cha_b_ctrl = *p++;
-	    MFPDELAY();
-	}
-	atari_console_driver.write = atari_scc_console_write;
-    }
-    else if (!strcmp( m68k_debug_device, "par" )) {
-	/* parallel printer */
-	atari_turnoff_irq( IRQ_MFP_BUSY ); /* avoid ints */
-	sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 7;  /* select mixer control */
-	sound_ym.wd_data = 0xff;       /* sound off, ports are output */
-	sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 15; /* select port B */
-	sound_ym.wd_data = 0;          /* no char */
-	sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel = 14; /* select port A */
-	sound_ym.wd_data = sound_ym.rd_data_reg_sel | 0x20; /* strobe H */
-	atari_console_driver.write = atari_par_console_write;
-    }
-    if (atari_console_driver.write)
-	register_console(&atari_console_driver);
 /* ++roman:
  * This function does a reset on machines that lack the ability to
@@ -1082,11 +645,16 @@
     /* On the Medusa, phys. 0x4 may contain garbage because it's no
        ROM.  See above for explanation why we cannot use PTOV(4). */
-    reset_addr = is_hades ? 0x7fe00030 :
-                 (is_medusa ? 0xe00030 : *(unsigned long *) 0xff000004);
-    acia.key_ctrl = ACIA_RESET;             /* reset ACIA for switch off OverScan, if it's active */
+    reset_addr = MACH_IS_HADES ? 0x7fe00030 :
+                 MACH_IS_MEDUSA || MACH_IS_AB40 ? 0xe00030 :
+		 *(unsigned long *) 0xff000004;
+    /* reset ACIA for switch off OverScan, if it's active */
+    if (atari_switches & ATARI_SWITCH_OVSC_IKBD)
+	acia.key_ctrl = ACIA_RESET;
+    if (atari_switches & ATARI_SWITCH_OVSC_MIDI)
+	acia.mid_ctrl = ACIA_RESET;
     /* processor independent: turn off interrupts and reset the VBR;
      * the caches must be left enabled, else prefetching the final jump
      * instruction doesn't work. */
@@ -1126,8 +694,21 @@
 	   ".chip 68040\n\t"
 	   "cinva %%bc\n\t"
+	   "nop\n\t"
+	   "nop\n\t"
 	   "movec %%d0,%%tc\n\t"
+	   "nop\n\t"
+	   /* the following setup of transparent translations is needed on the
+	    * Afterburner040 to successfully reboot. Other machines shouldn't
+	    * care about a different tt regs setup, they also didn't care in
+	    * the past that the regs weren't turned off. */
+	   "movel #0xffc000,%%d0\n\t" /* whole insn space cacheable */
+	   "movec %%d0,%%itt0\n\t"
+	   "movec %%d0,%%itt1\n\t"
+	   "orw   #0x40,%/d0\n\t" /* whole data space non-cacheable/ser. */
+	   "movec %%d0,%%dtt0\n\t"
+	   "movec %%d0,%%dtt1\n\t"
 	   ".chip 68k\n\t"
            "jmp %0@"
            : /* no outputs */
@@ -1154,22 +735,24 @@
 		strcat (model, "ST");
-	    if ((atari_mch_cookie & 0xffff) == 0x10)
+	    if (MACH_IS_MSTE)
 		strcat (model, "Mega STE");
 		strcat (model, "STE");
 	case ATARI_MCH_TT:
-	    if (is_medusa)
+	    if (MACH_IS_MEDUSA)
 		/* Medusa has TT _MCH cookie */
 		strcat (model, "Medusa");
-	    else if (is_hades)
+	    else if (MACH_IS_HADES)
 		strcat(model, "Hades");
 		strcat (model, "TT");
 	    strcat (model, "Falcon");
+	    if (MACH_IS_AB40)
+		strcat (model, " (with Afterburner040)");
 	    sprintf (model + strlen (model), "(unknown mach cookie 0x%lx)",
@@ -1225,3 +808,10 @@
+ * Local variables:
+ *  c-indent-level: 4
+ *  tab-width: 8
+ * End:
+ */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,